#tina crusher
the-stimmerh · 7 days
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- - drawtectives season 1 episode 2 stimboard - -
2nd part of my stimboard every episode series for drawtectives. I LOVE DRAWTECTIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Stimboard Per Episode catalog for all other episodes done so far
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Harper Justice (S01E06) v Tina Crusher (S01E02)
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departmentq · 1 year
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Similar energy, especially when they're together in the same spot...
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bardace · 5 months
could i ask about your ghost trick drawtectives au? i was thinking about this morning and it is really really interesting!! i'd love to hear more!!
My thoughts are jumbled and all over the place but if you have specific questions I didnt cover feel free to ask them!!! I’m avoiding spoilers here, so I’m not going to cover everything. To my friends who are watching sss play ghost trick: please block the tag #ghost trick spoilers so you don’t get spoiled!!!! Trust me, you don’t want to be spoiled!!!!
Rosé is Lynne because I think they’re similarly unhinged. I was first considering all three drawtectives sharing the role of Lynne, but then I realized it would be really funny if missile was pissboy.
Grendan is Kamila in this au and York/Pissboy is Missile. Grenda isn’t a child in this au, she’s just short. When he drops the headphones into the fish tank it’s the slippy hand gag.
I’m still not sure who all the blue guys are. Drawtectives doesn’t have a lot of evil henchman types. Maybe they’re all #1 Dog Guy.
Jancy is Jowd and Joebeans is Cabanela, because old women yuri. Jancy is in jail for the murder of her associate Sorin Justice. The rockstar prisoner is Faucon and the curry prisoner is Tina Crusher, although I hate to do that to her. You’re better than the baby man, miss crusher……
Harper is the Chicken Kitchen waitress, Don Jovi is the chef, and Abayomi is the bartender.
I haven’t yet distributed the various cops among the various cop roles, but Sam Ug is Detective Rindge.
Terry is the weird pigeon guy.
Ogalvy is Amelie and Avis is the Minister, but I’m not sure who ogalvy’s mom is since he doesn’t have a canon one.
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ottororin · 1 year
draw your favourite background character from a show you like
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tina crusher my girlfriend
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ril-sillyart1st · 10 months
BATMM HCs: full names
Main gang:
★ Crusher Thunderstorm Jonesilyn Flarelyn
★ Blaze Flarelyn
★ Pickle Von Hausen
★ Watts VoltFluxyan
★ Darington Starnley
★ Starla Beautin
★ Stripes Reggie Ginge
★ Zeg Boone Shackleton
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Blaze's relatives:
★ Seraphina Flarelyn (Blaze's mom)
★ Maximilian Flex Flarelyn (Blaze's dad)
★ Sparkle Shine Flarelyn (Blaze's sister)
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Crusher's relatives:
★ Jinrai Yua Jonesilyn (Crusher's grandmother)
★ Peruchyu Jonesilyn (Crusher's grandmother/Grammy's wife)
★ Raijin Jonesilyn (Crusher's father)
★ Rumbler Thorin Jonesilyn (Crusher's mother)
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Watts' relatives:
★ Turbyne VoltFluxyan (Watts’ 1st father)
★ Nova VoltFluxyan (Watts' 2nd father)
★ Zipciye VoltFluxyan (Watts' 3rd parent)
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Pickle's relatives:
★ Lilly Serin Hausen (Pickle's sister)
★ Milly Babette Hausen (Pickle's sister)
★ Tilly Hausen (Pickle's sister)
★ Frilly Muriel Hausen (Pickle's sisters)
★ Gherkin Nicole Hausen (Pickle's sister)
★ Mridul Hausen (Pickle's Grandpa)
★ Ben Hausen (Pickle's cousin)
★ Ken Hausen (Pickle's cousin)
★ Sven Hausen (Pickle's cousin)
★ Tina Rings (Pickle's banana cousin)
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tastyliltina · 1 year
It wasn’t meant to go this way.  Tina hadn’t planned...she’d never meant to get caught.  Hell, she’d never planned on it being so windy-too windy for her to be out.  She hadn’t anticipated the snow, thick and heavy enough to cover the ground, her feet, everything in white.  Never in her life would she expect to be trapped in a human’s house.  Yet there she stood, back pressed into a wall, gaze trapped in snares of green irises.  She pressed herself further into the wooden wall behind her.  Shit.  
The human before her was big.  Even by human standards...he absolutely dwarfed her, more than most humans she’d seen.  He hadn’t said anything yet, instead stared down at her with an expression she couldn’t place.  He was intense-tall, broad shoulders and his hair styled upwards.  Scruffy chin-maybe he was older?  Tina couldn’t’ tell.  It was hard to focus on anything but his eyes, which seemed just as fascinated as hers...without the terror, of course.  
She gasped.  The human shifted, leaning towards Tina.  She looked down-there had to be a way out, surely if she just looked-...
“You’re cold.”
Tina blinked, her gaze moving back to the human.  Before she could stop herself, her voice tuned in.  
“It’s snowing and I’m four inches tall… Kind of a no brainer.”  The instant the words left her mouth, Tina regretted them.  Gods-why oh why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?
He raised a brow.  Smirked.  His teeth were strikingly white-they looked like perfect bones, or bone-crushers…  Tina hoped he wasn’t that type of person.  Humans weren’t known to be gentle, or kind, or anything other than ruthless when presented a strange borrower.  He hadn’t grabbed her so far, that was a plus.  Maybe if she kept him talking-
“You’re a borrower, right?”
How did he know that?!  Tina shrank against the wall, hunching into herself.  Shit-shit!  How did he know about borrowers?!  Maybe he was one of the warlocks her clan had warned her about-the type to experiment, or captured borrowers and sell their organs for the highest bidder.  Or...or he was the worst, the type to keep small folk as pets.  A shiver ran rampant down her spine, and her tail kinked.  This was it, she was going to die and no one would know where she was, who she was with, she was going to vanish without a trace.  
“Easy, easy,” he laughed.  Tina’s gaze met his again, and she trembled, her freezing hands stiffening.  “I’ve heard rumors about you guys, had one stick around here for a while...you’re welcome to stay, if you wanna.”  His eyes crinkled with a smile.  “I’m Ethan.”
Tina’s mouth hung open.  She struggled to form any kind of sensible response, but could only open and close her mouth.  A human that had discovered her...didn’t care?  He didn’t care.  At all.  That she was here, stealing his food, his clothes, using scraps of trash to make herself a living.  
“You got a name, little one?”
Once again, her lips, her mouth, her voice refused to work.  Tina croaked.  She cleared her throat, grunted, shaking her head.  Focus.  She needed to focus.  Maybe things weren’t going to be so bad-maybe...he was being sincere?  But what if he wasn’t?  What if he was just biding his time, waiting for her to let down her guard?
“Hey-that’s okay, you don’t gotta talk.  Just...er, I’ll get you something to warm up.  Don’t think you’re supposed to be blue.”  Without another word, the human, Ethan, straightened.  Tina cowered into the wall, her legs finally giving up in their attempt to hold her form up.  She collapsed, grimacing as her rear met the countertop.  
Oh, that was right.  She was cold.  Very cold, in fact.  Tina clasped her hands, rubbing her palms together to try and ignite the heat she’d lost in them. No matter what she did, though, they refused to warm.  They tingled and burned, but didn’t warm.  A different kind of chill crawled over her skin-the terrified chill that sank into her bones and twisted her gut like an icy snake.  
Her gaze followed Ethan as he moved through the kitchen, clattering around.  Even with the feet added to her perspective from the counter, she still felt tiny.  Like a mouse.  And, with her tail, she guessed that wasn’t too far from the truth.  She fit the part.  A terrified little mouse, trapped in the house of the big, bad lion who could gobble her up at any time.  He was choosing not to.  Why, Tina couldn’t place...had he really met other borrowers before?  Where were they?
Tina hadn’t realized he’d approached the counter again. She jolted.  “Uh-huh?”
Ethan set something large before her.  It took Tina’s mind a moment to process-he set a bowl down.  A steamy bowl.  She looked to the human.  
“You...brought me a hot bowl?”
Ethan snorted, he shook his head, laughing softly.  “No-...no, it’s...that’s milk.  Warm milk-when I had other little friends around, they liked it.”
“I...cannot drink all of this.  Even if I tried.  Pretty sure I would barf.”
“Who said it was for drinking?~”
He didn’t give her a chance to ask what he meant.  Tina  yelped as a pair of fingers appeared from nowhere, snatching her by the back of her shirt.  Just as quickly as she was hoisted into the air, Tina found herself plopping into a pool of milk.  It swayed around her, quickly soaking her up to her knees.  
“What the fuck-why?!”  Tina demanded.  Milk sloshed around her legs in a horribly delightful way.  While it didn’t smell the best, the radiating heat was hard to ignore.  It was...pleasant?  Pleasant seemed the best word.  
“You’re cold, milk is warm and...well,” Ethan’s face lowered, his face leveling with the bowl.  “I figured it would compliment nicely~.”
Compliment...what exactly?  Tina frowned.  She didn’t get the chance to question what he meant, as the ground shook beneath Tina.  Milk frothed around her, the current of it tossing her onto her backside again.  What bit of her had been fighting the wonderful warmth melted, her eyes dropping half-lidded as warmth seeped into her aching bones.  For a moment, Tina didn’t notice Ethan was raising the bowl to his face.  
“Now, you get good and settled…”  Ethan’s gaze moved, focusing away from her.  The bowl lifted and dropped, creating warm waves.  Tina shook her head, forcing her head to clear around the haze of sleepy comfort.  
“Wait-..where are we...where are you taking me?”
“Just to the couch, relax~.  Figure I’ll take a nap once you get settled...”
Settled...she supposed Ethan meant in the bowl.  That made sense.  Strange phrasing, though...settled.  Tina sank down, allowing her neck to dip into the milk.  Oh, this was heavenly…sleep bubbled at the back of her mind, most likely a result of her earlier trudge through the snow.  How long had she been trapped in the elements, wandering the whitewashed grounds?  
The last thing Tina remembered was gathering wood for her burrow before the storm hit…  Then, nothing but white.  She’d barely managed to stumble through Ethan’s door before it closed behind him.  Frowning, she drew her arms to her chest and hugged them.  That had been the second time this season she’d gotten too cold for comfort...first time she’d gotten lost outside her burrow.  Maybe-her gaze flickered to Ethan.  If he’d been fine with her stay so far, maybe he wouldn’t mind an extended stay…?
Ethan had stilled; around the rim of the bowl she could see...what looked like a chair outline.  He was sitting, staring down at her with the cup resting in his hands.  Tina shifted, watching the milk around her bubble and ripple.  It was cooling quickly, losing its warming property as she continued to sit.  Her nose wrinkled.  
“Problem?”  Ethan’s voice rumbled through her thoughts.  Tina shrugged, meeting his gaze.  
“Oh, no, not really...just a little cold still,”  she smiled sheepishly.  “I..uh...thanks for the save and the soak-...don’t think I’m suited for the cold.”
“Definitely not~,” hummed the human.  The bowl began to lift, bringing her closer to his face.  Tina pushed herself up, her tail curling to steady herself.  She didn’t like the look Ethan had.  It felt...hungry.  Wrong for a human.  
“Uh-you...you can put me down, y’know…”
“I know~,” Ethan crooned.  His lips parted in a smile, and Tina didn’t miss the flash of pink between his lips.  He’d licked his lips.  The bowl, by the fault, Tina was hovering inches from his mouth.  “But that milk’s gonna be awfully hard to clean out...figure I’ll help a little bit~.”  
“Help?”  Tina echoed, continuing to shrink back.  “Uh-how...how so?”
“Like this.”  The bowl began to tilt, and Tina gasped.  Milk trickled, then gushed into his maw.  Tina yelped, scrambling against the smooth surface beneath her.  There was no traction.  Thankfully, Tina’s figure was much heavier than the milk.  She didn’t slide closer, but she couldn’t move back-she was trapped.  
Tina flinched, the gurgling sound of a swallow reaching her ears.  No-no no no, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t-!
“Please, I’m-I didn’t mean to break into break in, I-”
Everything tilted, and Tina slid backwards as Ethan pulled away.  He was watching her now-a brow raised.  “Oh, I’m not mad, little mousie...if anything, I’m glad you’re here~.  And, if you’re worried about going in,” he chuckled.  “That milk you’re in?  Mixed with a special something to make sure you’re completely safe~.”
Little mousie.  The phrase made Tina go rigid.  Ah.  Her tail.  She was squeaky.  It was a sensible nickname.  Still, it made her insides twist in a frenzy, the frozen snakes from before thrown into a panic.  
“I-I’m not-”  she shook her head.  “I-you can’t-!”
“Oh, look at that~.”  Ethan’s grin widened, and he tilted his head.  “Little mousie...that’s quite a rise outta you.”
Tina’s face contorted.  She reeled back, exhaling sharply through her nose.  “N-no, that’s not-!”  Her voice darted up an octave, now sounding like the shrill rodent that she felt like.  Trapped between the paws of a lion, in his dinner plate no less.  And the lion was teasing her.  
“Hm, now~,”  his voice shifted to a near purr.  Green eyes flashed mischievously, honing in on her.  “I think I’m gonna finish this milk.”
The bowl lifted and tilted again, now forcing Tina to topple forwards.  Jolts of rigidity prevented her from scrambling away.  She could only lay and slide forwards, squeaking.  Her arms shot out.  They did little good-nothing could stop her now, the point grinding into her as Tina’s hands touched something warm and soft.  She shivered.  
Wonderfully warm puffs of breath greeted her, chasing what remnants of cold remained from before.  Tina whimpered.  Ethan’s tongue sprang to life, the muscle shifting forwards and sliming her arms.  Without any fuss or fight, Tina slipped onto it, her form sinking into the plush warmth.  Whatever dry patches she had on her person were doused in drool, fully coating her in muggy heat.  She wanted to move.  She wanted to fight, to scream, to something other than lay frozen, but she couldn’t muster the will.  
Heat rolled around her, lulling her tired muscles despite her primal urge to move the deadweights.  She managed to lift her head, only for it to plop back onto the living floor beneath her.  Oh, she wanted to move.  Instead, her cheek pressed into the textured surface.  It felt like a pillow-soft, warm...safe…  With a quiet click, Ethan’s jaws fell dark, further reminding Tina of her bed.  Just as she got settled, and her muscles became pudding, everything began to shift.  Tina whined.  
The floor pressed itself against something hard, solid-it took Tina a moment to register the top of Ethan’s mouth.  All the while, his tongue glided over and down her form, somehow lapping at every part of her, and further basking her in the slippery saliva.  Vibrations shook the enclosed space.  Her skin tingled with the sensation, though this was much more pleasant than the numbing cold.  Tina squirmed, her voice barely audible over the crooning voice around her.  
Her fingers pressed downwards, and everything went still.  The muscle beneath her shifted, morphing to meld around her fingers.  Tina could feel...a texture, bumps-they brushed against her fingers, massive yet somehow precise enough to slide into every little gap on her hand, to feel and be felt by every nerve under her skin.  Tina shivered.  This was the human tasting her.  Enjoying her.  Something as borrower-like as a human...enjoying her flavor.  The realization burrowed into her gut, a heavy stone that cut deeper the longer she lay trapped.  
Slowly, the world tilted.  Tina reeled back, pawing against Ethan’s tongue to try and stop her descent.  It did little good-the slick surface was nearly impossible to grip.  Instead she found herself sliding backwards.  Her feet moved into a more open area, enough she could kick-air rushed around the soles of her feet.  Everything went vertical.  
For a moment she fell.  Her feet, ankles were the first thing to hit solid ground-or, solid flesh.  It puckered around her, tugging her down to her knees.  Like mud, it sucked at her, but pulsed with life and a heartbeat so loud she couldn’t think.  The pause there lasted long enough for her to yelp.  And then the ground rippled, opening beneath her and pulling her down.  Another wave rolled around her.  She sank further, sliding down and down and down.  The beating grew louder, waves grew stronger and longer and eventually pushed her through a tight ring.  
She fell again, this time until she plopped into a frothy milk.  Tina pushed herself up with a gasp, scrambling about the heated pool until she found a solid wall.  The wall gave into her weight, pulsed and churned against her.  No...no no no no this couldn’t be happening.  Humans eating borrowers were meant to be myths-they couldn’t exist!  How could...why would…?  She whimpered, curling into the wall at her back.  
Ethan sighed, a hand slipping over his middle.  He could hear Tina, having learned to focus on the movements of the little one inside so their voices reached him.  She sounded scared, and he couldn’t blame her.  Poor thing...but now, inside, she was safe and warm.  Now he could speak to her freely, without worrying she’d get hurt or try to run into the storm.  
“Easy, easy...I’m not going to hurt you.”
It was silent.  For a few seconds, he heard nothing.  Worry prickled in Ethan’s gut-he’d been careful, he was sure-
“What do you mean?!  How-this is-...you ate me!”  The little one’s shriek make Ethan wilt, her tone sharp and shrill and worrisome.  He frowned, pressing his hand into his middle.  
“I did, yeah-but listen, please-” “I...you’re a monster!  Humans, everyone was right you...you all are beasts!  You hunt us because we’re small and easy to grab and you don’t-”
“Please,”  Ethan sat up, his free hand rubbing his face.  “Listen, you’ll be fine in there, I promise.  I just-I needed you somewhere you couldn’t run and could stay warm.  You’re fine.  I’m not-I never hurt any of the little ones I find, never.”  Faces flickered in his mind, smiling, beaming faces.  He smiled, the memories softening his voice.  “You’re safe with me.  Promise.”
Quiet again.  He could hear his own breathing, slow, steady, his heartbeat felt loud...no doubt thunderous to the little borrower.  Nothing he could do about it now.  
The choked voice froze him.  Ethan blinked, looked down, and sighed.  “Why..what?”
“Why...why keep me here, keep me at all?  Why eat me to protect me?”
Rubbing his face again, Ethan sighed.  There were so many reasons why he’d do this...none of them would make sense to a borrower.  Some of them wouldn’t be reassuring...taste was one, and the feeling of something so small inside.  But there were other, less selfish reasons.  He really did want to keep the little ones safe.  
“I...look, it’s hard to explain, but...I really do want to help.  This is just...it’s the best way I can think,” he stretched his hand out, gesturing to his house.  “It’s...I can keep you warm in there and make sure we can talk, and if anyone comes by you’re out of sight.  You’ll get time to warm up and a proper nap, I’ll get to talk to you.  Win-win.”  
“Just...look, just trust me.  I’ll let you out in a few hours if you’d like.  For right now, focus on getting warm.  Get some rest, too-I’ll have you something to eat when I let you go, and after that you can leave...if the storm’s clear, I mean.”
Ethan waited.  No response for a while.  As the time drew on, he grew more wary-but soon enough he felt a shift.  
“Okay-...okay,” though reluctant, the little one sounded more sure.  Ethan sighed, resting his hand over his middle again.  “Don’t know if I can sleep,” the borrower added, “but...I’ll try.”
He smiled.  “Good, that’s all I’ll ask, Mousie.”  Carefully, he stretched his free hand, yawning and chuckling.  
“And Ethan?...it’s Tina.”
“Gotcha…”  sighing as he did, Ethan reclined on the couch.  Supposed he’d get some rest while his new little friend did.  He glanced outside his window, watching the storm move by.  The snow outside billowed and blew, chilly and cold and dark.  A part of him was glad he’d found the little one safe and sound…  He hoped she decided to stay.
~~Authors's note
this is an older story of mine! Featuring borrower!Tina and human!Ethan. Just some shenanigans, expect more of these two to come~. Feels good going back and looking at all my writing tbh TwT
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bestmothertournament · 3 months
Best Mother Tournament Round 1: Group 3 Results
All Winners: Ann Possible, Beverly Crusher, Camilla Noceda, Cora Crawley, Delilah McGee, Eliza Danvers, Elizabeth Swann, Gwen Cooper, Hecuba, Jenny Honey, Laurel Lightfoot, Leia Organa, May Parker, Rosie Betzler, Samantha Bloom, Wendy Torrance
All Losers: Bambi's Mother, Diana Spellman, Didi Pickles, Gwen West, Helen of Troy, Janet Scott, Janey Harper, Kira Watanabe-Finster, Martha Wayne, Neytiri, Nora Allen, Nymphadora Tonks, Stacey Shipman, Tina Minoru, Vanessa Jenkins, Yuri Egin
Best Winners: May Parker with 97% of votes and Gwen Cooper with 116 votes
Least Successful Winners: Ann Possible with 57% of votes and Samamtha Bloom with 10 votes
Most Successful Losers: Yuri Egin with 43% of votes
Worst Loser: Gwen West with 3% of votes and 2 votes
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Tina: Oh, Daffy hi. Daffy: Hi? I look like I just called The Crusher a sthithsy and all you can sthay is "Hi"? Tina: You don't need an ambulance, do you? Daffy: No, but... Tina: Just shut up and kiss me, I got a buttload of copies to do.
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mannytoodope · 1 year
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Louise: Tina, wrap it up, huh? You've been at the touch tank forever.
Tina: But I haven't even touched the sea cucumber. He's playing hard to get.
Tina:Have you done the penny crusher yet?
Gene:Yeah, but I didn't have a penny, so I crushed our house key.
Louise: So, yeah, I think we've done all there is to do here.
Tina:Oh, hi, Judy.Feeding time, huh?
Judy: No.
Just doing a detailed job on the urchin's waste.
Gene:Good work if you can get it.
Judy: Sure is, but it looks like I won't be able to do it much longer.
Tina: Why? Did the sea urchin learn how to clean its own waste?
Judy: No. The aquarium is shutting down.
Tina: Wait, what?
Gene: Huh?
Louise: Makes sense.
Tina: The aquarium is shutting down?
Judy: I know.
Tina: But why?
Judy: Well, it's never been much of a moneymaker, and I can't even pay my taxes this year.
Tina: But the aquarium can't close. We love this place. Right?I mean, right?
Louise: Eh, we're not as touchy-fishy as you are.
Judy:Nobody is.
Gene: Question: have you considered making more money?
Judy: I have. That's why I expanded the key chain section to include my handmade jewelry. They make great gifts.
Tina: Well, I mean, they make gifts. You just need more people in here. We could try to rustle up some customers for you. We do it all the time for our family's restaurant. Hey, guy walking by, do you love aquariums? Sure you do. I can tell by the way you're avoiding eye contact with me. You, lady with the stroller.Want to take a break and sit down for the low, low price of four dollars for adults, two dollars for kids under 12?No? Okay. Then it's your fault this place is closing. Monsters.
Louise: And we cleared the entire block.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
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(icon by @lightofsanday)
Full name: Donna Marie Pinciotti-Forman
Nicknames: Ms. Nude Argentina (by herself), Hot Donna (on WFPP Radio Station) D, Big Red, Godzilla, Big Bone Magoo, Carnation Instant Bitch, Double Dillhole, Young Lady, Baby, (by Eric), Sexy schoolgirl (by Fez), Granny, Granny Panties (by Hyde), Big D, Big Red, Jugs a Poppin (by Kelso), Lumberjack (by Jackie), The Neighbor Girl (by Red), Mom (by Leia), Aunt Donna (by Kristie, Betsy, Jay), Mrs.Forman (Jay, Nate, Gwen, Nikki, Ozzie)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Birth Place: Watchung, New Jersey
Birthday: February 13, 1960 (age 63)
Age: 16 (t7s season 1-3), 16-17 (t7s season 4), 17-18 (t7s season 5), 18 (t7s season 6), 18-19 (t7s season 7), 19 (t7s season 8), 35 (t9s season 1-part of s3), 36 (rest of t9s s3-mid s5), 37 (rest of t9s s5-mid s6), 38 (rest of t9s s6-early s8), 39 (rest of t9s season 8)
Occupation: Author/News Reporter
Family: Eric Forman (husband), Leia Forman (daughter), Mia Forman (daughter), Bob Pinciotti (father), Midge Pinciotti (mother), Valerie Pinciotti (older sister), Tina Pinciotti (younger sister), Clara (maternal aunt), Jenny (aunt), Red Forman (father-in-law), Kitty Forman (mother-in-law), Laurie Forman (sister-in-law), Steven Hyde (foster brother-in-law), Kristie Forman (niece), Betsy Kelso (honorary niece), Mr. Bonkers (pet cat)†, Mitch Pinciotti (nephew), Ridge Pinciotti (nephew), Jay Kelso (son in law), Reggie Hyde (son in law/godson), Kat Hyde (goddaughter)
Romances: Eric Forman (boyfriend; That 90s Pilot-Promise Ring, ex-boyfriend; It's a Wonderful Life-Love, Wisconsin Style, boyfriend; Going to California- ), Casey Kelso (ex-boyfriend; Donna Dates A Kelso-Love, Wisconsin Style), Steven Hyde (former crusher; early s1-First Date)
Friends: Jackie Burkhart (best friend), Steven Hyde (close friend), Fez (good friend), Michael Kelso (friend), Brooke Rockwell, Rhonda Tate
Enemies: Laurie Forman (frenemy)
First Appearance: That 70s Pilot, That 90s Pilot
Last Appearance: The Holy Union of the Burnout and the Devil, TBD
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nublartyrannus · 2 years
Portrayal of Rexy around 1988 to the early 1990s.
-Born in a laboratory on Isla Sorna before being moved to Isla Nublar.
-Single ship with Crusher
Mate/husband: Crusher
-Crusher Junior
-Regina II
-Rex II
Additional children:
-Adoptive child: Charlie Watson (Transformers)
-In laws:
Disclaimer: No affiliation with Natalie Portman, Jurassic Park and Universal Studios whatsoever. For roleplay purposes only.
•RULES: No spamming, lewds DO NOT INTERACT, and the big no no (do not ever send slurs aimed at me, especially derogatory ones or insulting me using my autism. Violate any of these will result in a callout and a quick block. No mercy. If I make anyone uncomfortable, please let me know immediately!)
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Tina Crushet (season 1 episode 2) v Optimus Amicus (season 2 episode 7)
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Is Tina a bottom or a pelvis crusher (top)?
"Ah'm what they call a switch! But also a pretty eager cowgirl if y' catch mah meanin'!"
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natelm2nd · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
My brain is silly
Started playing Pillars of Eternity II for the first time. I have an ear infection currently so was playing with sound off. I'm currently imagining the protagonist as Liam O'Brien but with those fake elf ears. There was a squints eyes dramatically option and I was like "yeah, that's liam" The companion may or may not be voiced by Matt Mercer or Talisen Jaffe...
Also this is the second zenimax media affiliated title I've played where the protagonist comes back from The Dead. The other was Elder Scrolls Online.
4 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Try guys about to become the Tri Guys
Welp. Ned Fulmer cheated on his wife with an employee and this reminded me of Nerdfighteria/DFTBA Records having their Me Too moment a DECADE ago.
6 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
I appreciate TV Tropes editors for making a page for the new Tumblr goof. Helps those of us who may forget or not understand its a movie that doesn't exist.
12 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Unsure if this is Tina or Ashly dming...
13 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Currently watching a bunch of nerds born between 1976 and 1991 pretend to be teen hackers in 1995. Also there may have been a cereal killer and a Dr. Crusher involved.
22 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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enbycarp · 5 years
For today's #AugustAdipose i have another @drawfee character, Tina Crusher. I love fat elves so much.
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