#tinn tinnapob
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
haven't figured out how to word it yet so i'll probably delete this later but something about how gun, who's all about relentless action doesn't recognize tinn's feelings for him because that style of almost passive pursuit that tinn was using is so foreign to him and how now that tinn's more aggressive in his approach, gun is starting to notice (like, he has opinions on tinn as a person now instead of just vaguely being aware of him, that's more progress in two weeks than tinn's made in 2?3? years )
also something something neither of their approaches were successful on their own and it's the combination of gun's drive and tinn working in the background that ends up securing the music club's spot and getting them instruments.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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Tinnapob Jirawatthanakul in the role of: Aspirational Malewife Tinn
↳ requested by the lovely @abstractelysium ♡
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chainedupgirlsblog · 9 months
Chapter 8: Second first date
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“Doctor Tinnapob, someone is waiting for you at the cafeteria!” his friend Mai shouts when he enters the room full of nurses and other doctors. 
Apparently, It has become a habit of the staff (his friend included in it) to call his name in the middle of everywhere as if he were a lost patient. And Tinn doesn��t know how to react to it. It makes him feel needed and it keeps him busy, but most of the time, it’s just embarrassing. 
Tinn looked at his friend, embarrassed but curious, although he could imagine who was the person waiting for him just by his friend's expression. The older doctor has been teasing him a lot about the constant visits of said person for the past two weeks. It’s not like he could know something, but Tinn can’t help but be cautious about his constant teasing. 
Nothing is happening anyway. Tinn reminds himself. 
Gun has been visiting him at the hospital with frequency the past two weeks, but not for the reasons his friend suspects or at least Tinn thinks his friend suspects. 
They’re just friends, he reminds his friend and himself. 
Just old friends re-connecting after a long time of not seeing each other. He says, you know, like a liar. 
“Do you need to shout like that every time for everyone to hear it?” Tinn asks shaking his head in disapproval, as he gets closer to his friend. 
“I didn’t know it was a secret. Are you having a secret affair with your old friend?—he gestures quotation marks in the air when he says the last two words and Tinn can’t help but roll his eyes for the nth time that day—Should I keep it quiet next time he visits?” 
"You are insufferable, Phi," Tinn complains yet again. 
“Enjoy your lunch, Nong. Say hi to your old friend for me. Tell him I can’t wait to officially meet him.”
To that, Tinn simply waves him off as he gets out of the room on his way to the cafeteria. 
On his way to the cafeteria, Tinn can hear the murmurings caused by the presence of a famous person in the building. Gun has mentioned on his previous visits that he technically is not allowed to show himself in public this frequently, not without at least notifying his manager, but he continues to keep coming to have lunch with Tinn nearly daily. Tinn can’t help but feel somehow moved by the other’s persistence to keep coming despite the problems this might cause him.
Once he’s at the cafeteria, he spots him seated in one corner. He’s not looking up front, so Tinn can take a few minutes to just look at him, taking in the beautiful view in front of him. He always knew that Gun would conquer the masses with his beautiful voice, cute face, and overall beautiful heart. He’s simply charming in every sense of the word. However, his beauty never fails to take him by surprise and Tinn finds himself lost in admiration and wonder. 
Because, how can someone be this cute and the next moment be so fucking hot? 
He thinks as he sees the way Gun plays with his hair absently, slightly hunching into himself as if he wanted to go unnoticed, failing miserably 'cause the more Tinn gets closer, the more he notices how the other is stealing sighs and glances from the people around him without even noticing it. He looks unfairly attractive, Tinn himself feels suddenly out of breath just by looking at him, so he can’t blame the people around him for falling deep into the singer’s charms. Tinn shakes his head slightly to clear it as he finally approaches him.
“Trying to be subtle?” He asks in a teasing whisper once he’s right next to Gun.  
The latter raised his head, startled by his sudden appearance despite Tinn's attempts to be quiet and careful with his walk and talk.
“Hey,” he greets almost in a whisper, smiling brightly at Tinn. 
And… oh, how beautiful is his smile.  
Tinn is not immune to his charms. Nor to his charming smile, he has never been. So, he better take a seat before melting on the spot.  
“Were you waiting for me?” Tinn asks already knowing the answer but pleased to hear it anyway. 
“Always…” Gun says in a barely audible murmur, looking at Tinn intently in the eyes. They’re lost in each other’s eyes for a few minutes until Tinn clears his throat to bring both of them back to reality. 
“So…” Tinn’s about to start in a low whisper but is easily distracted by Gun’s shy smile and giggles. 
“Umm… yeah. I’m… Have you eaten?” He asks, avoiding Tinn’s eyes as he moves his hands all over the edge of the table, in a cute mannerism he does whenever he doesn’t know what to do with himself. “I brought food for both of us.” 
“You made it yourself?” Tinn asks, both amazed and excited. It’s been so long since he had Gun’s food, and weeks since he had an enjoyable meal.
Gun nods in response, feeling a little shy, and sheepishly asks: “Wanna try it?” 
“Of course!” Tinn answers, smiling with reassurance. Barely containing the excitement caused by the thoughtful gesture, because Gun, despite his busy schedule and restrictions, still found time to cook something for them to enjoy together. He's too good to Tinn's heart. 
“Is it good?” Gun asks expectantly, right after Tinn takes his first bite. The food is also good for Tinn's heart, like a warmth and comfortable hug. 
“It is!” Tinn answers with his mouth still full of food. To that Gun’s smile grows even bigger and brighter. 
So damn beautiful. Tinn thinks, losing himself in the other’s beautiful features. 
Gun looks at Tinn with a fond smile before he says, “Ohoo, still a messy eater as always, aren’t you Doctor Tinnapob?” he teases stressing the sound of the last letter with an adorable accent as he gets closer, to clean the corner of Tinn’s mouth that is stained with drops of sauce. Tinn’s smile grows bigger, and he has to use all his willpower to not push his lips forward to place a small kiss into Gun’s little fingers. 
They share a longing look, and once they’re done sharing the food. Gun places the empty containers aside and takes a deep breath as he turns to look back at Tinn. Shifting in place repeatedly, looking uncomfortable suddenly.
“Do you have shift this weekend?” He finally asks after a few seconds of silence. 
Tinn takes a few seconds to think about it. And he remembers that he doesn’t have a shift this weekend. He informs Gun, and the latter seems to be content with the news.
“Would you like to go to Sound and Win’s bar?” He asks, looking at Tinn intently as he plays nervously with a paper napkin trapped in between his fingers. “We’ll be playing there this weekend.” He adds, looking still nervous, now tapping his fingers on the table.
Tinn smiles fondly, finding it incredibly adorable the way the other expresses his nervousness. He had always found the other’s mannerisms deeply endearing, and it seems like that hasn’t changed much as the years go by.
“I’d love that,” Tinn says with the soft smile never leaving his face as a familiar warmth spreads on his chest, making him feel like he’s floating and as happy as he was years ago.
The weekend approached faster than ever. Tinn finds himself unable to stop the excitement creeping within him. It feels like he’s living his teenage dream all over again, drizzling with excitement just at the thought of going out with his crush, who once was his boyfriend, then became his ex, and now is back at being his… Tinn’s not sure what they are right now. But the excitement and the hopes blooming in his chest feel just right. 
As Tinn arrives at the place, he spots Gun up on stage, already performing. The amazing performance instantly draws his attention. It’s truly mesmerizing. Tinn notices he’s not the only one being captivated, of course, he’s not. The audience interacts enthusiastically with the band’s performance, gathering and engaging at the edge of the stage as Gun moves closer to them to hit some high notes gracefully. 
Tinn quickly finds himself getting closer to the stage too, lost in the mesmerizing performance. Gun has always been amazing when he’s on the stage. But now, singing this type of song with a darker and more mature tone. He’s even more captivating. 
Tinn is completely at a loss, struggling to walk past the tables and the crowd to get even closer to the stage. He’s trying to walk properly but his eyes are too focused on the performer shining bright in front of him, too lost on how sexy he finds the outfit Gun is wearing; a simple pair of black jeans that hug his legs perfectly, together with a tank top of the same color. He knows he’s staring, devouring the singer with his eyes, but so are the others in the crowd. 
However, the one that gets caught in the singer’s eyes is not other than him, and that alone makes him squirm with excitement.
Gun’s eyes seem to find Tinn with ease in the middle of the small crowd. The smile on the singer’s face grows bigger when his eyes land on Tinn, making the heart of the doctor beat faster in his chest once again filling it with that warmth that has started to become familiar again. As Tinn mirrors Gun’s smile and encourages him with supporting thumbs-ups he feels the weight of an arm fall over his shoulder and when he turns around, he finds his best friend by his side. 
“There, there, there…” Tiw croons with a teasing tone and a mischievous smile that assures Tinn the teasing has just begun.
With a last look at the stage, Tinn allows Tiw to drag him to the table where the others are seated. As Tinn greets the few people he recognizes at the table, his best friend’s teasing continues. 
“Captivated much by the performance, Khun Mo?” Tiw teases, sharing a knowing look with Por. Tinn only manages to shake his head slightly while a soft blush creeps to his ears, showing his embarrassment at being caught so easily staring with dreamy eyes at the one that is still, well… his ex.
Damn. Gun is still his ex. He better remember that.
As the teasing continues encouraged by the annoying couple at his side. Tinn can only be grateful that Gun continues on the stage talking with his bandmates even when they’re over with the performance, too focused on whatever he’s talking with his friends to take part in any of the teasing unfolding on the table at Tinn’s expense. 
After a while, Tinn gets up from the table and goes to the restroom, mostly as an excuse to avoid Tiw and Por teasing.
On his way back from the bathroom he spots Gun on the side of the stage near the restroom way. He is discussing with the one Tinn recognizes as his manager. Tinn stops in his tracks as the conversation increases in intensity, he doesn’t want to meddle since is not really his problem but can’t help but be worried when he notices the older man is getting all worked up, nagging at the singer who’s clearly upset about whatever it is they’re talking about.
As Tinn gets closer, and ready to interfere if necessary, he manages to hear Gun’s angry words: “Stop trying to control our every move! You put us on hiatus, didn’t you? Well now, leave us the fuck alone!” 
The manager seems to be as surprised as Tinn is at Gun’s angry expression. It’s so unexpected the older man doesn’t even know how to react. But Tinn does know. And he doesn’t bother to hide the smile that spreads on his lips, 'cause wasn’t that freaking amazing and satisfying to hear? 
And also ridiculously hot?
Gun’s snapping out like that at his invasive manager shouldn’t be this attractive. But it is. So. Fucking. Hot. Tinn finds himself eager to congratulate the singer for such an achievement. 
Tinn is so immersed in his wild thoughts about the other hotness just recently multiplied by a thousand that he doesn’t realize he’s not hiding properly until the manager’s angry figure is right in front of him. Tinn registers he’s on the way a second later and, unfazed by the older man’s annoyed expression, he moves to the side, following the other with his eyes as he leaves. 
Tinn’s still looking at the older man’s back when he feels Gun approaches him by his side. Tinn looks back at Gun with an apologetic look, feeling somehow uncomfortable at being caught witnessing their exchange. He is about to apologize for unintentionally intruding when he feels Gun suddenly wraps his arms around him as he nuzzles his head in the crook of Tinn’s neck, getting incredibly closer and comfortable.
 “I’m glad you are here,” Gun says and relief washes over both of them. 
I’m glad to be here. I’m proud of you. Tinn wants to say but instead allows himself to just enjoy the sudden hug and closeness.
“You did amazing,” Tinn says after a while, once they have freed each other from the other’s embrace. He means both, his performance and his setting up boundaries with his invasive manager, and Gun seems to understand because a soft blush creeps to his already rosy cheeks.
“Thanks,” He says shyly, getting easily flustered. Tinn’s instant desire is to fill those beautiful cheeks with soft kisses. 
Instead, they walk to the table where their friends wait for them. Tinn can see the curious look Tiw is firing in their direction and he’s not willing to be the aim of his insane best friend teasing again, so he excuses himself by going for drinks.
On the table, Gun is the inevitable target of all the teasing and questions his friends make. His bandmates are the most interested in his relationship with the handsome doctor, as they keep calling Tinn. He manages to dodge all the questions and teasing successfully until one of his friends mentions something that steals everyone’s attention. 
“Your doctor is stealing everyone’s attention tonight, even from strangers,” his friend says, pointing to a spot on the bar where Tinn is ordering drinks. Gun would like to focus on the fact that his friends keep calling Tinn ‘his handsome doctor’ but unfortunately he’s unable to fight the urge to shift on his seat and stare at the spot his friend pointed, and there he finds Tinn talking to a group of strangers. 
The group of boys and girls giggle at something Tinn says and Gun is dying to know what’s so funny, jealousy creeping awfully into his chest and mind. Tiw teases him even more. But Gun doesn’t care and doesn’t even try to mask his expression or hide his discomfort. He’s jealous, he has always been when is about Tinn and doesn’t care if his bandmates or everyone notices.
He keeps shifting uncomfortably in his seat, staring without blinking at the place where Tinn keeps talking with the group of strangers. The frown doesn’t disappear from his face until Tinn is walking back to their table. Gun is smiling at the sight of Tinn struggling to carry all the drinks he has ordered in his hands, he’s about to get up from his seat to go help him when his attention wanders again and is until then that he realizes Tinn’s not alone, the group of strangers has followed him to their table and the smile on Gun’s face falls again. He still gets up from his seat to go to his help.
The group of strangers introduces themselves as fans of their band. It turns out they were talking to Tinn about the amazing performance the band had made, telling him they had noticed he was with the band and asking him to please introduce them to the group, especially the lead singer. Gun knows he should feel flattered and probably interact a bit more with the group of fans, but he decides to leave that to his bandmates, who enjoy this kind of interaction more, anyway. Instead, he focuses all his attention and energy on the handsome man seated by his side. 
Tinn seems to be relaxed, talking to anyone who would engage him in conversation. He looks so attractive like this, Gun can’t help but stare at him nonstop. He loses track of time, and can’t tell how many minutes have passed since Tinn has returned to the table, but apparently, it has been enough for Tinn to notice his constant staring, not that Gun has tried to hide it, anyway. 
“You keep staring, Gun,” He says with that deep voice that drives Gun crazy. 
Damn, he can feel the hairs on the back of his neck bristling. 
“Can’t help it. I’ve always liked to look at pretty things,” Gun says with a smirk, loving how his words make Tinn stir in his place and turn at him with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“You’re calling me a pretty thing?” He asks, not surprised but teasing, the mirth still in his pretty eyes. 
“The prettiest one here,” Gun says, sounding completely smitten even to himself. No caring who listens. Who cares, if it makes the smile on Tinn’s face brighten is worth the risk.
“Your fans might want to disagree,” He says, stealing a glance at said fans who ignore them to interact enthusiastically with the rest of the band. 
“Agree to disagree…” Gun whispers, getting closer to Tinn, narrowing the space between them with his eyes still focused on the other’s smiling face. He wants to close completely the space between them and kiss Tinn so badly, that he gotta retrain himself from doing it while focusing his mind on a different thing; Tinn’s hands. Sneaking one of his hands under the table, he grabs one of Tinn’s, and caresses his knuckles as he asks, “Wanna dance with me?”
This makes Tinn giggle a little, delighted at the way Gun seems to be shy when he asks him to dance. A combination of shyness and hopefulness washes over Tinn. He’s so in love, has always been. How could he deny him anything? So, he just nods as he slightly squeezes Gun’s hand, still in his own.  
They move to the place that has been set aside to function as a dance floor. There is no music to dance to, but they start swinging around, nonetheless. Soon the music starts playing out of nowhere, setting the atmosphere around them just right. 
The couple that owns the bar watches them from afar with a knowing smile on their faces. Joining the couple at the table in playing Cupid for their friends.
“We still have the moves,” Tinn whispers right in one of Gun’s ears, making the boy tremble between his arms. Spinning him around, Tinn smiles at Gun’s flustered reaction. 
“We do…” Gun whispers back, holding onto Tinn with dear life, as he feels himself start getting lightheaded and dazed. 
They dance to a few more songs, not really caring about the music or their surroundings. Everything they care about is between their arms staring deep into each other’s eyes. The more they get close, the faster Gun’s breathing becomes. Having Tinn this close to him feels almost surreal. He tries to focus on controlling his breathing, but every detail from the other's handsome face is stealing his focus and making concentrating on anything other than Tinn himself very difficult.
One more spin let them even closer to each other. Gun’s hands are now placed on the back of Tinn’s neck, right where they belong. Caressing the back of his neck, Gun finally masters enough courage to ask Tinn the question he has been wanting to ask throughout the past two weeks.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” he burls out, heart beating so fast he can feel it pulsing in his ears. Tinn just looked at him, stretching the silence between them enough to make Gun nervous. 
Is it too much? Too soon? He did ask for time… but it has been two weeks since then. How much time will he need? Gun doesn’t want to pressure him. Fuck… was he pressuring him???
At that last thought, Gun’s anxiety takes over. That’s the last thing he wants to do. Growing increasingly uncomfortable with the silence settled between them, he tries to downplay his offer made because of his impulses. “W-We don’t have to, of course!—he says looking everywhere but Tinn—It’s probably too soon… I just thought, that umm… Forget I asked!” Gun finishes, untangling his hands from the back of Tinn’s neck, putting a bit of distance between them. He needs space to think properly. He doesn’t know what to do with himself now, so he just stays there, shifting awkwardly on his feet, not knowing what to do or say next. 
Tinn observes him for a few more seconds. Delighted by the other’s way of cutely struggling with his embarrassment, a fond smile unfolds on his face. He really can’t help but find every action of the other utterly endearing, so dangerous for his heart and sanity. He’s so powerless against Gun's cute self.
“Look at you getting all shy and flustered…” Tinn murmurs, closing the distance Gun has established between the two of them. His words only cause Gun to be even more shy and embarrassed, heat rushing fast to his cheeks, blushing his face in the cutest way possible. Tinn can’t help himself. He gets even closer, forehead resting on Gun’s, and hands tracing the blush on Gun’s pretty face. “Where are you taking me?” Tinn asks in a whisper. 
They’re so close Gun can feel the warmth of Tinn’s breath as he speaks, and that doesn’t help to calm the pounding of his heart at all, quite the opposite. He needs a few seconds to focus on answering, Tinn’s lips just millimeters away from his face, stealing all his attention. It would take just a quick movement for them to… 
Gun closes his eyes to avoid any tempting impulse. His hands reach back to their place on the back of Tinn’s neck. 
“Is that a yes?” He asks when he’s able to control himself better. 
“It’s an ‘I'm not able to say no to you’ type of yes. So yeah. It is a yes.” Tinn says in another whisper that Gun can feel on his lips. 
God, they’re so close… it would take just a breath, a slight movement, a slip of their feet, and they could easily… just…
“Easy there, buddies. People are watching.” Their friends remind them, appearing out of nowhere.
Coming out of the daze they had fallen into. Gun catches the apologetic look Tiw and Por give them. Looking around he realizes people are indeed staring at them, some with distrust, others with suspicion, but all of them with the same curiosity and interest. Gun takes a step back as he smiles a Tinn with a silent apology. The latter smiles right back at him as he gently squeezes his hands. 
The night continues without further developments. They try to be more mindful of it while allowing their regained intimacy to bloom as it pleases. Carefully stealing soft touches at each other. Always on the gaze of the other, eagerly waiting for the moment when they’d be able to express themselves without fear. Their next date feels like an uplifting breeze of hope.
They haven’t agreed on a specific day to have their date. However, Tinn’s embarrassingly excited, and won’t even try to deny it, not even to himself. He’s now living that teenage dream at its fullest. The smile on his face is a constant, unbreakable source of energy. His colleagues notice, everyone around him notices, but he doesn’t provide any sort of explanation, he’s just happy and that’s all his coworkers need to know. It seems to be enough for almost all of them, except one of them who keeps nagging at him, seeking answers Tinn wasn’t interested in giving. 
“You seem happier.” His friend mentioned that Saturday morning. I am, Tinn thinks, but doesn’t say. “Something good happened?” His friend tries again. 
Tinn takes his time to acknowledge his friend’s question. “We don’t have shift this weekend. Shouldn’t that be enough motive to be happy?” 
“Sure,” the older doctor says, letting out a humorless laugh. No believing a thing Tinn was saying. “Are you free, then? Wanna go for drinks tonight?”
If it were any other weekend, Tinn would feel bad for rejecting his friend's invitation. They barely have weekends off, so when they do, they try to always make the most out of them. But this one Tinn is not available. He woke up this morning to a very pleasant text on his phone. 
Unknown: “Are you free today? If so. Would you like to go out on that date we have due?”
That message alone has been enough to send shivers throughout his whole body. It has been the best way to start his half-shift day this morning. After agreeing to see each other in the afternoon, Tinn was full of energy, ready to fulfill all his duties until his check-out hour. So, yeah, Tinn wasn’t available this weekend and wasn’t sorry about it either, but he still looked back at his friend with a sorry expression. 
“Sorry, Phi. I’m not available tonight. Actually, I’m about to leave right now.” He says, practically jumping out of his seat, too joyful to go unnoticed. 
“You have a date, don’t you?” his friend asks, looking at him with suspecting eyes. 
“See you on Monday, P’Mai!” he just says as he passes by his friend’s intrigued figure. 
“You better spill all the tea on Monday!” the older yells so Tinn can hear him before exiting the cafeteria completely. 
Tinn’s on his way to his apartment in no time. On his way there, he debates whether he should go prepare himself at his parent’s house since all his clothes are practically still there. He decides to just go to the apartment since is closer to the location Gun has sent him. He spent an entire hour getting ready, taking care of every detail of his appearance, as he hadn’t done in a long time. He wants to look good and be ready for everything. That last thought takes him by surprise and makes him feel embarrassed of himself and, shaking his head, he pushes that thought far away, very far away. Once he’s ready, he takes a cab and heads to the place. 
He arrives there just in time. He wasn’t nervous before but as soon as he makes it to the park nervousness starts to stir things inside of him. He soon realizes which park is it. It is the same one in which they had their first official date, and the realization fills him with even more nervousness. It doesn’t help at all that the surrounding people seem to be relaxed, most of them enjoying a pleasant afternoon with their families and loved ones.
Everyone is dressed casually while he has put on the nicest clothes he has found in the reduced wardrobe he has at the apartment; a blue button-up and a white pair of very-thigh jeans—too thigh, now that he thinks about it—complete his outfit.
Fuck, he’s wearing white pants and they’ll be walking probably even sitting around in a park. He’s going to be covered in dirt by the end of this date! What a way to ruin a perfectly perfect date! 
He feels extremely self-conscious. Sweat starts pooling at his temple and he’s even more nervous. Breathe, breathe, breathe, he tries to remind himself. But then he looks down at the way he’s dressed, and he’s breathing fast again, he feels so over-dressed. Was he overdressed?! He really hopes he’s not. Doesn’t have much time to keep overthinking things more when he hears him. 
Without realizing it, all this time he has been walking toward the location where Gun seems to have been waiting for him all this time. 
“Tinn!” He calls again, waving at him even. 
As if Tinn could not recognize him even in the middle of a hundred people. How could he not, when he shines with brightness almost hurtful to the eyes. He shines so bright, that Tinn has to cover his eyes from the brightness with one hand and even squint a little, so he can look at him. And when he finally catches a glance of him… God, is he not the most beautiful man on whom he has set his eyes?
Gun’s standing right in front of him and it feels like a dream but Tinn knows is not. The Gun that smiles brightly at him is real because his mind has never been able to reproduce him as beautiful as he looks right now. 
Dressed in a lovely light blue set of a sleeveless sweater and a pair of shorts, too short for Tinn’s sanity. He looks incredibly beautiful, terribly adorable, and devastatingly hot. Tinn’s going breathless and insane just by looking at him. Yet, nothing compares to the way his cute face lights up when he smiles right back at him. Tinn’s stomach makes a dangerous jump that threatens to swap him off his feet.
Gravity seems like an abstract concept to him right now, because even with his feet on the ground, he feels like flying. Levitating just by the mere sight of the most beautiful creature to ever walk the face of the earth.
God, he will not survive this date. 
“Hey, are you alright?” The beautiful angel asks, and Tinn can simply smile at him, like a fool, you know. Even his voice is beautiful. 
God, he will indeed not survive this date. 
“Tinn… snap out of it!” The angelical voice tries again. Tinn hears it closer now as if the angel were just a few millimeters away. “Snap out of it or I… I- I’ll kiss you! 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby… ” Tinn says with a chuckle, still half deep in his ungravitational daze. 
“You think is funny, huh?” The angel says, now sounding annoyed. Tinn’s about to nod in agreement when he feels a flicker of tiny fingers on the right side of his forehead. “See if that’s funny,” he says, flickering his finger again, this time fulfilling his goal.
“Ouch! Gun…” Tinn complains stretching his vowels, finally fully snapping out of his daze.  
“Serves you right. You scared me for a minute!” Gun exclaims adorably frustrated while Tinn keeps rubbing the side of his forehead, not caring much about it but enjoying the other’s cute frustration. 
“Does it hurt? I’m sorry,” Gun apologizes, reaching up with his tiny hand to the side of Tinn’s forehead. 
Briefly hypnotized by Gun’s soft and caring touches, Tinn bluntly says, “Kiss it better, then…” 
The words linger in the silence between them, making it slightly uncomfortable. Tinn is about to go back on his words and make up a silly excuse that neither of them would believe when he hears soft chuckles coming out of the giggling figure that is Gun in front of him. 
Without warning, Gun leans closer, and in seconds his soft lips are all over Tinn’s temple, literally kissing it better. Tinn feels like he’s floating all over again.
“Better?” Gun asks, still very close to Tinn’s heated face. Too close for Tinn to think properly. Unable to speak without his voice cracking, Tinn just makes an affirmation noise, the sound coming out all squeaky and funny, he’s looking anywhere but at Gun’s pretty face. “Are you shy now?” Gun teases. 
“Nuh-uh. Not at all.” Tinn says shaking his head too eagerly, still avoiding Gun’s piercing gaze. 
“Yes, you are. I know every one of your reactions.” Gun mutters with a knowing tone, sounding proud of his vast knowledge of Tinn’s reactions, or of Tinn in general. Finally, sharing a look with Tinn, he wiggles his eyebrows up and down as he grabs both of Tinn’s hands tightly. Tinn feels himself smiling like a fool again. He really can’t help it. “Let’s go find something to eat.” 
Gun says as he feels Tinn intertwine their fingers, making the hold of their hands tighter and warmer. Perfect. Gun thinks. A familiar warmth expanded on his chest as they walked further into the park.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | ?
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
tinn definitely doesnt need to watch more romances lmao, boy's got an encyclopedia of every romance trope in his head, ready to implement irl.
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
so jotting a couple more thoughts now that i've ruminated on the episode for a second
the pace felt jarring in a way it hadn't previously and i don't appreciate it
i want the internal narration back, Like how is tinn feeling about his own newfound confidence, gun's thoughts in general etc. I want to knoww
speaking of gun, what is up with him in this episode. The whole plot with his mom was really sweet and heartwarming but other than that, my boy feels so off. like, gun's threshold for embarrassment is usually really high but then he gets embarrassed by shouting in the park. seriously??? that's what finally triggers his sense of embarrassment? also i don't understand this weird game of chicken he's playing with tinn where he ends up backing down every time they're at the edge of a confession. like he was downright cryptic at the end of the episode when tinn pretty much admitted to liking him. he's always been so straightforward but i can't read him this episode and it's bugging me
i read that apparently tiw and por are supposed to be in an established secret relationship but i think the show's instead going to show how they get into a relationship.
winsound are cute and precious and i want 100% more of them
the figuring-out-your-future plot was good, no remarks
i did however want to see the entire scene with the rap battle play out (painful as the bits we got were)
i hope it comes back in a flashback
same with por talking to his mom
the payout's just not as good if it happens during a montage alright
the pacing of win's plot felt really odd to me and i still can't explain why
mark at it again with the bad buddy references "my parents wanted me to go for engineering" lmaooo
how did tinn get away with ditching class to check up on gun?
if the pool location's important enough to require an introductory scene for it, then use the fucking pool for something. chekov's gun is a thing for a reason. gun's literally right there running around with a laptop in front of it and it/he's not gonna fall in? what a waste. similarly, i hope the sports day timetable that tinn approved comes back in a later episode. (yes yes not everything needs to mean something but preferably, it would and i have expectations for this show)
so much happened this episode and i want flashbacks to all the inbetween scenes like what happened after tinngun's hug etc next ep
which reminds me, we still haven't gotten gun's pov on the events of episodes 3/4. i want gun's povvvv
love that the show's continuing to have atleast one performance/song per ep though
EDIT: grammar
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
funny though how gun's better at hiding his crush even though tinn's the one with years of practice
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
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tiw's out here single-handedly healing my remnant pain from wai. It's been a hot second since i've liked a best friend character this much.
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
so obviously the pinkie hold from the last ep has spurred tinn to try his hand at being more overt and direct but like his old confession attempts, directness doesn't seem to be giving him results. I hope the next ep's from gun's pov because i have no clue what's going on in that boy's head
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
is it me or has tinn gotten smoother with his flirting? Or maybe it's that his bad luck has begun to slow down
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