insanelogically · 1 year
since you've played Gris. are you excited by the new game by the same developers?
Yes of course! There’s not a lot of info out yet about it but Gris was amazing so I’ll definitely pick it up.
The art from the trailer looks just as gorgeous as the first game and I adore the fluidity of the animation that I see now is the style of the studio.
I’m not super invested in the parent-child stories that Neva seems to be about but I have an open mind. I’m curious to play through and see how the story develops.
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tomandgeriatric · 2 years
I don't know how to word this. But let's say you get to make your own little aesthetic piece of nature. Do you make a different type of cloud that snows in summer no matter the weather? Make a fruit that looks like a flower. Just anything you can think of. What would you make?
Hmm I pondered this a bit all weekend. What's coming to mind the most right now is a random warm breeze in the middle of winter. just every once and a while a nice, warm wind will hit in the winter to remind you of the warmth to come. On the flip of that, I think I'd also make some type of rock that when help cools you off completely just by holding it in your hands. good for the summer.
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timelorddarthswagger · 6 months
@jesters-armed replied to your post “Imma day it. Men's fashion socks. We don't even...”:
@timelorddarthswagger Oh, I wasn't aware of that. In Europe Wish is not A Big Thing and I usually buy my stuff made by European artists/crafters because customs/shipping from the U.S. is anathema, so I didn't notice that. I'm aware now, so thanks for the heads-up.
How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping
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rhetoricandlogic · 3 years
I know it's been a min but I got a new theory. I was thinking about how sympathy works. And how kvothe used the tree as a conduit in conjunction with Martin's arrow to try to kill the bandit leader. And it made me think about if Lanrae and his wife had any children. And if that bloodline was alive. But also about the bloodline of the edema rue. And that rattled around my brain about how part of kvothe true name was the broken tree. It could also be because his mother was disowned and his family tree being broken. But also how the edema could be a broken part of the Aden that was broken off. The laethane does not destroy itself but vashet does mention that the banished can be cut away. So what if the edema were cut away from the Aden. Became those travelers. So In terms of using his own bloodline as a conduit. And a part of the song about the lackless "one a son who brings the blood" what if kvothe ends up using himself as a conduit to hurt Lanrae assuming they come from the same family tree. Hope that wasn't too confusing. Word counts make full galaxy brain theories hard.
Alright, like you wrote it’s been a hot min - and as for me, I’m totally out of the circuit concerning KKC, because ... nothing happens ;_;
So, I went to read up the passages you’re referring to and - I can’t make the same connection, but then: I never could - you were always the one to come up with ingenious ideas and theories.
That being said, if sympathy works through your own bloodline, that would be - on another level - but if I go back to your example, you don’t have a direct connection between Kvothe and the tree without Marten’s arrow as a conduit - so what would be the conduit in terms of your Lanre-theory?
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" do not resuscitate* should be tattooed on Ambrose's forehead. and second a cool tattoo idea, at least to me. would be a heart-shaped box and under it should read " in a box no lid or locks" and one I just thought of, cut flowers and above it are a pair of scissors and it reads. “It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die.” or in true inside joke fashion. it's a rose losing petals. with the quote under it.
Ooooooo you have very good ideas, my friend!!! Very creative and I can only imagine how they would appear in actuality!!! 
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newtypezaku · 6 years
‘Sup sky-clad-observer, anima-189, koken25, timelorddarthswagger, and yourlastresort
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kote-the-inn-keeper · 7 years
the fake troupe. the one that kidnapped the girls. they make my blood boil. even when re-reading. and thinking of how friendly they tried to be to kvvothe. ugggh I hate fake people who are really trash.
//HATE 100% that part of the book always upsets me when I read it. Just as bad as when Amrbose ever fuckin shows his nasty ass face in book I just AUTO ANGER //
send me your most hated characters/celebrities and i’ll tell you if i hate them too or not
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Harry: Karrin
Murphy: *shouting from the next room* what!? Harry: you need to see this! Murphy: what, Harry?
Harry: *turns the sc towards her* he’s sooo grumpy
Murphy: *five min after putting Harry in a arm bar* say it.
Harry: I swear on my magic not to annoy you with videos from the internet. and that I won’t print anymore memes.
the Valkyries watching through the webcam in the laptop harry got for Christmas: all betting is now closed. 
Vadderung: did I miss it?! oh, good this is my favorite part.
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ellynneversweet · 3 years
Rules: write the last line from a WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post!
Thanks @aquitainequeen for the tag! From the recently-revived fic best described as ‘Mr Bennet has chronic depression and is a real bastard’:
It is altogether too fragile for common use, and he does not dare keep it in his writing desk for fear of an ink spill.
Tagged if you want to join in:
@aifsaath, @yototothelalafell, @fairy-anon-godmother, @amarguerite, @freetoflythecrimsonsky, @rain-sleet-snow, @lordansketil, @poppaeasabina, @lilithdemonoftheunderworld, @goingforwards, @quillingmesoftly, @13phoenix m, @frecklybisexual, @whiteorangeflower, @hug-me-brutha, @tall-wolf-of-tarth, @lonelygingerpies, @dangerousalone, @marypsue, @lyricallinder, @persephinae, @timelorddarthswagger, @purplecatgarden, @salamandertoast, @nonasuch
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shaekingshitup · 3 years
My niece declared that today was Good Vibes Only sooo here's a list of the good things that happened today:
I woke up to one of my requests being answered!!! 📖
My performance review went well at work. My supervisor said that she listens to my calls and my voice is really calming like ASMR videos so that was dope 😌
I also had a lot of escalated calls that I was able to de-escalate really well ✅
I got a new nickname that I like ☺
I got some jump roping in 👍🏿
My sister sent me a funny video 📹
My vacation time got approved 🙌🏿
Gonna tag some people to keep this going:
@chaneajoyyy @teakturn @ghostfacekill-monger @thadelightfulone @twistedcharismaaa @hybridgirlever @timelorddarthswagger @bellasoulchild @princessstevens @vikkidc if you want to, what was good about your day? :)
Also if you see this and it's a new day, it still applies!
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tomandgeriatric · 2 years
Let's say the future has some wild things planned for humanity as a whole. And maybe the next big tech advancement is an emotional index. That we could have a tangible numerical reading of someone's emotions in regards to how they feel about you.
1. do you think this would help improve relationships or cause more problems?
2. Would you feel offended if someone approached you romantically but wanted to preserve the right of neither of you not sharing your emotional index?
3. Would you aim for an exact match or what would your range be if our scale went from 1-100. Would a C be enough to pass or do they need A's and up and vice versa?
4. What do you think the pros and cons would be in terms of sex when there's a literal e-index on your smart watch?
5. Imagine the trauma this could cause in terms of kids finding out who their parents favorite child is.
What would be your thoughts on this kind of tech or do you think it violates some of your privacy rights?
I'll go down the list and answer these in order. 1.Do you think this would help improve relationships or cause more problems?
I think ultimately it could help, but I could see problems arising too. Like the question below, if someone wants to withhold how they feel to someone who's willing to share, it could cause some tension.
2. Would you feel offended if someone approached you romantically but wanted to preserve the right of neither of you not sharing your emotional index?
I don't think I'd be offended. I might go along with that for a while. i'm not really sure honestly. but i'd not be offended, no, that's your right in a case such as this.
3. Would you aim for an exact match or what would your range be if our scale went from 1-100. Would a C be enough to pass or do they need A's and up and vice versa?
I think an EXACT match might get a little stale after a while, i'm down for there to be differences and SOME tribulations. I'd still want the number to be pretty high though cuz i do still want SOME stuff in common. So I'd say C+ and up i could be cool with.
4. What do you think the pros and cons would be in terms of sex when there's a literal e-index on your smart watch?
I think one of the main pros would be that you know this partner really cares for you and loves you, so that sex is about to be crazy good, sex is just better when you care about the person and know they care too lol. but that's only if they're willing to share that emotional index, otherwise, if it's a mystery, then it's just...regular sex, which is still great don't get me wrong. The only cons i could see to this would be like, if someone was a manipulator and wanted to see the person's index and not share their own? or like, if you could see past lovers like a "history" on the smart watch. that could start fights...lolol
5. Imagine the trauma this could cause in terms of kids finding out who their parents favorite child is.
oh it absolutely could, but i'm assuming that it's optional to share your emotional index right? since that above question says you can NOT share it. so like...don't share your emotional index with your children silly gooses! no one needs to know if mom and dad have a favorite lmao (i'm an only child though so i don't have a lot of stock with this question lol)
I think this tech could be ok? i guess? as long as it remains an optional feature to have, or like, you retain the right to not share it with anyone. but i can see companies who make the tech abuse it for data n' shit. that'd be creepy. if that tech ever does exist i'll definitely NOT be signing up lmao. Don't need an emotional index like that if you're honest about your feelings with people
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On the horns
Kvothe: You're such a fuck-ass!
Chancellor: Please.
Ambrose: What? Did you just call me a "fuck-ass"?
Chancellor: That's enough.
Ambrose: You can go suck a fuck!
Kvothe: Oh, please, tell me, Ambrose, how exactly does one suck a fuck?
Ambrose: You want me to tell you?
Kvothe: Please, tell me.
Chancellor: Stop the both of you!
Kvothe: [Mouthing] I'm all ears!
Elodin: [After period of silence]Question. What's a "fuck-ass"?
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we900 · 4 years
Fitz off his rocker
For @timelorddarthswagger in response to your comment
I thought long who should be the “concerned parent” who would want to keep Fitz from rampaging through the castle - Chade? but let’s be honest, he is a pragmatist (they did need a distraction) and an enabler. 
So perhaps the reader, who doesn’t want to see his favourite character  get tortured, killed and unfairly prosecuted (again).
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kote-the-inn-keeper · 7 years
Thoughts on the ademe gurl who taught young kvothe the two handed break. Break lion I believe.
//Was that Penthe? Ugh, I can’t remember off the top of my head, and it’s bothering me. But all Ademe are 100/10 in my books [including carcerete fucking fight me] and I would love to learn from them and chill the fuck out lmao//
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hey @rhetoricandlogic @timelorddarthswagger
what do you think of the Lackless involvement with the Doors? they clearly have some associations via the song, and the box might have something to do with it. maybe it isn't just musicians fingers that enables Kvothe to feel the marks? maybe it's a namer/Shaper thing, and as he becomes a stronger Shaper it'll be more obvious? I don't have a ton of ideas here, just curious about yalls.
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