#timeskip Iwaizumi
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4unnyr0se · 8 months ago
❥ OHMAMI | hajime iwaizumi
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warnings: timeskip! iwaizumi, fem! reader, car sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, hickeys, degradation, manhandling, slight fingering, finger-sucking, riding, oikawa is mentioned a lot tbh, protective and possessive iwa
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 4.9k
a/n: okay i started this in early june and now im finishing it so im sorry if it doesnt make sense aaaa
❥ song: OHMAMI - chase atlantic
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Iwaizumi was never the one people thought of when asked who their favorite member of the Aoba Johsai team was. He grew to accept it over time, albeit with spite and anger. Everyone was always wrapped up in what Oikawa was doing, wondering who would be his next girlfriend of the week. It was gross how Oikawa hogged all the girls; how could he be so selfish? Fucking jackass. 
Naturally, it was a relief when he graduated. Sure, Aoba Johsai never went to nationals (and yes, it very much stung), but the memories were important, right? Hitting perfect spike after spike, smacking Oikawa around, hearing that glorious school cheer, Iwaizumi had to admit he would miss it. Not the part where Oikawa kept all the girls to himself. 
Graduation came and went, and so did university. It was a breeze. Sports medicine was not a challenging major; he was just really good at the subject. Another graduation came, and Iwaizumi could only think about you and that pretty, perfect face. You were his closest friend in high school, and sadly, you drifted apart during university. You were studying Japanese literature or something, he didn’t remember. It’s not his fault; he was just too busy getting girls for the first time in a while. Totally not his fault…right?
Iwaizumi wasn’t doing himself any fucking favors, he thought about you too much for his own good. Whether Aoba Johsai lost or how insufferable Oikawa was, you were always there for him. You let him lean against your shoulder and complain about his day, his disheveled and messy uniform giving him an even more thuggish appearance. The way your soft, almost angelic hands massaged his scalp, assuring him that he would be okay.  Oh, how he longed for your fingers in his spiky hair again. He had forgotten your scent, your sweet floral scent. Was it roses or lavender? Maybe lilac? Although all the girls in high school wore the same body sprays, yours was different. Was it because you were never scared of him to begin with? Fuck, he missed you.
He sat on the bench in the empty locker room of the gym he worked at, a hot towel draped around broad shoulders as he began to lose himself in his fond high school memories. Images danced around in his mind of your sweet face smiling at him for the first time, the words “Don’t worry, I’ll help you study for the English test!” leaving your soft lips. At least, Iwaizumi thought they were soft. No, he knew they were soft. God, you were so kind to him. You even ignored Oikawa’s advances towards you, which made him blush and gain so much respect for you in an instant. “Man, I’d really like to punch that guy in his dumb face.” you snickered, covering your bright smile. Iwaizumi swore he could marry you right then and there.
From that moment on, he was your closest friend. You went to all his practices and games, cheering for him when no one else would. “Nice kill, Iwa!” you would shout from the bleachers, proudly wearing a spare version of his jersey. His jersey. If Iwaizumi had no supporters, you were dead. The two of you were inseparable until university rolled around, and Iwaziumi became stupidly popular with the ladies. And sure, college girls were pretty and incredibly loose, but they weren’t you. No one was you, and he missed you every day.
Iwaizumi grunted as he stood up, tossing the towel into a basket. He stepped out of the locker room with his hands in his pockets, whistling a song from his cardio playlist. It was around ten at night, and his gym was one of the few open so late, so there wasn’t anyone there except the front receptionist girl who flirted with every guy who walked in. Truly, he couldn’t ask for better entertainment. 
“Yo,” Iwaizumi leaned across the desk, stealing an electrolyte drink from the employee minifridge. There’s no one here; you should just go home. It’s getting late.” The cool drink touched his lips, the cherry flavoring subtle. “If the boss gives you any crap, you can blame me. I don’t mind.”
The receptionist eagerly stood up and practically ran out the door, throwing her time card at him. “Clock me out!” she shouted halfway out the automatic door. Iwaizumi sighed and shoved the time card in his sweats. She really was a ditz, but at least she got people to sign up for VIP memberships. 
He clocked her out and went to his favorite spot in the gym where he usually deadlifts. Unfortunately, there was no one to spot him. Iwaizumi was a jock, but he certainly wasn’t dumb. There was no way he was dying because he got crushed by a fucking barbell. There is no chance in hell. 
His rough and calloused hands decided just to lift weights instead. That was simpler, more safe. He flipped on his headphones and selected a tune from his more…sensual playlist. It's a sensual indie R&B song that could make anyone feel like a sex god. Why was that song on his playlist? He couldn’t tell you. Once again, Iwaizumi became lost in his thoughts as he lifted the weights up and down with such ease. He worked out for health benefits, but just something about staring at his physique in the mirror made it all worth it. Damn, did he look fine as hell. He was ashamed of how long it took him to realize that he was stupidly attractive, and it took a lot of skill not to develop a massive ego around his looks. 
The automatic doors slid open, the dinging sound drowned out by his noise-canceling headphones. His green eyes locked on the floor mat below him, concentrating on passing the time by any means necessary. He paused briefly when he saw two tiny white sneakers enter his field of vision, standing considerably close to his muscular form. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled, placing the weights on the ground. “Music’s loud, y’know?” His eyes trailed upwards until they finally met your gaze, his pupils shrinking in shock. His hands gripped his headphones, softly filling the room with sensual music. “Holy shit.” Iwaizumi’s mouth was agape. He looked like a fool. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi, Iwa.” you smiled brightly, taking his headphones from his rough hands and placing them around his thick neck. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Three years, I think.” Fuck, he forgot how much smaller your hands were to his own. It’s so cute.
“Three years since university, yeah,” Iwaizumi mumbled, wiping the glistening sweat away from his forehead. “I can’t believe it’s been that long. You don’t look any different. Not that it’s a bad thing!” he stumbled on his words, silently cringing at his immature actions. He never got this flustered. He hasn’t been in a while. Less than a minute talking to you, and he was a stammering mess. This wasn’t like him at all. His tough persona might as well be tossed out the window. 
You offered him another sweet smile and rubbed his shoulder, the sweat not bothering you in the slightest. “Change is a good thing, y’know,” your words were gentle and comforting, oozing with wisdom beyond your years. Another thing Iwaizumi thought was perfect about you was that you always knew the right thing to say. “You’ve changed too. You’re way more buff than the last time we saw each other!”
“Damn right,” he smirked, subtly flexing his biceps. Were you looking? He hoped so. “I’m a personal trainer, so I gotta stay in shape. Plus, I train Oikawa, so whenever I’m pissed off, I just do a couple sets.”
“You still hang out with Oikawa? I thought you hated him.” you raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on your hips quizically. 
“I’m getting paid to tell him what workouts he should do. Can’t complain about that money,” Iwaizumi rubbed the back of his head, fluffing out his spiky hair. “Besides, I’m allowed to kick his ass whenever I want. That asshole deserves it. He somehow got even more cocky after he got back from Argentina.”
You rolled your eyes and found a nearby workout bench, crossing your legs over each other. “I didn’t think Loserkawa could become even more full of himself. You’d think being in a foreign country would humble him slightly.”
“Right?” a deep chuckle escaped his chapped lips as Iwaizumi sat beside you, minding the distance. He bit down on his lower lip slightly, just for a moment. Would you mind if he sat closer to you, like in high school? “He even started speaking Spanish, but he’s not allowed to do that around me.”
“Because you’ll throw a dumbbell at him?”
“Because I’ll throw a dumbbell at him.”
You giggled and scooted closer to Iwaizumi, the scent of sweat mixed with his cologne filling your nostrils. He smelled more mature than in high school, but that’s a given. “I see you’re still the same ol’ spikey-haired guy.” you ruffled his hair, knowing that you were the only one who could do that without getting a beatdown. 
Iwaizumi blushed, averting his eyes from your gaze. Fuck, he really missed your touch. “So, uh, what brings you to the gym? Were you looking for a membership or something?” 
You shook your head, casually wrapping your arm around his shoulder. Were you trying to kill him? “Nah. If I’m being honest, I saw you in one of the windows while I was out for an evening walk. It’s been a while, so I wanted to say hi.” You momentarily looked down at your shoes, a faint blush gracing your cheeks. “Besides, I missed you.”
“You walked here by yourself? At night? Are you crazy?” Iwaizumi shouted, grasping your shirt to pull you closer. “It’s not safe at night. You didn’t have anyone to protect you! Do you know how stupid that sounds?” his nostrils flared, a mixture of anxiety and rage overcoming him. “What if something happened?”
You gasped, your brow furrowing. “Well, excuse me! I didn’t know I needed permission from someone I haven’t spoken to in three years to take a fucking walk!” you ripped his hand away from your shirt. 
Iwaizumi groaned, hanging his head. “You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just…” he took a deep breath. “It’s not safe for someone like you at night, and I’d never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you because you wanted to see me.” 
You rolled your eyes and pulled his chin up, staring into his oceans of green. “Just because you’re worried about someone doesn’t give you an excuse to be an asshole about it,” you smiled in assurance. “Next time, I’ll bring something to defend myself. Okay?”
Iwaizumi smirked. “You’re the only person allowed to call me an asshole, y’know that? If you were anybody else, I’d beat your skull in.
“Then I’m lucky that I happen to still be Hajime Iwaizumi’s favorite person after all these years,” you bit down on your lower lip. “Unless…you have a girlfriend. Then she’s probably your favorite person.”
“No girlfriend, I don’t have the time,” he shook his head, moving himself closer. “I had a girlfriend before, but then-”
“Oikawa took her from you?” you cut him off.
“Fucking Oikawa took her from me. He dated her for two weeks, then dumped her for someone he met at a bar. Can you believe that?” he clenched his fist.
“Unfortunately, I can,” you gave an exasperated sigh. “I guess Oikawa will always be Oikawa.”
“God help us,” Iwaizumi chuckled. “Hey, I gotta lock up the gym. Can you wait outside, and then I can drive you home?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna be a bother.”
“Why would you be a bother? I’m just keepin' you safe, dummy.” Iwaizumi assured you, getting up and brushing off his pants. “Wait here. I’ll come to get you. I don’t want you standing outside. There’s a lot creeps around here who want nothing more than to get close to a pretty girl like you.” he turned around, not realizing that he had just complimented you. You were left with a brighter blush on your face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Did Iwaizumi think you were pretty after all this time?
Eventually, he finished what he needed to do to close up the gym: he wiped down all the machines and ensured everything was organized for the morning shift. He grabbed you by the wrist and practically dragged you out of the gym, having an unusually tight grip.
“Dude, what are you doing? I know how to walk,” you tugged your wrist away from his hand, rubbing it. “You’re acting weird. Did something happen when you were cleaning up? “I just don’t want you to stray too far, that’s all. Keep close to me, or else I might end up killing somebody.” he shoved his hands in the pockets of his sweats, making his way to the car. He was weirdly protective over you, but it only bothered you slightly. 
Having your big, strong best friend wanting nothing more than to keep you safe in a parking lot was…well, it was sexy. Iwaizumi was sexy, and he knew it. You wondered if he knew that you thought so, too. How, when you were in high school, you would daydream about him pinning you against the wall and kissing you until you couldn’t breathe. How your mind would wander in college, staring at him from across the dining hall, watching as he unconsciously flexed his biceps in such a way that made you swoon every single time.
With his hand wrapped protectively over your shoulder, he clicked the keyfob and unlocked his car. It was a larger vehicle, boasting proud rims on the tires. “You can get in the passenger seat. I have snacks in the glove compartment if you’re hungry.”
“Since when do you have snacks in the car?” you sat in the passenger seat, buckling up. “That doesn’t seem very healthy, Mr. Personal Trainer.” you giggled, making air quotes. 
He playfully rolled his eyes, getting into the driver's seat. “I have to drive long distances for work sometimes. So, to keep me sane, I keep little snacks in my glove compartment. Granola and crap like that. Protein bars.” 
“Oh, so snacks that aren’t actually snacks?” you winked. 
“Shut up,” he clicked his seatbelt in, revving the car. “Do you wanna choose what we listen to or not? Also, type your address into the GPS while at it.”
“Or I could look through your messages.”
Iwaizumi shot you a glare. “Don’t even joke about that.”
You giggled, typed in your address, and then opened Spotify. “You have a lot of playlists. Why?”
He shrugged his shoulders, flexing the muscles. Fuck, he was so fucking sexy. “I dunno, I guess I just have one for every occasion. When you’re working with Oikawa, music typically helps,” he smirked, raising an eyebrow. “You can pick from any song on any playlist.”
“Then I choose this one,” you selected OHMAMI, handing him back his phone. “It’s from your playlist that has a heart emoji as the title. What’s that for?”
Iwaizumi felt his face become overrun with a blazing blush. His hands gripped the steering wheel as he pulled out of his parking spot, turning the car towards the exit. “Oh, uh, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“But I wanna know!” you whined, crossing your arms over your chest. “C’mon, we just caught up a second ago, but you never kept any secrets from me.”
He sighed and bit down on his bottom lip. “Fuck, okay. Fine,” he took a deep breath. “It’s…this song is from my sex playlist. Specifically from college.”
Your pupils blew up, your hand immediately flying to your mouth to stifle a chuckle. “You have a sex playlist? And this is a song on it?”
“That’s what I just fucking said, didn’t I?” his face was red and anger and embarrassment. “See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you!”
“Iwa,” you tapped his thigh. “Sorry for laughing. It’s just that sex playlists are usually romantic and, no offense, but you never seemed like a romantic kind of guy.” 
He furrowed his brow. “I can be romantic, “ he made a sharp left turn. “I just haven’t had a reason to in a while, that’s all.”
“Aw, I’m sorry, man,” you pouted. “I’m sure someone will come along that can make you want to use this playlist again.” you smiled at him, flashing your teeth.
“Yeah, hopefully,” Iwaizumi sighed, stealing a glance at you. You were perfect, absolutely perfect. He was mentally kicking himself for not making a move. But then again, there was a sexy song playing, so the mood was set. Maybe you wouldn’t mind if his hand squeezed your thigh, dancing lower and lower. Maybe you wouldn’t mind at all. 
He continued to drive, the music from the stereo being the only thing to prevent the car from being silent. His mind wandered places: obscene, filthy places. He wondered what noises you would make if he ate your pussy out in the passenger seat. Would you taste as sweet as he imagined? Iwaizumi just knew your pussy was tight, how it would flutter around his cock as he bounced you up and down on it in the backseat, your hand flat against the roof of his car with the music blaring. He was so deep in thought that he neglected to realize the tent growing in his sweats. But you noticed.
Your eyes darted back and forth to his hard-on, squeezing your legs together at the sight. You suspected he was hiding a monster down there, and now you were sure of it. Surprisingly, Iwaizumi never got hard around you before today, at least not to your knowledge. It was like it was calling you to, desperate for your hands to slide up and down.
“Uh, Iwa?” you groaned, crossing your legs over each other. 
“Hm?” he didn’t take his eyes off the road.
“You have like…a huge boner right now.” you blushed furiously, cringing to yourself. Could you have chosen a more awkward set of words?
Iwaizumi choked on his breath, swerving the car slightly. He glanced down at his sweats, and lo and behold, he was hard. “O-Oh, fuck. Shit, that wasn’t supposed to happen.” he groaned, clenching onto the steering wheel once more.
You squirmed in your seat. “Hey man, don’t worry about it. You can’t control when you get hard, right? S’not a problem.”
He thought for a moment, mumbling under his breath. He canceled the navigation and pulled the car into a parking lot by an abandoned gas station frequented by local teenagers. Luckily, there was no one there right now. “I can’t,” he breathed in, refusing to meet your gaze. “I can’t control it when I’m around you,” he parked the car. “You drive me so fucking crazy.”
You squeezed onto the leather seats, your face still blazing red. “You’re telling me that I made your dick hard?” 
“Yeah, that’s what I just fucking said.” he groaned, unclicking his seatbelt. His eyes finally met yours, full of want. “You made me hard, princess.”
Princess. The nickname rang in your ears. Fuck, it was like hot honey rolling off his chapped lips. “Iwa…” you breathed out, gasping as he tugged on the collar of your shirt, pulling you closer to him. The center console was the only thing that separated you two. 
“Princess,” he whispered. “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long. Ever since you said, you wanted to punch Shittykawa in the face.”
“Really.” his eyes landed on your lips, beautiful and begging to be kissed. “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long. Please,” his hot breath grazed your cheek. “Please tell me that you want me to. But I’m warning you right now,” he kissed your burning skin. “Once you tell me you do, I won’t hold myself back anymore.”
A sensation began to bubble inside your belly, his words causing your core to throb with want. You parted your lips, wetting them with your tongue. “Iwa,” your voice was barely a whisper. “Please, I want you.”
Iwaizumi let go of your shirt, his eyes flaring with passion and lust. “Get in the backseat, now.” he growled, climbing over the center console. You eagerly followed him, finding a spot on his lap. His hands secured themselves on the fat of your hips, making sure you didn’t go anywhere. It's not like you wanted to, anyway. 
“I’ve been waiting for this for so fucking long, princess,” he groaned before slamming his lips against yours in a frenzy. His lips assaulted yours, greedy and shameless. Your mind became TV static, your lips dancing with his as if it was a reflex, as if you had done this a million times before. You moaned into the kiss as he groped you without a care, his hands slipping under the hem of your gym shorts. You gasped as his warm hands wandered, exploring you as if he was attempting to map out your perfect curves.
His hand was scolding hot as it ventured to finger the elastic, ripping the cheap fabric. He swallowed your surprised gasp, smirking into the kiss. “Fuckin’ cheap fabric,” he growled, his hand massaging up and down your panties. “I’ll buy you a new pair, don’t worry, your pretty lil’ head about it.” 
Iwaizumi broke the kiss, resting his head in the crook of your neck while his fingers continued their gentle dance across your clothed, dripping cunt. The digits ran up and down the soaked material, causing him to shudder. “Fuck, you’re this wet from just a kiss?” he groaned against your neck, the sharpness of his canines grazing the sensitive skin. He could have sworn he could hear your heartbeat coming from the veins. Your pulse was thundering, it was fucking addictive. His lips ventured up and down your delicate neck, leaving wanting, open-mouthed kisses in the spots that made you squirm so beautifully on your lap. His teeth nibbled down on your sweet spot, causing your hips to buck into his hard-on.
“Needy fucking girl,” his voice rumbled, fingers dipping into your panties to toy with your sobbing slit. You whimpered, resting your forehead onto his own as the calloused pads of his thick fingers teased your clit. “Fuck, you’re soaked. D’ya even need me to finger this pussy, or are you such a fucking slut that you’re this wet all the time?” his hands cracked against your ass. “Hm? Talk to me, princess.”
“Only you!” you yelped. Iwaizumi chuckled darkly, lifting his head from your neck to greet you with a blown-out stare. His eyes told you everything you needed to know; they told you that he wanted to fucking ruin you on his cock like he’s been wanting to all these years.
“That’s what I like to fucking hear,” he slapped your ass again, making you gasp and jolt. His lips quickly met yours once more as his finger bullied its way inside your cunt, curling inside without mercy or forgiveness. “Shit, you’re squeezing around my finger. Do you really need to get fucked that fucking bad, hm? Is my girl a little slut?”
“M’not a slut!” you sobbed, tossing your head back. Your hands gripped his muscular shoulders with white-hot-knuckle strength, making Iwaizumi hiss in pain. Not that he was complaining. He fucking loved it.
“Fuck, I can’t take this anymore,” he pulled his finger out of your weeping cunt, licking off your slick. “Ya taste so fucking good, shit,” he groaned, sliding off his sweatpants and boxers so that his cock could spring free. You moaned at the sight, taking in his magnificent length. He was small by no means necessary, boasting a lengthy and girthy cock with an angry red tip that was leaking precum. “Turn around and hover above it.”
You did as he instructed, pushing your ruined panties to the side so your pulsating core was just above his angry cock. His hands snaked around the small of your waist, pulling your flush up against his chest. “You’re gonna be a good fucking slut and let me fuck you on this cock, yeah? If I think you’re being too quiet for even a second,” his voice dropped to a deadly whisper. “I’m gonna fuck you stupid.”
“Iwa,” your words died on your tongue as his fingers were abruptly shoved into your mouth, making you gag.
“Don’t fucking call me Iwa,” he demanded, his cock teasing your entrance. “It’s Hajime now. Don’t be a dumbass and forget it when I’m breaking you on this cock. Am I clear, pretty girl?”
You nodded, tears swelling in your eyes. His fingers slid out of your mouth and back onto your hips, squeezing the fat. “Be a good little slut and take this cock,” he growled, biting down harshly onto your neck before slamming you onto his cock without mercy, refusing to give your tight pussy anytime to adjust. 
“Oh god, yes,” Iwaizumi moaned against your neck, bouncing you expertly on his length. His eyes were hooded with lust and desire as he looked over your shoulder. The sight of your pussy swallowing his cock was magnificent. Especially how you struggled to take his length, you poor thing. Maybe he’ll be nicer to you next time. “Do you see yourself, princess? That pretty pussy is swallowing me whole. Good fucking girl.”
You writhed and squirmed on his lap, helpless as Iwaizumi used you like a toy. His hands reached around to pull down your top, exposing your bralette to the hot atmosphere. He pulled your bra down as well, shamelessly pinching and squeezing your pillowy mounds as his cock drove itself inside you with reckless abandon. 
“Y’been hiding these perfect tits from me too? Naughty fucking girl,” his hand dropped your breast and smacked your clit, earning a shriek from your bruised lips. “Can’t believe I waited this fucking long to grope these tits, fuck. I wonder what else you’re hiding, hm?” his hips never relented, continuing their rushed and desperate pace in harsh and fast strokes. 
“You look like such a slut right now. God, I wish I could see that pretty face,” he purred against the shell of your ear, licking the cartilage. His praise was so fucking addictive, making you shamelessly clench on his cock. “Oh, y’like when I call you pretty? Get fucking used to it.”
“I’m gonna make you ruin yourself on me,” his voice rasped, the tip of his cock twitching inside of you. “You’re gonna cum all over this fucking cock, and then I’ll cum inside, yeah? No one’s ever gonna fuck this pretty cunt again unless I say so. Until your Hajime says so, okay, princess?” he smacked your clit again, gathering your slick on his fingers. “Who’s the only one that can fuck this pretty pussy?”
“You! It’s yours, Hajime!” you sobbed, the rest of your meaningless rambling dying on your lips as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth once more. Your tongue wrapped around the digits, tasting your delicious slick. Your pussy fluttered around his cock, trying to pull him impossibly deeper inside of you. You were so fucking greedy.
Iwaizumi snarled against your neck, fucking you even harder. His hips continued to snap as he drove himself deeper and deeper inside, the sensation of your pussy doing its best to milk him being all that he needed. “You’re gonna fucking cum, yeah? That’s it, princes, make a fucking mess on me. Get your Hajime all sticky with your cum like a good fucking girl.”
With Iwaizumi’s encouragement, you finally let go. You came with a wanton sob, the bubbles in your belly boiling over to send you crashing over the edge and into oblivion. You could have sworn you saw white. Iwaizumi fucked you through it, whispering sweet nothings as your release coated his cock. 
“Oh, shit,” he groaned into your neck, biting down once more on the bruised skin as his cock twitched one final time, his release spilling inside to fill your cunt up so nicely. “Good fucking girl, take it all.” his hands fell to his hips, slumping against the leather seat.
“Hajime,” you groaned, reluctantly pulling yourself off his cock. His cum ran down your ruined thighs, mixing with your slick. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that.” you offered him a weak smile, staring at your ripped and forgotten-about jean shorts. “Dammit, you ripped them! These were my favorite pair. And now I don’t have any pants!” you scolded him, hitting him over the head with the fabric. “We’re in a parking lot, and I have no damn pants!”
“Relax,” he sighed, pulling up his pants and boxers. “Did you forget I was driving you home? Besides,” he pecked your lips. “I’m coming over, and we’re gonna cuddle and shit. Whatever you want.” he blushed, not meeting your gaze. He was still scared of you seeing him blush even after you were so intimate.
“Whatever I want?” you teased. “You’re cute when you get all flustered, Hajime.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
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wordsofelie · 5 months ago
when I say I'm obsessed with Iwaizumi people think I mean Iwaizumi Hajime (27) athelic trainer and sure I love him but I also love :
Iwaizumi Hajime (8) bug hunter
Iwaizumi Hajime (14) theteamwiththebettersixisstronger
Iwaizumi Hajime (17) aoba johsai's ace
Iwaizumi Hajime (19) college sophomore (sports science)
And all the versions that follow
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tahiti-island-dream · 2 years ago
Pickup Line Madness Pt. 4
Type: Fluff
Pairing: Iwaizumi x reader, Oikawa x reader
Summary/Request: the hq boys try pickup lines/ Iwa prefers you over the team, Oiks is away from home
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kwadlayns · 5 months ago
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talk to me in french, talk to me in spanish 🍒
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cathgotyourtongue · 3 months ago
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Iwa-chan at work
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mangoartt · 7 months ago
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more iwaoi
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giustoart · 10 months ago
This interaction lives rent-free 24/7 in my mind.
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niftynoya · 23 days ago
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Bought some gorgeous prints from @yuliapavlovsky and I love them!! 😍
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hatsukeii · 6 months ago
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tip-toe (take me back to the ground) / timeskip!iwaizumi hajime x reader
genre(s): domestic iwa omg... fluff!! very soft, straight up sensual fluff!! iwa is hot!! iwa is romantic!! iwa is good at many many things, and good WITH many many things too!! im rotting in bed thinking about what could be one day ngl
warning(s): he's very handsy let's just say that... so suggestive warning!! no explicit nsfw, gn reader, but this will get decently/pretty suggestive towards the end u have been warned:)
wc: ~1.4k
tldr; Iwaizumi Hajime wants dinner (you)
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Iwaizumi Hajime likes to come home to the golden glow of table lamps, fluttering wisps of fire on the wicks of cinnamon candles on spice shelves, and a vinyl playing beneath the needle of a record player on the coffee table of his living room. It's not an extraordinarily good record player. Sometimes the pitch wavers uncertainly, almost like when the service drops on a video call and the other person's voice suddenly drops half an octave. Occasionally, the needle skips a note and adds a fleeting pop to whatever song is playing on the record, like when a few embers of a fire crackle a little louder than the rest. Whenever he hears the record player, and the muffled hums from somewhere else that fill in the jumps and correct the warped melodies from the grooves of the vinyl, Hajime feels like having dinner.
When Iwaizumi Hajime stands over the stovetop of his kitchen, sleeves of whatever top he's wearing rolled halfway up his forearms, he listens for something beyond the scratchy song from the vinyl across the living room. He squeezes a few rings of oil into a pan, and pretends to press down on the ignition at the sound of carefully muted tiptoes against wooden floorboards. Hajime is unfazed when a pair of arms slither across his stomach, and cross at his chest, but he smiles at the sensation anyways. Beneath the guise of diffused cinnamon candles, he smells soap and laundry. By how a pair of loose short sleeves slide down your arms to bare your biceps to him, he knows that you're wearing one of his freshly washed t-shirts, and pulling his back closer against your body.
"I'm sweaty, love."
"Good, you know I like it."
If you creep up on Iwaizumi Hajime, clad in slippers and his t-shirt, he can blame nothing but his inhibitions when he abandons the empty pan, and lazily turns to hold you instead. Your arms travel up his back now, hands feeling for every groove around his shoulders, the dip of his spine, the hairs that line his nape. Hajime's fingers reach beneath your shirt for your hip bones, and the record player in the background pops a note. He sinks his palms into the flesh of your waist, pushes you close until he's certain you will melt into him. His thumbs massage the outskirts of your stomach, drawing the scales and arpeggios from the song on the vinyl into your skin, and he begins to sway and step in tandem with the music that fills the room. You press your ear to his chest, synchronise your heartbeats with his own that pulses through your ears and sends your mind into a golden haze. Your feet step from side to side with him, and suddenly, Iwaizumi Hajime is slow dancing in his kitchen with you, instead of having dinner like he initially planned to.
"Missed you all day." He mumbles into the top of your head, lips against your hair.
"I know, missed you too, Hajime." You speak it into his heart through his clothed ribcage.
The song on the record player fizzles out into its next track, one that plays out in piano keys that staccato across rocks in a creek, saxophone that glides like a breeze over the surface of still water, barely causing a ripple, flutes that fly past a waterfront like birds that soar above the earth in bimbling chirps.
Iwaizumi Hajime then decides he wants a little more than just dinner.
His hands push past your waist to your ribs, fingers splaying across the two sides of your back and palms lying flat against the sides of your chest. His vision spins and flips when you sigh against his ribcage, whole body flinching at his sudden advance. He relaxes into your embrace even more, shoulders loosening and hunching into you. He feels your body shift by the way his hands seem to move up with you, and your lips leave their mark on the right side of his neck. You nibble at his skin, and the record player jumps a note again, like a flat stone skipping past the surface of quiet waters. Hajime's throat gives out, a full hum vibrating through his Adam's apple, and your lips curl into a smile against his pulse. He thinks he wants this more than dinner.
You don't realise you are stepping backwards until your heel hits the base of your kitchen island, one of Hajime's hands now settled on the small of your lower back to cushion the impact of the cold countertop. It doesn't matter anymore, really, when Iwaizumi Hajime finally dips down to catch your lips in his own, giving his dinner a first taste. Your eyes flutter close, lashes tickling his cheeks as he sinks himself further into you. Your hands grip the edge of the counter now, steadying yourself so your knees don't give out and collapse beneath you. Hajime kisses slow, but pervasive. He finds every inch of your mouth, swipes his tongue across your bottom lip, swallows your stutters by pushing even harder. Something is off with the track in the background, perhaps the needle is wearing out with how every second note seems to warp and crackle. But you're pressed up against the kitchen counter, Hajime's hands feeling for every inch of your body, so you don't really have half a mind to care about the record player right now.
Strong arms pull you up and onto the countertop, and you part your legs to let Hajime settle between them. You sit taller than he stands here, head angled downwards to meet his own. He is completely at your mercy, and he surrenders his control to you. Your hands grab at the back of his neck, pulling him into you as if he can get any closer than this. Iwaizumi Hajime is content with slow dancing, lingering touches, patient kisses. But he sighs into your mouth. You cut him off by nibbling on his lip. And when he pulls away for air, he thinks you've forced him to want more.
The song fades out into the space of the living room. The water is still again, and the moon invites itself into the scene, painting the notes that still hang in the silence a misty silver.
Your vision soaks in Hajime's expression. His eyes are lidded, half-open, yet something glimmers in his irises that travel across every detail of your face. His cheeks are stained red, the tips of his ears even more so. A glossy sheen of saliva coats the entirety of him mouth, and the skin around it too. You bring a thumb to his mouth, and wipe away at the edges of his lips with the pad of your fingertip. Looking down on Iwaizumi Hajime is not something most have the privilege of doing, and you bask in every second that he stares up at you, as if there is nothing in this lifetime that will be better than the view from below. Your hands hold his face now, fingers running themselves through his hair. He shivers at your touch, dips his head into the crook of your neck. You rub and scratch at his scalp, handfuls of soft hair brushing and pressing against your palms.
"So good to me. Too good."
"Want me to fix up dinner for you, Hajime?"
The record player doesn't make a sound. Night has settled, birds hide away in the branches of trees, the breeze smooths over the surface of the water, rocks and stones sit in the riverbed, unmoving, grounded.
When Iwaizumi Hajime separates his face from your neck, he thinks to himself, one day, I'll put a diamond on that pretty little ring finger. You continue to thread your fingertips through his hair, when he pulls you back for another kiss. This is softer, but you can tell that he is getting hungrier. He moves teasingly slow, almost agonising. His lips are hot against yours, warm breaths from his nose fanning across your cheek, and you don't miss the way his hand slides from your waist to the inside of your thigh. A finger slips beneath the hem of your shorts, pinching and tugging down at the fabric. You wrap your legs around his chest, and he pushes them apart again, holding them in place with his rough palms.
Fuck a dinner, Iwaizumi Hajime wants you instead.
"Gonna take you to the moon tonight, love."
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author's note:
yall iwa is so sexy... i can't help it... i've never felt compelled to write anything overtly physical or suggestive but for iwaizumi hajime 27 athletic trainer i felt many many things... i need him sb and i hope that you do too after reading this because i need people to understand how FERAL i am for this man ;P
anyways tags!!
@catsoupki @akaakeis @staraxiaa @chuuya-brainrot @hiraethwa @4ngelfries @bailey-reeds @fiannee @stars-tonight @wyrcan
ok love u all bye bye muah see u next fic
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quantaart · 2 months ago
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My man btw
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slightlyplant · 6 months ago
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brazil arc did such a number on me 😔
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laelelinae · 8 months ago
HI can i plsplspls request haikyuu characters & how they ask you to be their partner?? w kenma, suna, iwa, & atsumu?
how did they ask you out?
featuring: Kenma,Suna,Iwaizumi & Atsumu! High school and time skip version!!!
Warnings: not rlly proof read,I just wrote this right in the morning when I woke up 😭
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Kenma HS:
Lowkey I feel like Kenma would’ve told Kuroo,then Kuroo snitched on him because he felt like Kenma was a whimp and wouldn’t budge to ask you out.
Here’s how I imagine it💀
So, Kuroo came to classroom in the morning. Asked you can you go to the end of the hallway after school
You thought Kuroo was gonna ask you out GAHAHA
And then after school you went to the end of the hallway as Kuroo said, you spotted him with Kenma?!?
As you went there Kuroo was like “okay so you see ,this boy LIKESSS you. He will be a good boyfriend, trust” 😝
And..you just laughed at it,OF COURSE YOU ACCEPTED IT!
Kenma was redder than tomato that day..
Kenma TS:
I feel like he probably met you on some sort of collaboration in another country yk?
He got quite attached to you after that so when he went back to Japan,he started calling you often (he never got bored of you)
Then this little bitch boy never realized he had feelings ,literally. Honestly he was busy streaming all day but he kept thinking of you and mentioning you in the streams.
Soo..you and him just kept streaming together..till fans started shipping you two CRAZY
Probably told Hinata after that and Hinata was like “owh,you should confess” first time in Kenma life,he took an advice like that.
I feel like he would’ve confessed to you after a long stream with you.
So before you two ended the call,Kenma breathed heavily and looked at you in the camera 😭
“Y/n I like you”
The rest of the night you just had a long conversation with him about this, of course you accepted his confession :)
Suna HS:
Lowkey you were probably NOT a fan boy or girl ,he probably likes a bold and doesn’t mind to stand up for others and themselves type of person
You probably had a “enemies” to lovers with him LMFAO
You were in the same class as him,your actually a pretty good student, good grades ,top, blah blah whatever
He does kinda admired that.
You know how some boys would mess with you when they have a crush on you? THATS HIM!!
Soo he started just looking at you pretty often,instantly looking away when you noticed it.
And …out of the blue he started talking to you. And became your close friend? (Sneaky..)
Then he started messing with you like,stealing your pen(he does give it back later),putting your stuff high in the air till you can’t reach it,say some shit like “shortie” “nerd” honestly just teasing you know?
Okay after a few months of THAT,on some random day. At the school rooftop ,you were eating lunch with him. He just said “Y/n I like you”
And you started dating him😝😝
Suna TS:
I feel like he was getting a morning coffee at some local cafe that had great reviews.
And..you were the cashier there!😝
He prefers fresh coffee more since I feel like he doesn’t like bottled coffee ?
His eyes instantly landed on you 😭🙏
He was like “zamnn..that’s a pretty cashier..lemme 𝓇𝒾𝓏𝓏😍”
So while he came up to you,ordered his drink. He non stopped looking at you.
Day after day..he just kept going to only see you.
And he did some stalking on social media and found your Instagram! And he texted you.
You swore you got a literal heart attack from that like,a literal pro volleyball player just texted you normie?
Then he just asked to like hangout with you since he said “oh I think your pretty cool” LMFAO
Then when you got closer to him,one day when you were about to close the cafe around night time (every other staff was gone)
This man appeared outta nowhere ,runs to you and looks at you panting.
“Y/n,I like you. Can I take you out?” BOLDDDD
And you did accepted it!
Iwaizumi HS:
Lowkey maybe you were Oikawa’s and Iwa’s close friend ,like everyone knew that in the school. You knew Oikawa and Iwa since you were kids ,I guess
Soo he probably had a crush on you in middle school but you were so focused on studies he never tried to budge to ask you out.
So when high school rolled around,your last year. And you three knew you were gonna separate your ways.
Soo on your literal graduation,he felt like it was the day to tell you
You know in Japan boys would confess to the girls they like and give the girl the boys uniform button that’s the most near their heart? HE DID THAT!!
You were honestly so touched by this,you literally hugged him and started crying and everyone near by you guys were like proud parents. ESPECIALLY OIKAWA.
Like you were crying,hugging him. Under the cherry blossom tree LMFAO.
Iwaizumi TS:
(This doesn’t connects with the high school confession one)
Okay so,he probably reunited with you by Oikawa since you were pretty busy with your career and you kinda cut off everyone after graduation?
You only kept in contacts with Oikawa since you knew him the most ykyk?
So after a game,you and Iwa started talking blah blah blah.
Over the months you guys got closer and closer again😝
And thennn one day after he finished training with the gang ,(you were watching them that day)
He asked you to stay behind and his so called gang was peeking through the literal door in the gymnasium LMFAO.
He sat down,you sat down and he spoke.
“Y/n..I liked you since high school..can I be your boyfriend?” HUHUHUHU
And you smiled at him,just saying a simple agreement (boy ,Iwa was literally blushing so badly)
Atsumu HS:
You surely wasn’t his fan girl 😭 idk does bro even like his fans ngl.
He probably was your classmate,he kinda admired you like how Suna did.
He just kept looking at you often,giving you small silly waves and smiles like :D whenever you pass by him (he does this multiple times a day)
Of course it got kinda sus..well his teammates literally knew he probably had a crush on you,and his fan girls was not happy💀
And then..one day,you stayed after schools at the library to study. After that you just packed your bags and go
Atsumu literally skipped training for this 💀
He catches up to you,offering to walk you home. Well of course you accepted without hesitation.
It started off like this, he asked did you like anyone. And you said yes 😳
So he got all whiny like “tell meeeeee” but you refused,asking him does he like anyone and who.
He started making you guess who he liked by giving you details THAT PERFECTLY DESCRIBED YOU.
And you finally made the guess of saying “me?”
And he nodded!
“Okay,can I be your boyfriend now?”
Atsumu TS:
I feel like you were probably helping around Osamu’s small restaurant?
And when Atsumu came for a small visit,eyes literally landed on you instantly.
He lowkey kinda backed up,since he thought you were his brother girlfriend😭
And after you left ,atsumu asked him questions about you and his osamu was like “no she’s not my girlfriend,she’s just helping around”
Atsumu literally flew out of the chair in happiness💀
Soo over the course of weeks,he started talking to you when he visits. He sometimes even brought you stuff.
Okay so one time ,Osamu had something to do. So you took his place to take care of the restaurant that day.
And atsumu knew 😭
When you were gonna close,atsumu came in and he was hiding something behind his hands
Soo he waited for you to finish the rest,after your doneee..
He sat you down..and just boldly spoke
“Can I be your boyfriend y/n,pretty please?”
And you did accept his confession ,BOY Osamu was PROUD!
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iwaoiness · 8 months ago
In the Argentine volleyball team, arriving late for training comes with the Blanco's famous penalty of thirty-three laps around the block, and captain Javier's fifteen-minute reprimand. Oikawa has only been late on rare occasions, yet even his most charming flutter of eyelashes couldn't exempt him from the punishment. He endured it, unfortunately accompanied by the teasing of Matias and Bruno—those two, inexplicably, are the only ones who are punctual alongside the captain.
However, that day, when Oikawa arrives ten minutes late at one of the Olympic Village gymnasiums, almost out of breath, his hair disheveled and still wet from the quickest shower he has had in his thirty years, he doesn't hear Javier's ché, boludo tardón that always starts his reprimands, nor does he hear Blanco loudly instructing Tomás to get ready with the stopwatch and the punishment sheet.
That day, everyone stares at him with wide, blinking eyes. The ball Bruno was holding slips from his grasp, the sound of its bounce being the only thing breaking the sepulchral silence.
Oikawa frowns, tilting his head slightly.
"Hermano," Matias arches an eyebrow with genuine curiosity, though his eyes sparkle with amusement, putting Oikawa on high alert "since when do you play for the Japanese national team?"
This further confuses Tooru, who blinks.
"The hell are you talking about, boludo?"
The libero points to his shirt and Oikawa looks down.
He's not wearing his favorite blue training shirt, but a slightly baggy black one at his shoulders, with the Japanese flag stitched on it at his heart.
And then he remembers this morning. How they woke up late, almost stumbling because neither of the two damn alarms went off. How they rushed to the shower, too small for two tall and strong adults. How Tooru had a fit of giggles when Hajime mistook the cherry lube for his after-shave lotion. How they quickly got dressed in the first things they grabbed, barely glancing at their clothes, before kissing, wishing each other a good day, and running off to their respective teams.
Oh, la concha de la lora.
Oikawa's eyes widen comically, and he ignores the tug on his neck as he quickly raises his head. Feeling the heat boiling on his face, he now meets the playful gazes of his teammates—even Blanco coughs to hide his smile.
"This has a completely logical explanation!" he stammers, glaring at Matias as his devilish grin widens.
"Really? And that logic is tall, dark skinned, and part of Japan's technical team, Toto?"
But when Tooru, his face now completely red, opens his mouth to protest, a solid knocks on the door interrupts.
Everyone turns to look, and Oikawa sees Iwa-chan standing in the doorway, just as embarrassed—if not more so—than him. Instead of his regulation black shirt, he’s wearing Oikawa's blue one, tight around his torso, with the Argentine flag in the center.
"Sorry to interrupt," he apologizes with his accented Spanish. "Can I borrow Tooru for a second?"
"All yours, Hajime!" Bruno chimes in, nudging Tooru forward playfully, sticking his tongue out as the setter glares daggers at him.
"But don't keep him out too long. The penalty waits him" José Blanco requests, widening his smile as Hajime nods firmly before taking Tooru's hand and pulling him outside, ignoring his childish protest.
i love them with my whole heart
u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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tahiti-island-dream · 2 years ago
Reaching Out Pt. 2
Type: Angst/Comfort
Pairing: Iwaizumi x reader
Summary/Request: life is hard, so you reach out to the hq boys
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bectoshi · 8 months ago
iwaizumi hajime, big ol’ nature fan.
i hc him as a pretty outdoorsy guy. he likes hiking and he loves camping.
i just know he’s a loyal patagonia and lululemon customer. reading every single one of their promotional emails and snagging those sale items. 
always suggests hiking as the team’s team bonding activity. always gets rejected by everyone else. (it’s because the last time they all went hiking as a team, he complained that they were all too slow. he got fed up and went ahead of everyone. they got lost, they blamed him).
camping with him would be a dream!!! builds the tent for you, chops up firewood, sets up the hammocks, etc. he says that it’s because you shouldn’t have to lift a finger, but you both know that he does it because he is a CONTROL FREAK! about his camping gear. 
always on the prowl (that phrase is so funny) for good camping spots. his requirements: body of water nearby. that’s all. 
HAS A PADDLEBOARD!!! i definitelyyy see this being a thing. would take you on lake dates where he paddles you around on it while you read!! would also include his dog on it next to u!
he’s such a dog person btw. into big dogs. i'm thinking dobermans, german shepherds, labradors! he’d want a dog that he could take on long walks and runs. 
SPEAKING OF DOGS I KNOW THIS IS OFF TOPIC FROM THE NATURE HCS BUT I CAN’T STOP so as an athletic trainer (����☝️) he would care very much about his dog’s nutrition. researches raw diets and gets high quality things to add to their meals. very dogfather!iwa. 
back to nature. when you go to the beach together and you’re tanning, he’d be digging holes, trying to catch fish, making you play fetch with him, and jumping over waves. guy cannot sit still. eventually you feel bad and let him drag you to the water.
OH and i feel like he would tan so easily?? always outside so it makes sense. always a few shades darker by the end of summer. #needthat.
always finds cool things on his little nature day trips. molted feathers from rare birds, shark teeth, animal footprints, seaglass, you name it. if he’s able to, he brings his treasures home to gift to you like a crow. one day he brings you a rock that perfectly matches your eyes, another day it’s one that matches your hair. 
and lastly, is so good at skipping rocks. gatekeeps his strategy from you (spoiler: there is no strategy, he also doesn't know how he does it).
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zumicho · 8 months ago
← stamped →
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♥︎ .ᐟ.ᐟ 08
© zumicho all rights reserved.
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author’s note: “:P” is tooru coded — wrapping up tmr!
@wyrcan @guitarstringed-scars @mimi3lover @itsdragonius @vivian-555 @blueberrygeniejam @cryptictheseus @azharyy @yuminako @iluvmang @aliensstolemyheart @ilyless @tojirin @mylahrins @gra-eae @reads-stuff-quietly @neeksnicoboytoy @elliott0o0 @nnnyxie @chizunata @girlkissersco @kiyoomis-side @scxrcherr @causenessus @eggyrocks @phoenix-eclipses @walllflowerrrsss @gsyche @acowboykisser @swag-only @serossidechick @le000xxgrd @eclecticeggknightpsychic @garfieldissocool @dazqa @venusianeros @youmake1mistake @thechaosoflonging @r0seandth0rns @empress-pug-pug @iad0ru @hyenagoated @chemiru
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