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chenelno1 · 2 years ago
Play today. Time with your kids are a gift.
#chenelno1 #timeisagift #playwithyourkids #dontwastemytime #quoteoftheday2023
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be-a-ten · 2 years ago
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Thank you for your time reading this #word #quotes #bea10 #positivity #wordoftheday #timeisthebestgift #timeisagift https://www.instagram.com/p/CoeWSZLLLyy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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celinabarajas · 4 years ago
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There are things money can't buy. There are things you simply cannot hoard. Time is priceless. Kindness is priceless. Love is priceless. Cherish time, kindness and love 💝💝💝 #itsthelittlethings #kindnessisfree #timeisagift #loveispowerful #theloveyougive #loveconquersall #spreadkindness #spreadlove #spreadjoy #timeispriceless #wednesdaywisdom #wisdomwednesday #everydaywisdom #wisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8U2H5BA-U/?igshid=14vfir9njo772
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anujjasani · 4 years ago
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“When you have a time, you really have a time, when you don’t have time you will never have time again” - Anuj Jasani • • • #anujjasani #anujjasaniquote #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset #quoteoftheday #quotes #quotesaboutlife #quotesdaily #motivationalquotes #quotelife #quotegram #inspirationalquotes #spendyourtimewisely #timegame #timeiseverything #timeispriceless #valueyourtime #timeisagift #timeisnow #timeisflying #timesup #itsallover #liveyourlifenow #dosomethingthatmatters #followyourintuition #havepassion #makeithappenmonday #lifeofentrepreneur #onelifeliveit #goodmorningworld 🎶 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIw2YArFTd0/?igshid=1m6zjhay2exdx
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chloemons · 4 years ago
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B DAY...#birthday #howtimeflies #celebrate #life #timeisagift https://www.instagram.com/p/CIh_3QagYi-/?igshid=4fnp8vxs6913
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yashmentor · 5 years ago
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People think that there is a secret 🔑 to success but the truth is that there is no secret ❌ - There are keys and multiple secrets to success, but there is not one thing you just have to do to become "successful".. 😲 - My "Let's call it Secret" is KNOWLEDGE + MENTORSHIP - To reach a goal you basically need the right KNOWLEDGE + DIRECTION !! 💯 - Without it you'll never reach a goal.. 😮 - Once you have the right knowledge you can start working towards your goals, BUT with a mentor you'll reach it way faster !! - ▶️ Who's your mentor comment below?? - - If you don't have a mentor it is a serious problem 😟 !! - If you want to learn from a right person I have a special offer for you please check my bio !! - Hurry up because time is priceless !! ⏰ - - Please don't forget to follow:- 👨‍🦱 - Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 - - Save this amazing photo in your mobile 📲 so that you don't forget the value of time !! - - 📸 Credits to @ecommerce_mentor . . #timeispriceless #timeisup #timeislife #timeisgold #timeisanillusion #timeisrunningout #timeisvaluable #timeiseverything #timeisillmatic #timeisonyourside #timeisoftheessence #thisisyourtime #thisisourtime #timeisagift #timeisshort #timeisrunning #yourtimeisnow #timeistooshort #timeislimited #timeisticking #timeisathief #timeisflyingbytoofast #importanceoftime #timeiscoming #timeisgoingtoofast #godisgreatallthetime #timeisflyin #timeisoutofjoint #timeisthebestgift #digitalyashofficial (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kVuuDHgTU/?igshid=1oumf5aknzgls
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nightscape1026 · 5 years ago
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Time is a gift given to give you given to give you the time you need to have the time of your life . . . #timeisagift #beauty #lights https://www.instagram.com/p/B7w_kl3nVQv/?igshid=tmcso9bgjk0m
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coutureislamicart · 8 years ago
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VIBRANT WATERCOLOUR FLOWERS. "Raise your WORDS not your VOICE. It is RAIN that grows FLOWERS not THUNDER." #Rumi How do you spend your holidays? I have just returned to my abandoned sketchbook after a really long time. #Alhamdulillah. #Quoteoftheday #SchoolHolidays #timeisprecious #timeisagift #preciousmoments #islamicquotes #FreehandPainting #islamicsayings #دعا #rumiquotes #jalaluddinrumi #Watercolour #floral #handpainting #CoutureIslamicArt #coutureislamicartquotes
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joeygalon · 6 years ago
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I had made the commitment to care for my senior aging parents when the time revealed of itself. That was nine years ago when I dropped everything to move back to Las Vegas to care for them all the way to the eventual passing of my Father last year. I didn't know how long I would be there to care for them but looking back I would do it all over again....in a minute given the opportunity. One of the greatest gifts and lessons I've learned while caring for them was the importance & awareness of time. All we have is time and living for each moment, cherishing each moment and more importantly being grateful for everything truly is the biggest gift I've learned and that I have allowed to dictate my life today and in everything that I do. Time is so precious. Love the loved ones in your life. Make wise choices. Time is fleeding so very fast that in a given moment, things change and loved ones and moments and experiences and even opportunities are gone. Gosh if I could have the ability to turn the hands of time back, I'd add more time with my Dad to just at least say to him in person how much I love him. Time is a gift and the most precious commodity of life! ~ Joey Galon *photography by Noel Daganta www.ndpictures.com #valuetime #timeisprecious #cherishtime #dontwastetime #time #thevalueoftime #timeisagift #joeygalon #joeygalonatelier #runway4life #fashiondesigner #keynotespeaker #motivationalspeaker #motivationalquotes #inspiration #lifelessons https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Rl0RwnXE5/?igshid=nnh3klxj3kdp
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 6 years ago
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Loved hanging out with these amazing ladies around the fire 🔥 last night at the end of a lovely Easter 🐣 Sunday Family Dinner. We don’t get to see our North Wales family anywhere near as much as we’d like to; every second together is a precious gift 💝 Must say my favourite convo with Auntie Sam was when my cousin mentioned that when my mum was talking about taking me swimming in a lake she made it sound like she was gonna murder me 😂 so auntie Sam started joking about a Viking funeral 😂! Me bring me, I joined in and said “right, that’s it! I’ve got a meeting with my palliative care team about a new advance directive and funeral plan next month; it’s your fault that I’m gonna give my nurse a nervous breakdown by insisting on a Viking funeral!” 😂😂😂 Love you auntie Sam ❤️ #eastersunday #familydinner #chimneatime #timetogetheriseverything #timeisagift #memymumandmyauntie #thethreewitches😂😂 #ilovemymum #ilovemyauntie #myauntieisbetterthanyours #palliativecarewarrior #palliativecarefamily #wehaveadarksenseofhumor #sorry😂 #vikingfuneralplease (at Llansamlet) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkeTVlFptQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rfxqtl7wpqoi
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influentialmentor · 6 years ago
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Time is the most valuable and scarce resource we have yet so much of us use it poorly.🤔 . How you spend your time determines your life.🕗 #influentialmentor - ✔️ Double tap if you agree - 👉🏻 Follow @influentialmentor for daily motivation & wisdom - #timeisscarce #timeisagift #timequotes #timemanagement #timeisvaluable #useyourtimewisely #quoteoflife #quoteaday https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLedO6nUvO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ku93gqel2xoz
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celinabarajas · 5 years ago
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As time has gone on, I've learned it's all about the company. To quote @chrisrock "A gourmet meal with an asshole is a horrible meal. A hot dog with an interesting person is an amazing meal. It's all about the company." Surround yourself with your favorite people. Life is short. In an instant they can be gone. Time is a gift and we don't know how long we get to keep it, so might as well spend it with your favorite people 🥰❤ #timeisagift #lifeisshort #begrateful #staygrateful #cherisheverymoment https://www.instagram.com/p/CEI0WqTFOwK/?igshid=1eulxtxa4t969
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magek-blessings · 4 years ago
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Better and Better! Today I did my first mile in a very long time. “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” - Robin Sharma This small victory is the first of many to come. Consistency is Key! 🔑 "Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life." - Robin Sharma “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus. #5amclub #powerhour #consistancy #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #changeisgood #timeisagift (at Oahu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQL-IktrPIs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-indigogirl · 4 years ago
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2016 —> 2021 . My heart aches and bursts all at the same time looking at this. . Time is weird. Time goes by so slowly moment to moment but then you blink 6 years has gone by. . I wish I knew how to be present sooner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #growup #glowup #growingup #boymom #thedinosaurplace #time #timeisagift #timeisweird #throwback #inthemoment #awakening #awake #bepresent #presence (at The Dinosaur Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHG0lhHDyC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dpomalescreative · 5 years ago
#allineedistime ..shoutout to @nfrealmusic ... Sometimes you find a song...that embodies your life #wordforword ... But #werise and #tryagain ... Make no mistake #timeisagift ...Never waste it!!!... #timeisagift #dpomlive #harmonicaman #harmonicariffs #findingabetterversionofme #firstruns #ontheradio #musicman #therealme #visionquest (at DPoM LiVe Entertainment Media) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XPQ2bgX31/?igshid=uigbqageus0m
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putripujawati · 7 years ago
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Lesehan itu "saya banget", nuansa alam dan pedesaan juga "saya banget", menikmati setiap spot yang ada ... apalagi! Bentuk rasa syukur saya atas setiap waktu yang saya dapati ... memanfaatkan setiap kesempatan yang datang, karena hari ini adalah waktu yang saya punya ... ⌚do not wasting time, life is too short. . . #time #timeislikeariveryoucannottouchthesamewatertwicebecausetheflowthathaspassedwillneverpassagain #timeisnow #timeislikeariver #timegoestoofast #timemanagement #timewise #timeofourlives #timeisgold #timeisprecious #timeisshort #timeislove #timeislife #timeiseverything #timeisart #timeislimited #timeisagift #timeisfast #timeispriceless #timeistime #timeisyours ⌚ (di Wulan Sari Danau Tunggilis Cileungsi)
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