#time to go inactive another 5 months
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The Filler Fics Pt.1
Beach Day Pt.1- Travel
Part 2
TW: Canon divergence, military inaccuracies, mentions of injuries/hospitals Inspired by @shyravenns art Summary: This is the first of many sitcom-style filler fics. Yk, the ones where they go to the beach, or go to the store, etc, etc. I am open to suggestions, as I don't really watch sitcoms, so please comment or request or DM me ideas!! This one is, of course, a beach-day fic that I have spilt into 2 parts. this is the getting there portions, pt.2 will be the beach :) WC:1080
It had been a long few months. The threat of global annihilation, the hunt for Makarov, Soap getting shot, it was just a lot, and they all needed a break.
Price had watched Gaz and Ghost spend night after sleepless night at Soap’s bedside, refusing to do anything until the Scotsman woke up. And he had been right there with them, although Ghost wouldn’t talk to him, the Lt. still pissed that Price’s actions, or rather inactions, may have gotten Soap killed. Price couldn't blame him. It’s not like he hadn’t been fixated on that one moment, mentally berating himself for stopping Soap from killing Makarov in the first place. He would have gotten in a shit-load of trouble for it, but anything would have been better than…well, he didn’t even want to think it.
The team couldn’t take another loss so soon after Roach’s death. Price knew that. Knew that if Soap didn’t make it his team would fall apart. And it would be his fault. 
Thankfully, Soap was alright. He’d woken up a little disoriented, with no recollection of the week leading up to his…head wound. Other than some faint ringing in his ear and occasionally bouts of dizziness, he was alright, much to the relief of his squad members. However tensions were still running high. Just because the Scotsman was awake and talking didn’t mean the very real fear that his friends had felt over the past few weeks had vanished.  
There were nights Price found himself studying Soap, watching the rise and fall of his chest proving he was alive. He’d seen Ghost reach up from his bunk and grab the Scot’s wrist, checking for a pulse after waking from what Price assumed was a nightmare. Things got a little better once Soap didn’t have to wear gauze over the wound anymore, but the scar was still an ugly reminder of what had almost happened.  
Soap was constantly mother-henned now, not allowed to do training, having meals brought to him, never going anywhere by himself. It was starting to piss him off, and Price could see it. Tensions were running high, and it was only a matter of time before someone snapped. 
“Give the boys some time off, time away from the battlefield. Time to recuperate and settle back in. They’ll be okay.” Laswell told him at their bi-weekly meeting they hadn’t had in 3 months. Price booked 4 flights and a week-long stay at a beach-house off the Coast of California that same night.
However, the flight left in 5 hours and he still hadn’t told his men. He moves through the base, heading towards the rec room that he knew they hang out at, hoping they are all in one spot. 
Aaaaand bingo!
 Ghost is sprawled out on the couch, Soap sitting on the floor, leaning against his thigh, with Gaz in the armchair opposite, watching some stupid show on the little TV they have. Price can’t help but stare at the long, inch wide streak where Soap’s hair hadn’t quite grown back, a grim reminder of how close he came to losing one of his men. His eyes are drawn from Soap's skull by Gaz’s laughter, the man's head tilted back, shoulders shaking at something that was said on the T.V. 
The show cuts to commercial, and Price figures it’s as good a time as any to cut in. 
“Alright boys, pack your bags. We’re going stateside.” All three of them look up at Price in varying degrees of confusion, “Laswell decided after Soap's near-death experience we all needed a little R&R, so we’re heading to the beach.” 
“Ah’ll finally get tae see that ‘impeccable bronze’, eh Lt?” Soap nudges Ghost, a grin splitting his face.
“We’ll see Johnny.” 
“The beach, captain?” 
“Yes Gaz, the beach. You got complaints, go talk to Laswell.” 
“Hey, no complaints here sir! Just makin’ sure.”
“Good. Because we leave in an hour so you don’t have time to complain anyway.” 
“An hour??”
“No time f’r y’r beauty regime, Gaz.” 
“Ah shaddup, just cause you’re jel-”
“Boys! Get to going!” 
“Aye sir!” Price shakes his head as he watches them file out, Gaz and Ghost subconsciously sandwiching Soap in between them. The Scot shoves Gaz, his shoulders shaking as the shorter man lets out an angry squawk.  Things have been tense, sure, but he can’t help his smile as his boys walk off, alive and well. 
Ghost hates flying. Well, sort of. Military transport ain’t bad in his opinion, but when he has to fly commercial? With civilians? And screaming babies? He hates it. Hates it hates it hates it. 
He's dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, a black surgical mask adorning his face. HE may have gotten comfortable with his team seeing his face, but the rest of the pubic had not lived through numerous near death experiences alongside him, and thus did not get that honor. Covid had at least helped with the stares, nowadays no one really batted an eyes at him, which did, surprisingly, ease his discomfort.
He shifts in line, sandwiched between Gaz and Soap as they wait to board. Soap is turned slightly, placing the scar on the side of his head directly in Ghost's line of sight. Gods he wishes he could look anywhere else. But its to no avail. No matter how many time Johnny had reassured him he was 'okay', Ghost couldn't get the image of his teammate, his brother-in-arms, his friend unconscious in his own blood, out of his head. He just couldn't.
Yeah, sure, he should have told the court-mandated therapist about that, but the she wouldn't have signed off on him going back to service and then where would he be? That right, no-
"Ghost!" He's snapped out of his reverie by Price, who is giving him the look. Whatever. Price should know by now that he wasn't gonna spill his guts to anyone, much less someone with the power to kick him off the team.
He hands his ticket to the attendant, mumbling a 'thank yo' before following along after Johnny, hands shoved in his pockets. Johnny takes the window seat, so he takes the aisle, condemning Gaz to the middle. Besides, he was the only one that would fit there anyways.
The plane takes off and, as if on cue, a baby starts screaming in the front. Ghost sighs and slouches in his seat. This was going to be a looooong flight.
Let me know what you think:))
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sshadowritestoriess · 8 months
Hi! Assuming you're not like, dead since you've been inactive for 5 months, would you do headconnons on what Ramattra, Zenyatta, and Genji would do for Reader's birthday? I ask because mine is getting close.
Crawls out of my grave… it’s definitely been a rough few months, hello ^^ I’ll do my best.
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Ramattra on Your Birthday
Ramattra is the type of omnic that wouldn’t say a word of your birthday as the date fast approaches. You might think he’s forgotten, if the clever ravager was capable of such a thing. But he’s had the date saved ever since you had mentioned it in a long-forgotten conversation
He’s the materialistic sort. Numbers and data mean everything to him - yours in particular, as one of his closest (and last) companions. Ramattra knows exactly the things you like, crave, and want. Some things he’s exceptionally, and unfortunately, quite good at poking fun about; be it because it’s a unique interest or not very well known
But he knows you enjoy that sort of thing, so he’d find a way to acquire it in some fashion : clothing, cosmetics, merchandise, a book or pad, a signed t-shirt, food, tools, tickets… or maybe just a well thought-out playlist he put together just for you. Whatever kind of item he could possibly find that hits as close as possible to that thing that means quite a lot to you, he will have it ready for your birthday
It might just be one thing, possibly two if he couldn’t decide between which you might like the most. He’d have this gift ready just a couple months in advance, just in case you lose interest.
What he does not do is wrap it. Maybe a gift bag if you’d expressed disappointment in that sort of thing - but there’s never a tag or card or anything that would let you know who it’s from. It might just appear at your doorstep like a regular package, or he’d have another bot deliver it straight to you.
Ramattra does not wish anyone a “happy birthday”, unless appropriately prompted to. He might not even have a clear enough schedule to see you that day if you had any plans - a human custom he doesn’t have much interest in partaking in (perhaps because all omnics have the same “birth” day, all thanks to Aurora), but the gift-giving is a meaningful enough aspect he would take advantage of.
He expects no thanks, nor to be treated the same. But if you came to him happy about your gift, that would be entirely enough.
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Zenyatta on Your Birthday
This monk is most definitely more of the ‘experience’ type. When it comes to any celebrations or occasions, he tends to lean toward going out to be part of the world.
He’s absolutely asked you just shy of a dozen times what you might like for your birthday, if you’d like to celebrate it early or on the weekend, if you’re hosting a party or just having a day to yourself. All the important things so he won’t accidentally intrude on your special day
Zenyatta likely provides much smaller gifts as compared to his brother - things that might compliment your appearance or home, or represents something about you that he really likes. You’re more likely to learn something about yourself with the kinds of gifts he has to offer
If permitted, he would be joyous to treat you to lunch or dinner. Something made by him, anything you have to request? Or he’d be elated to surprise you with a meal you haven’t tried before, but goes along with the things you normally like. He’s normally spot on, and you just might discover a new comfort food
But if you especially had nothing planned, or just wanted to spend the day with your dear Zenyatta, he would absolutely have something in mind that he would have reserved or set up for weeks in advance. A night at a gala? A local street festival with games and music? A convention full of things you might enjoy - or a wonderful hike through nature. Maybe just a day with a couple of activities he knows you really like; skating, an arcade, shopping, movies, racing - just enough that isn’t too overwhelming, but lets you know he pays well attention to the things that bring you joy.
Whatever the plan is, Zenyatta would have it and be there for it, and be happy just to spend the day with you. His patience is unfathomed - he would make sure that everything you partake in is an experience he knows you wouldn’t turn down. Your smile at the end of the day is all that matters to him.
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Genji on Your Birthday
This man is pretty big on surprises. With Genji, you get to start off your morning with a rose and a note on your bedside table.
Perhaps the sneaky cyborg had a treasure hunt set up for you throughout your home, the Overwatch base, or wherever you reside. Or maybe the note tells you where to meet him when you wake? Certainly one of the two, and he’d have quite the elaborate map set up for you
He’d have an array of gifts hidden in places, some that don’t make sense and some that you definitely favor more than the others (a cheap electric kettle versus a brand new hoodie in your favorite color? What was his thought process on these?) but regardless of their individual quality, it’s obvious he’s been very excited to get these to you. And somehow, his best gifts were probably bought just yesterday.
And it doesn’t stop there. Next thing you know, he’s got a blindfold in hand and he’s cautiously leading you to where there is, no doubt, a surprise party he’d set up with friends. (Apologies to those who aren’t big on celebrations with multiple people - Genji would be sure to grovel for your forgiveness later)
If you’re particularly introverted and have greatly expressed a dislike for those kinds of occasions before, then similarly to Zenyatta, Genji might have a few quieter activities reserved just for the two of you. It could even be as simple as a day in playing video games - if you don’t mind getting your ass kicked in the more competitive franchises.
The birthday dessert was definitely something he had made himself, and you could tell. The way it was poorly plated, decorated, and just a tad malformed; inexperienced hands that lack a creative means of decoration certainly took liberties on even writing your name only half in cursive. He would present this as his final gift with a false sense of pride - easy to see in his eyes the shame he felt for being ambitious with frosting.
Genji aims to hear you laugh, and if he could manage being the source of that at any point in your day - then your birthday was a success in his eyes.
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Overview of My First Year of HRT (2021-2022)
Hi, my name is Sylvie, and I'm transfemme! I started hormone replacement therapy on September 25th, 2021 and I've been through quite a lot on my journey to a year of HRT so I'm making two separate posts: this one focusing on the medical side and physical changes, and another that will focus on the social side of transitioning. So, here we go!
I realized I was trans the last week of August 2021, then September 9th I came out publicly, September 15th I had my first appointment with Plume, and I received my first Estradiol script September 24th, but consider my official "first day" of HRT the 25th.
I started HRT on sublingual Estradiol pills, 2mg twice a day (morning and night). Psychologically, taking the first pill hit me like a psychosomatic lightning bolt, and the first meaningful change estrogen granted me was an opening of my feelings- I could suddenly experience a "true range" of emotion, I experienced ambivalence for the first time. Physically, within the first week, I was experiencing tingling in my chest/nipples and by three weeks they actively ached, and after about two months my nipples looked different (darker, larger), and my chest started to stick out (36" to 37")
At 2 months my Estradiol was increased to three times a day and Progesterone 100mg (at night) added. By two months, my body's sensitivity had reached astronomical levels, particularly in areas that weren't sensitive before: for me, this was my nipples, armpits, and butt. My skin overall became more sensitive, slight touches made me quiver and my pain tolerance dropped sharply. During my second month my body's smell changed too and my sweat production cut back.
At 3 months, Spironolactone 50mg once a day (morning) was added and during this month my nipples had noticeably expanded and become dark enough to see through shirts, and my chest had grown enough to be noticeable small mounds in a tight shirt (38"). Also by 3 months, random erections completely stopped happening, whether asleep or awake.
Between months 3 and 5 a lot of things happened in my life; the stress and inactivity caused me to lose 50 lbs. As a result, I lost a ton of muscle mass. My thighs, upper arms, and butt became soft and jiggly, I could not lift things I could before, even with great effort.
3 month bloodwork results: E @ 133 and T @ 320
At 4 months, I asked my doctor for Finasteride, which is a DHT blocker- DHT is an androgen created by testosterone and an excess of DHT is related to hair loss, as well as some research I read back then relating to DHT and thicker/darker body hair. Since starting Finasteride, I have only shaved and used Nair on my body itself and I have experienced 75%-80% body hair loss, and much of what hair remains is now vellus hair (light, short, soft).
Between months 4 and 5, I started experiencing sexual dysfunction. Even if aroused, it was a 50/50 shot of whether I could get hard or not. Likewise, I began producing much less semen. This was when I started experimenting with different forms of masturbating too (i.e. using a vibrator).
Between months 5 and 6 I started gaining weight again, and this was when my breast growth was the greatest, going from 38" to almost 41". However, in the growth it seems I lost the sensitivity I had in the early months- my nipples and armpits are still erogenous zones, but not as potent. Additionally, I noticed fat redistribution caused my hips and waist to take a more stereotypically feminine, almost hourglass appearance (and increased from 32" and 34" respectively to 35" and 38" by 10 months).
6 month bloodwork results: E @ 258 and T @ 22
Months 7, 8, and 9 saw only slight breast growth (41 1/2") due to losing weight again from stress, but at this point I have very little body hair left, and even areas which were full before (armpits, groin) thinned out significantly over time- the most astounding of all being my butt, which the cheek hair just disappeared without me doing anything, like the hair just fell off.
Somewhere during months 8 and 9, I completely lost the ability to become erect without medication (doctor prescribed me Sildenafil, aka viagra) and no more ejaculating. Reaching orgasm became a concentrated effort instead of something that came easily, and very little clear liquid would come out during.
9 month bloodwork results: E @ 57 and T @ 28
For some reason my levels dropped between 6 and 9 months, and during that time I became very mentally and emotionally unwell due to the hormone imbalances. My doctor suggested a few things: me not waiting/letting the pill dissolve long enough in my mouth or the pill just not having the same potency on me anymore. So...
At month 10 I started injections and almost immediately started feeling much better. There is a hormonal low day for me every week, the day before I do my injection again, but it's not hard to deal with. I feel like myself!
Now months 11 and 12, nothing really noteworthy to update except I'm desperately trying to eat more so I can gain weight to grow my boobs. Just stopped taking Spiro though, but I use Tgel to maintain my girldick because I'm a Switch.
Lastly, I'd like to say I'm open to any questions anyone might have, and I'll do my best to answer them. You can DM me, email me secretly from a fake account ([email protected] is my email), whatever! I just hope this information is of some value to someone out there!
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s3 episode 15 thoughts
i’m comfy. i’m cozy. i’m sat. i had a nice relaxing day. i am prepped for this.
(author's note: juni was, in fact, NOT prepared for this episode)
so, reading the episode description here: ANOTHER sunken ww2 craft??? they deal with these A LOT. they need to get an archaeologist on the phone, because they seem to just attract these sorts of things. and you don’t really find them everyday. unless you’re special.
(actually, it turned out to be the same one as before- or at least related to the first one. but my point stands. they are dealing with more war wreckage than you would expect)
we see a boat. they’re speaking french!! why did they call it “deux zéro point huit” instead of “vingt”? okay guess i don’t know a lot of stuff… but i like that a lot better than how the french usually use numbers, because then you could say 1998 a LOT easier… une neuf neuf huit… how easy these things COULD be… alas!
they’re diving!!!! this fellow- gauthier- has a very funny looking scuba suit. it’s bright yellow and very stiff. mobility is probably not ideal. oh, it’s getting darker and darker as he goes deeeep into the water. 
they’re detecting radiation from where he's going in? seems worrisome. but it’s the pacific ocean, so who knows what is in there? plenty of nuclear waste, i'm sure.
everyone is very excited to hear that gauthier thinks he found “one from the squadron”. what this squadron is, we do not know. but then they hear a thumping noise and lose contact with the diver. 
someone is inside the ship??? someone with very black inky eyes?? damn... mermaids are real?? AND scary?
the diver gauthier comes back up to the surface and says he became disoriented. hmm. that gaze is suspicious… and HIS eyes go inky black too!!
what did y’all do to my boy gauthier...
(cheering loudly as gillian anderson’s name is on the screen during the intro)
fbi time. scully reading a case and walking. she is a pro at reading and not walking into things. a skill that comes with great practice.
skinner opens the door and asks to see her!!! he asks his secretary to leave. oooo, whatever he has to say, it's going to be juicy. 
he says a memo came across his desk last night. and it concerns her. AND HER SISTER!!! 5 months in and there have been no leads in her murder investigation. they want to make it inactive and she has a LOT to say with just her face and the words “i see”. she looks both furious and hurt.
but he’s going to appeal it!!! awww nice skinner. and go over the evidence again himself, just in case someone missed something.
NOOOO, i yell out in sadness, as scully stops herself before leaving, visibly upset. she goes on a monologue about how the fbi can seemingly solve any crime but not this one, and there are tears in her eyes and there are tears in MY eyes. but for some reason they can’t figure out this one, even though it took place in a well-lit building and the murderer left the weapon at the crime scene!!! skinner tries to say it’s not about interest, but she says it is, just not hers or his. NOOOO STOP... MY POOR GIRL.
(tbh i’m glad they are addressing melissa's death again, because they haven’t really talked about it since. and i know with the monster of the week episodes you don’t get a ton of time to process these things, but it was HER SISTER. there is no way she could just jump right back into work without some severe emotional trauma. i think in some ways the episode format can do that disservice to their characters, introduce a Very Important Plot Point and then not talk about it again for the in-world equivalent of 5 months during which they act as if everything is fine)
skinner looks really sad too :( noooo, skinner
she goes to mulder’s office and denies that anything is wrong (he can obviously tell that things are wrong) also he’s wearing a different color suit today which is interesting. 
today's mystery: he says a ship from france came into port in san diego yesterday, and he tracked its course. it was at the same place they had earlier found the thing she thinks is a russian sub, and he thinks a ufo!!
she looks really upset to hear this :( i think she just doesn’t wanna deal with ufo drama when her sister’s murder is unsolved. and can you blame her?
but anyway, the whole crew from that french expedition is being treated for radiation burns, so he can’t just ask them what is down there
she laughs and says that she is amazed by him (!!!) working down in the basement. she says they’re afraid of his relentlessness. he seems offended that she says they could drop him in the desert and he’d ask for a shovel if the truth was out there, but then he smiles and says that he wants her to come along on to san diego. and he looks like this :D and gives her a plane ticket.
it was very cute. if only they could harness his boundless energy into looking at melissa's case...
scully my darling, look at me. tell him that you are feeling sad because your sister’s murder is being ignored. use your words. LOOK AT ME. tell him how you feel. it’s a long flight. you have time. thank you. 
at san diego, the men from the ship are very much burned up. they can’t figure out how to treat them because the french government is hiding everything.
she goes into doctor mode. the doctor at the hospital seems shocked to hear that she is a doctor, but... get used to it? anyway, their symptoms are nearly as bad as the hiroshima victims.
and one man had no symptoms, but he discharged himself this morning. it was gauthier! the man in the yellow scuba suit with the inky eyes!
damn, his house is nice. if it’s his house. seems to be, since he’s on the picture on the wall. but he walks past the ringing phone like he has never seen a ringing phone before. 
the agents are rolling up to the ship, where a bunch of people are in hazmat suits, investigating, guarded by soldiers. spooky...
so the guy who is leading this investigation says they found absolutely nothing, and they can go on board. which i would be suspicious of. but mulder lacks self-preservation instincts which has been established and he will go into the boat of evil. 
investigating a boat! with a big flashlight! i still don’t like boats. too cramped. way too cramped. mulder finds the big yellow scuba suit. and some sort of inky substance on the helmet… while scary music plays. 
scully is looking at a map that says “zeus faber” and i have some ideas on what that means but they could be way off... like deus pater? the vedic god? same roots at zeus?
(insert shane and ryans's "i've connected the two dots" "you didn't connect shit" here because really i was onto nothing)
mulder is searching for the VCR to watch the dive video. oooo he finds it!
and scully takes one look at the mysterious object and announces that it is “a north american p-51 mustang” and i feel my heart skip a few beats. 
WELL SO DID MULDER’S??? because he announces to the class that he just got very turned on. BAD! BAD! SPRAYING YOU WITH WATER like a NAUGHTY CAT!! not in front of this random guy!! we say such things in PRIVATE and not to the besties!
(actually i'm so lying because that does sound like something i would say to a bestie... but NOT in front of some random guy. i have couth. i only flirt with the girls when no one else is around. and i was sensing no irony from him, which is slipped into my flirting with friends. we differ, mulder and i)
um. brushing past that.
she used to watch her dad and brothers build model ww2 planes as a kid :,) and that’s why she can recite these facts. it’s just a fighter, wouldn’t have been carrying anything interesting. cool fact time with scully is my favorite time of day!
back to our french king gauthier. he’s searching for something. a woman hugs him and he doesn’t say a word. just looks at her all weird. she’s scared and runs away. but he GRABS her and his eyes go black!!! then she steps out and HER eyes go black!!!! what is going on? and is this thing spreading and also why. 
scully goes to see a friend of her father’s, named johansen. there are kids in the road. children, please do not play in front of cars, it’s dangerous. scully does not need a vehicular manslaughter charge at the moment due to your prancing about.
scully’s looking at the kids and remembering her sister and tearing up which is very sad but. she drives on.
mulder at gauthier’s house. no one is answering. careful; you know he will just walk into your house. and he does! he finds the scattered papers allllll over. pretty music is playing. he finds a letter talking about salvage and pockets it. then hears a noise??
and finds an inky gauthier on the ground. who says he doesn’t know what happened. he's freaked out because he doesn’t remember anything beyond the boat, and also his wife is gone. and he won’t answer any questions about the letter from the “salvage broker” (idk what that means but it sounds sus as hell)
OH! scully is at the house of her dad’s friend johansen, and she tells him how she used to live there!!! he doesn’t remember her, but also he is very old so this is understandable. he doesn’t seem to recall anything from her list of clues, but he says that the number on the plane isn’t from a p-51. so what’s the truth.
she goes to leave, and he says to say hi to her father, but she has to tell him he passed away NOOOOOO :(((( but before she leaves she talks about the games she used to play out in the lawn. and asks him to say hi to his son for her. will there be a childhood friendship reunion...?
gauthier’s wife is looking for stuff. in the office of the salvage broker! so she must work with her husband on her shady business deals... she hides things before mulder comes in. 
BUT NO!!! she has a gun under her desk, and it’s aimed at him!! nothing happens though, she just takes his business card. and we learn her name is geraldine.
mulder is sitting outside the salvage broker’s office. lurking about. and all of a sudden a bunch of cars come rolling up!! talking loudly in french and running in!! he watches. geraldine leaves in a hurry, and he goes to tail her. 
scully’s trying to leave, but the soldiers that guard the entrance tell her she is being detained!!! huh? on what charges?
her dad’s friend johansen gets in the car. he says that his son was killed in the gulf war. and that “we bury our dead alive... they talk to us, they haunt us, they beg us for meaning. conscience, it’s just the voices of the dead, trying to save us from our own damnation" <- woah, banger line, unexpectedly profound from this old man. but, noooo sad man who has endured so much loss... :( banger line but at what cost?
he knows something about that plane that sunk. because he was sent to find it! in a sub called the zeus faber!
geraldine is in the airport. where is she going. hong kong?
anyway, scully calls mulder and shares her findings: she says that plane they're on a quest to find had been carrying an atomic bomb, but it never reached its target. and it doesn’t make sense fully to him or her really- like, why would the guy who was closest to the bomb be the only one who doesn't have radiation burns? but mulder has to go to hong kong sooooo. um. okay. 
back in D.C., skinner is waiting at a restaurant whilst some angry looking men approach him. they’re asking about people “obeying his orders”
OH! they’re threatening him to make scully’s sister’s case inactive. because those above him have worked hard to reach that decision. covering up for the antics of cig man and the worsties, i see... nasty nasty nasty!
so scully’s talking to johansen again, who is saying that his squadron back in the day also had burns, and almost everyone had died except for him. they found the sunken squadron and then the burns started. but despite most people in the sub being in the process of dying, the captain wouldn’t leave the area to surface and get help!
the men started fighting, realizing they were going to die, and a gunshot made the japanese aware of their presence. so johansen went against the captain’s orders and took them to the surface. he locked the burned men in with the captain, knowing their fate.
but the captain had the inky eyes!!!! so i guess that is why he didn't want to surface...?
only 7 on that boat of 144 lived, and johansen struggles with the guilt from that. and no one ever explained what actually happened. damn, that's a heavy burden to bear.
hong kong time. eating some tasty looking food. geraldine is here. mulder sits next to her and point blank accuses her of selling government secrets. he's always been a bit bold.
he says he’s gonna arrest her, and she says um you can’t have guns here. so he handcuffs her TO HIMSELF. WILD MOVE! and leads them to an office in the back. for their salvage broker dealership!!!
mulder tells him to shoot himself in the head like he shot his father. DAMN! please do not pull any punches with this freak
someone shoots geraldine, who gets shoved behind a door still handcuffed to mulder, and then krycek leaves out a window.
(i think i’ve been spelling his name wrong in the past but hear me out: he’s lucky i call him anything beyond “the rat bastard”)
mulder is still handcuffed to the now shot woman while a hit squad approaches. but he is simply too fast for these fools!!! he freed himself and jumped out the window. 
okay... what. i looked down to type that, and geraldine somehow came back. unharmed. flashed a bright white light. and left all of the evil frenchmen who were chasing mulder with burns. huh.
that escalated.
back to skinner. who wants his coffee. and a blue plate. which refers to a special, and not an actual color of plate. the more you know! the waitress takes his order.
but someone is harassing her about the payphone not working! he gets up to intervene. a gentleman.
scully back at her place. as soon as she walks in the phone rings. NO!! she learns skinner was shot and she’s on her way to the hospital.
back to hong kong. krycek is trying to get out through the airport. but mulder catches him at a payphone and starts beating the hell out of him. MULDER TAKES A GUN OUT and is about TO SHOOT HIM IN THE STOMACH and he says “this is for my father” but then krycek is like “i didn’t do it” bitch boy i SAW you there. in his shower. 
he claims that if mulder lets him go, he’ll give him a tape with government secrets that he had been selling. mulder says absolutely not, go get yourself cleaned up and bring me there youself, you have three minutes or i’ll come in and kill you. WHEW! he is not messing around. he has been sentenced to the bathroom to wipe his own blood off of his face.
but who rolls up…. but geraldine!!!! who walks into the men’s room. and chokes him. AND KRYCEK'S EYES GO ALL INKY!!!
why does this keep happening!!! the cliffhangers of it all!!!
okay, i’m not REALLY complaining, because the multipart episodes are usually the best ones, and they address the overall plot. but you THINK you’re going in for a nice relaxing evening and bam, krycek comes back, and now he’s got an alien infection. and maybe he too can glow and leave people with burns, and is being led right back to the place where our beloved agents call home. the power of a nuke, stored in one evil rat guy! what could go wrong???!?!?!? /s
and skinner was shot in the stomach! by a guy that seems to have no connection to all of this. but i doubt it.
(screams for about 45 seconds straight)
okay. SO. we got a lot here. we got french people, possession, angry mulder, dead fathers, nuclear aliens, krycek back, geraldine the undying, the sale of government secrets, hong kong, and scully angst. 
now, i am naturally drawn to the scully angst. to the memories of her childhood, to her grappling with the loss of her sister, how something is holding them up from the investigation, and whatever it is that wants to keep her from knowing the truth is willing to kill skinner about it. and somehow krycek is connected, because we SAW him do the killing, but we never learned WHY he did that whole betrayal thing beyond it just seems like something he does.
and krycek. i guess i figured he would come back at some point, but man, i feel even more revulsion at his current state now that he has ditched his pretty boy aesthetic for something that is more akin to a guy who started smoking cigarettes and listening to vinyls to make women think he's suffering deeply in an artistic fashion, but really he's just shallow, has no thoughts of his own, and is speedrunning cancer.
what the hell was he doing in hong kong? how is he getting access to these government secrets if he went AWOL?
ugh. i hate him. love to see an angry mulder, though.
skinner... in the past, we have had our disagreements. and though i have called you a bitch before, you have proved yourself, and your care for the agents. this is NOT what i wanted to see happen to you, and i am worried for your future, and the effects another loss will have on scully. so please consider recovering quickly for the sake of everyone else. the FBI will fall to the ranks of such freaks as cig man and his greasy pet rat-snake hybrid krycek if you don't stand guard.
man. i have a lot of thoughts. unfortunately though, i just went back and checked all my notes for typos that i'm sure i failed to catch entirely, and now i'm stuck on mulder's announcement that he was turned on again. we really do have to ask ourselves: why is he that way? i shudder at the thought. spraying him with more water.
would you say that to your male colleagues, mulder? please let me know. because i actually kind of think you would. which doesn't really make you understand the whole concept of gender-based workplace harassment that thought exercise usually provokes.
there is a TIME and a PLACE for hitting on the homies. do that shit off the clock. freak!!!
anyway. let scully have peace. let her not worry about more early deaths related to conspiracies. let her do more dog bathing and ice cream eating and internet research on various animal species. and let her tell us about planes <3 i hope everything gets solved and everyone is happy and mulder and scully and skinner eat ice cream sundaes together in the next episode <3
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dirtybg3confessions · 9 months
Blog Moderation FAQs
Hi everyone!
Every time we answer an ask about the queue/inbox situation we get several of the same suggestions in our inbox. While we truly appreciate those of you trying to be helpful, I wanted to take some time to address some of the suggestions and the reasons behind our position on said suggestions.
Have you considered closing the ask box for a while until you work through what you have?
No. With as many asks as there are in the box, it would result in the ask box being closed for quite some time, which we don't think is really what anyone wants!
Closing the box would allow for us to "catch up", but it also would mean potential dry periods of content.
Keeping the ask box open means we need to scroll forever to reach the old asks, but it also means that we are set to deliver consistent content for a while, and are never at risk for an empty queue when the inevitable drop in fandom interest hits.
Why don't you post more frequently?
Actually, we do! We've exploded recently, so many of you may not remember ye olden days of our blog's founder doing their best as a one person show and we got one post a day... ish. Then, when the ask box exploded to 100 asks (haha) they brought in the first round of new mods (including me!). During this time, we were able to build a solid queue. We were then able to post 5-6 times a day.
With a healthy queue and a healthy ask box, we were able to bump the post frequency to 12 times a day. Most of the first wave of mods worked through some asks and then largely went inactive. This is fine, it happens. After struggling to keep up a frequency of 12/day as a one person show once again, we recruited new mods with some activity guidelines.
To maintain a posting frequency of 12 times a day, each mod needs to add 3 posts to the queue a day, or 21 posts to the queue a week. We ask that every mod contributes 30 times a week, that way we have a healthy buffer of content for holidays, emergencies, and just general time away from the internet.
While the confessions are sent in by y'all and editing them in photoshop is a generally simple process, it still does take time. Time in the game to find and take the screenshots, time in the editing software to create the image, then posting and tagging appropriately. Those cursed edits y'all love so much take even more time.
We're all adults here. And your mods are too. They have lives off of tumblr, often complete with bills and day jobs. Honestly, less fun than the little horny blog, but *vague gestures towards capitalist hellscape*
For these reasons, posting 12 times a day is going to be a hard cap for the foreseeable future. In the most loving way possible: If you are submitting an ask now and expecting to see it a week or even a month from now, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Submit your ask and know that it will be appreciated by the community when its time comes.
"A confession is never late, nor is it early. A confession arrives precisely when it means to." - Elminster (probably)
Why don't you just get more mods?
Have you heard the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen"? Every person added to a process adds another variable, and the more variables, the harder it is to deliver a consistent experience. Additionally, the goal is to find people who can stay pretty consistently active, which can be a hard ask for a lot of people. We're very grateful for the team that we have now, and we aren't seeking new mods at this time.
Why don't you post more confessions about (character/female/etc)?
We are a submissions blog. We work with the content we are given. You need to be the horny you wish to see in the world. I know in general there's a lack of confessions for female characters, and there's an analysis to be made about how different gender/sexual identities interact with fandom and how that affects the content available in communities for consumption, but I'm not the person to make it.
Thank you all for continuing to be amazing, it is truly an honor to serve 🫡
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 7 months
Active Authors Masterlist (8)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: December 27th, 2023
Last Checked:-----
adler_orzel :: ao3, Wattpad, tumblr
Popular Fic: The flowers on my chest: Legend says that once upon a time. "Eternal loves" were called "soul mates". For they are loves older than memory, that have lived a thousand lives and, in their blessing and wonder, caused empires to fall, death and sorrow. So, in order not to forget the power they have. They get separated and must seek one another until, by touching and calling each other's name, flowers grow in their chests. The marks of Eternal Love are rare enough to be seen only once or twice in a generation, and Katniss couldn't care less about the fairy tales her father used to tell her before bedtime. But for Peeta...The floral marks were reality, pain, and magic for Peeta. And Haymitch knows it.That's why anger consumes her when she sees how easily her mentor lies when he tells everyone that Peeta had one before the capitol took him away. (@adlerorzel-blog)
everlarkism-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: You Came Home A deeper look into Peeta and Katniss’ life after the rebellion where they grow back together and start a family of their own as District 12 prospers again.
folkookie97 :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: too cold: Katniss walks in on Peeta showering.
FyreFlys :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Swan Upon Leda: Katniss regrets that night 4 months ago during the victory tour, even if she doesn’t entirely wish it never happened. This part, however- the one where she’s being forced back into a death arena while four months pregnant- would be so much easier if it had never happened. Peeta isn’t supposed to know. So why is he telling Caesar, and all of Panem, on national television? OR: the fic where Everlark aren’t together yet, Katniss is pregnant during the Quarter Quell, Peeta isn’t supposed to know but then figures it out, Peeta never gets taken by the Capital and hijacked, and they try to live their “happily ever after”.
goldspaypaint :: ao3
Popular Fic: What we do in the night: A collection of night time activities that Katniss and Peeta share. Chapter 1: On the train Chapter 2: The night before the intervjus Chapter 3: After the first time they talk in 13 Chapter 4: After the lunch scene in 13 Chapter 5: After Katniss see Peeta training Chapter 6: The night Peeta joins the star squad Chapter 7: In Tigris basement Chapter 8: Reconnection in 12
HEA_andallthelike :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: I’ll Teach You How: "Oh my God," he grins a little too devilishly and I wrinkle my nose at him. I'm not sure what's going on in his mind, but he looks WAY to happy. "Katniss," he whispers, "please let me show you. There is just too much to teach you."
imasradiantasthesun-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Holding Bright Madge knows she is doomed to follow in her aunt Maysilee's footsteps. She does everything in her power to prepare herself to avoid suffering the same fate, including enlisting her best friend Katniss in helping her train. So when her name is called during the 74th Reaping Ceremony, Madge is as ready as she can be. She takes the route to the stage that avoids her father, she steels her features just as practiced, she drowns out Effie Trinket’s exclamation of her fellow tribute’s name. Madge is prepared, and being prepared means being as detached as possible. What Madge hadn’t prepared for was the low voice of the boy who hates her most to ring out through the square, desperate to volunteer in his younger brother’s stead. Because of fucking course Madge has to go into the arena alongside Gale Hawthorne. She really should have seen this coming. (@imasradiantasthesun)
jeanvaljeanralphio/anniecrestaodairs-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Annie’s Games Annie Cresta has spent her entire life dreading the annual reaping— the random drawing of names that determines which 24 kids throughout the country are sent to the Capitol to fight each other to the death in the Hunger Games. Finnick Odair won the Hunger Games five years ago, and his life since has been anything but the peace and glory promised to Victors. When Annie’s only friend is drawn this year, she has no choice but to volunteer to take her place. Thrown together as mentor and tribute, Finnick and Annie both find themselves drawn into a much deadlier game than either of them could have anticipated….
MadlyMadeleine-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: vengeance in my heart, death in my hand Katniss Everdeen dies in the arena of the 74th Hunger Games, nightlock in her mouth. Madge Undersee, grief-stricken and fueled by the thirst for vengeance, emerges with fury in the wake of Katniss's death. Determined to avenge her fallen lover and finish what was started, Madge takes up the mantle of the Mockingjay, vowing to tear the Capitol down. (@madlymadeleine)
mswyrr :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Devil is a Friend of Mine: Katniss doesn’t approve of District 13′s treatment plan.
34 notes · View notes
writingforfishes · 25 days
Otto and Atticus Part 10: Back Inaction
Well, here's a little something that I've been busy over-producing from when I lifted something wrong a few weeks ago and had to baby myself back to well.
Just imagine if I'd had a dorky tall dude to push away the affections of due to my inadequacies, instead of doing it all by myself anyway.
I'm just letting this story go so I don't obsess over the words anymore. It may be clunky and wordy, but if I stare at it any longer, I'll probably keep making it worse.
Atticus is in an arousal haitus during this. (I also just got done with one of those.)
Fast hiccups.
Otto getting annoyed by his hiccups.
Adjacent talk of Otto's recovery struggles.
Back pain.
Rejecting comfort.
Procrastination and issues with time management.
Massage (non kinky)
Detailed body talk (not related to genitalia)
Otto being a grumpy sleepy boy.
Atticus being a grumpy sore potato.
Being serious for a second.
Inadequacies with being taken care of.
Frustrations at growing old and being seen as old (so mild agism and something that could possibly be seen as ablism, though not intentionally).
Lots of teasing to cope.
Otto being a nerd.
Atticus being a dork.
Author trying reeeal haaard to let this go without another edit session!
Atticus hissed as pain shot from their buttox to the base of their spine. All they had done was pick up a can from a grocery bag on the floor and put it in the pantry. Seemed bad posture had caught up with them. The can was a metaphorical straw that broke the camel’s back. Atticus, in the role of the camel, was not amused.
Otto paused in putting away groceries to shoot them a questioning look.
“You good?” he asked, blindly putting the last frozen item in before closing the top door of the fridge and coming over to his partner’s hunched form, their hand latched onto the door jamb of the pantry and taking shallow, then deep, breaths.
“Mm...not so much…” Atticus replied. They hobbled away toward the couch and sat down on the cushions gingerly.
Though initially Atty had allowed Otto to help them that day, all of Otto’s attempted administrations of care had been brushed off every day after. (Though not in an unfriendly way. More in a “nah, I’m good, don’t worry about me, I got this, ooh look a bird!” way.)
Atty had taken copious amounts of Ibuprofen throughout the week. They applied heat and ice and did stretches and exercises, but the muscle strain was taking forever to heal on its own. They had even started adopting some of Otto’s Pilate’s exercises after seeing the similarities of them to the physical therapy recommendations online.
Still, the pain persisted.
What Atticus really needed was rest. But with an upcoming deadline and having to write furiously to get it done on time, rest was in short commodity. Otto realized this and respected the reason Atty was denying his offers of care. Though, admittedly, he felt a bit helpless for it. Watching his partner in pain while writing at his desk in a chair he was well aware was not exactly ergonomic was mildly distressing.
But, with teeth gritted, the writer charged through the story using the pain to inspire and empathize with their characters. Finally, after 5 days, the writing piece was complete. And, with a heavy-handed tap on the send button, Atticus collapsed back in the ill-fitted office chair they’d occupied during the spree. They’d only taken breaks in their furiously charged writing spree to attempt to use the bathroom, ice, heat, and stretch their back. (And, at Otto’s insistence, they also took breaks to eat. Though they frequently brought food with them to the desk.)
“Really loving this procrastination for my personal growth journey, but I could do without the stress it causes!” they exclaimed.
Otto, from the direction of his work bench, chuckled.
“You done?” he asked, hopefully. Perhaps now he would be allowed to care for them more than making food and giving monologues on various topics he’d distracted them with while they’d attempted to ease their pain.
Atticus gave a whimper and a nod in response.
The writer’s eyes were closed. Their hands clutched their lower back while still sitting in Otto’s office chair. Their fingers gripped the soreness that had only abated enough to withstand during the week they’d tried to ease it amid their furious attempts to make up for lost time in writing a manuscript they should’ve had done a week ago.
Atticus startled at Otto’s voice that had somehow gotten so close that it was right behind them as he spoke.
“How’s your back?” Otto asked. He didn’t miss the wince that came from the jump of their body and felt a bit guilty for causing it.
Atty opened their eyes to look back and up at Otto, his kind face giving a warm smile down at them.
“‘Sokay,” they lied.
“Mm,” Otto said a bit curtly. “So...if I asked you right now to walk to the kitchen, bring me something from the bottom cabinet, and walk back here you’d be perfectly fine and pain free?”
Atticus considered it before lying again, “Yup!”
“Go ahead, then,” he said, crossing his arms.
A beat passed between them, a bit of a stare down.
“Pssh! Dude! You have two legs and are up. You go get it!” Atty said, attempting to diffuse with humor.
Instead of laughing, though, Otto circled to face them and bent down to lock eyes with his partner in front of them. It was a stare that almost made Atty squirm. There was a deep honesty in those eyes, an intense interest and even more intense emotion.
There was also seriousness in those eyes that Atticus usually tried to avoid at all costs until they could no longer ignore it. It wasn’t for lack of wanting to be genuine or truthful that they avoided the seriousness, but for lack of wanting to reveal themselves out of instinctual protection.
Atticus did trust their partner. They didn’t trust themselves.
“Atty...” Otto started.
Atticus could’ve lost themselves with just that nickname and how it was said. Otto had an alarming ability to coat the simplest of words in an emotional subtext that could drown a sane person. For a person like Atticus, who considered themselves by no means, sane, it just made it a little harder to breathe. Otto had their attention.
“You have cared for me more than once when I was at my worst. It’s obvious you’re in pain. Why-why won’t you let me care for you now? Is it pride? Do you...not trust me?” Otto asked. The ‘why’ was a stutter, not a hiccup.
The clock maker took the tips of his fingers and ran them along Atticus’ hairline. He shifted an errant curl up into its usual place. A soft breath was drawn from the writer as he found the buzzed part of their undercut and pulled the pads of his fingers over it softly.
“Noooo…” they said like a whine when he asked about trust, “I do.”
Atty countered those dark brown eyes with pinched brows and narrowed eyelids. They held their lips tightly against each other and sighed.
“I’m just...embarrassed,” Atticus finally admitted under his scrutiny.
Otto, still on his knees in front of them, scrunched his eyes up and shook his head, incredulous.
“Why?” he asked genuinely. His eyes widened as he asked, and his brows edged up his prominent forehead in confusion.
Atticus had seen the clock maker in ways so much worse than a strained back, so Otto was truly befuddled at the reason for the embarrassment.
Atticus sighed, perhaps a bit dramatically.
“I-I don’t like needing to be cared for. I...feel like a burden, y’know? I don’t know how to act like someone who...who needs to be helped! My mom never...I loved her, and she loved me but...my mom didn’t really know how to treat me when I was sick. I’d feel...guilty for it happening. I don’t know why, so don’t ask me!
“And...I threw my back out while picking up a can! Less than a pound! It’s just...all so demoralizing and insulting and stupid and...I’m ooold and I don’t want to-to need anyone and...I—ugh!” Atticus exclaimed and buried their head in their hands.
Otto slowly coerced Atticus’ hands from their face and cupped their cheek in his hand in replacement. He was smiling again, soft and sweet. He was annoyingly understanding. Atty was always prepared to be a terrible person, but Otto never let them. His patience was very frustrating in that way.
“I get all of that. Trust me. But...I guess there have been too many instances in my life where I literally didn’t have a choice but to let people take care of me,” he said. “The number of times I’ve been at my worst have been more than I would ever want to admit. And, I guess, through that I learned some humility? Which is annoying. It doesn’t really help the guilt and shame go away but at least I know what it feels like to think you’re a burden on someone, and then find out that you’re not. A lot of people have convinced me of that. Margie. Mark. You,” he said, with a nod to Atticus. “And...it doesn’t always stick. I still have moments where I have a really hard time letting people take care of me. But I guess I’ve sort of had to be taken care of more so...I have more practice? Kind of?”
Otto shook his head with a sardonic chuckle and a shrug.
“But, throwing back one of your very apt observations from your birthday on which, remember, you were right because it was your birthday,” Otto continued, “allowing me to take care of you is a gift to me. It isn’t a burden, but something I look forward to providing, okay? And...so...I want to provide it!”
“Dammit,” Atticus ground out through their teeth. “I hate how good your memory is.”
Otto did laugh in amusement this time.
“Yeaaaah,” he drawled, “it’s a real drag, huh? It’s your fault for being so damn poignant.”
“Ugh, I really wish I was less insightful!” Atty agreed, grateful that they were back to lighter dialogue.
Otto smiled and held each of Atticus’ hands in his own.
“So, can you please let me care for you now? Cause, man, watching you suffer through this week has been a special kind of torture. Not to mention that chair hurts my back, let alone what it must feel like for you!” Otto said.
“Yeah, what the fuck is up with this chair? We need to get you a new chair…” Atticus mumbled before turning back to Otto’s waiting face. “Okay, fine. Take care of me. Or whatever.”
“Ooh, reign that enthusiasm in, Atty!” Otto said, smiling.
Atticus rolled their eyes in response.
Otto had obviously been planning to be Atticus’ knight in shining khaki ever since they’d hurt their back. He had a plan. The first part of that plan was a long bath soaking in Epson salts. The clock maker had even gotten a small bath pillow for Atticus to lay their head on while they luxuriated in the tub. He lit a candle, of all things, that smelled of lavender and vanilla. The writer didn’t even know that Otto had allowed a candle in the house; his nose was so sensitive to perfumes and powerful scents. As such, the candle was successfully mild in its odor, just enough to flavor the air.
Otto left Atticus to soak while he went downstairs and fixed dinner. Just as the water started to cool and Atty was about to get up Otto arrived with a towel and helped them from the tub. And, as their back gave a spasm from the change in position, Atticus was extremely grateful he was there.
“You okay?” Otto asked as he supported them.
“Yeah. Just one fucking back spasm away from chopping the whole spine out,” Atty grunted. They huffed at the edge of the tub until the pain ebbed.
“Mmm, don’t recommend it,” Otto said with humor.
“I dunno,” Atty continued bitterly, “politicians seem to do fine without one for the most part.”
“Wow. Okay! Pain makes you even more cynical than normal. Good to know. Afraid you’re stuck being a writer, though. Suffering for the art and all,” Otto said watching Atticus gingerly towel off as he handed them underwear, a white shirt, and their favorite pair of grey sweatpants.
“Yeah, choosing honesty over deception has been a real drag,” the writer said.
“Tell me about it,” Otto had agreed before walking his spouse downstairs.
To their credit, Atticus only faltered once, having to let Otto support them. However, every step triggered shoots of pain up their lower back and in one butt cheek. Being a pain in the ass and having a pain in the ass were two very different experiences, they were realizing. They quickly decided they preferred the former.
The writer took a moment to muse how on earth they’d scaled the steps without Otto behind them as support before now. Was that a testament to tenacity or idiocy? Both, at this point, seemed likely.
Dinner had been prepared. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. As much as Atticus and Otto’s childhood had differed, they both had memories of their parents preparing tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. It’s why Otto had ordered the same meal at the food market in the Antique’s Mall a month ago. Happy memories were spare for him and marrying them with moments he wanted to find joy in was very therapeutic.
Comfort food was also essential when someone didn’t feel well; Atticus more than appreciated the gesture. They spooned the warm liquid into their mouth noting the spices floating on top that their mom’s Campbell’s brand fare never contained.
“Ooh, it’s a little spicy,” Atty had said after taking a few spoonfuls.
“Too much?” Otto asked with some worry.
“Nuh-uh, nope. Just unexpected. Mm, do we have crackers?” they asked.
Atticus allowed Otto to retrieve the Ritz crackers. They allowed Otto to do the dishes. They allowed Otto to put a Tiger Balm brand menthol patch on their back to ease their pain. They allowed Otto to give them a massage on the couch. Or, more accurately, Attics allowed themself grace from doing things that would cause pain, and Otto was more than willing to support that decision.
This last one, allowing Otto to give them massage, Atticus saw as extremely self-indulgent. Otto was more than happy to oblige, though. And Otto was, innuendo jokes aside, extremely skilled with his hands. He had actually hoped Atticus would request a massage. The writer had massaged him quite often after more intense or longer hiccup attacks. Disregarding even that, both of them were very familiar with when the other would benefit from the easing of muscles by proffered massages, kink moments aside.
For his part, Otto enjoyed Atticus’ body. He enjoyed the freckles that powdered along their shoulders and down their arms. He loved feeling the soft sides of their waist and lingered admiringly at the dimples above their butt. There was nothing sexual about this kind of touch. No arousal happened from either one of them during the massage. (In fact, Atticus was in a bit of a hiatus from their arousal reaction from hiccups, so not even the regular forms of excitement would be happening this night.)
When Otto had first given Atticus a massage at the time they had started to explore each other’s bodies, he was terrified he would hurt them. Atty was slight beneath his hands which seemed so large compared to their body. But when the writer scoffed as he tentatively ghosted his fingers along their skin, that he didn’t need to treat them like some porcelain doll and that they were tougher than they looked, Otto took note. What he discovered, quite surprisingly, was that they were right.
Their body may have been small, but it was made of denser muscle than it seemed. The softness of their curves gave way to cords of knotted muscle that actually took some effort to break through. Atty was also communicative if he’d pushed too far. This gave him confidence and he treated his partner less like a breakable commodity and more like a person with autonomy who was simply a different shape and size. The novelty of them being such wildly different sized bodies faded quite quickly after this realization. (Barring when they attempted to kiss each other while standing, Atticus needing something on a high shelf, or cheap shot jokes about height during banter.)
The couple ended up one on top of the other on the couch. Otto had reclined against the couch’s arm with a pillow underneath him and offered Atticus to lay with their back top of his belly and torso, their legs between his, and a pillow at their lower back. The writer sighed, sinking into the softness of his midsection and relishing the feeling of menthol on their back from the patch. Otto offered a small pillow to put at their neck so it would have support. Atty melted in even further at the comfort. When Otto kissed their head, his spouse made a very contented noise in the back of their throat that encouraged a chuckle from him.
“You feeling okay?” he asked. Otto had brought out a book to read above them and raised his glasses at the small face leaning back to look at him.
The soft sounds of an orchestral record took the space of sound between their words.
“Mmhm. Yep,” Atty said.
“How’s your back?” Otto asked.
“Feels tight but it doesn’t hurt as much. I smell like an old man, now. The Tiger Balm. But it feels really good,” Atticus admitted.
“Good,” Otto replied, smiling.
“What’re you reading?” they almost cut themselves off with a sizable and audible yawn. They felt Otto stroking their hair affectionately.
Atticus had not been getting the best sleep. They had been tossing and turning in the loft bed instead of their shared bed because they didn’t want to disturb Otto with their movements. None of it had made for consistent or fulfilling rest.
“‘T’snot Melville again, is it?” Atty followed up with before Otto could answer.
“No…” Otto said in faux offense, “Hawthorne.”
“Nerd,” Atty teased.
Otto snorted with a laugh jostling Atticus’ body.
“Oh crap, did that hurt?” Otto thought to ask after watching Atty readjust themselves after his laughter.
“Nah,” Atticus responded, but caught the doubtful eye of their husband above them. “Seriously, this time. Just kinda bouncy and soft. I promise you didn’t hurt me. Go back to reading your fancy novel. I’m gonna...not fall asleep.”
Otto watched the writer pull the blanket from off of the back of the couch and shrug it onto their shoulders, adjusting again against his body with a small grunt.
“Are you comfortable?” they suddenly asked him. Otto smiled.
“I’m good,” Otto responded, easily. He’d propped himself up on the pillow, it supporting his neck and back. Holding the book aloft wasn’t much of a challenge as he’d rest it on the back of the couch while reading. Though he might get a little warm having Atticus laying on him, it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience if Atty was able to get some good sleep out of it.
“Kay,” they said lazily and turned their head again to get more comfortable.
A long while after Atticus had fallen asleep Otto marveled at how incredibly still they had been. Usually, they’d have turned at least once by this mark. This was probably an indication of how tired the writer was. They’d been asleep for a little over an hour without so much as a twitch.
Atticus had even fallen asleep with their glasses on. But as their head never turned enough to knock them askew, Otto decided not to remove them for fear of rousing them.
Otto was happy, also, that the heat from Atticus’ body wasn’t too overwhelming. It’d helped that he’d laid down in his boxer shorts and white t-shirt. He was only a little warm, but he hadn’t even started sweating. It was a relief not to have to deal with the heat, though he would’ve stayed regardless.
He suddenly felt gas rising up his chest and worked hard on letting it out as softly as possible to not disturb his spouse who slowly rose and fell with the movement of his body’s breath. He’d had the hiccups once today. It wasn’t anything special. Atticus teased him a bit on some of the sounds, able to be more natural with the occurrence during their break from feeling arousal from them.
The hiccups had been a little forceful, but sometimes they were like that. And, as usual, they’d lasted around ten minutes after his first sip of coffee before trailing off. That had been hours ago now.
But feeling his body jerk with a shock he started second guessing his culinary decision to spice the tomato soup he’d made as much as he had. He wasn’t lucky enough to have that be a single and, as many of his cases went, it started rapidly.
He tried to muffle the sounds by closing his mouth and putting a hand over his mouth but realized by doing so he was increasing the movements of his body which was visibly, at this point, jostling his partner. Otto tried letting the sounds out, then, but:
“Hup!-hu’up!-hulp!-huck!...hulp’m!-mk!-mmp!-MMP!” Otto groaned. It was a no-win situation. As expected, Atty shifted on his stomach.
Atticus became conscious to the feeling of a soft insistence of attention at the base of their spine. Fluttering thumps hit their body rapidly as their head seemed to jostle backwards. They blinked their eyes open and took a deep breath trying to make sense of the stimulus.
“S-sorry,” Otto’s voice vibrated on Atticus’ head through his chest as he spoke through the volley of hiccups that attacked him. “They-hup!-they jus-huck’m!-just started. Mk! I guess I-hick’m!-guess I should’ve b—been lighter hup!-lighter on the spice. Hip!”
“Aww,” Atticus cooed sleepily. “You have them again.”
Atty remembered the case from the morning. It was a pretty forceful attack from what they recalled. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that he’d gotten them again, especially after the spiciness in the soup. But it’d been a few weeks since he’d had anything more than his morning cases, and even those had been sparse.
However, the day after they’d gotten back from the Antique’s Store had been littered with short cases. His diaphragm had apparently been quite offended with Otto’s antics in inducing and worsening the case and it wasn’t done grumbling from the first day of events. It had been a somewhat exhausting day for both of them. Atty’s new vibrator had gotten a pretty good workout, to be brief.
But now, in a hiatus of arousal, Atty simply rubbed Otto’s thigh in sympathy of the hiccups he had now.
“Y-you okay? Hmp!-I’m not—not rocking h’uck!-rocking you too much? Hm’k!hmk!hup!-uh,” Otto asked placing his hand softly on Atticus’ chest. The writer put their hand on top of his and rubbed it affectionately.
“No, I’m fine. It’s kinda like a...massage chair. Like a soft pillow hitting my back randomly. Not unpleasant,” they mused.
Otto laughed, shaking his belly with it and increasing the speed of his hiccups. He waited a few seconds before talking, but the hiccups had only slowed down a little.
“Glad I can h’mp!-b-hup!-be of huck’m!-of se—service.MMK!-uh!” Otto said and felt Atticus’ hand stroking his again and sighed as much as he could.
Atticus then breathed in a yawn and stretched, joints popping a little as they reached their arms up past Otto’s head and back down as the clock maker dodged the wayward hands with a smile Atty couldn’t see.
As the writer woke up a little more, they squirmed against Otto’s body, satisfied that their back was not near as sore as it had been previously. Still feeling the enthusiastic hiccups from behind them, they started to be more aware of where their body was and how that might affect their partner.
“Hey, are you okay with me here? On your belly, I mean? I’m not making it worse, am I? Or painful?” Atticus worried.
“I don’t-himp!-I don’t think s—so. Hmk!huck’l! Th-mk!-they aren’t pul-hup!hup!-ling thei-hnk!-their punches but hmp!-but you—re not m-making it wo-hurp!hup!mk!hmp!-worse! Shit. Sorry,” he said, covering his mouth.
“You need to get up and cure them?” Atty asked. They pulled their head back to look at the vision of the upside-down head of their husband as it jolted with more hiccups with a look of concentration. The head shook ‘no’ in response and gave Atticus’ forehead and little peck before being jolted back again with another spasm.
“L—let’s see if hmk!hmk!-if they go hup!-go away on—on their own first. HU’UP!” he said and covered his mouth again at the loudness of the last hiccup.
Atty couldn’t help but laugh a little followed by a sympathetic face.
“Welp,” they said with a huff after a moment of riding the spasms of Otto’s diaphragm, “I need to pee.” Their back was fine, but their bladder was definitely being tested by the movements.
“You hup!-you n-need me to huck!-to help get hyup!-to the restroom?” Otto asked as he provided assistance to them sitting up, noticing the strain on their face.
“Nah,” they said with a grunt when they were finally upright. They gave his stomach a little pat and rub. “Poor guy. Um-no, I’m gonna use the guest one down here.”
Again, with some effort and help from Otto, Atticus finally found themselves standing, more or less. It was more of a near standing position as they leaned forward a little before slowly straightening their spine with a breath.
“You-huck!-you in hlmp!-in any p-huck-pain?” he asked.
“No,” Atty grumbled back. “Just stiffness more than anything.” They hissed. “And, okay, a little pain. I’ll grab an Ibuprofen after going to the bathroom.”
“I’ll ge-HUP!-get another pa-hilp!-patch,” Otto said, getting himself up with a hiccuping grunt from being in one position for so long.
“Sounds good,” Atticus said with a nod and an awkward hug to their husband who was now standing beside them.
“Calm down,” Atty whispered through Otto’s stomach to his diaphragm. They felt the motions of Otto chuckling in response and his hiccups quickening in response to that. “Stop that. I’m not that funny.”
At this, Atticus proceeded to scoot along to the guest bathroom as Otto desperately tried to hold in more snickering at their slow progress. The amusement tickled him unexpectedly. The way Atty held their back as they tried to stand up straight by activating their core was too reminiscent of the quintessential elder and, though Otto was hardly amused by the struggles of the elderly, the glare Atticus gave him served only to increase his mirth.
His hiccups, obviously, increased because of this and Atticus pronounced their lips with a harrumph.
“Forget what I said, diaphragm! Do your worst!” they said, entering the bathroom with a flair of attitude that sent Otto into more giggles and sacrificing him to the shortness of breath that came from rapid-fire hiccups.
When Atticus exited the bathroom, they could hear Otto’s hiccups from the kitchen and made their way, albeit slowly, to see their husband with a large white patch, destined for their lower back, on the surface of the kitchen island. He was bent over to his phone, which was also sitting on the island, reading something off the screen. One hand scrolled as the other pressed against his chest buffering against the barrage of hiccups he was still experiencing.
It was only at this point did the writer notice it was dark outside the windows. It made sense that it had gotten late, but it threw them off a little to suddenly notice it was nighttime.
“Hey-hmph!” Otto said, finally noticing them. “S-sorry, was just hup!hup’k!-just ch-checking some hmk!-some appointments.” He jolted with another cluster of two, silently.
Despite their chagrin at his teasing earlier, Atticus gave him a look of sympathy. It might not have been the worst case of hiccups Otto ever had, but they still looked pretty powerful.
“C’mon,” he continued, gulping another hiccup down and holding the patch by its edges. “Let’s hup’k!-g—get this on. Hmk!”
Atty was silently grateful that they weren’t aroused enough to physically react to the attack. The kind of hiccups Otto was letting out were the exact kind that got them the hottest. They couldn’t imagine the pain if their back had felt like clinching or arching in arousal.
“Then I can hum’k!-I can hel-mk!-help you do-hup!-do some light stretches, hmk-hmk!-uh, if you want HUP’K!” Otto said, blowing some air out of his mouth with mild frustration amid a few more hiccups.
Having a kink made it impossible not to be completely unaffected by the subject of the kink no matter the libido level at the time. But Atticus’ arousal stayed at a low buzz instead of spiking and, as that was the case, Otto’s arousal never blossomed to either increase or interact with his hiccups.
As such, Otto seemed to react to his hiccups in a way that seemed more likely how he interacted with them before. He was mildly annoyed when they interrupted his speech, and he got a little frustrated as he had to navigate his words and breath around him. He was still mostly unbothered by his hiccups regardless his arousal level, or Atticus’, but it getting near bedtime was making them seem a bit more of a nuisance than normal.
“Doing light stretches might help, if you’re up for helping me,” Atty responded. They gave a soft smile as they watched him carefully peel the paper from the side of the patch protecting the adhesive.
The writer then stood with their shirt hiked up as Otto lowered to his knees to have a better angle at placing the patch where it needed to be.
Amid sounds of hiccups, Atticus heard Otto fussing behind them. They felt his fingertips ghost their lower back, then leave. Atticus felt the plap of the menthol infused patch against their skin and then it was removed again.
“Shit,” Otto whispered as he stifled another cluster. Four hiccups hit him and quick succession as he once again had almost lined up the patch to his partners back before “hmk!huck’m!hilp!mlk!” caused the patch to go askew again as his hands lost their steadiness.
If he hadn’t been on his knees he might’ve had a little more control over the situation. Or perhaps not. For the most part, his hiccups were pretty par for the course, but those deep ones seemed to come out of nowhere and jerk his body more than he expected.
Thank goodness he hadn’t had these when working earlier today. He might’ve had to abandon any repairs until he could cure them.
The more frustrated he got the more disruptive the hiccups seemed. Though he always got a little grumpy come bedtime, the hiccups were exacerbating it.
“Cra-hu’uck!-crap,” he muttered as his hands jolted again and folded the patch in on itself. “C’mon...HUP!-uh...”
“You good back there, bud?” Atty said over their shoulder. They couldn’t turn too far to look behind them due to pain and stiffness, but Otto saw their profile and a glimpse of their eye from the corner of their glasses.
“Yeah j—just can’t get hu’up!-get this th-hip’m-thing on str-hmp!hmp!-straight-HMPK!-ugh!” Otto groused.
Atty wasn’t sure if he’d groaned because of the hiccups or because of the issues he was having with the patch.
“You know, as long as it’s in the right vicinity I don’t really mind how it looks. Also...we don’t really straight in this house so slap that baby on however it goes, huh?” Atty said, hoping to lighten the mood.
The writer got a scoffed laugh as a reply and, they thought, that might have to be enough. Regardless, Atticus finally felt the soothing coolness of the patch cover their lower back and heaved a sigh as they felt Otto’s fingers smooth it out and reveled in the delicate touch. They turned around to face him as he stayed knelt on the ground in front.
“You tired?” Atty asked softly as their arms propped on his shoulder and their hands encircled his neck.
“A little,” he admitted as his head was thrown back in a “hrmk’l!hrk!” and he rubbed his eyes. “Sorry hrmk! I know I g—get grouchy. HUCK’M!hmk!hlp!mmk!-huck!”
“Those things aren’t helping, I guess,” Atty noted to his hiccups. “They starting to bother you?”
“Uh-HUP’K! Heh! Sorta. They’re j-hulpk!-just annoying. HMMK!-Mm, not painful, th—though,” he said a little sheepishly.
Atticus pulled him closer with that admission and hugged his head to their chest as they rested their head on his.
“My poor guy,” they cooed. Then their voice got a little deeper and sharper. “That’s what you get for laughing at your poor partner at how they walk when they’re in pain!”
“Ah!” Otto exclaimed, laughter muffled into their body, “Tou-hup!hup!-t—touch-hip!hmp!-touché! Dammit!”
Atticus was back to rubbing his back in their embrace, him on his knees making the writer feel more than adequate to envelop him in their arms.
“Okay, I’m gonna take some Ibuprofen and maybe you should try and get rid of those? They sound like they’re getting worse.” Atty suggested.
“Yeah g—good idea HUP-uh,” Otto said and grabbed onto the kitchen island to pull himself up with a wince. “Oh! Hoop!” He grabbed his knees, the tissue around his patellae offended by the pressure put on them.
“Nuh-uh!” Atticus announced as they watched him struggle from their place in front of the cabinet the couple kept medicine in. “None of that! Only one of us can be down for the count at a time with old people pain! I already called lower back. You can have knees next week.”
“Heh hup!” Otto said with a small smile. “I’d hurmp!-I’d rather n—not. Hmk!-uh. I think I’m-hmp!hmp!-I think I’m good.”
Atticus watched him as he put the back of his hand over his mouth to cover a small burp followed by another cluster and finally lower that hand with a sigh onto his chest as he reached for the apple cider vinegar.
Ever since Rose and Bill had introduced them to the potential magic of a gulp of apple cider vinegar, as opposed to the three-step solution they’d used before, it was always a first line in curing Otto’s hiccups. If that didn’t work, then sugar, salt, and lemon resumed their position to be one of the more reliable cures. And if that didn’t work, which it usually did, waiting it out was the only other option. It was rare that they had to wait, but it had happened.
Atticus leaned against the counter as they watched Otto take a swig of the vinegar and wince, shaking his head, before swallowing it.
“Good?” Atty said, trying to keep the humor out of their voice. They smiled in amusement, though.
“I can still...sort of f—feel them. Yeah,” he sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand and sighed, jolting a little with another silent hiccup. “But I don’t think they’re go—O—nna last for much longer.”
“You sure?”
Otto nodded assuredly, the curls that had started to frizz on top of his head bobbing a little with the enthusiasm.
“Yeah,” he said, stifling a yawn that ended in another silent spasm. They had certainly calmed down, so Atticus nodded. “Hey, you want me to—to help you stretch before bed, n—now?”
“Yeah, let’s try that,” the writer agreed.
Otto unfolded the bench from his Pilate’s machine and helped Atticus on it.
“I wanna try some pa—assive stretches with me assisting. You game?” Otto asked.
“Yeah, sure.”
“J—just don’t let me push past the point of—of pain, okay?”
Otto handled one of Atticus’ legs and folded it up, their foot on his abdomen, as he leaned closer and pushed it toward their torso gently.
Atty chuckled. At Otto’s questioning look and pause in movement they shook their head.
“I’m fine, it’s just I can feel your tummy flutter on my foot when you, um, hiccup. It’s funny,” they said.
“Guess my diaphragm i—is giving you a food massage, too!”
“It’s working overtime,” Atty noted.
“Tell me ab—about it!” Otto groused with a shake of his head.
By the time the stretches were over, though, Otto’s hiccups had finally given up and Atticus’ back felt better than it had all week.
“Hey, what do you want to do for your birthday next month?” Atticus asked as Otto led them back up the stairs so they could sleep with Otto for the first time in days.
“I dunno. Haven’t really given it much thought…” he admitted.
Otto helped Atticus into the bed as he turned off the lights and settled in, himself.
“Hm. Well I’ll have to think of something amazing on my own, then,” Atticus said.
They snuggled into their husband as he laid down next to them. Then they hissed in discomfort at being on their side and relented to sleep on their back, instead, Otto’s arm moving to embrace them.
“I trust you will,” Otto said. “But...you know...it’s definitely not going to be as good as a banjo clock.” It was obvious he was teasing.
“I knooow. You really fucked up the precedent with that one, you know? Damn your kind heart,” they said.
“It really is a heavy burden to bear,” he said, dramatically.
“You’re so brave,” Atticus agreed.
“I know,” he said with a smile and kissed his partner on the forehead as they cuddled as far into his body as their back allowed them to squirm.
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moonymode · 2 months
re: a conversation with @casurlaub in the replies of this post about harry having never done anything wrong in his life (source: trust me). replying here because i wrote too much 😅:
i agree with you, it's wild because i have not only also seen people genuinely frame harry as draco's bully, but go further and insist that harry is just willfully cruel, like as a character flaw. which is obviously ironic cause that's draco's entire personality for the first 5 books, especially irt his treatment of harry, as you said! and the sectumsempra thing is crazy to bring up w/o acknowledging draco's purposeful use of crucio. which is in contrast to harry's misinformed use of sectumsempra, something we know harry wouldn't have used deliberately knowing the effects (we know this because harry feels terrible about it but the way this works in fandom is that when a character expresses guilt for anything that means they're actually the worst person alive by their own admission. because it's famously true that only the worst people admit to their mistakes and try to do better. which is really just an unassailable argument in many ways). this is where someone who isn't me might criticize harry's carelessness in trying out a spell he doesn't know on another person. which is kind of valid but not as evidence of moral failure. and i would argue that harry has no reason to assume a fellow 16 year old such as himself would ever invent something as twisted as sectumsempra, not the least his funny, downtrodden friend the half-blood prince who helps him with his potions homework! his little friend who harry has been relating to and empathizing with for most of the novel! the scene is partly so shocking because we as readers are also not expecting it. no one @ me about harry's stupidity in trusting another supposedly evil book, snape's old potions notes simply cannot be compared to a horcrux that possesses and kills people and i don't have time to draft up a defensive essay on harry's mental state in hbp and how that informs his parasocial relationship with teenage snape; the point is that harry would never deliberately maim someone.
and beyond the fact that harry's hostility towards draco can't be isolated from draco's years-long campaign to harass him and his friends (and which as you point out is almost always reactive, not something harry often initiates himself), there's an explicit reason for why their conflict escalates as much as it does in hbp; draco's ideologies aren't hypothetical anymore, people are being killed, draco's father was involved in the murder of harry's godfather and the attempted murder (and successful injuring) of harry's friends months prior. harry has real reason to suspect that draco is now continuing his father's legacy and, crucially, is the only one working to corroborate or prevent that. like it's wild that harry actually makes such a concerted effort to involve anyone he can in his suspicions in hbp, more so than he ever has before. and he is routinely dismissed and mocked for it (and also actively gaslit by dumbledore lmao). it's funny cause that's a huge running theme throughout the books; harry cannot rely on others, esp not adults, to save him or his loved ones. this is harry's belief (that he again tries to correct in hbp, which ends up proving him sadly right) but it's also a huge part of the narrative, it's an inescapable fact of harry's life. the fact that people read harry's behavior in hbp as unreasonable or malicious and not profoundly defensive after the events of ootp is really strange, but also frustratingly typical. it's no wonder that harry stalks draco; no one will listen to harry when he says he's a threat. the times that harry has defeated voldemort in the past have often relied on information he's gleaned in a clandestine fashion, of course the morality of such behavior is greyed out by the consequences of inaction (which are by this point unspeakable). and most important of all, the crux of this entire debate, is that harry fucking literally is right about his suspicions that draco is working for voldemort. like it's so relevant perhaps thee most relevant that draco literally does almost get all of harry's friends killed by letting the death eaters into the school, and harry has suspected this for the entire novel, has been shut down at every turn to prevent it, and it's only harry's intervention (LITERAL GOOD LUCK) that saves them. if it's possible to justify draco's behavior through the pressure and coercion voldemort puts on him in hbp, the logical imperative is to afford the same leniency to harry. literally of all people.
in conclusion: i'm not going to argue that harry isn't reckless or sometimes negligent as a general rule, but any argument that blames harry for reacting imperfectly to violence and danger, especially in comparison to consistently antagonistic characters (that embody ideologies which are themselves implicitly and later explicitly and demonstrably violent), is hypocritical and just, like fucking dumb. like it's just dumb as fuck. i've talked about how the fanbase tends to hold more empathy for racist villains and i think that's relevant to understanding why people sympathize with draco over harry. but i think it's also a matter of media illiteracy which is a phrase that's kind of losing its luster at this point but i really constantly see this persistent cognitive dissonance in fans that say and even think they're progressive, whatever that means to them, and then fully unironically think that the unequivocally fascist characters were more sympathetic for suffering the consequences of their own actions vs the imperfect reactions of the heroes to combat um literal death by those characters. like i don't even know if i can reasonably expect people who still engage uncritically with hp to be capable of understanding jkr's mid writing past a level so shallow not even a worm could drown in it. anyway thank you for listening <3
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lightandheatao3 · 5 months
The Bunker - Criminal Minds
Chapter 4: The Question
Summary: Spencer Reid wakes up in a locked bunker to find half the current BAU and two of its departed members unconscious on the floor. The old team is back together but the reunion is not what any of them would have wished for. An Unsub from their past has decided it's time they all stop keeping secrets, even if it means exposing them by force.
Hotch and Derek have been pulled back into a world they tried to escape. Emily, Rossi, and JJ are doing their best to keep it together. Spencer is falling apart.
AKA a found family is reunited and forced to go through the most nightmarish version of family therapy imaginable.
Set months after the end of Criminal Minds: Evolution. Evolution referenced, but not necessary to understand the story.
Chapter Summary: Tensions rise as time in the bunker drags on.
Read chapter 4 on AO3 or under the cut. All comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
“Come on man, get up.”
“What’s the point?” whined Spencer.
“The point is that muscles start to atrophy after 3 days of inactivity, and you have been holed up on that disgusting mattress for… what… like a week and half now? Longer than you should’ve been,” said Derek.
Spencer groaned. “I’ve been a bit sick, if you haven’t noticed.”
“Which is why we’ve left you alone, but you’re so goddamn shaky and thin you’re starting to resemble a chihuahua. You need to keep active, or you will just get sicker. That’s true for all of us,” he insisted.
“Come on, it’s simple calisthenics. No worse than you had to do at the academy,” said Emily, entirely too chipper.
“I hated doing it back then, too,” he said. “I would really rather never move again, thanks.”
“Of course you want to sleep all day,” said Derek. “It’s called clinical depression, Reid. It’s what happens when you replace your brain’s ability to self-regulate pleasure with heroin. You’re gonna be all fucked up for a while, but you’ll level out eventually. And you know what’s proven to be one of the most effective treatments for depression? Exercise! So get your ass up,” he ordered, nudging the mattress with his foot.
“Okay, okay, I get it. Just don’t complain when I pass out after 5 minutes,” he said, dragging himself up.
The last thing he wanted was to be roped into an extended conversation about the questionable state of his mental health.
“I’ll consider it 5 minutes well spent,” Derek said, reaching a hand down to help him to his feet.
Emily corralled them all into two lines while JJ placed herself at the front of the room, ready to lead the workout.
“Frankly, I’m with you, kid,” Rossi whispered, looking pointedly unhappy about the whole situation.
“Shut it,” said Emily.
Hotch smirked. “Pick your battles, boys.”
“Just you wait until it’s my turn to run the class tomorrow,” said Derek, positioned feet shoulder width apart and ready to go in the front line with Emily. “You’ll be begging to go back to this moment”
Rossi and Spencer both whinged, but they shaped up and did their best to mirror JJ’s movements when she called them to attention.
Spencer did not pass out, but he did make it almost precisely 5 minutes before having to very rapidly excuse himself to go throw up. After a few retches, he collapsed back onto the floor of the tiny en-suit, half curled around the toilet.
Rossi ducked his head in. “You doing alight? Need some help?”
“Just… just let me lie here for a minute.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay with you?” he persisted.
“Get back in here, Rossi!” ordered Emily.
With a swear that was barely concealed under his breath, he left Spencer to languish on the floor.
A few minutes later he hauled himself out and retook his place in the group. Nobody said anything, but Derek had an annoyingly self satisfied smile. He only made it through another few exercises before he had to stop in earnest, but, as loathed as he was to admit it, he felt a tiny bit better. Emotionally, if not physically.
Emily, JJ and Derek all sat by him. Rossi had first dibs on the bathroom to wash his clothes and Hotch… well, he was sitting cross legged on the far side of the room meditating.
Spencer didn’t know if he was actually meditating, or if he just wanted to be left alone.
He’d warmed up to them all since they had been in the bunker. In fact he was almost warmer and friendlier than he had been when they were all still close. Or, maybe not friendlier, but gentle somehow, in a way Spencer had never seen him be with anyone but Jack and Beth before.
Still, he kept a distance from them. Even when they were talking, he could feel the invisible wall.
Not that Spencer was judging. He had plenty of his own walls.
“I know you feel like garbage, Spence, but you’re doing a lot better,” said JJ, looking pleased.
“Better than what?” he scoffed.
“Better than when you were pumping your veins full of dope every day,” suggested Derek, lying on the floor in front of where Spencer and the girls were siting, clasping his hands behind his head casually and putting his feet up against the wall.
Spencer narrowed his eyes, a flash of irritation at the lackadaisical attitude. “That’s an interesting philosophical debate. Do you really think I’d be worse off high in my apartment than soberly held captive by an Unsub?”
Derek tapped his foot thoughtfully. “I think, and correct me if I’m wrong here boy genius, those are not the only two options in the world.”
“Please, Morgan, if we make it out of here alive will you teach me how to be as virtuous as you?” he said sarcastically.
“Enough, both of you,” said Emily when Derek leaned his head up to argue back. “Spencer, stop scratching, you’re going to get an infection.”
He looked at her quizzically for a split second before realizing what she meant. He had been scratching at his arms without even noticing. He stopped, slinging them both over his knees instead.
The most recent track marks were scabbed over and the extra sensory sensitivity after withdrawal was making them itch like crazy.
It’s funny how quickly he’d gotten used to them seeing him like this. He was still in his singlet and pajama pants most of the time, the long sleeve shirt functioning more as a pillow than an item of clothing these days.
The others were the same, with everyone comfortably sitting around in their underwear when waiting for their clothes to dry. They’d all spent enough time in hotel rooms together over the years not to be precious about that sort of thing.
None of them even balked at the track marks anymore. They’d gotten used to them. He didn’t know how he felt about that.
He’d always hated having to hide and having them be so delicate about the subject of his addiction, but now they were infuriatingly direct. Far from walking on eggshells, they were stomping as brashly as they pleased. Especially Derek.
It was really starting to piss him off.
That might have been because literally everything was pissing him off since detoxing.
He tried not to feel too bad about it. He wasn’t the only one who’d been a bit snippy. The complete absence of privacy and personal space wasn’t doing any of them any favors.
“Can I ask you something?” asked JJ, catching his eye.
He sighed. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”
“Probably not,” she admitted.
A beat. “You can ask.”
She looked him up and down. Emily was glancing between them, and Derek had cracked an eye open.
“What happened two years ago?” she asked gently. “Why did you start using again?”
He was surprised it took them this long. He’d been waiting for them to interrogate him on the subject since the second that goddamn note was read out.
This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have. It wasn’t one he knew how to have.
“Nothing happened,” he said softly.
“I don’t believe that.”
“Addicts relapse, JJ. An estimated 88% of all heroin addicts relapse within 1 to 3 years of quitting. I know you all think I’m different somehow, like I’m supposed to be smarter than that. That’s not how it works.”
He didn’t mean to sound harsh, but even he could hear the bite in his voice by the end. There was a little part of him that resented them for even being surprised at his relapse, as if there was something about him that precluded him from that kind of indignity. It was misdirected and he knew it.
“That’s not what I’m saying,” said JJ defensively. “If you don’t want to talk about it just say so.”
Before he could apologize to her, Derek chimed in with, “It’s what I’m saying.” He sat up. “You’re right, Reid, you are supposed to be smarter than this.”
“Thanks, Morgan. Invite me to the ceremony when they give you a Nobel prize for fixing the opioid epidemic.”
Derek folded his arms and continued as if Spencer hadn’t said anything. “You didn’t choose to be an addict, but you did choose to do it alone. If you hadn’t cut yourself off from all of us when you relapsed, we would have helped you. You chose to keep pretending everything was fine while it spiraled out of control. Every time we talked, every time you visited, I asked you what was happening in your life, and you chose to lie. For someone so goddamn smart, you've been making a lot of incredibly stupid choices.”
Hotch had opened his eyes and Rossi had re-emerged from the bathroom still holding a soapy, wet shirt in his hands.
Spencer and Derek had both stood up and Spencer wasn’t even sure when they’d done it.
Emily didn’t intervene this time. Apparently, they were doing this.
“You’re right, I didn’t ask for your help and I don’t want it now!” He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. Through gritted teeth he said, “I am grateful to you all for getting me through withdrawal and I am sorry I put you through that. Can’t that be enough for now? We clearly have bigger problems than this.”
“No?” he said indignantly.
“No. Why won't you talk about this? What could you possibly have to say that’s worse than what we already know?” Derek demanded, volume rising with every word.
“I don't want to talk about it because I know what you want me to say! You want me to tell you that if we get out of here I’m going to get treatment and go to meetings and pinkie promise I’ll never use narcotics again,” Spencer said, matching his volume and emphasizing the words with a wave of his hand.
“The only thing I want is for you to tell me the fucking truth!”
“No, you don’t!”
“Yes, I do! I don’t care how bleak it is, just for one fucking second be honest about what you want!”
“The truth is I don’t want to do this!” shouted Spencer. “If I had heroin, I would shoot up right now, right here in this fucking room while you watched. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to hear? I don’t want to be fixed!”
“Why not?” yelled Derek.
They stared at each other, both breathing heavily. Spencer had been staring directly into his eyes for far longer than he would normally be able, fueled by adrenaline.
He caught glimpse of something behind the anger that in another circumstance he might have missed.
Derek wasn’t mad.
He was terrified.
The realization hit him like a physical blow.
Spencer stared at him, opening his mouth but not finding any words.
“Why don’t you want us to help? Why don’t you want to be fixed? What the hell happened to you?” pleaded the closest thing he’d ever had to a brother. “What’s your plan when we get out of here? You wanna go be a junkie, dead in a year? You had 15 years clean, man. Why are you doing this?”
His eyes burned, moisture pooling in the corners. Why? Why was he doing this?
What answer could ever satisfy them?
The air between them filled with poisonous silence.
Out of the silence came a voice, too small for him to make out the words. Derek held his gaze, fighting tears of his own, but asked to someone to the side, “What did you say?”
“It wasn’t 15 years,” said JJ, louder this time.
Another shiver of panic worked its way down Spencer’s spine.
“What are you talking about?” demanded Derek.
“He said ‘times.’ When we first got the note. He said we weren’t there the other times he went through withdrawal. Plural.”
Fuck. Why could he never just say the right thing?
Derek squared off, lifting a hand to wipe under his eyes. “JJ’s right, isn’t she.” He wasn’t shouting anymore. When Spencer didn't answer, he took it as all the confirmation he needed. “Was it after prison?”
He shot a brief look off at the others, silently urging them to step in and save him.
JJ wouldn’t look at him. She looked small. He never wanted to do this to her.
Hotch was eyeing him like he was trying to solve the puzzle of what bits of Spencer Reid had been irreparably broken in his absence. Prison had certainly done some damage that couldn’t be undone.
He looked back at Derek. “No. That was… It was hard, but no.”
“So, when?” he asked, cocking his head, waiting for Spencer to give him something concrete to fight about.
He looked back at JJ, who still wouldn’t meet his eye.
She already knew.
“Oh no,” said Emily softly, putting it together. “It was after I faked my death to hide from Doyle.”
He was torn between Derek and JJ, and all the other people in this room who his deficiencies kept hurting.
Their fight after it was revealed that JJ knew Emily was alive had almost destroyed their friendship. In retrospect, he understood she was doing the best she could with horrible circumstances, trying to protect Emily.
He also knew, equally certain, that he would have told her. If the situations were reversed and she came to his door, crying, grieving, on the verge of a breakdown, he would have told her.
She knew it, too.
He was aware that she still held tightly onto that guilt. He regretted so badly the way he’d treated her when he first found out. He never wanted to tell her this. Never.
He turned away from Derek, who was still staring at him like he’d ripped his heart out of his chest.
“JJ, please talk to me.”
He stepped forward, putting his hands on her arms. She looked up at him, red eyed and exhausted.
“You told me you didn’t use. You only thought about it,” she said, sounding numb. “I believed you. Except… I think I just wanted to believe you.”
“I’m sorry.” He pulled her into a hug. She held onto him tightly. “You did the right thing back then. My actions weren’t your fault.”
The moment was over as quickly and horribly as it began when the chamber on the door banged.
Of course this interruption couldn't have come minutes earlier when he desperately needed it.
A gloved hand reached in to deposit a brown paper bag.
Derek was slow to react, not running to the door in his usual effort to ingratiate himself to their captor through one sided conversation.
When nobody moved, the interrupted outbreak of truth and consequences weighing them down too heavily, Hotch stepped towards the door.
He moved slowly, deliberately, as if one muscle twitching out of place would set off a bomb. Spencer wasn’t sure where he thought the explosion might be coming from.
When Hotch opened the chamber and extracted the brown paper bag, he stared at it. Not moving, just staring down at the thing he was holding, presumably filled with more fruit. Nobody else moved. Nobody spoke.
In one swift and vicious action, Hotch flung the bag across the room!
Fruit scattered over the concrete in a colorful arc. An overripe peach splattered on the far wall.
They all flinched at the sudden act, but before anyone could talk, Hotch had rounded on the camera in the roof with its infuriating, endlessly blinking red light.
He spoke low, dangerous. “When we get out of here, and we will, I’m going to kill you myself. Forget life in prison, I will put you down like a fucking dog.”
Spencer sucked in a sharp breath, not realizing he’d been holding it. JJ was gripping his arm tight enough to cut off circulation. He let her. The room was cavernous, quiet, oppressive.
Hotch clenched and unclenched his fists. Emily stepped forward, mouth open, a hand outstretched towards his shoulder but not bold enough to actually touch him, yet he pulled away from her as if she had.
“I’m fine,” he snapped. He took in a ragged breath, scrubbing his hands over his face, then lowered them. This time, calmer: “I’m fine.”
He looked around the room at the scattered fruit. With another deep breath, he bent down and started gathering it up. Emily stepped forward to help him.
Spencer, JJ, and Derek exchanged looks. Spencer knew they would not be dropping the subject forever, but for now they settled on an agitated, embarrassed truce. Well, Spencer was embarrassed. Derek might just have been agitated.
Had he really said, out loud, that he would shoot up in front of them if he had to? He was almost certain he would actually follow through with that given the choice. There's almost nothing he wouldn't do to get high at this point. Withdrawal and being stuck in the bunker had only made his cravings stronger.
He had certainly not intended to tell them that, though.
The three of them broke away, moving to help Hotch and Emily. JJ grabbed the paper bag for them to consolidate the food, while Derek moved to clean the peach that was dripping down the wall.
As Hotch dropped his handful of citrus and apples into the bag JJ was holding, he paused. The rest of the room paused too, waiting to see what he would do.
“It was my call to keep everyone in the dark about Prentiss. It was cruel to put that on you.” He looked around at the rest of them. “It was cruel to all of you.”
“You did what you thought was right,” said Spencer. He locked eyes with JJ. “Both of you did.”
Hotch eyed him off, picking him apart in a way that made Spencer want to bury his face in his hands like a little kid, desperate not to be seen. He resisted the urge.
“You still don’t believe it was the right call,” said Hotch eventually, a statement not a question.
Spencer frowned. “No,” he said honestly. “But I know you believed it. That’s enough for me.”
Hotch shook his head. Clearly, it wasn’t enough for him.
Emily looked between all of them, grey hair falling oddly prettily over her shoulders as she swiveled her head. “I mean, if we want to play the blame game, it’s really my fault for keeping you all in the dark about Doyle,” she pointed out. “Or Doyle’s fault for creating the whole mess. We can go even deeper. In a round about way, it’s really my mother’s fault I got into intelligence in the first place. We can all blame my mother! Trust me, it’s one of my favorite pastimes. It’s cathartic. Go ahead,” she encouraged.
Derek laughed. Even JJ cracked a smile.
“I really dislike your mother, so this is compelling,” deadpanned Hotch.
Emily chuckled. “Yeah, she hates you too buddy.” To the room at large she said, “I know we’re all going a bit crazy in here, but everything we’re feeling has to be secondary to the ultimate goal of getting out. I’ve been thinking about that, and-”
“Emily,” said Rossi, wet, half-washed shirt sitting discarded on the floor, forming a puddle.
Spencer hadn't even registered that he hadn't spoken or helped with the cleanup, caught up in the interpersonal drama as he was.
Emily looked at Rossi quizzically.
Spencer’s blood ran cold. It was crumpled from having been tossed across the room with the rest of the bag’s contents.
Rossi held a folded piece of paper in his hand. With it, a photograph, the edge of which was just sticking out between the folds. He offered it to Emily. “Sorry,” he said sympathetically. “Looks like you’re up.”
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twostepstyless · 2 months
Okay bestie nel @lonelycowgirls got me inspired. Like her I’ve had 7 months of fun and living my best life and also a lot of change of leaving a job and starting a new one (which as an aside I’ve officially passed my probationary period, ya girlies employed employed in something she genuinely loves and wants to do) so I need to come back to myself and I’ve currently got the feeling that I’m not spending my time away from work as well as I could be. So here’s some goals and a lot of waffle to go alongside them for the next 5 months for me to shoot for!
1. Do some conscious, meaningful movement every day, whether that’s a hot girl walk, the slow running club I’m doing with some of my girlies, a swim, a class, cycle, yoga flow, a fucking skipping rope, anything, just meaningful movement. I’ve went from a fairly active job to a mostly inactive role and I am feeling the difference.
2. Stop dipping into my savings. My savings are in a fairly healthy manner and I’m good with my income but I’m getting awfully good at dipping a quick wee 30 quid here and another wee 50 quid there and I’m not helping myself by doing that.
3. Be creative for me again. I’ve been in the trenches of the most horrendous creative block I’ve suffered through since I finished art school during covid. By the end of the year I’d like to have done a few things just to feel that spark again. Those include but not limited or restricted to, finishing at least one painting, do at least one of the embroidery projects I want to do, write something for here?? I’m not even overly arsed about what I’m doing or the final outcome really, I just need to do something with my hands that isn’t for my job.
4. Develop more meaningful connections. This doesn’t have to be romantic, but fuck me I need to talk to more people or develop my relationships with the people I do talk to just now.
5. Get back into language learning. I have been trying to learn Italian well since I was probably about 16, I’m now 27 swiftly approaching 28 and I’m still not overly thrilled with my progress but I bloody enjoy doing it so why can’t I just commit to it. My relationship with Duolingo is frosty right now and I’d like to thaw that out!
6. Be consistent with what I’m putting in my body. Food is a hard topic for a lot of people myself included but I know I need to be more consistent with what I’m putting in my body. I hate the term cheat day but it’s the only phrase I can think of that describes the situation. I’m not a person who can have a “cheat day” because it spirals into cheat week cheat month cheat multiple months and then I just get fucked off with myself. I’m team “everything in moderation” but I need to get better at balancing the moderation bit. I don’t even mean only food as being consistent with what I’m putting in my body either. My water intake while I’m at work is 10/10 I knock that shit out of the park, the second I come home and over the weekend, you’d think I’d have never heard of water and then I feel shite cause I’ve actively dehydrated myself, so I’m actively trying to sort that out.
7. This one is so stupid lmao but I think there’s a lot of value in seemingly simple or easy goals to tick off. Get a new hairdresser. My current one loudly complains about cutting my hair because it’s so long and like girlie I’m paying you? So I’m over that and I want someone fresh to let at my locks
8. And the big one that’s been a goal all year but I’ve just not conquered yet. I’d like to make moves to conquer my driving anxiety. I feel like I’ve spoke about this briefly in the past. I am a good driver and I’m confident driving places I know. However, I am terrified of going anywhere outside that. It takes a lot of pushing myself to get on the motorway and once I’m on the motorway I’m fine. It’s coming off and going somewhere new where I don’t know exits etc or all of it really and I know in my heart of hearts I’ll be fine and can figure it out but I just can’t get myself over the fear to actively do it. So I’d love to make some good progress to tackle that before the year is up.
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thisfanisgonesorry · 1 year
I'd love to request some Junkrat dreaming about his parents, especially his Mum
And how proud they are of him
Give me the feels!
started writing this fic the second u sent it (sorry tf2 fans) cos ive been brainrotting on my sweet boy augh anyway, made this junkrat/you fic just so i could work it into my sleepy time fics and also cos .. youll see
tags: fluff, light angst, sleepy time fic number 3, comfort,, heavily based off shit i grew up w as a kid in australia, paranormal ghost shii, genderneutral reader, open interpretation,, weird pov thing oops
heavily inspired by these 3 clips just in case ur interested :-) (spoiler warnings obv)
[game of tones] [bobs burgers] [tf2 comic #5, old wounds]
He woke up in his childhood home, he furrowed his eyes at the surroundings and sat up, confused at how he fell asleep on the couch, and the TV buzzed from the heat. The kids channel was inactive as it tended to be late at night. He was remembering things that he hadn’t seen in years. He sat up and went to wobble his way around the building before both feet landed on the carpet.
He paused, noticing both legs in tact, then realising his arm was too. “It’s a dream.” He said plainly, realising what was happening. He began to make his way towards the kitchen, the bright light seeping down the hallway and into the dark lounge room.
“Jamison!” The tall blonde woman called out to him.
“...Ma?” He looked at her confused and she handed him a plate full of meat and vegetables.
“I was wondering when you’d wake up, tea was about to go cold.” She smiled warmly at him, all he could really do was smile weakly back. “Something the matter?”
“Uh.. Nah, nah.” He hesitated.
He’d dreamed of his mother before but not quite to this much extent. Not this much detail, it was uncanny how real it felt. 
“Dinner looks good.”
She placed her plate of food on the bench and put a hand on his face. “You look so grown up.” She frowned at him slightly.
“What?” He was taken back and put his plate on the bench too.
“How long has it been?”
He froze for a minute. “Close to fifteen years.” She kept rubbing her thumb over his cheek before he pulled her hand away.
“That’s a long time.” She laughed softly. “What’s happened?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged casually. “Not much.. Lost my leg.. Lost my arm.. Survived the Omnic Crisis.”
She grabbed his now in-tact amputated arm and ran her hands over his forearm. “That must’ve been hard.”
“It was.” 
He was a little uneasy about how she somehow knew which arm was gone. They just stood there in silence for a long period of time.
“Is this real?” Jamie laughed awkwardly. “It’s just a dream, right?”
She looked up at him and a moment’s silence passed over them and a sense of knowing filled the air. 
“I’ve missed you.” She said softly.
“I’ve missed you too but how.. How are you..?”
“I bet you’ve done great things since I’ve been gone.”
He pressed his lip into a fine line at her changing the topic but then frowned at the knowledge that she would not be proud of her son if she knew of all the awful things he’s done.
“I don’t know about that..”
“What have you been up to?” She responded casually, as if making small talk with a friend you see once a month.
“I’m a criminal now.” He shrugged with a nervous laugh. “I make a lot of money and.. It makes me happy, I’ve met a lot of good people through it. I’ve travelled the world.” He rambled a little, almost like he was trying to sell a product.
“If it makes you happy, then I’m proud of you.” She sounded faintly disappointed yet still felt genuinely proud of him for finding what makes him happy and finding people that he loved.
“You’re not.. Upset?”
“I think I can understand why things happened the way they did.” She placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “You’ll always be my baby, no matter what. I don’t think it makes you a bad person for trying to survive.”
There’s another long gap of silence, both not sure what to say next.
“Tell me about your friends.”
“Ah, my friends?” He hesitated. “Where do I even start?”
“Tell me about the big one.” She smiled.
“Roadhog? His names Mako but he don’t like when we call him that. He’s my best friend, he’s basically like a brother. He’s been there for almost everything, thick and thin, y'know? He's the only person who I can really count on.”
“And the other one?”
“Y/n.. They’re.. Well. I'm lucky to have ‘em, I think you'd love ‘em too. Y’know, in a strange way, they remind me a lot of you. They’re both really important to me and I’m grateful to have them.”
Silence lingers in the air once again, an awkward stillness of uncertainty. What do you even say in this situation? What could you possibly talk about?”
“So.. There’s an afterlife?” She stayed silent. “Why’d it take you so long to visit? Why are you suddenly visiting me now?”
“I think you know why.” A lot of ideas raced through his head, so many possibilities on why. She spoke plainly with a slight sentiment of sadness at the end of her words. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled him into a tight embrace. He hesitated but hugged her back, savouring the moment.
“I think it’s time for you to wake up.” She said softly.
“I don’t want to yet.” He said as she pulled out of the hug and kissed his forehead.
He jumped awake with a loud gasp. I was leaning over him with my hand resting on his shoulder. “Jamie? Are you okay?”
“You’re crying.”
He wiped his face in a hurry with his hand and attempted to with his bicep. 
“I’m fine just.. Realising some stuff.” He smiled up at me warmly though it was clear something happened to upset him.
“You can talk to me, you know?”
“I know.” He continued to smile. I handed him a water bottle and smiled back at him. “I’ll tell you about it later. Just gotta think on it.”
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Hi I read your last post.
And I just want to give my 2 cents.
1. Why Tae is always doing it ?. I mean I get many ot7s here comparing it with hobi posting with Jimin. BUT the vibes they gives off is totally opposite. Hobi is just innocently posting his whatever updates with ALL members. You can clearly see an untainted affection to ALL members equally. But with Tae anyone with eyes can see and understand it's NOT like that. There was NO need for him to post that fake marker tattoo, there was NO need for him to come online twice or thrice just to say he was talking to JK or gaming with him, as if Jinkook was not gaming often. Fact that he doesn't mention anyone but JK, the main purpose of his visits is to inform Tkk news is so wierd. It very much rubs me in a wrong way.
2. Like you said, idk why he feels his fame will go away if he's not keeping on feeding tkkrs. JM was inactive for MONTHS. He barely posted during last 6-7 months, while he was working his ass off which now he's getting paid. But the rare times Jimin comes home it's to wish fans, say he's working, to say he miss and loves us. Even members share the same thing abt him - Jimin is working hard to prepare something huge. JK is inactive now for almost 2 months. So if 2 members of maknae line doesn't need any ship or glamor to keep their fans close why tae thinks he needs to ? Given he's the one with most followers among maknaes ? Is he not confident in his fans. Or does he know the mass breed following he has, who will disappear if he won't feed them tkk ? It's something we all knew but all of this confirmed it again, Jimin is VERY CLASSY.
3. Now boys know all the after effects of their actions. There was a reason why Tae came to weverse to clear it when he accidentally followed Jennie. So he knows it is JM's name will be dragged for everything tkk does. One can say he's not responsible for tkkrs. But one thing is spending time with your bandmate but he should also consider about his another bandmate who is bruttaly attacked each time he decides to feed them. If your action is causing major damages to people you claim to love everyone will be cautious about posting what is going behind the scenes online. Now last time he came live, I knew it was to say something tkk. And I wasn't wrong. EVERYONE can see the pattern, unnecessary pattern, but won't admit.
4. Now this is the most important. JK. If JK is with tae everytime he gives updates, then there's nothing, we as Jikookers can complain about. We may think what tae is doing is not nice BUT it's JK who's still choosing to do everything he shared with tae. Tae is NOT lying about these things. All of this indeed happened (except tattoo thing). So which is worse. Spending all time with one person or the said person saying it online ? In this sense, tae is not doing anything wrong, even if he has a hidden agenda. It was JK who spend days and hours gaming with tae, it is JK who goes bowling with his friends, it's JK who posted a cropped pic of their private trip, it's JK who went to tae before he went to Qatar or even the day JM was returning home from Paris. It was JK who didn't supported JM's work online, It was JK who's going shopping with tae. if JK likes to do everything with him, except coming online to say a Hi to his own fans or atleast give 2 fucks about Jimin's existence, tae is simply making it online. Not pulling lies out of his ass.
5. Even if this much happened which WE think is not nice from tae's side, Jimin and JK is not bothered. Jimin doesn't give 2 fucks about tkk, conspiracy theories or tkkrs. He doesn't care if JK is spending so much time with tae, not being there when he comes home, not supporting him on sm, he doesn't care of their cult fans are dragging his name, he doesn't care if these all stirs more conspiracy theories. He is doing his thing, he's making his album, he is coming online to wish fans, he is getting his deals, he seems so happy in latest contents, him and hobi share even deeper bond, he's GLOWING. Which is the MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR ME. JK doesn't give 2 fucks if Tae is saying it all online even in middle of his sm break, he doesn't care if it's stirring more tkk theories and rumors. It's obvious his view abt Fandom and how he approaches it changed. Now what does that tell us ? Either Jikook doesn't care about these things or it's just us reading all of this, I mean ALL OF THIS, wrongly - including Jikook.
So, I'll be honest, this ask coming from a totally blank account looks like bait. But in the interest of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, I'll entertain you once.
Disclaimer 1: I'm a 1-year-old ARMY still making my way through content, so please take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Disclaimer 2: Your thoughts and feelings are valid--but none of us have the right to assume we know how any BTS member thinks, feels, acts off camera, or intends things to be. So understand your thoughts are your thoughts, not necessarily reality, and that we don't have a right to every sliver of these guys' lives.
First and Second Question: Why does Tae constantly namedrop JK? In my opinion, I think Tae's parents were forced by circumstances to leave him with his grandparents, and ever since then, he became an idol and an actor (and a good one) because he's afraid of being invisible. He doesn't want to be abandoned, so he will try on many different faces and personas. He will rarely share the "real" Kim Taehyung unless you're very close to him. He told us as much in an interview. I think Tae knows that he will always have a base among fans who like Taekook, and so he showcases Taekook. I notice a pattern to it, in the past year or so, though. Whenever JK or Jimin are trending or in the news (or if dating scandals are making the rounds), Tae comes online to mention only Jungkook and imply how close he is to Jungkook. And you know what? He IS close to Jungkook. Always has been. They DO hang out. I've never been in any doubt of it. Those two have been playing online and arcade games and doing sports and listening to music since they were fetus teenagers just starting out and they still are. I love that for them. I mean that sincerely. It's normal and healthy. And considering Tae sometimes hangs out with not-so-nice rich and famous folks, I'd much rather he chill with his members. Just my opinion, don't come for me. It does make me sad that Tae rarely mentions when he has hung out with Hobi, or Jin--yet they have both mentioned Tae has come over and hung with them, or had drinks and dinner with the whole group. I think this goes back to only a select few people seeing the "real" Taehyung, whereas V will share things online that he thinks fans want to see. Because he needs to be seen.
Third Question: Impact. Listen, all BTS members have Master's degrees in things like communications, entertainment, media, advertising, etc. They've been in the business for a decade. They are well aware of their impact, and likely follow it to varying degrees by using private social media accounts. I wish they each had training on how to respond to backlash or prevent backlash online, but it is what it is. So I think it's a safe bet to say they know when members get flack. But the extent of it? I honestly don't know. I'm not sure any of them spend too much time on English Twitter, gauging what rando theories nutters come up with. Creating online buzz is part of their business. Tae really seems to enjoy it. Jimin really does not. And we all saw a sharp direction change in JK, who used to come to us for Q&A sessions all the time, and now only updates for work. A decision he made round about the time the press started dragging Jimin for not getting his bills in the mail. At some point, for your own sanity, you have to stop taking responsibility for how others will twist things.
Fourth Statement: With the exception of the momentous occasion of headlining the World Cup, Jimin and Jungkook have stopped commenting on each other's social media, nor do they hype each other's projects. To me, this is so, SO much louder than if they just gave canned, lukewarm thumbs ups to things. You can take it to mean they don't care about each other's work, but, that would be inconsistent with 9 years of what they've said and shown us. The fact that Jungkook and Jimin are the ONLY two members not ever publicly hyping each other is... kind of putting a giant LOOK HERE sticker on their relationship, in my opinion. So if Jikook aren't showing us much evidence of off-stage Jikookery, then I look to the people around them.
The members, who all immediately look to Jungkook when Jimn struggles to open a food packet. Jin and Joon, laughing at Jikook acting out their own personal K-drama chase scene over gluten ramen. Yoongi and Hobi, rushing to explain why they heard Jimin's songs first to an upset JK. Joon, who teases JK specifically that Hobi is Jimin's #1. Hobi, who asks JK to do ace couples yoga with Jimin. Hobi, who explains JK is in charge of the music when Jimin is bumming around in his underwear at home. Hobi, who posted videos of Jikook playing games in the DC arcade. Yoongi, who automatically compares JK's organic approach to Jimin's hardworking style in the studio.
And never mind the members. Furniture stores that sell beds follow just them. Jewelry makers that specialize in couples pieces follow just them. Their tattoo artist has their initials forever inked on his arm. JK's brother kept up fanart of Jimin, Jungkook, and Bam online. Jimin's dad posted photos of JK's dog on his birthday. JK's mom made seaweed soup on Jimin's birthday.
I have never once seen anyone in the inner circle treat Taehyung and Jungkook like a unit this way. (Edit: I guess you could count that Wooga dudes follow JK on insta too, but, I just don't see people constantly linking Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook together off stage. The only one doing that is Tae.)
Everywhere you look, the people around Jikook treat them like a couple. BECAUSE THEY SO OBVIOUSLY ARE ONE.
FIFTH POINT: While I certainly would not be comfy if my best friend led millions of fans to believe he were in a romantic relationship with my boyfriend, I am not the maknae. I didn't grow up with shipping as an expected part of my job performance, and I didn't trauma bond with all of my members in my formative years. I think Jimin (and probably JK, based on the fact he continues to hang with Tae) find Tae's behavior to be zero threat because... it's truly of zero threat in real life.
Personally? I think Tae is straight (or at least bi) and has had straight relationships and really wants to marry a woman and have children some day--not because it's expected of him, but because that would bring him joy. I do not think he actually wants Jungkook romantically. (You MIGHT make a case to me that he had a crush on Jimin, maybe. But those guys are firmly and solidly in the friends-for-life category, per Jimin's clear feelings for JK.) This is just the vibe I get. I have no way of knowing. But even though the cult gets whipped up and they go online and spout ABSOLUTE VICIOUS NONSENSE, as long as Jikook are unbothered, I gotta stay unbothered too. Because I trust Jikook to know what's best for them.
Instead, I spend my time and energy supporting Jikook and BTS as a whole. I focus on streaming, voting, buying, and hash-tagging my heart out, in between watching episodes with my friends, because I've learned to put my energy toward the things I want. And I chalk Tae's behavior up to insecurity and growing pains. It sucks but I think it's part of his journey.
Because whatever Tae claims or implies, Jungkook has been super clear with us:
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So that's all I'm gonna say on this topic. Thanks for writing in. I wish you a positive and joyful fandom experience, my dear lurking friend!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I dont even think the tag is dead at all tbh. We were really spoiled last summer with 2k post per day, and something crazy happening everyday like Mikhailgate, scriptgate, sock anon or people impersonating Ross duffer, but if you check most tags on this app, that's rarely the case. The thing is, it's been a year since season 4 came out and we're still getting around 300 posts per day and I need people to realise how crazy that is. Before season 4 the tag had like 5 k followers and there could be days without a single post. The fact that it's been a year and we still surpass 200 posts, AND we've already made it through the most content drought phase of the hiatus (since filming is about to begin and we'll increase the daily posts again) is crazy. This tag is still very much active, even for a show that hasn't released any new content for a year. And also AO3 is still active. The fact that for a whole year, there's been writers who still update fics or create new ones everyday is something I'm not used to coming from other smaller fandoms.
I get it's a bit more boring right now and we are looking back to the may-august craze, but we've already made it through the worst and we only need to hold on for one more month
This is definitely the best way to look at it!
I think I’m also maybe sad bc a lot of familiar faces aren’t as active, like some folks I remember seeing daily are gone. Which is fine!
And even despite that you’ll see posts in the tag get like hundreds of likes, so there are definitely a lot of people still lurking just not posting. Which is also fine!
It’s so true though that we are a lot more active than we realize.
Tumblr in general I used to think of as like a no man’s land pre-s4 bc it tends to really only be active in specific fandoms where like the unity is on point bc the content is just rolling in.
So many fandoms reside here at a point, but dwindle over time, and I feel like we are very fortunate to have made a big space here bc it is a cool platform when you have a lot of people that like a certain thing and want to talk about it.
And we’re fortunate enough to be so massive and not only that but this is sort of just the beginning. Imagine how many followers we’ll gain leading up to s5, during and after…? Or the aftermath of people coming here to look at theories and be like YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT! All the queer fans who kind of talked down on us (understandably) for potentially falling for queerbait, joining in and being like wow this is surreal, it finally happened. It’s going to be magical.
For now I guess it just makes me wonder if I should take a break too?? Like seeing yourself over and over in the tag is almost a wake up call that I should step back like everyone else is for the time being? Bc like idk if it’s maybe annoying to see the same person over and over? Or if it’s just the reminder of how inactive things are and that’s what makes people step back too?
Not even a bad thing necessarily like you said, bc this is still an unprecedented case of a fandom being quite active despite the circumstances.
Honestly though, even if there isn’t much news going into May and in the couple months after it, beyond like the bare minimum of what we’re expecting, I’ll try to embrace it and maybe step back or even focus on more detailed posts instead of the day to day fodder.
I also hate myself for this, but I rarely go in the top posts tag??? I’m always like living in the recent posts part of it and that’s probably also the problem 😭
So reminder to anyone that’s like me who does the same, we gotta support more of us that have top posts too bc I will literally remember the top posts exists, go there, find absolute gems (obviously it’s top posts???) and then be like why the fuck don’t I come here more often??? That’s another way I could probably curb my disappointment about us not being as active as I’m used to. And it’s super simple.
There’s a lot of stuff like that I could do better at to contribute to the solution of this being a better experience for myself and other still active on here!
Thanks for the pep talk anón 😇🙏
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What’s your new Anger? (this is the inaction to tell me I am a big fan of your crit posts. You make them consider and understandable while not being condescending to the reader (so so affectionate :) ))
OHOH BOY Heres the thing, I dont really post crit for much. Usually I will like and reblog some valid posts that come up naturally and if its really a problem for me I tend to leave easy. But Thomas Sanders is killing me and takeover is a bad influence /j
But basically he reminds me of the worst coworkers you've had and he's just. Terrible at the job he ASSIGNED HIMSELF. He brands himself as a youtuber. He promises videos for one of his most popular endeavors which was lowkey a rebranding after vine was shut down and he was no longer a popular comedian on vine. And then he abandoned his largest project. And that wouldn't be a problem! If he did what majority of other cc's do. So many youtubers leave behind what made them popular, the move on the other things because it makes them happy and allows them to continue to bring content. There's usually some fans who are angry at this move but atleast most of those youtubers are transparent about this change. They communicate with their community setting the expectations going forward and they stick with them! Thomas has not done this.
He promised us a large amount of work going into making a season finale, and then making another season and he might not be able to push out content at the rate he has done before but thats because he's putting everything into the finale
But we've had very little sander sides content since then. And these have their own problems as being short and "not being part of the main storyline" or being blatant ads. But Thomas is still cranking out other content, he took up tiktok where he is reliving his vine era, he plays games on a side channel. He streams but only for people that pay him. We took the long wait and said fine. Its nothing these fans haven't done before. But then he goes and months and months after he promised us the finale, he tells us he has began working on the script. What was he doing in those months? How is he only just starting bare basics of this thing we have been waiting on forever. Can you imagine this in a professional setting? You're coworker hell your boss has major procrastination on important projects and refuses to give you a timeline? But they still expect to be paid and continue their job while they are doodling in their office.
He attempts to reason this away with not having a lot of people and the pandemic inhibiting the team from filming. First of all they haven't hadnt had anything to film with the finale because they are still working on the script. The pandemic is no longer a major world problem right now. And when it was that wouldn't of had to stopped planning or filming, it might be harder to do with only one person there but it is possible and manageable!
When he does have his team it boggles my mind! I was in schools news in middle school, we worked in teams of 5-7. Each team was pushing out a video every week/every two weeks. Each video had an original hand crafted intro that was never done before on another episode in our show. We had multiple skits. We had announcements and weather and what we were having thst day. We had news anchors thst led us into each segment. This was all planned, filmed and edited by the team. Was it perfect? No but we had content constantly coming out with completely original ideas everytime while we were still learning how to edit videos. We spent an hour every school day on these, we also split those hours with assignments we had due. We cranked this stuff out in a max total of 14 hours. These tiny 6th graders did amazing work despite being children who are using Adobe for the first time and having such little time. This experience has made me more understanding of what exactly these youtubers do, its hard time consuming work. And this understanding is what makes me so angry about Thomas not having any progress in the finale. This absolutely could have been done by now. This absolutely could have been done months ago.
Tldr: Thomas sanders refuses to communicate effectively with his fans and to work efficiently on this project. The fact that this has been going on for over 900 days is absolutely atrocious. This is his job, one that he signed up for. If he was working for anyone in any field including this one he would have been fired. We deserved better than this and deserve better than him continuing to drag this out.
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
sorry if this is odd to ask but what is your workout routine? I’m trying to motivate myself into exercise again and seeing how other people do it helps. Have a good one!
meant to reply to this sooner but I forgor… getting round 2 it now tho! disclaimer I dunno as much abt exercise science as I’d like to + don’t rly have any 'training' so my approach just comes from personal experience - take this w a pinch of salt lol. I’ll split it in 2 parts: my routine first + then a list of things that personally motivate me in a reblog in case u find any of that useful >:-) (under the readmore cuz this ended up being kind of long 👇)
ok so: I try to ‘actively’ work out 5 days a week. this tends to be broken into 1-2 longer full-body sessions (around 60-120 mins long, at the mo usually bouldering/parkour or a full-body home workout) with a rest day before/after + then 3-4 shorter home workouts (30-60 mins long, usually some form of weight/resistance training, targeting specific muscle groups). e.g. a fortnightly workout timetable might look smth like this for me:
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I don’t tend to plan specific workouts more than a few days in advance so I don’t actually follow an explicit timetable like this. instead I set aside an ‘exercise timeslot’ every day (usually 4-6pm) and I’ll intuitively decide how to work out on the day – i.e., what part of my body feels ready to go? what part feels tired + needs a break? do I have the energy/focus to do 45 mins or do I need to shorten it to 30? do i need a rest day? working out regularly means I have a good sense of how long I need for certain muscles to recover so if there’s an activity I want to do on a specific day (like a sports club I wanna attend) I’ll keep it in mind and plan accordingly so I’m fresh for that. as a rule of thumb, I avoid working the same muscle group on consecutive days + give myself a full rest day before & after any intensive full-body workout. I also try to never take more than 3 back-to-back rest days unless I’m sick/on my period/life gets in the way – otherwise its very easy for me to fall out of routine even if I’ve maintained it for months beforehand (<- adhd ass)
(also worth noting – my ‘rest days’ aren’t completely ‘inactive’ – I’ll go for a walk or do some stretches/yoga or another gentle activity instead. I need a lot of physical movement in my life or I go stir crazy <- adhd ass strikes again)
my ‘home workouts’ are the sort of movements u can do at a gym with the equipment there, but I replicate them with a yoga mat + my own weights + a sturdy chair. I have 6kg & 10kg pairs of dumbbells, plus yoga blocks + resistance bands for extra challenge. most of my workouts are based on resistance/interval training, which is focused on increasing strength by repeating sets of movements/holds at a consistent intensity/pace for specific lengths of time, with short timed rest periods in-between (e.g., a typical workout might look like 45 mins of 45 movements targeting 1-2 muscle groups, each done for 40 seconds followed by a 20 second break before immediately moving onto the next).  I like it bc I can rly feel the progress I make + find it satisfyingly challenging (<-masochist) but also bc its easy to tailor to my own ability/how much energy I have that day etc by changing weights/pace. it also works with my adhd brain bc I only have to do each movement for 40-50 seconds at a time before moving on to smth else so I don’t get as easily distracted (as opposed to doing like xyz number of reps for xyz sets). if you’re interested, I swear by caroline girvan – I’ve done her EPIC programmes a few times now + often cherrypick from her videos when I want to work certain muscle groups without sitting down + compiling a list of individual exercises + setting a timer myself. the ‘EPIC beginner’ series is a great intro to her longer ones, I sometimes use that to ease myself back into working out if I haven’t for a while, but be warned it isn’t aimed at ppl who are completely new to that style of exercise. I think she has an app now that comes with an ‘absolute beginner’ version + a 14 day free trial(?) so might be worth checking that out. I will admit some of her stuff is TOUGH - I still can't do all of them w the same weights/pace she does... I particularly struggled with wrist strength when I started out too and had to do some separate conditioning/strengthening exercises before I could even work up to doing like. a single push up on my knees... so if u do check her out try not to get put off by how crazy strong she is bc thats literally her career skfjkj the important thing is just doing it to the best of ur own ability/to ur point of hypertension + keeping good form throughout!!
full body home workouts are pretty much more of the same just longer since I'm hitting more muscles (i.e. 60-90 mins) + sometimes with cardio elements (altho I can’t do HIIT workouts involving jumping at home bc I’m a respectful upstairs neighbour 😔). If I go to the bouldering gym (I try to go fortnightly atm) I’ll usually spend ~2 hours, focusing on trying to send one route at a time until my arms give out. im currently getting confident with V2 grades and tentatively working on V3s. its probs my fave sport, there's a level of problem solving to it that I find rly mentally stimulating... even tho I boulder solo, trips to the gym are social for me bc I often end up chatting to ppl working on nearby problems + picking up technique/advice from them, its a v welcoming space (I'm also planning on joining my new city's queer climbing group!). the parkour sessions I go to are also social, they're run locally for free around the city + structured by more experienced members in the community. they usually involve a warmup, conditioning, drills focusing on certain movements/jumps etc, and then free 'play' trying to put those moves into context. again ~2 hours long. im def not a pro at climbing or parkour but theyre super fun + would 100% rec if ur interested + can find a friendly local group for either, u can teach urself using online resources too :-)
goes without saying but I also warm up for at least 5 mins before doing ANYTHING!!! I try to cater it to the muscle group im planning on working with but still cover the whole body cuz its important to get ur heart rate up + even when u focus on one muscle group there will be others that get dragged in. I don't rly have a 'set' warmup but again caroline girvan has some good ones on her channel 👍 likewise always good to cool down after with stretches cuz future me will be grateful for it.. altho sometimes I'm a bit lazy abt it 🤭
okkkk i think that’s pretty much the bulk of it, I’ll stick my motivation tips in the reblog 😁
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
Why did i not found you before like why am i finding out you now...we agree on many things. Infact you're the only one who agreed on with me over those two points of jungkook not knowing jm's schedule of music show nd all..
Anyways, another situation for me was during festa when jk said why did jm not played his songs for jk yet but hoba already Heard it nd then jm said "i asked you and everyone to come see me work" now this might not be a big deal for others but i personally find it a bit odd for people who are dating.
See first things first is jm is shy about showing his artistry to others (members said it in festa too) so when he's actually asking you how do you not go? I understand about other members cause they're frnds but jk if we're considering him jm's bf here don't you think it's odd that he didn't heard any of jm's song that time? He didn't go even when jm asked them to? The deal here is they both work at the same comapny so you tell me how hard it is for jk to go nd see jm work on his songs for ONCE? Even hoba saw it cause he was at the comapny so why was it hard for jk? Then he kind of was upset that he didn't heard any of jm's song. He like said it 4 times that he's upset. I know he was smiling but i genuinely think he again felt left out cause again he's close to jm so when your other frnd knows more about your besties (in this case BF if we're considering them in a relationship) than you, you definitely feel betrayed the fact that he actually asked jm to say sorry to him nd jm immediately said sorry too. At that time all jkkrs took it as jk not actually being upset nd some thought he already heard them but is just teasing but honestly i did felt like he felt like "why am i not one of the ppl who heard your songs, I AM close to you" and then he asked jm to say sorry so i felt that.
Another is jungkook not going to any of jm's music shows when he was not doing anything at all like he was on rest doing some barbeque tour. But he went for the movie premiere with tae's frnds to show support like i honestly felt sad at that time cause jimin literally personally asked jk to come more often but seems like jk didn't go. I as a jm biased person knows that jm values such things so much like his face was so radiant when hobi visited him. Hobi went to jm's MV set, jm said he's feeling nervous without his memebrs on first music show nd boom on next music show hobi was right there. Jm was soo so happy like i felt it through that hug jm gave to hobi.
I felt bad cause if jungkook can go to wooga squad's member's (they seems frnds now) movie premiere to show support to him even when at that time he was busy working on his projects (he said it himself that he's busy on his album on one of his lives prior to this movie premiere) can't he go to atleast one music show? Idk this feeling never went away i don't care how many excuses anyone come up with for this.
Many jkkrs said that so what jk still supported him online and a support is support nd jm was still happy but my point is it's still makes difference of some being physically there to support you vs someone supporting you from afar. A friend will wish you on your birthday on phone while a best friend will be there physically be there with you to celebrate with you when circumstances clearly allows them to.
There's one for jk's birthday too which I'll share later.
And so so sorry for ranting in your page but also thank you for taking your time and responding.
I'm glad we agree on things. You couldn't have found me because I was inactive for 5 years and will probably be inactive soon again. I'm pretty busy in real life but now I have a break for a few months, that's why I'm here. And honestly, this rumour about JK was tok big for me to ignore and I needed to discuss it with someone.
You're giving me a new perspective on Festa 2022. When it happened, I kinda took it like this: Hobi heard JM's songs because he was available at the time. Namjoon even teased them about him beinf Jimin's number 1 fan. JK felt jealous over the fact others have heard the songs before him and also over Namjoon's comment and JK loudly protesting (RM even looked at him when he said it, and JM also looked at JK when saying this isn't the reason). It completely flew over my mind that JM said he invited everyone, meaning he also invited JK but he didn't come. In this context, Jk being upset about it and Jimin apologizing does give more "besties" than boyfriend.
About the movie premiere. I still find it so odd that JK went to that. Sure, he hangs out with Tae's friend but they don't seem that close and JK doesn't strike me as the type to love this public events, when it isn't necessary. At the time, I thought maybe he was feeling down so Tae brought him to cheer him up, but a previous Anon said something interesting. There seem to be a rumour that JK's girlfriend or one of his girls is a friend to Jennie. If it is true, could she being there be a reason for him to go?
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