#tippy tries to draw things
honestsycrets · 1 year
Hey! if your requests are open can you do a drabble where the spider society meets Miguel's and readers baby for the first time? like they show up with her one day where the sitter couldn't make it or something and it's so wild to see Miguel be so soft with her
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❛ summary | Miguel doesn't feel secure letting anyone watch his daughter-- not even Peter. or, gwen tries to hold miguel's daughter for the first time.
❛ sy's notes | slightly different than the request above but still in the same vein.
❛ tags | reader and child from starved, family piece, some angst, some sweetness, reference to loss of child, mention of pregnancy.
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He just had to do it. 
Despite the fact that Miguel knew everything about his body being amped up, he missed how it felt. In his rush to have sex, he didn’t consider the possibility that you could have been ovulating. That the temporary amenorrhea wouldn’t last. It was his miscalculation. A miscalculation resulted in Mireya’s presence in his lab, chewing on his knuckle as some poor substitute for a teething toy. 
“Ay chingado, where is that pinche--” he huffed under his breath, rummaging around his cluttered desk for the damn toy. Mireya pinched down on his finger again with those bright brown eyes, twinkling with mischievous curiosity for why her papi was cussing again. His claw popped forth, drawing a fantastic giggle careening from her lips. Miguel retracted them again, shaking his hand out at his side. “Are those fangs or teeth in there, mija, hm?” 
“That’s cute.” 
In his preoccupation with his daughter, he hadn’t necessarily heard the pitter-patter of feet behind him. Despite what everyone might think, Miguel doesn’t like visitors in his lab. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, realizing that it was Gwen in the lab. Great, he expelled a great puff of air. Wherever Gwen was, Jess or Peter never seemed to be too far behind. 
“What is?” 
“Mireya,” she bounced forward, hands behind her back, inspecting Mireya with a twinge of a smile. It grew on her lips, just a little. She flicked her index finger, making a point that he really didn’t feel like hearing. “And you too. I mean, even if you cuss a little at her. You’re so soft with her.”
“Enjoy the sight while it lasts.” Miguel bit out, drawing into a little sigh as he cradles his daughter close. “But I’m not cussing at her, I’m looking for her teething chew-- which is not my finger, Mireya.”
She bites down on his palm. Miguel’s face screws up in annoyance, rather than pain, settling a small kiss on the top of her head. Her soft baby curls tickle his lips. He turns back to his panels, inspecting the anomaly he had been tracking all afternoon. She bites him again.
“Wherever that thing went, carajo! Lyla, ¿dónde está?!” He forgot that his daughter had a low tolerance for his outbursts. Unlike Gwen, Peter, or even you, Miguel was usually well aware of his rising volume. Gwen held up her palms.
“No, mi vida, no, I’m sorry,” Mireya’s lower lip quivered, revving up in another sharp cry that Miguel hardly had the patience for. Her cry burst free, causing Miguel to tear away from Gwen, sliding Mireya onto his broad shoulder. He pats her back gently. “Is there a reason you’re here?” 
“Your wife sent me to help you. I’d… I’d really like to hold her. I mean. If you’re willing.” 
"¿Qué?" Miguel hissed, hiding the flash of displeasure that ripped across his face. Of course, you sent a teenage kid to come take a daughter from him! Why wouldn’t you? No way in hell— he took a step away, the sharpest way he could say no. Almost a year old and still Gwen had not held her. 
“She shouldn’t have. I don’t need help.”  
“She said you’d say that,” Gwen tippy-toed up to Miguel’s shoulder, peeping at Mireya’s big brown eyes. She screwed them shut, burning through another red-hot wail of pain. If Gwen didn't leave him alone--
“What exactly did she say?”
“Mireya’s teething and Miguel has a bad temper.” 
A bad temper, she said. Miguel scrunched up his nose. 
“Tch. Of course, I never would have guessed.” 
He heard another set of feet. Two, actually. He expected to see Peter’s too-happy smile beaming at him like an aggravating ray of morning light. He didn’t, however, expect your eyes to stare right back at him. Your voice cut right through Mireya’s inconsolable cries. 
“Miggy, are you giving Gwen a hard time?” 
He chewed on his words, using his foot to roll his chair out from his desk. You hopped onto the platform with Peter’s aid, a task on its own with your swollen belly behind a deep blue gown. Mireya’s sharp cries fizzled out into little chirps, somehow pleased with your presence. Miguel, however, was not. 
“There’s my girl!” Peter slapped his hands together, rushing forward when you were secure on the platform. Peter couldn’t help himself, even amid a fight. She bounced on Miguel’s shoulder, palms extended, squeezing and releasing. Why did she have to love Peter? “Hi, Mireya!” 
“No. You should be resting,” Miguel pointed toward his chair. You didn’t fight him on it, sliding into it with your hand under your belly to support the child that brewed in your stomach. He couldn’t help but feel a string of guilt for the exhaustion that was so easily apparent on your face. It’s why he took her-- in the hope that you would sleep. 
“I would if I knew you would take the help.” 
Peter swerved around Gwen, peering over Miguel’s shoulder at her squishy little body in double the glee the little girl looked at him with.
“I don’t need help.” 
“Lyla says you do,” you tilted back in the chair, folding your arms just under your swollen chest. Miguel threw another curse under his breath. The AI who mysteriously was not listening to any of his commands. “And if Lyla says you do, then you do.” 
He could have fought you but as fate would have it, you were close to pushing out another child of his. He glared at the glittering stone of your ring on your finger and relented, his head bobbing into a complacent nod. As per usual, you won.
“Fine, por hoy,” he said with a heavy breath, turning over to face Gwen. She cracked a nervous smile as he leaned in, settling Mireya in her arms. Gwen’s big eyes snapped down to the little girl, insecurity trickling from her person. Miguel picked up on it like blood pouring into a cup of water. “If you hurt her, I’ll—“
“Miguel, no threats.”
He cursed. 
“Now that that’s settled,” Peter ran his hands together, swiping up the chew toy that Miguel had been looking for. He obnoxiously slid Mireya out of Gwen’s arms,  the only person that Miguel would allow his daughter to be held by without standing threats. “Come to Uncle Peter! We can go get ice cream with Hobie and Pavitr, just you and me and Gwen!"
Hobie and Pavitr? He never--
“Tio Peter,” Gwen corrected, stroking her upper arm nervously. 
“Tio Peter."
Miguel couldn’t help but watch the pair slip away-- talking about things like ice cream for toothaches, park dates, and fun as they slipped into a portal. You caught Miguel’s hand, stopping him from jerking to snatch her back up. 
“She’s safe with them,” It itched-- it itched all over. The terrible feeling that no, his Mireya was not safe with Peter, or Gwen, or Jess, or anyone else that wasn’t him. If even him. You stood up. “Miguel, Miguel no--” 
He snapped to the monitor, drawing forth Gwen and Peter, his hand at his lip. Your stomach pressed into his back. His third-- no second-- child. His hand fell to your arms that intertwined around his muscular midsection. “She’s almost one. We talked about this. You said Peter was the only one you’d trust to watch her.” 
“Almost one,” he laughed it off, his hand falling away from his lips. “She could be forty and I would still worry.”
“You don’t trust Peter?” 
“I don’t even trust myself.”  He threw you back a glance, an undercurrent of sadness flowed through the words.
“I do, mi amorcito,” You held him a little tighter, finding the words came as easily as the movements of the child in your belly against his back. Miguel bit back a small smile at the feeling, following Peter and Gwen choosing ice cream for his little girl. The door jingled with a bell-- Hobie and Pavitr strode in, because of course they did, it couldn't just be a quiet outing. Who was next? Miles? “And I trust Peter too.”
“I know you do.”
Vanilla? Cotton candy? Not the cotton candy. If they only knew. It’s strawberry. Mireya’s favorite is strawberry. Gabriella’s was vanilla. His shoulders relaxed, watching Peter present a small sample of strawberry to his little princesa. 
“Bueno,” he slid his hand on top of yours. “I could… go for an empanada. ¿Quieres ir conmigo?”
“Sí,” you beamed. “Let's go. Just you and me.”
It’s a strange feeling— being without his little girl. At least for today, he’s certain she’ll be okay. 
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yeollie-plz · 10 months
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Charles Leclerc x GN! Reader
Synopsis: You just wanted to buy some merch, you didn’t realize you’d return with a man too.
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: kissing, tbh I don’t think anything else it’s too fluffy
Gif credits to owners!
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A/N: So this literally came to me in a dream and I just had to write it! Ik the concept is a bit shaky but tbh I didn’t get much detail from dream me so!
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Arriving in Las Vegas, you were over the moon to see the GP that was being held there this weekend. It was your first time ever getting to go to one in person and to say you were excited would be an understatement.
When your friend first suggested the idea, you never thought you’d be able to swing it. But, here you were landing in Sin City!
Then your friend suggested to go to the secret pop-up shop that she had saw online. It seemed just a bit sus but hey you wanted some exclusive merch. So you agreed.
The shop was cute, they had merch you had never seen before! As you looked through the various items, you couldn’t help but notice a crowd drawing towards a certain corner of the shop.
The shop was small, only letting a few people in at a time, so for them all to be so close together. Something had to be going on.
Curiosity got the best of you as you let your body ease towards the crowd. Whispers getting louder as you got closer. Hearing words of ‘a driver being here’.
You rose to your tippy toes, trying to get a glimpse of anything. As your neck craned you saw a head of brown hair, right as a camera flashed. You lost your balance, letting yourself recenter when you landed on the ground. Was there really a driver here?
As you moved around the outer ring of the circle, you tried to get any view that you could. Long since losing your friend, you decided you might as well just push forward. As nicely as you could, you wiggled your way through the crowd trying to decipher all the commotion.
That’s when you saw him. In all his glory. Charles Leclerc.
It couldn’t be! The Charles Leclerc was in a random pop-up shop, down a random alley in Las Vegas? It was like something from a meet-cute in a romantic comedy. No! It was like an event from a fanfiction!
And just like how the fanfiction would play out, you waited for your turn to acknowledge the boy and when he finally locked eyes with you, sparks. You stumbled over your words a bit, trying to find the right way to extend your appreciation for him.
He laughed lightly as you tried to find your words. He gestured to the couch that lined the wall, willing you to sit and as you did the camera flash went off again. It seemed to snap you into reality, remembering that this was just a PR thing. Some fan service that he was doing.
You let the pictures be taken, smiling as brightly as you could with your nerves the way they were. That’s when on his own accord, Charles closed the distance between the two of you on the couch and threw his arm over your shoulder.
Your smile instantly dropped, a look of shock replaced it. The last camera flash went off, leaving white lights in your eyes.
The arm that was around your shoulders helped to gesture you to stand. You stood and whispered a thank you before scurrying off.
As you meandered around the store, trying to find your friend, you found yourself glancing back to the area Charles was at. Each time his eyes met yours, something flashing behind them. It was almost inviting.
You turned a corner finally finding your friend. As you scolded her for wandering off without you, a voice sounded behind you.
“So what do you think, do you think if I wrapped this enough it would make it home in one piece?”
You turned to see Charles standing there holding up a snow globe. His head was tilted in question, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I-um I think with enough it would be fine, sure.” You confirmed.
“What did you pick out?” He gestured to the shirt you were clutching, you hadn’t realized how firmly until he pointed it out. Walking closer to you he grabbed the shirt from your now limp hands and held it up, considering it.
“Nice choice. Although you should’ve went with Ferrari red. It would look good on you.” He said with a smile, slipping the shirt back in your hands and leaving you two alone without a word.
“First of all, was that Charles Leclerc? Second of all, was Charles Leclerc just flirting with you?” Your friend asked in shock. She grabbed your shoulders as if shaking you would loosen some answers from you.
“Yes it was and no he wasn’t.” Brushing her hands off you as you spoke.
“Then what’s this?” She grabs a piece of paper that had somehow made it into your hands, bunched with the shirt. “His number!” She confirms after looking at it.
She holds it out for you to see before whisking it away and running through the store. You chase closely after her. Not only are you trying to catch her, but the number of the super hot F1 driver.
Finally you do and you snatch the number from her death grip. Glancing down you see it truly is Charles Leclerc’s number. Your eyes go wide.
“So are you going to text him?” She asks, hand on her hip.
“Is that even a question?”
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It’s almost three months later when you see Charles Leclerc again. The two of you have been texting almost nonstop in that time. You could feel yourself slowly falling for him. You just hoped he felt the same way.
When he said was coming to visit New York and would like to see you, you were overjoyed. Somehow that made you even happier than when you had gone to your first GP.
Charles made you feel like a teenager again. A teenager with a huge crush on a cute boy, that is. But you were grateful for that, it felt good to feel this way.
Now to just get him to say it back.
That entire weekend, you were on a mission to get a love confession. You had pulled out all the stops. Booking museum tickets. Walking Central Park. You even got the two of you tickets to ice skate and you were terrible at ice skating!
You were writing a script to your own romance. First the meet cute, now the fun montage set to an upbeat hit. All that was left was the grand gesture.
And that’s where you were stuck. Usually there was a conflict in the movie that would call for that grand gesture. But you and Charles got along too well, you didn’t see any intense relationship ending arguments happening any time soon.
That was until someone finally took a picture of you and Charles out one day. Honestly, you were surprised it took that long. It wasn’t like you minded it had leaked, you were just friends hanging out, technically. Charles’s PR team on the other hand, had a big problem with it.
Ten minutes he had been in the other room, whispering yelling into his phone. Suddenly he yelled something like a goodbye and rushed out the door of his bedroom and into the living space of the huge hotel suite he had booked.
He sighed, “Sorry, they are just so dramatic about everything. One picture and they say it’s the end of my career. I drive for a living! I’m not a puppet!”
“Would it really be that bad if you were with someone?” ‘With me’ is what you wanted to say but you didn’t have the heart to.
“They think it would be. But I don’t see why it would matter if I dated anyone, I’ve done it in the past.” He sighs again, running his hand through his hair.
“Is it because I’m a nobody? They want some big star to boost your name?” You looked down at your hands.
“It has nothing to do with you! They just think anybody is an issue! I told them we are friends! I just-maybe you should go home. I’ll call a car. I’m sorry.”
With that, you leave. Not sure what to say.
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The day of his flight home comes and Charles has not come to see you since that day you left his hotel. You hadn’t reached out to him and he hadn’t reached out to you.
There was no reason to feel sad about him saying you were friends, you knew that’s all you were and any silly little feelings you had couldn’t change that.
A knock sounds at your door. You glance through the peephole, seeing Charles standing there. Your brows furrow in confusion as you open the door for him.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane?”
He seems out of breath as he answers, “I couldn’t leave, not without saying what I need to say.”
“Okay, go on.” You urge sweetly.
“So I know I said we were friends but you and I both know we are more than that. I mean hell the first time I saw you I think I fell in love. Then I played this game with myself. I thought you would never love me back and I was a fool for even trying. Then you seemed to reciprocate my flirting and I was elated. For the first time I felt whole. But I think I got scared when the pictures leaked.” He paused like he was contemplating what to say next.
You reached your hand to his cheek, rubbing slowly. He leaned into the motion, seemingly giving him his confidence back.
“I got scared that you wouldn’t want a life in the spotlight and I could never give you that normal romance that you deserved.” Another pause.
“When I asked you about your favorite movie, you couldn’t give me just one. You gave me a genre, I went home and watched every available rom-com I could find just to understand you. You don’t need textbook perfect, you just need perfect for you. You need your rom-com.”
A smile creeps into your lips as he searches your eyes. You grab the front of his shirt, pulling him into you. Passionately, you kiss him, silently giving him your answer.
He laughs as he pulls away, breathless, “I guess you could call this the grand gesture.”
Your heart skips a beat.
“I guess you could.”
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 5 months
Twisted Wonderland First Kiss Headcanons:
Diasomnia, Savannah Claw, and Heartslabyul
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Your first kiss with him was absolutely awful
First off, he started with the French kissing
When I tell you, his tongue is like the facehugger from the alien series
His split tongue is going to the back of your throat.
Gag reflex is trying to work but he’s not stopping
Literally won’t stop kissing you either until you run out of air or
When he accidentally burns your tongue because his fire breath was activated.
He’s just a very awkward kisser. It’s not his fault though
He’s trying.
You make him watch a how to kiss YouTube video afterwards.
Shoujo Prince#1
When he kisses you, it feels like roses are in the air.
The perfect kiss
It’s like being kissed by a Disney prince.
Says the most romantic or cute afterwards
“That didn’t feel weird, did it?”
“No, not at all 😍”
It’s just too much for one person
He’s too perfect.
Awkward but not awful
It’s the perfect representation of a teen’s first kiss.
It’s not perfect, but not horrible either
He did accidentally bite your bottom lip though
One he realized your lip was drawing blood, he stopped kissing you and started his shouting antics.
“Somebody help! My lover is bleeding!”
“I’m fine-“
“We have to disinfect the wounds so my superior fae bacteria doesn’t cause an infection!”
“What? What kind of logic is that?!”
“The right logic!”
In the end, you end up with a a cute little band aid on your lip.
He’s a good kisser.
When he kisses you, it’s the type of kiss that has enough passion that could lead to sex.
That’s how good he is.
Doesn’t use too much tongue
Not too forceful
Not eating your face or lips.
Leaves a hickey on your neck afterwards
He’s the one using his tippy toes to kiss you in the relationship.
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Shoujo Prince#2
Kisses like a broody anime prince
Tilts your chin beforehand then kisses you
Has his tail wrapped around you
His tail brushes your cheeks
Says the most romantic thing ever
“Don’t go around getting into trouble without me beside you, ok?”
Didn’t expect Leona to be so romantic but it’s accepted.
His kiss is adorable
His tail is wagging the whole time
The whole experience is so cute
He starts off on the lips, stops, blushes, sees you smiling, then makes his next move.
Jack begins to pepper your cheeks with kisses and you go to the ground
Basically like having a dog lick you but instead it’s kisses.
“Aww, Jack I love you too!”
His ears are perky the entire time.
It’s adorable.
He’s a sneak kisser.
He kisses you after a snack steal gone right.
“Thanks for helping me steal all these snacks!”
“No problem-mmph!”
He gives you a quick smooch, then runs off.
“See you later!”
“Ok! What just happened?”
You just accept the new title as his lover/partner in crime.
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A mix of Sebek and Malleus
The kiss is too long so it becomes awkward
But he doesn’t use tongue
Afterwards, he’s a blushing mess
“So are we like dating now? Because if we’re not that’s totally cool! I can be friends with you after this-“
“Just shut up and kiss me, Ace.”
He does as you say and it’s happily ever after after that.
He’s a surprisingly good kisser.
In his delinquent past, he had a couple of girlfriends.
He learned what worked after a while(couldn’t lose his street cred because of his inability to kiss well)
His lips are soft.
And they taste like cherries.
“Is that cherry flavored lip balm?”
“Oh yeah! I bought some chapstick to repair the damage from my lips from all the fights I used to get into!”
“Wow. Good for you.”
Continues kissing you and it lasts for seven minutes.
This boy watched several how to kiss videos
But despite that, the whole experience is awkward.
“Do you want me to squat down?”
“Just stay still, I can reach you without you having to squat down.”
Riddle tries to jump to your lips several times.
Finally he jumps on you and wraps his legs around your waist.
When he kisses you it feels ok but in an unnatural way.
In theory he knows how to kiss, but because he’s never done it before, it doesn’t play out the same way as when he kisses his fruit.
“So, how was it?”
“Umm..it was ok..”
“Riddle, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“Yes, it is! I’m supposed to be a good kisser to impress you!”
“Riddle, really it’s fine.”
“In that case, I’ll have to kiss you more so I know what to do.”
This man is a freak.
Straight up had you banging on his door for help.
When he kisses you, it starts out normal.
Then he starts using his tongue.
It moves around in your mouth inspecting your teeth and gums.
When his tongue runs over your teeth you scream.
“Trey! What are you doing?!”
“You’re neglecting to properly brush your front teeth. There’s a bit of plaque on them. Don’t worry, I can’t get rid of it with my guest dental kit.”
“Help! Someone help!”
“Now say ah…”
“Help, he’s going to brush my teeth!”
Trey brushes your teeth but everyone else it sounded like sex.
Especially because all they heard was your screams, something vibrating, and Trey saying things like “It won’t hurt” and “Be still for a minute.”
You ended up with clean teeth, but that’s where it got weirder.
Trey got amped up and continued where he left off.
At that point you just accept your weird boyfriend.
He’s a good kisser.
He’s had many short term girlfriends over the years from moving around so much.
“Don’t be nervous, Cay Cay knows just how to make it your best kiss ever!”
When he kisses you, he doesn’t use tongue at first.
When you’re comfortable enough, that’s when he asks.
“Do you mind if we take it up a notch?”
“Oh, sure. I don’t really know how to do stuff like that…”
“I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead.”
He led you through the whole experience of kissing while using your tongue.
By the end you’ve learned things and are going to keep learning things with Cater.
“See, I told ya Cay Cay would help you!”
He kisses your cheek and wraps an arm around you.
You both smile and giggle.
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
Summer vibes and slytherins
Tom II, Mattheo, Blaise and Enzo
Spending the day at the beach with your boyfriend, based on this request. Short, but extremely fluffy. Warning, this isn’t just fluffy… it’s cheesy.
I’m not a crazy summer vibe person, but I do like a beach day, so I did my best. Sorry it’s so short but I hope you like it, dear anon. Also, me writing something called summer vibes while drinking homemade soup from my Christmas mug on a rainy day with my marauders blanky wrapped around me just felt like a crime. But it was fun!!! So here it goes, happy readings!
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You were spending your summer in the muggle world. The place where you were staying and weather were beyond perfect, but it doesn’t feel right without your boyfriend. Early in the morning you write a letter, telling him that you miss him and asking him to join for a day or two. While you wait for a reply you decide to head to the beach, but instead of answering your letter he decides to surprise you.
Tom II
You smile as you spot an overdressed Tom walking your way. It can’t be? Really? A bright smile makes its way onto your lips and Tom looks at you questioningly. “I didn’t expect you to come.” You explain with amusement. “Why not?” He asks dryly as he tries to keep himself from staring at your perfect figure. “Because you’re… you.” You answer with a sweet smile as you wrap your arms around his neck. He knew exactly what you meant by that and huffed softly. “Yes, but I’m your boyfriend, so I might not like this.. summer, beaches, fun… but I’m here for you.” Your smile grows wider as you meet his eyes. “Kiss me.” You say, barely containing your excitement that he’s here for you. “More demands.” Tom jokes, before leaning in to kiss you tenderly.
”You want to join me surfing?” You ask, pointing towards the water and Tom watches the water with a weird half smile, before turning to you. “Okay, here I’m drawing a line. How about I’m in charge of ice cream and you go do the water thing you do.” You pout for a moment, but you know not to push it and peck his lips. “Fine, but will you watch me?” Tom nods happily. “Sure, that’s like my favorite thing to do.” You feel yourself get all giddy and go stand on your tippy toes to peck his lips on last time before heading into the water. With loving eyes Tom watches you, fighting the urge to curse every muggle that looks your way.
When you get out of the water Tom is holding your favourite ice cream and adoring you as you happily skip over to him. A view, a feeling, a moment to hold onto forever. “You used a spell to keep this cold for me didn’t you?” You say as you take the freezing cold ice cream. He nods. “You’re my girlfriend, no half melted ice cream for you, only the best for you.” You look up at him with starry eyes, before eying the book he was holding in his hand. “Shall we settle somewhere and enjoy the sun?” He reaches for your hand and you both walk in search of a secluded spot to relax.
You came running out of the water with a bright happy smile on your face when you recognised your boyfriend. Hands tugged in the pockets of his shorts and dark sunglasses following your figure, curly hair messier than ever due to the wind, no mistaking him. “You came?” You place a hand on his chest as you lean in for a summer kiss. “As soon as I got your owl.” He says with a cheeky smile and leans in for another kiss. “I missed you.” You whisper, lips still close to his. “Yeah, I got that from your letter.” Mattheo chuckles and you drop your head in embarrassment. “But I’m here, princess. So what do you want to do?” Your eyes wander the beach as you think. “Let’s go surf!” You suddenly suggest and enthousically tug Mattheo a few steps in the direction of the water.
”I’m not a surfing kinda guy.” Mattheo jokes, stopping you and wrapping his arms around you. He pulls your beautiful body against his bare chest and you giggle as he pulls you closer. “You’re just afraid you’ll embarrass yourself.” Mattheo catches your lips with his to shut you up. “I know how to surf, don’t underestimate your own boyfriend.” You laugh, not believing him, but enjoying the little argument. “Have you ever surfed before?” You ask between giggles and he playfully narrows his eyes at you. “No, but I know how to.” You frown at his words. “I’ll prove it to you, little lady.” He says before guiding you both in the direction of the water.
Once out of the water you walked to your boyfriend while shaking your head. “You cheated! You used magic!” Mattheo shrugs. “How is using magic cheating?” You cross your arms and Mattheo closes the distance between you two so he’s towering over you. “Muggles are just primitive in their way of surfing.” You groan at his silly argument, but before you can object to Mattheo’s ridiculousness he wraps his arms back around you and captures your lips for an intensely passionate kiss. “You’re just jealous of my excellent surfing skills.” Mattheo can’t resist teasing before again locking his lips with yours, kissing you so tenderly that you’ll surely keep quiet for a while.
You watch the waves when you suddenly yelp as you feel two arms wrap around you. Blaise laughs loudly at the sound you make and you turn around cursing him, but can’t manage for long as you quickly start smiling, adoring your boyfriend. “You’re here.” You whisper and he stops laughing. A soft smile appears on his lips as he wraps his arm around you pulling you against his chest. “Of course, you don’t think I was missing you?” You look up at your boyfriend with shiny eyes. “You missed me?” He laughs and shakes his head at your silly question. “Are you seriously asking me that? Obviously your brains have been cooked by the sun. Let’s get that silly head of yours cooled down in the water.
A goofy, innocent smile tugs on your lips as you realize how ridiculous your question was. You spot someone surfing in the distance and jump as an idea comes to you. Blaise looks up, a little startled by your sudden excitement and you grab his hand. “Let’s go surf?” Blaise laughs, before realizing that you’re serious. “Wizards don’t surf.” He states dryly and you drop your shoulders, frowning at his bizarre statement. “What? Why wouldn’t wizards surf? It’s fun.” Blaise lets his head fall to the side and wants to protest, but you interrupt him. “How about I teach you the basics.” You say as you seductively move towards him in an attempt to convince your boyfriend to join you surfing.
After watching him fail again and again you can’t keep a straight face anymore and he’s getting slightly frustrated, but he doesn’t quit. You watch him struggle and eventually somewhat master the skill of surfing. Exhausted, you both walk along the beach, feet sinking in the sand and his hand tightly wrapped around yours. While he watches the waves you watch him with admiration, when he notices he raises an eyebrow and you smile looking down. “I’m just impressed.” Blaise chuckles and tugs your hand, pulling you closer so he can sling his arm over shoulder. “I’m a quick study and you were an excellent teacher, except for the laughing. It’s not okay to laugh at someone who’s learning a new skill.” You let your head rest against his chest as you smile. “Sorry about that. How about I make it up with some ice cream.” He looks down at you and squeezes your arm. “Now we’re talking.” He whispers and places a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
You frowned as you recognised your boyfriend in the distance. Is that my Enzo? Enzo owned the summer vibe, that perfect summer tan combined with his smile and beach outfit. You noticed girls chatting him up as he waited to get ice cream. You purse your lips and cross your arms as you watch him. When he finally turns around he spots you staring at him. He curses himself, now that his attempt to surprise you had failed. With ice cream in both hands he walks up to you and leans in for a passionate kiss. “Surprise!” He quips and you laugh, before kissing him again with even more passion. “All this because I got you ice cream?” Lorenzo jokes referring to your intense kiss as he hands you the cold snack. You nod as your tongue catches some melting drops and he laughs. “The ice cream and maybe because I you missed a little… and I need those chatty girls to know you’re mine.” Enzo wiggles his eyebrows. “I can’t believe you spotted me. I wanted to surprise you.” He pouts a little and you chuckle. “So what’s up next, sunbathing? I can help you with the sunblock.” You giggle, but you knew Enzo probably wanted to do something a little more active than sunbathing. “Surfing?” You ask, still focused on your ice cream, but then you look up at your boyfriend. “Can you even surf?” You ask, baffled by the fact that you didn’t know despite dating him for this long.
“Of course I can surf! There isn’t a fun thing in the world that I haven’t mastered yet.” His smile is filled with summer enthusiasm. He holds your hand as you guide him to get a surfboard, shamelessly adoring your figure. When Enzo makes his way to the water you immediately notice his surfing skills are on the rusty side, but he manages to keep up with you for quite a while. In an attempt to do some tricks to impress you the waves beat him and you hurry your way to your boyfriend. However, you can’t help but slow down to admire his build and messy wet hair as he resurfaces. With a toothy grin he welcomes you into his arms. “I did that on purpose.” You laugh and kiss him.
“Maybe a bit more sunbathing?” You tease and he narrows his eyes at you before kissing you. “How about you become my personal surfing instructor and I’ll be a very good student.” Your boyfriend’s hands move over your sides, over your hips and rest on your ass as he carefully studies your face, waiting for an answer. You look up to him through your lashes. “I sense a hidden agenda.” Enzo’s hand caresses your cheek. ‘Maybe? Or maybe I’m just very eager to learn all the right moves…”
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chrysalind · 7 months
sweet and sour
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader wc: 880 tags: fluff, fake dating, (real) jealousy, party setting ofc, reader wears makeup and is shorter than suna
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Sometime last Wednesday, Suna Rintarou had discovered inner peace.
It had been after his last linear algebra exam, during his third consecutive hour of mourning, when it finally occurred to him that it didn't matter. Of course, it mattered in the sense that it would affect his GPA, and as a result, his job prospects, career, ability to be approved for a mortgage and become a homeowner, and of course his retirement. But in a more 'in the moment' sense, it didn't matter at all.
This was because, he'd rationalized, it had already happened and there was no use agonizing over it after the fact. And so, for a few short days, Suna abided by the belief that if he couldn't change something, he simply wouldn't bring himself to care about it.
So when you drag him into the tiny bathroom of someone's apartment with a swipe of glitter under your left eye and a frazzled expression on your pretty face, Suna is fully prepared to put his new philosophy into action.
The door shuts behind you, muffling the din of music and people and he tries not to think about how precariously close your drink is to the edge of the sink when you set it down.
"I need a favour," you begin, wringing your wrists as he tries not to fall backwards into the shower. It is, in fact, a very tiny bathroom.
"Nah," he replies, managing to right himself against the towel rack.
"'Nah'?" you repeat, jutting out your bottom lip. "But you don't even know what I'm going to ask."
He rationalizes that it can't be anything worth putting in the effort for. Therefore would it even make sense for him to hear you out? He thinks not.
However, as he eyes the door behind you, your face bobs into view, obstructing his path to escape.
"Please," you whine, dropping down from a tippy toe. "Just hear me out."
He glances once at his reflection in the mirror before his gaze slides up to the ugly white light on the ceiling.
"Yes," you exclaim, your elbow narrowly missing the cup. Suna looks away.
"Okay, so my ex is here with his new girlfriend," you begin, your hands moving fast, "and so I would really, really be so grateful if you could maybe, possibly, pretend that we're together."
He blinks. "Nah."
Your face falls. "But I'm gonna look like a loser out there."
He wonders if the glitter is supposed to draw attention to your eyes. If so, why just one side?
"That doesn't even make any sense," he says. "No one cares that you're single." After all, no one cares that he's single. Except for himself, sometimes, although, he's learning to let go of that.
You're pouting again. "I care. And I'm pretty sure that he cares. Chiharu said that he told the other guys on the soccer team that he was bringing her because he knew that I'd be here. Like, isn't that kind of fucked up?"
Something like irritation wriggles in his brain but he quickly shuts that down. After all, what can he really change about the situation? Even if he does pretend to be your boyfriend for tonight, your ex will continue to be a convincing piece of evidence that Neanderthals might still walk amongst modern humans. And even then, you'll still be hung up on him and things between you two will just stay the same. So why should he bother?
"I'm gonna pass," he says dryly, squeezing past you to get to the door. Your elbow brushes against the cup and it falls, clattering into the sink and splashing red liquid down the sides.
"Just tell him to go fuck himself or something," he shrugs, before twisting the doorknob. "Or just pretend he's not there at all."
"But Rin," you pout as he lets the chaos of the party flood into the small space, "I thought we were friends."
And you are friends, he thinks, as he shoulders his way back through the crowd. That's the problem.
That's the fucking problem.
So when he spots you, fifteen minutes later, with your back up to a wall and that Cro-Magnon specimen crowding you, he thinks it's finally time to seriously reconsider his philosophy.
And sometime in the five steps it takes to cross the room does he finally come to the conclusion that enlightenment just isn't for him.
"Hey, angel," he says as he turns you around to face him. Your lips are parted in surprise and the glitter reflects fuchsia and gold in the low light.
He's acutely aware that the two of you are not alone, but he can't bring himself to look away. Something like a second epiphany dawns on him.
"Sorry it took a while," he murmurs as he leans down to meet your gaze.
"But better late than never, right?"
Sometime last Wednesday, Suna Rintarou had discovered inner peace.
But right now, tonight, as you let him kiss you in front of all the people you know, he decides that inner peace is entirely overrated.
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themissinghand · 8 months
hallo!! hope you're having a wonderful day and your works are just so good!!!
can i request for jinwoo with a photographer male reader that like works for events and stuff. plus, he always gets complimented by people, and even jinwoo, by how pretty he looks and asking if he ever gets photographed to which reader denied because he's actually camera shy
now, he's in an event at a park and jinwoo is there and sees reader taking photographs and jinwoo decides to be sneaky and tries to get a photo of reader but reader caughts him and just smiled at the camera before telling jinwoo to delete it.
jinwoo, in fact, did not.
im so sorry if this is too much or long JASJS
Solo Leveling: A Snapshot in Time
Summary: In which a picture is a thousand words, and Jinwoo wants to capture every moment with you.  
Or, just domestic fluff between two loving husbands, from the beginning to the end. 
Pairing: Husband! Sung Jinwoo x M! Photographer! Reader
Note: Thanks for your support! I’m glad that my stories are making you happy as I am writing them. One of my ways to de-stress honestly. Hope everyone is having a good day! 
Warnings: A bit of angst, because time waits for no one. 
“That’s it for today. Great work everyone.” 
Jinwoo watched his husband scramble everywhere with your team to take wedding photos with a big smile on his lips. 
No, Jinwoo is not jealous, after all, he has wedding photos of both of you. 
Instead, he was simply awe-struck by how pretty his husband looks, especially when he’s passionate about his job. 
“See you tomorrow at the office everyone!” You waved off your children (employees) and jogged towards Jinwoo who popped out from one of the shadows.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you would come so early to pick me up.” Jinwoo pulls you close and kisses your forehead, and you tippy-toe to return a kiss to his cheek.
“It’s okay, I got off work early. I love watching you work anyway.” 
The two of you caught up with each other about your days, and you especially liked to hear about Jinwoo’s work considering he was a detective. Jinwoo however, does his best to avoid all the…graphic details of his work. 
Even though Jinwoo knew you wouldn’t mind (you never did), he wanted only good things to happen to you. 
(Because you were always there for him - until he couldn’t protect you) 
“Can we take a selfie?” Jinwoo pulls out his phone to change the topic, but his husband quickly turns the other way and covers his face. 
“Jinwoo! I don’t look good right now!” You shyly exclaim, but you couldn’t escape since Jinwoo held onto your shirt. 
“Don’t worry, you’re beautiful.” 
“Maybe next time Jinwoo.” Seeing your flustered expression, Jinwoo decided not to push further, instead he raised a pinky.
“Jinwoo…I love you.” 
The Monarchs had targeted you, leaving you in such a bloodied state. 
“No. No!” Hearing your faint heartbeat, Jinwoo quickly pulled out his Holy Water of Life.
But it was too late. 
“Why, why isn’t it working?!” But Jinwoo knew why - the Holy Water could not cure the dead.
“My Liege, His Highness has passed away.”
“Why…what happened.” Jinwoo crushed the empty bottle of Holy Water with his bare hands as he held you. 
“It was an ambush. Multiple Monarchs have targeted His Highness in an instant, and we could not protect His Highness.” 
All of his soldiers knelt down in shame.
“Please punish us My Liege. We fail you.”
Jinwoo held your body close as he shed tears, before his tear turn into fuel for his rage.
“Your punishment will be due later, we will hunt down the Monarchs.”
“Yes My Liege!” Jinwoo saw your peaceful expression, as if nothing had gone wrong. 
“If…we meet in our next life, I swear I will protect you.” 
Carrying your body into his shadow realm and resting you in a casket, all of his shadows knelt in respect. 
“Wait for me, (Y/N).” 
“Honey? Another nightmare?” Jinwoo felt a finger gently pressing on his forehead, and drawing on his arm. 
He slowly opens his eyes, his breathing shaking as he pulls you close. 
“Oh dear. Was it bad?” 
He nods, and hugs you tighter. You pat him on the back and whisper sweet words to him.
“I love you.” 
“Whatever you do, I’ll support you.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” 
Do you know? Of course not. 
All of it was in the past, and Jinwoo hopes it stays that way. 
Even if the world is peaceful, he knows how cruel people can be, that’s why, he’s learned his lesson and stationed many of his shadows around you. 
Never again. 
“Okay, a few more before our break!” It was a fashion shoot, and you even dressed up a bit more to match the elegant theme. 
Dressed in a fancy blue suit, Jinwoo believed you too could stand on stage. Even the director of the shoot itself invited you, but you didn’t dare considering you were camera shy. 
But Jinwoo knew it would be such a shame if no one captured this moment. 
“(Y/N).” Jinwoo called out, quickly whipping out his phone. 
“What-” You were surprised, and before you shield yourself from the camera, Jinwoo winked. 
He could see you muttering “fine”, before a gentle smile graced your lips. 
“You have to delete it okay?” You whispered, and Jinwoo nodded.
But if fact, he did not. 
After all, he knew it wasn’t just him who took photos of you, so of course that wouldn’t do. He immediately had shadows mess with those photographers and steal some of the good ones for himself. 
The photo became his phone screen. 
And Jinwoo makes sure that he captures every moment, because unlike him, you were not immune to time.
“Jinwoo…thank you for loving me. I don’t know why, but from the moment I met you to now, I always feel like I’ve known you for a long long time.” 
Jinwoo sits by your hospital bed, holding your wrinkled hand. 
“Maybe because we met in our last life.” You chuckle, before coughing. 
“Even when we’re old now, you still look so handsome.” Jinwoo chuckle lightly before pressing a kiss to your hand. 
We promised we'll be together forever.
“No, you’re more beautiful.” A bright, youthful smile rose to your lips, making Jinwoo reminisce to the past as young adults. 
But alas, time is so cruel.
“Jinwoo, I pray that we meet in our next life.” 
Jinwoo decided to respect you and let you go. 
“I love you.” With a final breath, your hand remains limp in his, and tears rolled down his cheeks. 
“I love you too.” 
Jinwoo’s phone lights up with dozens of missed calls and messages, but he doesn’t mind, instead, he removes them all to reveal a timeless treasure, a photo of you smiling at the camera.
“Wait for me, (Y/N).”
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
hey my love ❤️ can I resquest u something?
daryl is expecting a child with the reader where he is super excited but he also spends his time outside, looking for things for his baby.. but he receives a call from rick saying that his girlfriend is in the infirmary and when he arrives he finds out that the reader lost the pregnancy and he takes care of her and pampers her a lot those days after they both take great care of each other, because he will also be super sad😭
Sorry for my bad english 🤦
Into Shards
Daryl Dixon x pregnant!Reader
Summary: When Daryl is outside the walls, looking for stuff for yours and his baby, he gets called back by Rick - only to come home to devastating news...
Warnings: Major trigger warning here! Miscarriage! pregnancy things, walkers, fluff, bit blood
Set in the beginning of season 9!
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: Hi nonny! Thank you for the request! ☺️💚 I am honest... I don't know if I should love this one, or not. I tried to write a bit action as well, but it probably isn't the best... Hope you like it nevertheless! 🙈
Tagging: @km-ffluv @loz-3 @stitchintimefan @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @in-this-minute @hotgirlsshareaccounts @sweetpeapod @fuseburner @azanoni @bookofsecretjourneys
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"'M goin' back out today. That okay for ya?" Daryl asked, while buttoning up the last few buttons of his black shirt and rolling up the sleeves. You smiled at him, stretched and stood up; leaving the cosy bedsheets behind. "Of course." You said, stepping closer and watching him slip in his angel-winged vest. Both your hands found their way on his chest, softly tugging on the cold, smooth fabric of the famous leather vest. "As long as you're coming back to us..." You whispered with a smile; your eyes never leaving his beautiful blue-greyish ones.
Us... The word hit Daryl like a ton of bricks - in the best way possible, though. It caused the ends of his nerves to sizzle. An overwhelming feeling of warmth and love flooding his veins. Us... He couldn't stop himself from smiling that signature sweet, small, boyish smile. "Ain't gonna ever leave ya two alone," he stated, shaking his head. One hand settled on your left hip, while the other found your yet non-existent baby bump. Although Daryl always stated, that he was already able to feel the tiny, innocent life. Despite the fact that you were barely eight to ten weeks along - according to Siddiq. Whenever he said that, you'd just giggle and shake your head.
"'M always goin' to come back for ya. 'Specially now." Your smile even widened; one hand reaching up to brush a chestnut brown curl out of his handsome face. "I know." You stood on your tippy-toes to brush your lips against his; eyelids fluttering shut.
"I can't convince you to let me join you, can I?" Daryl scoffed playfully, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. Ain't lettin' you walk around out there." You sighed, but giggled. "Thought so... Take care out there, yes? Be safe." Your boyfriend nodded. "'Course. Promised." "Good." You kissed him again. "I'll be back 'fore the sun's goin' down."
Daryl grabbed his crossbow then, his knives and took one of the pick-up's. His bike would've been a bit too small for his task ahead. With a last look at you and a soft smile, he left Alexandria; off to find and scavenge stuff for the baby.
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Around midday, Daryl was already several miles away from home, searching every square inch of a few smaller cities around D.C. Daryl knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to be close to such a big city, but that didn't scare him.
Now he was sneaking down the streets of a rather very small city he didn't know the name of. Not much houses, only a few shops. His eyes landed on an old building. Not big and plain. Unimportant, unnecessary. He was about to walk past it, when he recognised the small sign over the old, rusty door... 'Smith's Baby Store'. Wasn't that exactly what he was looking for? "Finally," he muttered to himself under his breath, drawing his knives. With his foot, he kicked against the unstable door, listening for any signs of walkers. Nothing.
Carefully, he opened the door. It didn't budge at first, but with a little more strength, it finally gave in - as if someone was inside it before him. Looking around to check the street for any stray walkers - which wasn't the case, he stepped inside the small house. Daryl noticed immediately, that this house was constructed very... strange. The door didn't lead straight into the shop. It led into a long, dark hallway - with only three other doors. One on the left, one on the right and one at the end of the hallway. Daryl sneaked on quiet feet down the squeaking hallway; the old wood creaking underneath his weight. He checked the two rooms on the sides first, but found nothing. One room was already scavenged. Not much things were left. Most of the items useless and broken. The other room was nothing more than a broom closet with dusty cleaning supplies.
Daryl let out a slightly annoyed groan, before he made his way to the last room. The sparse wooden door wasn't locked. It was slightly ajar, making it easy for the archer to open it. The door led into a big room, full of shelves and cupboards, in which several baby things were. A smile twitched at the corners of Daryl's lips. Jackpot. But just a moment later, his expression shifted into a frown. The building had been clearly scavenged already, so... Why leave this room out? Why not take these things as well?
The answer got the archer only seconds after the thought had crossed his mind. He took a few steps inside the room - and immediately felt the floor giving softly in underneath him; bending under his weight. The wood was rotten, dilapidated and more than unstable. Daryl walked backwards again, biting his lip and weighing his options. Should he risk it? Should he not? He didn't know what was beneath the floor. Perhaps the basement? He could've sworn he had seen a small stair in the other room, leading down to a door. The basement couldn't be that bad, could it? And perhaps the floor held him, so... Daryl had been way too long on his way today and the past days - weeks. He didn't want to go home once again empty handed.
So, he took the risk - and paid for it almost immediately. The old wood held his weight the first time and also the second time - but not the third. It gave in underneath him, creaking and aching, causing the archer to fall - like he had predicted into the basement. With a thud, he landed on his back, groaning. "Shit." Only a tiny window let the sunlight in and illuminated the dark, dusty and... smelly room. His ears were ringing from the fall, his senses blinded for a moment, causing him to not realise instantly, what he got himself into.
Only when the sounds of low snarls and snapping teeth urged slowly but surely to his ears, he realised. Daryl's eyes widened in shock and surprise, before he scrambled to get up from the cold ground. The window didn't let much light in... But enough to show that said basement was filled with more than just two walkers... Way more than two. Daryl grimaced - in pain and frustration. "Damn it!" The walkers noticed him, of course, immediately and went straight at him. Daryl reached for his knife to get rid of the first undead, attacking him; all the while scanning the room for the door. He had to get out of this.
Unfortunately - just in that moment, while he was fighting the undead, started his walkie talkie to give forth some static hissing, before Rick's voice echoed across the basement. "Daryl?!" The archer got rid of another walker, plunging his knife into its rotten skull, before retrieving the weapon again, and reached for the walkie talkie attached to his belt. He thought it had been the last one, but just as he was about to answer his brother, another walker lunged at Daryl from behind, with such an impact that the little, black device slipped from Daryl's hand, along with his knife. A grunt left his lips as he tried to get the undead man away from him. He turned and stumbled to the ground with the walker landing on top of him. Its foul breath hitting Daryl's face; rotten teeth snapping at him, mere inches from his neck. "Daryl?! Do you copy?!" Rick's voice called out for him again. Daryl gritted his teeth and used all his force to shove the undead away from him. Quickly he reached for his knife and killed the walker. Panting, he fell back on his back, catching his breath. "Come on, Daryl! It's urgent!" Rick sounded almost desperate by now. Daryl took a deep breath and stood up to get the walkie talkie. "Rick? Rick! I'm here." He panted, wiping some blood from his face. "Sorry, man. Had to get rid of a few walkers."
Rick answered instantly. "Thank god. Daryl, you gotta get back here! Quick!" The man frowned, making his way to the small door of the basement. "Why?" "Y/N's in the infirmary! She-" Rick's voice broke and Daryl's heart dropped. You were in the infirmary? Fear and panic immediately started to rise within the archer. "Rick?!" He literally screamed into the walkie talkie, "Rick!" but all he got in return was static hissing. "Fuck's sake!" The archer cursed and slammed the device on the ground, before he literally run up the stairs and out of the house. Something was wrong, if you were in the infirmary - and whatever it was, he had to get back to Alexandria as fast as possible.
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The gates got opened immediately, as soon as Daryl approached Alexandria. The archer didn't even bother to park the pic-up on its rightful place. He jumped out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut; seeing Rick already running his way. "Daryl!" The archer met his friend midway. "Wha' happened?! What's wrong with 'er?!" "You better see for yourself...," was all Rick said - a sorrowful look on his face. Daryl didn't let himself tell that twice, of course. As fast his legs could carry him, he sprinted to the infirmary. Without even knocking he ripped the door open and stormed in - attracting Siddiq's attention. "Daryl." "Where is she?!" The archer walked up and down the room like a wounded tiger; tried to push past the doctor - but Siddiq stood firmly in his way and tried to calm him down. "Daryl, calm down. Y/N's in the last room down the hall. Let me explain first, okay?" The black-haired man lifted his hands as if in surrender. Another try to calm the worked up man across him down. Daryl's chest heaved, as he grunted and gave the doctor a short nod - which Siddiq returned. "You... You might want to sit down for this." "Nah, 'm good. Tell me wha' happened." The doctor took a deep breath. "Alright, I... Y/N came to me a few hours ago; said she had cramps. Usually nothing to be worried about, but I checked on her nevertheless." Siddiq swallowed hard, lowering his head. "When I went to check, I... I saw that... There was blood, Daryl."
The archer's eyes widened and he felt his heart drop for the second time that day. Deep down, he already knew what it meant, of course, but he didn't want to believe it. Not until Siddiq spoke the dreadful words out loud. "Y/N, she... I'm afraid she had a miscarriage. I'm sorry." Daryl just stared at his friend blankly. The news - the shock was just too overwhelming. Without saying a single word, the archer walked past the doctor and straight down the hall, towards your room.
Gently opening the door, he found you laying on a bed, curled up into a ball. Your back towards him. He could hear the soft cries and sobs, which left your lips - breaking his heart. Daryl whispered your name, trying to hold back his own tears. You stirred immediately; hearing his voice. Shifting to face him, he saw your tear-stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes. "D-Daryl..." You sobbed, causing more tears to fall. He was immediately at your side, pulling you against his body. "'M here, love, 'm here. 'S alright, 'm here..." Of course, he knew that nothing was alright, but what was he supposed to say?
Daryl felt your body shaking against his. He wanted to scream; he wanted to cry - but he couldn't allow himself that. He needed to be strong for you. For the both of you. But the harsh reality hit him nevertheless. A few hours back, everything was alright. His little world was perfect. And now? Now it all came crashing down. The happiness ripped out of both your hands - within the blink of an eye. "I-I am s-so s-sorry, I-I-I..." You stammered, hands clasping on his vest; holding onto him for dear life. Daryl immediately shook his head. "Stop that, please... You have nothin' to be sorry for. This ain't your fault, sunshine." "It h-has to b-be! I-I must've done s-something wrong, I…" "Nah, you didn't. These things just happen sometimes." You looked up at him with hooded Y/E/C eyes. "B-But why to u-us? W-We were so happy about it... Looked forward to meet this baby and now... Now they are gone..." The words caused fresh tears to run down your cheeks. "I don't know, sunshine... I don't know..."
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The most important thing was, that you had each other. It was going to be a tough time, but you knew that with Daryl by your side, you would overcome the grief. Scars were going to heal with time and sooner or later, you would welcome a new life in this world, where happiness was most precious and family was the most precious gift. Yes, it wasn't going to be easy, but you knew from all the things you've been through that everything works out in the end. After all, light couldn't exist without darkness, could it?
The next days Daryl spent the whole time at home with you. He didn't leave your side. Not even for a minute. The both of you spent most of the time in your house; secluded. Everybody understood that, of course and gave you all the time you needed to process the loss. Losing a child was never easy. No matter if born or unborn.
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wanderingelvis · 2 years
Reader has major wardrobe malfunction with her bikini bottoms in public. Reader whispers her problem to Elvis. His eyes go wide as he tries to figure out what to do about the problem. Maybe reader is trying to hold them to cover herself and elvis tries to fix them but he makes it worse and they just fall off. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly enjoying the situation as he helps shield reader from others
I love this! I'm picturing Blue Hawaii Elvis for this! 🌺
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻 word count: 1,838
pairing: elvis presley x f!reader
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You and Elvis weren't dating but you both had unspoken feelings for each other. Right now, the official line was that you were just both good friends and co-workers.  You were an up and coming actress, on the rise and getting more notoriety and bigger roles. You were pleased that all your hard work in the movie business had paid off but you were becoming increasingly reclusive, wary to trust a lot of people after pictures of you changing on set had leaked to gossip magazines as well as things you'd said in confidence to various people had spread like wildfire. It was the ugly side of fame, one that you hadn't really been very prepared for.
It was the ugly side that Elvis knew all too well. He too, struggled to trust many people other than his Mafia and a few other close and very personal friends.  That's how you grew closer to him, anything you and Elvis spoke about was always kept between you two, even if it was just something as simple as what you were planning on having for lunch.  Elvis' friendship and company was always very welcome and the chemistry between you two was palpable - even the studios and audiences had noticed it. Everyone loved you two together, the way you'd bounce off each other in a conversation, or quietly giggle together between sets or the on-screen interactions that would have audiences desperate for more. You and Elvis had been contracted by Paramount Pictures for a three-movie deal, where both of you would be the main protagonists, falling in and out of love, three times over. You didn't mind, Elvis was the biggest star on the planet and to be chosen to be his leading lady was an incredible honour.  Your latest project was set in Hawaii, on tropical beaches where you and Elvis currently found yourselves, in between takes. You were dressed in a cute bikini number, bright yellow which complimented the glowing tan you had. The only difficulty of the whole get-up was the strings that kept coming undone, no matter how many times you tied them, tighter and tighter.  It was about the seventh time that you fumbled about with the bikini bottoms strings, undoing them and pulling at them again. This time didn't quite work in your favour however, as the elasticine snapped back on your fingers, tearing the threads and breaking the fabric, causing the string to completely fall apart and snap.
"...Fuck." You whispered, your cheeks beginning to burn up as you tried to wrangle as much of the string as you possibly could, but the bikini bottom was snapped and there was no way you'd be able to keep it tied.
You began to chew your lip cutely, looking up and around for the only person you really trusted to help you in such a vulnerable position.
You shuffled as subtly as you could towards Elvis who was stood near the back of the beach, studying his script. You felt embarrassed and humiliated, but desperate, knowing you needed his help.  You lightly tapped his arm, not wanting to draw anyone else's attention your way. Elvis turned, raising an eyebrow and looking at you coyly as his eyes raked up and down your  bikini-clad body.  You gestured for him to lean down, which he did, allowing you to step on your little tippy-toes and lean up to whisper into his ear, shyly. "My bikini, um, my bikini bottom is broken I think." You said with a wobbly, soft voice. Elvis drew back from you, seeing your hands, balled up as little fists, trying to keep the material together and in one-piece so that you wouldn't end up flashing anyone. A smirk appeared on Elvis' face, that shit-eating grin that would make you roll your eyes.  Elvis took his large hand, brushing his fingers across your bare thigh to move your hands ever so slightly, so that he could inspect what was wrong. Tingles travelled through you as his hand grazed your hot skin, you swallowed as you looked down at your feet, trying to keep your composure. Elvis leaned back down to you, pushing your hair gently over your shoulder, tucking it behind the shell of your ear which sent shivers down your spine. "Baby, if you want me to take off your clothes, all ya needed t'do was ask." He whispered, cooly. You jolted back, giving him a light smack on his upper arm. "Elvis, no, I need your help!" You lightly scolded, making Elvis chuckle fondly down to you. 
"M'nervous it's gonna snap, I can't shoot the next scene like this." You said quietly and Elvis instantly felt bad for messing with you, sensing how worried you were.   "I'm sorry doll, I'm only teasin' ya. Now, let's see what's wrong, hey?" He said as you nodded eagerly.  Elvis knelt down slightly, his eye line perfectly aligned with the side of your hip, dangerously close to your crotch. Reluctantly, you let go of your bikini bottom straps, allowing Elvis' large hands to take them from you. 
He tried to you tie them back up again, but after snapping, there just wasn't enough string, causing the string to pull and pinch your soft skin, making you yelp and wince a little in pain. 
"Shit, sorry honey." Elvis hushed, gently kissing the spot on your hip, smiling up at you. You couldn't help but blush and smile back.  Elvis really had a number on you. He was gentle, protective and caring but he was also powerful, dominant and brash, and you were completely obsessed. You found that he was the person you'd always turn to whenever you were at work with him. You wouldn't confide in your assistant, any of the costume team that you used to be very close to, no, it was only Elvis.  You'd actually spoken to him about it a bit. You'd shared your anxieties and fear of this growing fame, and only he could really relate and understand where you were coming from, and he helped. He'd promised you that he would keep all your secrets, even if he teased you about them.  "Hm.." Elvis mused quietly, glancing at your bikini bottom, where a small, wet patch of arousal had formed. The intense mix of excitement and nerves must've gotten to you as Elvis noticed the slick coating the elastane material.
"What?" You asked, not yet catching onto what Elvis had spotted. "Been into the sea for a dip recently, sweet thing?" Elvis asked.
"Um, no, not since the first scene." You shook your head, a little confused. "Why?"
Elvis smirked. "Nothin' darlin', just that these lil' panties you got on would suggest otherwise." Elvis said.  You're cheeks turned a deep shade of pink, realising what Elvis had meant. Your mind had just drifted as Elvis touched you innocently, you couldn't help it but by God, you were embarrassed now. "I, um, I-" You stammered, feeling like your whole body was on fire. You held your cheeks in your hands, trying to gather your composure. 
Elvis rubbed your thigh soothingly in an attempt to reassure you. He wasn't stupid, he knew the effect that he had on you and he loved it. He wouldn't humiliate you though, he just loved to make you squirm and get all flustered and hot, he just wished he could do it in the privacy of his bedroom.
"S'okay honey," Elvis cooed. "Y'know, this happens to a lot of the ladies I talk to," Elvis teased you, knowing he was being an ass. "Shut up, Elvis." You giggled as he winked up at you, making you feel better.
Elvis kept fiddling with the straps, muttering profanities as the elastic would snap his fingers every now and then until he cursed a little louder and a sudden breeze could be felt across your lower area. You froze, knowing exactly what had happened. Elvis' eyes widened as he was staring straight at you, bare and exposed.  Panicked, you crouched down to Elvis' level, cowering over with your legs tightly shut. Your heart was pounding as you looked around, praying that no one from set would turn around, fortunately, Elvis was shielding you as he was crouched in front of you, but if he moved, you'd be done for.  "Fuck, baby, I don't know what happened, they just snapped and dropped." Elvis said.
Elvis sighed, cooing at you as he noticed the pool of tears forming in your eyes. "Oh baby, it's okay." Elvis said, trying to comfort you. 
"No one can see me, Elvis, I swear, I can't risk anyone seeing me like this, please." You said, your voice cracking.  Suddenly, a usually confident, composed and bubbly girl was vulnerable, nervous and desperate for Elvis' help. "Here," Elvis said, unbuttoning his shirt. Your eyes widened at his bare chest before you averted your eyes, quickly wiping the tears from your eyes. 
He held the shirt open in his arms for you to crawl into, wrapping it around you lovingly, as if it were a towel and you'd just had a bath. He adjusted it ever so slightly to fit your frame and completely cover your most intimate areas. He tied a knot into the side of it, making sure that it wouldn't drop from your frame as soon as you got up. 
Elvis uttered little whispers of reassurance to you as he fixed his shirt around you, trying to soothe your racing mind, praising you for staying so calm and letting him help you. His words helped, they comforted you and helped you concentrate and level your breathing. "Now, I'm goin' to pick you up and take you to my trailer, okay little lady?" Elvis said, waiting for you to nod, letting him know you were listening. "And if anyone says anythin', we're goin' to tell 'em that you twisted that little ankle of yours, okay?" "Okay." You nodded, liking the idea. "Good girl, c'mon now." Elvis said, scooping you up in his arms, bridal style with his shirt covering your modesty. "I could get used to holdin' you like this, y'know?" Elvis said, making you giggle furiously and instantly feeling better. "There's that smile I've been missin'." Elvis said fondly, starting to head towards his trailer. "EP! We're nearly ready for you!" The director yelled. "Just takin' Y/N to the nurses station, she gotta nasty twist in her ankle." Elvis called back, making you giggle again, thankful that you had Elvis. It wasn't long before the pair of you arrived back at the trailer with Elvis placing you down gently on the couch.  "Thank you, Elvis." You said softly, breathing a sigh of relief, trying not to let the embarrassment of the whole event get to you too much. "Are you gonna tell anyone about this?" You asked quietly, nervous that you'd become a funny anecdote at a Memphis Mafia dinner. "Our secret, little one." Elvis said, holding out his pinky finger for you to take. "Our secret." You agreed, the both of you staring at each other, knowing that things had changed between you both now. But really, neither of you minded. Not one bit.
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mehidktbh · 2 years
Beautiful Drawing
Pairing: Captain John "Price" x Fem!Reader
Summary: John loves you and his daughter to death and is willing to push his work aside for the both of you
Warning: Established relationship, war stuff, pregnancy kinda stuff, just realised your daughter doesn’t really have a name (couldn’t come up with one), mentions a bit of gore and blood but it's mostly just something cute and short
A/N: Price is literally so underrated I can't believe there's like not enough fics/stories on that hot dilf. I love the idea of him being a girl dad...
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The sound of little footsteps thud down the narrow hallway, little giggles nearly escape the little girl's mouth, her hands shoved in front of her lips as she tries to hold in the big laugh about to come out. She shoves it down with the rest of her big emotions, happiness and excitement run through her as she feels herself run a bit faster.
A paper in her hand ruffles around as she runs, her grip on it is tight as she tries hard not to drop it again. Her face lights up, determined to get through the 'scary' door as she says it, a door 5x bigger than her size is the only thing stopping her from seeing her dad. She pushes forward, her hands flat against the wooden door as she puts all her force on it.
♡ ♡ ♡
You look over to your daughter, turning around from the sizzling food to see her happily scribbling on her paper. Thousands of colouring pencils, markers and carons all surround her messily on the floor as she picks them up one by one randomly. The sound of her dragging the colouring pencils too hard on the paper makes you laugh when she sighs to herself. Whining when the tip of the pencil breaks and she runs up to you for help sharpening.
"Mummy, hewp plese" Her voice is soft and a bit saddened as she holds up her bright green pencil towards you, trying hard to get on her tippy toes to place it on the kitchen counter. You wipe your hands on the rag that's hung up neatly on the wall rack, wiping any food or grease away. "Only because you asked so nicely" You teased, laughing when she followed right behind you, her soft socks here padding right behind your big steps.
Watching you pick up the sharpener to sharpen her pencil, the way her eyes light up when the dull broken pencil tip comes out clean and sharp. She always said how magical you were and told John how you knew magic. But that was because she never knew how it worked, Price was too concerned with her holding something so sharp with blades. So you insisted to take good care of her while he was working, in or outside of the house.
Her hands grabbed onto yours carefully as if she was going to break it just by dropping it, her little fingers wrapped around your hand as she thanked you. Flashing you a toothy smile as she ran off back to her mess, throwing herself on the ground as she got back to drawing. The sounds of her hardly pressed drawing were drowned out with the sound of the hot sizzling oil taking over you.
"Honey!" You called out to her and she instantly turned around to see you were still focused on the cooking but this time placing the food down on the plates. "Can you go get daddy for dinner?" Hearing you mention John was exciting as she was already going to make her way down, her drawing now complete. "Okey" She squealed, hopping up from laying down on her stomach as she stanched the paper off the ground, skipping down the hallway.
♡ ♡ ♡
She pushed open the door, her body struggling to hold it open as she pushed her way through, grunting when the door was holding her back from entering. The door finally shut behind her as she waited there, looking around the office. Pictures and books are pushed into bookcases as red strings attached from one photo to another, all connecting. The room was dimly lit except for the bright light source coming from the lamp sitting on Price's desk, it was turned on and positioned to look down at the papers scatted in front.
The further she walked further into the room she started to wonder if Price even noticed her presence at all, his hunched back was only focused on the desk in front. "Daddy...?" She mumbled quietly not to disturb his concentration, her body now standing beside the chair he was sitting on as he was leaning on her tippy-toes. Trying her hardest to peek over the tall desk to see what was so interesting.
"Yes, honey?" He questions, his ruff voice croaky as if he hadn't spoken in a long time, his head still set forward on the desk. "Mummy wants you to come down for dinner" Her sweet mere voice was softening to the touch, "I drew you, somethin' daddy" His head turned towards the child, her hands reached out as she opened and closed her hands. Signalling for John to pick her up as she would always do that as a baby.
Price smiled, pushing and hiding the gruesome photographs away from her sight, blood-filled photos so detailed he was shocked to look at them. His hand pushed books and anything he could get to cover them, pushing the chair back a bit so his daughter could fit better.
Her giggles finally escaped once her father picked her up, his fingers tickling her a bit as he held her under her armpits, a strong grip was unnoticed by her. "What is it, sweetie?" He watched her face twist into a sneaky smile, her hands hiding the unknown thing behind her back as she wiggled in his lap trying to get comfortable. "Close your eyes, dadda" Her hand was unlatched from the thing before it ghosted over his eyes, pressing her fingers into his eyes a bit to make them close.
Price happily closed his eyes, his beard rose with his smile as he was becoming more excited every second, wondering what her daughter was going to give him. The sound of ruffling paper hit him harder than bricks as he knew what she was going to give him but still stayed clueless for her.
The feel of a thin paper was placed gently in his outreached hands, his massive and calloused hand was bigger than her fingers as she quickly pulled away. Her little laughs were the thing that made him open his eyes, seeing a brightly coloured and scribbled drawing in his hand was seen from an angle where the lamp hit. "It's beautiful." John complimented, the weight of his daughter's body changed as she was now trying to stand confidently on his thighs. Pointing with her finger at the paper.
"That's mummy" She pointed to the stick figure drawing of you, your hair was messy and all over the place and it reminded him of when you would wake up with a bedhead. "That's me" A smaller girl was drawn, her stick figure arm connecting to yours as he presumed you were holding her hand. "And that's you." She giggled once she came to him, the way his head was drawn a bit bigger so she could fit the streaks of hair on his face which he knew was his beard. His stick hand connected to your other hand as he finally came to the realisation that you and him were holding hands with her.
"Like it?" She questioned looking up to Price, her jumpy body waiting for his approval. "I love it."
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devine-fem · 10 months
whats ur biggest damijon hc
biggest? no idea. my hc are usually boring asf and any headcanons i do have get put into a fic some where down the line.
i just have a bunch of headcanons altnerating through my head.
the most recent i was thinking about jon having a habit of collecting things. i headcanon jon keeps trinkets that just happen to belong to damian in one of his drawers, he has robin batarangs, he has a torn out page of dami’s sketch book, he has a picture of them together ofc, he also keeps love letters in there, not written by him but girls in his school that asked jon to give them to damian, lastly i feel like he has torn out pages of his diary he’s too anxious to leave around inside that drawer… its a hobby he tells himself, its no concern most of those things relate to damian. (ill post this today seperste from this post)
i also headcanon that damian subconsciously tries to climb jon at times and jon doesn’t even bat an eye to it because his kryptonian biology makes him numb to it
i also headcanon that damian will perch up/sit on one of jon’s shoulders when he’a lazy, just like a bird
i also feel like damian is subconsciously clingy, nuzzling up to jon like a cat at times.
i also feel like after a mission damian gets all nervous and looks around like hes bracing for an attack and his teammates are confused as to whats wrong but suddenly theres a streak of blue and jon’s crashing into damian with a hug sending him feet across the ground. which damian was expecting the whole time
i headcanon that damian climbs through jon’s window and sneaks up to him to give him a kiss while jon pretends he didnt know cause that would ruin the fun
i headcanon for the span of like weeks damian and jon had this inside joke where damian would speak in arabic and jon would speak in kryptonese.
and thats putting aside the possibility theyll call each other pet names in those languages
headcanon damian as the little spoon
headcanon jon’s terrified of horror movies even though hes a superhero and damian can’t focus on movies because his eyes are always stuck on jon’s expressions
headcanon that damian will get art block but he can still draw jon for some reason
headcanon that damian does all the house work like sewing jon’s capes and helping him get dressed in the morning
headcanon that damian hates kissing jon first because the act of getting on his tippy toes is mortifying
imagine jon getting his cape put on with the help of damian and damian’s somewhat struggling to do it due to his height so jon spreads his legs apart like he’s doing the splits to meet his height
jon is still stuck in his crush phase and gawks at damian
jon says “damian deprived” unironically like its a condition
its canon that they watch anime together so its fun thinking of the type of stuff theyd watch
jon asks before he does anything “can i kiss you” “can i see you” “can i hug you” ugh, i love it so much
they love to cuddle, fish, nap or talk on the back of goliath for no reason just because it feels homey since it was the first few things they did when they met
thats a few
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ottpopfic · 2 months
It's not the first time Nico has had to turn their ass back around the way they came because they fucked some underworld something in what di Angelo has dubbed their ‘Gay Chicken On Steroids Quest’. He's equally pissed at both Leo and Jason every time, so Leo tries to take some solace in that
Like, hooray Leo we‘re glad you're back, go back from whence you came we gotta go close the hole you crawled out of or whatever
The last death
Leo is alive, again, for like the sixth time 
Something something Jason went off to gather parts of all the plants people have been turned into to make a sacrifice? Dr. Frankenbonsi a Leo? He's not sure, all he knows is he got spat out of Thalia’s tree and it was both gross and hella painful. Not the worst resurrection so far, but definitely the one with the most tree sap
Also, Nico’s pissed again that they fucked around too much. Whatever Jason did with his spooky tree thing has apparently made a weak spot for underworld magic and now they have to go close it 
It's not the first time Nico has had to turn their ass back around the way they came because they fucked some underworld something in what di Angelo has dubbed their ‘Gay Chicken On Steroids Quest’. He's equally pissed at both Leo and Jason every time, so Leo tries to take some solace in that
Like, hooray Leo we‘re glad you're back, go back from whence you came we gotta go close the hole you crawled out of or whatever
The issue this time isn't how Leo came back, but the fucking cultist that have taken over the spot Jason did his Zuse wood magic thing
They end up in Newport State Park near the tippy-top point of Wisconsin’s peninsula, in a clearing in a grove of Oak and Linden trees. The place has to be hidden by the mist, Leo has checked the satellite imaging on Google Maps multiple times as they trek through the trees and underbrush to see nothing out of the ordinary, or even a landmark. There's some kind of temple off up a hill with way too many Canadian Geese guarding it, but that's not what they're after 
What they are after is the lowlands under the temple where the earth was carved away by an ancient flood. The trees never grew back there, leaving room for the milkweed, cardinal flowers, and forget-me-nots to flourish under the sun. It would be a lovely sight, if the flowers hadn't been trampled by the cultists
Fucking cultists, they're digging a hole
“What's with the hole?” Piper asks. The three of them are up in the brush at the top of the hill across from the temple, watching the robed dudes down below and desperately avoiding the geese. 
“Fuck if I know” Nico monotones
“Dude, you're the whole reason we're here,” Leo gapes “How do you not know what's up with the hole?”
“Just because I know that cultists are fucking around doesn't mean I know the method to their madness” Nico grouches 
“Oh no wait I think they're planting that guy,” Piper identifies “Or burying him alive? Whatever there's a dude going in the hole”
“Yeah, looks like it's time to step in,” Nico tosses the binoculars back at Leo to stash in his tool belt and draws his spooky-ass sword “Whatever you do don't bother the geese, I think they are only here for the temple”
“There is no way in hell I'm fucking with a goose,” Leo relents, tucking everything away “Have you ever been one on one with a goose, because I have”
“Oh yeah same,” Nico shudders “I got chased by like four of them when I was homeless in Central Park”
“Fucking vicious right!?” 
“Yeah, if I didn't know better I'd say they were hell spawn”
“Is there a plan?” Piper cuts in before they start down what she calls ‘sad homeless orphan lamentations’
“Keep the cult from burying anyone, don't die,” Nico tells them “I can close the weak point once we clear them out”
“Fantastic,” Piper says 
They end up splitting up slightly, being outnumbered puts a damper on charging in even if it looks mostly like mortals below. Nico poofs off one way whereas Leo and Piper sneak off the other, it works for about eight seconds before they are spotted in the wildflowers 
“You there!” cries one of the cultists pointing “Show yourself!“
“What is he a fucking Monty Python character” Piper grumps
“Hello!” Leo improvises, standing abruptly “Hello fellow cult members, I have come to uh, help you with the cult stuff” Leo can see Nico facepalm in a patch of swamp lupine on the other side of the hill
“Yep sure do love digging holes and putting people in them, uh” Leo is apparently now the distraction because Piper is lining up her blow dart as his hip and Nico is creeping in from the back “Sure am excited using a whole ass man as a seed, that's definitely gonna appease our god!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” cuts in one of the cult guys in the back, Piper blow darts him two seconds later
Things go fast from there. There are six above-ground cult members and one fancy one in the hole, Nico quickly takes out the one next to Mr. Blow Dart In The Neck. Leo pulls a handsaw and a ball peen hammer out of his belt, whipping the hammer at the closest robed figure and following a knife-wielding Piper into the fray 
It's the classic chaos of a close combat fight; dodge, duck, swipe at a weak spot, and don't hit your friends. They're holding their own pretty well for being outnumbered in a goose poop-filled muddy clearing. But it's when Leo turns to throw another hammer at the man starting to overpower Piper that he hears a new voice enter the equation
And there he is, it's Jason. 
He's alive, walking talking breathing moving of his own accord. Or he would be, if the knife that was meant for Leo wasn't sticking out of his back
Leo hasn't seen him in three years . 
They lock eyes for a second, blue to brown, and then Jason gives one hard bloody cough. Leo can see the tip of the knife just piercing through his shirt, the smallest hit of silver surrounded by spreading red
“ Jason !”
The Hole Cultist pulls his blade up first, making a sick crunching and ripping noise accompanied by Jason’s cut-off scream, before wrenching it back out and kicking the blond away. Jason falls hard, and he stays down, the robed man turning back to his original target of Leo with a sneer. There is a lot of blood, like the knife went through a major artery or organs or something, pooling around where Jason lays barely moving, it makes Leo see red
He tends not to be the one fighting in the front lines, especially not with his fire. Like Leo can defend himself and others if he needs to, but he much prefers to launch wrenches at people like Ratchet from Transformers or act as a support. Fire is too hard to control in close or crowded combat, and there is too high a risk of hurting someone friendly or catching the landscape ablaze
Leo doesn't really care about that right now, his body moves on its own
Charbroiled he thinks the term is, or at least extra crispy, because for once Leo is not holding back. That tight panicked control he's had to keep on his fire his whole life whips away from him in a flash of light and heat at the cultist, a Saturn's rings of flame surrounding him and then projected at the man. Either way, there's not much left of them when he's done, half the flesh seared off the bone and all
“Jason!” Leo screams as he turns back, scrambling away from the horror show he's made of the robed figure and sliding on his hands and knees next to the blond. He gathers Jason into his arms and onto his lap, not caring for the blood and viscera that are coating them both, Jason grabs him back with shaking hands the best he can “ Jason !”
“O-oh hey,” Jason says like he's not actively bleeding out “It's good to see you”
“Jason, what the fuck” Leo cries, vision blurring with the water in his eyes “Don't do this to me!”
“It’s okay,” Jason tries to soothe him through the blood in his mouth, gore-slick hands losing their grip on Leo’s jacket and looking straight into Leo’s eyes like a promise “I'll get you on-on the n-next round, just-just wait, for me” and then he's gone, the light leaving him In one last desperate rasping breath
“No no no nonono no! ” Leo begs through his tears, shaking him in his arms like it will make Jason’s spirit come back to his body “Jason come on please! ”
It's not fair, he's right here and it's not fair . They were so close, Leo can feel how close they were to making it
He's on fire, he knows he is but he doesn't have it in him to care. It's whipping around like a storm, like a tornado, pouring off of him harder and hotter than it's ever been, the heat making Jason's body slowly cremate in his arms. All Leo can do is burn and sob, hunched over what's left of the man he's so desperate for even as other things around them catch with him
It's not fair, they were so close and it's not fair
Leo is done. He's played by the rules and bent over backwards to appease the gods and this is what they get? They were never going to let Leo have him, it's always been just a show, just another stupid myth to add to the collection. Here's a parable on what wanting what you can't have will do to you, it is storm or fire after all
Leo is over it, he's going to write his own story
He can hear Piper’s panicked voice somewhere off somewhere, but he can't find it in him to care for once. If he's going to die this time for this at least she won't be there like all the other deaths. Maybe she can be spared for once
It's hot, his fire, so hot for once it's blue. Jason’s body might be dust slipping through his hands but Leo knows without needing to look it's the same color as his eyes
So he hulls himself up. He's still burning, the ash that is Jason combining with the ash and stone that is the landscape and changing. Magma, lava, stone and glass. 
Leo walks 
And the ground melts away
He walks the whole way down like that, all the way to the underworld. Nothing stops him, not the earth or spirits or monsters, nothing even tries. He creates his own tunnel like that, burning his entrance to the upside down, an Obsidian Field
He may not be falling into the planet, but it sure is close
Leo doesn't waste time when he gets to the upside down, beelining it to the queue of souls waiting to be judged, honed in on the blond like he's being reeled in by the heartstrings. He's terrified, he's breaking so many rules, but he can't care about that right now. He won't care about it. If they want to strike him down for this Leo can just step in behind Jason, he's not above cutting in line.
It doesn't take Leo long to find him, in the long procession of semi-transparent dead people Jason is surprisingly opaque. He has a hand in his grody ripped jeans pockets and staring at an outcropping of stalagmites like a crappy waiting room TV. The microsecond Leo is close enough he grabs him out of line by the hand, Jason looks surprised to see him so soon
“We are leaving ” Leo demands through his teeth
“Okay,” Jason says, and then Leo drags him back the way he came
He doesn't let go of Jason's hand the whole way up, but he doesn't look at him either, just in case.
When they get upstairs the land around them is one big sheet of black glass with the hole to the new underworld entrance smack dab in the middle. there's a spot in front of them, where the new stone is discolored and rippled like water. Where Jason died, where Leo caught fire. It’s kinda pretty in a way, glittering and reflective, but nothing looks better than turning around and Jason still being there
“Hi,” Jason says, a huge grin on his face
“Hey,” Leo breathes back, still terrified their both about to be whisked away back under
“I missed you,” Jason tells him, squeezing his hand
“ Dude ” Leo is trembling, is this really happening?
“Just, come here ”
Jason pulls him into an embrace by their joined hands, and Leo melts into it holding him back like a lifeline. 
It's probably the best hug in existence Leo thinks, even though it's one-armed and they are both hella gross. But it's Jason , and he's here. He's here and he's sticking his stupid handsome face in Leo’s hair and pulling him in so tight it makes his ribs hurt. Leo thought he had run out of tears somewhere between the Metamorphic Rocks and the Mantle, but apparently not. He's sobbing into Jason’s nasty ass shirt, and Jason lets go of his hand just to hold him tighter
“Holy shit!” Leo hears Piper shreek in the distance “Holy shit he did it! ”
There's more screaming, the sound of friends and family inbound across the still-steaming ground, but right now it's just Leo and Jason standing in the cooling obsidian 
Leo looks up at him, just to make sure it's true and Jason is here for realzies this time. He's met with blue eyes, blue like the sky above them clear of clouds, blue like the heart of the hottest flames, blue like home
“Let's go home,” Leo tells him
“Okay,” Jason replies, seconds before Piper body slams them both to the ground “Let's go home”
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Hey, everyone. Asks are being turned off as of right now because I am overwhelmed. I also want to talk about something regarding that. I'm not angry, I have no hard feelings towards anyone, and this needs to be addressed:
"Too long, didn't read" at the bottom:
I have 433 asks in my inbox. It is very difficult for me to get the energy to answer every single one of them. I am going to delete them all (unless I find something I really do not want to delete) and clean my inbox out. Don't get me wrong, I do have fun with these a lot. That being said, being spammed with questions, especially the same ones I have answered multiple times, is not fun for me.
The Jonny Headverse stuff is fun, and I can have negative feelings about it. I have been thinking about this for a while now, but I never wanted to ruin anyone else's fun. I feel it is time to speak up about it anyway.
Please give me a little space. I do not dislike you, I am not angry, I am overwhelmed and a bit disheartened. I very much appreciate the fan art, the writings, the jokes, and everything in between. However, every time I do an event that is only supposed to be for Vanilla, TipVans, Bel, or an f/o takeover of some sort, it is always somehow about Jonathan and the other heads.
It, admittedly, hurt my feelings when it was mine and Vanilla's anniversary and I got asks that were mostly about the heads. I even had a few that were, "Okay but what about Jonathan and Erina's anniversary?" (which we actually did earlier in the year)
It all started with a visual gag I made in a mini comic about my s/i raiding the fridge. I got the idea from Futurama yes, but mostly this one DIY Halloween decoration where you print out a picture of a face, put it in a pickle jar filled with oil and put it in the fridge. Which is why he was next to the pickles in that drawing. I have no qualms about other artists and writers doing the Jonathan head thing. If somebody decides to make that their shtick, then that is wonderful. Yes, Jonathan's Head is an important character in my fanfic, but he is not the focal point.
My fanfic is all supposed to be from the viewpoint of Vanilla. My own s/i isn't even the main character, he is. It's not only about the romance between Vanilla and Tippy, but it tells a story about what would happen if two complete opposites of people (Vanilla and Polnareff) got a second chance. Polnareff remembers everything, but Vanilla remembers nothing. The tension, difficult decisions, the "what would you do in this situation?" feelings, and giving a backstory to a throwaway mini boss type villain.
I digress. To add on to what I said previously, it is discouraging to draw and write my heart out about something only to have it derailed by another subject. I have tried to take it all in stride, but my feelings are hurt. I would talk about Vanilla doing something, it gets derailed to Jonathan even when he wasn't even relevant to the conversation. I would say something about TipVans or Bel or Ramon or Emmanuel, it would get derailed so fast and I would get 20 asks about the heads doing the same thing my f/o or other characters are doing.
When I would do the f/o takeovers, not a single question I would receive was about the relationship Vanilla has with Tippy (although I could be wrong and don't remember. I only remember getting asks about taking care of the disembodied heads).
I don't want any of you to feel bad or think that I am mad at you. I am very overwhelmed and disheartened. I put a lot of passion into my art work and writing. I am very grateful for all of the kind words I receive and all of the wonderful encouragement I get on tags when my art gets reblogged every now and then.
There's this one drawing I have worked my best on and put my all into, which is a semi realism digital painting, I am very proud of (here). When I first uploaded it, I had somebody go, "Okay, now do semi realistic Jonathan's head." I can't just do a semi realism painting. It takes a lot of patience and energy.
I'm asking for a little bit of space, and a little bit of grace.
Like I have said before, I am in no way, shape, or form angry with anyone. Please, by all means, continue drawing, writing, animating, and talking about the Jonathan Head universe. I want you all to have fun and continue having fun. Do what makes you happy, create to your heart's content, please
I only ask 2 things: please, do not derail my other art works or writings anymore with Jonathan's Head stuff unless he is in them. And please do not bombard other artists/writers with asks, especially if they are uncomfortable and expressing their discomfort.
For now, asks are closed because I am overwhelmed with things and this (unfortunately) was the final straw.
Please don't think I will be angry with you if you decide to tag me in something Jonathan's Head related. I will still like it and share it and be happy for you and/or the person who created the work.
Once again, I am very grateful and thankful for all of the kind words and feedback I have gotten on my fanfic and drawings. I will let you all know when asks are turned back on as well. Then one day we can roleplay and stuff again💙
TL;DR: Overwhelmed with asks. Asks are turned off. Disheartened by my art and writing being derailed by Jonathan and the rest of the heads. Not mad, very supportive of your creativity. Wish you all the best 💙
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hiseternalmayfly · 1 year
Well I tried. First time doing a lot of things in this--new hair styles and angles-- so not everything looks the best..... BUT
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Self indulgent Vash Echo is an OC of mine <3 Vanilla Ice for @sapphire-heart-tippy Alucard for @ascend-to-the-clouds Sef is @shmothman's S/I!
Please be kind I've only been drawing for 3 months
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hi I saw ur Hazbin mashups and I was wondering if I could get one. :)
Preferably MALE characters!
About me:
AFAB, They/Them, 4’10, Guatemalan, nonbinary & Pansexual. I have a bit of chub, and I dress in a more youthful style: hoodies graphic tee, etc. I’m introverted, I like to be around people I’m very close to and I’m able to hang out with said before for longer periods of time, usually I only am able to be around other people an hour or so in before I get tired.
I have lots of hyperfixations and will hop to one after another but when I get into a fixation I go all in. Very spacey at times and hard for me to sit down (adhd), I have anxiety so I tend to do verbal and physical stims, shake my hands/fist, repeat words, walk on my tippy toes. Often listening to music or YouTube to help focus and stimulate myself.
Id say an overall good person. I like to talk to and listen to my friends about things they like as well as help them in anyways I can.
Very hard working, when invested into a job or project once I get into the grove I can stick to it for hours. Happy to do physical work/projects, as well as ones where lots of ideas and think can be involved.
A little naive at times, sarcasm goes over my head and I don’t get many jokes. I can take things to literal and to heart when I’m not supposed to. Also hard for me to express myself in tough situations, will often laugh when I’m not supposed to. I can also tend to overthink as well, which lead to paranoia. I am also highly sensitive to a lot of things, as my senses are very high. I only like certain foods, get overwhelmed by smells and sounds often and dislike most physical contact.
Very chaotic most of the times, somehow full of energy, talk really loud (I often don’t realize it) love to talk about random things I know or stuff I enjoy. I really enjoy getting compliments and approval from others.
I’m an artist I like drawing and making up stories and characters. I also like to sing, though I’m not that good. I also kinda like to write as well.
Some franchises I really like are Trolls, Doctor Who, Marvel, Hazbin, Fallout, Analog Horror/Horror, Overwatch and TF2.
I really like sweets, such as Nerds. I love Arizona Green Tea as well. I also love Pasta and Cheese.
I like learning new thing and will often research and learn about new and random topics, like my YouTube recommendations is all over the place cus of how much I like learning and watching random things
Ty for ur time
hey friend! i match you with…
Husk !!
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Husk tries to be softer with you, especially considering you don’t get sarcasm a lot, but sometimes he just can’t help himself from cracking a joke here and there haha
He also knows it’s hard for you to express yourself, so he comes to you instead, he’s the wise, old bartender. He knows you like the back of his paws.
Due to your naivety, he’s very protective over you, he tries to shelter you from the cruel and harsh realities of this world but yet there’s no escaping it
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raphael-angele · 2 years
Headcanon about Troy and Talia being Siblings
FIRST AND FOREMOST: SWORD FIGHTS! These two will be having a normal afternoon, drinking tea, watching something, or even just showing each other things they find on their phones. Then out of no where, one of them will ask the other if they wanna train and they end up in the training room, sword fighting. Though Troy isn't an exclusive sword user, Talia takes it as a challenge that there can only be ONE sword user in the team.
If Troy needs/wants to buy a gift for Raven, Talia will be right behind him, ready to pay for whatever it is. This connects to the headcanon that she also helps him picking out the gifts for him.
Height difference. Though in the comic, the difference isn't evident, you cannot tell me that these two don't have a big height difference. Talia would be like 5'4" or 5'3" and Troy is at least 5'10" and he won't let Talia forget it. She'd try to reach something on a shelf on her tippy toes and Troy just grabs it for her with ease as he passes by.
And it's just Talia. Troy and Jess are the tallest ones in the group. And when it comes to reaching things on high places, they do one of two things to Talia (since she's the only one who can't fly and Jacqui is also one of the taller ones). They would either get it for her, or they lift her up by the waist so she can get it herself.
Troy would ask Talia (and the others) to help him train. So there are just times the team walks in on Troy doing push ups while Talia is sitting on his back with a book, sipping tea.
Small headcanon about Talia walking in on Raven sleeping on Troy's chest and Troy, who was already awake, signals her to keep quiet so his angel doesn't wake up. Talia signed if he wanted coffee and he said yes.
When she came back to give it to him, Raven wakes up to the smell and tries to take it but Troy pulls him back down and says he needs more sleep. Raven whines and Troy chuckles at it and asks Talia to get him some tea to help him calm down a bit. Talia rolls her eyes but does it anyway.
Troy's considerably the only one with a license to drive. So he's often the one who drives his team to go somewhere.
Whenever Troy's stressed or upset, he likes looking at the stars and mapping them on a piece of paper. And sometimes, he'd connect the stars to draw what he can see. So when Talia saw this, she gifted him with a telescope and a blank book.
Remember when I said Klarienne and Troy have a brother-sister relationship? The same goes for Talia and Raven (consistent with my headcanon that Raven and Damian act like siblings). So whenever Troy has to go away on a mission or just because his brother is calling for him back on the island, he assigns Talia to look after Raven. This leads to Talia absolutely SPOILING Raven.
Whenever Laurel is unavailable, Talia goes to Troy to recharge. She'd just walk into the room and plop herself onto Troy whether it's a hug from behind, or laying on top of him. Troy doesn't really mind it and pets her hair.
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
yoo could i ask for a playlist for a tallulah qsmp fictive mayhaps? she has an insatiable hunger for music it's frightening (/silly) ,, she likes soundtracks (child of light is her current fav), stuff like the oh hellos/cavetown/bears in trees, and generally cozy sorta feeling songs, plus anything lullaby-ey if that makes sense :] hope u guys are well! sorry this is a tad long or vague hhaha -–🔉🌠
hello! Admittedly I rushed this a bit I’m not as sure about these as I was about 🌾🪶 Phil’s but I took a swing we’ll see if I missed later I guess. I tried to include as many artists as possible so you have plenty of people to look through since you said she was a bit insatiable when it came to music! I did phone in the last few songs like the lullaby-eque ones. yeah again this was a bit of a mess on my end. Though I have been writing down songs for this for a while I didn't have an easy time narrowing down things as to what I wanted to include so at this point I've just thrown my hands in the air and declared it done now. Sorry if the playlist is messy or unsatisfactory.
Art used is by @/sallomezz on tumblr and can be found here!
Hope you find something to enjoy on the playlist or in my bonus ramblings below! -phil
okay so I kinda cheated my self imposed rule of one song per artist but in my defense I couldn’t choose between Moonlight and Paperwork… They’re my two favorite Fish in a Birdcage songs and I thought both were kinda fitting so oh well both of them are there.
Anywho I could go on and on and on about how I was this close to fighting myself to the death (<- hyperbolic) over this. Let's just get to other recommendations I didn't put on for one reason or another.
Starting with musicians I put on there but didn't include a song from for whatever reason:
Myxrite! My personal favorite song Now and Again doesn't look like its on Spotify at all so uh yeah I'm linking it here because I like it a lot.
Bug Hunter is on there too but he's currently in the top ten of my favorite musicians so yeah here's more suggestions! Go With The Flow and Listen to Your Mom pretty high up there in terms of my favorite songs. Making Up Words is one of my favorites lyrically (though I must say that Disco in the Panic Room is up there too), and of course I have to mention Try My Best and Slow Burn because I keep using lyrics from them to inspire drawings (that I'll never post anywhere online). Okay fuck I need to move on before I link literally every single one of his songs lol
Same as Bug Hunter, The Narcissist Cookbook is up there in terms of my favorite musician + he put the MOTH album (one of his old ones that wasn't on on youtube yet) on youtube recently so he's been in my head a lot. Ghost Stories and UNWELCOME GUESTS (warning: unwelcome guests starts with a phone ringing noise idk my friends always get surprised by it so I'm just gonna mention it in case) are rahgjagh they are so good they exist in my head rent free
Madilyn Mei has been on loop in my head cause a friend of mine. Anyway Six Legs (tippy tappy toes) and Sleeping in the Kitchen. just live in my brain now because of them lol
The actual recommendations that aren't just more songs from folk on the playlist already:
I Fight Dragons! I fucking love them! Their music tends to have techy/8-bit noises and they're a bit more on the rock side of things but their stuff is really good! Good Morning Sunlight and Oh The Places You'll Go... They are the most <3 to me forever... Sunny Afternoon too... God I love IFD I need to make my friends listen to them with me more
If you like IFD you may also like Jonathan Coulton or the portal song guy as my friends know him lol. Nobody Loves You Like Me or Now I Am an Arsonist or really anything from the Artificial Heart Album is always my go to for showing people besides the songs from Portal (Still Alive and Want You Gone) that my friends know.
Similar to IFD, a lot of Going Spaceward's songs have techy noise in the like proper releases, but his youtube has a lot of acoustic versions of his songs that don't have those. His covers are good but really most of his music is just funky. Uh since I will absolutely not narrow this down in any timely fashion I'm just going to link the entire Can You Hear It Album and uh Count Past 23.
Joseph Dubay is a musician I only got into like a few months ago but I really like his stuff, kinda similar vibes to what i was going for with this playlist but a lot of his songs just didnt fit the vibe so I didn't feel like adding them. That being said I am obliged to tell absolutely everyone I talk about music with to listen to Pastel Goth and 4evr so yeah.
Completely different vibe but San Fermin may be of interest to y'all! Astronaut and The Woods are the ones I listen to most from them but everything about their music just scratches the brain itch for me. Their stuff is indie rock which is kinda in the genres of the bands you mentioned!
A bit of a different suggestion but since you mentioned her liking soundtracks AZALI might be a cool youtube channel to check out! They make short songs in FL Studio and idk I'll be honest I don't listen to soundtracks or things like you mentioned in that part of your ask but I do listen to every upload AZALI makes and I think they're all pretty neat. The songs are all like a minute or two long but I like to just put them on loop when I'm writing. Truth, Violence, Warmth is my go to for writing for this specific project, but Mechanical God was how I found their channel and I'm just fond of City of Shattered Glass so there those three are my suggestions.
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