foreveratemu · 5 years
Khonsu toddled around the house, looking for his Daddy. He stayed home with him and he was very hungry. They should have already had food! The thing on the stove didn't look like it did when Daddy made food. He managed to get inside his parents' room, and somehow knew his daddy was in the closet. Khon plopped down near the door, letting out a string of audible gurgles and sounds. (Let's see how a younger Khon works)
Atemu heard the tiny feet coming into his room and chuckled when he heard Khonsu just outside the closet door. "You found me." He appeared quickly and reached for his son, tossing him slightly in the air and bringing him back to kiss his neck in a ticklish style. "Are you getting hungry? I am making something a tad different for lunch. Since the weather is cooling down, I'm going to start making more soups and stews." He held Khonsu around his waist and closed the closet door before heading to the kitchen.
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mutogamingco · 5 years
Khonsu wondered down the sidewlk, tears falling down his tiny cheeks. He hadn't meant to get lost from his Papa! He had just stopped for a moment to look into a store window, and when he looked to where his papa had been, he was gone! "Where my papa?!" He cried, "Papa! Papa!" Khon's tears slowed as he saw a familiar hairstyle ahead of him, "Papa!" He exclaimed happily as he grasped the person's hand. (Tinyprince19/Tyrantdk)
At the sound of his son’s cries Yuugi stopped short and turned around to see Khonsu run up and cling to him. He didn’t have a free hand to pat him on the head to comfort him due to holding some groceries, but he gave Khonsu’s hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“Hey, it’s okay, you found me. I’m sorry I thought you were right behind me. Stay close from now on, okay?” 
Yuugi knew better than to get so distracted but, he’d had a lot on his mind recently. 
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tyrantdk · 6 years
I have a ygo rp blog now!
If you guys wanna role play with my version of Yugi or the oc child I made up for him & Atem, then feel free to drop an ask for @tinyprince19!
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Khonsu walked slowly down the dark passageway, sure his daddy had gone this way. The only illumination came from his chunky, plastic flashlight, something his papa had given him. He shook as he walked, phantom sounds making him afraid to the point of tears. Where had Daddy gone?! He wondered as he kept taking unsure, frightened, small steps. Khonsu was even too afraid to cry out, to call for his father, who made everything better. (Tinyprince19)
Atemu ran through the corridors as fast as he could. He heard someone calling out and was worried that they were heading towards the fire that had spread from the barn to the palace.
“Hello!” He called out once he turned down one of the passageways. He spotted a strange light and ran towards it. “Who’s there?!”
He stopped once the person came into view.
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“A boy?” He looked the strange boy over and noticed familiar features, but pushed them to the back of his mind. The boy was in danger! The fire was just a little ways down and spreading fast.
“Do not be afraid young one, there is a fire spreading through the palace, and we must both get out of here.”
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Khon sat on the pavement by his school, he looked at both sides of the street. He had had a very bad day at his preschool, and now he didn't see his daddy anywhere. Had his daddy forgot him, like he did some time ago? His teacher sat beside him, doing her best to cheer him up. He couldn't manage a smile. Where was his Daddy? Why wasn't he here to pick him up?
Atemu finally got to the gate of the school and turned his music off. He decided to walk to get Khon, having left in time to get there before Khon was the last kid picked up. However...
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He saw just Khon and his teacher sitting and waiting and his heart broke. “Khonsu!” He jogged over to them, hugging his son close. “I am so sorry Khon for keeping you.” Atemu remembered how bad it was on Yugi when he was picked up last and what it did to him. Which brought fear toAtemu at the thought of what Khon was feeling and thinking when Atemu, who normally was the first to pick up Khon, was not there this time.
“I’m so sorry Khon. So very sorry.”
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Continued from here
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Atemu stared at Khon, he was so confused, this boy knew things, yet...
“Fine!” He finally snapped out of it. “You can stay with Mana until I return. But you must listen to her and stay away from the palace until we know it’s safe to go back inside.” He sighed and took Khon to Mana, explaining everything.
“I will be back soon. I just need to do a few things and I will return for him. And when I return...” He turned to Khon. “We will find your parents.”
With those words he turned and left to find his priests.
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Khon grinned widely as he helped Yugi get thing ready for Daddy's very special day. He was so excited to show him what he had made for him in art class! He turned to Yugi, "Daddy will like it, won't he?" He asked, gently setting the paper mache wadjet in the box Yugi had bought for it. "He'll love it, Baby. More so because you made it for him and worked very hard."
Atemu kicked off his shoes and let out a sigh. Work was rough today, mainly due to some irate customers. They weren't often but they wore him down. He was ready for a relaxing evening with his two favorite people.
Speaking of...
He heard them speaking from the kitchen.
"What are you two lovelies doing? I don't smell anything cooking so I assume..." He paused and smiled as he saw Khon with a wrapped box behind him. "Did I forget something?" He asked with a quirk of jis brow.
The stress of the day made him forget his own birthday!
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foreveratemu · 5 years
"Daddy?" Khonsu asked as he grasped one of his belt loops, "Daddy, are you ok? You don't look too happy." (Tinyprince19 aka Tyrantdk)
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“I am okay Khon.” He took some deep breaths to calm himself. “How about we go to your room and play a game?” He picked his son up in his arms and began to head to Khonsu’s room before he even answered.
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Khon paused as he peeked into his parent's bedroom. He had gotten up early from his nap, and had gone in search of his daddy. He could see his back tremble where he laid above the blankets, and hear trubled murmuring. He went over, remembering what he had seen his mommy do once. Khon climbed into bed, beginning to pat Atem's head, "It ok, Daddy. Ev'ryfin is ok. Jus wake up an breathe wit me." Khon breathed slowly, calmly like he'd been taught by Mommy.
Atemu had been having a nightmare, of course his family in danger, those who died when the items were made, had sought revenge on him, in return his husband and child.
“Please...” He begged out loud as he couldn’t figure out the images. They would go by as quickly as the last and Atemu couldn’t keep up. “Anything but them.”
He flinched when he felt the hand on his back and the images fell away, darkness remained and he heard the soft voice talking to him, telling him to...
Wake up?
Was this all a dream? No it felt so real, his heart raced, he was stuck without his husband and child, and there would be no escape from the hell he now lived in!
The voice spoke again and this time Atemu was able to to open his eyes and though blurry with tears, he could see a wall, his room, and felt the hand on his back. He turned around and met his son’s eyes.
“Khonsu?” He whispered and without letting him reply, Atemu wrapped his arms around the little boy and held him. “Oh Khonsu, I thought I lost you. I thought I’d never see you again!”
He allowed the tears to fall as he held his son close. The nightmare was over, but the reality still remained, Atemu didn’t deserve them. The voice in his head whispered. One day they’d be taken from him...
One day.
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tyrantdk · 5 years
Starter Call
If anyone wants to rp with me for a bit, feel free to send a starter to my rp blog, @tinyprince19. I’m not doing much, so uh, yeah. If you rp in Yugioh,feel free to hit up my rp blog. I rp as an older Yugi or my oc Khonsu mainly. 
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