#tink deserves to be angsty
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whatsbehindthefacade · 2 years ago
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He'd been so angry. So jealous. Hurting so much and no one had seemed to see, or if they did, they dismissed it. What had they to worry about, he was just a little kid after all. Weaker than the rest of them. Trying so desperately to understand, to match up, but always falling short no matter what he did. It was always like that, and it always infuriated him. No matter what, he was never going to catch up with the rest of them. He would always be the baby in their eyes, all because of some freak mutation of a mutation. So he'd made a deal with the devil, in the desperate hope of at least returning things to the way they'd once been, of going back to what was normal, where he could forget about dark haired girls. And then Falco had pulled out the gun, had started pointing it in Strat's direction, and panic had set his course. No matter what, he couldn't let Strat get hurt. And then the beating. Part of him had almost expected to feel the gun go off, but he'd been lucky on that front. He'd thought he was going to die, and they'd made peace with it in a way, even though the thought terrified them. At least it would be for Strat.
He'd mostly just stayed up here alone. Zahara had of course checked up on him, and Denym had clambered up from time to time to sit with him and keep him company. Not that Tink had been very good company in return, mostly ignoring the others presence. No one blames you. Yeah right, he couldn't help but let out a soft scoff at that, wincing again. He's hardly lost his memory. How could you do this to us, Tink? To me? He's not stupid. He knows it's his fault. Just like always, he's fucked up. He listens to Strat ask to see his face and shrinks a little. The wound smarts, and though he's pretty sure it should heal, he has the feeling it's going to scar. Somewhat reluctantly, he rolls over to face Strat, raising his head though not quite able to meet his gaze, but making the ugly wound more than visible.
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Nothing seemed 'fine' - not really anyway. The Deep End felt rattled to its core and no matter what anyone attempted to do to resolve it, the unease remained in the air and it seemed as though it wasn't going anywhere for a while. It was one of those moments you knew would come someday but you never knew how or when so you always were on high alert for when it eventually did however, no one had expected it to unfold the way it did during such a joyous high. They were only a moment away from casualty, from grief, from something truly irreversible and Strat would forever remain in gratitude that the universe decided to offer them mercy in this incidence. It had been much quieter amongst The Lost teens as of late, their conversations contained and told in whispers as they did their best to try and find a new normal amongst the chaos, which is something they had grown accustomed to doing over the years so, perhaps it was just a shake in the rollercoaster of life they had bene propelled on. At the absence of Raven, there had definitely been an emptiness that took up Strat's existence. That was the only possible way of communicating this as he himself was unable to vocally describe it to anyone. It felt like he were floating amongst life but was instead living it back behind some glass window that kept him out, blocking the sound, the people, the environment and he couldn't break it despite how much was thrown at the single barrier in his way but, regardless of this factor, he had done his best to move forward in helping keep the rest of his found-family alive and thriving to the best of his own ability and kept a close eye on Tink from a distance though he never physically approaching him until this very moment in time.
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" Funny thing is, I don't believe you are," Strat responded softly with a sigh, placing himself beside the mattress and sitting to the left of Tink, eyes glancing to the side of him in order to look at the individual next to him who appeared to be in more pain than they wanted to let on and allow this conversation to be something that was both serious but also as intimate and well-meaning as the boy could make it, "I want you to know that no one blames for you what happened, Tink. Not a single person holds a grudge against you in any way, especially me. We're all just glad that you're alright." Strat proceeded to lean forward, attempting to take a quick look at the wounds that had afflicted the brunette that were obviously still a pain to his everyday activity. Any brave face his companion was putting on only made Strat more concerned "Would you mind if I took a look? I know Zahara has probably attempted to bug you a few times throughout the week but I just want to make sure everything is healing as they should be. I'll keep my distance if that's what you want me to do, I promise."
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nightrae13 · 10 months ago
I'm still on Neverland after the Wendy Bird Fell, so no wonder I ended up grieving again my lost OTP and fav character
Rewatching the Tinker Bell films with my 4-year old cousin (Lydia really hit it home lol), and I keep on thinking how this franchise was my first exposure to mix signals (I mean, not just in shipping, but in general), with how they kept on implying Terence and Tink's romance, but not fully committing to it until it was unfortunately cancelled... like c'mon right? You had Rosetta and Queen Clarion have cute scenes with their boyfriends, but Terence did not even speak. My inner ten-year old self is still angsty about this ship baiting. If y'all just want a representation of girl and boy just being friends, Tink with Clank and Bobble is right there! Ship what you want, but Terence was obviously framed as the love interest, and then they just did nothing with it!
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Terence went from having these cute special scenes highlighting his bond with Tinker Bell since the first film, to a background character who doesn't even exchange a line or share a frame with his apparent (to the very least) best friend; Look, he was barely in GFR, but he was the first and last character Tinker Bell spoke to in that movie, and was part of the squad hanging out in the end; his presence and absence were addressed properly with respect to his character and relationship with Tink.
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Afterwards... he was just there for a little fanservice in a few seconds. They started the mix signals or ship baiting by SotW when Tink looked at him at the start, and how Peri asked her about them (where she did not even deny if they're dating), yet Terence was with less than a minute screen-time and no spoken dialogue. It's just sad yk (Jesse McCartney was still credited tho lol).
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I get that they had to expand the stories and characters somewhere else and he was really too kind of a character who already solved his conflict with the mc (where I think many could see as a mary-sue even tho he had his flaws and fights with Tink), but as the very least, bff character, he was just sadly overlooked. Like, why is he barely there in Pirate Fairy?? The whole movie revolving around his best friend literally is about his expertise lmaoo The writers had to throw away an already established talented dust-keeper fairy just for the plot they wanted like how they did with the concept of winter fairies in SotW.
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In the end, maybe some people just don't like or care about him (which is sad, bc how could you not??), or/and the writers just wanted to focus on the girl group (or maybe Jesse's talent fee is too big who knows? haha) ... I mean, it's still good they left it open-ended, so people can ship and interpret it however they want (no wrong with that esp. since the franchise is towards a younger audience and promotes friendships more). My disappointment just mainly comes from the erasure of Terence's importance in the later films. They could have just done what GFR did; he's just a supporting character, but he was still treated as one of Tink's friends. He didn't deserve being shoved aside especially as one of the fairies who originated from the books, and her best friend.
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Now, excuse me if I'll watch Lost Treasure for the nth time.
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freedomfireflies · 8 months ago
No hate to the person who gave the idea, but I will not be able to handle the concept of tink being in the car with Harry’s girl when she passed. That’s beyond painful to even think about especially for him (more for me). I’m just too involved at this point, it’s not just Harry and tink’s “relationship” it’s OUR RELATIONSHIP. I’m here too! Plus if I recall correctly you mentioned that the whole reason he didn’t like tink to begin with was he used to see her in college after the fact and she was always happy and her smile and sunshine-ness personality made him want to smile but he couldn’t allow himself to because it felt so wrong to do after everything that happened with his ex. The angst you put out in One Day is more than enough for these two considering they truly have had a hard lifetime thus far and they are each other’s little escape or points of joy. Their relationship is already sitting on some unstable cliffs they don’t need an avalanche to top it off. Let my babies have peace and love. Again no hate at all to the person who suggested the idea or to you. This is just my feelings on the matter. 404 just holds a very special place in my heart.💗
Stop this is so so sweet!!! I totally understand and honestly, I have no idea what the alternate universe would look like for them!!
BUT!!! I do think any other version of their story would have to be a little less angsty 😭😭 They deserve it after everything!! So I agree hehe
Thank you so much for reading, this is so insanely nice and I appreciate you so so much for sending this and allowing them to be so close to your heart 🥹💞💞💞 I ADORE YOU!
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years ago
Love Hurts Pt. 1
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A/N: This is a Re-Edit of a collab I did with @beautifulseoulliar a while back. I am re-editing it to share with my lovelies that love BTS. This is a multi P.O.V. Each person will be mentioned before their part. This is Angsty AF, but I loved writing it. Hope you all enjoy, and get ready, It’s a Long Ass Ride!
Synopsis: Yoongi is a tattoo artist with a broken past. Namjoon is the innocent college boy that is about to learn a few lessons. Will Namjoon teach Yoongi that love is still possible, or will he regret ever meeting the mysterious daangerous Yoongi?
Characters: Tattoo Artist!Yoongi x College Student!Namjoon
Warnings: Angst, Smut, BDSM scenerios, broken Yoongi (is that a warning?), some fluff, and I’m sure there are others (please let me know if I need to add some)
Word Count: 4690
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ccr to gif owner
They say that you should never wonder on a bad day how it could possibly get worse. I guess I should have remembered that as I was trudging home, cursing waking up this morning. My day had started off bad- a missed alarm, which meant I was forced to watch from a block away as the bus drove away without me. It had simply snowballed from there, with a missing paper-laying at home on my desk, right where I’d left it so I wouldn’t forget it- to detention during last period because of the forgotten paper. I mutter under my breath, wondering just how bad it was going to get.
And of course, the clouds just had to open up on me several blocks from home. I shiver as the wind whipped past me, seeming to try and push me back. If you’d told me at this point that wind gods were trying to keep me out in the elements for as long as they could, I wouldn’t have been surprised. 
When I finally get home, I unlock the door, slightly amazed that the key doesn’t break in the lock, stepping inside and shutting the door behind me. The apartment is quiet, the only sound the slight tink of the sink dripping in the kitchen. I sigh, relieved that Hoseok isn’t home right now. As much as I love him-he is my best friend, after all, and has been since we were kids- I don’t feel like being bombarded with questions right now. 
I toe off my shoes and drop my soaked bookbag by the door, padding across the living room and up the step to my bedroom door. Flinging it open, I enter my room, not bothering to shut the door as I strip out of my wet clothes. My phone I rescue from the back pocket of my jeans, blessing Hoseok for buying me a waterproof case for my birthday. I toss it onto my bed, then grab some pajama pants from the drawer and slip them on. Then, gathering up my wet things, I carry them to the bathroom and dump them into the washing machine. Grabbing a towel, I rub at my hair, finally just draping it over me as I head back to my room. I lay down on my bed, grabbing my phone as I sink down, making myself comfortable as I unlock the screen with my thumbprint. 
1 new message. 
My head starts to pound and I feel my stomach drop to my feet as I open the message and read it. 
Joon, I’ve been thinking, and…
I can’t help the cry that spills from my lips as I bolt upright, throwing my phone as hard as I can across the room, where it hits my bookshelf and falls to the floor. I don’t know if I’ve broken it, but I couldn’t care less at the moment. 
My day has now been crowned with a fucking cherry-my boyfriend just dumped me. Bastard. Now what am I supposed to do? I lay back down, everything inside me hurting, but I don’t cry, because that’s just not something I do. Instead, I plan to just lay here and slowly die. 
Just as I'm walking in the door, I hear a loud crash coming from Joon's room as he screams.
What the hell is going on?
I scramble up the step, flinging his door open. He's lying on his bed, phone on the floor by the bookshelf, shattered screen and all.
I can tell by the look on his face, whatever was on that phone was not the best of news. 
“Joonie? What's wrong?”
I walk over, sitting on the edge of his bed. I lay my hand on his shoulder, silently waiting on him to talk. 
Namjoon's not much of the talking type, but sometimes, he and I can have some pretty decent conversations. We've know each other forever, having grown up in the same neighborhood. We've seen each other through some pretty fucked up things, but hey, what are friends for, right?
After several minutes of him mumbling and sighing dramatically, I was able to piece things together. 
So, his jackass of a boyfriend, who I hated anyway, broke up with him. All of this, after a day from hell, that he swears will only get worse. 
“Joon, my friend, what you need is a night out with me and some friends. We'll help you forget about today, what do you say? “
Pulling my best aegyo, I add with flair.
“Please, pwetty pwease? I Pwomise that you'll have fun!”
He finally agrees, only because he said my aegyo was on point. 
I call up my girlfriend, then my boyfriend, and a few other mutual friends and plan a night out to remember. Little did I know, that tonight would change Namjoon forever.
I didn’t hear the sound of Hoseok coming in the front door of the apartment over the noise of my phone shattering, so when he comes bursting into my room, I wince. He glances at me, then across the room to where my phone lays in shards on the floor. His brows crease in worry. 
“Joonie? What’s wrong?”
As usual, it’s hard for me to get the words out, especially when he sits down beside me, one hand resting comfortably on my shoulder. I bury my head in my hands and try to get it out. After a while, he seems to understand, both about the day I’ve been having and my boyfriend breaking up with me. 
“Joon, my friend, what you need is a night out with me and some friends. We’ll help you forget about today, what do you say?”
I peek through my fingers, studying his face. He grins at me, pulling out his amazing aegyo, which always works on me. 
“Please, pwetty pwease? I pwomise that you’ll have fun!”
I can’t deny that, so I nod reluctantly. Maybe a night out will be better for me than laying around the apartment. He whips out his phone when I agree, going out to the living room and closing my door halfway for privacy. He calls both his girlfriend and boyfriend, then a bunch of other friends, planning our night out. I half listen as I debate what to wear, deciding on something simple, since I’m not totally sure where we’re going or where we might wind up. I slip out of my pyjama pants and throw them on my bed for later. Then I slide into a pair of dark skinny jeans with large rips in the knees. A white t-shirt is next, and I complete it with a black-and-white striped jacket. I slip my tennis shoes on, run my fingers through my hair and observe myself in the mirror above my dresser. Not bad, but I decide to add one last thing, just because tonight I feel like I deserve it. I pull my eyeliner from my dresser drawer, where I keep it tucked safe under my socks. Lining my eyes makes them look even more amazingly cat-like than they normally do, and it’s the one vanity I allow myself. I know it gets me more looks than normal, which tonight I decide won’t be a bad thing. Smiling a little at my reflection, I turn to head out to the living room and join Hoseok. 
“Alright Joonie, let's go!”
We head out the door, walking down the street to meet with our friends. Namjoon is quiet, still sulking after his shitty day. Once we are all together, we pick a club with a bass, planning on drinking our cares away and dancing with almost anything with two legs. We decided on Le Queen; even though it's a gay club by nature, everyone goes there. 
The line was longer than the block, but we knew the owner. Shooting her a text, we were on the guest list before we got there. I really owe her a threesome with me and Chae. The music was blasting, sweaty bodies covering the dance floor like a crazed mass.
“Joon. Let's hit the bar first! First round’s my treat!”
The night was beginning, but I don't remember the end. Yeah for alcohol, right?
I really hate idiots. I hate dense idiots even more. I am trying to get the director in my company to see that I have to order the ink supply for the studio. My partner artists were running low, and they had clients coming thereat the end of the week. Our tattoo studio was about to open another shop and we still didn't have everything, which my director should know, but obviously didn't. Damn idiots. 
After spending three hours arguing with said idiot, I was ready to explode. I was going to be late to Le Queen, having to do body art on one of the dancers before her performance. I also really hate being late, so when I got there, I headed straight for the bar to get my drink order placed while I was getting set up. 
I was slightly, okay very, impatient, so I tried to ask the guy in front of me to hurry up. What preppy college kid would wear jeans and a jacket to a gay/Drag Queen club? Why would they be in this club anyway?  Tapping him on the shoulder, I was about to say something when he turned around. The first thing that caught my attention was his eyes. I am a sucker for eyes, they are the window to the soul, and I always want to search someone's soul. It's a way to keep them from trying to get into mine.
His eyes were cat-like, accentuated by heavy lines of eyeliner, that made them more mysterious. He was younger than me by at least a year or maybe two, innocent looking face. Aish, poor fella, going to get himself hurt with that face. But I had to admit that he had a strangely alluring pull about him. His hair was a deep red, his bangs slightly over his eyes. His lips were a bit plump, but not too overly plump, just kind of pouty.
Going back to his eyes, I focused on them while I spoke.
“Hey, I need to place my order, can you hurry it up just a bit?”
He just kinda looked at me, turned back around and kept ordering. Little shit, if I wasn't in a hurry, I'd be busting your preppy little ass. Finally he stepped aside, and I placed my order, telling them I would be backstage, prepping for the body art.
Preppy kid had walked away, and I caught sight of something when I wound up behind him. The way his body moved when he walked, those long legs stretching with each step in not quite a strut, not not quite a sway, but a bit of sass and and I couldn't help but follow him until I absolutely had to walk backstage.
Wonder if he can dance as good as he looked. I would have to wait and find out later. Off to paint some naked body now. 
Hoseok is his usual bouncy self when we leave the apartment, heading down the street to our usual meet-up spot with everyone he was able to call. As a group, we start our short walk to the club- Le Queen, a gay/drag queen club we’ve been to a hundred times before, and one of the few where I feel almost completely comfortable. Hoseok takes out his phone as the club comes into view, shooting a text to the owner, a woman he’s known a long time. I have my suspicions about their relationship, but I’d never bring it up. At any rate, the reply allows us to bypass the huge line, which I’m thankful beyond words for. I couldn’t imagine hell, but standing in line for hours after coming out to have fun might be comparable. As we entered the club, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was packed, as usual, which was usually a problem for me-I hated large crowds, but here it felt safe-there were way too many people for anyone to notice me. Hoseok turned to me, grinning, as most of our group splintered off, looking for a place to sit. 
“Joon. Let’s hit the bar first! First round’s my treat!”
I nodded, giving him a small smile, and we headed for the bar. He managed to order a drink and down most of it while I was still considering. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around, a little apprehensive for being touched. But what I came face-to-face with made my mouth go dry. 
To say he was gorgeous would be a gross understatement. His blue hair was something I was instantly jealous of-I’d tried it once with my own hair, and Hoseok had called me a mermaid for a month-but it seemed to suit him. His eyes were cool behind round, wire-frame glasses, and his white shirt hung loose on his slender frame, the top two buttons undone, giving a glimpse of a tattoo across the left side of his chest. He was probably a year or two years older than me, and he had an air of danger. In short, he was like my every wet dream come to life. But something in me recognized the potential for violence in him, and it both attracted and scared me. This was the kind of man I tried to avoid-the kind that could steal my heart by barely trying and stomp it into dust. I’d seen his kind before, even had a close call a time or two, and those had been learning experiences. I knew better than to do anything other than get out of his way, as soon as possible. 
“Hey, I need to place my order, can you hurry it up just a bit?”
His voice, smooth and dark as whiskey, had heat rising in my cheeks as I realized suddenly that I’d been staring. I blinked, forced myself to turn back to the bartender and choke out an order. At the same time, I was hyper-aware that he was still just behind me. I waited nervously for my drink, and when it was in my hand, I turned and walked away, without looking back. And, even though I knew it was a horrible idea, I couldn’t help but put a small sway in my walk, just a hint of sass. I giggled as I slid into the booth with my friends, keeping my head down until I couldn’t feel the heat of his eyes on me anymore. 
“There’s the Joonie I know and love! What’s got you so tickled?”
Namjoon joined us at our booth, a wide grin on his face and a giggle. I don’t like seeing him where he can’t just be happy and enjoy himself. When he gets like that, I know the only thing to bring him back out of his shell is a night out. Maybe even find him a one-night stand to get him over the ex-jerkface. Did I mention I hate his ex-boyfriend? Anyway, we finished our rounds, then Chae and Jimin went to the dance floor. I love watching them together, in more ways than one, but I digress. So NAmjoon and I are left in the booth, his eyes looking around, maybe trying to find someone he wants to hook up with for the night. I just sit back and enjoy the atmosphere. Getting ready for the performance tonight. There are a couple of Queens dancing and I couldn’t wait to see it. I was also itching to get on the dance floor, so I grabbed his wrist and drug him to the center of the floor. 
Man, can he dance too! Namjoon dancing, is like watching the sunrise after a storm, it enraptured me. He is fluid, graceful, and I would even admit, sensual. Everyone around us backed away, giving him room and just watched. He could get lost in it, and I was envious of him at times like these. When the music ended, he stood there breathless, and when he realized every eye was on him, he blushed and hung his head as he left the floor.
I started my painting, working on every minute detail she wanted me to add. It took my about an hour to finish her upper body, and I needed a break before finishing. I went to get another drink and stretch my limbs. I noticed people moving aside, their eyes trained on the center of the floor. I had to see what was so special that people weren’t dancing. I made my way to the upper level, pushing my way through some drunk people in my way. 
When  looked down, I couldn’t help but stare. The preppy college kid was dancing, and it was amazing. Those legs were… I can’t explain it. His body could hypnotize you with the way it moved to the beat. His muscles were taut under his jeans, his arms reaching out for miles. That red hair, already damp with sweat, hung over those soul catching eyes. When the music was over, he stood there like a statue, panting hard. Damn, I could make him pant harder. I shouldn’t be thinking like that, but I was. Funny thing was, when he noticed those people around him, he was suddenly shy. That’s not what happens to someone who can move like that. I had to tear my eyes away from him, but I was going to find him later.
I went back to finish my painting, but I just couldn’t keep my mind focused. Damn preppy college kid, you better not leave.
“There's the Joonie I know and love! What's got you so tickled?”
I flashed Hoseok a smile as I slid opposite of him, but refused to say anything. He squinted suspiciously at me, but didn't push. I looked around, eyeing potential one night stands, the alcohol and beat of the music making me feel a little more uninhibited. I caught him looking at me from the corner of my eye, and I turned to look at him. He tossed the remainder of his drink back, then slid out of the booth, grabbing my hand. I knew he wanted to dance, so I took another drink and followed him onto the dance floor. 
The dance floor was the one place I felt completely at ease, no matter how many people were around. On the dance floor, with or without a partner, the world fell away and it was just me and the music. My body swayed and dipped, and my head fell back, eyes closed. But I could still sense Hoseok near me, and I effortlessly kept him as my anchor. 
And then the heat of that stare was back. It was almost a physical touch, and it almost made me falter. I opened my eyes, looking around, body still moving, until I looked up to the balcony on the second level of the club, and the guy from the bar caught my attention. I felt a familiar spark ignite in my blood, and I knew without a doubt that if he made a move, I would be going home with him tonight. 
After we finished dancing, Namjoon headed back to the booth and I stayed behind to dance with my lovers. I had seen enough, and I was ready to take them both home and have my own fun. Asking Namjoon if he was ready to head out, he told us that he was planning on staying a bit longer, that boy obviously knew what I was up to so he was being nice and letting me have the apartment for awhile. He’d come later, after everyone was either gone or asleep in my room. And that’s why I love that boy, he knows me so well.
“Alright then, we’re heading out. Call me if you need anything.”
Giving him a quick hug, we were out the door in a rush. 
I finished the body painting, admired my work for a bit, then headed out to the club. I want to see the performance, I swear I do, partly, kinda. Screw it, I want to find preppy college boy and talk with him. Who knew, he could be a pretty good release for my stress after today and painting all night on a moving canvas. I scanned the dance floor, no such luck. Looking to the bar, I caught a glimpse of him in a booth towards the back. Good, he hasn’t seen me yet. I walk around the long way, making sure I stay hidden by the throngs of drunk people stumbling around and bumping into me. I swear, one more drunk idiot running into me, I will just have to go all psycho on them, and that’s not hard for me to do lately.
I make my way to the far side of the booth, sliding in beside him. I have just a few seconds to really look at him before he notices I am in his booth. He is pretty hot for a preppy college kid. This close, those eyes are extremely sexy. His jawline is perfect, and i find myself wanting to run my tongue over it. Shit, it has been way too long. That red hair gives his complexion a haunting paleness. It reminds me of coffee with almost too much cream, but you want it anyway. It’s smooth and flawless. The way his adam’s apple bobs when he swallows, make me want to make it bob for other reasons.
If he doesn’t talk soon, I may be having a one night stand right here, and not that I would mind that, but he probably would. Ah, he looks at me at last.
“Hey there preppy college boy. Names Yoongi, What’s yours?”
When the song ended, I made my way off the floor and back to the booth. Hoseok stayed behind, his hands on his girlfriend’s hips as she swayed to the music, and his boyfriend behind him, plastered against his back. By the blissed out look on his face, I knew that I’d be staying behind at the club while he took them home. It meant a couple more hours at the club for me, but I didn’t mind. At least my best friend was happy. Sure enough, after another half-hour, he made his way over to me, politely asking me if I were ready to go. Shaking my head, I told him to go ahead, I was going to hang out a bit longer. Winking at me, he took his leave. 
“Alright then, we’re heading out. Call me if you need anything.”
He hugged me, then headed for the door. I waved as they left, then sighed as I sank into the plush back of the booth. I was tired, and I really did want to go home, but there was no way I was going to cock-block my best friend. And even if going home didn’t hinder his ability to be with his lovers, it would certainly not help my mood to hear the three of them, with our rooms sharing a wall. No, thank you, that was something I’d avoid at all costs. 
I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn’t even see him coming. Usually, with someone who has caught my interest as much as he had, I made it a point to keep tabs on them. Unfortunately, this time I let my guard down, and all of a sudden, I wasn’t alone in the booth anymore. Blinking, I realized he’d slid in across from me, and was staring at me intently, studying me. I have no idea how long he’d been there, but I could read the hunger in his eyes well enough. I had a feeling that he didn’t let people read him very often, but here he was, looking at me as if I were a particularly tasty treat. I swallow, hard, and his eyes follow the movement of my adam’s apple. When he finally speaks, the sound sends blood straight to my cock, making me half hard in an instant. 
“Hey there preppy college boy. Name’s Yoongi. What’s yours?”
As far as pickup lines go, it’s kind of cheesy, and I want to laugh, but I get the feeling that that wouldn’t go over very well with him. So instead, I shrug. It’s half a protective measure, half a flirt. I don’t know if I could even answer him if I wanted to- he makes me nervous, and being nervous makes it hard for me to capture the words I want to use. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks, suddenly worried that I may not be able to speak at all. And, suddenly reckless, I make a huge effort to answer him, for heaven only knows what reason. I know this is a bad idea, but I can’t seem to stop myself. 
So, his name is Namjoon. And that voice, it's so soft. Not like soft soft, but just the right amount of soft. As I look at him, I can tell he's getting nervous, and I secretly want to warn him that he has good reason to be. 
I'm usually not as nice in the bed as I am in public, a few lovers have found that out the hard way. I like control, lots of it, and that innocence in his face tells me he hasn't been treated as rough as I like it. I hear my brain telling my crotch, guess you need to break him in. I really want to listen to my brain right now.
I feel a familiar stirring low in my gut, but if I plan on taking him home, I have a feeling I need to take it slow and play my cards right. Guess my little brain didn't get the memo, though.
“I see your friends left, need a ride home?”
“I see your friends left, need a ride home?”
A small, quiet voice inside me is telling me that accepting a ride home from this guy- Yoongi- would be the epitome of a bad idea. I usually listen to said voice- I’ve had years to learn that it’s usually the thing I should listen to when I’m making important decisions. 
And if there were ever an important choice to be made, this is it. 
I swallow nervously, his hot gaze staring me down, seeming to promise so many things I’d love tonight, but that I might well regret in the morning. 
Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
I nod almost imperceptibly, then I say it out loud, just to make sure he knows I’m accepting. 
“Yes, I suppose I will.”
I readjust my body, acting like I’m relaxing, when in fact I’m more aware of him than ever, waiting to see what he’ll say. 
Nice! I get to take him home, but not to his place if I can convince him to come home with me.
I begin thinking, with my little brain, all that I could do to those pouty lips. I don't usually prefer the younger ones, but there is something about him that makes me want to break him. I really hope he's not as innocent as he appears, because that would make me feel bad if I cause him some pain.
I nod, getting up from the booth. When he stands up beside me, I find that he is almost my height and actually had some semblance of strength in his body. Oh boy, this could be fun. 
We head out, walking the short distance in silence. I wonder what he's thinking, hopefully the same thing I am. A one night stand, that's all I need, to get today's frustrations out of my system. Rough, hard sex, just the way I like it.
“So, college boy, your place or mine?”
@seoulsunshineandstories @kwonnansi @xjamlessparkx @berryjam17
@min-shookga-yoongi @beautifulseoulliar @agustd-suga-yoongii @astronomyturtle @aspaceformyself @dreamyoongi @holy-yoongi@trashkazuya @maxinaptak @micky1518 @rosiemilas @karri570
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trueraretalent · 7 years ago
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@xtinytink @fawneverwould @rosettamoore
can i just start this off by saying that i love you girls, and your girls, each so, so much. bri, your tink never ceases to amaze me. she’s funny and angsty and overall just the perfect send of pixie hollow and peter pan tink (i know it’s been said before by others but it’s the truth okay). ali, i’m gonna be honest here, i never expected fawn to mean this much to vidia but the development of their friendship has been one of my favourite things. and fawn is such an extraordinary girl. i wish i was more like her in real life. and becca, lemme just say that rosetta is just the sweetest bean there is. i love her to pieces okay. she deserves nothing but happiness. plus, you’re all such a great people too? and such a great writers? and you bring your charcters to life so well? like how. but anyway, have a thing.
a message Vidia will never send:
So. I don’t know how to start this, so I’m just going to start it with the truth: I’m a bitch. That’s not being self-deprecating or shit, that’s just cold hard facts. I’m not a nice person, and I’m sure as fuck not a people person. I’m anti-people if anything. And I’ve almost always been like that. I’m not the type to make friends, and most people don’t want to be friends with my anyway.
Which is basically why I’m writing this. I doubt any of you girls will ever see it because I suck at the touchy feely shit, but I needed to get it out, I guess. I don’t know. The fact is, you’re my first friends. And, more than that, you’re the best friends I could’ve ever asked for. And yeah, I know that I don’t act like that’s the case and I spend half my time rolling my eyes at you brats but it’s the truth. You all stick by me and are just...good people.
Like, Fawn, you’re so openly passionate about animal rights and I poke fun at you for it but honestly? I kind of admire it. You put yourself out there and damn the consequences. You’re one of the strongest people I know. And probably one of the friendliest. I know that I’ve complained about dumb shit like the cat hair and your parents being the nicest fucking people on the planet but that was probably my best Christmas. And Salem is the best cat I’ve ever met so I don’t really mind the fur all that much.
And Tink, I don’t even know where to start. You’re a lot sometimes. And you talk so much. And you need to take a chill pill every now and then. But I don’t really mind all that much because usually you crack me up. You’ve got so much personality and I honestly can’t imagine my life without you. I almost can’t remember what life was like before you, that’s how larger than life you are. You’re such a presence everywhere you go, and you aren’t a total ray of fucking sunshine like the other two which is pretty damn relieving. 
Speaking of rays of sunshine, Rose, honey, you are way too sweet for your own good. I don’t know what you’re doing friends with someone as pessimistic as me. I spend half my time dragging you down and you spend half your time trying to brighten me up. On paper I’d be least likely to befriend you out of our whole little group. Of course, through some goddamn miracle, you’re one of my best friends anyway. And even if you try weird shit like a dress made out of fucking candy wrappers it’s five times more creative than I could ever be so I’m proud of you.
This is going to sound sappy as fuck but the truth is, you girls are my family. I’d never say it out loud because I’m the worst at this emotional shit but it’s the truth. And there’s no one I’d rather have as my sisters. I don’t know why you all put up with me and my shitty attitude but I’m forever grateful that you do. I love you guys. Which is also slightly terrifying because any day you could decide you’re done with me and up and leave. But yeah. I love you all. And I hope you magically realise that because none of you are ever going to read this stupidly emotional message. Anyway. That’s all I really wanted to say. I love you girls.
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asktheneverfairies · 7 years ago
3,4,5 and 6
Valentine Shipping Ask Meme ( ask me!! )
Thank you, love!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
It has to be one of the winter fairies with anyone (other than Milarion or Sledsetta.) Like Periwinkle/Rosetta, Iridessa/Slush, Minister of Winter/Queen Clarion, Tink/Sled, Gliss/Fawn, Silvermist/Spike...Those are all pretty rare I think! Actually I’m also loving Periwinkle/Terence and Periwinkle/Zarina but I think those already have a few secret fans out there.
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
I’m sure you all want me to get into it...But I love to complain, so you all know I’m headed straight for Hook/Zarina and Tink/Vidia.
The phrasing of the question almost makes me opt out of talking about Clarion/Milori, because the mass appeal aspect is really obvious (angsty forbidden love cliche) even if their lack of development put me off the idea personally. And besides...keep this between you and me, but I’m sure if I put my own thought into it the way I would a ship of any two fairies who haven’t spoken to each other in canon, I could ship it. We know I could. We know I’m full of it.
Hook/Zarina is just obviously terrible and non-romantic, he tried to literally murder her and emotionally manipulated her for a year....I don’t see the appeal even as far as “angst” goes, because like--Clarion/Milori has angst, they still love each other. Z/James is....nothing....where is the romance? Where is the chemistry?
As far as Tink/Vidia, I have COMPLICATED feelings toward this ship which might deserve its own post, but it’s kinda the same thing on a smaller scale. Vidia was redeemed in the movies, but she still acted horribly to Tink and then later in the timeline (the books) she and Tink are back to enemies, so I really don’t see romantic chemistry between them. I just think it’s annoying that Tink/Vidia became the breakout f/f ship of the fanbase instead of Tink/Silvermist which in my personal opinion is more deserving/worthy. But sometimes I see the appeal and can get behind it if I’m in the right mood (like with certain foods if you’re picky.)
5. What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
I would say Silvermist and Prilla with any of their ships (except Vidia) because they’re both the fluffiest/happiest characters so pairing them with others make for cute ships. Silvermist/Iridessa and Prilla/Dulcie. Rani/Tink are also super happy and sweet together! Beck/Fira too.
6. What is your most angsty ship?
Tinkerence, hands down. If they didn’t have all their angst, they’d be in the fluffy/happy group too, but dang......Silverbell actually isn’t in my fluffy group either because they have the angst too. Pridia is almost a contender, but their angst isn’t really between them and is more Vidia’s general darkness + Prilla being a ray of sunshine next to her.
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whimsicallyenchantedrose · 8 years ago
Initial Thoughts: 6x14—Page 23
Normally, before I sit down to actually write these things I take a quick perusal of my dash just to get a feel for the general mood of the fandom.  This time, I decided to sit down and write my initial thoughts before I look at a single other person’s post.  So…this could be one big popular opinion, or one big unpopular opinion, but in any case, it’s my opinion.
So general overview? Gideon has officially made it to the top of my “Storybrooke most hated” list.  Impressive!  He managed in 4 episodes to unseat his father, who’s held the celebrated position for a good 2 seasons now!  
In all seriousness, though, what did I think of the episode?  I honestly loved it!  The general theme of this episode was forgiving yourself and learning to love yourself no matter how villainous you might have been in the past.
The Regina/EQ situation was not at all resolved in the way I expected, but it works for me.  I’m a little shell-shocked as an OQ fan, but…I actually kind of like it.  Regina gets both: she gets Robin, and she gets to be a model for the audience of someone who loved and lost and is able to find meaning in her life once again.
The CS in this episode was angsty.  Really angsty.  Even so, I loved it so much!  It really, truly opens the way for some amazing payoff in the next few episodes.  
The promo for 6x15 leaves me pumped for what’s coming!  The next episode looks to be all about CS and their true love story.
Okay, let’s delve a little deeper into the two main stories of the episode: Regina/EQ and Killian/CS.
Suffice it to say the resolution of this storyline was not what I was expecting!  I was expecting Regina to reabsorb the EQ.
I didn’t like Henry’s insistence that there was good in the EQ as well as bad.  It was inconsistent with the explanation they gave us for the serum.  Regina didn’t split out another person, she split out the bad portions of herself.  A portion of a person can’t grow and change. To that end, I was quite glad Henry’s statement ended up NOT to be the case.  The EQ didn’t change, Regina did.  Regina took ownership over both sides of herself, and in doing so, got rid of the threat of the EQ.
I thought this was a quite powerful episode for Regina—in both timelines.  At first, I was a bit underwhelmed with the flashback.  After all, it seemed like just another retread of the same old story we’ve gotten for 6 years: the Evil Queen goes after Snow White, and ends up failing, but it turned out to be much more.  Reginal learned that it’s not Snow, but herself that she hates most.  To me this is a very powerful message.  Regina became a world class, terrible villain not just because of a lack of love, but because of hate.  Rather than take Tink’s advice the second time around, give up the villainy, make amends and then pursue love rather than vengeance, Regina went full-speed ahead toward making herself a person the young, idealistic woman she used to be would hate more than ever.  (And thus, making herself a person who made terrible choices that caused horrifying harm to countless innocent people.)
In the present, Regina came to completely own the fact that the Evil Queen is her.  The EQ’s mistakes are her fault.  Regina brought her there out of a misguided attempt to cleanse herself from the darkness.  But darkness can’t be expunged that way.  It has to be fought and worked through on a daily basis.  Regina needed to take back her darkness and move forward in a healthy direction, having the darkness within but choosing not to give into it.  And that, ultimately, is exactly what she did!  I’m proud of her!
So the shears returned once again!  I was genuinely shocked when the EQ actually used them on Regina, but I figured it was a given that they would be used on someone at some point in the season. This use of them seemed to be as good as any.  It did, however, nix any lingering ideas I might have had that Regina would integrate with the EQ.  Once that connection was snapped, the EQ became her own entity.  (Still not exactly a person…more of a fake person, like all the people in the wish world.)
What a powerful moment when Regina was about to do the wrong thing again and crush the EQ’s heart (taking the easy but inadvisably bad route)!  The EQ told her she hated her, and then Regina caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, and it all clicked.  Regina realized what she needed to do.  Others have forgiven her for her wrong actions.  She needs to forgive herself.  She needs to stop hating herself and move forward in a healthy direction.  It’s like Nemo said to Killian early in the episode.  Guilt and self-hatred can be as destructive as vengeance.  The only way that Regina can move forward in a healthy, heroic direction, is if she forgives herself for her past, accepts her darkness within once again, and fights against it in the right way.
I loved that she did just that.  She found a way to help both the EQ, and by extension the rest of the town.  I’m proud of her!  Doing something like that isn’t easy.
So what are we to make of the way things ended up for the EQ?  I really liked the diner scene with Regina, Snow, Henry, Zelena and the EQ. Snow finally got a chance to confront the Evil Queen with all the terrible things she’d done to her in the past, and the Evil Queen sincerely apologized—and actually made an attempt to make things right by telling the gang what they need to know to break the sleeping curse.  Good moment for all involved!
Henry uses his author pen for good, sending the EQ where she can get a fresh start.  I suppose that’s a good use of his pen, although it seemed to me to be playing semantics a bit for him to say he could manipulate her story because she wasn’t technically in his book.
Interesting ending for OQ…or rather the anti-OQ.  The fact that the Evil Queen and wish realm Robin meet in the Page 23 pub and have a chance to live out the story that Regina did not choose is absolutely not the way I could have foreseen their story ending up, but in a way it’s very fitting and kind of beautiful.  I doubt we’ll ever see them or their story again, which is quite the shame.
Now how about how things ended up for Regina?  I don’t dislike it as much as I originally thought I would when Robin first died.  I think there’s something almost…inspirational about what OUAT did here.  We’re so used to people’s happy endings being ending up with their True Love and living happily ever after, but in the real world that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes people lose the love of their lives.  So what message does a show about hope give to them if everyone is happy only with their significant other?  This storyline allowed Regina to grieve, truly grieve, but then move forward.  It allowed her to realize that, while she’ll always love Robin, she still has Henry and the rest of her family and friends. She’s found love, and that love has utterly transformed her.  She’s going to be alright, and it’s an inspirational message to anyone else out their who’s had a loved one pass away.  Things may look bleak and hopeless for a time, but there is healing.  There is living after loss.
Well we CSers really got beaten over the head with the angst stick this episode didn’t we?  It hurt, but I maintain that it was a good hurt!  It was a hurt that will ultimately lead to healing.  (It was like…a festering wound that a doctor lances to drain the pus.  Painful at the time, but leading to healing, rather than further festering….sorry for that vivid image, lol.)
I loved what Nemo said to Killian at the beginning of the episode.  Nemo’s right.  Killian’s turned away from vengeance, but guilt also has the power to destroy him. My only issue was that I thought Nemo only gave one truly good solution: telling Emma and trying to make amends. His other suggestion—that Killian bury the secret but learn to forgive himself wouldn’t really solve the problem.
Killian, I love you. You know I do.  You’re my absolute favorite character.  But Killian…*facepalm*  Nemo gave you two pieces of advice: Tell Emma the truth or forgive yourself.  You did neither.  Putting your memories in a dreamcatcher (btw…don’t you need magic to even use those things?  How’d he manage it?) and then burning it was 100% the wrong way to go.
Obviously Emma’s reaction when she inadvertently witnessed what happened hurt, but I think it was exactly the right reaction under the circumstances.  I’m glad she wasn’t angry with him over what he did in the past; she knows he’s not that man anymore.  I’m glad that wasn’t the impetus of her frustration.  She’s absolutely right that he should have come to her.  He should have trusted her with his secret.  He should have leaned on her to help him figure out how to move forward.  That’s how a relationship works.  Now granted, she did much the same thing to him in 6a when she didn’t tell him about the prophecy, but she learned from that.  She learned how destructive keeping those secrets from your fiancé can be. She was right to insist he make the decision to be the man who trusts her, the man who isn’t so mired in his own guilt that he alienates her.  It hurt to see her give the ring back, but this will ultimately be a good thing! This will lead to a second proposal; one not overshadowed by a horrible secret.
Killian decides to go back to Nemo.  I think his intention was good here—he truly wanted to find a way to make himself a better person, the person that Emma needed and deserved.  He wanted to find a way to cleanse himself of his past faults. The execution, however?  Killian…running away again, and not even telling Emma? Not even close to the right way to handle things.
Quite possibly my favorite scene of the episode was the one between Snow and Hook on the docks.  Snow was so loving and motherly!  This is Snow White at her absolute best—spreading hope and love to those in her family.  I loved how accepting she was of Killian as her future son-in-law.  I loved how genuinely happy she was for him.  But even more than that, I loved that she managed to (inadvertently) say exactly what Killian needed to hear.  By telling him about what happened with Regina and the Evil Queen, Killian came to realize that his fate isn’t sealed.  He does have the ability to change his fate.  He may have made some terrible, terrible choices in the past, but he can make things right (to the best of his ability) now. You could literally see him coming to this conclusion, and it was beautiful!
And so Killian decides to do the right thing.  He boards Nemo’s vessel to tell him he won’t be sailing with him after all.  Rather, he’s going to go talk to Emma, show her he’s committed to their relationship and to truly trusting in her, he’s done with secrets.  We might have been on the way to that amazing proposal scene we’ve all been waiting for….
But then there’s Gideon. Interesting he’s committed to getting rid of Killian because he believes he can’t defeat Emma with Killian around. I’d say that says quite a lot about the strength of Emma’s and Killian’s love!  (And by the way…have I mentioned yet that Gideon is the literal worst?)
The end, seeing Emma wait for Killian by the front door and then finally turn out the light hurt!  Of course she thinks he abandoned her.  It’s her m.o.  For a few minutes she’s going to be devastated…but then she’s going to realize that something just doesn’t add up.  We’re heading into some amazing payoff!
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ailec-12 · 8 years ago
Once Upon a Time fandom
Thank you, anon! This will be fun.
who i will protect at all costs: My baby Regina Mills, of course.
who deserves better: Mulan.
who was killed off too early: Robin. And Graham, although in his case I understand why they did it.)
who i used to hate but now i love: I guess Henry? I didn’t hate him, though. Actually, I liked him a lot back in season 1, but then I mostly disliked him in season 2 and came to love him again from season 3 on.
who i used to love but now i hate: Emma. Again, hate is a pretty strong word, but I used to love her character and now I’m just indifferent.
who needs to be killed off asap: No one currently. Alive characters are always more fun. (And the only character on OUAT I’ve wanted dead is actually dead already, so…)
who is unfairly hated: the villains: Regina, Rumple, Hook… I love villains.
who is unfairly loved: Never understood the appeal of the original Frozen characters.
who needs to sort out their priorities: Rumple, although in the end he did.
who needs a hug: Zelena.
who needs to get out of their current relationship: Ruby, and go date Mulan! I can’t think of a relationship that’s still canon and bothers me.
who the writers love: Captain Swan and, to be fair, Regina (she gets amazing storylines, even if they are super angsty as well).
who needs a better storyline: Ruby (I wish the writers treat her as they did back in season 1/first half of season 2) and the ship of Nova and Grumpy (forever bitter). I bet Tink could’ve had an amazing storyline with Shady Blue as well.
who has an amazing redemption arc: REGINA.
who is hot af: REGINA AGAIN. And Robin and Hook. Oh, and the Black Fairy. (Sorry, this cast is just so gorgeous!)
who belongs in jail: Tsk, the people I think belong in jail are already dead…
who needs to be revived from the dead: ROBIN.
I just realised how much my answers have changed with the season 6 finale.
Send me a fandom or a character!
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freedomfireflies · 11 months ago
No because just imagine he rolls over, smiles softly, murmurs, "Morning, Sam," and then cuddles closer and Tink's face would just absolutely drop 😭 and so would her stomach and heart, BYE THIS IS SO ANGSTY I LOVE IT HEHEHE
Such a angstyyy blurb it will be but please bestie end it on a happy noteeeee!!!!!!! And yes I was talking about pillow Talk is just so incredibleeeee:)
LIKE!!!! It would be so sad, very Stiles Stilinski, very angsty, very fun hehe
I would absolutely end it on a happier note if I did it!! He deserves a happy ending after everything else 😭💞💞
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