#tish speaks
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a-queer-fish · 2 years ago
finally got new health insurance after the state health fucked me over and i thought i did something right and i checked and double checked that my therapist took this insurance and now i find out they don’t and idk why but it’s making me want to cry bc i’ve been with her over a year and i can either keep paying out of pocket for her or find someone else but i really don’t want to go through all of that again it’s so hard to build a good relationship with a therapist and especially find one that takes ocd seriously like i really don’t want to go through that again
god this is such a stupid thing to cry over
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a-queer-fish · 3 months ago
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hey it’s more normal than me!
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This is normal probably I think.
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making-your-fave-in-fr · 2 months ago
god i love this blog. do you think you could try the dark lord from miitopia?
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I made The Dark Lord from Miitopia in Flight Rising!
M Obelisk (Faded Ice eyes) Periwinkle/Speckle | Black/Blend | Periwinkle/Glimmer
Envious Eye Earrings, Gold Amulet of Alchemy, Glowing Purple Clawtips, Nightfall Starsilk Shawl, Nightfall Starsilk Cloak, Nightfall Starsilk Tailwrap, Nightfall Starsilk Wingdrapes, Mage’s Nightshade Overcoat, Mage’s Nightshade Tunic, Mage’s Nightshade Gloves, Mage’s Nightshade Socks
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astronomodome · 1 year ago
I’ve been watching too many british people I’m becoming accent blind. I watched a new guy today and I didn’t even realize he had a strong accent for a solid 30 minutes
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pocket-mobster · 9 months ago
btw when yous guys talk about "the commonwealth" pls don't forget the most important commonwealths pls n thx
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kigendragon · 10 months ago
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“You will stop this, right now!” 
Her father's voice boomed against the walls, and tiny hands flew to the sides of her head to shield her ears as cries continued to sound. 
“This crying will not make her return, now get up!” 
His demands fell to deaf ears as the little girl cried out in front of him, finally crying out in a language he cared not to understand. 
“Eej alga!! Eej alga bolsond yaagaad sanaa zovokhgüi baigaa yum be?! Bi chamaig bish eejiigee khüsch baina!!” (“Mama’s gone!! Why don’t you care that mama’s gone?! I want mama, not you!”) She was angry, confused, and grieving. Her chest heaved with sobs as she looked up at the uncaring man. 
His eyes were practically burning holes into her, glaring down at the child like she was a mere nuisance. Hell, he had half a mind to just rid himself of her now. It would be simple, after all. It wasn’t like anyone outside of his home knew of her. Maybe some small Mongolian village as well, but they would never see her again anyways. 
One push over the edge and he could be rid of her. But then, this all would be for nothing. He’s put plenty of resources into the child’s upbringing, might as well keep her around a bit longer, make her useful if she couldn’t do so on her own. 
“Get her out of my sight. Make sure she gets cleaned up and stops this sniveling before bringing her back to me. I’ve got something in mind for her, whether she likes it or not.” 
Silently, a few attendees assigned to her grabbed her arms, dragging her off in the other direction as she continued to yell at the Czar, who merely turned his back to her and went on his way. 
How dare he? He was the reason she was here and he wanted to act like she was the burden?! 
She kicked and yelled and snatched her arms in an attempt to be released, although the two women managed to keep the child from breaking free of their rough grips. 
“Tishe, tishe, child!” (“Hush, hush-”) one woman sounded, keeping her from running off as the other drew a bath and got some clean clothes ready for her. “You shouldn’t speak to your father the way you did, dear. And you should speak a language he understands… We know you know Russian, he made sure you would,” the woman stated, taking Lisa’s hair down from its ponytail and beginning to brush it while her companion made sure everything was prepared for the girl to get cleaned up. 
“I don’t care. I hate him,” Lisa responded, finally using Russian as they desired. 
Her response, however, was met with a slap on the hand with the brush, making her recoil and look back at the woman like she was crazy. Surely she had to be if she was popping her with things. Mama would never… 
“Don’t say such things about his Majesty. That is unbecoming of you, child,” the woman scolded, making Lisa turn her head again, ignoring the tears welling up in her eyes. 
“You… You hit me,” Lisa remarked, looking at the red spot on her hand, sniffling and crying becoming harder to hold in. 
“I did not hit you, I barely tapped your hand. You shouldn’t speak so hatefully about your father if you don’t want to be reprimanded.” 
Lisa was quiet as her hair was brushed, forcing her crying down and trying to wipe her tears away. 
When the other woman had everything ready, she stood in the doorway, offering a sickeningly sweet smile to Lisa, her hand extended. “C’mon, Your Highness, I have everything ready for you. Once you’re all cleaned up you can come back out and we’ll go speak to your father again.” 
Lisa almost couldn’t look at her. She knew it wasn’t real, the sweetness. It was the kind to give you a toothache if not something worse. 
Regardless, she allowed the woman to lead her into the ornate bathroom, show her where everything was and then leave her be. She found herself looking around… No. Looking for a way out of there was more like it. 
Of course, there was nothing, and she had no choice but to comply for now. She got her bath over with, although she took just enough time that they’d be waiting longer than they should have. She begrudgingly got dressed in the clothing the woman had picked out for her, and then stepped out for them to make any adjustments. One of them got her hair pulled back ‘properly,’ while the other fixed up the dress she was given. It wasn’t anything formal or flashy, necessarily. But Lisa still found herself disliking it. It wasn’t her. Looking at herself in the mirror was like looking at a stranger. Like someone else was in her body and she was just stuck there in this body and this ugly dress. Did her father just hate her? Was that it? What had she done to him? It certainly felt like he already hated her, and he just wanted her to hate herself too… 
She inevitably followed the woman back to her father, all the while the two doted on how wonderful she looked, like a ‘proper grand duchess.’ These two were really driving her nuts already. 
Upon her father laying eyes on her, he already seemed displeased, and she found herself feeling the same exact way… This was going to be a living hell. 
She opened her eyes, shielding her face from the bright sun with her hand. 
“Damn, I only meant to rest… Not fall asleep,” she muttered, getting herself up. She couldn’t waste time on those bad memories… She had friends to find and return to.
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 1 year ago
having (horror) introjects is so funny like yeah i know the one of the guys from scream, she’s trans
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cloudshapedpatch · 1 year ago
Burgers and Lilies
Reth x Reader one shot
(canon compliant, no spoilers, ft. Shepp!Hassian)
Rated Teen for some spicy stuff at the end ;)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Y/N’s hands were steady as she pulled the arrow back, feeling the pull of the bow deep in her shoulder, just like Hassian had taught her. The wind was gentle, rustling her hair and the grass gently as she focused on her prey. She knelt there, still as a tree, lining up the shot. The unsuspecting chapaa wouldn’t feel a thing. 
She heard a rustle in the grass behind her, and the chapaa must have heard it too, because it perked its ears, chirped, and ran in the opposite direction. 
“Sorry.” She heard a sweet voice behind her, and she could never be mad when he sounded so genuinely remorseful. 
“Its okay, Reth.” Y/N lowered the bow and put the arrow back in its holding case with the rest. She stood then, and turned around to face him with a smile. “There are plenty of others.”
Her smile only grew wider as she saw the picnic basket he was holding, and he held it up a little higher as he spoke. “When you didn’t come in for lunch like you usually do, I figured you were lost in the hunt again.”
“I never know how much time has passed when I’m out here.” Y/N said sheepishly. 
“I know. Should we sit?”
“Don’t you have to get back to the Inn? The dinner rush will be starting soon.”
“Ashura told me to take my time.” Reth was already getting comfortable in the grass, so she followed suit and watched him take out the sandwiches carefully. 
Y/N was glad for Reth’s company. Reth had been one of the first people she properly met after materializing in the ruins. She didn’t know much about what was supposed to be normal for humans, but she figured by how Jina, the resident Human Expert, had reacted, it wasn’t normal to appear in a cloud of pink mist and sparkles. At least, that’s not how the Majiri operated. Most of what she had learned about their way of life had come from Reth and his sister, Tish. They had taken a special liking to her almost immediately. 
“Copper for your thoughts?” Reth said, with his mouth full. She smiled at his boyish nature. 
“Just thinking about how much has changed for me since coming here. I’m sure my life before was very different than this.” She could tell this from a number of signs. Her hands had been soft, and her arms lithe when she first came into Kilima. Her body had not known a day’s work like she had grown accustomed to. Y/N’s hands were worn and rough with calluses now, and her muscles, while not much compared to Sifuu, were still visible. And she could run faster and farther and haul sernuk much easier now. She was sure the magic pack Zeki had given her, plus Kilima’s fresh air and pleasant weather was helping as well.
He nodded thoughtfully, considering his words before speaking. “Have you ever thought about what your life was like before? Not just human life in general, but yours specifically?”
She had heard the word ‘memory’ before, and while she was sure she had some memories, they were not the kind Reth was talking about. Like she could remember watering her plants this morning, and she could remember shooting her bow for the first time. But these memories were vivid in her mind, having been so recent. She was told older memories got fuzzy with the passing of time.
“I have.” She said shortly, not feeling like she wanted to get into it. “I really like my life now, though.” 
She leaned over and nudged her shoulder against Reth’s, pushing him slightly. He exaggerated the gesture and dramatically fell back into the grass. She placed her sandwich down on top of the basket and laid next to him and looked at the clouds. 
She could feel an uncomfortableness radiating from Reth, though, like he wanted to say something but was holding back. Turning her head to look at him, she found him already looking at her, and he quickly looked up and away. 
Reth was… something. She wasn’t sure what this feeling was in her chest when he was around. It was different from the feeling of wanting to gossip or craft with Tish, or the feeling of wanting Hassian to be proud of her for hunting a large animal all by herself. It was deeper, and made her anxious, and made her feel warm all at once. 
Like she needed Reth to understand her, deeply, deeper than she knew herself. 
She was sure this was a purely human emotion, because Reth always seemed calm and collected. At least, now he did. When he had first spoken to her, though, he had tripped over his words greatly. 
“When I first met you,” he started, seeming to read her thoughts, “I had never seen a human before. And it surprised me.”
She let that hang there for a moment, feeling like there was something he still wasn’t saying. “What surprised you?”
She was still looking at him but he was none the wiser, his eyes locked on the sky. His cheeks slowly darkened to a magenta color. 
She felt something soft and gentle on her fingers, and upon looking down she found it was Reth’s own hand, slowly sliding in the grass closer to her own. She took in a quiet deep breath to calm herself, even as it felt like pure Flow was shooting up her arm at the contact. She was very confused, but allowed him to take her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. She didn’t understand the purpose of it, and yet she found it was quite pleasant and didn’t want to let go. So she relaxed into the grass, and gave his hand a small squeeze. He reciprocated the gesture, finally turning his head to look at her. He smiled at her then, a wide smile that made her toes curl in her boots and ingrained itself in her mind. His eyes sparkled in a way she had never seen before. 
Y/N looked away first, pointing out a cloud that looked like a star. Reth chuckled and squeezed her hand once more, agreeing with her, before he suddenly gasped and sat up, looking towards the basket. 
“Oh! I brought you something. Caleri waived my late fees so I could bring you this. I’m lucky she likes you so much.”
He handed her half-eaten sandwich to her, which she took another bite of as he opened the basket and produced a book, handing it over. Y/N sat up as well, taking it from him gently. Their hands touched briefly, and a burst of warmth blossomed in her chest. Ignoring it, she studied the strange writing on the worn red cover. It looked like English characters, but it was too worn to make out the words on the cover.
“You found this in the library?”
“I know, right? In the small Human section. I think it’s a cookbook. Look inside.”
She looked at him and shared his excited smile, then opened it to a random page. The pages were old and stuck together, and made a pleasant crackling sound as the spine expanded. Near the middle of the book, at the top of the page, was a full color picture of a cooked dish. It looked odd, it was a stack of bread and what looked like vegetables and meat. The writing at the top of the page read Burger.
Reth peeked over her shoulder, scooting closer to get a better look. Their legs were pressed together as he mouthed out the foreign word.
“Bur-jer.” He said confidently.
Y/N repeated the word. Jina would get a kick out of this. She wondered if she had read this book. She must have, but then again, Jina had never mentioned any human foods before. “I think it’s pronounced ‘bur-gur’, actually. Feels better in my human mouth.”
Reth laughed and threw his hands up. “Hey, you’re the expert. Do you want to try and cook it?”
“But we can barely read the recipe!”
“Won’t it be fun? I’m sure we could figure it out.”
The idea did sound very appealing. She would love to get closer to her roots, and she would never deny spending time with Reth. 
“Let’s do it.”
He nodded, putting a handkerchief between the pages to mark the place.
They sat in the grass and talked a little while longer before Reth announced he had to get back to the Inn, so they packed up and parted ways. 
Back at her housing plot, after Y/N had washed the chapaa meat and furs in a bucket of pond water, she wondered about her odd feelings for Reth, and the tightness in her chest when she thought about him. She stood at her stove, grilling the savory meat and letting the smell fill the air. Sometimes, when she cooked, she felt sad, and wished she was cooking with others. Cooking alone felt deeply wrong to her, and she could not explain why. She let herself feel the sadness, and then let it wash away when she was done, just like Jel had taught her. And by that time the meat had finished cooking. But as she reached to grab a plate (from the set that Elouisa had gifted her) she accidentally hit the hot pan and burned her hand. 
All at once, her mind’s eye was filled with the sight of a kitchen that wasn’t hers. The wallpaper was different, and there were many plants, and more cabinets. A woman whom she had never seen before, and yet felt so familiar, with skin tan like her own, fawned over her. 
“Oh dear, did you burn yourself, button? Come to the sink.”
The woman grabbed her wrist gently and led her to the sink, and turned the handle. Cool water started flowing from what she recollected was called a ‘faucet’. The woman, her mother, put her hand under the cold flow of the water until the burning sensation stopped. 
And then Y/N was standing alone once again, holding her injured hand to her chest. Luckily, her sink basin was already filled with fresh water from the pond, so she submerged her hand in the cool water until the familiar burning stopped once again. 
Was that a memory? Was that what remembering felt like? Her mother looked so similar to herself. She had so many questions, and she knew that no one else would have answers. Suddenly she felt so alone, even in this village of kind people, she felt totally isolated. 
– – – –
The next day felt very weird. After her odd kitchen experience the night before, Y/N had tossed and turned all night and didn’t get a wink of sleep. She ended up chopping many trees to take her mind off it, and after that didn’t help, she figured she would head into town and see if Hassian wanted help filling his meat supply for sale. The hunting in silence seemed to help a bit, and she always enjoyed his company, but every time she pulled back an arrow in the bow, the burn on her hand ached, and she remembered her mother’s face. And after that, she spent some time with Tish and Jel in the square before their shops opened. But as Tish complained of washing her cotton in pond water and finding a tadpole in her fabric later, the memory of the convenience of running water came flooding back. So she spent the day on her housing plot, alone and wallowing, unsure of what to do with herself.
When she didn’t show up for lunch again that day at the Inn, Reth thought at first it was because she was hunting. But after speaking with Hassian and learning she had already been hunting that morning, worry took over. It wasn’t like her to run off without telling someone where she was going. Everyone worried over her, being the only human any of them had ever seen, and having just materialized just a few months ago, the village as a whole didn’t want her to get lost or injured or worse. He couldn’t leave the Inn and go all the way to her house himself, but he could do one better. 
So late that afternoon, Y/N was surprised when she got a knock at her door, and was even more surprised to find Auni at her doorstep with a small paper bag. Usually he just left packages in the mailbox or on her porch, even if she was home, so she found it odd that he knocked. 
“Heya! Reth sent me with some food for ya. Wanted to know where you were.”
She smiled at him. Even though she didn’t feel like smiling, Auni was just a little ray of sunshine, and it was impossible not to be amused in his presence. And it warmed her heart to know Reth was thinking of her. 
“Hey Auni, long time no see. Do you want to come in; I caught a few new bugs I wanna show you.”
He nodded enthusiastically, and when she was done showing him the butterflies and beetles, she sent him on his way with some fresh crab meat for his mother. Now she was left with her lunch (now, she supposed she could call it dinner), some carrot soup. Her favorite. When she was done eating the warm meal, she laid on her bed and smiled, kicking her feet and giggling that Reth would be so kind. 
There were a lot of things she didn’t know, but maybe talking about them would be a good start.
– – – –
“Steady… Steady…” Nai’o hushed to the ormuu, patting it’s head while Y/N knelt beside the large animal, getting ready to milk it. She had never milked an ormuu before, and Nai’o was kind enough to offer to teach her after she had offhandedly expressed her curiosity about it a few sun cycles prior. Delaila even offered to share some of the resulting butter for her work.
He had taught her the hand motions, and once she started, it wasn’t so bad. Nai’o stood and watched and gave her encouragement as the bucket slowly filled with the good milk.
But her mind was elsewhere. Last week she had come around the corner of the City Hall and found him and Kenyatta behind the wall, doing what Tish called ‘sucking face’ but had learned the official word was ‘kissing’. It felt like an intrusion and she had pretended not to see them and had quietly snuck away, but the sight (and the curiosity) had stuck with her. 
“Can I ask you a personal question?” She said, sure to say it loud enough to be heard over the mooing of the ormuu. 
“Go ahead,” he replied instantly.
Y/N felt awkward bringing up the subject, and she wasn’t sure why. But she pushed ahead in the pursuit of answers. 
“When you first met Kenyatta, what did you feel?”
“That’s tough. Kenyatta and I grew up together. We’ve always known each other.”
That made sense, but it wasn’t what she meant. She took a deep breath and turned away from the ormuu for a second to meet his eyes.
“What about when you started dating?” The word ‘dating’ was still new to her, but she had heard Kenyatta use it, so she was sure it applied at least to her and Nai’o.
“Well, when I realized that I had feelings for her, I tried everything to get her attention. I just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.”
“Had feelings? What did those feel like?”
“Why, are you feeling this way? I wonder who the object of your affections is?” Nai’o teased. 
She blushed, and went back to milking in hopes that Nai’o couldn’t see her dark cheeks. “Affections?” she asked, when she had found her voice. 
Occasionally, the Majiri would say a word that Y/N did not recognise. It felt childish to have to ask what a word’s definition was (even if Y/N couldn’t remember her childhood). She had heard this word before, but not used in this way. 
“Ah, how to explain it…” Nai’o said, mostly to himself as he thought for a moment. “If you have affections for someone, you like them more than you like everyone else. We call it love. It’s different than the love you feel for your parents or siblings or a close friend. You want to spend the rest of your life with that person.”
She thought about this for a moment. She didn’t have parents that she could remember, but Sifuu had joked many times that she had adopted Y/N and was her makeshift mother. And Y/N would do just about anything for Sifuu, so she guessed that was love, in a way. But she certainly did not want to kiss Sifuu. And she felt a camaraderie with Hassian, which Sifuu had also mentioned that Hassian, her Shepp, worried over her like an older brother (Hassian was not thrilled that his mother had mentioned his concerns, much like when he found out she had told Y/N about the poetry). And the mere thought of kissing Hassian made her want to throw up. And she felt proud of him in ways similar to how Tish described feeling over Reth. Now that she thought about it, she figured that Sifuu and Hassian were like her family, similar to the Daiya family. But what did that make Reth?
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Reth lately,” Nai’o continued when she didn’t say anything. 
She had brought up the subject thinking about Reth, but now felt like she should be doing more for Sifuu and Hassian. But she liked finishing what she started, so she circled back in her mind to her ultimate concern: the weird pressing in her chest when she was with Reth.
“What are you suggesting?”
“I’m suggesting that you want to kiss Reth, don’t you?”
Her words stuck in her throat at his bluntness. Did she? “I don’t know.”
“I know what you can do,” He said, looking very proud of himself, “Go to Zeki’s and buy a box of chocolates. And then give it to Reth. See what he does.” He said with a wide smile, and he leaned down to pick up the now full bucket of milk. Y/N took the cue and followed him into the house, leaving the ormuu with a small pat. 
“I thought chocolates were gifts for married folk only.”
“I give chocolates to Kenyatta all the time, and we aren’t married. Don’t you want to be like her and I?”
Y/N wasn’t exactly sure that she did, as the image of him and Ken with lips locked resurfaced, but she guessed it couldn’t hurt. “Alright, I’ll try it, and let you know.”
He clapped his hands and jumped up, in a demeanor she had never seen on Nai’o. His nosiness surprised her. “Good, tell me all the details. Ken is gonna love this.”
They went into the house and Delaila showed Y/N how the churn worked, and let her try her hand at churning the butter, but ultimately Del sent her on her way with some jam, and promised to have the butter delivered when it was finished. 
– – – –
It wasn’t for many sun cycles that Y/N and Reth could work their schedules around and meet up to try the recipe. Anxiety bubbled in her chest at the thought of what she was going to do, but she also was apprehensive to cook again. After burning her hand, she had avoided her kitchen like it was tainted with the plague. As much as she had relished and replayed the memory of her mother in her head multiple times, she was scared it was going to happen again. Even though she was slowly growing used to recalling such an old memory, having it spring up so suddenly that first time was alarming. 
She had already spoken to Jina about it, and she had urged Y/N to continue trying new things in hopes of triggering another memory to resurface. Y/N wasn’t exactly sure that she wanted that to happen, but maybe she could learn more about her own past, and about what happened to the humans in general. 
So when the time came where Reth was on his way to her home, she was a little out of sorts. The box of chocolates was hidden in a cupboard until the right moment appeared, the ingredients (what she had) for the recipe were laid out on the counter, fresh water in the sink basin, and her home cleaned and reorganized. She had only had time to build two rooms since coming to Kilima, but her living-kitchen-entry was tidy and her bed was made in the next room. Even Eshe would be proud of the decorating. 
After what felt like ages of pacing the floor, finally she heard a knock on her door. Wiping her sweaty hands on the new dress she had bought from Jel for the occasion, she opened the door. 
There he stood, in a crisp blue button-down shirt, a bouquet of heartdrop lilies in hand, and a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, sweet-tooth. Ready to make Majiri food history?”
The sight of him alone was enough to make her swoon, but the flowers were something else entirely. 
“Of course, come in, make yourself at home. Shoes off, please.” Y/N said hoping she masked the nervousness in her voice, and she accepted the flowers from him while he took off his boots. They were beautiful, and she had just bought a new vase the week prior too, so the timing was perfect. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re lovely.”
“Not as lovely as you.” He replied all too quickly, causing Y/N to blush profusely. 
“Thank you.” She whispered, reaching into her cupboard for the vase and filling it with water. The flowers sat pretty on her table for two (she had crafted the second chair just for Reth that day), and the two of them washed their hands in preparation to cook.
“So first the recipe says to make the… the patty? I think it says.” Y/N said, looking at the open cookbook on the counter. 
Reth came up behind her, putting an arm on the counter next to her and looking over her shoulder to attempt to read the book. She blushed at his close proximity. She could feel his breath gently on her neck. 
“Sounds about right. I’ve never ground up meat before. How do you think we should do it?”
“Maybe we should just mince it and hope for the best.” She looked at him and was surprised just how close their faces were to one another. Despite her pounding heart, she liked being close to him. 
“I can do that, easy peasy.” Reth smiled, locking eyes with her. “Where are your kitchen knives?”
“Um… I’ll get one.” Y/N sputtered. She had to get ahold of herself! She should be cool.
It was increasingly hard with the heartdrop lilies on the table, seemingly watching her. 
While Reth minced the chapaa meat, Y/N worked on washing and cutting the tomatoes, lettuce, and onion. The recipe also called for something called ‘cheese’, but neither of them knew what that was, so they decided to just leave it out. They seasoned the minced meat with spice sprouts, wild garlic, and an egg, formed it into round patties, and grilled them on the stove. The recipe was worn over the part talking about the onions, so Reth suggested putting the onions on raw. And they didn’t have any ‘burger buns’, so they made do with hot hound buns instead.
"Hey, Reth, I have some news."
"Oh? Like what?" He asked, flipping one of the burger patties in the pan. She watched the action, and got distracted for a moment watching the muscles in his forearm ripple.
She twiddled her hands in anticipation. "I think I remembered something. About my past life, I mean."
At this, Reth perked up and gave his full attention to her. "Really? What did you remember?"
"It was odd, it just came so suddenly," Y/N started, then backtracked. "I was just cooking last week and burned myself, and I remembered a time when I was younger and had also burned myself while cooking, and my mother had taken me to the sink and run my hand under cold water to relieve the burn."
He thought about it for a moment, then replied, "Do you think you'll remember more things?"
"I don't know. I kind of hope so, but it was a little startling. Maybe next time it won't be as surprising."
He nodded, understanding. He could only sympathize with her since he would never experience losing all his memories and waking up in a strange place, but he was sure this was a new and exciting time for Y/N.
"Thank you for telling me. I hope you get to remember more about your past life."
"Of course, thanks for being here for me. No matter what I remember, though, you'll still be my favorite part of my new life."
Reth blushed at this, and went back to tending the meat in the pan, lest it burn like his cheeks.
The result of their efforts was a little oddly shaped, but upon sitting down to eat, found it was absolutely delicious. They enjoyed their meal together with good conversation, about Tish’s latest creation, Y/N’s new dress (Reth told her she looked absolutely stunning, cause her to nearly choke on her human burger in surprise), and Ashura mentioning something about a raise for Reth. And after, they washed the dishes together, standing too close together, arms touching, laughing and splashing water everywhere. 
It was the best night Y/N had had in a long time. And it was all thanks to Reth. 
“Hey, I’m having such a good time, do you think I could stay a little while longer?” He asked, when the last dish had been dried and put away.
“Of course, I don’t want you to go home yet either.” She admitted. 
“What would you like to do?” He asked, plopping down on the couch and sinking back into the cushions. 
“Actually, I have something for you.” Y/N admitted, feeling nervous and excited. Reth made her feel like she could do anything, and like she was on top of the world, and she hoped her gift would instill similar feelings in him. “But you have to close your eyes.”
He closed his eyes immediately, and her heart leapt at the sight. “Alright, I do love surprises.”
With a wide smile and shaking hands, she carefully pulled out the heart-shaped box of chocolates and sat down on the couch next to him. He sat up as he felt her weight on the couch next to him, and instinctively, she scooched closer to him until their legs were completely pressed together. 
She placed the chocolates on his lap gingerly. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
She watched as he opened his eyes, looking down at the box in his lap, then turned to look at her with such boyish joy in his eyes. Nothing could have prepared her for the energy in that room, filled with tension and joy and pure happiness and nervousness all at once. It was nearly overwhelming.
“You really want me to have these?” He asked, his voice not much above a whisper. 
“Of course, all for you. You deserve them.” Y/n said simply, though she wanted to proclaim that he deserved so much more than a simple box of chocolates. 
But he looked at her like she hung the flaming moon, like she was all he had ever wanted. Because, simply put, that’s exactly how he felt. 
“Y/N,” he started, carefully placing the chocolates on the coffee table in front of him, never taking his eyes off of hers, “You are the most generous, kind, beautiful soul I have ever met,” Now that his hands were free, he reached for hers. Gently caressing the backs of her hands with his thumbs, he gazed into her eyes with all the adoration in his heart. “I’m honored you would gift these to me. Thank you so much.”
Y/N was so happy she could cry. And she nearly did. Reth made her feel so safe and appreciated, and she knew he reciprocated everything she felt by the way he looked at her now. She glanced at his lips and wondered what they would feel like pressed to her own, and now she understood Kenyatta perfectly. 
He seemed to read her mind, moving one hand to her face, gliding his thumb over her cheekbone as he pressed his forehead to hers. With eyes closed to fully savor the moment, he whispered gently, “May I kiss you?”
Her heart was doing flips in her chest now as he moved ever closer, and she mewled out a meek ‘yes’, feeling the faint brush of his lips against her own due to their proximity. 
He wasted no time once she had consented, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. His hand on her face held her in place, and his other hand moved to her back to pull her closer. Her own hands rested on his strong forearm, and one on his shoulder as she deepened the kiss. He was all over her, invading her senses, and all she could think was more, more, more. She wasn’t sure what ‘more’ entailed, but she would happily spend the rest of her life figuring it out. She needed him impossibly closer, and he seemed to be thinking the same thing by the way his hands gripped the fabric of her dress. His tongue gently opened her mouth, allowing himself access to her. The sensation was foreign but she found it wasn’t unpleasant. She allowed him to explore her mouth for a little while, and just enjoyed the feeling of him pressed against her. 
Reth was ecstatic that Y/N returned his feelings, and was even happier that she was content to sit in his arms. He had dreamed of this moment ever since he first laid eyes on her, that first day she came into his world. He relished in the feeling of her so close, her warm body pressing ever closer, her hands wandering across his arms and back. She touched his neck at the base of his hair, and he simply melted into her touch. She was everything he could have ever wanted. 
He got so excited that he scooped his hands under her legs, chuckling at her gasp of surprise as he lifted her into his lap. Warm hands settled on her hips as she gazed into his eyes with all the love in her heart. He just wanted her closer, so he pulled her to his chest for a deep hug. He pet her hair, gently carding his fingers through as she sighed into his shoulder. Nuzzling her nose into his neck, Y/N sighed contentedly. She could sit like this forever, legs on either side of his, as close as she could possibly be, and wondered what she would have to do to make this a daily occurrence. 
“Reth?” She asked, after many minutes of just sitting in each other’s presence. 
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Will you be mine? Only mine?”
“Yes my love, I’m already yours.”
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going-to-ikea-for-the-fries · 9 months ago
For @the-californicationist's “Cali’s Nameless Challenge” writing challenge!
(Remember to leave your guess of who this is about in the comments!)
[ Challenge Masterlist ]
words: 560 (pushed it a little SORRY). cw: MDNI!, smut(tish), piv, terms of endearment (including daddy), you/your pronouns, afab!reader
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You've heard the recruits talking. They always do when they don't think anyone's listening. They're very judgmental, these kids. Makes you wanna go particularly hard on them during training when you remember the way they gossip.
They're always always talking about others, like school children, disrespecting their commanding officers, talking about their hair (head, facial and otherwise), their habits (smoking, drinking), their personal lives (or what they expect them to be), and, of course, their body types.
Their most recent victim, or, at least, the one you've heard referred to most often, is one you didn't expect. They know better than to mention someone like that, or, at least, you hoped they did.
Sure, he's not very intimidating looking, average height, average weight. His voice doesn't ring out through the halls whenever he's pissed and reaming out some recruit or soldier that serves beneath him.
But that should be more of a reason for them to fear him, not a reason for them to speak about him.
They lack the life/career experience to realize that bigger/louder doesn't always equal scarier.
Soldiers like you, like him, don't get where you are, at your age, without being a scary motherfucker, ready to shoot someone right between their eyes, only to then turn around and go have lunch as if nothing's happened. Especially not here.
But maybe you're biased.
After all, you notice the details about him.
The way his voice coos gently, softly, politely, full of understanding and care whenever he speaks to the soldiers around him.
The way his hands are calloused and rough, long fingers with cracked skin around the fingertips and knuckles.
The way his arms, ever hairy, despite rarely on display, cross over his chest when he's paying his full attention to people speaking to or around him.
The way his thick brows scrunch judgmentally when he hears someone say something stupid.
The way he leans back on window sills and balcony railings to light his cigarettes.
The way he looks at you, those big brown eyes all soft and fond, too gentle for a man that regularly trades shots with criminals.
The way he smiles and half-smirks, especially when you press your nose to his cheek, and pepper his moles with kisses.
The way his eyes, weighed down by deep eye bags, flutter over you whenever you lower yourself onto his leaky cock, your ass bouncing off his thighs with fervor.
The way he purrs words of praise in your ear while he fucks you from behind, his hands pushing down on your lower back, his body curled over yours to whisper in your ear.
The way he calls your name, first, middle, last, your rank too.
The way he uses terms of endearment.
"That's it, princess."
"Doing so well for me, baby girl."
"That feels good, doesn't it, pretty girl."
"Don't be too loud, can't let people hear how good I'm making you feel, heart."
"Just like that, moan for daddy, cutie."
What do those stupid fucking kids know? Nothing.
If only they could see him the way you do. But they can't. He doesn't want anyone to know the way he looks under his uniform.
All the better too... Easier to surprise people by how much of a punch he packs with a single haymaker.
Not to mention, you're not keen on sharing.
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pinkwright · 2 years ago
this look... dont let me open my mouth fr
Yo how many interviews did she do that day cause I’ve never seen this💀aww her little sister thought she was really dead🥺😭
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a-queer-fish · 2 years ago
finally watching the last of us but i made the horrible mistake of not eating before starting and now i need to take a break and watch something else so i can put food in my body lmao
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shslbunnylover · 1 year ago
★★★𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙤𝙩 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 22: 𝘿𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣)★★★
Character: Morticia Addams
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Dumbification, strap on use,
Genre: Smut
A/n: Yes, this was planned to be short! XD
Word count: 0.5k
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The familiar feeling of your aching cunt being stuffed with your girlfriend's strap on filled your body, your eyes rolling back into your head as you screamed out your thoughts.
You couldn't even think straight, your eyes were hooded, and the sight of Morticia leaning over you as her waist pounded into your center was too much for your libido.
Your body felt all warm and prickly with each touch from the ravenette, her hair falling down and gently touching your face as a stark contrast with how mercilessly she was fucking you into oblivion.
You couldn't hear anything she was saying, and you certainly couldn't speak, it was like your brain could only think using its libido.
Your legs were shaking, covered in your previous releases as you tasted the fluid from Morticia's fingers which she had stuffed inside of you really quick.
The sight of her was so breathtaking, the way sweat dripped down her face, the way she bit her lip just a little bit more with each thrust of her cock, the way her eyes looked down at your body with a predatory shine in them.
"Tish...Please..." You managed to whimper out, your eyes shutting as all of the energy you had left that wasn't sucked out by the intense sex was quickly used by your speech.
You could just barely see her smirk in response, leaning down to leave a trail of soft and tingly kisses across your neck, lowering her frame to place a hand on her neck, sucking out more moans from your mouth that you yourself could not even hear thanks to how thorough she had fucked you.
Her voice barely filled your ears, the sweet and sultry vocals making you shudder with each thrust she made.
"One more...Cum one more time for me..." She said, nibbling on your earlobe slightly as you felt your body build up another orgasm.
The bubbling in your stomach eventually became too much, and you could feel your walls tightening around nothing as Morticia pulled out of you, watching the cum squirt out of your pussy, covering your legs in another layer of the liquid.
You laid there in a moment of bliss, cuddling up to your girlfriends warm body as you remained silent, too fucked dumb to even think about speaking.
You could hear her now though, and her voice brought a comforting feeling in your chest as she shushed you to sleep, stopping you from attempting to speak by placing her finger on your lips.
"You can speak tomorrow," Morticia smirked, placing a kiss on your head as you drifted off into sleep.
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macherkissed · 2 years ago
Hey, could you please write Morticia Addams x reader pregnant x Gomez Addams. I know you've already written one story like that, but I mean more about their behavior after the reader have left the waters (sorry for my probably terrible English)
No worries about the English, you didn't do too bad at all. I hope you don't mind that it's in a headcanon format, like the other one.
How Gomez and Morticia react to you going into labour
Notes/Warnings; AFAB!Reader, pregnancy, labour, pain and slight mentions of the grossness of childbirth
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You probably react very differently to Morticia when you start getting contractions
Where she was stoic and matter-of-fact, even enjoying the pain, you’re a lot more reactive
You’re sat with Pubert on your lap, watching Wednesday and Pugsley’s presentation of sorts about historical burial techniques, when the twinges and jolts you’ve felt all day finally become a noticeable contraction
Even then, you don’t fully react above a gasp and exhale of pain, thinking it’s just another twinge of late pregnancy, until the next one about ten minutes later. You cry out, interrupting Pugsley in the middle of a faux-disembowling, and the children all look at you in shock until you say “The Baby’s coming.”
Thing gets the others together while the children help you down the many stairs, where Tish, Gomez, Fester, Grandmama, and Lurch are all waiting. The ready bag has been sat for almost a month now, but the final little bits have already been added and put into the car.
Lurch actually comes up and carries you the rest of the way down the stairs and is set to take you out to the car until you tell him that you’re fine, you can walk to the car. He places you down gently only for your hand to be instantly taken by Gomez with his arm around your waist.
Gomez and Tish are the only ones to come with you, Lurch driving, with everyone else coming along afterwards to see the newest addition to the family.
You have a hand in yours on either side as the contractions get worse, and they guide you into the hospital while coaching you through each contraction
You’re not quite ready to give birth just yet, so the two of them wait with you in the room. They want it to be over for you as quickly and painlessly as possible, so they’ll both encourage you to walk about as much as you can (probably joining Gomez in his pacing)
Morticia goes through breathing exercises when the contractions get too much, and they’ll each go through birthing positions with you to help ease the pain and encourage the baby to come quicker
When, finally, the nurse says that you’re ready, they’re both allowed to come in with you. Gomez wants to know every detail of what you’re feeling, and though Tish won’t ask outright, she’s just as fascinated as him about your pained reactions
Gomez will hold your hand and shower you in compliments that, even in your pain, you can’t think to yell at him for. Morticia will be petting your head, speaking carefully and soothingly.
You have no idea how long the labour lasts, you don’t care much about that, but you know that at some point the pain subsides and you hear a cry that makes Gomez’ face brighten and your heart lift.
The baby is placed on your chest, face all scrunched up and gummy mouth open in a cry, still covered in goop and blood. They soon quiet down at the feeling of your skin and their eyes open a little. Their first sight is of you, sweaty and gross and flushed, and Gomez and Tish, all smiling at them in pure love.
Afterwards, when the baby is cleaned up, you have a moment with your lovers and the newest member of the family. Gomez is the first, after you, to hold them and does so with proud tears in his eyes. He kisses the small bundle on the head before passing them to Morticia, and then he comes over to hug you and kiss you as Morticia tells you how proud of you they both are, how amazing you are, how beautiful you are and always will be to them.
You stay overnight for observation, for both you and the newborn, and Morticia stays with you while Gomez goes home to make sure everything is ready for the baby. She sleeps in the bed with you and wakes with you when the baby starts fussing, helping you with anything you’re not sure about.
When you get home, the rest of the family is awkwardly gathered in the living room, waiting to be introduced to the newest member of the family.
First to see the baby are their siblings. Wednesday looks over them with her usual stoicism and introduces herself, while Pugsley has a grin on his round face when the baby tries to put his finger in their mouth before Morticia guides his hand away. Pubert is fascinated, being only a small child himself, and is actually a little cautious to touch them until Gomez encourages hm and he giggles at the way they grab his finger so tightly.
Grandmama has brought them a small bear she made, their first toy, and Fester coos at them but doesn’t touch them in case he gives them a shock. Lurch is stoic and still until the baby grabs one of his fingers and burbles, when he smiles a little and hums.
The baby is enthralled by Thing but doesn’t flinch when he scuttles up into the bed. Wide eyes and mouth open, the baby reaches over and grabs his middle finger, and Thing shakes their hand which makes them babble again.
You're glad that the baby feels comfortable with the attention, since there is bound to be a party for the newborn in the coming months, just as there was with your pregnancy announcement.
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hertwood · 1 year ago
Thinking a lot abt scenario 1 recently. Adding this to the propaganda
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been thinking about het britcedes in my free time and i cannot decide which version i like more. we have boy lewis whos this older established driver and has this new hotshot girl in f1 teammate and he's gotta set a good example as a Feminist Ally™ which very much includes Not fucking her but god she keeps looking at him through those pretty eyelashes whats a man supposed to do
OR we have established, paving the way for girls in f1, girl lewis, with this new young teammate who's actually giving her a run for her money and she's getting all this flack that shes past her prime etc etc and itd be so easy to be mad at him over it but he acts like the sun shines out of her ass 24/7. so she cant really be mad, can she
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ficsofabotchedmind · 1 year ago
For better or worse? Time will tell.
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Summary? None.
Once again, thank you @cissyenthusiast010155 ! If it wasn't for you I'd be fucked (in the bad way). 🥹
Warnings? Yes; NSFW, 18+, smut, oral sex, slight, if any at all, Angst.
Larissa sat in her chair by the fire thinking of what had transpired earlier in the day. Did she really think that letting the offspring of Morticia and Gomez Addams into Nevermore was a good idea? No.
Did she think that pairing her with Enid Sinclair was a good idea? Yes.
The girls reminded Larissa much of herself and Morticia back in the day. Enid was like Morticia personality wise, bubbly & friendly. Wednesday reminded Larissa of herself, standoffish & firm.
Larissa couldn't help but pray that whatever she had just allowed to happen wouldn't come back a bite her in the ass.
She snorted to herself at the thought, she knew damn well it would come back and bite her. It always would dealing with someone who is part Frump. Now don't get her wrong, she has no issue with Wednesday, just one with her mother.
Larissa let out a heavy sigh, took a long swallow of her wine and started thinking back to when her and Morticia were still students in Nevermore.
Nevermore, 1990
"Morticia, you can't just go around doing that!" Larissa exclaimed through giggles
Morticia, quite busy with her head in Larissas neck, didn't care at the moment. She just enjoyed the sounds she was pulling from her leggy, blonde girlfriend.
"Morticia, I'm serious! Enough!" Larissa hissed out, "I think I hear someone coming."
Morticia let out a quiet snicker but thought better of saying what she wanted to say, "Yes, mon amour, whatever your heart desires."
Larissa thought for a second and grumbled, "My heart desires for us to have a moments peace." she thought a bit more a smirked, "And so does my body."
"Oh you flirt! You can't expect me not to do anything after you say something like that." Morticia exclaimed through a pout
Larissa let out a giggle and opened her mouth but before she could say anything further she was proven right, and next thing she knew Gomez popped around the corner.
Larissa, while not a werewolf, let out the most impressive growl anyone has ever heard.
Upon hearing the sound emerge from her girlfriend Morticia shivered in excitement but from what she could tell out of the corner of her eye, Gomez did the exact opposite.
Larissa, upon her realization that she scared the boy damn near out of his wits, smirked.
"How can we help you, Gomez?" asked Larissa through gritted teeth and a fake smile.
Gomez, now nervous, let out a shaky laugh, "I was just wondering if I could speak with, Tish?"
Larissas teeth ground together upon hearing the nickname the Addams boy gave Morticia.
"Tish?" Larissa asked
"Y-yes? Oh! Um, I meant Morticia!" stuttered Gomez nervously
Morticia noticing that her normally loving and kind girlfriend seemed to want to snap Gomez's neck at any moment accepted the offer to speak with him, "I'll be right with you, Gomez. Now run along."
As Gomez rounded the door out of earshot Larissa hissed, "Are you fucking joking, Morticia? That boy has had his eyes on you ever since he's arrived! Are you sure you wish to speak with him,-" Larissa had to take a deep breath before she spat out, "-privately?"
Morticia sighed, she knew of Gomez's feelings but was not in the mood to entertain them today. She gently approached Larissa, who had moved across the room while in a huff, cupped her cheeks, stood on her toes and pressed a gentle, loving kiss to Larissas lips.
"My darling shifter, I will not fall for his little attempts. He can wish all he wants,-" Morticias smile grew more provocative, catching her bottom lip between her teeth, let her hands wonder, "-but he will NOT be getting anything from me." and with that Morticia drew Larissa in for a long, deep kiss.
Once pulling away, Larissa seemed in a daze at first but slowly snapping out of it, she muttered to Morticia, "Ok, I trust you. I just don't trust him."
Morticia, with a wicked gleam and an evil smirk, "I know, ma chérie but he will lay no hand on me for if he does, I'll cut his dick off with that lovely sword mounted in the hall."
At that being said Morticia turned and walked off, throwing one last look of one can only describe as pure sex towards the blonde.
Larissa shivered in arousal, "That woman will be the death of me."
2 hours later
"Hello, my love!" Morticia giggled out as she entered their shared dorm, "What are you up too?"
"I am trying to figure out how this stupid fucking essay is going to work!" Larissa was far beyond frustrated with this essay and Morticia could see that if she didn't distract her girlfriend now, there would be trouble in the very near future.
Morticia thought about what was interrupted earlier and smirked, "Oh darling! W-"
Larissa interrupted before Morticia even got to speak, "Not now, Mo. This has to be finished by next week."
Morticia cocked a brow, she could not bel-well yes, she could. So she just had to get more creative and so she removed her school uniform and stood directly in front of Larissa.
Larissa caught sight of bare skin in front of her a furrowed her eyebrows and slowly looked up and what traveled through her mind, "Oh good God. Her legs, n-no underwear. Oh dear God she hasn't worn underwear all fucking day! God her stomach looks biteable, damn fucking bra in the way. Oh of course she's smug, I'm fucking drooling."
"Have you decided on what or who you'd rather do, my stately Sequoia?" Morticia asked with a dirty smirk firmly in place
"Yes! God yes!" Larissa got out as she shoved her books off of the bed and stumbled to get up.
Morticia giggled at Larissa and her excitement of finally getting what she was robbed of a little over 2 hours earlier.
"Be careful, we don't want you to hurt anything, my darling." Morticia got out through a fit of giggles
And once Larissa had finally gotten herself and her bed right and ready, "Alright, all done! No more schoolwork or anything like it, promise!"
Morticia smirked and unhooked her bra and let it fall, "Good, now where were we?"
And all during the night you would have thought that neither girl was human with the sounds they each were making. Luckily the dove had out a spell on the room after formulating her little plan.
Present day, 2022
Larissa drained the last bit of the bottle of wine and sighed, "So much for not falling for his tricks, eh Morticia..."
"I didn't fall for them completely, my love." upon hearing that she whirled around and spotted Morticia.
"What are doing here this, Mrs. Addams?" Larissa gritted out
Morticia expecting the hostility in her tone, made sure to keep hers calm, "I was hoping to speak with you, Larissa."
"What about? It's too late in the day to want to talk about your daughter and her academics. So what do you want?" hissed an angry Larissa
"I want to talk about us, my darling. And before you say anything, I have had a talk with Gomez! We have agreed that as long as the other person is happy then they may see other people." Morticia said, worrying at her nails
Larissa, not believing a single word at first, looked down. Morticia was ruining her nails, something she never did unless she was truly nervous.
"It will take some time for me to truly believe you, Morticia." Larissa spoke cautiously
Morticia smiled up on hearing her name being said without anger and bitterness behind it, "Yes! Sorry, yes I can accept that."
"Good, now if you'd please leave. We can talk more tomorrow" Larissa said, desperately needing Morticia to leave so she can retreat back to her room to handle the wet problem they both caused.
Making sure to keep her legs as close as possible when she walked, she approached Morticia and desperately tried to guide her out, but the woman wouldn't budge.
Larissa, looking down about to say something, noticed a smirk on the doves face. "Oh no, she's noticed." Larissa thought, "she's like a bloody hound! Quick, Larissa! Say something to get her out!" and yet the woman couldn't form a single sentence.
"Do you you really want me to leave?" Morticia questioned innocently, "Or would you like for me to sit you on that desk and make you scream my name?" she then said not so innocently.
Larissa mind skidded to a halt, her body growing warmer by the second, underwear no so very clearly sticking to her, she gave a shaky, "Yes, please."
Did Larissa think this was a good idea? No, because she couldn't fucking think.
Morticia guided Larissa to sit upon her desk, "Lean back, ma chérie."
Larissa, knowing she was not steady at all, propped up on her elbows and watched as the raven-haired goddess dropped to her knees. Growing water by the second she made a whining noise to which Morticia immediately silenced with a look.
"Be patient, Larissa. You'll get what you want, just wait a bit. Now, hips up." Morticia crooned out as she bunched Larissas skirt around her hips and slid her very soaked underwear down her long legs.
"No touching, keep your hands at your sides, and NO moving your hips." Morticia stated
"Deal! Now, just bloody get on with it, woman!" Larissa whined out
Morticia smirked and let her tongue trail through Larissa, basking in the taste the was her first and forever love.
Morticia gripped Larissas thighs and held them apart and took her time nipping at each one, drawing helps and whines out of Larissa.
"Oh fuck." Larissa breathed out as Morticia circled her tongue around the throbbing bud.
Morticia let a smirk tug at her lips enjoying the fact she still has such an effect on the woman. Morticia applied immediate, hard pressure with her tongue to Larissas throbbing and swollen bud and that earned the loudest groan that she's ever heard from the woman above her.
Larissa, giving up her fight to stay upright, laid back and gripped the edges of her desk so tight her, knuckles turned white.
"Fuck, Tisha! Please for the love of God, stop teasing!" Larissa cried out.
Morticia, glaring through her lashes, gave a sharp nip to Larissas clit in retaliation, with that Larissa yelped but shut up and Morticia soothed the sting with a broad lick.
While above, Larissa was flushed, panting, trembling, and whining. All she could think was, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, ffffuckkkk!"
Morticia latched onto Larissas clit and gave a sharp suck, and Larissas hips bucked into her mouth at that. Morticia used that as a distraction to plunge in two fingers, starting a hard and fast pace immediately.
Larissa let out a sharp, pleasured filled scream at the feeling, a smile forming, eyes hooded, brows furrowed, breathing ragged, nothing but screams emerging at the feeling of the fast and relentless pace Morticia set from the start with her fingers and the feeling of Tisha's tongue, teeth, and lips on her clit.
Morticia dragged her nails carefully against the sweet spot inside the woman above her, causing her hips to jerk and a squeak to erupt from her mouth. Still relentless with her place she started curling her fingers as she pulled out, reveling in the sounds it drew from the taller woman.
Feeling Riss's walls contracting around her fingers caused Morticia to speed up her motions. No matter how much her wrist was cramping all she wanted was to draw an orgasm out of the woman above her. Give her something much better than Larissa could give herself in this moment.
Larissa, growing closer, let out a whine, "T-Fuck! Close! Tisha, I'm close!"
Morticia changed the angel a bit, shifting one of Larissas legs up in the air and down a bit as best she could from her position on the floor between the woman's legs.
With the new angle Morticias finger were able to drive deeper reaching spots that haven't been touched in so long.
Morticia could feel that Larissa was on the brink and let her eyes flicker open and up, "Go ahead, ma chérie. Let go for me, my darling." and with that said latched back on successfully driving the woman above her over the edge fast and hard.
"Fuck! God yes! T-Tisha, thank you." Larissa screamed out and continued singing Morticias name as if it was a pray in and of itself.
After successfully driving the woman she loves to 2 strong orgasms she brings her back down to earth. Gently lapping at her, cleaning her. She stands and carefully lowers Larissas leg down to lie on the desk, dangling off the edge bent at the knee.
Morticia grasps Larissas hand and carefully brushes some strands of hair, that had fallen out of the perfect up do, off of her sweaty forehead.
"Let's get you cleaned up, my love." Morticia gently guiding Larissa up and into her apartment off to the side of the office.
Getting the bath drawn and Larissa undressed and bathed all went with ease, and now lying in bed beside the woman curled around her, "Get some sleep, ma chérie. We shall talk in the morning about everything and I promise you, I will never leave you again."
Larissa had no strength to reply but instead pressed a soft kiss to Morticias shoulder and lay her head back down and snuggled in.
The next morning
Morticia was still by her side, she didn't lie. Let's just say more than a talk was had and the dearly loved principal of Nevermore could be seen walking a tad funny and the smirk adorning Morticias face was unmistakable.
Wednesday recognized everything clearly. Of course she had, she an Addams after all and living with her parents had taught her things. To say she was disgusted was an understatement but it wasn't because it was two women, she's more open-minded than that. She was disgusted that it was her mother and the principal.
Wednesday mused to herself with an evil smirk, "Well, at least now I can do as I wish with my time."
Boy was she wrong.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 2 years ago
Bend us, Break us Pt. 4 ~Sub!Larissa Weems xSub!Morticia Addams xFem Dom!Tall!Shapeshifter!Reader
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Anon request—(What sets Reader off is when she peaks into Rissa's office and sees them masterbating side by side but they don't know Reader saw till she gets home) (Biting kink(likes to bite and be bit, Morticia), spanking(both), Daddy kink(both), shapeshifter peen(Reader), praise kink(both), they both absolutely PREEN at being called good girls and melt on the spot (literally ruined underwear).
Link to Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, teasing, spanking, bondage, vibrator, punishing, strap fucking, doggystyle, biting kink, Daddy kink, spanking kink, praise kink, degrading kink, shapeshifting d!ck, etc…
Part 4 & End of mini series
Enjoy (;
Both women continued their administrations, recording it all, but little did they know… you had stayed right outside Larissa’s cracked open door, watching their every single move…
When you had seen enough to cause you to soak through your knickers, you walked off with a ache in between your legs and one determined thought, Larissa and Morticia were going to pay for that bratty act…
You went through the entire day with an ache in between your legs and the ingraved image of Larissa and Morticia fucking themselves in Larissa’s office… They had broken your rules and they were going to pay for it… It had been eating away at you all day. And the soonest you could do something about it, you would.
Morticia had planned to send the little mighty video to you at dinner, but you decided to see the two right after your last class, skipping dinner all together. You walked down the corridors to Morticia’s classroom, catching the class as it dismissed.
You walked up and around the desk to the goddess in her black dress. Morticia’s eyes lit up at the sight of you. Without warning you scooped the the woman up and she instinctually straddled your waist. You then pushed her against the wall as your lips attacked hers.
“Daddy…?” Morticia desperately whimpered through the dominating kiss.
“I advise you don’t speak until your spoken to, slut…” you growled, drinking in the reaction you were getting from her.
Morticia merely whimpered and nodded in response.You then carried her through her classroom and out to the corridor, while your lips were still ravaging hers. Morticia’s breath hitched as you began walking through the corridors, with the very real possibility of you two being caught.
Morticia was pulled out of her head when she felt you bite down on her pressure point, making her cry out in pleasurable pain. You had broken her skin and when you fiercely connected your lips back to hers, Morticia could taste her blood on your tongue, making her moan only more.
You made it quickly to Larissa’s office, barging in without knocking, and placing a breathless and needy Morticia on the desk of the blonde.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have to call you back…” Larissa quickly told whoever was on the phone, before quickly hanging up.
“Strip, sweet slut…” you husked into Morticia’s ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine.
You then turned your attention over to Larissa who was sitting at her chair, stunned and confused. You walked over to her side of the desk.
“You haven’t been a very good girl… Neither has ‘Tish…” you purred with an edge.
Larissa blushed, recalling her earlier activities, but she though Morticia hadn’t sent the video yet.
“What do you mean, Daddy…?” Larissa asked, switching glances from you who was towering above her to Morticia who had bite marks and hickeys all over her neck and was now sitting on the edge of the desk, completely naked.
“Get up.”
Larissa immediately followed your word, and you quickly swapped position with the blonde, tripping her to fall leaned over on your lap. Larissa yelped at the sudden change. You quickly rolled up her dress to reveal her cream colored ass.
“Watch what happens when you break the rules…” you purred towards Morticia, who was sitting stone still, gawking at your and Larissa.
Larissa cried out in pain with a mixture of pleasure as smacked her ass. Hard.
“Fuck Daddy…! Please…!” Larissa whimpered.
“I saw you earlier today…” you warily purred, “Take your punishment like a good girl.”
Both the women’s eyes widened at the realization of what you were referring to.
“Did you really think you could get away with being so bratty and not get punished my Daddy…?” You lustfully spewed.
“Oh God Daddy please I’m sorry…” Larissa cried out.
“Shhhh… Be too loud sweet girl and the whole school will know who you belong to…” you chuckled, as you caressed the blonde’s flush red ass.
You then placed the flushed blonde, her legs trembling, on the other side of the desk, walking back around to a whimpering Morticia who was practically begging to be put in her place…
You eyed her luscious, naked form, licking your lips hungrily…
“So you can be a good girl and follow instructions…?” You toyed.
Morticia nodded vigorously, pleading with you, “Yes Daddy please I’ll be such a good girl…!”
You scooped her back up, her legs locking into your waist once more and her face nuzzling itself in your neck, her lips leaving kisses and bite marks along your neck. You let out a strained moan at her administrations.
With that you turned to Larissa, “Strip and wait for me. I’ll be back, sweet slut…” you purred with that same punishing edge.
Larissa gulped and nodded, “Yes Daddy…” she whispered.
You then turned back around and carried Morticia into Larissa’s private quarters, which were attached to her office. You threw the goddess on the bed.
“Yes Daddy…” she whimpered.
You went to Larissa’s closet and rummaged through her drawer of toys. Once you’d located your toys of choice, you stripped down to your undergarments. You came out of the closet and met Morticia’s gaze, whose mouth dropped at the sight of you.
“Like something you see, sweet slut…?” You teased.
Morticia gulped and nodded, “You… stunning…” she whispered, practically speechless at your sleek, black garter lingerie set.
“Awww, my sweet sluts already dumb with words…?” You toyed with her.
It was then that Morticia noticed what your were holding in your hands. She whimpered as she noticed you holding silk ties and a small vibrator. You then came to straddle the goddess and placed her spread out across the bed for you to properly tie her up. Morticia moaned out at how dominant you were being. You grabbed her wrist and tied it to the bedpost. And then the other. You then placed the vibrator on her clit and turned it on, causing Morticia to yelp.
“Not a word…” you warned her, “and don’t even think about cumming…”
Morticia whimpered in response and reluctantly nodded, pulling lightly on her restraints. You then got off of her and went back to the office to attend to Larissa. You entered the office to find a needy and completely naked Larissa, sitting on the edge of her desk.
“Ass still sore?” You toyed with the blonde.
Larissa’s eyes widened at the sight of what you were wearing, “Yes Daddy…” she whimpered.
You came over to her and slotted yourself in between her legs.
“And just how wet did me spanking your pretty little ass make you, slut…?
Larissa whimpered in response, arching her back for your touch, “so wet Daddy… please Fuck so wet…”
You hummed in satisfaction with her answer, then scooping her up with a yelp from Larissa and carrying her bridal style to her bed. You placed her on the floor on the edge of the bed, and you then sat yourself on the edge of the bed, your cunt merely hidden from Larissa by your black knickers.
You both could hear the vibrator and Morticia desperately trying to muffle her moans and cries. Larissa bit her lip and blushed at the sight. You grabbed her chin and swiveled it back to you.
“Be a good girl and make Daddy feel good…” you purred, opening your legs even more.
Larissa immediately obeyed, whisking your knickers off and delving her tongue into your soaked cunt. You grabbed her blonde curls, which she had taken down while you had been gone, and tugged her even deeper into your pussy with a guttural moan.
“Fuck… such a good girl right there…!” You moaned out.
Larissa desperately rutted her hips into nothing as she ate you out with her skilled tongue. Morticia pulled against her ties and tried her hardest not to cry as the vibrator edged her on and she watched you unravel in front of her.
You were quick to come, screaming how much of a good girl Larissa was being, which only made Larissa even more needy and desperate. Morticia was also a mewling mess, bucking her hips violently in need for some sort of release. Once you had come down from your high you ordered Larissa to untie Morticia and for them both to wait patiently on the bed. The two scrambled to your command, in hope that you would have mercy on them.
When you turned around from the edge of the bed, their mouths dropped. You smirked as they gawked at your shifted member. You could see both of their brains completely short circuiting in that moment.
“Tell me what you want, sweet sluts…” you tauntingly purred.
“Want you to fuck me Daddy…!” Larissa pled, the first and most desperate to speak.
“Wanna be bitch fucked Daddy please!!” Morticia cried.
You chuckled at their neediness. Although you yourself needed release pretty quickly as well…
“‘Rissa spread yourself out on the bed. ‘Tish, sweet girl, ride ‘Rissa’s face, while Daddy fucks her to high heaven.” You purred.
Both women moaned in delight at your words. And they were quick to follow your words. Morticia swiftly straddled the blondes head as soon as she had splayed herself out on the bed. A pornographic moan escaped Morticia’s lips as Larissa’s tongue swiped through her folds.
“That’s right…” you purred, lining yourself up to Larissa’s aching cunt, “Tell everyone who owns you, sweet slut…”
With that, you slid into Larissa heat, causing Larissa’s eyes to roll back and a cry of pleasure to escape her lips and vibrate into Morticia’s core. You let out a groan as you bottomed the blondes delicious cunt out.
“Fuck— Daddy please…” Larissa mewled through Morticia’s cunt, “Fuck me please!!”
You didn’t need to be told twice with how she was squeezing your dick… you began pounding into the blonde, eliciting moans and cries from Larissa, begging you not to stop.
“Oh GOD fuck Daddy M’mm close!! Wanna cum please…!!” Morticia cried out, rutting her hips against Larissa’s face.
“Me too Daddy Fuck me!!!” Larissa screamed as you pounded into that spongey spot inside her.
“Fuck, come for me good girls… Daddy’s close too…” you groaned.
In one fell swoop, all three of you came; Morticia squirting her juices all over Larissa’s face, Larissa clenching around and milking your cock, and you spurting you cum and painting Larissa’s walls with the sticky substance. And they cried out your name like broken records.
Once everyone had started to regain their composures, you carefully slid out of Larissa. Larissa mewled in her sex fog in response.
“Awww, is my good girl fucked dumb already…?” You teased.
“Just… need a break Daddy…” Larissa whimpered.
“That’s alright, sweet girl, Daddy needs to bitch fuck your slutty friend anyway…” you purred, glancing over to Morticia with a glint in your eye.
Morticia’s senses pricked up at your words.
“Yes please Daddy!! Fuck me please…!” She pled.
You chuckled and went to scoop up Larissa and place her against the head board.
“Be a good girl for Daddy as I rail your slutty friend, hmmm?” You purred, cupping the blondes cheek and giving her a peck on the lips.
Larissa lightly nodded with a gentle smile.
You then went around and grabbed Morticia’s hips, making her yelp. You dragged her in a position where she was facing Larissa, on all fours with her ass in the air.
Your cock was dripping with Larissa’s juices, as it hit Morticia’s clit. Morticia moaned out in desperation, raising and wiggling her ass in her neediness.
“Use your words, good girl…” you purred into her ear, making Morticia shiver.
“Fuck me Daddy!! Fuck me so hard pound into me God please…!!” She begged with strained cries.
And you were more than happy to comply. You both groaned as you sheethed yourself into her aching cunt. You were quick to snap your hips and ram your dick fully into Morticia’s tight hole, making her cry out in pleasurable pain. And then you fucked her. Hard.
You had Morticia cumming over and over again, while Larissa just watched with a stunned face as you fucked Morticia dumb. When you had properly filled her pretty pussy, you finally relented and pulled out of her. Morticia whined from overstimulation, and you immediately brought her into your lap.
“You did so good for Daddy… were such a good girl…” you purred, while caressing her cheek.
At that Morticia nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck. And Larissa was quick to snuggle into your side. You shifted back to your normal cunt with a sigh of relief, and morphed into the other two women’s embrace with a caring smile.
Tag list: @scream-queenlover @weemssapphic @dopenightmaretyphoon @s-c-rambledegggs @fleurdemaesblog @ladyzmilf002 @principal-weems09 @hercules240414 @grumpyheartbear @bigolgay @specialsatyr @wandanatslittlewhore @sicklygrlsicklygrl @snakeskins-world @lilsmeaux @muddledthoughts @teenybean @thesamesweetie @enchantressb @opheliauniverse @blessmysouljessisonaroll @shyladyfan @lady-darkswan3 @v3nusxsky @willowshadenox
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