#title race my fuckin arse
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7yearsofdele · 1 year ago
Cannot see United do well, but it also a joy to see Villa fuck this up.
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boogiewrites · 4 years ago
Choking On Sapphires 93
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Title & Song: Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts
Summary: Alfie is never far from paranoia. But he and Genevieve both find that it's granted when it seems like the whole of London could be out to get them.
Warnings/Tags: Crime. Canon typical everything. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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There were only a handful of men in the abandoned warehouse in London this night. A location well suited, as gloomy and shady as their business practices. The cover of smog and fog from the nearby canal both serving as cover for their 'off the book' transactions. Despite their dastardly reputations, if these few men had somehow all been taken out at one time, the city would’ve plunged into bloody chaos that would lead to more trouble than already fell upon their territories.
They were a motley crew to be sure, all with twitching hands and shifty eyes. Not an ounce of trust to be found between any of them. They’d been called to this neutral ground on the guise there was a threat looming over them all. But since when wasn't there one? This desperate claim had been made by Niko, the newest head of the Greek gang who was less than a year into leading after assassinating his father. He was being met with much criticism. The decision to bring together the gangs and criminal leaders of London tonight would be met with the same disdain.
The men stood in their big coats with deep pockets, their seconds in the shadows of the dimly lit and dusty warehouse. Niko stood self-assured in his shirt with the rolled-up sleeves to show his heavy and dark forearms, hair black and slicked away from a strong masculine face. He was feeling accomplished for the ability to get all these infamous people together, and if he’s been smarter he would have actually done something with the occasion. You had the drug runners, the triads, who expected the threat to be from another country. The Sicilians who were known for their brothels thought perhaps new law enforcement might’ve been a threat to their money-making. The English boys and their known violence with the protection rackets they ran, this being their home and all, were worried about the Americans coming in and trying to disrupt the well-established lines in the sand for territories. There were bookmakers and gambling den owners, none who wanted their flows disrupted. Sabini, perhaps the most intelligent of them all had been over the race tracks for some time now, only sharing the space by negotiation or force with the Peaky boys or the Jews. And he couldn’t help but notice neither of which were at this gathering.
Sabini, looking at his pocket watch with a hard face knows Alfie wouldn’t be one to be late, and seeing as he knew the rumors of he and Nikos falling out, his suspicions were growing by the ticks of the watch hands. His faith this would be worth his while was dwindling just as quickly.
“I suppose you are the ones who are going to show...shame not everyone could hear this.” Niko begins, standing from his perched spot on a large wooden crate. “I know you have heard of a joining of powers to be happening soon. And I believe we should all take this as a threat.”
“What are the bloody Americans doin' now?” Billy Hill, one of the English roughens groans.
“No Americans.” Niko corrects and most of the men in the room go through relief and then a feeling of ‘then what?’. “One of London’s own and the French.” He begins.
Sabini groans audibly.
“I’m serious!” Niko insists with eyes that say he’s telling the truth. “I’m sure you’ve all heard that the Jew Alfie Solomons and that French whore Genevieve Durand are getting married.”
“Fucks sake.” Is the grumble of choice that works its way around the crowd.
“We can’t have her alliances and the Jews pairing! It’ll throw off the balance we’ve worked so hard to achieve!”
“And how is Solomons marrying going to affect anyone but him?” The annoyed lead of the Asian gangs calls out.
“This Durand is no ordinary woman.” Niko compulsorily insists.
“Yeah, we know you’re sweet on her.” Sabini mutters.
“This is about her French connections. Parliament, the gypsies, and the Irish! All of them will be with Solomons and not against him now because of her.”
“Look. She’s the godmother of a Shelby baby. That hardly calls for panic. She’s the niece of a French Jew, who has NO footing here. Those are not alliances. You’re acting like a bloody woman, so dramatic.” Sabini purses his lips.
“We all know what Horne did to her.” Billy interjects. “If you think she’s a threat after a wallop like that you’re mad. Alfies the one ya gotta watch for, and you know those Jews, they get all sentimental about their wives. This could work in our favor if he’s gone soft for the bird.”
“I do not think underselling Solomons is a good move. You saw what he did to Horne.” The Asian lead reminds them.
“That shows how unstable he is!” Niko yells.
“Well he didn’t kill his own father now did he?” One of the bookmakers snarks.
“Everyone agreed to that!” Niko shouts, his anger showing at not getting his way.
“Yeah and I think everyone’s agreeing that we don’t give a fuck about the hard prick you’ve got for Solomons woman and how you want us to the dirty work to take him out of the picture.” Billy’s known brash remarks surprise no one.
“That’s not what this is about. She’ll be trouble! I'm telling you. She’s a sly one. Don’t underestimate her. She could be a loose cannon and telling Solomons what to do, and with the men she’s got behind her she could try to take over the city!”
Everyone but Niko laughs. “Her? Telling ALFIE what to do?” Sabini laughs and wipes away an imaginary tear to sell his point. “You daft boy, listen… she’s a woman yeah? She’s gonna get married and shit out a few little kykes and fall into place. Same as the rest. It’s what they DO.”
“She’s not like other women.” Niko growls.
“We know you’re sore about losin' her to a old man like Solomons, yeah?”
“Maybe she prefers the cut cocks.” Someone remarks and a chuckle passes through the group.
“More like the money.” Another adds and a general nod of agreement moves in a wave across the room.
“LISTEN!” Niko shouts in anger. “I think this marriage is a bad idea. She’s been knocked senseless, attacking people in public, and we know Solomons can be unpredictable. Look what he did to Horne!?”
“A man’s love and loyalty to a woman is fueled by an ancient fire. He was within his right to do that.”
“As poetic as that is,” Sabini rolls his eyes “I’ve known Alfie longer than any of you. And if I say there’s no reason to react then there’s not.” He states clearly with the wheels in his head turning his unspoken thoughts.
“He burned down half the city for that woman. He threw a tantrum like a child and bypassed so many of our unspoken rules in the name revenge.” Niko screeches.
“Like you now, yeah?” Sabini snarks. “You have no business with either of them now. Because YOU threw a fit? Remember?” Niko puffs up in shame. “Why do you care? Why are you wasting our time?” Sabini gestures with his hands and gives Niko a disgusted expression for bringing them there “If ya gonna call us all up, Why not talk about the upcoming elections? Or how they're clearing out the slums and breaking up all our established territories?” The reaction from the group is a unanimous groan of agreement. “Those are real fuckin’ things to worry about. If you’re so concerned about women in power why not go after the fucking labour party too?” Sabine’s experience overrides Niko and his barely thought out objections.
The group laughs and makes Niko feel small and childish. A feeling he hated as the youngest son and one he hadn’t felt since his father died. It did him and no one else any favors to light that pain within him again. For it was the one that lead him to kill the last man who caused it. But now that he had the attention of the entire family. ho knows how he would lash out next time he reached his breaking point?
For as crass and disrespectful as Sabini was, he wasn’t the dumbest criminal in London by a long shot. He’d thought about what Niko said after patronizing him in front of everyone. Even though he didn’t agree, he did have a few points of sense that he hadn’t meant to make. Alfie would be having to change up his repertoire. He had Shelby in Parliament and an uncle in law that was the head of a crime family. Albeit was in France, but clout was clout and bodies were bodies when fighting broke out. Sabini didn’t think Gen would be a problem, as he had heard of her seriousness with her newly found Judaism and expected her to be a good little wife and let her husband rule the roost. But Sabini only knew of the slurs and stereotypes for the Jewish people, not so much their beliefs. Because if he had, he’d know what sort of power, Gen, as the wife would hold in their household. Instead, he saw an opportunity to mend things with Alfie. A peace offering for the joyous occasion so it wouldn’t seem suspicious. As he had said, he knew Alfie. He knew what he was capable of and what a pain in the arse he could be. He’d like to make things easier, not harder so he knows it’s time to make a truce, to show him he wasn’t a threat. Sabini knew it was time to reach out to an old school mate. Because he most certainly didn’t want Alfie Solomons on his bad side.
Genevieve’s giggle could be heard from the other side of her bedroom door. The raised hand to knock hesitates.
“Do I have to do it?” The young boy winces, fearing interrupting Solomons during his time with his fiancé.
“Oh fucking-c’mon!” Claire gruffs and shoves him out of the way. “Gen? Alfie? Pardon the interruption but we have some little birds with news out here.
The groan of Alfie can be heard, rolling to his back and throwing his arm dramatically. “WOT THEY WANT?” He shouts as Gen pops out of bed to throw his pants at him and slide on a gown before slinking back into bed. “WHO is it?” He asks quickly after.
“One of yours and one of Genevieve’s.”
“Both?” She hears the women in question ask.
“Come in.” Alfie commands, now sitting up with the covers pulled up under his arms.
“Go on.” Claire shoves the two young boys into the room who feel immediately as if they were trespassing. She stands in the doorway so they cannot leave and watches them creep forward.
“Ya gonna speak or what?” Alfie asks with a jut of his chin.
“Yes sir.” The taller of the two mumbles as he steps forward.
“Come to the foot of the bed and speak up.” Genevieve directs with much more kindness in her tone, directing them with a pointed finger.
“Yes ma’am.” The boy keeps his eyes lowered, his hat being wrung in his hands, a clear ring of sweat around his collar. “Who first?”
“You dear, you’ve been employed the longest,” She explains to Alfie's nervous spy. “Seniority.” She nods.
“Yes ma’am. There was news of a meeting last night.”
After a pause, Alfie makes a rolling motion with his hand. “Anything else to go wif that to make it useful?”
“Downtown they saw some men meeting in one of the old warehouses.”
“Some men?” Genevieve tries to get more out of the boy.
“Gangsters, ma’am.”
“Mmmph. And who?”
“Only person I was told the Greeks.”
“Fuckin ell.” Alfie sighs. “That all ya got?”
“Yes sir.”
“I have more.” The smaller of the two adds sheepishly.
“Then out wif it.” Alfie demands loudly.
“The Greek was there first, then some of the English Hill lads and the bookmaker Comer. Triads, Sabini, and the other Italians.”
“Now that’s the kinda report I need yeah?” Alfie says in a fatherly tone to his informer.
“Is that all?” Genevieve pries a final time.
“No one was inside to hear what was said but no shots or shoutin' and it was over very quickly. No one we knew was there.”
Alfie hums with narrowed eyes in thought. “What of the fascists?”
“No political men, only the kind what run the streets like you, sir.”
“Good lad.” He nods in approval.
“Claire pay them their due.” Genevieve points her way. “Leave with her boys, thank you.”
“Give the missus boy more,” Alfie calls out and the young one's eyes blink with surprise. “We reward detail. Leave nothing to interpretation when ya can lads.”
“Yes sir.” In unison comes from the shabby pair.
After the door is shut behind them the minds of the two business owners are piecing together what they had.
“Of course I wasn’t invited to this but I’m assuming you weren’t as well?”
“No,” Alfie says with a slow shake of his head. “No Jews at all actually.”
“But no fascists. Curious.”
“Not about us then.”
“Not as a whole, no. But Niko…”
“Yeah that... fuckers up to somefin.”
“I’ll keep an ear out, poke around at my retailers today.”
“Good, good. I know I can lean heavily on paranoia…”
“It’s kept you alive this long.” Genevieve smirks. “Listen to your gut, always.”
“But no one you run wif was there. None of ours. Leads one to believe this might be personal, yeah?”
“I do agree. We know the man isn’t happy about us. Now we're being left out and those with known loyalty to us are as well. I don’t believe that to be paranoia so much as putting together a bigger picture. Perhaps you could ask-“
“Sabini, yeah.” He finishes her thought.
“Mmm Hmm. He’s been behaving as of late. Due for another check-in I’d say.”
“And I’d say you’re right.”
Sabini happened to have reached out to Solomons for a meeting before Alfie had the chance to initiate. Alfie knew this meant one of two things, that Sabini needed him, or he needed Sabini. Or perhaps a third option of both? Alfie was prepared for all outcomes as he prided himself in.
For anyone else the smugness on Derby’s face, set to its usual twitch of him acting as if he’d smelled shit, would’ve been an indicator of which option was on the table for discussion. But this observation was useless against someone like Sabini. He didn’t give himself away until you dug in close and arrogance was his base nature.
He waltzed in like some greyscale silent film star with shiny shoes and a coat draped over his shoulders. His appearance next to Alfie gives nothing away that they were both raised in the same streets as the learned posh facade Sabini had long practiced to appear authentic. Alfie even has the passing thought of observing Sabini’s practiced measures of sitting down to be a tad too feminine at this point but that was neither here nor there, he supposes.
Alfie’s nose twitches both from his business mate’s luxury cologne and his impatience for the small talk. He was only interested in faux comradery if he could benefit from it. Sabini was lamenting on the state of the cabinet, the changes, and the way the kids no longer remembered the war and it was leading in directions he didn’t particularly care for. Perhaps it was an attempt to be personable, but Alfie had no time for such things when it came to someone who he’d known since before his balls dropped.
Alfie perks up his demeanor, hands flat and wide on his old wooden desk, dust unsettling as he hit heavily against the top. “Now DERBY… “He clears his throat, lips pooching out ever so slightly to appear in thought, but it was clearly making a mockery of the behavior of Sabini. “We could, y’know, sit and listen to you talk out ya arse ‘bout shit no one gives a FUCK about.” he blinks rapidly and nods his head with his low brow directed at his associate. “Or we could just skip it, the gossipin’ like the birds ‘n that, and get down to business. Like men.” his tongue punctuates against his teeth to show through his deepened voice that he meant what he said. In case Derby had forgotten.
“Now for what it’s worth, your precision is something I always did like about you Alfie.”
“Compliments ain’t like you now, Derby, old friend. Should I pull me cock out for those sweet words or do you want to get to your fucking point?”
With a slight wince of his lips, Sabini takes a deep breath to crispen his delivery. “I am here as a show of good faith, right? I have some information that you need and I want to discuss how this might affect us in the future.”
“Us?” Alfie laughs and sits back in his chair with a smug grin. “Presumptuous, innit?”
“Yes. Us, Alfie.” Sabini states with the annoyance already showing through in his voice.
“Go on then.” a demanding hand motions forth from the leather chair.
“The Greeks are trying to upset the truces.”
“Ahhh.” Alfie groans. “Always the fuckin’ Greeks, yeah? If not then it’s the Italians.” he jokes.
Sabini chose to ignore the jab. “I have the information you want. But I need something from you in return.”
“How do you know I need it? How do you know, yeah? That I don’t already know?” Alfie's lip curled up almost in an almost childish taunt.
“Because you aren’t reaching out to anyone. You’d be doing damage control if you knew. Gettin’ all the little ducks in a row to keep everyone in line.”
“You are being rather bold, y’know, there mate... Don’t much care for it to be honest. Arrogance, innit? Which means, you tellin' me how you think I fuckin’ run things, which you can fuck RIGHT OFF with, mate, respectively, I mean that Derby old mate… THAT indiscretion leads me to believe, yeah? That you do genuinely think that the information you have is valuable.” he taps the desk in front of him to demand the information with not only his words. “So what is it that you think is so important that you’d come down here to mingle among us… dirty dust bin lids, I believe is what you call us.
“I need something from you in return.”
Alfie throws his hands up half way, “Let me ask you this Derby, in all seriousness now lad, Are you thick? Are you lame? NO! No, listen ‘cause that statement was something an imbecile would say to a man like me.”
Sabini sighs and rolls his eyes, “Me ‘n you go way back Alfie. We’ve been enemies, and we’ve been friends. And isn’t it much better when we’re friends?”
“Oh yeah, mate.”
“I need us to be on the same side here. We grew up together. Immigrant lads and the like. We know war, we know the streets, we have an advantage here as a pair and I want to propose we work together instead of apart for the foreseeable future.”
“Mmm.” is Alfie’s only response. Best you stay silent and let the other man do the talking.
“Can you agree to that? We can do it formally, with your contracts and that. I know how your lot loves to have documentation of everything.”
“Can ya fuckin’ blame us? What with whats’ goin’ on out there?”
“That’s why we need to work together.”
“How’s about you tell me what this information is and I will tell you if it’s worth me workin’ with a man like you? You Italians aren’t known for your inclusivity ya daft fascists.”
“Alfie.” Sabini groans. “You know I'm not that stupid and I know you aren’t either. Let’s move past this yeah? I’m English, I don’t live in bloody Italy, my parents don’t live there, I work with what’s in front of me don’t I? Not with my head in some other fuckin’ country. Give me a bit of credit here, I'm not some amateur.”
“A truce?” Alfie quickly switches the conversation direction in a show of understanding.
“Yes.” An exasperated Sabini spits out.
“What terms?” Alfie asks with a rather dainty placement of his gold spectacles and a lick of his pen.
“We share the tracks. I can give you more races to share if you agree to not come for me or my men. We won’t cross on each other territories of businesses. No fighting over pubs and theatres. We’d have each other's backs, like the good old days.”
“Good old days.” Alfie snorts as keeps writing. “I get one race a month of my own. Share the rest.”
“NO crossing territories, no murderin’, no fightin’.” Alfie repeats, with a mumble as it’s the least of his worries.
“And the giving of men for circumstances of attack and revenge on other groups if the situation arises.”
“Then sign here,” Alfie says with a satisfied expression. “You must be in a right spot, mate. Givin’ up this.”
“It’s an investment.”
“Mmm.” Alfie hums and shakes the paper to dry the ink. “Now. This information…”
“There was a meeting-”
“Remember when I said I knew things…?”
“Let me bloody talk now. We get it you KNOW things, Alfie.” he interjects with an annoyed wave of his hand. “What you might not know is that Niko tried to gather the lot of us from all of London and turn us on you.”
“Mmm.” another sound of acknowledgment that meant nothing.
“He doesn’t trust you or your bride to be. Congratulations by the way.”
“Thank you.” he nods gracefully.
“We all know he’s after her, yeah? But he wants us to believe she’ll turn you against everyone and try to take us all down one by one. Which after your reaction to Horne, almost all of us aren’t sure what the fuck to think about you.”
“Couldn’t possibly have been intentional.”
“I wanted a truce because I don’t want you coming at me how you did Horne. A new war between us will do nothing but lead to problems I don't fucking have time for anymore. Not with how the worlds changing and us getting older.”
“Yeah, I feel it in my legs mostly...” Alfie groans.
“Niko is going to come for you. I believe you need to set up a meeting of your own and address him and, well bloody almost everyone else. It might help, might not. But at least then when faced with you and not behind your back you might see what sort of man Niko has turned into after taking over.”
“Never was much of one to begin with.” Alfie rolls his eyes.
“No, which makes him behave like a child and thus not act according to the truces that are set in place.”
“Yeah yeah.” Alfie nods. “There needs to be somethin’ said. Can’t have the little wanker goin’ round runnin’ his fuckin’ mouth bout me. OR my wife. “
“All this over a fucking woman.” Sabini groans.
Alfie points a ringed and aggressive finger his way. “You can’t be talking about her either, yeah? That’ll break this little agreement faster than I could put a bullet in your fuckin’ skull, right?”
“I'm not. Nothing personal just… he’s acting like a little boy. I know marriage is important to you Jews.”
“Always the tasteful one, Derby.”
“You know what I fuckin’ mean.”
“Unfortunately I do speak prick.”
“Alfie, I’m not after you or your wife. In any capacity. How I talk is just how I talk, yeah? I don't mean nothin’ by it, it’s just how I am. How we grew up. And I know you. We know each other right? And I would rather work with the devil I know than the devil I don’t. And that’d be you. Especially after what you did to Horne.”
“Mmph.” Alfie nods. “Spose that checks out.”
“I was impressed, I’ll admit. We haven’t seen a retaliation wipe out a whole enterprise like that in decades.”
“And I’d dig him up, skull fuck him and set him on fire if I could. Salt the fuckin’ earth wherever his feet touched.” Alfie's eyes are familiar darkness to Sabini. He’d expected as much from him after seeing the ash fall from the city skyline line it was snow from the destruction Alfie orchestrated. “I don’t blame you for not wantin’ me on your bad side. I know they say we’re both crazy now.”
“But see...I know neither of you are.”
“And that’s why we’ve not killed you yet, mate. Every now and then, you use your brain. ”
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daetur · 8 years ago
First Contact (Dyrihm Personal Event Log, Part 1)
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Dyrihm’s personal event- a months-long endeavor- recently wrapped up with the [Charnel Corps]! For those interested, a series of logs, both of the two major finale events, and the various lead-up mini events, will be posted over the next few days and weeks.
In this installment, Dyrihm hears the first rumblings of danger, as Nob receives a mysterious letter that indicates the Ebon Blade is sniffing around- for a traitor.
A neatly handwritten letter arrives, nestled into Nob's post box. It smells faintly of candlewax and feels slightly of shadow.
I am writing on behalf of the Ebon Blade, it begins, without preamble, with regards to Knight Dyrihm. It has been exceptionally difficult to obtain personal opinions and insight from his contemporaries in your reserve corps, and I hope you will be able to assist. My contacts in the organization have expressed a desire to learn more about Knight Dyrihm, and have taken notice of his initiative in working with the Forsaken during fallout of unrelated Ebon operations. In particular, they are curious as to the nature of this Knight's connections with members of your corps, as they have taken an interest in fostering further join efforts with the Forsaken.
Thank you for your assistance,
Father Trevarde
An address in the Undercity is stamped below.
Jackdaw comes busting into the courtyard with a letter in his hand- he marches toward Dyr immediately upon spotting him, rasping, "Dyrihm!  You oughta see this!"  Unfortunately, he has entirely forgotten to be visible.
Dyrihm is outside again today, this time clearing out a large corner of the garden. A kodo munches contentedly on something nearby. He whirls, recognizing the voice this time. "Nob?" His eyes scan the yard. "Can't see you, so that's a little hard at the moment..."
Jackdaw sounds embarrassed, flickering into sight right in front of Dyr with his head ducked sheepishly. "But- here.  I jes got this in my postbox."
Jackdaw offers out a rolled-up letter.
Dyrihm takes it, brows furrowed. He looks concerned, but as he reads it, his expression changes- surprise, fear. This isn't what he was expecting. "This is about me," he states, more than asking. He looks pale.
[Jackdaw]: What the fuck're the Blade fishin' around about you for, Dyr?
Jackdaw sounds worried. He tugs at his gloves, his little nervous tic.
Dyrihm sounds worried, too. "I- I'm not sure." He makes a strange noise in his throat. "That's a lie. I have some ideas, I- Oh, Light, this could be bad." The Knight takes a deep breath. "They've always been worried about whether I lean Blade or Forsaken," he says, finally. "And I've- well, I've done some things for the Corps that they wouldn't be happy with."
[Jackdaw]: Well they kin fuck right off!  You got an official position an' all, right?  You don't- they ain't-
Jackdaw sputters.
[Jackdaw]: I ain't gonna snitch on you, Dyrihm!
Dyrihm blinks. "I don't- Nob, I don't think you- I have an official position, yes, but I've been digging into Ebon business for the Corps for months! I helped Rey -steal- his runeblade back from them! We faked him nearly killing me so he could escape, if they find out-" He sighs. "I don't think you're going to snitch on me. But the less you give them, the harder this... Trevarde is going to dig, I'm sure."
Jackdaw grabs the letter back suddenly, points at one of the first lines.  "Well what's THIS bit mean?  This 'exceptionally difficult' shit?"  He fakes a haughty voice on the quoted words.  "Who's he talked to?"
Dyrihm 's mind is clearly racing. Nob's seen him distressed before, but never this nervous. "I don't know! This is the first I'm hearing of it!" He loses even more color. "What if- no, 'exceptionally difficult,' no one's said what he wants." He runs his hands through his hair, heaving a sigh. "Light, I hope he hasn't talked to Rey. What if he realized Wraith has been here the whole time? Working with me?"
Jackdaw offers the letter back out to Dyr; you keep this.  "Odds are they tried Varun or Maulfalcon an' got stonewalled- but ya think they'd fuckin' say somethin-!"  He pauses.  Well, you'd think MAUL might say something.  Hael...
Dyrihm frowns. "Maybe he knew better than to try someone who could stonewall him. But I don't know... you would think they'd say something, I- ' fallout of unrelated Ebon operations,'" he mutters. "That was the Scarlet attack. I was supposed to retreat to Acherus with the rest, instead I warned Brill and got all of you. That was weeks ago," he says, with some horror.
Jackdaw hisses, "You sayin' they was jes gonna let that HAPPEN?  There's still civvies in Brill- not like they use'ta have before the Apothecarium took over, but- Light damn it!"
Dyrihm shakes his head. "Blade doesn't care about anything these days unless it can help them fight the Legion. Seems like every day they're jumping more to the Lich King's tune." He sounds more sad than scared, now. "We were supposed to be in and out."
Jackdaw cusses under his breath.  "Fuck yer new Lich King."
[Dyrihm]: No kidding.
[Dyrihm]: What's the point of throwing everything at the Legion if we're not going to be left with anything worth protecting? It's stupid.
[Jackdaw]: Well- piss it. They got somethin' on ya, they can shove it up their cold Knight arses.
Dyrihm grunts. "Doubt it's going to be that easy. Just- don't tell him about Rey. Fuck, or Frost. He's... not exactly an Ebon Blade friendly, either." Dyrihm looks stricken.
Jackdaw 's lack-of-face screws up in concern.  Still weird. "If ya want me t'talk to 'im I'll say whatever ya want, mate."  A slight pause.  "How's it been with... yanno.  This new guy in yer heads.  I know it's what was givin Frost trouble.  Is that still...?"
Dyrihm frowns. "It's... it's been a little better. I think getting out to Mulgore for a while helped Frost, and having some familiar things at home. He's still getting the nightmares, but nothing as bad as before." The Knight gives Nob a sheepish look. "'Course, after the other night, I've started up again with my own. We make quite a pair."
Jackdaw nods, serious and sympathetic.  "I got somethin' for ya.  I'll bring it by later- I keep bloody forgettin' cause... so much's happened. But I got a new batch'a sleep potion brewed up.  Should be strong."
Jackdaw mutters aside, "Should be real fuckin strong, 'cause it kept reducin' while I was out..."
Dyrihm snorts. "I'll save it for Frost, then, see how long it keeps him out for, before I try it myself." Nob gets a smile out of him. "Thanks."
Jackdaw shakes his head, dismissive.  "Ain't nothin- happy t'help.  Lemme know how it does, so I know if I gotta tweak the next batch."
Dyrihm nods. "Will do." He waves the letter. "I'll, uh- hold on to this, for now. Might see if Varun knows anything, or..." He peers at the stamped address. "Drop by myself."
Jackdaw grimaces. "Not on yer own yer not."
Dyrihm sounds dismissive. "What's he going to do, kidnap me in the middle of the Undercity? He sounds like a priest- 'Father' Trevarde."
Jackdaw rasps unhappily, "If he's workin' with the Blade an' he's still using a title like that, might be a Necromancer or somethin'.  Or just a stuck up ponce.  I jes don't like it, Dyr.  Whole thing stinks."
Dyrihm sighs. "I know. I promise, I'll be careful. Keep my comm on me at all times, and all that."
Jackdaw gives Dyr a Look and- vanishes abruptly, to make a point.  "You sure y'dont want backup?"
Dyrihm laughs, and smiles. "All right, maybe. But I don't plan on taking you anywhere near some Light-slinger if I don't have to, all right?"
Jackdaw seems amused, but he gets u.  "My best bloody friend's a Light slinger.  I manage, don't I?  Don't be a prig 'bout keepin yer problems to yerself like everyone in this bloody unit, or I'll- fuckin' tattle t'Maul and let him get revenge."
Dyrihm looks a little taken aback, opening his mouth, and then closing it again. "It... would be pretty damn hypocritical of me." He laughs, in spite of himself. "Fair enough! I'll see what I can find out about this guy, and I'll let you know if I plan to go knock on his door. Or, hell, if I plan to get someone else to knock on his door."
Jackdaw appears again, and produces an amused salute.  "You want me t'reply to 'im?  I kin string him along with whatever shit you want."
Dyrihm considers. "Best lie is always partially true. If you send him a reply... tell him I act above and beyond strict duty, and my focus on individuals makes me a trusted representative of the Blade. None of that should get me in trouble, but it seems like it'll be a little more than he's gotten so far. Tell him I'm always 'forthcoming,' that'll give him something to chase. Maybe he'll waste time seeing if I've been leaking info instead of looking into Rey."
[Jackdaw]: Yeah. That'll do, sure.  
Dyrihm looks relieved. "Nob- thank you."
Jackdaw nods. "Wouldn't do nothin' less." He sighs and chews a ghostly lip. "I'm gonna hafta go t'Varun with this though.  I don't report shit like this, I'm gonna get my ass handed t'me."
[Jackdaw]: Could bring ya with me, so we all... we're all on the same page.  Y'know.
Dyrihm nods. "I'll need to talk to him myself anyway- but I wouldn't want to overwhelm him right now. He's... you know. Having a rough time."
[Jackdaw]: Fuck- yeah. You know how he is, always got that wall up, but- y'can tell he's holdin' back somethin' fierce.
Jackdaw grimaces, some personal misery sneaking into his expression.  "I ain't real keen t'go bother 'im again soon myself."
Dyrihm nods again. "Maybe this can wait."
Jackdaw is clearly in agreement.  "Little while.  Long as we do it 'fore you try 'an talk to this Father wossname.
Dyrihm smiles. "I'll wait, won't do anything stupid. I promise."
Jackdaw smiles back, faintly cheeky.  
[Jackdaw]: Better fuckin' not.
[Dyrihm]: Besides, if he's been sending this out starting with that Scarlet shit, he's being patient himself.
Jackdaw makes a face. A patient enemy is not a good enemy.
Dyrihm sees that face. "Look, it's not gonna blow up overnight, is all."
Jackdaw mutters, "You'd be surprised."  He glances back toward the city proper.  "Maybe I oughta go grab those potions for ya."
Dyrihm nods. "If you don't mind? Be nice to have something to put my mind at ease, after all."
Jackdaw nods. "I'll stop by later.  Take care, mate."
[Dyrihm]: You too, Nob.
Jackdaw flickers and vanishes with a nod.
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bookreviewsbytayanna · 7 years ago
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~~~ Blog Tour ~~~ His True Queen by Jodi Ellen Malpas Series: Smoke & Mirrors Duology Book 2 Publication Date: August 7th, 2018 Genre: Contemporary Romance A beautiful, defiant princess. A renowned, sinfully gorgeous Hollywood actor. A love affair that is sure to rock the British Monarchy…and the world. Their love affair began intensely and passionately. Princess Adeline and Josh Jameson knew any future together was impossible—her status as a princess and his standing as a Hollywood heartthrob dictated that. But the heights of pleasure they could take each other to were wildly unanticipated by them both. Josh’s absolute disregard for Adeline’s status quickly drew her into his hedonistic world. And her perfectly worn mask and false façade captivated Josh to the point of obsession. The boundaries became blurred. The physical became emotional. Their hearts became entwined. But a cruel turn of events rips their worlds apart and Adeline is more bound than ever by the protocol and expectations her title commands. The army of royal advisors who guard the secrets and scandals of the Monarchy will go to unthinkable lengths to keep the smoke and mirrors in place…and Josh away from Adeline. She knows the power she possesses comes with agonizing sacrifices. Walking away from Josh devastates her…but it keeps him safe from the corrupt institution that has ruled her life. Yet Josh refuses to lose the woman who has consumed him so completely, distorted his boundaries, and stripped him of all sensibility. Will the power of the British Monarchy triumph? Or will Adeline and Josh’s fierce love for each other change the course of history? Read Today! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2G2hwwM ​Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2I3wdkd iBooks: https://goo.gl/wX2kEK Nook: https://goo.gl/vo8W7F Kobo: https://goo.gl/bH5LY4 Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2ti7xPe Add to Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2M7a470 Read The Controversial Princess (Smoke & Mirrors Duology #1) Today! Amazon US ➤ https://amzn.to/2FyEtXU Amazon UK ➤ http://bit.ly/Princess-Amz-UK Amazon CA ➤ https://amzn.to/2vOysqB iBooks ➤ bit.ly/Princess-iBooks Nook ➤ http://bit.ly/Princess-Nook-US Kobo ➤ http://bit.ly/2wX3JZ7 Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2lntaL2 Add to BookBub: http://bit.ly/2CpdXD7 Excerpt: “You’re lying to me.” Josh shouts. “You’re lying to yourself. You’re lying to every single person in this fuckin’ world.” He stomps forward, and I blindly stumble back, catching my foot on a stray branch. I lose my footing and fall to my arse in a pile of dry leaves. I don’t yelp because it doesn’t hurt—I’m numb to everything except Josh—but I do curse to high heaven, further cementing Josh’s claim that I have a vulgar mouth. “God damn it.” With my palms splattered on the muddy ground behind me, my knees bent, I look up at the man looming over me. “This is all your fault.” “I take full responsibility,” He says. “For everything.” Everything? “Like what?” “Your fall. My feelings.” Josh offers his hand, but I ignore it, getting myself to my feet and brushing myself down of dry leaves. “For your feelings,” he finishes softly. My hands falter midway down my jodhpurs. “I do not have any feelings,” I grate, ignoring the unrelenting…feelings. The warmth, the disappearance of my woes, the heady sensations of want manifesting within me. Me. Him. The potent cocktail of chemistry we create, just being in each other’s presence. The woodland surrounding us is drenched in it. The atmosphere is thick. I glance up when a few moments have passed, silent moments, and meet his eyes. The amber swirl of desire sparkles madly. My heart kicks. He licks his lips, and I follow the path of his tongue from one corner of his mouth to the other. “Stop,” I whisper, to who I don’t know. Him? Me? My hands come up to my head, my fingertips pushing into my temples, as if I’m trying to force every reason why this can’t happen to the front of my mind. I look for my father’s words, but I find other words instead. You will be ripped apart. Eddie will be ripped apart. Your father’s and brother’s memory with be tarnished. But…I fell so madly in love with a man, and now I am being forced to disregard that. Can I? Should I? I swivel on my boots and run. I can’t trust my head to talk reason, can’t promise I’ll even listen to my reason if I find it, so I’m depending on my legs to take me away as quickly as they can. “No thumbs down,” he growls, snatching my wrist and yanking me to a stop, spinning me to face him. My face is grabbed with one brutal hand, and his mouth is quickly on mine. He’s gone low, way below the belt, and worse still, we both know it will work. My universe seems to align, positive and negative working together, our lips glued by an invisible, highly powerful force. Then I feel his tongue sweep through my mouth and explosions of the most calming kind erupt in my soul. My keen hands find his hair and force him closer, our kiss crazed and messy, but so utterly calming and immaculate. I let him guide my backward steps, I let him spin me away from him, and I let him thrust me up against a tree trunk. The scratchiness of the bark on my forehead doesn’t faze me. I’m too blindsided by the reminder of what we share. Hips pushed into my arse, his wet mouth by my cheek, Josh holds me tightly. Possessively. Like he owns me. And I don’t care. He’s the only thing in this world I don’t mind controlling me. He reaches to my hips and slowly draws my jodhpurs over my backside. His lazy approach could be mistaken for giving me time to deny him. It’s not. He’s merely prolonging my agony. I want him so badly, and he knows it. His hand on my arse. His mouth all over me. Bringing my arms up to the tree, I rest my head on them to lessen the risk of grazing my head when he strikes me. Thwack! As is always the way when Josh tans my backside, I don’t cry out in pain, but rather moan my way through it, being carried to another world. A world where I am not me, but just his. And then his fingers are between my thighs and he’s massaging me gently, my flesh wet and ready for him. “Some things don’t change,” he whispers, biting at my cheek, circling his fingers, plunging them deeply, scissoring my swollen clitoris. “Thank God. Tell me you’ve missed me, Adeline.” “I’ve missed you,” I say on demand, my pleasure making it more of a labored whisper than a sure proclamation, as my pulse races and my desire for him multiplies unstoppably. I start to roll my head, my knees becoming weak. And when I reach the pinnacle of pleasure, I feel like every shitty thing in this world pours from my body with my climax, my whole being relaxed for the first time in weeks. I’ve needed this so much. Needed him. About the Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN – the first book of the This Man Trilogy – in October 2012. She took a chance on the story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women’s fiction. Jodi went on to self-publish the second book in the trilogy, Beneath This Man in Jan 2013, just before Grand Central Publishing, part of the Hachette Book Group, picked up the popular trilogy and the unknown Jodi. The third book of the trilogy, This Man Confessed, took Jodi to the top of the bestsellers lists, earning her the proud title of #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. This Man has since been voted one of the top romance novels of all time. With so much love, enthusiasm and a thirst for her words from her readers, Jodi suddenly wasn’t afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. Her first stand-alone novel, THE PROTECTOR, released in September 2016 and has since been nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. Jodi’s next stand-alone novel. THE FORBIDDEN, is set for release in August 2017. All seven of her published novels have hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as the Sunday Times list and various international best seller lists. Her work is now published in over 24 languages across the world. Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a mojito addict, is famous for her obsession with Converse, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she now shares with her devoted readers. Connect with Jodi: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JodiEllenMalpas/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JodiEllenMalpas YouTube: https://goo.gl/2kGLbt Instagram: http://www.jodiellenmalpas.co.uk/instagram/ Website: http://www.jodiellenmalpas.co.uk/home/
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boogiewrites · 6 years ago
Choking On Sapphires 68
Title & Song: What Kind Of Man
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Word Count: 9400+
Summary:   Alfie breaks a promise to Genevieve, causing their worst fight yet. When she threatens real repercussions against him, he finds himself being the one doing the begging for the first time. Her need for control turns into a good old fashioned hate fuck. They find themselves a new way to solve their arguments and a new understanding of boundaries in their relationship.
Warnings/Tags: Explicit Sexual Content. Strong Dom/Sub roles and reversals.Bondage.Blindfold and rope Sub Alfie with a touch of Dom. Dom Gen with a touch of Sub. Fluff, Angst. Arguing/Fighting, yelling, forceful physical restraint and shoving while fighting. Emotional manipulation. They’re both unstable.But I love them and their flaws.
**Chapter song is What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine.**
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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Alfie had made some questionable decisions in his day. He was aware of this. But now those decisions involved you. Some you knew about, others you didn't, and on this day one that you did not know about, and for good reason, was going to cause a fight that would bring him to his knees.
He sat in his office, eyes miles away, fingers picking through his beard as his mind raced.
"You ain't 'eard from 'em?" he asks Ollie for the third time this hour.
"No, sir, they're set to call your office phone anyway."
"It's been too long." he grumbles, eyes moving to the silent phone on his desk. "She shoulda been outta that meetin' and on her way home by now." he slumps and rests his forearms on his desk.
"Maybe there was more to discuss than Abeille? Or another meeting after she'd added on?" Ollie offers, trying to be helpful.
"You suggestin' I 'ont know how to keep tabs on me own woman?" he glares over to the tall younger man, who now had eyes wide with fear and apologies.
"I wasn't-" he begins his head shaking back and forth when the phone rings.
Alfie doesn't take his eyes off Ollie, a low brow still berating him wordlessly. "'Ello?" he answers.
"Boss... uh... you should be goin' to the missus house as soon as ya can." the stuttered and rushed words of one of the men he'd sent to tail you around town for protection make him stomach tighten.
"Why?" he demands in a flat and authoritative tone.
"She knows about us." he says, catching his breath.
"And how the fuck would she know? What'd you do? What took you so long to fuckin' call?" he commands.
"It went south quickly. Roddy was shot and I had to take him to the hospital." he hesitantly answers.
"Fuckin' shot? What about her?" his eyes go wide with worry, his free hand placed on the top of his desk, body already wanting to dart for the door.
"She's fine. We got in in time to help her out. They had her outnumbered but... she fuckin' gave it to 'em that's for sure."
"What the fuck happened?" he asks forcefully.
"From what I gathered, with her screamin' at us 'n all. The people she's meetin' with saw us tailin' her. We didn't pull up 'til after she was in like you said. But they thought she was tryin' to ambush 'em and they went off on 'er. We heard gunshots and ran in. Then she held us by gunpoint and made us tell her who we were." he says in a fast and panicked way.
"You fuckin' useless wankers." he groans, rubbing between his eyes. "I told you not to fuckin' tell her who you were!" he shouts into the phone.
"She was gonna shoot us sir! She even cut me up a bit to get me to talk!" he says in a high pitched desperate voice.
"I 'ont care." he spits out. "That's what ya fuckin' hazard pay is for ya fuckin' lot 'a bellends." his voices rises and falls, knowing he was going to be met with the same fate now. "You two are back on fuckin' cleanin' duty when you get back 'ere. You understand?"
"Yes sir." he says with a sigh.
"Right. Now I gotta go deal with what you fucked up." he sits the phone done on the receiver like it weighed a ton. He shuts his eyes, takes a deep breath and rises to get his coat.
"That didn't go according to plan I take it?" Ollie asks.
"Ya got anymore daft fuckin' useless questions?!" he shouts in his face, shoving him out of the way to walk through the doorway.
Ollie shuts up and lets Alfie have his space before going back to work.
On the long drive to your place, he's left trying to figure out how to navigate this unfortunate turn of events. You would be furious. He knew that. He also knew he couldn't make you understand the reason he had men follow you in the first place. You were too precious a thing to him to lose. He wasn't going to let you get snatched up in broad daylight or attacked while you shopped at the market if he could help it. The tails had only been a way to keep you protected but he knew you wouldn't see it that way. He couldn't live without you and if he didn't do everything he could to keep you safe he'd never forgive himself.
"He's here." you hear Claire say with a heavy sigh as you're standing in the garden, fuming, thinking of all the things you wanted to scream at Alfie while you ripped him apart. You say nothing and walk briskly past her. "He's in your bedroom!" she calls out, shoulders hung low as she knows whatever is about to happy won't be pretty.
With no hesitation you move your overworked muscles towards your room, throwing your door open and slamming it shut behind you, your dressing gown shifting with your fast and certain movements. He sees your face and prepares for the onslaught coming his way.
"Genevieve I can explain." he begins, hands up in surrender as you stomp towards him like an angry bull.  When you reach out and slap him open handed across his face it catches him off guard. His head stays turned, eyes wide as he processes the hit. He tried to keep his face indifferent but the pain made him want to fire back at you
"I almost DIED because of you!" you scream at him, brow low and hard, face set in a tight, furious expression as your eyes bore into him.
He turns his head, eyes shifting to you first to take you in, seeing scrapes and bruises he didn't expect. He had been told you were fine, and this was not the untouched story he'd been sold. "You should know that would never be my intention, pet." he tries to soothe you with pet names even though he knows it won't work.
"But it was your intention to lie, yes? To have me tracked like a fucking animal without telling me?" you shove him and his legs hit against the end of your bed.
"I wanted to keep ya safe, love, I-" he talks with his hands, punctuating his points.
"That's a load of shit and you know it!" you growl, leaning in closer.
"No it's not, yeah?" his voice finally rises,and your postures straightens, ready to hear what he had to say in terms of defending his stupidity. "I had them follow you to keep an eye on you."
"Because you don't trust me?" you cross your arms as your voice evens out, head tilted at him.
"Course not! I didn't want someone tryin' to snatch ya up or fuckin' trappin' ya in some fake meetin' because 'a ME." he sells the last word heavily.
"But you can lie to me? Funny how that reasoning works with you." you spit out.
"I didn't lie I just didn't tell you." he groans.
You shove him again. "You fucking horse's arse!" you shout. "So full of shit!" you ball up your fists. "Can't even take responsibility for your actions!" you look down your nose at him with digust.
"I am not ya fuckin hell cat!" he shouts back. "Come down off ya fuckin' pedestal and join the rest of us in the fuckin' real world Genny! I did it to keep you safe because there are men out to KILL YOU, RIGHT?! Because of ME! If somethin' happened to you that I coulda stopped, do you think I could live with that?!" he put his hands to his chest in defense of himself, his anger cracking to show the concern that birthed his lies.
"And I almost died TODAY because of YOU. They saw the men trailing me pull up, they asked me who they were and I didn't know BECAUSE OF YOU! They thought I was lying and I had a gun pulled to my fucking HEAD because I was left in the dark. YET AGAIN!" you scream and get in his face and he holds his ground against you.
"I ain't gonna apologize for tryna keep ya safe!" he barks.
"We've had this argument before Alfie. Don't you remember? The one where I threatened to fucking KILL you if you did it again?!" you ask with an eerie calm to your words, his chin dropping in control of his emotions.
"Of course I fuckin' remember! I-" begins with an already exhausted look on his face.
"THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT AGAIN YOU DAFT FUCKING MAN?!" you screech, shoving him. "Why must you continuously prove to me that you can't fucking listen? That you don't actually respect my abilities or my space. Because if you fucking respected me you would LEARN from your mistakes. You PROMISED me that night that you wouldn't pull this shit again and what did I tell you?" your voice is loud and has grown a crowd outside your closed door. Aggie is in tears and Claire's muscles have never been so tense.
He opens his mouth to speak and you cut him off.
"I told you not to make me regret my mercy." you snap. "And what have you done, huh?" your voice rises again.
"I'm sorry Genevieve... I-" he leans forward and thinks to reach out to touch you.
"OH NOW THERE'S AN APOLOGY!" you laugh wildly, turning from him with your arms in the air in disbelief of his actions. "I can't believe I fucking trusted you." you shake your head slowly before turning back to him. "Everyone was right about you weren't they? Don't believe a word he fucking says, they told me. And I thought you loved me and I was fucking stupid enough to fall for you and your lies."
"I do love you, Genevieve," he says with downcasted eyes and slumped shoulders. "I do love you, that's why I did it!" he states with an open mouth like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"If you loved me you would've TOLD ME!" your resolve begins to break and your lip trembles before you can turn from him.
"I did it because I can't lose you, do ya not see that?!" his voice rises, giving away his desperation.
"If you were truly worried about losing me you wouldn't have had me tailed without my knowledge. Even putting today's events aside in which YOUR actions almost got me KILLED, your actions are grounds for me to leave you." your voice cracks.
"Genevieve you don't mean-" he shakes his head slowly.
"DO I NOT?!" you scream into his face. He reaches out to touch you and you smack his arms away. "Don't you dare fucking touch me." you growl and his face winces, jaw going tight. "If I killed you it would be too obvious. So the next step down is to leave you isn't it?" you bite out. You don't believe what you're saying, not really, but you want to hurt him as much as he's hurt you.
"Don't talk like that love." he says softly, shaking his head. "I only risked doin' that because if somefing happened to you that I could've prevented I couldn't live with meself." he says, chin down and eyes lifted up to yours, voice cracking as you watch the lump in his throat grow. "I can't lose you. I didn't want you hurt. Today was an absolute fuck up on my behalf, yeah? I never meant to make you think I didn't respect you. I was tryin' to take extra precautions to keep ya safe. It did not work. I'm sorry! You have to see that I love you, Genevieve, and that's why I did it." he leans his face towards you to sell his words to you.
"And your love includes going directly against anything I've ever asked of you?" your voice is raspy, fighting back emotion, hearing the surprising softness of his own in his pain. "Why would I stay with a man who would keep me in the dark? You say you had me trailed to keep me safe but do you not see how it also leaves me to believe you don't trust me?"
"I do trust you, love. I do. That were never a part of it, yeah? It was only for extra protection."
"Then you should have asked me!" your voice high pitched.
"And your stubborn arse would've said no!" he says loudly, his face slack and eyes wide, palms up in exhaustion. "Then I would've bloody gone 'n done it anyway wunnit I?" he shakes his head. "Because as long as you're mine, I will do anyfing and everyfing in my power to keep you safe!"
"So you're telling me that you would ignore my wishes?" you say, your disgust clear on your face.
"I thought it better to ask forgiveness than permission." he admits.
"My capacity for it has its limits. You fooled me once Alfie... you don't fucking get to do it twice." you scold, leaning in towards him.
"I'M SORRY, RIGHT?!" he shouts back, arms out at his sides. "I 'ont know how else to fucking tell you I did it because I fuckin' love you and I can't fuckin' live without you so I YEAH I would go against your wishes because you aren't always right, Genevieve." he barks back.
Your mouth falls open and you glare at him. "Get out." you whisper.
"No." he says defiantly.
"Get the fuck out of my house." you hiss, fists balled and eyes trying to hide your frustration with the situation. You wanted to hurt him, you wanted him to cry and hurt. Not be this controlled man you saw in front of you. You wanted to rip him to pieces. You wanted him to learn his lesson.
"Genevieve no... please..." he says with a heaving chest, moving towards you even though you smack his hands away as they touch you.
"Get out." you begin to cry. He reaches for you, holding you tight by the arms and you whimper. "Stop it Alfie." you continue to try to push him away but in your emotional state you can't fight him off. "You don't love me. You're mad. What sort of man acts like this when he's in love?" you choke out with a face showing your hurt. "You don't love me." you bite out at him.
"I do. I'm as mad as a fuckin' hatter for you, Genny, that's why I do things like this." he says softly, trying to bring the energy down. "I can't even think straight when it comes to you, love, I think of you as mine already, you know 'is." he nods his head to drive his point home. "I know you're hurt and I'm sorry. But I would be a shell of who I am now if I lost you." he says leaning in close to your face, you see in his eyes he means it. "I'll do anyfing, Genevieve, what do you want? What do you need from me because I 'on't fuckin' know." he asks quietly, seeing your face soften but your brow stays hard in defiance.
You swallow hard, taking a deep breath. You didn't want him to be without you as much he didn't want it. You wanted him to pay though. He deserved some sort of punishment for what he'd done. You say nothing and look away from him.
"Please, Gen, I'm sorry. Let me prove it to you, yeah? I'll work to earn your forgiveness." he takes your face into his hands and when you let him he feels a weight off his shoulders. "Let me show you I only react in such a way out of love." he says softly, a kiss to your forehead that your body reacts to. "Let this make us stronger, eh? We were due for a good fight weren't we? Two people like us can't go without blowin' up from time to time can we? You're too passionate to be contained, love 'n I know you're angry but can I do anything now, in this moment, to ease it? Just don't you dare talk about leavin' me." he finishes gently, thumbs rubbing across your cheeks.
You both fall quiet, an air of desperation hangs around you. "You did it because you're afraid of losing me?" you ask of him.
"Terrified." he whispers. "Only thing I'm afraid of." he shakes his head.
You take in a deep inhale. "What would you do if you lost me?" you ask.
"Burn down the whole fuckin' city to get to whoever did it. I'd be the most miserable fuckin' man anyone ever had the unfortunate chance to meet. I'd be left to get swallowed up in my hate cause I'd lost my love, wouldn't I?" you stare into his eyes and you find nothing but honesty there now.
"Do you need me Alfie?" your voice is breathy as you shut your eyes.
"Like air." he whispers.
"And you love me?" he watches over your soft face, your chest rising and falling slower now as you speak.
"Infinitely." he answers.
"And you're mine?" your brow furrows as you ask.
"I am."  You feel the warm feeling wash over you.
"Tell me you're mine. No one else's." you shake your head subtly.
He gives to your wishes without hesitation. "I am yours, my love. There is no one else in my eyes but you."
You open your eyes again and he finds them dark and dilated. You feel a power come over you, hearing a strong man like him give in. You knew what you needed from him now. "Get on your knees." you say in a clear, flat voice.
He narrows his eyes in question, side-eyeing you for a moment.
"I'm going to have you earn your forgiveness," you state slowly. "Get on your knees." you say with more a command to your tone.
He lets your face go, eyes staying locked on yours as he kneels slowly, uncertainty clear in them.
You run your hand through his hair, looking over his handsome face. "Take your coat off." you tell him gently. He follows what you ask. You rake your nails from his scalp to his neck, hands rubbing his shoulders and resting on them. "Apologize."
"I'm sorry." he says quickly.
You move back to his hair, feeling the thick softness and humming. "Do you think I'm weak Alfie?" your voice inflects upward.
"No of course not." he says earnestly.
"But yet you behave as if I am. That would make YOU the weak one wouldn't it? Only weak men try to control their women." you pout. "My Alfie isn't weak." you state harshly.
"It is not weak to admit what I need, love." he says with a deep voice, a subtle shake of his head.
You give him a subtle smile, a gentle pat to the cheek. "I'm going to teach you a lesson, Alfie. I don't think you're going to be happy about it." you purse your lips down at him. "But then again... you might." you shrug.
He takes a deep breath, starting to understand what you were doing. He wasn't sure about it but he was willing to keep his word that he'd do anything. "Do what you want. If it's to keep you I'll take it with a fuckin' smile if ya wish." he gives a confident nod of his chin up towards you.
"That's a good boy." you pat his cheek and run your thumb over his lips. "Not going to get you out of being punished though." you give a sly smile and turn from him to walk to a trunk that sat against a wall next to your armoire. You open the lid and stand and pick your nails as you hum in thought. "What to do... what to do..." you say in a melodic tone.
He watches you with curious eyes, trying to keep his face indifferent.
"Seeing as it's your first time..." you speak to yourself, reaching down to take a soft, woven rope from the trunk and a ribbon of satin. "Hurting you physically isn't what this is about." you say, walking over to him with a swing to your hips, a look of superiority on your face. "Isn't even about sex. Not really." you say with a nod, running your fingers through his hair and turning them into a fist, giving it a firm tug. "Everything in the world is about sex, except sex itself. Sex is about power." you tell him with a cold appearance, pulling his head back. "And you are a powerful man. But you're going to yield to me." you state flatly, leaning down closer to his face, hand yanking on his hair.
"I told ya, I'm yours." he answers. You could never deny that he wasn't a smart man. He could've been the smartest you knew and never short on cleverness.
"You are mine. Now get on this bed." you give a sharp nod, tugging him up by his shirt collar and sitting him down. "You're going to do as I say. You're going to listen." you bite your words at him, smacking his nose like a scolded pup. "You're going to prove to me you can. You're going to give me your power and I'm going to use you and punish you however I please. Do we understand?" you stand up straight as you speak and unbutton his shirt.
"Yes, love." he sighs out.
"No." you give a stern smack to his cheek. "No love, no darling, no pet names. You call me Miss until I tell you otherwise. You haven't earned calling me yours again. I'm not yours again yet." you speak low and concise at him, his eyes blinking rapidly to try to subdue his instincts to talk back. When he goes without speaking for too long you twist on of his nipples and he flinches. "Answer me." you loudly demand.
"Yes Miss." he grunts out, wanting to rub the spot of sudden impact but you're roughly yanking his sleeves off his arms.
"Kick off your shoes." you order, taking his shirt and picking up his jacket, laying it over the back of a chair. "Much better." you exhale out, nails raking down his bare arms. You untie the sash around your waist, letting your dressing gown fall open just slightly. You see his nostrils twitch, his eyes move down your body and you grab him firmly by the chin. "You don't get to watch me do these things to you. This body is mine, not the other way around. You don't get to gaze at this feminine form while you're being punished." you shake his chin and put the satin ribbon across his eyes. "Have you ever been blindfolded Alfie?"
"No Miss." he answers with clear disapproval to his voice.
"That's surprising," you say out loud in reflection. "Has a woman ever tied you up before?" you ask with a sweeter tone.
"No. Never wanted to be put in a vulnerable position." he forces out in a stubborn mumble.
You let out a dark chuckle at his expense. "I supposed you should've behaved and kept it that way then, hmmm? Because you're going to be vulnerable for me." you coo, bending over the bed and encircling his elbows and wrists pulled together with the soft rope. You preferred the harder, rougher rope yourself but you didn't want to leave visible marks on him after the fact. "Have you ever heard of Kinbaku?" you ask while forming the intricate patterns across his forearms.
"No." he says softly.
You bend his pinky back as he's already forgetting the rules.
"Fuckin', MISS, No. Miss." he rushes out.
"He's learning." you say in a patronizing tone. "It's the art of tight binding with rope. It's about the beauty in the art of restraint. I learned from a very knowledgeable woman during my time in Berlin." you explain, knotting his arms together, forcing his chest out and his back straight as he grunted. "This isn't some sailors knot you boys brought home. You won't be getting out this." he hears the threat in your voice. "Go ahead." you say with a humourous lilt and you stand in front of him, hands on your hips, opening your dressing gown to expose your naked body underneath. "Try." you challenge him.
He grunts, jaw tight and shoulders shifting almost falling onto his side in his attempt.
"See? Not going anywhere," you say condescend, bopping his nose. "And what good news for me." you let out a slow, deep laugh, spreading his knees and standing between them, letting your hands roam over his shoulders and down his arms slowly. "Truly a shame you have to have such an appetizing body when you have such a habit of poor behavior." you sigh and pout, fingers dragging down his stomach to the tops of his trousers. "All I want to do is love and fuck you Alfie I don't know why you can't just behave and let me do that without having to do things like this." your voice is whiny and lazy, reaching and twisting his nipples as he flinches and grunts. "Making me deny both of us. Making me take time out of my busy schedule to fucking train you like some dog." you knock his chin with the back of your hand. "And such a stubborn mutt." you scold, a smack to both his cheeks. You change your tone and touch to sweeter, lighter to begin overwhelming him. "But he is so handsome. Except for all that sneaking he's a good pup isn't he?" you run your fingers through his beard.
"I fuckin' try, Miss." he answers gruffly, his frustration evident.
"Try harder." you command, slapping his chest firmly, making him press his lips together. "If you want to keep me you'll try harder." You put your lips to his and speak. "I will not tolerate this machismo shit that you're trying to pull on me. I won't. I don't care if I fucking love you, I'll live without you out of spite. I've built my whole life around spite and don't think you're immune just because I love your stubborn arse." He feels the more heartfelt expression in your voice as you speak closely and harshly to him.
"So you would still love me?" he says softly, you back away, his lips parted just slightly as he waits for an answer.
"I will love you until the day I die, Alfie. But don't think that means you can do what you want and get away with it. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Miss." he whispers.
"You will ask me before doing these things. Even if it means a fight. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Miss."
"Because I would rather you tell me and then do it, over not telling me. It's the transparency I need, Alfie. I won't have secrets that could hurt us kept between us." you lift up his chin to your face. "It's a matter of my safety and yours now. This isn't some young love where the only effects of our lies are hurt feelings. It's life or death now. Like it was today. And we might not be so lucky next time. I know you understand that."
"I do, Miss."
"So can you promise to tell me things, even if they hurt me? Even if I want to hate you? Because if you tell me the truth I will be able to forgive you eventually. Unlike now."
"I will. I promise, yeah? I hate seein' ya upset."
"I do not need coddled Alfie. I've said this before. I am not a child, I am not naive. You tell me the bad. Not only the good. I can take it. I might scream and lash out but wouldn't you prefer that to me leaving you?"
"I'd prefer anyfing to that." he sighs out and you're touched by the soft tone.
"Then let your actions show it. I don't give second chances Alfie, and here I am. My daft, softened heart giving way for you to learn a lesson without forcefully breaking yours."
"Thank you, love -Miss." he winces and waits to be hit but it doesn't come. "I promise to keep in mind you are not a fragile little thing to keep guarded in a box."
"Is that how you truly want me, Alfie? To be a kept little porcelain figurine on your shelf with no personality, no ambitions but to sit and be beautiful?"
"No, I love that you're fuckin' mad." he shakes his head and you see a charming grin come across his face. You slap his face and it stays. He can't see the entertained look on your face.
"Don't push it you hound." he hears the amusement in your voice. "You don't want someone so easily broken do you?" you ask softly, sliding your leg up on the bed next to his.
"I do not." his voice dips low, keeping a grateful softness.
"And neither do I." you hiss, straddling his lap. "But I'm going to try to break you today." you graze your nose against his. "I'm going to tease and hurt you and you're going to do what I say because you want me happy don't you? Wasn't that what all this lying was about? To keep me happy?"
"It was, truly, love. When you're upset I feel like I've failed you somehow."
"Oh you sweet pup." you scratch into his beard. "You're going to make me very happy right now then aren't you? Be a good boy for me and perhaps I'll be good to you. IF you earn it."
"I am, Miss. I want ya to be good to me. I wanna be good to ya." he says earnestly.
"In time." you say happily, glad he can't see the smile on your face. You let your dressing gown fall behind you to the floor and press your bare skin against his chest. His chest rises and falls dramatically as he comprehends what's going on. "Now I want to tease you." you say, lifting your breasts and rubbing your hard nipples against his chest. "You can't touch me with your hands like this. All tied up like a present for me. I know you must hate that." you laugh softly. "Having to imagine what I look like, completely naked and rubbing against you like this." You lift your self and press your breasts to either side of his face and he groans, moving his face to nuzzle against them. You sit down hard on his lap and he groans in pain. "I didn't say you could do that." your voice turns darker again and he swallows loudly. "This is for me, not you." you inform curtly. You rise again, batting him about the face with your breasts, knocking his head from side to side. "You love these big tits of mine don't you Alfie?" you purr.
"I fuckin' do, Miss." he groans, licking his lips.
"What do you like about them?" you keep pressing them to his face, your arms around his head from time to time, smothering him in them and going back to teasing your hard nipples to his bare skin.
"What's not to fuckin' like? Can I be crude, Miss?" he asks.
"You are learning and I am impressed." you chirp. "You may." you give him a good scratch to the chin for his behavior.
"They're fuckin' huge, love. I just wanna fuckin' smother to death in 'em. And the weight of 'em against me is just... I fuckin' think about 'em all the time. Want my mouth on 'em to show you how much I want you. The way they bounce when I fuck you and you ride me... fuck. When you're cold at night and I pull you against me and feel those perfect little brown nipples hard against me. And fuck me, the noises you make when I suck on your tits, love, it makes me so fuckin' hard I can't think 'bout anyfing else." he lets out a long exhale.
"Keep talking like that and you'll be rewarded." you give him a single chaste kiss to the cheek. "You want them in your mouth?"
"Fuck, yes, love." his shoulders slump.
"Open your mouth." and he does as you command. "But DON'T you dare move your lips." you say, placing one of the hard peaks, tracing it around his lips and he pants, shoulder shifting as he wants to touch you. "I bet you wish those big paws of yours were free to pull me into your mouth don't you?" you purr.
"Yes, Miss" he groans.
"Too bad." you state flatly. "Stick out your tongue." you rub your nipple against the warm, wet surface and hum. "I do love it when you suck on these big tits Alfie. It makes me so wet." you whisper, a taunting smile on your face as you watch him try to not struggle against his bindings. You lower your hips down, taking them away from his mouth. "And it makes you hard doesn't it?" you state as you move your hips against his, feeling him growing beneath you.
"It does." he groans, his mouth and tongue stuck out searching for your skin.
"You want me to let that fat cock of yours out to play?" you whisper into his ear, dragging your tongue up the shell of it.
He groans with a clenched jaw. "Yes, Miss."
"So he does like this." you say cheerfully, fingers teasing under his waistband. "But have you earned getting to feel me against you?" you ask rhetorically as you rub him over his trousers.
"Let me." he rasps out.
"You're not in the position to be asking things of me." you scold, giving his hardening cock a slap and he hisses. "Just for that I'm going to tease you more." you announce proudly, making quick work of his trousers and pants and leaving him bare on the bed. "Now look at you. Not even your pants to give you any friction." you deign. "So let's make it worse." you smile, taking the blindfold off of him. "Hello there my blue-eyed dog." you give him a scratch to his chin.
"'Ello..." he slurs out, eyes looking over your naked body cause his cock to stir.
""ello?" you ask, a slap to the underside of his cock and he turns his head and winces.
"Miss. Bloody miss, 'Ello Miss." he grunts out and diverts his eyes.
"Better." you say harshly, taking your breasts again and hitting him in the face with them. His groans move from pained to pleasurable quickly as you make his pillowy lips pucker with the squeezing of his face. "Not perfect but what should I expect from a man?" you patronize and his face shows he doesn't care in the least. You pull away from him, leaning down as if you were going to put your mouth on his cock, but hesitating, letting your hard nipples graze up his thighs, dragging them up on either side of his cock, a brief wobble of your chest to tease before hitching a leg up to drag them up his chest. "Open your mouth again. Don't make me tell you not to move again." you hiss, once again tracing his lips and tongue with the stiff peaks, the contact and the power from his helplessness making you wet. "Such a gorgeous mouth, truly." you coo. "Now suck." you command. He doesn't pause for consideration, eyes closing and mouth enveloping your breast as much as he could, grunting into it, harsh rhythmic sucking, watching the muscles in his neck tense from his enthusiasm.  "What filthy whispers I've heard from them. Unfortunately also what lies." you tsk and pull them away, rising off of his body quickly, leaving him with fluttering lids and an open mouth.
You turn around, looking around the room for inspiration for a moment, you hear a familiar grunt as he wants to bury his face into your peachy arse. "I hear you back there." you smirk. "You like my arse too?" you ask with a cheerful tone, placing your hands on his knees, running yourself up against his balls first then feeling him rest between the valley of your arse.
"Yes, miss." he groans, you feel his thighs shifting beneath you.
"Is there any part of me you don't like?" you laugh, bouncing yourself against him, causing him to pat heavy against you as you did.
"No, miss." he whispers, nose twitching from the contact.
"Right answer." you say, bouncing your cheeks at him with your hands underneath them, before bending over slowly, no longer touching him, letting him get a view of you. He could see the glimpse of soft hair and pink lips between your thighs as you bent, and his cock twitched at the sight, balls tightening with need. "And do you love this cunt?" you ask with a sweet tone, reaching behind you to spread yourself apart in front of him.
"Unggg Yes, love - Miss." he corrects.
"Tell me." you say, running your hands over the swell of your ass and down your thighs.
"I fuckin' love that perfect little cunt of yours, Miss."
"Good boy." you say in reward, moving to a chair that sat not far from the edge of the bed, pulling it closer by bending over and backing towards him, giving him a good view. Out of reach, but close enough to see you, you spin and sit on the edge of the chair. You caress your chest and down your thighs, spreading them, kneading the soft flesh up to your center. Hitching a leg over the arm of the chair, you begin to tease around your lips. "Have you ever seen such a pretty little puss Alfie?" you ask with a smile, fingers now pressing against your slit.
"No Miss." he groans, eyes fixated.
"Such a soft and pink little thing isn't she?" you purr affectionately, looking down at yourself, fingers sliding between your lips, holding them open for him, causing him to groan. "And expert at taking your cock."
"Yes she is Miss" he groans, licking his lips.
"You are so lucky Alfie. To get the privilege to fuck such a well cared for and maintained cunt you know? I keep her tight and soft and wet for you don't I?"
"Yes Miss you do." he whines.
You begin to rub your clit, humming in pleasure, hips starting to shift back and forth. "You want it don't you?"
"Fuck yes I do miss." he pants.
You throw your other leg up, leaning back on full display. "I can tell from that cock of yours." you grin, biting your lip and continuing to rub, closing your eyes and giving him a show, moaning and shifting, rubbing fast then slow and back again. "I'm so wet, Alfie." you moan, opening your eyes to find him standing at attention for you, your give a few firm slaps to your center and he lets out a deep grunt. "You're licking your lips, do you want a taste?" you tease.
"Yes Miss." he nods, eyes not leaving you.
You slide your fingers inside you, a showy moan and throwback of your head. You stand quickly, strutting over to him and sliding your fingers into his mouth. "Taste it." you whisper, letting him suck your fingers, his tongue lapping away at them inside his mouth and let out a content hum of appreciation. "Good boy," you say, putting the wet fingers back between your legs and moaning. "Such a good boy." you rasp, throwing your leg over him again, a strong grab and slap to his hip before you take hold of his cock and slide it against your wet center.
His mouth drops open as he swears, lip twitching at the contact before his eyes swing back up to your face.
"I feel you throbbing for it." you taunt, sliding yourself against him.
"Yes Miss." he wheezes, lips hanging open and wet, eyes looking up at you.
"Look at you, panting for it with those puppy dog eyes." you hold his cheek with your free hand, grazing your nose against him. "Would you like a kiss, pup?" you ask softly.
"Yes, Miss." he nods.
"Such a soft thing." you purr before teasing him again, licks and grazes of your lips against his before giving in after taking in his strung-out face. When you let him kiss you, he moans. A moan into a kiss was something new and you were thrilled by the arrival of the deep noise, it meant your teasing was working. You give into for a bit, kissing back with tongue and teeth as he pushed against you, starving for more contact. Not having his arms free was extremely frustrating and that annoyance was only making his blood pump faster and make him want you more.
You rise off him to stand between his legs, keeping your kiss intact before hiving him a hard, tight tug and he grunts, breaking the kiss. "Too rough?" you ask with a tilt of your head, another hard tug from the base, jerking his hips forward.
"Mmmph."  he answers at first, hesitant to tell you now, fearing he might receive worse. "Yes Miss." he answers sheepishly.
"Oh he doesn't like a rough wank?" you taunt, giving him a few more and watching him wince. "Shame, that." you sigh. "Guess I'll have to be nice to this cock won't I?" you pout. "I'll need it throbbing hard to fuck me right, won't I?" you keep rubbing against him, drawing out a moan. "And I do plan on having you fuck me right, Alfie." you sigh out against his lips. The sound of his name makes him grunt, forgetting the rough grip on him already. "If you can be a good boy."
"I can Miss."
"You want to be a good boy?" you ask, letting him go, a playful pinch to his inner thighs before you turn and bend over again, reaching back to stroke him.
"Yes Miss."
"You want to fuck me?" you tease, rubbing his head against your wet slit.
He groans and shifts "Yes, miss."
"Then come get it." you say, letting him go, hands on your ankles in front of him. "Fuck me if you want to so badly." you say in a harsh, bossy tone.
You feel his legs try to move him in a way to get to you, scooting to the end of the bed but he can't get the leverage without his arms in use.
"Fuck me, Alfie. C'mon." you bounce your ass at him and laugh. "Oh can the poor pup not manage?" you pout, looking back at his red and drawn face. "Poor baby." you laugh, bouncing your ass at him with your hands. You turn back, moving quickly to straddle him, connecting in a kiss he didn't see coming. "You don't get to fuck me unless I let you. This cunt isn't yours, it's mine." you bite his lip. "But this cock." you nod and reach between your legs to wrap around him again. "This cock is mine. It doesn't go anywhere or do anything unless I give it permission. You understand?"
"Yes miss."
"Tell me it's mine." you growl
"It's yours miss." he sighs.
"And you. All of you. Is mine." you growl, rubbing yourself against him, your fingers light against the head of his cock. "Tell me." you demand, grabbing him roughly again.
"I'm yours. it's all yours Miss"
"You are mine. All mine." you coo, your switching of mean to sweet making his brow furrow as he tried to anticipate what you would do next but he didn't know and it made his heart race. "Do you want me to be yours, Alfie?"
"Yes, Miss."
"You want me to stay with you? Always? Do you want to keep this little cunny happy?"
"Yes love, please. Miss, yes."
"Do you need me Alfie?" you taut him with a soft voice.
"Yes, love, I need you. Miss." he rushes out, forgetting himself as he sees your body rising and falling in a serpentine fashion against him.
"Will you be a good boy and behave? Listen to what your misses says? Do as you're told?"
"Yes miss." he groans, voice more desperate.
"Are you going to act like the grown fucking man I know you are? Because that's what I want Solomons. A grown. Fucking. Man." you bite out against him. "I don't need a boy who lies. I want a man to face the consequences of his actions. One that will fuck me proper and love me even harder. Are you that man, darling?"
"Yes, love I am. I'll prove it to you. I love you, Gen and I'm mad about you. Let me show you, love. Let me keep you." his eyes are wide and you see the sincere feelings behind his words.
You lean in to kiss his flushed face. "Desperation for me does look so delicious in your eyes, Alfie." you kiss his cheek. "I won't leave you. You silly beast." you whisper into his ear, nuzzling against his face. "Not today anyway." you huff out a laugh. "Since you said please. And I am absolutely soaked and aching for your cock I suppose it's time to reward you for this good behavior." you run your tongue up the side of his face. "Does a good boy want his misses to fuck him?"
"Yes, fuck, please, Gen. Me balls are fuckin' purple from this, love."
"Does it hurt?" you say condescendingly.
"Yes, it fuckin' does love. I've never needed someone as badly as I do you right now." his voice is raspy and urgent and you give another lick to his lips, a happy groan from you.
"I'll let you inside me. But I'm taking what I need from you first. I'll be fucking you, not the other way around." you tap his nose in punctuation as you slide off him and onto the bed. "Come now. Use those sturdy legs." you instruct, grabbing his arms and hauling him up onto the bed. His wide eyes show his surprise for your strength and you give him a cheeky smile. You even give him pillows to let his arm lay in a less painful way as you push him down and straddle him.
Moving fast,  keeping him on his toes, you slide down onto him, his head falls back and he lets out an open-mouthed moan.
"That's what I want to hear." you purr, slapping your hands down onto his chest and starting a fast pace, bouncing yourself against him, a quick slap of skin, broken with grinding down hard on him, rubbing yourself against him. "Look at me love. Watch me take your cock." you say breathily, leaning back with your hands on his legs and riding him as hard as you could. His eyes are dark and half-lidded, watching himself pump in and out of you. Eyes wandering over your thighs as they slam into him, your tits bouncing and ribs shifting under your skin as your moans grow louder.
"Fuck, Gen I-
"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING COME!" you shout, leaning forward and slapping him hard across the face. "Don't even fucking think about it. I'm coming all over this cock first. You can't come until I want you to. This cock is MINE." you growl, pounding him as hard as you can, holding his throat firmly. "Fuck me harder and make me come, Alfie. I want us both soaked to our thighs after I'm done with you. Make me come all over that fat cock, you dog."
He grits his teeth and prays, planting his feet as best he could and using his stomach to push back into your assault on his hips.
"That's it. Fuck me Solomons." your growl continues, one hand on his chest now, leaning back and rubbing your clit. "Show me this your cunny. Make it yours. Make me come." you demand, starting to lose the fight against the oncoming orgasm. Your hips falter and your nails dig into his skin making him hiss. Your eyes roll back dramatically heading falling back as you let loud, body folding moans up toward the canopy of the bed. "Good boy. Such a GOOD. FUCKING. BOY." you growl and shout, grinding against him as you snarl, eyes fluttering back open to meet his, yours looking black against your flushed face as they glared down at him. "Now if I untie you will you make me come again? Fuck me like a good boy, hmmm?"
"Yes, fuckin', GAH let me at you love, fuckin' christ." he squirms as you laugh loudly at his desperation.
"There's my man." you lean to bite his lip before swinging your leg off of him and rolling him to his front. "Don't struggle so much, or it'll hurt more." you say, your knowledgeable fingers working against the ropes as quickly as they could. He moans and groans into the bed as the grip loosens, his fingers moving again as you watching the veins pulse underneath his flushed skin. "Come now, on your back, slowly." you say, giving him a rub between the shoulder blades.
"Fuckin' 'ell." he grumbles rolling back over.
"Let them readjust first. Eager." you smirk and rub his shoulders.
"I'm gonna make that bossy little cunny mine as soon as me fuckin' arms work." he groans, a hint of playfulness in his voice at his inability to pounce.
"Good. That's what I want. A man who can take AND give." you whisper, licking your lips and rubbing his forearms. You place his hands on your breasts. "Play with them, it'll help." you wink and giggle, and he grabs them tightly, tighter than you thought he might be able to but you loved the thrill of it. He gives one a slap. "Oh! So rough." you taunt and grin.
"Gonna show you fuckin' rough." he growls, no tease in his voice now, only need. He grabs you and slams you face first into the bed. A hard slap to your arse first, followed by another, then you hear a hungry growl followed by a hard bite to the same area.
"C'mon you big dog, fuck me." you say, getting up on your knees.
Without a word he slaps over your slit, a stinging and not playful hit. He pushes into you, only breathing and wordless noises, he had embraced the beast you'd been calling him and let it out. Having been teased for longer than he ever had before, he needed a fierce release at your expense.
He comes at you hard, your brace against the headboard, hand wrapped around the edge as his nails make tiny rivulets of blood run down your thighs he holds you so tightly. You love this urgency you feel in him, this raw need you wanted to feel. You wanted it to hurt, to be hard and bruising to fuck the anger out of you.
He slaps your arse over and over, red and welting as he grunts and growls, a hard pounding into you. He scratches his way up your back, hand gathering your hair, making a messy fist of it to yank your head back, then pounding into you as he slapped your arse and thighs and held you up by your hair.
"Yes you fucking beast, make this cunny yours, Solomons." you cry out, eyes in the back of your head and your shame nowhere to be seen. "This is why I let you act like a fucking fool. Because you can do this. This is why I let you do this because you give me what I need. You're such a good fucking boy all red and angry, aren't you?" you demand and he pushes you down on the bed, his full weight on you. "Fuck yes, take me like a fucking beast, Alfie, yes." you cry out.
"Such a fuckin' slag for this cock, little Genny." his breath hot and heavy in your ear as he lets out every bit of negative emotion against you. "You aren't fuckin' leavin' me. You can't. You couldn't live without this cock you little fuckin' tart." he slaps your cheek, hand in your hair and pressing your face into the bed. "No one's gonna fuck you betta than me you fuckin' posh little cunt." he bites at you. "You ARE mine. You'll ALWAYS be mine. Do YOU understand?" he shouts and you nod and gasp, your mouth opening and shouting as his words brought on another orgasm. "That's it, pet, fuckin' come around your beasts cock. This what you want yeah? To treat me like an animal then get fucked like one? You filthy girl." he groans and shouts, losing himself as you squeeze around him. "Feels so fuckin good, little one, such a tight cunny for me and so fuckin' wet you little bossy bitch." he slaps your arse again and you squeal, he sees the unfiltered delight across your face. "Fuck me you are fuckin' filthy. You like those crude names, pet?"
"Yes, fucking tell me how bad I am." you moan, drooling out onto the bed.
"My perfect little misses like being called a dirty fuckin' slag? Fuckin' 'ell." he moans, resting his head against your back for a moment to catch his breath.
"I'm your Madonna and your whore, Alfie." you cry out helplessly. "Take this cunt, love, fill me up and make it yours."
"Gonna." he gruffs out, holding you down by your lower back, pounding into you, bringing on another orgasm at the new deep angle. "Again? So fuckin' hungry for it, pet." he scolds, a growing growl in his chest begins, and you're swimming in your own bliss inside your head, convulsing under him and being hit hard and heavy into. "Ah, fuck, Genny. Gonna have me drippin' outta you for fuckin' days with what you caused." he barks through gritted teeth, pushing into you as far as he could, his mouth opening and letting out a loud, wanton moan that caused you to shudder against him. "Fuck me." he pants out, dropping to his elbows first then letting his body rest on top of yours. You feel his heaving against you, and you hum contently, shutting your eyes. "Alright love?" he mumbles out against your sweat-soaked skin.
"Mmm Hmm." you nod. "Perfect." you sigh out. You stay there for a little while, catching your breath, enjoying the warmth of him against you, the weight making you feel safe and secure. His words making you feel satisfied with the punishment you gave and took.
He lifts himself off of you, arms shakey as he rolls to his back, legs limp and hands on his stomach. You move with a soft grunt, although slowly. "Covers, love." you manage out, pulling them down and he grunts and groans, letting you pull them out from under him without grace and cover you both back up.
"Feel like a bath is due now with what filth that was." he lets out a deep, lazy chuckle.
"What beautiful filth it was." you sigh, snuggling against him your happy expression and kitten like mannerism such a shock after what transpired.
"You really okay with what I called you?"
"That was the best hate fuck I've ever had and if we're angry you could call me almost anything and I'd be perfectly accepting of it. I like the pain and the punishment after giving it out. Exhausts me mentally and physically. It's what I need."
"And are you worn out, love?"
"Entirely." you hum.
"So you ain't mad now?"
"Not right now no."
"Have I found a way to keep you from fuckin' killin' 'n leavin' me?" he grins.
"Perhaps." you laugh and kiss his chest. "Just be honest with me. Fuck me right and be sweet afterward and we'll have no problems."
"So if we fight... we'll just have us a good hate fuck and work it out the old fashioned way?" he smirks, eyes shut and hand stroking your hair.
"Yes, sir." you giggle.
"Oh. Almost felt me cock stir on that one." he chuckles. "Can't wait for you to be naughty and have to tie you up and you call me 'at."
"Knowing me it will be sooner than later won't it?" you laugh and look up at him, his face at rest, a soft smile on his face.
"Yes it will my filthy little girl."
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