bluestrawberrybunny · 4 months
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Gosh I made this man so Gamer girl coded.
Daily reminder that you should relax and play some games with your dog, some coffee from your boyfriend’s cafe, and a weighted plushie of said boyfriend you commissioned from his youngest sister to help quell your separation anxiety.
Plus new profile picture because I love my emotional punching bag so much 💙
No one will ever guess who his main inspiration was for his design /j
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slotumn · 4 days
Re: whether some Nabateans might have had multiple Crest stones and the effects of that
I hc it's sort of a single core processor vs multi-core processor situation, and that had also effects on the lifespan of the Nabateans. Single Crest stone Nabateans may not be as flashy but they're energy-efficient and are focused on longetivity, multi-Crest stone Nabateans can execute more complex and flashy (magical) tasks but aren't as energy-efficient.
The Five Saints are single stone Nabateans, the Apostles are multi-stone Nabateans. The biggest accomplishment of the Five Saints is establishing the bread and butter type things for Adrestian (Fódlani human) society and military, while the Apostles were gathered to attempt a miracle (reviving the dead) even Seiros couldn't do on her own.
Textual evidence, if you can call it that (all this assumes the Apostles were Nabatean + there is only one dragon for each type of Crest btw):
The implication from Rhea/Immaculate One seems to be that for Nabateans, destroying Crest stone = death
However there are two Relics with Timotheos Crest stones (Hrotti, Dark Creator Sword) and Timotheos was mentioned to be alive to do the Rite after the war and to found the village Hapi is from, but he doesn't seem to be around now = he had more than 2 Crest stones but losing those two impacted his lifespan?
Vajra-Mushti are gauntlets, and the pairs both have Crest stones, thus the above applying for Chevalier as well
Aubin had at least one Crest stone taken from him, he lived for a long time but he was mentioned to have physically aged, unlike Rhea/Seteth/Flayn = losing that Crest stone resulted in more rapid physical deterioration?
For Noa, she had a Crest stone taken from her for the Dark Creator Sword, and we know that she had blood descendants in the form of House Nuvelle, which also tends to "not marry with outsiders" to keep their Crest a secret. I assume this means the extended Nuvelle clan is numerous enough on their own that the distant cousins can marry without too many genetic issues, and if we extrapolate a bit further from that, maybe this means Saint Noa had a lot of F1 offspring to make thid easier? And reproduction is something that takes a lot of energy, so maybe the combination of losing a Crest stone + having those kids also resulted in her dying young for a Nabatean
+all this is tied to my other headcanon that Nabateans are biocomputers/bioroids made by Sothis but yeah
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mikia87 · 1 year
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I never realized there was a statue of Seiros in the cathedral.
Nor the Crest of Timotheos on the balcony. 😯
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mwezina · 1 year
The Star & FE3H
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The Star embodies hope, healing, and renewal. The presence of the large gold star and the seven white stars show both purpose and being able to cope with sorrow. The water being poured back into the pool and onto land shows rejuvenation in the material world, and in the spiritual world. Although challenges still remain, represented by the mountains in the distance, the sky is blue, showing optimism and a willingness to face these challenges. 
This card shows that the universe is working in your favour, and to continue to have faith. The tide will change soon. 
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The crest name associated with this card is the Crest of Timotheos. It’s possibly a nod to Timotheus of Miletus. He was a Greek musician and poet. It could also possibly be the Greek male given name, Timotheos. The name means, “One who honours God”. 
The dragon associated with this crest is the Dark Dragon. In Japanese culture, black and darkness are actually symbols of enlightenment. In Western cultures, it’s mostly a symbol of evil, mystery, and fear. However, this view may also have bled into Japanese culture. Aside from being symbols of enlightenment, dark colours could also represent elegance and power, especially in clothing. But alternative feelings it may conjure are fear or misfortune. 
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I like to think that the Dark Dragon is dark itself, with a single white spot upon its head like a third eye, symbolising enlightenment. I’m torn between whether it would look like a traditional Eastern dragon, or a Western dragon. Perhaps one day I’ll hash out all the dragons and see how I feel then. 
Finally, the character to connect to these ideas is Hapi. She is in dire need of seeing hope and healing in her own life, due to the difficult circumstances of her past. She is not at all pious, so Timotheos may be an ironic nod to her lack of faith. But it could also be an indication that she is faithful in her own way, or will find her way into faith by the end of her story. Hapi as a character is often seen with fear and shrouded with mystery. But at the same time, she calls for further enlightenment in other characters, such as Ashe, in their support conversations. 
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Overall, Hapi is another messy character. Not as messy as Constance, but she also doesn’t fit the crest aspect of her character very well. What do you think? See any connections I'm not?
Previous: The Tower
Next: The Moon
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Arthur Timotheo da Costa. Paisagem rural. Rural landscape, 1919.
Артур Тимотео да Кошта. Сельский пейзаж, 1919.
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beastburdened · 2 years
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hhrrnnngg pokeyman..............
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nordickies · 4 months
what's your headcanon human names for all 5 of them? :0
I think the Nordics have used various names throughout history! But they're probably all just variations of the same "base name," which has just changed with culture and current trends to keep up with the times.
Denmark: Magnus / Magni, Mange, Magne Magnus ("great") is a latinised version of the Old Norse name Magni ("mighty"). Various Scandinavian kings have been named Magnus, so the name has long been associated with the region. Mange is a Swedish nickname for Magnus, and Magne could be Denmark's alternative alias if he needs one Sweden: Björn / Bernwald Björn ("bear") is an Old Norse name still popular in Sweden. Perhaps in the Middle Ages, he may have used the name Bernwald ("bear" + "ruler") to fit in better with the German-speaking estates of society and have more of an international reach. Because his name means "bear," he can be teasingly referred to as Nalle, Bamse, or Baddi, all meaning "teddy bear" Norway: Sigurd / Sigurðr, Siward, Sjur Sigurd is a younger form of the Old Norse name Sigurðr ("victory"+ "guardian"), perhaps most notably associated with the Germanic legend of the dragon slayer. Siward is the English equivalent of the name. Sjur is the shortened form of the name Sigurd, so it may be his alternative alias Finland: Timo / Väinö, Väinämö Timo is a Finnish version of the name Timotheos ("honoring God") and perhaps a name he had to pick for himself after the introduction of Christianity. I like the idea of Väinö ("calmly flowing river") being his former first name and present middle name since it has the same origin as his canon surname Iceland: Eiríkur / Eiríkr, Erik Eiríkur is an Icelandic name, the younger form of the Old Norse name Eiríkr ("forever rich/powerful"). When in contact with outsiders, his name probably got simplified as Erik
Their surnames are not set in stone, and I rarely find myself needing them anyway. I don't think the Nordics would feel quite as attached to their surnames, as surnames in Nordic countries have traditionally been patronyms (and these guys don't have families in the traditional sense). Perhaps back in the olden days, the "surnames" they introduced themselves with were based on what was the most fitting and useful in a given situation - making up family associations, basing it off of their profession, or picking a surname based on where they lived (southern farm, northern bay, etc). But nowadays, they probably have preferred surnames they use for symbolic reasons; like Iceland going by "Ingólfsson" (based on Ingólfur Arnarson, the assumed first permanent settler of Iceland) or Denmark preferring the name "Andersen" to be associated with the most famous Danish author
Plus, I feel like their country names are actually more like honorary titles, and they don't really use them between each other (unless it's a nickname, like Sve, etc.). It's very much their culture. Nordic people tend to call their bosses, teachers, doctors, etc., by their first names, too. It's probably based on the cultural belief that this makes people more equal and cancels social hierarchy (Jante Law effect), so I have a hard time seeing the Nordic using honorary titles between friends and family
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the-shiftshop · 1 month
Origins of the Shop: The Shop and its Founders
As part of the 2,000 Followers milestones, The Shift Shop presents, Origin of the Shop.
AI Image generated through DeepAI. This story is completely a work of fiction. Historical features may not be accurate.
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It was around 1910s, when the Japanese took control of Korea. The suppression against Koreans was bad. I witness my people get bruttaly treated by the foreignmen in our own land. My family, I lost my own immediate family in just a month after they took hold of our country. I decided to find a way to escape this hell. Boarded a trading ship from China, making sure no one can trace me. I managed to do so, landing me to a foreign country I have never known.
I managed to escape Korea and arrived in the Philippines through a ship. I couldn't speak their language, but I can do a few English or so. I couldn't make any more suspicion, so I decided to stay low, but in tough times, one shall do anything to survive.
One day, I was starving. I had no money, nor any means of getting any, so I learned to steal. A few days, I managed to get food without getting caught, but that didn't last long as an American soldier saw me stealing bread at a local shop. They chased me around town, and I tried to run for my life.
That is when I met Stephen Diaz, a soap store owner. He hid me in his shop until the soldiers eventually gave up in looking for me.
"You can stay here. I'll make sure you're part of a family from now on."
Diaz was 3 years older than I am. He treated me like a younger brother and kept me in like what he promised, like a part of a family. Diaz, too, is alone. His family died under the Spanish Regime and making soap and selling them is his primary way to survive. Throughout those years of living in his shop, we became business partners. Eventually, we don't just sell soaps anymore. I thought him how to make herbal tea. We bought ceramics from chinese merchants we can use to brew them. We started selling tea leaves and herbs.
Although, business wasn't that great. Our sales didn't go well and eventually we get our feet deep in debt. We thought of everything we can do, but we had to close the shop.
It was devastating to see Diaz, my best friend and brother, working harder in other ways just to support us both, while I couldn't do anything. I can't find a job or people will suspect me for being here illegally. All I can do for Diaz is make him tea every night.
One night, I was harvesting herbs from our backyard. I saw a gleaming light a few bushes away from I am. Upon exploring, there I saw a floating white crystal. I felt it calling onto me. I hear it promising me things that can help us get back to our feet.
"I promise you a way to be more prosperous. A power to help those in need, and also to help you."
I was blinded by it, but I know how truthful its words are, I just don't know why. I came closer, and then I held it in my palm, and then that was the day I was bestown the power I hold now. Power coursed through my veins. Hunger and pain disappeared. I was stonger, less stress. I just know I felt better.
I took the crystal inside and kept it where we usually put our income every single day. The next day, I decided to open the shop once more, giving it one last chance.
Diaz and I were surprised with what's going on. Soaps advertised to bring your youthful skin back, started to actually turn people younger the longer they use it. Teas that promises strength started to make people bigger, healthier. We are in awe.
People started coming in, amazed with our miracle. Everyone were celebrating, except for one person, Diaz.
Diaz was skeptical with the promise of the crystal. He said there's a big possibility that the crystal was offered by an Engkanto, or a Mambabarang, who purposely didn't say that there's a catch with this power. That night, we argued. He begged me to throw the crystal away, but I can't just do that. All I want was to help Diaz, or maybe I was too greedy with the power I now have.
Diaz and I pulled against the cystal on each end, accidentally splitting it in half. I felt my power lessen, and saw the other half Diaz was holding turn black.
Right that moment, we noticed light coming out from the shop and saw people with torches and pitchforks, screaming at us, calling us witches and monsters. People started to abuse our store products and saw what can happen when they overuse it, and they blamed us for what happened to those people.
They started storming in the shop. Diaz was caught by the people.
"THEO!" He screamed as he reach his hand to me, "Help me!"
But before I know it, the crystal in my hand generated a big wave of force, pushing everyone outside, incluing Diaz, and with my last scream, everyone disappeared.
It was quiet. What used to be night sky, now sunlight peaks throught the window. I can hear chirping of the birds oustide. That is when I realized, the whole shop was transported to a different place.
I was alone. Whatever happened to Diaz, I have no clue. All I have was his shop, and the crystal.
From then point on, I built the shop on my own, using the powers bestown to me, fulfilling what duties the crystal gave me, helping others and myself.
Diaz, if only I were able to save you. My deepest regrets and apologies. I'll find you soon.
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isephierreo · 1 year
Crests' Color While Using It
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Crest of Flames, Riegan, Dominic, Lamine, Chevalier, and Noa all have a yellow tint while using it.
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Blaiddyd, Fraldarius, Gautier, Daphnel, Charon, Gloucester, Seiros, Cethleann, Macuil, and Beast all have a blue tint while using it.
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Cichol, Goneril, Aubin, and Ernest all have a green tint while using it.
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Crest of Indech is have a distinctive cyan color.
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The color of the Crest of Timotheos is unknown. as unlike other Crests, the Crest of Timotheos appears dimly while in use, making its color difficult to identify and even to notice.
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It is also worth noting that the Crests that was used by the beasts classes has a purple color.
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Hegemon Edelgard's attacks feature something similar to the latter, with the Crest of Flames appearing in red and the Crest of Seiros in purple.
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dariuskurwa · 5 months
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idk what's up with hetalia fandom in 2024, but i've made a small art of an old greek oc of mine (created around 2014-ish), mount athos, in the middle of the night (as always). idk what i was thinking, but here you go, guys. hetalia™️ greek family, oc of mount athos, timotheos karpusis. 🥀
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jpdoingwords · 1 month
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The rewrite is well underway - I've just uploaded the new and improved chapter three :D
Unfinished Business (34785 words) by brasideios Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Assassin's Creed RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexios/Thaletas (Assassin's Creed) Characters: Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Stentor (Assassin's Creed), Nikolaos (Assassin's Creed), Myrrine (Assassin's Creed), Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Thaletas (Assassin's Creed), Demosthenes (Assassin's Creed), Alkibiades | Alcibiades (c. 450-404 BCE), Lykinos (Assassin's Creed), Timotheos (Assassin's Creed), Euripides (Assassin's Creed), Brasidas (Assassin’s Creed) Additional Tags: Romantic Relationship, Brasidas in posthumous flashback, Stentor as a developing character, thalexios, Established Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Romantic Fluff, Family, Mother-Son Relationship, Historical, Historical References, Relationship Problems, One small instance of angst, Angst with a Happy Ending Series: Part 3 of Another Kind of Odyssey Summary: Stentor arrives at Stymphalos, where Thaletas and Alexios settled four years previously. He comes with a message: Alcibiades is in Sparta, and wants to see Alexios - urgently. Answering this request will sweep them into events they could not foresee. Note (Aug 24): I am currently rewriting this series, and am working on this part. There are currently inconsistencies between the last part and this one. Please bear with me. Updates are coming soon. I’ve used many historical details to make this story and glossed over some others. I’ve added footnotes to expand on all of that, including references where applicable. I hope you enjoy it, and feedback is welcome! :) Jenn 🤍
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brasideios · 3 months
The Fire and the Flood
The Alexithenes re-write is finally finished!!! I'm so happy I could do a silly little dance! (Maybe I am doing one, haha!) 🥳🕺🏼
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In the year 427 BCE, Alexios allows Socrates to lure him to Athens for the summer. During his stay in the city, his relationship with Demosthenes, not yet a general of Athens, will change significantly… But as the war rages on, will the pressures of the messy world beyond Athens' walls bring the pair together or drive them apart?
Further details under the cut!
The Fire and the Flood (67533 words) by brasideios Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Ancient History RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexios (Assassin's Creed)/Demosthenes General of Athens (d. 413 BCE), Herodianos/Thaletas (Assassin's Creed) Characters: Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Barnabas (Assassin's Creed), Original Characters, Lykinos (Assassin's Creed), Timotheos (Assassin's Creed), Rhexenor (Assassin’s Creed), Hermippos (Assassin's Creed), Alkibiades | Alcibiades (c. 450-404 BCE), Sokrates | Socrates (c. 469-399 BC), Demosthenes General of Athens (d. 413 BCE), Deimos (Assassin's Creed), Thaletas (Assassin's Creed), Herodianos (Assassin's Creed), Kyra (Assassin's Creed), Kleon | Cleon (d. 422 BCE), Nikias (c. 470-413 BCE) Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Falling In Love, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, One Night Stands, Lust, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Edging, Developing Relationship, Historical References, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Injury Recovery, Found Family, Meet the Family, Family Issues, survival guilt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Loss, Grief/Mourning, Lost Love, The power of puppies to provide comfort, Rare Pairings, Domestic Fluff, Healthy Relationships, Not Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Canon Universe, Kassandra is Deimos (Assassin's Creed) Series: Part 1 of The Fire & The Flood Summary: In the year 427 BCE, Alexios allows Socrates to lure him to Athens for the summer. During his stay in the city, his relationship with Demosthenes, not yet a general of Athens, will change significantly… But as the war rages on, will the pressures of the messy world beyond Athens' walls bring the pair together or drive them apart? This story is not canon compliant. Alexios isn't immortal and his father is Nikolaos.
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slotumn · 5 months
I'm sure others people have pointed this out already, but the dragon signs matched to Crests seem to affect the Crest-bearers in ways even outside of the combat effects.
For example, Lysithea and Catherine's supports mentioning that they seem to call rain and thunder/lightning when they do laundries, and they both have Crest of Charon = Lightning Dragon Sign.
Annette is clumsy and is seen exploding/breaking stuff (not in the same way Dimitri does but still), Crest of Dominic = Crusher Dragon Sign.
Constance makes a bunch of flowers bloom with magic in her S-Support, Crest of Noa = Bloom Dragon Sign.
For less obvious examples, Crest of Lamine is Aegis Dragon Sign; in Japanese, the kanji used is 護, which is used often as verb for protecting/caring— as opposed to Shield Dragon Sign's (Fraldarius) 盾, which is usually a more literal noun for shield. Fits both Lamine sibling's personalities, with Mercedes being caring and Jeritza being very protective of Mercedes.
Craft Dragon Sign's (Gloucester) kanji is 賢, which is usually used in the context of someone being wise; arguably Lorenz and Lysithea fit the bill pretty well among the Deer, with Lorenz on the political side of things and Lysithea on the technical/academic side of things. (Claude is another brainy/clever character but I don't think 賢 is quite the letter I'd use for him, at least during time of canon)
Kalpa Dragon Sign's (Goneril) 劫 can refer to kalpa as in Buddhist unit of time, but it can also refer to danger/intimidate/threat, and we see the "Hilda is scary when she's mad" thing in her Hopes paralogue with Balthus and Holst lmao
Another interesting thing for the Chinese letters used in the Dragon Signs: kanji for Sky Dragon Sign (Seiros) is 空, which can mean sky, but it can also mean empty, and is used as the Chinese letter translation for sunyata, usually used in a Mahayana Buddhist context. What's interesting is that when it's used as "empty," it's usually not used in a negative/nihilistic type of tone, at least not as far as I know. (The negative context letter for empty is more 虛; combining it with 空 for 空虛 and using it to describe emotion does mean a sad kind of emptiness in Korean, though. Not sure about Chinese or Japanese)
Anyway I think this is fuel for fun headcanon traits to give characters. Crest of Riegan = Star Dragon Sign = Claude is good at navigating by stars? Storm Dragon Sign = Crest of the Beast = Marianne is another member of "calls in storms" squad? Dark Dragon Sign = Crest of Timotheos = Hapi can see well in the dark? Water Dragon Sign = Crest of Indech = Hanneman and Bernadetta are unexpectedly good at swimming? So on.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 9 months
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Harpstring Moon: Flower Language
And a small snipped for this scene.
Byleth pulled him over the Crest of Timotheos built into the brick of the floor, around the small pond with the lily pads in them, to the planters full of blooms she had just done up.
“What’s all this?” Byleth bent down on her knees, Seteth doing the same. He lifted a hand to carefully caress one of the pink carnations in the mix. “Did you plant these?” Byleth nodded. “This morning?”
“After you begged for my forgiveness.” She smiled at the roll of his eyes, bumping her shoulder against his. “After we ate breakfast. They've been growing in the greenhouse for a little bit before I brought them up here.”
“It’s beautiful.”
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coatedinhoney · 6 months
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"Study Buddy"
For extra credits, Kenya offered to tutor an international student named Timotheo. Little did her teacher know that she only accepted to get into this foreign student's bed...
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russadocachorrobranco · 10 months
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Arthur Timótheo da Costa. Paisagem. Landscape, 1920.
Артур Тимотео да Кошта. Пейзаж, 1920.
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