#tisiphone nightblood q&a
clan-nightblood ยท 2 years
Tell me about your OCs!
I want to know:
Favourite food
Day job
Shoe size
Deepest fear
Preferred genre of music
Full name and all titles
Most embarrassing ship-related moment (if any)
Best friend's name
Bra size (if applicable)
Leisurely pasttime
Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons
All the scars they have (if applicable)
Favourite flower
Place of residence
Where they consider "home"
Skill level with regards to juggling (if any)
And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions
- Signed, someone who wants to know about your OCs
Tisiphone Nightblood answering. Favourite Food: "Blood. Though I also greatly enjoy sushi, and my latest fixation is pancakes." Day Job: Warrior of Darkness/Light Shoe Size: "I've never paid attention to sizes. I have my boots custom made. Many places don't carry sizes big enough for me so it's easier this way." (US women's size 14) Deepest Fear: "Being judged and feared by those I've come to know as friends." Preferred Genre of Music: "Anything melodic, soft music from many cultures." Full Name and All Titles: "Tisiphone Nightblood, Hemitheos, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior of Light, Scion, Hyedalin's Champion, Goddess of the Land, Mistress." Most Embarrassing Ship-Related Moment: "One time I was leaving my house, and G'raha was coming to knock on my door, and I opened the door right as he knocked. This caused him to instead knock on my left tit. Being tall is, if nothing else, entertaining." Best Friend's Name: "Erebus Nightblood." Bra Size: "I don't wear those. They're cumbersome and a waste of my time." Leisurely Pass-time: "Fishing, and finding new places to go fishing." Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons: "My black pegasus. He doesn't have a name, but we never need communicate through words." All the scars they have, if applicable: "I have no scars on my body." Favourite Flower: "Lilies. Particularly the orange ones. I do also enjoy deep red roses." Place of Residence: "I own a house in the Mist, right on the ocean. The view of the storms that happen are the best when you can see the flash of the lightning reflect off the waves." Where they consider "home": "My heart is, has been, and always will be, in the First. The high cliffs of Eulmore and the look of the sun against the sky often run through my mind when I'm homesick; the lavender trees of Lakeland dance through when I'm happy." Skill level in regards to juggling (if any): "I don't juggle. I can toss my rapier beautifully, or my chakrams, but please do not involve more than two items." And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions: "I have died multiple times and my aether keeps getting ripped back out of the void. Always by scientists."
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