another-dr-another · 2 years
spend all 30!
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You Now Own:
005 - Ramune 
A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store.
007 - Everlasting bracelet 
A handcrafted item made with needle and thread. They say that once you put it on, it will never come off again.
008 - Pink Glow-Sticks 
You're able to attatch them so they form a bracelet or a necklace! The package says they'll glow for a week straight.
017 - Gentleman's Guide 
A book that's meant to help shape you into the perfect gentleman. However, it's rather demeaning towards the reader, which doesn't feel very gentleman-ly.
024 - Hair Cutting Scissors 
Snip snip snip. Try and make it even, okay?
025 - Purple Hair Dye 
Pretty purple hair dye guaranteed to not come out of hair for weeks! More of a pinkish-purple than the box advertised.
028 - Constellation Skirt 
With patterns matching actual real constellations. Despite matching the night sky, it almost seems sun-rise themed, with its pink background and pale gold stars.
030 - Bottled Tea 
When heated up, it's meant to help soothe upset stomachs, and muscle aches. Popular among student athletes. 
031 - Alarm Clock 
It's a digital alarm clock. One of the few normal and functional things here, and it's the thing that screams at you to wake up every morning. 
036 - The Shining Doctor 
A biography about some incredible doctor. Odd to make a biography about a living person, but his achievements right now already fill up a book. 
037 - Mint Gum 
A packet of mint gum. It has a strong smell to match its strong flavor.
041 - Tiovita Drink 
A Japanese energy drink sold at most convenience stores. Pretty inexpensive.
045 - Protein Bar 
Healthy and filling. Good for those who are trying to work on their physique. 
046 - Broken Umbrella 
It's got some tears and holes in it. It also has a hard time opening and closing, it tends to get stuck.
049 - Track Award 
A award from a middle school track and field award. The recipient of the trophy seems to have come in second in two events, and first in one. 
055 - Holographic Platforms 
Ankle boots with black laces and soles, everything else a shiny holographic color. Perfect for stomping around in regardless of your aesthetic. 
058 - Disposable Camera 
Somewhat of a blast from the past. Once you're done with it, you just throw it away.
061 - Calendar (x2)
It's got pictures of internationally famous towns on it! This particular one has been written on with a note almost every day.
072 - Hanging Succulent 
A small succulent has made a home in what's essentially a glass ball with a small hole at the top for air. You can hang it from your ceiling.
078 - Strobe Disco Ball 
Perfect for any and all parties! Like a normal disco ball, except it flashes.
084 - Noise-cancelling Headphones 
They completely block out all sound! Also come with the ability to adjust the size of the band, and will stay on your ears even if you pull the band down to your neck. 
088 - Embroidery Kit 
Or rather, a needle and thread to be used for embroidery. There's only one needle, and one spool of thread.
094 - Nightlight 
At least, I suppose you could call it that. It also melts wax, which is fun. 
095 - Instant Noodles 
Just add water! Hot, salty, a nice meal if you're looking for something that's also quick and easy.
106 - Newspaper Collage (x2)
Seems to be a collection of snippets from newspaper articles. There must be hundreds in here... it's a big collage.
107 - Cropped Sweatshirt 
Cropped specifically due to a parent saying not to. The sweatshirt seems to be related to some organization.
108 - Warm Blanket (x2)
It's very soft... and very warm.... Big enough to cover three people, if they're close enough together.
Thank you for visiting the Monomono Machine!
Maeda, narrating - I wonder how many gifts you can even get from this thing…
Maeda - Hm.
Maeda - Anyways, always cool to see what I get.
[Free Time Event - Tomori]
{Head to Your Room}
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aikou123-blog · 7 years
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#costcojapan #定番 #tiovita #kiri #子持ちこんぶ #海苔 #辛ラーメン #卵ひとつ #まろやか #robertmondavi #whitewine↓↓↓ #たまらない #味わい #癖 #習慣 #身体が欲しがる #LGBTQ #divorced #singlemother #stepfamily
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jameskchou · 7 years
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This is why I'm going to have sleeping problems #lovingthemoment #timetowin #tiovita #energydrink #food #foodie #LOL #hongkong #hk
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obliterus · 5 years
AKIHIKO !  ∕  𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚. @jadepastels
   Ah, certainly there were ideas that were a little less intrusive on one’s health, weren’t there? Rather than twisting off a cap of TIOVITA 2000, which already contained a hefty amount of caffeine, to pour it into even more caffeine. After tipping and pouring it into the thermos of black coffee, a smile, reassuring upon lips is all that greets Akihiko’s look of perplexity. “I wouldn’t worry, this isn’t anything I haven’t done before.” Blasphemy! Shion, what exactly were you and how were you still alive after tactics like these? The top of the thermos was tightly closed, long enough for them to shake up their bizarre concoction. 
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    “Let’s take this time to review, shall we? You approached me for some extra aid after all.” A new friendship is always something that they’d look forward to, Shion extending the olive branch across departments within the school, because it was important to do so. At least, to them it was. Setting the thermos down on the table in front of them both, fingers entwined themselves, a dull crack of their knuckles is heard before they began to shake out their hands. 
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riya-works · 4 years
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TIOVITA×切り絵作家riya スペシャルコラボレーション ノベルティバッグ 2020
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shoko-sugiyama · 5 years
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TIOVITA Novelty goods 大鵬薬品 チオビタ20本入りバッグ/ノベルティ/イラスト(2019)
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jfkhgenet · 7 years
“国民的美少女”のダンスがキュートすぎる! WEBムービー「チオビタエール・ダンス 伝えたかった気持ち編」 #HikaruTakahashi #Tiovita Drink
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lovingcrownstudent · 5 years
Lần đầu uống nước thần Tiovita Gold JP ( Miraculous Water ) | Văn Hóng
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another-dr-another · 3 years
insert those coins babey! no point in holding onto them if they aren't used !
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You Now Own:
001 - Mineral Water (x2)
Drawn from the ocean depths and rigorously purified. Ideal for a modern on-the-go public unsatisfied with tap water.
002 - Sea Salt
A basic seasoning produced from the evaporation of seawater. It also sees use as a preservative.
003 - Ration
A set of canned and vacuum-sealed foodstuffs. The taste isn't bad, and a certain snake that wants to play hide-and-go-seek is just crazy abou- wait, what?
005 - Ramune
A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store.
010 - Ship In a Bottle
A intricate creation, a model ship within a bottle. Made with time, love and care.
012 - Envy-Enducing Envy CD
A CD of songs by Japanese band Envy. Full of unreleased tracks/first recordings.
014 - Children's Book
A children's book about family and forgiveness! The plot is about a sister who can't get along with her younger brother, but they find common ground and bond over causing trouble for their parents.
016 - Sour Soda (x2)
No flavor is listed on the bottle other than sour, which may just be a flavor in and of itself. It's a near black shade of blue... I think.
017 - Gentleman's Guide
A book that's meant to help shape you into the perfect gentleman. However, it's rather demeaning towards the reader, which doesn't feel very gentleman-ly.
018 - Masculine Cologne
Very masculine, can only be used by masculine people. No weaklings allowed, or people with the common sense to smell it before purchasing, and realize it smells really bad.
019 - Fancy Sword
True to it’s name, it looks very fancy, and very intimidating. However, it's only for show, and rather blunt- perhaps inexpensive?
022 - ??? Alcohol
It's something alcoholic. This is a school, it should be confiscated, and you won't be receiving any more information.
024 - Hair Cutting Scissors
Snip snip snip, meant for hair-cutting at home, as these aren’t professional grade. Still though, try and make it even, okay?
025 - Purple Hair Dye
Pretty purple hair dye guaranteed to not come out of hair for weeks! More of a pinkish-purple than the box advertised, but still pretty.
028 - Constellation Skirt
With patterns matching actual real constellations. Despite matching the night sky, it almost seems sun-rise themed, with its pink background and pale gold stars.
030 - Bottled Tea
When heated up, it's meant to help soothe upset stomachs, and muscle aches. Popular among student athletes.
031 - Alarm Clock
It's a digital alarm clock. One of the few normal and functional things here, and it's the thing that screams at you to wake up every morning.
032 - Broken Stopwatch (x2)
It won't stop running, no pausing or restarting. You can however make it record different laps.
034 - Baseball Cap
Perfect for keeping the sun out of your face! This one is all black though, so it'll retain a lot of heat.
038 - Card Game (x3)
One easy to play, and popular among kids. The front side of the package shows a family of four playing.
039 - Reminder Booklet
A small pamphlet that gives reminders for daily things, such as eating, drinking, taking meds, etc. Also has room for you to add in unique personalized reminders.
041 - Tiovita
A Japanese energy drink sold at most convenience stores. Pretty inexpensive, and with a nice fruity flavor- but hey, only one per day!
044 - Lie Detector (x2)
Fun for the whole family! Though not incredibly accurate... wait, how do you know that?
045 - Evidence Encylopedia
A book focusing on evidence found in crime scenes. From most overlooked to most common, this book talks about it all.
049 - Track Award
A award from a middle school track and field award. The recipient of the trophy seems to have come in second in two events, and first in one.
050 - Plane Tickets (x2)
Anywhere, anytime, round trip tickets. Probably given as some sort of thank you for volunteering to get off of a accidentally over-booked flight.
051 - Therapy Advertisement (x2)
Some therapist endorsing themselves. Upon looking at the services they offer, I don't feel very inspired to go there.
056 - Soulmate Sweatshirt
A sweatshirt that supposedly brings the most comfort not when you wear it, but when holding someone wearing it. Currently smells strongly of... lavender?
057 - Scrap Metal x3
Seems to be broken bits and pieces of some sort of engine. Could be repurposed, or simply a cool trinket.
059 - Old Journal
It seems to be from the late 80s, and kept being written in up to the early 90s. There's a entry on the last page, synopsizing the birth of the owners son, and how proud the owner is of his now five year old.
060 - Paper Boat
A piece of paper that's been folded into a boat. Apparently you can fold and tear it as you tell a story to provide a visual aid for the story, but no one here knows how.
061 - Calendar
It's got pictures of internationally famous towns on it! This particular one has been written on with a note on almost every day.
064 - Face-paint Kit.
A professional face-painting kit. However, it’s missing it’s red, yellow, blue and white paint- those colors have been all used up.
065 - Life Quote Sign (x3)
A sign with some stereotypical life quote written on it in flowery lettering. Most likely to be seen hanging in a kitchen.
066 - Throwing Rings (x2)
Meant for fair games. If you have good enough aim, maybe you'll win a prize!
067 - Pleasant Savior
Seemingly a CD filled with various performances by the same person. I haven't played the CD, so I don't know what kind of performances he does though, and the name is off-putting.
069 - “Fresh” Bouquet (x3)
Somehow still smells sweet with flowers that look flawless. It's comprised of roses that have been dyed rainbow, all of them.
070 - Hair Ribbons (x3)
They come in a variety of colors, but the Monomono Machine only dispenses yellow. Guaranteed to make the wearer feel a certain sense of self-satisfaction.
071 - Girls Profile
A student profile from a all-girls academy. The paper is water-stained and some of the ink has run, so it's hard to make out what's on the paper.
073 - Baby Doll
It seems to be from around the 90s and... not quite well-loved, but well-played-with. Doesn't come with the original clothes... or hair.
075 - Dream Catcher
Made by a past SHSL. It's actually been pretty effective, and is part of the reason they got scouted.
080 - Retro Game
It's handheld, old, and extremely broken. The screen has been shattered so it displays wrong, all cracked and distorted.
081 - Blackout Curtains (x2)
Completely block out any and all light. Strong enough to plunge a room into darkness.
084 - Noise-cancelling Headphones
They completely block out all sound! Also come with the ability to adjust the size of the band, and will stay on your ears even if you pull the band down to your neck.
086 - Wall Decals
Stickers you can put on your wall. They do a decent job of covering up holes in said walls.
087 - Antique Stuffed Animal (x2)
It seems to be bunny themed, and dressed in clothes you'd see on babies in the 1930s. It's in pretty good shape, other than a few tears where the lace trim at the end has had it’s stitches removed.
088 - Embroidery Kit
Or rather, a needle and thread to be used for embroidery. There's only one needle, and one spool of thread, but hey, it’s something.
090 - Scented Markers (x2)
A full rainbow set, all with their own unique smell! Be careful though - it's hard to get these out of clothes.
092 - Fake Christmas Tree (x2)
Too plastic to be a real tree. It's also incredibly small, but real trees can be small too, so that doesn’t really mess with the realism.
093 - Hair Gel
Top of the line hair gel, and completely unopened! Helps you style your hair and keep it in place, but doesn’t give it the nicest texture.
095 - Instant Noodles
Just add water to get something hot, salty, and/or spicy! A nice meal if you're looking for something that's quick and easy, you can dress it up some too.
097 - Drink Mix
A powder used for ??? warm drink, made with milk, tastes like... something? You try it and tell me, but it smells good at the least.
099 - The DSM-I
Self-explanatory, it's the original version of the DSM, from 1952. Index cards have been slipped in-between most of the pages, talking about what happened with the information listed there.
100 - Collection Of Old Ads
Dating back to the 1920s. A magazine full of ads from a different time, it’s somewhat of a miracle the paper held up while the ideas in it didn’t.
101 - Wooden Ruler
It's a wooden ruler. Used for measuring things, nothing else- why do you ask?
102 - Building Blocks (x3)
Stacking and stacking, and sending it all crumbling down. And then you rinse and repeat.
104 - Cutesy Hair Clips
Snap clips in pastel colors and covered in designs. Oddly enough, there isn't any non-pastels, unless you count the few white clips.
106 - Newspaper Collage
Seems to be a collection of snippets from newspaper articles. There must be hundreds in here... it's a big collage.
107 - Cropped Sweatshirt
Cropped specifically due to a parent saying not to. The sweatshirt seems to be related to some organization, with the big fancy emblem on it.
109 - Pins And Patches
A mix-and-match bag full of enamel pins, buttons, and iron-on patches. Good luck finding something to do with them all.
110 - Origami Paper (x2)
Simple origami paper, in a variety of colors and patterns! Comes easy to tear out of a book, which includes instructions on basic origami types.
112 - Colorful Band-Aids.
They come in many colors, designs, even different sizes. Some seem to be made to cover up paper cuts, others meant to help skinned knees and scraped elbows.
Thank you for visiting the Monomono Machine!
Maeda, narrating - And I thought the coins were kinda heavy...
Maeda - What now?
[Free Time Event - Uehara]
{Head to Your Room}
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jpcmhd-blog · 13 years
Taiho - TIOVITA GOLD energy drink by Miho Kanno & Hiroyuki Hirayama
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Download MPEG-2 TS file: 24MB
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