#time to win the lottery ig
seven-saffodils · 1 year
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just-a-jock · 11 months
Happy late Halloween. I hope you guys enjoy this Halloween special. Aaron miller is my favorite fitness influencer and always want to use him in story’s but always want to save him for something good. I ended up saying fuck it and writing the below. Let me know if you like it!
You would think having a fitness influencer as a college roommate would be like winning the lottery. Being able to see pieces of eye candy almost every day, almost practically shirtless all the time, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. You see Aaron Miller was your typical douchebag straight jock bro behind the camera. Always calling me fag but always saying he’s just joking and I need to toughen up. Of course, you would never catch him like that on camera, always playing like the fun-loving jock goofball. Thankfully he’s leaving tonight to go to some stupid Halloween party at the frat house.
“Yo fag! How do I look” I hear his voice call from the living room
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“Fucking hot right! All the chicks are gonna be all over me begging from some of this Miller cock” he said while smirking and flexing in front of the full-length mirror in the living room
“Yeah I’m sure they will Aaron” I reply while rolling my eyes and begging he would leave soon.
“You know some other frat across campus invited me to their Halloween but I already promised my bro I’m going to Alpha Omegas party. Feel free to accept my invite”
"I think I'm good, I got to finish my term paper but I guess thanks" I replied thinking it weird why he would think I would somehow fit in at a frat party
“Well, bro the invite is in my room and feel free to use last year's costume.. might be a bit big haha. Anyway gotta go before the good Pus gets taken” Aaron said taking one last pic for his IG story and heading out
“Thank god, I can finally work on my paper,” I said heading to my room. I walk by Aaron’s room and notice his door ever so slightly open. I ended up looking in and seeing a paper which I assumed was the invite lying on his messy bed next to what seemed to be the black Spiderman suit he wore last year for Halloween.
“Wow, did he really think I was gonna put that on” I say as I continue to walk further into the room the scent of stale gym clothes and musky axe cologne lingered in the air.
As I get closer to the bed I keep looking back and forth from the costume and the letter. I don’t know why but I ended up grabbing the costume something about it was calling me. The silky satin feeling of the spandex with the scent of stain sweat and beer, most likely from last year's party. “Maybe I should try it on” I whisper under my breath.
I start to undress myself in Aaron’s room until I’m standing in just my briefs. I look around feeling kinda risqué in his room half naked, but something felt right about putting this one. I slowly start to unzip the costume looking into the dark interior. As I started to put on the costume I could immediately tell it was quite a few sizes too big and especially since Aaron had worn it previously certain areas were stretched out more than usual. I slowly start to pull the costume up my body as I get halfway to putting it on something feels wrong
“No no why am I doing this I need to work on my paper” I say snapping out of the hazy confusion but as soon as I try to take off the suit I knew something was wrong
“What the fuck” The rest of the suit starts to climb up my slim body and sticking to any skin it touches. I tried to remove it, but the suit just snapped back almost like a second skin. “STOP” I scream as it continues to travel upwards my body covering all the way up until it reaches my neck. I soon hear the noise of a zipper closing and a cold feeling riding up my back. I immediately reached backwards trying to catch the self-moving zipper before it closed all the way, but I was too late as soon as I grabbed the zipper head I felt it disappear from my hand as the suit started to close up leaving no seam behind.
“What the fuck is this, how does this happen” I continue trying to take off the suit but it just gets tighter and tighter until a moment where I lose control. “What..” my body starts to move slowly by itself it feels like I lost control of anything the suit has encompassed. I start to move towards Aaron’s nightstand, grab the remote to his TV and turn it on. I was immediately blasted with the audio and imagined Aaron almost like he was starting off one of his annoying Instagram videos.
“What is going on PEEEOPLES! Or should I say fag” he said chuckling to himself at the uncreative nickname he has bestowed upon me.
“WHAT THE FUCK AARON WHAT IS THIS” I scream at the tv as my body stands still disobeying my mind.
“ you’re probably going “what the fuck Aaron?” or some shit like that but no bother bro, this is all recorded. No one to help you now haha. You see I was tired of having some fuck ass roommate that I couldn’t share anything with so I looked online and found this powder with some special powers. I sprinkled it on my old costume and all I had to do was wait for the next person to wear it. I knew you would be tempted. I mean who couldn’t” he says as he flexes his bicep.
“So anyways, I got invited to this banger party and said yes but some other frat also invited me to theirs and like fuck I couldn’t be in two places at once. So I thought and figure maybe you’ll like to go but couldn’t have some loser gay fag representing me so I decided you needed a small makeover. That special powder is gonna make you into me and you won’t even remember ever being your faggy little self. So hope you enjoy the party bro and remember the party is not complete till a girl gets bred.” And with that the TV shut off but before I could react something went over my head shutting my eyes
“Fuck fuck get this off of me” I say noticing that it was a mask probably to complete the stupid Spider-Man costume.
Soon the changes started to happen I felt the suit tighten but at the same time expand. It first started with my feet growing to a large size 14. The changes travelled upwards as my calfs and thighs started to expand giving me tree trunks for legs. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fit in any of my pants anymore. Soon I felt a pain in my stomach like I was kicked by a boxer
“UGH FUCK” I say as I fall on my knees. While I couldn’t see anything under the suit I knew abs started to form one by one leaving an impressive six-pack behind. As I looked down I started to see my chest push out. Creating a shelf right under my head. Two massive pecs now jutted out of my body and now I had to make an effort if I wanted to see any part of my body below my pecs.
The change travelled outwards as the suit forced me to do a double bicep pose typical of what I see Aaron do when he’s back from the gym. Soon my biceps and triceps started to expand like crazy. My muscles became sore as they grew to match his arms exactly.
Lastly, the feeling travelled up to my face and I felt the muscles crack inside my skull and the fat draining from my cheeks. I was screaming in agony until the pain suddenly left.
My body Finally fell down to the ground like a puppet dropped by its owner. I slowly get up and start to remove the mask and notice the zipper has reappeared. I zip the costume just until it hits my waist. My body was sweating from the changes and I needed to know what happened.
I knew Aaron had a mirror in his closet and ran to the door to open it. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was seeing…
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An exact copy of him was standing right in the mirror.
“No no, this can’t be… I can’t be him” I say panicking not recognizing my own body in front of me. I tried to figure out what I could do to change back and started to run to my room, but as soon as I reached the door to exit, I came to a sudden halt.
I looked down which was difficult trying to see over these massive pecs and realised I still had the costume on. My eyes widened as my legs started to walk me back to his desk and force me to sit down. I tried to fight back but to no use. I was losing control… soon my arm started to move toward the computer and turning it on
“No wait, stop please” I scream at my unresponsive body but it continued to move on its own.
As the computer turns on a pre-loaded video comes along with it...
“NO NO STOP” I scream realizing it was hypnosis
Clips of Aaron flexing and pictures of his body invade the screen between phrases.
My eyes started to become glued to the screen against my will. I tried to resist but I couldn’t. Soon I noticed my arms moving again. They move downwards and started to push the costume lower until *pop* my cock bounces out.
“No… please let me go,” I say as the arm reaches for my dick and starts to jack it off slowly at first.
Soon the images changed. More of Aaron joking around with his friends, drinking, partying and working out. Videos of him fucking and breeding girls always started to appear. I knew some of them from school
Soon the jacking off started to pick up speed as more and more of the hypnosis and reprogramming started to settle in. My brain was trying to fight a losing battle. I was able to gain a small amount of control to see my cock as I noticed it starting to expand. Slowly it lengthened from its original 5 inches hard …. 6…7….8 until I reached a mighty 9 inches. My hand started to lose grip as the girth also started to grow almost not allowing me to fully encompass the cock with one hand. Next, I felt my balls change they started to lower until they fell into a pouch inside the costume that no doubt used to be where the original Aaron had his. They grew larger as my moans started to overshadow the video. I felt a kick in the balls as I knew my old cum was being eaten by the new alpha cum Aaron produces
“Pls… uhhh… stop this” I say with the last residuals of will I had as my arm continued jacking my new cock until it reached near orgasm
“I don’t”
“Want thi….”
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I cum all over my body and my room as I snap out of the horny daze
“Fuck that was good. Now gotta get to that fucking party before someone takes all the good puss”
I get up from the desk and shuffle over to my closet to grab a used cum towel and wipe myself off.
I grab the costume from my waist and pull it all the way up zipping the costume as well. I smirk in the mirror knowing all the chicks are gonna want some of this Miller cock.
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The original Aaron’s plan worked perfectly. He now had a complete copy of himself running around breeding and partying. He finally had someone he could share everything with, himself! Of course, people asked questions but he just said it was his twin brother.
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nanamishorecumslut · 9 months
The other woman
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description: You and nanami are in an arranged marriage, but he doesn't love you. As for you, you do love him. Love him so much that you let him cheat on you. After some years you are miserable and unhappy, all of this is just hell. But what can you do? You love so much.
warnings: cheating nanami x fem reader!, angst, sadness, broken heart, that bitch from the bakery, bad writing, delusion(maybe), from cuquett to emo, not proofread, lana lyrics, arranged marriage(?) (some are warning some are not okey?)
reader pov
Some people say that finding love is like the lottery. If you get lucky you'll win. And even if you don't win there's going to be a price. That's just how life works, some people win, but at what cost? They find their person, that human that makes them feel like paradise and are overall loved in every way. Sometimes your person belongs to someone else and not you.
I remember like it was yesterday, the day my parents presented me to Nanami Kento. That day our arranged marriage began, flowers, different cake flavors, dresses and so many things only I could ever imagine. Through this process Nanami seems to be interested, excited even, but one day that would all change. I remember how he looked at the girl from the bakery, it was like love at first site. After that day Nanami insisted on going more. I didn't mind because my heart was throbbing with love. Love that has developed in a very short amount of time.
Some time after the wedding Nanami spent less time at home and when he was at home we didn't cross eyes. I later discovered that he was cheating, and the girl? Well it was the girl from the bakery. I was destroyed, heart broken. I love Nanami, but he did not love me. Every song I heard, the flower from the garden, even the strawberry reminded me of him. I can't leave him. I love him so much that it hurts, so what did I do? I never confronted the cheating which I regret.
For years the only thing Nanami ever did was leaving the house with a small good bye, and at night he'll come back just to eat and sleep. I tried making conversation but it was worthless. Our time in bed was as bad. The only time we ever had sex was on our wedding night. That was the only time we ever did such an act, and he made sure to let me know that it was the only time he'll do it. I asked him why and he told me that he didn't want to do it,not with me at least.
At some point Nanami didn't even bother to go home. I was there, lonely, with no one by my side. Maybe loving him was never enough. Today some paper was on my door, it was divorce paper. I knew this day was coming, so why am I so sad, heart broken. All of this hurt me so bad but why did it feel like true love? Nanami was never home so why did I love him so much?
Love can be tricky if you don't know how to love. I hate myself for wasting so many years. Maybe I didn't love Nanami, maybe I just love the fantasy I created in my own head about this marriage. Was I even married? If only I'd known about all of this, possibly my life wouldn't be this miserable.
an: damn this is sad even for me likeeeee. Also I refuse to be aesthetic cuss Im not like other gorls. Okey no I just want some of my humor in my post ya know?. This is my second time writing something and I think Im getting the hang of it (no Im not but ig I'II learn or smth)
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loving-n0t-heyting · 8 months
Big sadpost
I dont feel guilty about not being in the labour force as such. A strong employment ethic is a shameful display of class cuckoldry. And I make my living off of, essentially, gifts—not investment and ownership. And fwiw i think those gifts are sourced about as ethically as i am likely to find anywhere
Its been years and years since ive had a special interest
No, i feel guilty bc ive been given this tremendous gift, years and years free of toil, and spent it on... whzt? Ive done some activism ig, helped some friends in need. But in honesty thsts taken precious little of my time comparatively. Researched and produced intellectually or creatively stimulating work,? I mean, a little, and im proud of it. But much much less than my peers and i did in grad school. Focused on myself and navel gazing self improvement? My deteriorating health speaks to thzt. Hedonistic promiscuity? Ehh for a bit but i mostly finished up with that a few years back. Decadent consoomerism? Not fucking even! I play a couple of video games about as much as their mild-to-moderate fans, i barely can manage even occasionally to bring myself to read crappy comics and watch crappy anime. Blog? I mean, some. But a Serious Blogger or even Social Media Personality or keen observer of the vibesphere i am not. For the most part my time is just... blank. I have nothing to do... and i can't even do that!!
Eta: "oh yr spending the time on socials just browsing" yea prolly but this is treating symptoms, when i deliberately cut socials i just stare at walls and shit. Tumblr scrolling isnt an addiction its filling a void of mindless lazing
And the temptation is to say "yea im disabled" and i mean, yea probably. Not utterly incapacitatingly but when i was working my school basically did in so many words tell me i was clearly mentally disturbed enough to exculpate me for my rank unprofessionalism. But absent employment/schooling the worst triggers for those disturbances are gone, so you would figure it would free up my time. And yet, instead...
I am overwhelmed with both the vastness and worth of my life and this disorienting retrospection where i can clearly see myself having used it for... nothing. Just absolutely fuckall. Like winning the lottery and 3yrs later opening your bank account to see yr balance in the negatives without any recollection of any purchases
And what's even stranger is i have so much less of that suicidal zeal i once did too. As i look over this tenuous and ill spent life i cant summon up any of that fanatical desire to lay it down for The Cause. More than ever i cling greedily to the sughts and sounds and feelings and connections abd capacities of life, my life. It makes no sense!
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danothan · 9 months
dc dreams i’ve had in 2023
- reconnected with an old friend who asked what i’ve been up to lately and i immediately started showing him my (non-existent) flash collection, including but not limited to: flash jacket, flash lunchbox, and a flash figure (i need all of these now.)
- superman/GL crossover comic where clark kept outshining hal and hal was getting mad abt it but then clark gave him a big ol hug and it wasn’t such a big deal anymore
- my therapist made me annotate a batman comic bc they thought i would have a lot in common with him 😭 edit: the dream that diagnosed me w ocd.
- went to an ice creamery with jason who was begrudgingly playing a video game with damian bc dami wouldn’t stop yelling at him to over messages, but by the end of the dream he was proudly showing me his scores
- wally and martian manhunter’s nephew m’hammed were friends and wally was helping m’hammed disguise himself as human and hide in society and it took ages for anyone to pick up that “muhammed” was actually a martian. also wally was a kid but barry was already dead in this version :(
and the rest of em are below cut:
- nightwing/GL crossover comic where dick and hal were cowboys that came with cowboy trading cards
- dc pride parade where multiple alt universe barries showed up, one of them had the nonbinary flag painted on their face
- babysitting damian (twice recurring)
- halbarry making plans in the gc 🙄
- found a comic where hal was an orange lantern
- wonder woman was nimona’s mentor
- yja artemis finally became a character in the comics and they made a figure of her to celebrate!
- halcarol wedding in an airport
- brought my hal and superman plushies with me to go somewhere but i got confused why barry wasn’t with me :(
- tried to buy a christopher reeves’ superman vinyl for my sibling’s bday gift
- barry puppy plushies. 5 of them. woke up to have NONE.
- some terrible stuff was happening idk, i was too busy infodumping abt barry to someone and making sure they wrote it down. archiving history as the world ends ig, that’s my contribution
- found an awful comic called darkseid warside (?? had nothing to do w darkseid) that was beautifully drawn and had sooo many fun characters details (ex: barry won the lottery and named his winning ticket betty, there was also a letter in his handwriting that was perfect for character studying, hal kept sneaking selfies to commemorate his time w carol, ollie and roy were simultaneously trying to figure out how to talk to each other again and it was sad + sweet, etc) but it was so horribly written. so so ooc, basically injustice again but so much more gory, thawne died in the first issue and it wasn’t even bc of the flash, it was superman ripping his body into two and there were intestines splayed out everywhere (in front of the young justice too). it was so awful, but the character details and panelling were so unique, everything i couldve asked for, so i lamented abt having to buy it. the clerk was like “you don’t have to” and i was like “but im gonna 😔”
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bodybeyondstories · 1 year
Growth Notes 2 - Trevor
Fitness influencer Trevor has an ass that just won't quit, and discovers some new passions with his steadily increasing size.
Others in this series: Omar | Sky
MaleTF // growth // ass growth // macro
There are bubble butts. Then there are donks. Then there’s Trevor.
One of Instagram’s most popular fitness models, Trevor was known for indulgent views of his ample derriere, usually in an open air gym where the weather was somehow always perfect. Tens of thousands of interactions would usually follow some creatively recycled yet run of the mill set of workout tips to sculpt your bum into something that may one day come close to resembling his genetic lottery of an ass.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t already familiar with Trevor’s content—or his notable posterior. After all, I’m a victim of the algorithm just like the rest of you. I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little excited behind my solid veneer of professional remove and friendly openness. Although I reserved my office space, restocked the mini-fridge, set out my usual bowls of mints, chocolates, and herbal tea, I had yet to see him stroll through my doors. Trevor was always on the move, so we pretty much exclusively did teletherapy.
I get used to the variety of angles and surprising situations framing his handsome face. The predictable backgrounds of his car or an airport lounge were interspersed with what could have been green rooms or photoshoots or even some sort of mountain retreat. He was living the influencer lifestyle, and it became part of our rapport to see if I could guess his location during our sessions. But only seeing down to his shoulders, it was hard to notice any significant changes, beyond what we would describe to me. Which is why he would point me to his profile as some sort of visual journey through his life, reminding me to “Go backwards, scroll up.”
I had been reassuring him that while running headlong into the doorframe was going to be annoying, he was still very likely to live a mostly normal life. Patients of mine will often worry about becoming one of the more extreme cases. Men who had to remove themselves (or be removed) from society because they had to crawl, not stoop, through the automatic doors at the grocery store, or cause infrastructural damage trying to get to work, or cause a scene simply trying to relieve themselves. But that was very rare, but I decided to humor Trevor following our latest session, pulling up his Insta profile at home on the couch.
So I started from sufficiently far down and scrolled up, filling in his physical absence by tracing his online presence forward through time. And Trevor was tall, yes, and getting perceptibly taller, but the star of the show really was his ass.
Over time, it kept getting bigger and juicier, and as the follower count skyrocketed so did the comment accusations of everything from BBLs to photoshop. Except…he was also getting taller. Like, actually taller, even in videos in which he was working with fellow fitness bros or clients, his 6ft frame looked a lot like 6’4”, then 6’8” in just a few months. In fact, his increased overall mass may have been the only thing allowing him to walk semi-normally with that steadily inflating ass.
But he just brushed it off with his winning smile, got sponsorship deals for lycra, jockstrap, and thong brands, which were the only things you would see him in after a while. I remember in a session around this time he mentioned, “I guess I should have been worried sooner, but the money was good and I was too busy to deal with it. Or see the writing on the walls…” 
In an IG Live, he finally sheepishly admitted that he hadn’t really been able to wear normal pants for months. Even his stretchiest tailored pair had given out.
“And that’s when I realized I had to get tested. My buddy Ryan was worried. There have been a few of these…cases, I guess, at the gym, and in a space like that, it can kind of get out of hand. I guess guys don’t know their own strength, and sometimes would like, damage equipment, or put someone else in danger, or just cause a dress code violation on accident.”
He had blushed here, while telling this story, and on his IG page I finally understood what I long suspected: that the dress code violator was him. At some point he posted sort of a blooper reel of mishaps that occurred while filming his much beloved leg day videos. It was mainly a compilation of Trevor ripping his gym shorts while doing squats, deadlifts, and even more controlled isolation movements. As his ass ballooned out behind him while banging out rep after rep, the seam along the back of his shorts would give up gracefully, exposing his mighty cakes to the gym and eventually, to his online following. As these clips progressed, his expressions of embarrassed shock shifted to an exasperated, knowing laugh. Towards the end, there were pics of him not even in gym gear, but instead out and about in casual chinos or tweed slacks completely blown out the back.
“I wasn’t doing it on purpose,” he told me with a knowing laugh, with an inflection that suggested he’s had to explain this to people multiple times. “It just happens, it’s hard to find pants that fit. But also,” he continued, his eyes drifting upward with a lilt of his head, “the views skyrocketed when I posted that reel. People are into that apparently? I don’t know.”
Turns out the gym was not a fan. It wasn’t the pants splitting per se, but the combination of that with his sudden growth spurt in multiple directions. The data on this is still mainly anecdotal, but there’s something about weightlifting regularly, or maybe certain preworkout or other supplements, that some believe exacerbates the syndrome. Patients with histories of fitness or bodybuilding start putting on extremely dense muscle, gaining disproportionate strength, even with the growth. Bodybuilding and weightlifting associations are still deciding how to handle that particular caveat when it comes to the competition circuit, but that wasn’t really Trevor’s concern.
“My PRs started going up. Like really going up, and it got to the point where it would draw too much attention just loading the plates to get a good pump. I’ve started hiding what I can really do, I don’t want people thinking I’m a freak.”
“That’s a common refrain among men with this condition, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I reassured him.
“Well eventually, Ryan convinced me to get tested just to reassure the gym managers, and of course, it was positive. For a while I didn’t want to go  public with it, I think it weirds a lot of people out. And I just sort of hoped the changes would slow down and I could pass it off as a very late growth spurt.” 
That’s what they always say, I had thought, suppressing a wry smile. 
At some point, he took his height and stats out of his bios across social media platforms, and did less content that would allow for direct comparisons with normal sized people. But he looked…huge. And that ass was nothing short of colossal. His last photo on main was a candid of him standing in the doorway of his always Insta-ready apartment, a shy, surprised, yet practiced smile on his face. Except he wasn’t so much standing in it as bent over, almost crouching through it, his shoulder blades level with the frame and his slightly turned stance implying that his frame likely stretched wider than the doorway itself, the sides of his monster booty visible from the front.
The caption was brief, saying that he had recently been diagnosed with this disorder, and while a lot was still not known about it, he’d be keeping a lower profile but was thankful for all the support from his fans. That was 6 months ago. Since around that time, our sessions have continued per usual, but the backgrounds were less often him jetsetting from his phone and more tuning in real quick from his laptop in his living room. At least now I could see beyond just his face to a pair of massive traps that threatened to overtake his ears whenever he leaned in at his desk, extending to what I could only assume were boulder shoulders just off screen.
“Yeah, I took your whole teletherapy idea,” he told me excitedly at one point. “I’ve been doing at home workout tutorials and private sessions in my garage, which has been working out pretty well. Sometimes I’ll even sleep out there because it’s a little more spacious. I upgraded to a king size bed and my feet would still hang over the edge, but then eventually they would touch the floor again even when lying down. They say the growth might stop soon, but I guess we’re past the whole doorway issue…”
How huge is he now, I wondered incredulously. As he shifted his seating position at his computer, I briefly caught a glimpse of more of him, mainly the wide slabs of pec muscle that suddenly filled the screen, covered by a tank top stretched to its very limit. At one point he had mentioned that he had an adjustable standing desk, which I assumed he was using, but as he adjusted his position, I noticed he was actually crouched in front of his laptop screen as he folded his legs under him, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Sorry, dude. Still figuring this out. My desk is at full height and I kind of outgrew my chair.”
Outgrew? I thought. By how much? I hadn’t gotten a good idea of his developments in a while and didn’t want to pry. Apparently he had stopped seeing the point of keeping up with his ever increasing dimensions, opting instead to wait until the growth finally stopped. And also, if he didn’t know, maybe it wasn’t fully real, or at least he didn’t have to answer people’s perpetual questions.
As if in response, or maybe because he was just used to this, he turned his computer slightly to the left, catching his reflection in what used to be a full length body mirror on the opposite wall. The lean muscle of his massive back, capped on either end by deltoids that may soon be described as literal boulder shoulders, stretched the full length of the desk itself. He simply dwarfed the office setup, creating a comical juxtaposition, increasingly larger than his day to day life could allow. His ribbed tank top narrowed down to a tight waist before ballooning into two perfectly round globes that brought to mind a pair of exercise balls before I fully realized those were the impossibly huge cheeks of his ass. He seemed to be sitting comfortably on the cushion of his gargantuan cakes, each one flexing in turn as he slightly adjusted his position.
“I guess I don’t need a chair,” he said with a chuckle. “This thing’s gotten out of control,” he said, giving the mass of his right cheek a firm, playful slap, “but it has its perks.” 
Stretched across the top of the shelf that his butt had become was an oversized pair of pastel striped bikini briefs that seemed like they were almost an afterthought, having long ago given up any hope of covering any portion of his colossal derriere.
“So…it seems like you’re adjusting well?” I asked.
“Yeah, the virtual training has been great, still have all my old clients. I’ve also been trying out some new stuff with the managers at my old gym. They’ve been hosting ‘private’ trainings, I guess. They have an area set up with oversized equipment and massive weights, which is great because I get to keep training, and in return, there’s this…audience.”
“I mean it’s not far off from what I usually do, or used to do, online. Go through my routine, demonstrate proper form, take questions, engage with fans. I know they’re there for the goods,” he added, turning to the mirror to peek at his monster booty, “but it’s been working for me so far. I’ve been rediscovering my body, I guess. In ways that I didn’t expect.”
Apparently, Trevor had been finding other ways to pursue where this new situation might lead. Last week, an OnlyFans link surreptitiously popped up on his Instagram account. I didn’t think much of it, until he brought it up directly in our session.
“You’ve been a big help in working through these changes, and I want you to check it out. Call it research,” he added with a laugh.
I was reluctant, but he gave me a free subscription, and I thought I might as well. The first video I watched was not set in his garage, or even his gym, but what looked like some sort of high-ceiling loft or warehouse. He was surrounded by weights and equipment which to a normal human would be comically oversized, but seemed custom made for his outlandish size and strength. He was clad in nothing but a pair of bright orange booty shorts, his massive ass still managing to look disproportionately huge in relation to the rest of his hulking frame. He went through his usual routine, greeting the audience with his bright smile. For the most part, it was a slightly campy performance of a workout demonstration, hip thrusts followed by split squats, then lunges back and forth across the room with monstrous 200 pound dumbbells, his cheeks visibly pumped and jiggling uncontrollably.
“A lot of you have been asking for clarification on proper form for deadlifts,” he said to the camera, playing up the fitness influencer character like he was born for it. “So let’s focus on that today.”
With the camera carefully angled to catch his butt cheeks from slightly below, he demonstrated set after set of proper deadlift form, his ass ballooning behind him with each rep and threatening to smother the viewer. As beads of sweat rolled down his back and into the deep valley between his prodigious cakes, the magic moment finally came. His gym shorts gave out under the pressure of his voluminous pump, his unreal bubble butt spilling out of the fabric and sitting proudly in the open air, seemingly defying gravity.
As he turned to the viewer with a light chuckle and that iconic smile, the camera zoomed out to show someone approaching from behind. Except as they got closer, the size difference became surreal. With Trevor slightly bent over, holding onto to either side of the squat rack, his globular cheeks dwarfed the head of this mystery person, who proceeded, with some effort, to hold these massive cakes apart, revealing Trevor’s waiting hole before he nuzzled in to steadily eat him out. Their head seemed to completely disappear in the mass of Trevor’s ass, their arms splayed out to the sides, hands sinking into the underside of his muscular booty, periodically giving a slap that made his entire ass jiggle, eliciting deeper and deeper moans from the star of the show, who could be seen in the mirror dutifully stroking an unwieldy cock.
Coming up for air, covered in sweat and musk, laying their face lightly on one huge cheek, the camera zoomed out further to reveal that they were actually standing up straight. Trevor’s ass was easily six feet off the ground with his gargantuan feet flat on the floor. As the camera panned up, Trevor stood, and stood, and stood, impossibly tall, turning to the viewer with that winning, blissful smile, half his face covered in what looked like a gallon of his own cum.
“Great job, today,” he said with a wink. “See ya next week.”
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sherkirti · 1 year
✨collective reading✨ I CHING + TAROT
Ace of Cups, 10 of Cups & 9 of Wands has appeared multiple times this week for me, and it came out together again as I asked what the collective energies are as we near completion.
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What does this stage represent? Where are we?
The journey has been long and many of us do feel weary, but this is a reminder that yes, it’s TRUE, you made it, and the “other side” you’ve been looking forward to, the one you’ve dreamed of—it’s not a hoax, it’s not some dreamy token of words—it’s HERE.
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But it’s not going to show up like a bouquet of roses or a winning ticket to the lottery. It’s the sprouting bud in the garden you’ve tended.
It’s support, and community, coming to your aid, saying, I’m with you, and I’m here.
Love in all of its forms is budding, and it’s not a fantasy, it’s not a hopeful fancy, but a gracious bloom.
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I’m offering 15min recorded readings for a $22 pledge to my book campaign! 🌟 or simply venmo: @sherkirti [screenshot your pledge and send me a message either via email: [email protected] or IG DM: @theaquarianvision ( www.instagram.com/theaquarianvision )
Speaking of ‘gracious bloom’ my poetry collection of the same title is also available on amazon kindle/ebooks ♥️ ⚡️⚡️⚡️
#poetrycommunityofig #iching#oracle#channeledmessages#channeledmessage#tarotreading#ichingoracle#divination#intuitivereading
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la-hannya · 2 years
people ask at r*ddt why towa and sestuna didnt have dog ears
Well like the info/answers they desire was already given by Sunrise during one of their interviews. I remember seeing it posted. Apparently, since Sesshomaru's human form is very humanoid looking that's why the twins look like they look which is fine and peachy I guess but that doesn't explain their uncle Inuyasha (as Toga/Inu no Taishō has a similar form ofc) looking part dog. But I'm 100% sure it's more cause they're Pedosawa's OC DONUT STEEL and ofc, they don't have to just look GOOD, but they gotta win the genetic lottery which gave them powers that even their father and grandparents did not posses or even showed along being able to control their demon state much faster when Inuyasha had such a hard time with that, needing his sword or Kagome's spiritual powers to have some control. But to be factually blunt... This was actually mentioned in the original series by Jineji's mother when she commented that Inuyasha was one of the prettier half demons. Like Yokai (ofc in part humans) half demons can come in all shapes, yōkai of the Daiyōkai hierarchy/category in particular tend to have more mastery of transformation, which is why most of them showed up in these good looking human forms more in the series except in some cases like Ryukotsusei, the Panther/Leopard cat King or Taigokumaru, who seemingly preferred their beast appearance, sticking to look how they really are. Or even born looking in-between (exhibit A. Shippo). Same for half demons. You get the picture. Also, it was shown that human looking yokai can totally reproduce with yokai of more monstrous appearances as Hiten and Manten's pops liked their mom just the way she looked. Still following?
So the thing is, like I said in the case of twins they ain't got the puppy ears because that's how they wanted it, more than the already established lore.
It's not that deep for people to go to reddit in my opinion. Ig? Like if people want the dog ears you can put it on them. Or a tail. If they're THAT unsatisfied with how they look.
Anywho, Hny is what if anyway.
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
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these were notes on my journal till yesterday but the news that we're getting the nectar-making skill with horses i figured i'd have some fun with it yet still be loud with my opinions, so i'll reblog with updates from time to time - im reposting with the original slot texts bc i was unhappy with my sleepless decision making 👍👍 | details under the cut if u wanna know but i'm a bit of a hater fyi |
longer seasons - i don't think this will happen, if miracle mods show up i might stamp them on in a different color but from what i've found it's pretty ingrained in the game that 28 days is the longest and if modders we're going to crack it they might've done it already but when im playing on pretty long life spans i just 💔💔 50+ days seasons would be the dream, but i'd be happy with 45 👀 10 outfits per category - same as before ig, this is probably super niche but i'm not satisfied and i hate having to get into cas to change it up so much bc in my head they have a closet each and i want to mix and match pieces in a realistic way 👚 pack refreshes - tbf, they did set up an expectation for that one which for the looks of it they are done with it; there's so much to fix, dine out in general, mermaids deserve some love in comparison to the other occults, updates to the bodies of water (going in the water in windenburg would be legendary), hu just bug fixes and compatiblity here and there would be nice (more hiking ? power walks in more places? its so weird how they are restricted to ONE place) now by world refreshes - i mean that in my dreams they go back and expand the maps they give us 🗺️🗺️ im greedy and want 2 neighbourhoods for my vampires & spellcasters, a lil more space in moonwood mill, granite falls & del sol valley too why not not gonna happen so i can say wtv an extra space in mt komorebi with apartments and since we're at it in san sequoia too; will def not happen working gallery - ig that might be coming too ?? idk my gallery sucks at times like it wont find any results when there are ?? and i know there are bc if i restrict more it might come up with something?? also just wanted better mechanism for the searches, i never had issues with disturbing content showing up tho so idk i heard some simmers weren't so lucky
bigger households - having to control or monitor 8 human/humanish sims is challeging enough but because pets, because having to fake apartments, because reasons; i use mccc but this workaround brings issues in cas so yea, wishlist ✔️ snakes // lizards - this would've been appropriate to launch with horses imo and i'd love if there had been interaction/compatibility from snakes in the wild and those taller friends & other small pets - small pet options in ts4 are non existent, sorry, birds only exist in that one tree (they are probably happy about not being captive actually), bunnies are also wild (personally im fine with it but i know that its a popular pet so i'd love if it was an option), reptiles don't exist (yet) and rodents are exclusive to the slap-in-the-face-of-this-community pack... 🐁🐇🐢🦎🐍🐦🐜 faeries or other fae kin - i feel like they've hinted at it for quite a while and we've seen it show up in quizzes too?? 🧚‍♀️ so i'm hopeful for this one and hope they are just trying to make sure they properly deliver on it bc there's a lot of fantasy enthusiasts and they deserve it & woodland creatures - personally would love it if the fae pack came with woodsy world and the addition of woodland creatures at least the spiritual kind (like unicorns or a white doe which they possibly alluded to with puzzles - it made me real giddy) bonus points if it has some outdoor retreat compatibility
owning more lots - after winning the lottery or keeping up with a family for generations, sims can accumulate quite a lot of money, there's not a lot of expenses in the life of a sim tbh, travelling only costs one loading screen, gardeing makes you rich and thats ok ig but being able to own a holiday house would be welcomed, not just a business 🏘️ nectar making - when tartosa came but no nectar making i was a bit let down, imagine making or acquiring a special batch for your wedding?? it would've been lovely and appropriate for a wedding pack but ... yeah anyway it comes with the horse pack for some reason so at least it's coming, and only 3 years after juice fizzing 🥂 bands and more instruments - another thing they've hinted at in polls and i kinda wished it to come with HSY yet was not surprised it didn't; that being said we need drums and other instruments like bass and/or contrabass, just more than what we have if we're to have bands plz skating and/or surfing - these two are very different and honestly idk how the latter one would work, i just think they are popular sports we could have; at least skate boards should be easy enough to implement and a cute way for sims to drift around their closed off worlds so i have more hope for that one 🏄
hotels - even if they've been around the franchise and ts4 seems to draw all it's ideas from previous iterations i'm not confident they haven't just been replaced by rental properties but it's not the same, i'd like to be able to meet other guests vacationing on the property without having to engineer everything about it, ordering meals at hotel services and running/owning a hotel also; retirement homes - ELDER SIM LOVE IN GENERAL (canes, health issues, idk im not that old yet ..hum wills & testiments, special interactions) i feel growing together really fucked up on that one but i was not surprised bc it's ts4 and we rely on crumbs mods here and thats why some players stop buying dlc 👵☕👴 the townie refreshes - just pay some fans to do it at this point bc it's taking so long; most of them don't need to be redesigned anyway, just add hot and cold weather outfits, preferences and maybe a sneaky extra trait or lifestyle they could have developed and voilá, finish that chapter disabilities - i don't want it in the form of traits and thing it's rotten to make people to pay for it BUT i'd love to see some disability representation in this game, physical, cognitive and what not. i understand at this point it might be hard to introduce but i think it be really important to have this in the sims and ts4 is about time funerals & cemeteries - death is a part of life, this is a life sim... thats it basically, i want it, i miss it in comparison to previous games, i fake it with parks and inviting guests over, but we shouldn't have to tho seems pretty basic stuff
more and better apartments - i would like it if we saw more conjoined builds, more apartment builds, both with few floors and plenty, the option to have sims living in different floors of the same building and even having business or community lots in builds that are divided into multiple lots - ambitious ik - bonus points if they update apartments in a way you can own one or more and rent them out - i don't want to play as a landlord, i swear - i just want my sims to be allowed do simbnb while they go for a weekend in the city (which ig u cant bc of the current system/coding idk) or bringing them to more existing worlds but bc of the obstacles to that i have 0 hopes well-crafted worldly words - i see a lot of americancentric choices being made when creating the worlds, it's unrealistic for a global player base and hum.. a life sim and whenever they drop interesting worlds they are always so frigging small you have to sacrifice making a lively town, with people and businesses, if you want you're sim to live in certain environments (or use multibuilds, which is fine ig but it bothers me a bit) and they fail to utilize the common spaces of the neighbourhoods in ways simmers would love to, to bring some life into these worlds; 🌍 the worldly part of it... i am yet to see african like climates and cultures represented, asia is so wide & full of diversity and we get one japan inspired world so far, south america if confined to a destination world if you don't have mods ig (maybe it's changed by now im not sure) and europe while being represented in 3 packs so far - and one of them being the best in terms of lots per world we've had so far - 2 of them have few lots and its all very niche, so in a way i don't need to be able to point to the actual cities that inspired those worlds, it's not my priority just something that crowded and lively that draws from wider range of cultures and that mre people could recognize as close to their experience would be nice 🌏 also more islands maybe im a sulani simp new jobs & careers - i love GTW, it was the first pack i got and sure it deserved a refresh by now and i would welcome it, especially if it meant more careers, i really liked that gameplay feature; that being said i feel like we deserve more job options OR branches. y no dentist ??? i cant think of ideas right now but while playing the game and setting up townies or sims i feel limited a lot trans content fixes - yea i avoid using the in-game system for trans rep (i headcanon a lot and cheat stuff basically) bc its just not the best in general (clothes fit weird, there's no changes in the frame through time as there would be with hormonal treatments - which there arent in the game so makes sense), not in comparison bc i dont know other games to compare it to just real life ig but im not even that informed tbh; i am happy they didnt create a life sim where trans people are erased and don't want them to be discouraged to stop investing in this at all so i try not to mention it but fix the binder at least & here's a tumblr post that helps me a bit something that surprises me - /pos !! because... they don't... a lot of what we see seems to me like repeating the content ideas from older games but spreading it out to make as much dlc as possible; i had a lot of more wow reveal moments with ts2 & ts3 i feel like but cant truly be sure bc brain is mush
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
Ok first let me respond to our convo LOL
Omg Mira truly soccer coded guys…1) hope you guys manage to stay cool! 2) NOOOOOO your unintentional rizz is actually too strong…props to that dude who helped you though omg!! Hope you guys are all okay though and that this doesn’t happen again that’s actually the worst…
Ok commentary
MIRA YOU ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS!!! Omg bfb Karasu edition was SO!! GOOD!!!!
Ok first of all jaw to the floor. No. Jaw through the floor THE WC??? You weren’t kidding about that but I feel like I just got surprised with like winning the lottery oh my god (smh tumblr for making you split it into two..) Ok I was ballparking 33k as the final THIS IS INSANE
I laughed though I read part two first and I was like “oh ok maybe there’s a flashback part?? We’re diving right into the college scene”. . . ……………….anyways
Ok but BABY SNOTTY KARASU >>>>>> awww the way that he’s just a cute little sibling who likes tagging along with his sister is so adorable….the first part where he started crying after playing trains and immediately stopped when his mom suggested watching tv is so funny LMAO
Also SHSGSHS THE “drowning” SCENE LMFAOOO ok that was so wholesome though…like y/n saving him the embarrassment from yayoi and furthering their trust in each other (??)…so good….
I saw that sneaky foreshadow where yayois like “stfu bro I’m gonna date a model” then I was like oh here we go Yukimiya incoming LMAOO for once no suffering for him though!!! Breaking the vicious cycle LOL
Ok but I LOVE the way that the whole kinda premise of the story relies on how y/n isn’t able to distinguish between romantic and familial/platonic love as an only child….like omg…maybe I’m just a sucker for tropes where characters haven’t fully developed a concrete/full understanding of the intricacies of love??? Kinda like bfb Otoya but in a different way!
Ok and I love the reasoning for the hair wax…like Karasu’s hair is just so untamable that they have to use heavy duty wax to keep it in place (this lowk reminded me of artistic swimmers and how they use like gelatin to full on encase their hair LOL)
Also just comparing the two I love the way that yayoi and seiko express their thoughts about y/n and their respective brothers differently? Where yayoi was like oh yeah we all kinda knew and expected it it’s whatever and where seiko is almost slightly in denial-ish and although ends up figuring out the signs is still like “you better not make her cry bitch” to Otoya LOL ofc the story context and circumstances kinda set that up but I enjoyed the different avenues!
DRUNK Y/N LMAOOOOOOOO omg that was lowk funny like atp I thought she was just gonna full on confess but plot twist there’s more!! Oblivious y/n still has yet to fully grasp her feelings……
Honestly there’s probably so much more I could say but either way THIS WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT!!! Truly feeding Karasu nation a year’s worth of content this was amazing…..IN MIRA WE TRUST o7 can’t wait to see what you put out next!! But also take it easy this was huge LMAO Omw to go reread that masterpiece
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO i was born to be into bllk fr 🤩 and yes we have been doing our best!! it’s a struggle at times but not entirely impossible 😰 BRO IT WAS SO SCARY i was lowkey frightened asf but it all worked out for the best!! thankfully the other guy was there and said smth because i was lost…ig if he hadn’t been there i would’ve eventually thought to text my dad or brother to come from their seats to help me but lowkey the thought did not cross my mind in the moment 😭 hoping it doesn’t happen again fr though!!
COMMENTARY TIME LET’S GO!! YAYYYY I’M SO GLAD IT LIVED UP TO EXPECTATIONS 😋 and i told you the final word count was going to be insane ghdkdjsjs throwback to when i thought it was going to be less than 10k words…i cannot believe it ended up at over 40k LMAOOO like that is literally unreal to me 😟 what karasu does to a mf 😓
LMAO i hope you didn’t get too far into part two before realizing because part two is def better with the context of part one 😩 like i said in another ask i wish tumblr would’ve let me keep it as one part (that’s how it is on ao3) but oh well 🙁 hopefully most people don’t get confused and read part one first HAHAH
BABY KARASU WAS SO FUN TO WRITE TBH him with his little trains and his book about bugs and his blue raincoat with mittens UGHHHHH he’s so cute 🥹🥹🥹 and you know he was so round and squishy the entire time too omg i literally want to eat him
you know i had to include it 🤩 but i decided to make it a display of their bond (which as we know is very different than the one he has w yayoi) instead of anything too crazy…also slight foreshadowing because y/n mentions she won’t ever let him go and as we find out in the future she truly is incapable of that!!
YUKIMIYA IS FINALLY FREED FROM THE VILLAIN ALLEGATIONS!! HAHA i was giggling adding that little line in there 🤭 like yup you already know yayoyuki is CANON (to me) i had to foreshadow just a tad…to be honest they feel like they would be a very cute couple because yuki is so patient and kind versus yayoi is very sassy but also mature in a way?? they give very “he asked for no pickles 😐” energy HFSJSSK idk if that makes sense 😭
OKAY I’M GLAD THAT DIDN’T FEEL FORCED OR CONTRIVED OR ANYTHING i rlly wanted to show how she is just as badly in love with him as he is with her but she just doesn’t get it?? like girl…this is not normal friendly behavior…plus her dating the one guy from her high school threw another wrench in things because she liked him but LOVED karasu so she got the two things confused i guess?? I DON’T KNOW yayoi explained it better in the fic 😭 but it made sense to me considering how long y/n has known karasu…like yeah when you’re six years old you’re not in love with anyone but even back then she always gravitated towards him and i feel like it was almost inevitable in a way that they’d fall in love because of just how close they always were
NFJDNDSK i’m imagining karasu to have like a version of nagi’s hair but a little straighter and it sticks up a bit more?? so that’s why he has to use the wax because he literally just looks like an idiot without it 😰 plus i thought messy haired baby karasu fit so well with how he acted!! so now in my mind that’s the real reason for his crazy style 🥱 like if you’re going to put wax in it might as well do smth fun yk
i think that because of the length of karasu’s version we also really get to see yayoi’s friendship with y/n a ton!! especially because most of the scenes between karasu and y/n also include yayoi it’s very explicit how close the two are and how much they care abt each other 🥹 seiko on the other hand wasn’t as present in the otoya version because it just didn’t make sense for her to be there ig?? and also otoya and y/n’s relationship was much more lighthearted and resolved much faster compared to karasu and y/n’s…like a quick “fix yourself and we’re good” versus sixteen years of pining 😓 i wanted seiko and yayoi to feel like different characters especially considering one is a younger sister and one is older hence their diff reactions to the eventual relationship (plus yayoi is like 22 and seiko is 16 when the reader gets with their respective brothers so that definitely contributed) ☝🏻 also to be fair seiko has watched eita cheat on a bunch of girls and be bad at relationships whereas yayoi has seen tabito only ever be in love w y/n his entire life (and same for y/n honestly because lbr she was NO BETTER) so she no matter how much she bullies him she knows he’ll take things seriously and is probably the only person that’ll treat y/n as well as she deserves 🤩 but yes long story short i didn’t want to just have a “default sister best friend character” i wanted them each to feel unique and at least a little developed in their own ways even though they don’t even have NAMES in canon let alone personalities or anything like that 😔
DRUNK Y/N HAD ME LAUGHINGGGG poor karasu is such a saint for getting up in the middle of the night to carry her back to her apartment, give her water and food, wash her face and do her skincare, and then GET KICKED OUT AFTERWARDS 😭😭😭😭😭 i think her kissing him back at first was her confessing in a way but until yayoi talked some sense into her she just didn’t realize and thought she was a terrible person for taking advantage of “little baby tabito” like that (meanwhile he is a fully grown man who kissed her first)
YESSSS SO GLAD TO PROVIDE FOR KARASU NATION LIKE ALWAYS 🫡 i have two reqs for him that aren’t yours so more karasu content is on the horizon…however up next are my last two requests from my milestone event which are both for hiori!! so a little break from tabito 😲 i need to like reread white butterfly or smth to get into that mindset again 😭 but yes i have no idea when those will be out and they def will be on the shorter side because WHEW bfb took it out of me!! although i have the entire plane ride back home coming up so it’s very likely i’ll get bored and start working on it soon enough anyways 😨 the mira posting drought is hopefully over though!! i bet ppl thought i was on hiatus because of how long bfb karasu version took to finish and post 😓💔
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hav-vok · 10 months
for the first time in a very long time I thought about hurting myself, and not just punching my thighs but actually tiger stripes. and where on my body I could hide that.
so here it is, merry Christmas, there's a mental health slide as your stocking filler
I thought about entering one of those 'win a house' lotteries, before I remembered my card is frozen right now. my IG posts are not getting any reach. I'm stuck forever. it's not even like there's a precipice, and I just need to have faith and jump, because there's nothing to jump into. it's a bus stop in the desert, looking down the long empty road, holding out my thumb anyway.
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chososhairbuns · 1 year
Anon opinion: really like your posts but mildly terrified of sending asks or interacting in an non-anon way out of fear of being blocked :')
alskdjflasd hey man listen i'll let you in on a couple of secrets. the first one is that, with the exception of the obvious garbage easily accessible on the internet, i generally take things in good faith, and if you're reasonable then i'll be reasonable back. if i ever come across as genuinely stuck-up or irritable well that's mainly because tone is hard to convey through words on a screen (and probably because i tend to post more about whatever stupid shit is happening to me and never about.... idk me winning the lottery ig lmao).
the second secret is that i struggle with this exact same issue. i have this thing where i question myself on a daily basis and fear judgment from every single person who has their eyes on this blog, regardless of how severe/petty their reasons would be (and if they're petty my brain will still find a way to turn it into some moral failing on my behalf). this is NOT something exclusive to strangers because every time i interact with mutuals i'm scared i'm saying something annoying or wrong and it'll be the final nail in the coffin that gets my ass blocked. i don't talk about this all that much because it's ultimately my personal problem to deal with and i can only whine about it so many times before it gets annoying for myself and others. i may come across like i'm perfectly self-assured but trust me i am anything but and if you psychoanalyzed me i think you'd discover that i'm faking it till i'm making it.
anyway lol i had a point in there somewhere. what i'm trying to say is that i'm just a person on the internet and chances are i'm more approachable than you think! and honestly? i'm assuming you have a good idea of the things i'm not cool with considering how vocal i am about them so if you're still around after all that then you have a more likely chance of passing the vibe check
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jentlemahae · 1 year
I do agree with your sentiment on fancalls. I too am shy and awkward already irl so imagine having your bias on the other side of the screen? I would just freeze and the fancall would be over before I even registered the fact that I was on a fancall with my bias. Also, I hate small talk and I have no topic I'd like to tell them about. I rather just write encouraging messages/send little hearts on their ig page like "I really like your music" or "the mv for this song was pretty" or other stuff like that than embarrass myself in front of said bias. Anyway some fans are ready to do a lot of things just so their bias remembers them and, I'm not gonna lie, I've already cringed at some video compilations of said fancalls... I think fancalls should be banned. Or just make them a less recurring thing?
yeahhhh like i would be so embarrassed the entire time even without doing anything, bcs the situation would just feel so embarrassing to me ? plus fancalls are only 2-3 minutes so it’s not even enough time to discuss anything real ? and besides, i find the concepts of paid meet-and-greets/fancalls/fansigns a liiiiiiiittle weird and treat the idol kind of like a commodity (fancalls/fansigns use the lottery system but the more u buy the more chances u have of winning so it’s still for pay)
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beaniepanini · 2 years
022823 18:45
today, i thought i was lucky. i woke up with no pain in my legs. i got out of the house at the right time and arrived at school with just enough time to review before our quiz bee. i got to eat breakfast and do my make-up before leaving the house. i found 20 pesos. our group got 1st place at the quiz bee. we had fast food for lunch and i got the number 2727. my favorite number twice. so i thought to myself "maybe im lucky today." i tried a scratch card, didn't win. but it costed 20 pesos so i didnt rlly waste any money. going home was a breeze too. i never rlly won in any lottery games so it didnt bother me much
ig my luck ran out easily because after taking a nap when i got home my leg started flaring up. its not as bad as before, but any kind of pain tends to frustrate me now. my girlfriend still isn't talking to me, i think they hate me and that theyre tired of me, but i know theyre just thinking of the right words to say so they wont upset me. they're kind that way. i always hated silent treatment, and i was never really the type to listen to my own assurance anyways.
I'll try not to be so hard on myself. my therapist always reminded me i need to be more kind to myself because it's what matters the most. no use being kind to everyone else if im only going to beat myself up over things i have no control over. i think i am bipolar.
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thor-ohdamnsonn · 2 years
tag game!!! thanks @smowkie 🥹
are you named after anyone?
when was the last time you cried?
uhhh idr exactly. i tend to cry easy when it comes to movies and stuff but i feel like i haven’t watched anything recently that opens the floodgates. i’m probably due for a good cry soon
do you have kids?
no and i do not plan on having any
do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah probably
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhhh idk whatever stands out for that particular person ig
what’s your eye color?
like olive green
scary movies or happy endings?
i mean i’ll watch both, but i guess i prefer happy endings. most scary movies don’t really do much for me
any special talents?
not that i can think of lol
where were you born?
california born and raised baby!!!
what are your hobbies?
i’m pretty boring. if i’m not at work i’m usually on my phone at home, reading fic or on tumblr or playing apps. or i’m watching law n order svu lol
do you have any pets?
me personally, no. but my roommates have 4 cats and a dog, and one of the cats imprinted on me or something lol
what sports do you play/have you played?
briefly soccer. practiced tae kwon-do for 10 years
how tall are you?
favorite subject(s) in school?
i was always great at english. history is alright sometimes
dream job?
winning the lottery lol
whoever wants to do it feel free!
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theonemyleejongsuk · 2 years
Mind Mark IG Update
This is a preview event for those who waited for <#Decibel>.
If you regram the post and leave a comment,
We invite you to the #decibel preview by lottery.
(If you follow Mindmark's official Facebook & Instagram, you will have a higher chance of winning.)
☑Participation period: ~11/03 (Thu)
☑Event prize: <Decibel> premiere ticket (2 seats per person)
☑Preview schedule: 11/07 (Monday) 7:00 PM
☑ Premiere Place: CGV Yongsan I-Park Mall
☑ Announcement of winners: Individual DM announcement
*This event is only held on Mindmark's official Instagram and Facebook.
*Event raffle will be held only for comments on open accounts.
*The start time of the movie may vary depending on the circumstances of the theater and film company on the day of the premiere.
#Decibel released on November 16th
Reposted @mindmark.official
02 Nov 2022
Thank you for sharing🙏
Please follow👇
@jongsuk0206 (IG)
My #LeeJongSuk is life.
#이종석 #李鍾碩 #李钟硕
#อีจงซอก #イジョンソク
#Decibel #BigMouth
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