#tiny little bit of kellex
13uswntimagines · 1 year
Luh Ooo (Baby!r x Kellex)
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Request:  First time baby!r says I love you. Basically r is nonverbal and like 3, and preath or Kellex tell her they love her, and it’s the first time r speaks, she says it back
Alex and Kelley considered themselves incredibly lucky every time they saw your smiling face. Every time they saw your lips tilt into a grin, or heard a giggle slip past your lips, they counted their lucky stars that they got to whiteness it. 
Their teammates liked to tease them that they were a bit over the top when it came to you, but everyone understood why. Everyone agreed that they would probably be the same way if they had been through what you and your moms had been through. 
Alex’s pregnancy with you had been suspiciously easy. 
Her and Kelley had both been prepared for the worst after both of their sister’s horror stories about morning sickness and pregnancy cravings that had their husbands running out in the middle of the night. But Alex hadn’t experienced them herself. 
The morning sickness had been minimal. It hadn’t lasted at all past the first trimester and hadn’t ruined any of her favorite foods, so she considered it a win. Then the few times she did have midnight cravings, they hadn’t been for food-related items, and Kelley had definitely enjoyed waking up for it (the pregnancy sexcapades were absolutely worth the sleep deprivation). 
In hindsight, the 9 months of smooth sailing should have tipped them off that something was going to go wrong, but they had been too wrapped up in the excitement of welcoming you into the world to prepare themselves for the other shoe to drop. 
It made it so much worse when it finally did. 
Kelley would never forget the moment the nurses laid your little form on Alex’s chest. She would never forget how you blinked up at the both of them and for a second, everything felt right in the world. 
For a split second, your tiny eyes met hers and she felt her heart grow to accommodate the overwhelming love coursing through her. 
And then…
Their world tilted on its head.
Your eyelids fluttered rapidly, and the whole right side of your face drooped, before either of them knew what was happening the nurses had grabbed you and whisked you away, talking very fast. 
Kelley had made a move to follow them, to chase after you and figure out what was going on, but before she could the doctor was back, using big words and describing tests and procedures that he thought were necessary. 
The only thing she really picked up on was the word stroke and MRI, and then he was gone again, taking the happiness in the room with him. 
Alex pulled her into the bed with her, and both of them held each other as they both fell apart. 
Arteriovenous Malformation
A word Kelley and Alex hadn’t understood when the doctor returned hours later. 
A word that they googled and re-googled, hoping it would change what it meant. 
A word that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. 
The doctor said they were lucky because it was near the surface on the left side of your brain. They were lucky because they could operate and remove the tangle of blood vessels that had caused a clot. 
They were lucky because it had been caught early before it could cause too much damage. 
They didn’t feel lucky. 
Not until they were staring at your tiny form through a little plastic incubator box, a large bandage under the yellow knit cap on your head. Not until they could very carefully run their fingers over your puffy cheeks, or have let your little hand latch onto theirs. 
The surgery had saved your life, but it had also damaged the part of your brain involved in speech production. 
They wouldn’t learn until later how it would affect your development, and they would thank whatever higher power that existed that the only thing that had been impacted was your ability to create words. They thanked the universe that you were such a happy kid despite that. 
You loved running around with your many soccer aunts, kicking balls and clapping for your mamas. Just because you couldn’t talk didn’t mean that you couldn’t communicate. 
It wasn’t traditional but sign language and the little noises you could make never failed to show the people around you what you wanted. 
And while they thanked their lucky stars(and the universe) for the progress that you had made, they both still longed to hear three little words leave your lips. 
So yes, the team understood why they were so overprotective and doting. The team understood why they spent so much time working on the assignments your speech therapist gave them, and why they took every opportunity to try and get you to vocalize. 
It was why the team tried to help them as much as they could. 
You smiled widely as Kelley very gently kicked a ball toward where you were on the sidelines, pushing off of the little blanket you were sitting on next to Bailey (your trusted babysitter). 
You clumsily stopped the ball with your feet, steadying yourself with a hand on Bailey’s shoulder and pointing to your Mommy.
You often spent your time on the sidelines, watching your mama’s practice with rapt attention, chasing after stray balls for your aunts and clapping excitedly when anyone ran past you. You knew you weren’t supposed to go onto the field until practice was over, and that any balls that came to you before it had to be returned to a coach. 
Kelley’s lips tilted into an indulgent smile and she nodded in encouragement. “Practice is over kiddo, send it back and we can play for a little while,” 
Your eyes lit up in excitement, and you didn’t hesitate to kick the ball back toward her. 
It rolled towards Kelley and she easily caught it, for a 4-year-old, you had very good aim, and tapped it gently back to you. 
You stumbled as you stuck your foot out to stop it, taking an extra second to regain your balance. 
“Great job!” Kelley cheered, clapping. 
Stopping the ball was something the team had been working on with you (your motor coordination, something Alex and Kelley were more focused on), and you were very slowly getting better at both. 
Lindsey joined in, appearing behind Kelley’s shoulder and gesturing to her foot. 
Your head tilted to the side and she gestured to her foot again, wiggling it to Kelley’s left. 
“Come on kiddo,” Kelley said, and all of your attention returned to her. 
You nodded, and hit the ball as hard as you could, toward Lindsey’s outstretched foot. 
Kelley kicked out trying to stop it, but Lindsey was faster, collecting the ball and turning to send it toward Emily with a laugh. 
“You little monster,” Kelley huffed indignantly, earning a delighted giggle from you and chuckles from the team fondly watching the interaction. “You’re supposed to be on my team,” 
You shrugged, pointing to your foot so Emily would pass it to you. 
She did, kicking the ball gently (dangerously close to Kelley) and your mommy “missed” her chance to intercept it, so you could catch it instead. 
The team clapped when you did, again taking a second to catch your footing before pausing with your foot on top of the ball as Kelley took up a defensive position in front of you. 
Your eyes immediately fell to her feet. 
You knocked the ball right and then left before sending it through her legs, copying your Mama’s famous move, brushing past Kelley as you raced after the ball. 
Several hands extended in case you tripped, even as the team fell into formation behind you. 
“I’m gonna get you,” Kelley called as you passed, collecting the ball with your little feet and charging towards the net. 
You squealed as Kelley chased after you, doing your best to keep the ball on track as you got closer to midfield. 
“Y/n,” Mal called, joining your run, and gesturing towards the wide open space in front of her as Kelley easily gained on you. 
You clumsily passed the ball sideways, just as you heard your mommy’s footsteps behind you. 
“Come on, it can’t be 6 vs. 1,” She groaned, sprinting towards Mal instead. 
“It’s only 5 and a half versus one,” Emily shrugged, taking up your other side as Mal crossed the ball towards Lindsey. “And Mini Morgan is too cute to play against,” 
Kelley threw her head back, arching her run to try and get to Lindsey, but it was already too late. Lindsey pushed the ball, sending it in front of Emily so it landed right in your path. 
You wobbled as you collected it, slowing down as you nearly tumbled over the ball. 
It gave Kelley the perfect opportunity to gain on you. 
“Y/n pass it to your Mama,” Lindsey directed, pointing towards Alex making a run to the box as Kelley got closer. 
You hadn’t realized your mama was playing too. 
She smiled widely, gesturing towards the giant space in front of her, and you slowed your run just enough to kick the ball mid-stride into Alex’s path. 
It went slightly off-target, but Alex had no trouble collecting it and sending it into the back of the net. 
“Goalllll,” Lindsey, Emily, and Mal cheered as Kelley finally caught up to you, scooping you up and gently tossing you in the air. 
“You’re a little gremlin,” She said, ticking you relentlessly even as she tossed you up and down. 
You giggled loudly, reaching for Alex as soon as she was close enough. 
Kelley passed you to her with little hesitation, and you patted Alex’s cheek. She was always the calmer of the two women, dancing you around but not nearly as much as Kelley did. 
You signed goal several times with your little hands and animatedly rehashed the entire play for them as though they hadn’t been watching it. 
They both shared a look and smiled gently at you. 
“I love you,” Alex said, leaning in and placing a kiss on your cheek after you finished, your aunts circling up around you. 
“Luh ooo,” You repeated, tapping her cheek again. 
The team froze.
Yes, they had heard you giggle, and cry and make noises, but nothing had ever come close to sounding like a real word. 
“Wait,” Kelley said, stepping closer to you, her hand landing on your back and rubbing circles. “Y/n say love you?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Luh ooo,” 
“Oh my god,” Alex breathed out and Kelley sniffled next to you, trying to hide her tears.
“We love you too baby,” Kelley said, through trembling lips, kissing the side of your head. 
“Luh ooo,”  You repeated for a third time, frowning because both of your mommies looked sad, leaning up and placing a kiss on Alex’s nose just like she did any time you looked sad. 
“We love you more than anything,” Alex added, doing her best to hold the tears at bay. 
She had never been more happy to hear 3 little words in her entire life. 
It was everything Kelley and Alex had ever wanted. 
“And we love you too, short stack,” Emily said, throwing an arm over Kelley’s shoulder and using her other to tickle your tummy, interrupting the tender moment. 
You squealed with delight and wiggled widely in Alex’s arm, signaling that you would very much like to be put down, so you could run around with your aunts again. 
Alex squeezed you tightly for another long second before she let you down, kissing your forehead one more time before you ran off. 
“She said I love you,” Kelley sniffled, tucking her nose against Alex’s neck once she was upright, both women staring at you. 
“I know,” Alex said tearfully. 
The doctors always said it was a matter of time. Now, they could finally believe them. 
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Hand in Hand~Alyssa Naeher x Ashlyn Harris
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Prompt: there's a picture out there that looks like Alyssa is proposing to Ash so, here’s a proposal fic that was super fun to write. 
Requested by: @knight-16​
Alyssa PRO//
“Are you sure this is a good plan?” I asked Ali Krieger, my good friend and my hopefully soon-to-be fiancé Ashlyn Harris’s best friend.
“Yes, this is perfect.”
“Well what if I mess this up or, what if she doesn’t like the ring or, oh god what if she says no-”
“Lys, relax. She’s not going to say no. The women is head over heels in love with you.”
“I could still mess up.”
“You won’t. Trust me.”
I had been planning my proposal to Ashlyn for months, it took me 3 months to even decide on the ring for her. I have known she was the one since our second year anniversary. We’ve been dating for 2 and a half years and I couldn’t be happier. She completes me and I fall in love with her more everyday. I knew in my heart that she would say yes even if I proposed with a ring pop candy ring but I still wanted everything to be perfect.
The plan was to wait until after our game tonight and after we get back to our apartment I’ll ask her if she wants to go for a walk and then I would take her to our spot on the beach we like to visit almost everyday. Once there we’ll sit and chat for a while like we usually do and then I’ll carry out the rest of my plan and pop the question. I was beyond nervous but I was also over the moon about finally getting to this milestone with her.
“Hey babe! You ready?” Ashlyn said, taking me by surprise.
“H-hi love. I am.” 
I quickly shoved my phone in my bag so she couldn’t see what I was showing Ali
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just nervous is all.” I admitted
“You have no reason to be nervous Alyssa, you’re starting in the game, which is a first for this set of friendlies I know but you’re going to show Vlatko just how amazing and badass you are.”
She came up behind me, and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck softly.
“Oh, you can do it just know that I believe.” She sang 
I smiled softly when I realized what she was doing. We watched the High School Musical movies religiously and I instantly knew the song from the 3rd movie.
“And that’s all I really need.”
“So come on.”
“Make me strong. Time to turn it up, game on.” I giggled as we finished singing. 
Ali was watching and recording the whole thing, smile just as bright as we were.
“You guys are the cutest.”
“Thanks, we try.” Ash said flipping her hair
“I needed that boost. Thank you.”
“of course baby. Now go kick some ass.”
She slapped my butt playfully as we started to head out to the tunnel. I met up with the little girl whose hand I would hold and walk onto the field and she talked animatedly about how excited she was to go out and I promised we would wave to her parents when we did. I was behind Megan who was first in line since she was captaining this game and when we stepped onto the field I was swept away by the crowd and how loud they were. I have been playing on the national team for years now but I will never get over that first cheer or the adrenaline rush I feel before a game. After the anthems, pictures and shaking hands with the other team we got into a huddle for once last pep talk
“Okay listen up. We’ve watched plenty of game footage and strategized, we can beat this team. If we take care of the big things, all the little pieces will fall into place, alright?”
We all nodded in agreement.
“Oosa on 3!… 1!… 2!… 3!”
“OOSA, OOSA, OOSA” We shouted together.
We broke off to get into our positions and I headed into goal. I took a deep breath, jumped up and down a couple of times and stretched my arms, determined to remain completely focused. I wanted a clean sheet really bad.
It was the 67th minute when things changed, up until that point I had stopped every shot that the Brazilian players sent my way, every set piece went off without a hitch and we were up 1-0. Unfortunately, Becky accidentally fouled Marta in the box and gave away a penalty. She turned to me looking guilty.
“It’s okay Beck, I got it.” I said patting her on the back.
I knew I could stop the shot and after listening to instructions from the ref and waiting for everyone else to be ready I turned out everyone else around me and focused solely on the ball. I could feel Marta’s eyes on me but I refused to look her in the eye because I knew she was trying to get in my head. She backed up a few steps before firing the ball toward the upper right 90, I could see she was going to go there so I leapt in that direction and was able to slap the ball away and out of danger. After I got up from the ground my teammates swarmed me and shouted praise in my ear as we hugged. 
“Go, set up for the corner!” I yelled
I was overjoyed that I kept my clean sheet but I knew we still had work to do and was locked in. They did as I said and Marta once again took the set piece, she sent the ball into the box but I was able to come off my line and punch it away. We regained possession and Abby passed the ball to Christen who passed it to Lindsey and she took it into Brazil’s final 3rd. Our counter attack was strong and I was watching intensely as my teammates went for another goal. Lindsey crossed the ball the Megan but she was between 2 defenders so she wasn’t able to get the shot off, she decided to pass to Alex who was able to fire it into the net. I watched as my teammates cheered and celebrated and I couldn’t help but let a massive grin spread across my face. The rest of the game went on without many chances for either side and we were able to walk away with a solid 2-0 win. 
After we signed autographs and took pictures we all made our way back into the locker room, I was putting my stuff away when I felt someone pick me up from behind. I squealed quietly at the sudden movement but knew exactly who it was.
“THAT WAS SO BADASS BABY, I’M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU.” Ashlyn yelled as she set me down. I turned around and jumped on her, hugging her tightly as she peppered my neck with kisses and eventually moved to my head, face  before finally planting a deep kiss on my lips.
“Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“Yes you could, and you did. I just gave you a little pep talk.” She chuckled
We kissed some more before someone cleared their throat.
“Look, I love you both and you’re super cute together but please… get a room.” Alex groaned
I instantly felt my cheeks turn a deep red as Ash just smirked at her.
“You’re just jealous because Kelley grounded you from sex for a week.” She said
She just flipped Ash off and stomped away. Everyone laughing at her faking being mad. Kelley pouted at her sympathetically as she whispered something in her ear. A dopey grin spread across her face and I knew she had been freed from the dog house. 
After an hour of celebrating the win Ash and I bid goodnight to our teammates and headed back to our apartment. We lived in Orlando together which was great but playing on different NWSL teams made being separated during the season hard but we made it work; we spent all of our offseason together and made sure to make frequent weekend trips to be together. I knew after I proposed, I would immediately get to work on requesting a trade to the Pride. Our regular season was almost over so the opportunity couldn’t be better. 
“So, how do you want to celebrate your amazing performance tonight?” Ash whispered in my ear, slightly nibbling on it as we sat on the couch.
“W-well, I was thinking of taking a walk together on the beach.”
She took to kissing my neck and as much as I wanted to celebrate like that I had planned to much for this not to pan out.
“A walk?” She seemed slightly disappointed, I felt bad but we could always celebrate after we were officially engaged. 
“Yeah, I would like to take a walk. It’s so nice out.”
“Okay, then a walk it is.”
I kissed her sweetly before whispering in her ear
“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of fun later tonight.”
She shuddered and I smirked at her. She smiled at me before taking my hand and pulling me up with her. I pretended to go to the bathroom so that I could grab the ring I had stashed away and when I was sure I had everything I needed and shaken out my nerves, I reemerged and we left our apartment. walking hand in hand to the beach. When we got there, we walked along the sand, I had taken off my shoes and let the water flow over and under my feet, loving the calm, cool feeling.
“You did so good today, I’m so proud.”
“Thank you. You’re my biggest fan.” 
“I always will be.”
 After a while I led us over to our spot, which was a section of rocks that were comfortable to sit on and gave us a good few of the whole ocean. Ashlyn turned to me and I could have sworn her eyes were literally sparkling under the moonlight. 
“Hey there.”
We just looked at each other for several moments, and then Ash broke the silence by tapping me on the nose.
“You have such a cute nose, did you know?” She asked, smiling like a fool. “I didn’t but thank you. So do you.” I giggled, tapping her nose in return.
We continued messing around, smiling and laughing and I fell in love with her all over again.
“If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?” She asked
“I would be right here, with you.”
She smiled lovingly at me in return before kissing me. We sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes before Ashlyn got up, turned away from me and stretched. 
I knew this was my chance so without any hesitation I got down on one knee, ring in hand and waited for her to turn around. When she did, her eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Oh my god.”
“Ashlyn Michelle Harris, I have loved you since the day we met all those years ago. You are the light of my life, my rock, my person and I can not imagine my life without you. Will you make me the happiest women alive and marry me?”
She stood in shock for a moment, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. At this point I was in tears too, my heart was going a million miles an hour as I waited for her to answer.
“Yes, yes a million times yes!” She shouted as she tackled me into the sand. 
“I love you.” She cried
“And I love you.”
Still on top of me, she looked down at me with so much love I thought she would burst. Our lips met in a passionate kiss and we made out for a moment before finally sitting up to breath. 
“So what do you say, you wanna put the ring on?”
“Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about that.”
I laughed through my tears as I slid the ring onto her finger. It was a simple gold band but Thad a decent sized diamond in the center. She inspected it for a moment before saying
“It’s perfect, I love it.”
“I really thought and hope you would” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
We sat in silence again as we took in the moment, we were officially engaged and it meant the world to us both. 
“How did you do so well at hiding this from me?” Ashlyn asked
“I had a little help from Ali.”
“Ah, I shoulda known. Good ol’ Kriegs.” She chuckled
“How do you think we should tell the team?”
“We could…. Invite them over for dinner tomorrow and see how long it takes for them to notice the ring?”
“Excellent idea.”
“I should probably tell Ali first, she’s been blowing my phone up for the last hour.” I laughed 
“That’s a good idea. Tell her I said thank you.”
“I will.”
“I can’t wait to be Mrs. and Mrs. Neaher-Harris.”
“The day I get to call you my wife will be the greatest of my life.”
After I texted Ali, swearing her to secrecy, we laughed at her excited response. 
I was excited for this new chapter in our lives and I knew no matter what life threw at us Ash and I would get through it together, hand in hand.
I’m sorry this took a hot minute. Sorry for any mistakes.
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