#tinta roriz
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wine-picks · 4 months ago
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🇵🇹 🍷 On Sunday night, I'm enjoying delicious vegan 2021 Tom de Baton dos Heredias (88+ pts, $18) from Douro. This 4-grape blend arrived in LCBO VINTAGES earlier this month. Full review: https://rebrand.ly/afe87e
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vivaryemporio · 5 months ago
Degustação do vinho Grão Vasco, Dão.
Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro Preto e Jaen. 12% de teor alcoólico.
Grão Vasco, simplesmente um clássico do Dão. Com forte identidade, elegante e delicado, e um traço gastronômico marcante. Imenso saber, imenso sabor.
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wineworldnews · 2 months ago
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Once a week I will recommend a wine that is suitable for beginners and affordable for everyone.
Today it is:
Tradicion de Aresan Tinto La Mancha DO Bodegas Aresan 2022: Nose and palate blackberry, vanilla, smoke and sour cherry. ruby red intense color. Dry. Tempranillo (Tinta Roriz), Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot Interesting combination. 7-8€
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pedrogil73 · 1 year ago
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Post Scriptum de Chryseia 2020. Produzido e engarrafado por Prats & Symington Lda, Quinta de Roriz, São João da Pesqueira. Douro (DOC). 14.5% Portugal 🇵🇹
Touriga Nacional 45%
Touriga Franca 33%
Tinta Barroca 8%
Tinta Roriz 8%
Sousão 3%
Tinto Cão 3%
Rojo cereza, brillante. Notas florales muy presentes. Notas vegetales, eucalipto. Especiado. En boca frutos rojos, cerezas. Notas de ciruela, acidez equilibrada.
Mi Puntuación 92/100
#elcatador #brindoconelcatador #p+s #pratsandsymington #chryseia #wineup #winegeek
#symingtonvinhos #winetime#symingtonwines #vino #vinos#lapeñadelquijote #douro#lapenadelquijote #wine #wines #portugal #portugalwines
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belmiracruzvinhosportugal · 2 years ago
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Profundo e Sedutor
Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca
Cor Rubi profundo e muito intenso. Aromas: grande complexidade aromática e elegância, lembrando a frutas pretas em compota, estevas, toques florais, de baunilha e chocolate negro graças a barrica de gabarito. Boca é macio e seco, encorpado de grande potência e vigor, com taninos bem desenvolvidos e aveludados. Acidez é na medida e o final de boca é longo elegante e sedutor.
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colheita1957 · 2 years ago
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COLOSSAL RESERVA TINTO 2014, 14 %vol. Cadtas: Syrah, Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet e Tinta Roriz. O ano de 2014 foi muito especial p/ os vinhos portugueses, com safras espectaculares e a nível internacional muito premiados. Este não fugiu à regra, foi considerado um dos 10 melhores do mundo na sua categoria /preço. Comprei na altura 2 cxs. é só agora comecei a abrir. Não sendo surpresa p/ mim, pois na altura quando o introduzi no Mercado de Campo de Ourique, opinei à Casa Santos Lima que este vinho iria ser premiado e muito apreciado, e não foi surpresa ao abrir, uma cor rubi profunda, um aroma exuberante, rico e concentrado. Notas de fruta vermelha madura, especiarias, chocolate negro e compota, provenientes do estágio de 8 meses em barricas de Carvalho Francês e americano. Na boca, fabuloso, cheio, rico, complexo, taninos redondos, finos, macios, notas de ameixa, amoras, chocolate, compota de fruta preta, tudo muito bem integrado com a madeira que o amaciou q. b. e lhe conferiu uma estrutura elegante. Tudo isto produz um longo e agradável final. Este vinho em especial deste ano, está fantástico, soberbo, e quem o conseguir recomendo vivamente. Acompanha bem pratos de carnes vermelhas, vaca, vitela, aves grelhadas, borrego e assados, assim como queijos fortes e suculentos. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnO-fsZt0Tw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tioxao · 2 years ago
Vinho do Porto.
O vinho do Porto é um tipo de vinho fortificado, produzido exclusivamente na região do Douro, em Portugal. Ele é feito a partir de uma variedade de uvas nativas, como a Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca, entre outras. O processo de produção do vinho do Porto é bastante particular. Após a fermentação das uvas, é adicionada aguardente v��nica (um destilado de vinho) ao…
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gundemarsivi · 2 months ago
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Port Şarabı
✍🏻 Edip Kemal Eren
Port şarapları güney Portekiz’in Douro vadisinde yapılan kuvvetlendirilmiş şaraplardır. Bu şaraplar isimlerini Portekiz sözcüğü olan Porto şehrinden almıştır. Yerliler Port-Town sözcüğünü kısaltarak “O Porto” şeklinde söylerler.
Port şarapları Upper Douro vadisinde nehir ve İspanyol sınırları arasında üretilmektedir. Bu ülke dağlık olduğu için nehirler dağlardaki küçük sulardan birikerek oluşur.
Porto şehrinden geçen nehrin kıyısında ve Vila Novadi Gaia şehrinin karşısında yerleşmiştir. Port şarapları Duoro vadisindeki üzüm bağlarında yetişen üzüm bağlarından yapılır. 1986’ya kadar kanunlara göre Porto şarapları yüklenene kadar Vila Nova di Gaia’da olgunlaşması için bekletilirdi. Üzümler Vila Nova di Gaia’da saklanmaksızın doğrudan büyük üretici ve alıcılara iletilebilmesi için bu kanun sonradan değiştirilmiştir.
Duora nehrinin kıyısındaki dağlık ve dik yerler üzüm yetiştirmeye olanak sağlar. Bu yerlerde devamlı iş yaratılır. Özellikle kış yağmurları vadinin toprakların kendisiyle akıtır gider.
Port şarapları değişik kırmızı beyaz üzüm çeşitlerinin karışımından yapılır. Bununla birlikte, sadece elle toplanan üzümler Port şarabının üretiminde kullanılması tavsiye edilir. Bunlar aşağıdakilerdir:
Kırmızı Üzüm Çeşitleri Beyaz Üzüm Çeşitleri
Dinzelinho Tinto
Malvasiya Preta
Mourisco Tinto
Tinta Amerela
Tinto Cao
Tinta Borroca
Tinta Roriz
Touriga Francesca
Touriga Nacional
Malvasia Fina
Malvasia Rei
Moscatel Galego
Üzümün geleneksel ayak basılarak ezilmesi oldukça yorucu ve zor bir süreçtir ve yoğun çalışmayı gerektirir. Yalınayak basarak üzümleri ezenler lagar denilen ezmek için kullanılan kutulara üzümleri koyarak ezerler. Bunun gibi günümüzde sıhhi modern teknik ve makineler kullanılarak daha verimli bir şekilde kolaylıkla başarılmaktadır. Buna karşın en iyi port şarapları olarak geleneksel usulle ayak ile basılıp ezilerek üretilen şaraplar sayılır.
Ayakla basarak ezenlerin vucüt sıcaklığı veya rogador’lar tarafından meydana gelen sıcaklık fermentasyon oranını yükseltir. Üzüm suyu güçlü bir şekilde fermentleşmeye başlayınca iyi bir şekilde karıştırmaya başlar.
Port şarabının fermentasyonunun başlangıç aşaması diğer doğal kırmızı şaraplardan farklıdır. Çünkü fermentasyon dereceleri 32° C ye kadar şaraba zararlı etkileri vermeyerek yükselebilir. Geleneksel olarak Port şarabı için üzümler onların kabuklarının yardımıyla fermentlenebilir. Çünkü bu üzümlerin çoğunluğu koyu ve kırmızı renkli üzüm çeşitleridir ve Port şarap üretiminde bunlar kullanılır.
Sherry’lerden farklı olarak white port’lar beyaz üzüm çeşitlerinden yapılır ve onlar da kabuk yardımıyla fermentlenir.
Fermenttelmiş üzüm suyu devamlı olarak gözlemlenir ve yeterli renk ve istenilen şeker düzeyine ulaştığı zaman üzüm suyu varillere koyulur. Bu variller fermentasyon sürecini durduran ölçülmüş aguagdiente miktarını içerir. Kuvvetlendirilmiş ve yüksek şeker düzeyi sağlanmış tada sahip elde edilen şarap olgunlaşmaya bırakılır.
Port şarabının farklı çeşitleri vardır. Bunlar aşağıdakilerdir:
Vintage Port : ( Single Quinta Ports, Garrafeira Ports, Dated or Colheita Ports )
Late Bottled Vintage Port
Ports With an indication of age
Vintage Characters,style or reserve
Ruby Ports
Tawny Ports
White Ports
Crusted Ports
1. Vintage Port : Bu port şarabı tek hasattan yapılan şarapların karışımından elde edilir. Şaraplar yapıldıktan ve Vila Nova di Gaia’ya gönderildikten sonra bu şaraplar aynı vintage şaraplarla karıştırılabilir. Bu şaraplar devamlı olarak tadılır ve değerlendirilir, eğer şaraplar yüksek kaliteye sahip ise o zaman üreticiler şarabın vintage olduğuna karar verirler. Bu şaraplar Vintage Port olarak şişelenir ve şişesinde üretilen tarih yazılır. Bu işlem hasattan sonra 2-3 yıl arasında yapılmalıdır.
Üreticiler seçilmiş şarapların örneklerini Port Wine enstitüsüne tat alma ve örnekleme için gönderirler. Üreticilerin ne kadar Vintage Port o yıl için üretmeyi amaçladığı ile ilgili bilgiler enstitüde analiz edilir. Bu yeni kırmızı port şarapları yıla göre kendilerinin önceki koyu renklerini kaybederek belirli ölçüdeki çökeltileri atılır. Bu gibi port şarapları ağır çökeltilere sahiptir ve bundan dolayı çökeltiler elle dikkatlice toplanmalı ve sunulmadan önce filtreden geçirilmelidir.
Single Quinta Ports : Portekiz kelimesi olan ‘Quinta’ sözcüğü çiftlik ve mülkiyet anlamına gelir ama burada üzüm bağı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Single Quinta Port şarapları bir yıllık üzümden yapılmış şaraplardır ve bundan dolayı bu şaraplara bir yıllık şaraplar denir. Bu Single Quinta Port şarapları birçok çökeltileri atılarak 2-3 yıl sonra şişelenir.Bu şaraplar sunulmadan önce filtreden geçirilmelidir.
Garrafeira Ports : ‘Garrafeira’ sözcüğü kaliteli şarapların etiketine göre üreticiler tarafından ‘merchant’s pride’ adı altında kullanılır. Bu şaraplar özel olarak bir baş bölgelerden seçilir fakat bunlar her zaman bir yıllıktır ve bundan dolayı bazı bölgelerin iyi şaraplarıyla karıştırılır. Karıştırıldıktan sonra, bu şaraplar şişelenmeden önce uzun dönem (10-15 yıl) içinde olgunlaşır. Bu şaraplar Portekiz dışında seyrek görülür. Çünkü bunların çoğunluğu yerliler tarafından tüketilir.
Dated Or Colheita Ports : Portekizce’de Colheita sözcüğü bir yıllık ürün anlamına gelir. Dated or Colheita port şarapları vintage yıllık şaraplarından biraz farklıdır ve bunlar şişelenmeden önce en az 7 yıl ağaç kutularında saklanmalıdır. Ancak bazı üreticiler bu şarapları yukarıdaki süreden daha fazla saklar ve bu şaraplar sırasıyla ancak bu işlemden sonra şişelenir.
2. Late Bottled Vintage Ports : LBV Port şarapları olarak da tanımlanan bu şaraplar iyi kaliteli yıllık şaraplarından içilen tek yıllık port şaraplarıdır. Bu şaraplar bazen yıllık kaliteli şaraplar olarak açıklanır, ama önceden böyle değildi. Bu şaraplar genellikle en az 4 yıl varillerde saklanır ve 6. yılına kadar şişelenmelidir. Bazı üreticiler kendi şaraplarını erken şişeleyebilir ve böylece bu şaraplar saklanmaya devam edilerek bir çok çökeltileri atılabilir ve sunulduğu zaman filtrelemeyi gerektirir. Bu şişede saklanan LBV Port şarapları Vintage port şaraplarına benzer ve fazla pahalı olmaması avantajlı taraftır. Ancak 5. ve 6. yıl içinde şişelenen bu LBV Port şarapları varildeki birçok tortusunu atar. Bunlar normal olarak solgun renklidir ve fazla saklanmayı gerektirmeyen hemen içmeye hazır olmasını sağlayan Oporto’to da şişelenir.
3. Ports With An Inducation Of Age : En iyi Ruby Port şarapları uzun dönemli olarak şişelenebilir ve aşağıdaki göstergelere göre etiketlenir: 10 yıllık, 20 yıllık, 30 yıllık, 40 yıllık. Bu şaraplar olgunlaşmayla yukarıdaki yıllara ulaşmamıştır. Bu şaraplar 10, 20, 30, 40 yıllık şarapların basit karışımıdır. Şişelenme tarihi ve şarabın ağaç kutularda olgunlaşması hakkındaki durum genellikle port şaraplarının etiket çeşitlerinde gösterilir.
4. Vintage Character, Style Or Reserve Ports :Bunlar üst derecedeki Ruby Port şaraplarıdır. Bunlar vintage character port şarapları gibi ağaç kutularda 5 veya daha fazla bekletilen, farklı üzüm çeşitlerinin karışımına göre etiketlenir. Son karışım şişelenmeden önce filtrelenir ve bundan dolayı sunulmadan önce filtrelemeyi gerektirmez.
5. Ruby Ports : Ruby Port şarapları iki veya üç farklı yıllık şarapların yaklaşık 3-5 yıla kadar ağaç kutularında saklanan Ruby renkli şarapların karışmış şeklidir. Bu şaraplar şişelenmeden önce filterlenir ve bunun için sunulmasından önce filitrelemeyi gerektirmez. Şişelendikten sonra hemen içmeye hazır olarak bu şaraplar fazla saklanmadan geliştirilir.
Eski Ruby Port şarapları birkaç yıllık şaraplarla karıştırılır ve 7 yıl içinde olgunlaşır. Bu şaraplar en fazla 10 yıl içinde olgunlaşarak ve devamlı kendi rengini kaybederek Fine Old Tawny Port şarapları olarak ortaya çıkar.
6. Tawny Ports : “Yeni” Tawny Port şarapları en az 5 yıl varillerde saklanan yeni kırmızı veya beyaz port şarapları ile karıştırılır. Fine Old Tawny Port şarapları genel olarak 10-20 ve daha fazla yıl saklanan Ruby Port şaraplarıdır ve bu süreç içinde şaraplar devamlı olarak güçlendirilir. Bu şarabın renginin kaybetmesine yani yakut renginden kehribar rengine dönüşmesine neden olur.
7. White Ports : Port şarabının bu seyrek çeşidi kırmızı üzümden yapılan şarap gibi beyaz üzümden yapılır. Yani kabukların yardımıyla fermentlenir fakat sonuç olarak kırmızı şaraba göre rengi altın renklidir.
White Port şarabın küçük miktarı hafif dry stilde yapıldığı halde bunların çoğunluğu tatlıdır. Tatlı şarap stilinde çok tatlı olarak yapılıp Lacrima, Lacrima Cristi, Lacrima Sancta ve Lacrima Divina gibi sık sık etiketlenir.
8. Crusted Ports : İki veya daha fazla yıllık ve bir yıllık yüksek kaliteli Port şaraplarının karışımından türetilir. Bu şaraplar yaklaşık 3-4 yılda şişelenir ve bunlar yeni olarak şişelendiğinden Vintage Port şarabındaki çöküntülerin miktarı gibi bunun çökeltileri de atılmalıdır. Crusted Port şarapları Crusting Port şarapları olarak da bilinir.
Port şarap evlerinin çoğunluğu uzun süreli ilişkileri sayesinde İngiliz firmalarıdır:
Dow & Co.
Offley Forrester
Taylor, Fladgate &Yeatman
Warre & Co.
Fazla bekletilmeden şişelenen veya şişelenmeden önce filitrelenmeyen Port şarapları şişelendiği zaman ağır çökeltileri atılır. Vintage ve Crusted Port şarapları buna iki örnektir. Bununla birlikte port şarapları çok koyu renkli şişelerdeki diğer kırmızı şaraplar gibi decante edilmez. Çünkü, decante sürecinde çökültüleri görebilmek için kişisel decante’ye yol verilmez.
Decante şarap decante şişeye göre orijinal şişeye geri koyulduğu zaman şişeler çalkanır ve servis için decante edilen Port şarabı tekrar çalkalanarak şişeye koyulur. Port şarapları “Port Wine Glass” larını tümüyle doldurulması yerine kırmızı şarap bardaklarına kısmen doldurularak servise sunulur.
Decante : Şarabı şişesinden başka bir kaba koyarak tortusundan arındırmak.
Edip Kemal Eren
Not: Sosyal medya hesaplarımdan bana ulaşabilirsiniz.
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peroladosvinhos · 3 months ago
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Manoella 😍 Este é mais um ótimo tinto Português da região do Douro, produzido pela Wine&Soul com uvas provenientes das vinhas mais novas (de cerca de 35 anos) da Quinta da Manoella, em Cima Corgo. Composto por castas de 60% Touriga Nacional, 25% Touriga Franca, 10% Tinta Roriz e 5% Tinta Francisca, fermentadas em lagar pela tradicional pisa a pé durante 8 dias. O vinho, então, passa 16 meses em barricas usadas de carvalho francês. No copo tem uma coloração rubi de intensidade média+. Mostra aromas de frutas vermelhas maduras (cereja e framboesa), um toque de especiarias, chocolate e, com o tempo, um leve tostado. Na boca predomina a fruta madura. O corpo é médio e a acidez media-alta, com taninos de intensidade moderada e muito macios. Tem final com média persistência. 📍Rua da Alfândega n.º 119 - Funchal #peroladosvinhos
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ricmlm · 10 months ago
Iron Maiden announced the launch of their own brand of Douro wine, in partnership with Van Zeller Wine Collection, a wine company formerly known as Barão de Vilar.
Titled “Iron Maiden Darkest Red 2021”, this wine will be available soon from the British band’s online store. The price will be 12 pounds, around 14 euros.
🤘🏻Iron Maiden make Douro wine🤘🏻
The wine is inspired by 'Darkest Hour', a theme present in “Senjutsu”, the album that Iron Maiden released in 2021. It is another incursion by the metal icons into the alcoholic drinks market, after having launched their own brand of beers, the Trooper.
Made from two traditional grape varieties from the region, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz, this wine is, for winemaker Álvaro Van Zeller, a challenge that made him “leave his comfort zone”. “Not only because it is a partnership of great international importance for the Douro, which brings us great honor, but also because Iron Maiden were very important for my generation”, he added in a press release.
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ruou-tot · 1 year ago
Maria Mansa Douro
Rượu vang Maria Mansa Douro được sản xuất từ các giống nho truyền thống của khu vực Douro, bao gồm Touriga Nacional, Touriga Francesa, Touriga Franca, Tinto Cao và Tinta Roriz (hay còn gọi là Aragonez hay Tempranillo). Chai vang Bồ Đào Nha này mang trong mình màu đỏ ruby quyến rũ cùng hương thơm phong phú của hoa quả đen như mâm xôi, mận chín, gia vị nhẹ kết hợp với nốt hương tinh tế của gỗ sồi.
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fitnessbeautyarts · 1 year ago
The distinction between Tawny and Ruby Port lies in their aging processes and resulting flavors. Tawny Port is aged in wooden casks for an extended period, leading to a mellower and nuttier taste with a range of hues from pale amber to deep brown. Its flavors are often characterized by caramel, dried fruits, and sometimes a hint of spice. On the other hand, Ruby Port is a younger and fruitier style, usually aged for a shorter period in the bottle, maintaining its deep red color and vibrant fruitiness. It tends to showcase fresh berry and cherry notes. The choice between Tawny and Ruby Port depends on your taste preferences. Tawny Port is great for those who enjoy a more complex, aged character, while Ruby Port is a popular choice for its youthful and fruity profile. Both have their place, whether sipped alone or paired with various desserts or cheeses. Port wine is a sweet and fortified wine that has been enjoyed for centuries. Two popular styles of Port wine are Tawny and Ruby Port. While both have their similarities, they also possess distinct characteristics that make them unique. In this article, we will dive into the differences between Tawny and Ruby Port, from their production methods to their flavor profiles and food pairings. Key Takeaways: Tawny and Ruby Port are two popular styles of Port wine. Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels and has a mellow, nutty flavor profile. Ruby Port is aged in bottles and has a vibrant red color with intense fruity flavors. Tawny Port pairs well with desserts and cheese, while Ruby Port is great with chocolate and red meat. Tawny and Ruby Port should be served and stored differently to preserve their flavors and quality. What is Port Wine? Port wine is a fortified wine from Portugal that is typically sweet and high in alcohol content. It is produced in the Douro Valley region of Portugal and is made by adding brandy to the wine during the fermentation process. This halts the fermentation and leaves residual sugar, resulting in a sweet wine with a higher alcohol content than most wines. The history of Port wine dates back to the 17th century when the English began importing wine from Portugal. The wine was fortified with brandy to prevent spoilage during the long sea voyage. Over time, the English became fond of the sweetened wine and began to demand it exclusively from Portugal. This led to the birth of Port wine. Tawny Port Overview Tawny Port is a style of Port wine that is aged in wooden barrels, typically for a minimum of two years. As the wine ages, it oxidizes, giving it a golden-brown color and a smooth, mellow flavor. Tawny Ports come in various age categories, ranging from 10 to over 40 years old. The older the Tawny Port, the longer it has been aged and the more complex its flavor profile becomes. Ruby Port Overview Ruby Port is a youthful and vibrant style of Port wine that is characterized by its intense fruity flavors and deep red color. Unlike Tawny Port, which is aged in wooden barrels, Ruby Port is typically aged in bottled and sealed with a cork, which preserves its fruity and fresh characteristics. Ruby Port is made from a blend of several grape varieties, including Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, and Touriga Franca, among others. These grapes are harvested at a young age and are fermented for a shorter period than Tawny Port, resulting in a wine with a brighter and more youthful character. One of the most distinctive features of Ruby Port is its deep red color, which comes from the grapes' skins during the fermentation process. The longer the wine is aged, the more the color will fade and the more the wine will develop a Tawny-style aroma. In terms of flavor profile, Ruby Port offers intense fruity flavors such as blackberry, cherry, and plum, along with a slightly tannic finish. This makes it a perfect pairing for desserts like chocolate cake, chocolate mousse, and cherry pie. Differences in Production Tawny and Ruby
Port wines have distinct differences in production methods that influence their flavor and characteristics. Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels for several years, allowing oxygen to slowly penetrate and oxidize the wine. This process gives Tawny Port its characteristic nutty, caramel, and dried fruit flavors, as well as its smooth, mellow finish. Tawny Port is made from several grape varieties, with the age on the bottle denoting the average age of the blend. Ruby Port, on the other hand, is aged in bottles for a shorter time, typically only a few years. This process preserves the fresh, fruity flavors of the wine, such as blackberry, cherry, and plum. Ruby Port is made from traditional red grape varieties and is typically bottled young, seal with a cork, and ready to drink immediately. The blending process also varies between Tawny and Ruby Port. Tawny Port is blended to achieve a consistent taste profile, with older barrels contributing more complex flavors and aromas. Ruby Port is typically a blend of different vintages and grape varieties, resulting in a more youthful character and vibrant color. Differences in Production Examples Tawny Port Ruby Port Aged in wooden barrels for several years Aged in bottles for a shorter time Slow oxygen penetration and oxidation Preserves fresh, fruity flavors Made from several grape varieties Made from traditional red grape varieties Blended for consistent taste profile Blend of different vintages and grape varieties Flavour Profiles of Tawny Port Tawny Port is a style of Port wine that is known for its complex and mellow flavors. Tawny Port is typically aged in wooden barrels for extended periods, which imparts a rich and nutty character to the wine. On the nose, Tawny Port offers a bouquet of aromas such as caramel, toffee, and nuts, with hints of dried fruit like figs and raisins. As for the flavor profile, Tawny Port exhibits a range of flavors such as butterscotch, hazelnuts, and almonds, with a smooth, velvety finish. Tawny Port is an excellent choice to enjoy on its own, as an after-dinner drink or paired with desserts such as caramelized apple tart, pecan pie, and crème brûlée. Its rich flavors can also complement savory dishes such as roasted pork, game meat, and strong cheeses. Flavour Profiles of Ruby Port Ruby Port is known for its intense fruity flavors, dominated by notes of blackberry, cherry, and plum. These flavors are a result of the grapes being crushed and fermented for a shorter period than with Tawny Port, resulting in a youthful character. The wine is typically aged in bottles and sealed with a cork, which helps to preserve its fresh and vibrant character. Ruby Port also has a slightly tannic finish, which lends a bit of complexity and structure to the wine. This makes it a great choice for pairing with rich, savory dishes like stews, roasts, and game meats. It can also be paired with chocolate desserts, as the fruit flavors in the wine complement the sweetness of the chocolate. Overall, Ruby Port is a versatile and enjoyable wine that is perfect for those who love bold fruit flavors and a slightly tannic finish.   Pairing with Food Pairing Port wine with food can enhance both the flavors of the wine and the dish. Here are some recommendations for pairing Tawny and Ruby Port with various foods: Tawny Port Ruby Port Blue cheese Chocolate desserts Nuts and dried fruits Caramel-based desserts Cheesecake Fruit-based desserts Dark chocolate Chocolate cakes Pepper steak Roasted lamb Remember to serve Tawny Port slightly chilled at around 60°F to balance its richness, while Ruby Port should be served at room temperature, around 68°F, to showcase its fruity flavors. Pairing with Food - Quick Tips: For a classic pairing, try serving Tawny Port with gorgonzola cheese and walnuts. If you're looking for a sweet and savory combination, pair Ruby Port with chocolate covered almo
nds. Serving and Storage Recommendations Properly serving and storing your Tawny or Ruby Port wine is key to maintaining its quality and flavor. Here are some guidelines to follow: Tawny Port Serving Temperature: Tawny Port is best served slightly chilled, around 60-65°F (16-18°C). Glassware: Use a small wine glass, like a white wine glass or a Port glass, to fully appreciate the wine's aromas and flavors. Storage: Store Tawny Port in a cool, dark place, ideally with a constant temperature between 55-65°F (12-18°C). Once opened, the wine can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. Ruby Port Serving Temperature: Ruby Port is best served at room temperature, around 65-68°F (18-20°C). Glassware: Use a small wine glass or a Port glass to allow the wine to breathe and release its aromas. Storage: Store Ruby Port in a cool, dark place, ideally with a constant temperature between 55-65°F (12-18°C). Once opened, the wine can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. It's important to re-cork the bottle tightly to prevent oxidation. By following these serving and storage recommendations, you can ensure that your Tawny or Ruby Port wine will retain its delicious flavors and aromas for a longer period of time. Price and Availability Tawny and Ruby Port wines vary in price and level of availability. Depending on the brand, production methods, and aging process, prices can range from affordable to premium. For Tawny Port, expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 for a bottle, with some high-quality vintage options available for over $100. On the other hand, Ruby Port is generally more affordable, with prices ranging from $10 to $50 per bottle. Availability can also vary, but both Tawny and Ruby Port wines are widely produced and distributed. You can find them at most wine shops, liquor stores, and even some grocery stores. Online retailers also offer a wide selection of Port wines, making it easy to find both popular and lesser-known brands. Popular Brands There are many reputable brands that produce delicious Tawny and Ruby Port wines. Here are a few popular options to consider: Tawny Port Brands Ruby Port Brands Graham's Tawny Port Taylor Fladgate Ruby Port Sandeman Tawny Port Warre's Warrior Ruby Port Dow's Tawny Port Fonseca Bin No. 27 Ruby Port These brands are known for their quality and consistency, and offer a range of price points to suit any budget. Of course, there are many other great options out there, so don't be afraid to explore and find your own favorites! Tawny or Ruby: Which is Right for You? Now that you know the differences between Tawny and Ruby Port wines, it's time to decide which style is right for you. The choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and the occasion you have in mind. If you prefer a wine with more complex flavors and aromas, Tawny Port is likely your best bet. Tawny Port is ideal for sipping after dinner, paired with a cheese plate, or even enjoyed on its own as a dessert wine. On the other hand, if you're looking for a wine with intense fruity flavors and a bold character, Ruby Port may be more to your liking. Ruby Port is perfect for casual gatherings, paired with chocolate or other sweet treats, or even used in cocktails. Of course, there's no need to limit yourself to just one style. Consider experimenting with both Tawny and Ruby Port wines to find your favorite, or try blending the two styles to create a unique flavor profile. Pairings and Occasions Cheat Sheet Choosing the right Port wine can enhance your dining experience and complement various occasions. Here are some quick pairing suggestions and suitable occasions for Tawny and Ruby Port: Tawny Port Ruby Port Pairings: Pairings: Cheeses (aged, blue, nutty) Chocolate desserts Nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts) Berries and fruity desserts Dried fruits (figs, apricots) Creamy desserts (Crème brûlée, cheesecake) Caramelized desserts (crème caramel, f
lan) Spicy dishes (Thai, Indian, Mexican) Occasions: Occasions: After-dinner sipping Casual gatherings and parties Celebrations and special occasions Summer picnics and BBQs Relaxing evenings by the fireplace Cozy winter gatherings Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can always experiment with your own pairing combinations. As for occasions, Tawny Port is a classic choice for more formal gatherings, while Ruby Port is ideal for relaxed and laid-back events. So, pick your style and raise a glass for a delightful Port wine experience. Experimenting with Blends One of the exciting aspects of Port wine is the possibility of experimenting with blends to create unique flavor profiles. Blending Tawny and Ruby Port wines can result in a balanced and complex taste, showcasing the versatility of Port wines. Blending can also be a way to personalize your Port wine, tailoring it to your taste preferences and occasion. For instance, adding a touch of Tawny Port to a Ruby Port cocktail can enhance its sweetness and offer a more complex taste. However, blending should be done carefully, ensuring that the proportions and flavors complement each other. It's also recommended to use Port wines from reputable brands to ensure quality and consistency. Exploring Other Port Styles While Tawny and Ruby Port are the most popular styles of Port wine, there are other options to consider. White Port: White Port is made from white grapes and aged in wooden barrels. It has a dry, crisp flavor and pairs well with appetizers and seafood dishes. Late Bottled Vintage (LBV): LBV Port is made from a single vintage and aged for 4-6 years in wooden barrels before being bottled. It has a rich, fruity flavor and is a great choice for special occasions. Vintage Port: Vintage Port is made from the best grapes of a single harvest and aged for up to 2 years in wooden barrels before being bottled. It has a complex flavor profile and can age for decades, making it a prized addition to any wine collection. Exploring different styles of Port wine can expand your palate and introduce you to new flavors and aromas. Conclusion In conclusion, Tawny and Ruby Port wines are both popular styles of Port wine, each with distinct characteristics. Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels, resulting in flavors of caramel, nuts, and dried fruits with a smooth finish, while Ruby Port is aged in bottles and has intense fruity flavors such as blackberry and cherry with a slightly tannic finish. When it comes to food pairings, Tawny Port pairs well with desserts, cheese, and nuts, while Ruby Port is perfect with chocolate, berries, and spicy food. Both wines should be served at a temperature between 60-68°F and decanted for at least 30 minutes before serving. In terms of price and availability, both Tawny and Ruby Port wines are available in various price ranges, from affordable to premium options. Some popular brands that produce high-quality Port wines include Taylor Fladgate, Graham's, and Dow's. Ultimately, the choice between Tawny and Ruby Port depends on your taste preferences and the occasion. If you prefer a smooth and mellow wine to accompany a cheese board or dessert, then Tawny Port is the way to go. If you're looking for a vibrant and fruity wine to pair with chocolate or spicy food, then Ruby Port is the way to go. Don't be afraid to experiment with blending Tawny and Ruby Port wines to create unique flavor profiles. And if you're feeling adventurous, explore other Port styles such as White Port, Late Bottled Vintage (LBV), and Vintage Port. We hope this article has helped you understand the differences between Tawny and Ruby Port wines and inspired you to explore the wonderful world of Port wine. Cheers! FAQ Q: What is the difference between Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Tawny and Ruby Port are both popular styles of Port wine, but they have distinct characteristics. Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels, resulting in flavors of caramel, nuts, and dried fruits, with a smooth fi
nish. Ruby Port is known for its vibrant red color and intense fruity flavors, such as blackberry, cherry, and plum. Q: What is Port wine? A: Port wine is a sweet, fortified wine that originated in Portugal. It is typically enjoyed as a dessert wine and is known for its rich, full-bodied flavor and higher alcohol content. Q: How is Tawny Port produced? A: Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels, allowing it to develop complex flavors and aromas. The aging process exposes the wine to oxygen, resulting in a mellow, nutty character. The wine is then blended to achieve the desired taste profile. Q: How is Ruby Port produced? A: Ruby Port is typically aged in bottled and sealed with a cork. This preserves its youthful character and vibrant red color. It is often a blend of different vintages to maintain consistency in flavor. Q: What are the differences in production between Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels, while Ruby Port is aged in bottles. Tawny Port is made from a blend of different vintages, while Ruby Port is often a blend of different grape varieties. These differences contribute to the distinct flavors and characteristics of each style. Q: What are the flavor profiles of Tawny Port? A: Tawny Port is known for its notes of caramel, nuts, and dried fruits. It has a smooth, mellow finish that is characteristic of the aging process in wooden barrels. Q: What are the flavor profiles of Ruby Port? A: Ruby Port has intense fruity flavors, such as blackberry, cherry, and plum. It also has a slightly tannic finish, which adds complexity to its flavor profile. Q: What foods pair well with Tawny Port? A: Tawny Port pairs well with rich desserts, such as chocolate, caramel, and nut-based desserts. It also complements cheese, especially those with a strong flavor profile, such as blue cheese or aged cheddar. Q: What foods pair well with Ruby Port? A: Ruby Port is a versatile wine that pairs well with a variety of foods. It is often enjoyed with chocolate desserts, berries, or even as an accompaniment to a cheese board. Q: How should Tawny and Ruby Port be served and stored? A: Tawny and Ruby Port should be served at room temperature or slightly chilled. Once opened, they can be stored in a cool, dark place with the cork or stopper securely in place to maintain their freshness. Q: What is the price range and availability of Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Tawny and Ruby Port wines are available in a range of prices, from affordable everyday options to premium bottles. They are widely available in liquor stores, specialty wine shops, and online. Q: What are some popular brands of Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Some popular brands that produce Tawny and Ruby Port wines include Taylor Fladgate, Graham's, Dow's, and Sandeman. These brands are known for their quality and reputation in the Port wine industry. Q: How can I choose between Tawny and Ruby Port? A: To determine which Port style suits your taste preferences and occasions, consider the differences in flavor profiles and characteristics. If you prefer a mellow, nutty wine with caramel notes, Tawny Port may be the better choice. If you enjoy intense fruity flavors and a vibrant red color, Ruby Port may be more to your liking. Q: What are the best pairings and occasions for Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Tawny Port pairs well with rich desserts and cheese, making it a great choice for after-dinner enjoyment or special occasions. Ruby Port is versatile and can be enjoyed with chocolate desserts, berries, or as a complement to a cheese board. It is a popular choice for celebrations and gatherings. Q: Can I experiment with blending Tawny and Ruby Port? A: Yes, you can experiment with blending Tawny and Ruby Port wines to create unique flavor profiles. Blending allows you to showcase the versatility of Port wines and create personalized combinations. Q: Are there other styles of Port wine to explore? A: Yes, in addition to Tawny and Ruby Port, there are other styles to explore, such as White Port, Late Bottled Vintage (LBV), and Vintage
Port. Each style has its own unique characteristics and flavor profiles, offering a wider variety of options to wine enthusiasts. Q: What are the main differences between Tawny and Ruby Port wines? A: In summary, Tawny Port is aged in wooden barrels and has a mellow, nutty flavor profile, while Ruby Port is aged in bottles and is known for its vibrant red color and intense fruity flavors. Both styles offer distinct experiences and are worth exploring to fully appreciate the world of Port wine.
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thefinewinecompany · 2 years ago
What are types of strong sweet wines?
As wine lovers, we know that nothing quite compares to the taste of a well-made sweet wine. And when it comes to sweetness, strong sweet wines are in a league of their own. These wines offer a unique combination of intense flavour, richness, and a long-lasting finish that is hard to forget. But with so many varieties available, it can be challenging to decide which one to choose. In this article, we'll discuss the most popular types of strong sweet wines and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect one for your palate.
Introduction to strong sweet wines
Before we delve into the different types of strong sweet wines, let's first define what they are. Strong sweet wines are wines that are typically higher in alcohol and have a higher level of residual sugar. They are usually made from grapes that have a higher sugar content, which results in a more potent and concentrated wine.
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The Different Types of Strong Sweet Wines
Port Wine - It is typically made from a blend of different grape varieties, including Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca, and Tinta Roriz. Port wine can be either sweet or dry, but the sweet varieties are the most popular. These wines are rich and full-bodied, with a deep ruby color and a velvety texture. They are often paired with chocolate or other desserts.
Tokaji is a sweet wine that comes from Hungary. It is made from the Furmint grape, which is left on the vine until it has been affected by noble rot, a fungus that concentrates the sugar content in the grapes. Tokaji wines are known for their complexity and balance, with flavours of apricot, honey, and orange peel.
Sauternes is a sweet wine that comes from the Sauternes region of Bordeaux, France. It is made from Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Muscadelle grapes that have been affected by botrytis cinerea, also known as noble rot. Sauternes wines are known for their richness and complexity, with flavours of honey, apricot, and orange blossom.
When it comes to sweet wines, there are a variety of options available, each with its own unique taste and characteristics. Choosing the right sweet wine can be a challenging task, especially for those who are new to wine tasting. Here are some points to consider when selecting the right strong, sweet wine:
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Sweetness level: The sweetness level of a wine is measured by its residual sugar content. If you prefer a sweeter wine, look for wines with a higher residual sugar content.
Flavour profile: Different sweet wines have different flavour profiles. Some are fruity, while others are nutty or spicy. Consider your personal taste preferences when choosing a wine.
Food pairing: sweet wines pair well with a variety of desserts, cheeses, and spicy dishes. Consider the food you will be serving when selecting a wine.
Age: Some sweet wines can be aged, while others should be consumed immediately. Consider the age of the wine when selecting it.
Region: Different regions produce different types of sweet wine. Consider the region of origin when selecting a wine.
In summary, choosing the right sweet wine involves considering the wine's sweetness level, flavour profile, food pairing, age, region, and price. By considering these factors, you can find the perfect sweet wine to suit your taste preferences and occasion.
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vinhonosso · 2 years ago
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Mais um vinho que já passou anteriormente por aqui mas que merece ser revisitado! 🇵🇹 Este é o “Quadrifolia tinto 2019” da @QuintaDoVallado — um vinho “de entrada” desta excelente vinícola do Douro que tive o prazer de visitar há alguns anos… — corte de Touriga Franca e Tinta Roriz, sem passagem por barricas. 🍷 Na taça tem cor púrpura de intensidade média. Os aromas mostram frutas negras maduras, leve mentol e um toque floral (esteva). Na boca é seco, tem corpo médio, acidez moderada e taninos médios de boa qualidade. Fruta negra e leve herbáceo, com discreta mineralidade e média persistência. 📝 Um vinho super equilibrado, com frescor e bastante fruta. Pra beber sem pretensões (acompanhando uma boa pizza, por exemplo). Não deve ganhar com a guarda. VN89 pts. . 👉🏼 Vinho do excelente portfólio da @GrandCruVinhos 😉 #portuguesewine #dicadehoje https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn0I604p7p3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wine-picks · 2 years ago
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🇵🇹 🍷 TGIF! Dreaming of Portugal tonight with this trio of Portuguese red wines from Douro, Dão, and Alentejo. All available in LCBO VINTAGES now. Read all about them here: https://bit.ly/3Zjf1jw
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graoduquesambrasense · 3 years ago
Produtor: Quinta Casa Amarela Região: Douro Álcool: 14 % Casta: Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional e Tinta Roriz Estágio: Em barricas novas de carvalho francês, durante 12 meses Enólogo: Jean-Hughes Gros Notas de Prova: Cor rubi bastante concentrada Nariz muito duriense, com destaque a cereja preta, amoras, groselha preta, acompanhadas de esteva, especiaria e notas minerais a fazer lembrar granito…
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