#timothy writes a novel ♡
naive-believer · 5 years
how did he find out?
The electric blonde jumped at his name being whispered behind him. With an eyebrow raised, Kaminari looked over at Shinsou before looking behind him to see...
"Todoroki?" Kaminari muttered as he stared into Todoroki's heterochromia eyes. It was just Kaminari, Shinsou, Momo, Uraraka, Koda, and Tokoyami who were in the common room. They was all doing their own things, minding their own businesses.
But it confused Kaminari as to why Momo or Uraraka didn't make some indication- say some sort of greeting when Todoroki entered the room. It's like he just appeared out of thin area.
Kaminari looked behind Todoroki and noticed Midoriya who was just standing there. Midoriya seemed too focus on Todoroki that he didn't bother smiling and greeting Kaminari.
"Shouto..." questioned Midoriya, as he grabbed onto his hands that started shaking. A habit he picked up whenever he was nervous or angry. His face was contorted in confusion or was it sadness? It had to be sadness because Kaminari could obviously see the greenette's bottom lip twitching.
Kaminari would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little nervous. Situations like this don't happen 24/7, during an emotional event sure, but not something like this. He desired to know what was worrying Midoriya so much and what Todoroki wanted.
"What's wrong?" Todoroki turned back to face Kaminari which made the latter glance down at the floor. He didn't want anyone to see how worried he looked. It would be too suspicious. Speaking of everyone, Kaminari raised his glance to look around the room at his other classmates.
As he suspected, everyone was staring at the situation at hand. Kaminari felt a shiver run down his spine as he bit his bottom lip.
His attention was brought back to Todoroki when the latter cleared his throat, but Kaminari was taken aback when he saw that the dual boy got closer.
Whatever this is about better be worth it.
"I just want to talk to Kaminari", Todoroki reasoned as he glanced over at Shinsou. Kaminari watched as the two stared at each other, as if they were having some kind of mental conversation.
Please don't say yes, please don't say yes-
Shinsou rose his hand and grabbed at Kaminari's shoulder, squeezing, trying to reassure him. "Denki isn't doing anything important. He's all yours", he replied.
Kaminari felt his eye twitch at Hitoshi's response. He shot Hitoshi a short glance with a pout before he looked back at Todoroki.
"Fine", Kaminari rose to his feet with a small huff. He looked around once again at everyone to see that they went back to what they were doing.
Something told Kaminari to smile so he wouldn't look as nervous as he was, but he knew himself that the smile was something that no one wanted to see.
"Let's talk, Todoroki"
They were walking.
Walking around UA and something was screaming at Kaminari to get the fuck out of there but he didn't listen. He wanted to hear what Todoroki would say. Wanted to know what made Midoriya so worried.
Kaminari thought back to the situation at the lounge room and how awkward it was. He laughed to himself when he remembered how upon leaving, the girls finally decided to greet Todoroki.
The two of them were walking for a few minutes before the smaller of the two decided to finally ask some questions.
"Why are we outside?"
No response.
"Where are we going?"
"How is you and Midoriya?"
More silence, except for the crickets.
"Did Sero dare you to do this? He knows I hate walking a lo-"
"Are you the traitor?"
Kaminari felt his chest tighten and his heart drop at what Todoroki asked. How did he find out?
"I-I'm sorry, what?" Kaminari's eyes widened hearing his own voice crack. Was this because he was scared? Worried? How did he find out?
How did Todoroki find out? Kaminari was careful.
How did Todoroki find out? Kaminari stopped seeing the villains. It's been weeks since he last felt UA with no one else.
Did somebody tell him? No, there's no way. NO ONE KNOWS.
Kaminari has been quiet.
Kaminari has been smart.
How did he find out? How did he find out? How did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out how did he find out-
"I-I...um-" Kaminari didn't know what to say. He was just found out and he knew that if the league saw him that they either would be laughing at him or judging him.
He tried to calm his thoughts because something yelled at him that his mind was being read. Something told him that Todoroki was reading him like a book. Something told Kaminari to hurt Todoroki and get the hell out of there.
Was he shaking? No, he wasn't shaking. Calm down. God fucking damn it, Denki calm down. He almost didn't even hear Todoroki when he continued.
"I've been observing you for a while now and it seems that you're never around when something with the villains happen...", explained Todoroki. Kaminari forced himself to look at Todoroki, but immediately regretted it.
Todoroki's expression was determined and the fire in his eyes was burning bright. He was determined in finding the truth and seeking the traitor out. But Kaminari couldn't let that happen. Not yet.
Kaminari shook his head as he gulped down his spit. He just has to stay calm and defend himself. They can't know yet. He can't leave them yet.
"Todoroki..." he started before trailing off. God, how was he going to do this? Kaminari brought a hand up to his neck and started scratching as he looked down at the ground.
Time to lie.
The two walked back inside. Kaminari was absolutely tired and he couldn't wait to get into his bed and relax. God, he needed to stim-
His talk with Todoroki ended nicely. Kaminari lied about how he wasn't the traitor and Todoroki apologized for rightfully falsely accusing him. Kaminari remembered smiling at Todoroki and waving it off, saying that Todoroki can repay by making him an ice sculpture.
Shinsou was still there, but there was new people in the lounge room. Shoji, Mina, Bakugou, Hagakure, and Tsuyu.
Kaminari smiled at everyone and greeted them, gaining a whole lot of different responses. 2 soft 'hi's from Tsuyu and Shoji, 2 energetic 'hey's from Mina and Hagakure, and a 'fuck off' from Bakugou. Shinsou got up from his seat and approached Kaminari and Todoroki. The mind controller glanced at Todoroki then Kaminari and then back at Todoroki.
"Is everything fine?" Shinsou asked the two. Kaminari nodded with a huge smile on his face as he shared a glance with Todoroki.
"Everything is okay", replied Todoroki.
"He just asked me a question!" chirped Kaminari. Said boy shuffled over to Shinsou and wrapped his arms around the latter.
"Now, can we go upstairs?" Denki muttered, laying his head on Hitoshi's shoulders. He needed to stim and he wanted his boyfriends to cuddle him until the next morning.
Shinsou chuckled as he pats Kaminari's back, the latter refusing to let go of Shinsou.
"Come on, kitten. Let's go upstairs."
He was surrounded. Denki was laying down in bed and was between both Hanta and Hitoshi. He was surrounded by them, and was in the happiest place he could be.
Denki was facing Hitoshi and was running his hands through the latter's hair to stim. Hanta had his arm wrapped around the blonde and was leaving soft kisses on the back of his head.
Kaminari didn't tell the two about the situation. He didn't want to worry the two about anything. He didn't want to tell them that Todoroki accused him of something and have them get angry about it when he was right.
Kaminari thought about it. Of course, Todoroki would make this kind of guess. Of course, he would find only him suspicious.
A good way to lower these suspensions was to get really close with someone that Todoroki trusted and loved. Kaminari felt himself smile as he already knew the best person to get close with.
Hope you're ready for a fun day, Izuku. I'm going to be your new best friend.
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naive-believer · 5 years
you can't let them know.
He had very strict rules.
You can't let them get suspicious, you have to stick with the same excuse no matter what. You have to be smart.
Kaminari had very strict rules. Get information from certain people and deliver that information to the League of Villians during break.
Kaminari needed to think things carefully. Was he capable of such things? He wasn't as dumb as everyone thought he was. It was all a lie, a cover up, a persona.
Acting like a true idiot? Apart of his persona. Being friends with Mineta? Another part of his persona. But now that Mineta was gone and was replaced by Shinsou, he didn't have to worry about that disgusting little pervert anymore.
The only thing he has to worry about is keeping his true identity a secret, because if anyone finds out then it's bye bye Kaminari.
And he wasn't ready to leave yet. Despite being the infamous UA traitor, he still had many people he cared about. Like the Bakusquad, his very close friends, and his boyfriends. Oh, his Sero and Shinsou.
Many days he thinks about how truly distraught he'll be when he has to leave UA. Will anyone even miss him? Will the squad just forget about him as soon as they hear the news? Would anyone try to stop him? Plead him to come back?
"Hey Kami!"
Kaminari looked up from his phone where he was chatting with the LOV and fixes his gaze on Mina who was now in front of him. Kaminari immediately closed his phone and placed it down on his bed, in fear that she would see.
"Yeah, what's up?" he smiled with a tilt to his head. He could feel the corner of his mouth twitch as his phone continued vibrating, which meant they were spamming the groupchat.
"Kirishima suggested that the squad should all go out to eat since we're getting pretty close to break!" Mina exclaimed. A small smirk grew on her face as she rolled her eyes before continuing.
"Pretty sure he's only doing it cause Blasty has been a little stressed out lately, but you never know!" Kaminari shrugged his shoulders in response as he opened his phone.
Huh, 10 new messages.
He glanced back up at Mina and chuckled.
"Okay, I'll be ready in a few minutes-" Kaminari was interrupted as Mina literally yelled something along the lines of "Bakusquad" before running out of his room.
Kaminari rolled his eyes at his friend's behavior before looking back at his phone. For a small moment, he hesitated looking in the chat but then a voice in his head nagged him to do so.
The last few messages were of Toga and Dabi arguing but the message that got Kaminari's attention was the very last one. He felt chills roll down his spine as he could very well imagine Shigaraki glaring at him.
When the break is over, you're leaving UA and your friends. You're never going to see them again, the only time you'll see them is on the battlefield. Be ready, Kaminari Denki.
Kaminari couldn't believe his eyes. He wiped his cheek which suddenly felt really wet for some weird reason. So many emotions rushed through him at once. But one was stronger than the others.
"I can't wait" he said with glee.
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