#tis the magic of eid ✨
sukugo · 2 years
for today's dream we have: Homoerotic Twincest!
so!!! the dream was as if i were watching a show. the show had 2 eps and it went like this:
we have episode 1.
the story is about two twins. let's call them Twin A and Twin B. they look kinda like rin okumura from ao no exorcist, just for u guys to have a visual idea. A and B are twins, but they very much have a older brother-middle brother dynamic going on (id say younger brother but middle brother is more the vibe)
(it does end up being revealed they have a younger brother tho so i guess it's accurate but shhh spoilers for ep 2)
also as in classic shounen protag way, they don't have parents, so A is the one who takes care of them.
so yes, these twin brothers have powers. the source of these powers is a small blue crystal that takes place in their throats.
what happens is that Twin B kind of has special powers/is more powerful and Twin A wants to be more powerful. so what he tries to do is take the crystal away from B. and we have A, along with a few of his friends, going after B.
this brings me to the other cast! Twin A has a girlfriend, who is also part of the group chasing B. the other friends (i think they were 2) aren't really important lmao
so a fight breaks out! while Twin A has a group and Twin B is alone, B is still proving hard to catch. Twin A finally reaches, on the top of a high platform with some strips branching out. They fight, A tries to take the crystal, he comes really close BUT Twin B has mastered how to break down the crystal into little pieces and have it surge around his body instead of being lodged in his neck in one piece.
they keep fighting, both of them moving towards the edge of the platform, which looks down to a pretty high drop. A punches B, he kicks him, but B is too agile and he evades! throwing A to the edge of the platform, and following him. they struggle against each other, hits exchanged on the floor, UNTIL B pins A to the ground.
and now they're looking at each other, huffing breaths, A giving B a vicious glare, oozing hostility, while B has him trapped underneath him, A's leg pulled to his chest while B pushes against him.
the platform creaks under them from their weight
Twin A's girlfriend and all his friends can only stare at the exchange from afar, and the way the legs of the structure holding them start bending.
and the twins stare at each other, A raging, B solemn. and they stare, and the platform is kinda breaking and shit, its crumbling under their weight and fuck, panic rises in A, eyes widening as he tries to get B off him but B doesn't budge and the creaks under them get louder and fuck, B what are you doing, we're going to fall, get off me--
B presses their lips together.
A is stunned, he doesn’t move, while B presses further into the kiss. they separate and they share looks, longing on B and realization on A
the platform crumbles beneath them and they fall
-end of ep 1-
so the episode ends there but!! the dream was kinda interesting as in there were fandom/tumblr reactions running parallel to the show lmaooo
so like at the same time the episode was playing, next to it we had the fandom on tumblr reacting to everything as it happened. and boy did people (and me lmao) go fucking crazy with the kiss. we were all screaming bc holy shit, they KISSED and did this show fucking give us canon twincest??? it was insanity
but anyways let's move on to episode 2.
episode 2 takes place some days/week after the events of ep 1. things have cooled down after all that. they survived the fall obvs bc uh magic powers and all that 
so apparently the whole im tryna kill u and taking the stone from u was a spur-of-the-moment thing, A and B are literally super cool now (gay ppl and their dramatics i guess 🙄) but yeah things are all resolved between them they're Bros (TM) again
*coughs* perhaps a bit more than bros 👀
turns out after the whole revelation and B confessing his feelings with that kiss, Twin A has recognized that yeah, he wants to kiss his brother too!!! so yeah!! they kiss now!! and fuck too i guess idk we didn’t get to see that much 😔
so yes, for ep 2 we start with A and his girlfriend in an office/workshop at the university where they study. a teacher is there but he's on his own desk working.
A and Girlfriend are sitting on a table and Girlfriend says they need to talk. also for some reason B is also there with them lmao
so well by talk Girlfriend means she's breaking up with A. she starts telling A that it's not personal, that she just realized that their thing would not work out in the long run bc, and i quote, "you have brothers whose mouths u have to feed, whose bodies you have to keep warm" AND THE LOOK TWIN A AND B HAVE GIVEN EACH OTHER WHEN SHE SAID THAT I SCREAMED
(oh girl they're keeping each other's bodies warm all right)
SO THE FANDOM'S GOING CRAZY OBVIOUSLY. bc we're all stuck between did she see kiss or did she not see the kiss. bc why would she break up with him now, after that event, WHY would she frame it like that, like girl??? what do u know?????? (guess we'll have to keep watching to find out)
so yeah that happens, and the ep ends with a flashback of A and B the day before sitting on the floor of their bedroom making out 
and that’s the dream :D
stay tuned for ep 3!!! if i ever have it lmao
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