#time to get you brain a timeout
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short asl thing based on @where-does-the-heart-lie's modern au :) i started this over a year ago but the beginning is all dialogue and felt more like a script to me i suppose??? which deflated my desire to work on it. anyway i checked it over recently and it's completely fine lmfao, self-confidence restored here we go !
"Yo. Aren't you usually in the middle of your shift by now?"
"I've been banned from the hospital."
"Like, for life?"
"No. For the next, uh.. Twenty-two hours."
"That's oddly specific."
"It was twenty-four, but I fell asleep after leaving the building."
"That wouldn't have to do with why they kicked you out, at all?"
"Hmmm. I'm too sleep-deprived, apparently."
"Ah. And, um, you called me because...?"
"I pressed a random number in my call log after waking up. Lucky you, I guess."
"Yeah. Right. Lucky me. And your car keys are...?"
"Ah, right, of course."
A beat of silence. Two. Three, then "Look, if you're busy, then–"
"No, no. You called me, so I'll be there. Give me twenty minutes."
"Alright. Thank–"
"Thank someone else. Also, if you fall asleep in my car, I'm taking it as express permission to drive you around wherever I want."
"Ugh, go die. I don't even know why I bothered."
"LUCKY YOU, I guess," sounds off way too loudly in his ear. "No take backs. See you in ten."
"I thought you said–" Sabo breaks off as the call ends, leaving him staring blankly at his phone's too-dim screen. He squints, turns the brightness all the way up, and still squints as the sunlight proves too strong for the display.
Ace shows up in more than ten but decidedly less than twenty minutes. Sabo doesn't waste much brain power on it, only climbing into the passenger seat and yawning into his palm while his other hand fixes the seatbelt into the buckle. Not a second too soon, too, as Ace roars the engine to life and peels away from the curb at record speed.
Ace fiddles with the radio. He turns the music up, then dial it back down to inaudible. They hit the expressway and he leans over the steering wheel, frowning with his eyes fixed on the road far ahead. Sabo yawns again and this appears to be the limit to his patience.
"Hey, so, I had a thought after you hung up on me."
Sabo grimaces. "You mean you–"
"Today's Wednesday."
He doesn't elaborate. Sabo is too tired to process. "Yes," he follows, after a second. He glances at the sky out the front window. "What time is it?"
"Oh, uh." Ace fumbles with hand placement so he can lift his watch to his face. "Nine forty."
Sabo takes a couple beats to try and process this, moves his eyes away from the skyline, and sighs as he pulls his phone out. 2:47 is what the display reads, which sounds much more believable.
"How did the minute hand get off?" he mutters to himself, chancing a look at Ace's busted wristwatch. Ace raises a brow, taking his gaze off the road to scrutinize Sabo. "No, it doesn't matter," he mutters to himself once more, sliding his phone away back on his person and out of his hands.
"My point is," Ace continues, like he hasn't just been interrupted by a whole thing. "Your timeout will be done midday Thursday. Did they switch your days off?"
"No." Sabo sighs. "They technically gave me the next thirty-six hours. Technically closer to forty. Something like that. I go back in on Friday. Sometime.” He tries to smile and it turns out very lopsided, from that he can make out in the rearview mirror. “Can you tell I’m tired?”
“I don’t think ‘tired’ is an accurate description,” Ace quips. “When did you eat a proper meal last?”
“Uh, yesterday. Maybe.”
“A ‘proper meal’ means different things to the two of us,” Sabo huffs. “On my account it was yesterday. I’ve had food since then, of course.”
“Alright, so here’s the plan,” Ace announces before absolutely whipping it around a curve. Sabo is his passenger in the passenger seat and had fully prepared to be so when he got in the vehicle, but he’d been vastly underprepared for this sudden course of action, which is how he ends up halfway out of his seat with his cheek slammed into the cold window. Ace doesn’t quite notice his brother’s terminal velocity until the car is once again on the straight and narrow, and only then it’s because of the audible thunk Sabo’s face makes when it collides with the glass.
“Aw shit. You good bro?”
“Ow,” Sabo mutters. “If I have broken bones I’m suing your ass.”
“Well, if you’re good enough to make jokes, I think you’re better than you’re letting on.” Ace keeps the wheel steady with one knee while he takes both hands away to crack his fingers. When he glances over at Sabo again, he looks even more pathetic – like he’s becoming one with the glass. “Anyway, as I was saying.
“I’m taking your ass home. You’re going straight to sleep and while you crash, I’ll make you something decent to eat and stick it in the fridge for you to heat up later. I’ll even make you two servings to eat two different times, since you clearly can’t be trusted to take care of yourself correctly.”
“I want you to conk out for as long as your body allows. We can reset your sleep schedule tomorrow, alright? Put your phone on silent; do not answer any calls. In fact, you know what, just give it to me.
Sabo glances over to see Ace’s hand held out to him, palm up. Fingers wiggling expectantly. His lips pull up into a grimace. “I’m not doing that.”
“Fine.” Ace takes his hand back. “But you will comply with everything else.”
“Wow! It’s so funny, I didn’t realize you turned into my mother overnight! Really tapped into your mom potential, huh? Anything exciting happen in your life that would cause that? I guess I wouldn’t know, since I’ve been a zombie for the past two days.”
“There’s nothing wrong with acting like your older brother, you dipshit, especially if you keep putting yourself through the wringer like this. You go home. You sleep. You wake up and eat. You go back to sleep. Then we do laundry. Does that sound agreeable?”
“That’s negotiable, at the least,” Sabo mumbles. “I will accept good food as a form of bribery.”
“Oh, nice, because I’m flat broke at the moment.”
Sabo makes a mental note of that, and then they’re pulling into the driveway. Ace lets him exit the vehicle by himself and then promptly manhandles him all the way onto the couch where it will be easier to force his body to relax than in a real bed. Ace knows this, so he calls him weird before chucking a loose blanket at his head. Sabo is almost too tired to function at this point, so he lets Ace have the last laugh in favor of finally closing his eyes.
Coming to is a surreal experience, especially since the sun is still out. He must make a noise because Ace is suddenly within view. His limbs are tangled in the blanket and still so heavy that he doesn’t bother moving. “Thought you would be gone,” he half-groans, eyes slipping shut again for a moment.
“I did leave,” Ace confirms. “I had to go pilfer some stuff to make stew with. It’s almost done, so I’ll hang here until then.”
Pilfer. That could mean any number of things. Sabo chooses to believe in the option where Ace is an upstanding citizen, and then remembers Ace saying earlier that he had no money. He frowns and squirms on the cushions enough to where it looks like he’s checking his pockets. “Where’s my wallet, Ace?” he bluffs.
“Somewhere around here,” Ace pipes up. “Your stomach will thank you for your contributions to the Portgas Household’s pantry!”
“Ugh, I got robbed,” he complains. “This sucks. ‘m going back to sleep.” He rolls over so his back is to Ace.
“Yeah, you do you, bro. Stew will still be here later. I’ll see you when you’re back in the world of the living.”
Luffy comes in late that night and slams the front door shut as loud as humanly possible. When he appears in the main room, he doesn’t seem to be upset, so Ace writes it off as a Luffyism. Sabo hasn’t stirred at the noise, so it’s all good.
Realizing this, Luffy pads closer to Ace’s side and looks at Sabo’s unmoving body warily. “Why is Sabo passed out like a corpse? Is he sick?”
“No, he’s not sick, he just can’t take care of himself. Which is why we are going to let him sleep for as long as possible.”
Luffy just nods to this, but it’s the uncomprehending Luffy-nod that means he’s just going to end up doing whatever he wants to regardless. Ace sighs, then jerks his head towards the kitchen. “He ate a little earlier, but I want him to eat again when he wakes up. There’s stew in the fridge if you want it – just leave him a little. Got it, Monkey D. Luffy?”
Luffy throws him a salute and then runs off in his socks. “Yippee! Ace made stew!”
“Think of your brother, Luffy, and make good choices!” Ace calls after him. “He’s a pathetic man who needs food to feel better or he’ll end up sleeping through Laundry Day!”
Sabo does not sleep through laundry day, but he does sleep for sixteen whole hours, so it’s just around noon when he forces himself up off the couch and into a warm shower.
Ace is around, which is mildly unexpected. But he’s still half-asleep, so everything is at least a little unexpected. He glances up from playing video games with Luffy to see Sabo leaving the steam-filled bathroom with his hair hanging around his shoulders. “You look like a wet cat,” he calls.
“Sabo’s awake!” Luffy cheers. “Ace thought you died at one point.”
Ace elbows Luffy in the gut, making him hunch over. “I did not!”
“He totally checked to see if your heart was still beating!”
“I’m undead, actually,” Sabo says completely seriously.
“Does that mean you don’t need to eat anymore?” Luffy questions. “Because I ate all the stew last night.”
“I saw that coming and made extra.” Ace finger-guns in Sabo’s general direction. “That’s why I bought two sets of ingredients. With your money!”
“With my money,” Sabo echoes, because it’s such a wild statement to have to deal with this early in the day. Well, early for him. “Fuck you.”
“I mean, I can tell Luffy where I hid–”
“Thank you, Ace, for agreeing to share your quarters with both of your brothers so we can all do laundry today on your dime!” Sabo raises his pitch so his voice is mockingly squeaky when he says this. He starts moving down the hall before Ace can start to argue, letting his and Luffy’s voices bleed into the background.
When he comes back out, now dressed, it smells significantly better than before. “I reheated the stew,” Ace announces, gesturing for Sabo to take a seat at the kitchen counter. “Let’s all have lunch before we head out.”
“You have to drink this too,” Luffy tells Sabo, sliding a Gatorade across the counter so it sets in front of him when he finally does take a seat. “Ace’s orders.”
“Gotta get those nutrients back somehow.”
“Aren’t we so considerate, Sabo?”
“Do you even know what ‘considerate’ means?” Sabo asks, lips quirking up into a half-smile. At Luffy’s shrug, it turns into a real smile. “Well, thanks anyway. Both of you.”
“No sweat. And look!” Ace brandishes a five dollar bill for both to see. “I found this baby for us to use on coins! It’s all on me today–”
“Where’s my wallet, Ace?!”
#writing#op#whery if i realized anything while doing this its that we need 2 get you a custom theme....#1) anyone whos not logged in will be able to see all your posts w/ no limits#2) (and the more important COUGHCOUGH) it'll be so much easier to find shit on your blog#if you want a cool blog layout lmk and i'll hook you up but for now#there are many benefits to a custom tumblr url........ being able to search /tagged for better blog organization is one of them#if there's a switch to writing style i wrote the first half of this in april 2023 so thats why!!#also lmao i jus spent the weekend w/ my brother so if its too mean-spirited thats unintentional n i'm prolly channeling is all#sighhhhhhh i love when they look after each other its so very very good#wittb has been great but i do wanna see them get up to other shenanigans later#after the comic (plot) at large i mean#little one-off side things still in the modern au#enjoy the rest of artfight month for now tho!!!#(< says someone who has been putting off af attacks to write things again)
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a cherished headcanon I keep coming back to is that Eddie is very much invested in the school basketball team right up until the graduating class of ‘85 leaves. By an incredible series of mental gymnastics, he tries to convince himself that this has nothing to do with Steve Harrington’s presence on the team.
(And maybe Eddie avoiding the championship game of ‘86 in the near future will have more to do with Jason Carver being on the team, but that’s a sadder story for another time.)
The thing Eddie can easily admit he loves about the bigger games is the fleeting anonymity: while he’s got notoriety in Hawkins High, as soon as there’s a rival school involved he can blend into the crowd for a couple hours, lost in the roar of support.
It’s nearing the end of just such a tournament game when the ball accidentally goes flying into the crowd. Eddie’s reflexes kick in and he manages to catch it before it can take out the back row of the marching band.
The clock’s been stopped for a timeout—a kid on the rival team is injured—so more eyes are drawn to Eddie than normal as they find where the ball ended up. He feels acutely like a spotlight’s on him—holds the ball to his chest almost like he’s a part of the game himself.
A whistle cuts across the court. Steve Harrington.
He’s looking right at Eddie, raising his hands for the ball.
He has more than enough time to say something, some jeer that would well and truly break the spell of anonymity. But Eddie knows underneath the knee jerk worry that it’s not Steve’s style; it’s more the kind of thing Billy Hargrove and his ilk would do, and he’d thankfully been benched at halftime.
Eddie inhales then throws the ball, praying that he doesn’t end up smacking Steve in the face.
He doesn’t, thank God; Steve catches the ball smoothly, manages a thumbs up in thanks before the spotlight shifts back onto the game.
Eddie quietly sighs in relief, loses himself in cheering again.
They don’t win, but it’s still a good game. It’s like Eddie’s reasoning for campaigns: not everything needs to be an all-out victory for it to be entertaining.
The parking lot is a nightmare so he contents himself with waiting it out by his van while the worst of the crowds clear. It’s only when he hears a car door opening and closing nearby that he realises Steve is parked right next to him. Of course, of course he—
“Good catch back there, Munson,” Steve says, tossing his gym bag into his car. He notices something on one of the seats—Eddie can’t tell what it is, but he hears Steve mutter under his breath in benign exasperation, something about, “Dickheads, I keep telling them not to…”
“Yeah, thanks. All my years of training finally paid off.”
Steve makes a face at the build up of cars, chatting parents leaning out of their windows. “You could’ve been on the sub-team.”
“Kinda resent that you don’t think I’m star player material, Harrington.”
There’s the beginnings of a grin on Steve’s face. He has no right looking that smug for someone who’s just lost a game, Eddie thinks.
“Dude, I can hear you. You’re loud.”
Eddie wills his face not to flush. “You’ve got no proof.”
“Nah, just firsthand experience.”
“What, do you have ears like a bat?”
“Nope. Don’t need that to pick you out.” Steve chuckles to himself as he gets in the car, sits side-on to face Eddie as he speaks. “You’re worse than Tammy Thompson’s singing.”
“Uncalled for,” Eddie says, firmly locking away the part of his brain that’s screaming in embarrassment, because if he’s unable to fire off a comeback, he’ll actually never recover; he might as well go and tell Higgins that next year is already a wash, because he has to go and live in the woods—
“Hey, c’mon Munson, I didn’t say it was bad.”
“You implied it,” Eddie says, totally overselling the entire thing, like he’s been greviously wounded.
It works; Steve laughs, shakes his head.
“I didn’t,” he insists as he reverses out of his space. “I just meant it’s… distinctive.”
“Wow. Thank you.”
“That’s your whole shtick, man, don’t act like that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Sure. Eddie ‘Distinctive’ Munson, that’s me.”
And post-game sentiment must be in the air, because as Steve leaves the parking lot, he calls out the car window, bright and teasing, “Hey, maybe I’ll miss the cheering!”
But Eddie can’t be sure. Unlike Steve, he might be mishearing things.
#what if we noticed each other in high school but pretended not to and nothing mattered but also everything kinda did ❤️#pre steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fic#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie
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dude- i keep thinking about how the crew would react to reader just flirting with them randomly then cutting themselves off and just saying “WHAT WHO SAID THAT”
MAN THESE GEN Z PEOPLE—Crew Members x Reader who flirts with them and randomly yells WHO SAID THAT???
a/n: sorry guys, ik I've been late on this, especially sorry anon, this ask has been in there for WEEKS now. long story short, life happened. Im not graduating this year, my brain made me do not fun stuff which ended in me getting a concussion and being put on new meds. I chose the meds cuz it was either this or a trip down to the psych ward. tmi sorry lol. dw I'm back to writing tho.
warnings: none, goofy ahh fic
He is one those himbos who is also kind of a country bumpkin so he's just confused above all else.
Whenever you flirt with him he is always smiling ear to ear.
"damn curly you're so hot, but i could still eat you without breaking a sweat–,
"awh y/n that's—
curly 404 has stopped working
he doesn't understand any gen z memes so he'll just stare at u like this: 😀?
annoyed. plain simple annoyed.
he is no better than curly, "memes are for people who have time for enjoyment". Ahh
He'll be grinning, being proud how you're skirting with him and then you go with that fuckass loud yell.
"jimmy you should let me borrow a kiss ;)".
"you know damn right, c'mere-
Is annoyed for the rest of the day,
"this is why you don't get kisses you dork ass moron".
Her heart just drops in her stomach whenever you yell that in her face😭
You've done it so many times yet she always somehow falls for it.
"Anya you're so sweet i could eat you up anytime".
"hehe y/n you're so–
she'll just drop on the spot 😭
He has made you sign a literal written agreement that you will not be pulling off that stupid stunt any further.
Gets extremely fucking annoyed like you can see it on his face.
"lookin' damn fine swanbae ;)– WHO SAID THAT??????
"I am going to SMACK you kid".
Doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day
You both compete with each other in order to see who can catch the other off guard the most in a day.
So the other crew members basically hear the disembodied yells of WHO SAID THAT throughout the day.
Swansea sometimes has to put you both on timeout when it gets out of control.
#this is just warmup the spicy stuff is coming next#mouthwashing#mouthwashing x reader#jimmy mouthwashing#anya mouthwashing#mouthwashing curly#curly mouthwashing#swansea mouthwashing#daisuke mouthwashing#mouthwashing daisuke#curly#mouthwashing wrong organ#mouthwashing game
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STARTEAM ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ volleyball! loser! ellie drabble
a/n: there is no plot for this it’s just a thought I haven’t been able to shake since seeing the amazing volleyball! ellie art by @caspervi ♡♡
volleyball! ellie art. support their work here!
update: also just realized @elliespeach has a wonderful volleyball! ellie fic and basically kickstarted the idea so support their work here too !!
content: 18+ MDNI, sexual themes, lowk saliva play if u squint bro, fem! water girl! reader
— song(s): STARTEAM by lastclass & byelilfly
Ellie was in timeout.
Well not literally, but being benched felt like she was. Suddenly she was 5 again and her teacher was moving her card to red, for her indecent behavior. Ellie wanted to whine, she wanted to fight back – bitch and moan. She had been putting in the work! Up in the gymnasium at the crevice of the glowing somber night to practice her bumping and setting; perfecting her spikes and it seemed as if she would never get to reach tranquility. She couldn’t be an ace, she couldn’t beat her opponents.
She was drenched in sweat head-to-toe — the fabric of her jersey sticking to her chest like glue. Beads of fresh sweat dripped down her forehead as she licked her dehydrated lips. She needed to breathe. But Ellie didn’t know breath control. She didn’t know stopping either, her routine was damaged, she was jaded and her brain was fuzzy the plays didn’t even make sense to her. Her brain was insanely flawed. Nothing but incoherent doodles as her coach yelled in her face to take 5.
All she knew was routine:
Wake up at 5 am. Go for a run at 7 am. Nutritious breakfast at 9 am. Practice 10-4 pm. A quick nap and muscle soak before a game.
All her hard work burned into ashes; eventually to dust and crumbs as it became nothing but a false sense of dedication. Sleepless nights and aching muscles just to be benched. Ellie was incandescent. Her eyebrows furrowed, cheeks a pulsing red – like clown makeup from the intensity. Her blood cells flowed healthily and her heartbeat was in the root of her ears like the pulsing of the music that kept her going. While some may say a body is a temple; her’s was a ticking time bomb ready to go off in any second.
Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes open, the sound of sneakers against the freshly polished floors made her eardrums bleed, similar to scraping a metal ruler against a school board.
Dropping her head as she looked down at her legs. Her thighs were drenched in sweat the shin guards cutting off any circulation, making her thighs look wonderfully plump and 10x more muscular. Ellie was becoming hyper-aware until a sudden tap on her back and a sweet toothache-inducing smell filled her nostrils.
It was you.
The water girl, her hero. Just the right person to fix her cravings. A thin white ridged paper cup in your hand with water filled to the brim as you held it out in front of you with a gentle smile. Ellie always thought your sweetness was ravishing. She thought her teammates were undeserving of such pleasure and authenticity from you. The other girls would dim your light – and by dimming it she meant flirting with you. Calling you sweetheart and asking to take you out to dinner which was followed by your rich voice telling them, “It’s unprofessional!” but she was too bashful to admit it; she wanted to do it too.
The word baby could not escape her lips without being immediately flustered by it, Ellie was too smitten and starstruck by you. Quiet and lightly spoken, hell she was called ‘Bitchless 7 Williams’ for a reason. Stuttering over her words, hands shakier than ever, her affection becoming aggression she wanted nothing more than to drag herself out. She wishes she could be more flirty, more outspoken; then just maybe she would have been lucky to snag you, her water girl.
You knew she could get down, she palpably could get rough with the right motivation. It was the way her anger transcended on the court, you were sure it would manifest in other places too. But part of you loved it, it turned you on, when you were alone at night, entangled in your duvet as you wondered what she would look like calling out your name. She was a fucking loser, a pathetic whiney player that still took the fall.
Initially, you thought you were sweeter; more gentle but Ellie was more bashful than you. She wasn’t like her teammates. Ellie didn’t make eye contact with you at all or call you names. She did, however, stare at your boobs for too long through your tightly fitting workout jacket that hugged every crevice of your body just right. Giving your boobs an extra push. It was perverted, but you caught her every time. Coincidentally that’s what got you hooked on her. You weren’t going to stop her.
Like a hound dog you could smell what she wanted, you never failed to see the drool finally dripping from her tongue that she masked by bringing up her cup with great speed as the stretchy saliva dripped down the edge of her fingers and her cup. You did notice how she would leave a sticky residue; her clear fluids all over the cup before handing it back to you. Running off right before you can get a word in.
“Hope you’re thirsty It took me hooours to pour this” you teased, holding out the cup towards Ellie with a smile. That soft grin of yours that easily made anyone swoon on you. Ellie caught herself doing it again. In a room with so many people, her team, friends, and family, she sent a quick look at your boobs before looking back at the sparkles in your eyes. Like diamonds and pearls; vibrant and warm. Lewd thoughts raced in her brain like gnats.
She was giving you teeth, as she took her shirt up; again, to wipe her forehead clear of the everflowing liquid.
“Oh yeah,” Ellie taunted back, with a smirk on her face. She wasn’t sure where this confidence was coming from, so she reached out to take the cup from you. Bringing the cup up to her lips as she tilted her head back, taking large gulps of the water not breaking eye contact with you. You saw the string of saliva again as she dropped the cup from her lips, taking a soft breath.
“More . . .” Her voice was breathy as if she ran a mile.
“More what?”
“More water…please?” Ellie pleaded, she spoke fast and in a whisper shaking the empty cup as she handed it back to you.
“Sure thing Els,” You confirmed taking the cup from her hands feeling the sudden dampness of her drool around the cup. Almost damaging to the deteriorating paper. “You got something here”
You pointed to your own chin with your pointer finger, as Ellie quickly rushed a hand up to wipe off any excess liquid with the back of her hands, fingertips covered in bandaids.
“Sorry,” it was a quiet whisper.
You turned to the back this time giving Ellie a full view of the way you looked in the short shorts — that were almost as tight as your top. Ellie had to look away. Almost as if she were being under surveillance, she had to behave; control her wandering eyes that betrayed her more than often.
Just as you were about to give Ellie the cup again, a shout from her coach filled the spacey gymnasium. With that simple shout, Ellie became a machine. Lifting her legs up forgetting about her water request and rushed back onto the court. If she was so lucky to have the chance, she’ll fetch the water from you later. Hopefully with a reward on her back.
Williams! Back on the court! Let’s try it again #7 Hustle!
#💭ᜊ cher thinks#cherry writes 🤍#ellie williams drabble#ellie williams#modern! ellie williams#ellie williams x f!reader#ellie williams x reader#volleyball! ellie#modern au#ellie x you#ellie x reader#college! ellie williams#ellie williams smut#loser! ellie#loser!ellie#sub!ellie
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Hello, may I please get a ramune and soke dorayaki from menu B for tendou
Please, and thank you
Here, meney
How You Met
word count: 997 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: rival!Tendou x chubby!Reader (feat. Semi and Ushijima as wingmen)
genre: fluff, rivals to lovers
warnings: mentions of having a nosebleed?
request: fluffy, detention with rival Tendou, as manager

Tendou loved riling people up. To him, volleyball was as much about psychological warfare as it was about physical abilities and he particularly enjoyed testing out a new person’s limits. So when the local university’s volleyball team announced that they brought their newly appointed manager, he was delighted to have a fresh study subject. Did he think you were cute? Absolutely. Being quite a bit shorter than him, as well as plump and squishy looking, he immediately focused his attention on you and tested how much teasing it would take to get you to snap at him. He was a simple boy that way. What he didn’t expect, however, was a bloody nose and being shoved into an empty classroom with you.
“You can’t just give me detention! He started it! And I don’t even go to this school!”, you called through the closed door but no one answered.
“Yeah, old Washijo has quite the trigger finger.”, Tendou shrugged, slumping on his chair and leaning his head back to stop the bleeding.
“You pack quite the punch, little plum.”
“Don’t call me that unless you want me to have another go at that nose.”, you grumbled, slumping down on a chair two desks away from him. He just laughed and sighed. It really hadn’t taken long for him to be completely in love.
“So, is that guy your boyfriend?”
“That guy I talked about that made you sucker punch me.”
“That was hardly a sucker punch.”
Tendou tensed a little that you avoided the question but he kept poking further.
“Then… That big beefy guy with the babyface - you aren’t together?”
You looked at him, arms crossed.
“No. We’re friends. - And I’m protective of my friends.”
“Yeah I could tell.” He stretched his face and removed the whatted up piece of tissue from his nose, tipping back his chair on its hind legs.
It seemed you were quite hellbent on ignoring him until the 30 minute timeout was over. Meanwhile, the red haired boy studied you openly, finding more things he liked about you with every minute. Like the way you scrunched your nose in annoyance when you noticed him staring.
“What?”, you barked.
“Nothing. Ever considered dating someone younger than you? I’m perfectly legal, organic and grass-fed.”
“Organic and grass-fed…? Do you want me to eat you?”, you frowned confused.
“We can start with a normal date and see where the night takes us.”, he said with a wink.
After that you pretended he was air until the captain of the varsity team came to collect you.
“Uuuuugh!”, Tendou repeatedly bonked his head against the table at lunch the next day. His friends regarded him with questioning looks.
“Grass-fed! What was I thinking?”, he lamented with a muffled voice.
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”, Semi asked with a raised brow.
“I don’t know! My brain just… stopped working. I couldn’t control what I was saying.” The middle blocker turned his head to the side, looking up at his friends, cheek still smooshed against the table.
“So, you can’t flirt. You’ll get better and the next girl might not even punch you.”, Semi said encouragingly but Tendou pouted.
“But I don’t want another girl. I want this one.”, he sat up, eying Semi who just lifted a spoonful of soup to his mouth but stopped.
“How do you get girls to go out with you, Semi-Semi? You dress horribly and it really can’t be your personality.”
Semi ignored the slight and just raised a hand to gesture at his face.
“Does it all for me.”
“Ugh.” Tendou dropped back onto the table.
“May I make a suggestion?”, Ushijima offered, setting down his water bottle.
“Like with many things in life you could draw inspiration from nature. So I suggest, you do it like animals.”
Goshiki choked on a piece of tofu and Semi let out a scandalized, “Ushijima-san!”, patting the first-year next to him on his back.
Tendou straightened again and raised a hand, “Wait, let’s hear the man out. - Proceed.”
“A lot of animals bring gifts to their potential mates such as rocks or even food as courtship. You don’t have to bring her rocks unless she finds them fascinating but food seems like a reasonable start.”
“See, it was nothing weird. Dirty mind, you!”, Tendou teased and Semi put a hand to his chin in thought.
“As crazy as he sounds, that is actually a good idea.”, the setter agreed.
One week later when the varsity team came for another training match, Tendou waited for you by the entrance of the gym, rolling back and forth on his heels in nervousness.
You scowled when you saw him.
“Can I talk to you for a moment, y/n-chan?”
“I don’t remember ever offering you to drop formalities.”
“Alright, little plum-san. Do you have a minute?”
You sighed and nodded to the captain who led the team into the gym, leaving you behind.
After taking a deep breath he brought his hands out in front of him and presented you with a box of chocolates.
“They’re not poisoned.”, he said.
“Well that’s reassuring.”, you carefully took the box into your hand and opened the lid.
They looked a bit crooked like they had been a factory mishap.
“I made them.”, Tendou added and your eyes widened. Okay, so far so good. He just had to stick to the script he and his friends came up with.
“I’m sorry for last week. I’ll make sure not to annoy your players verbally anymore. Or insinuate that one of them looks like a third grader in the body of an accountant. But… I really did mean it when I asked you out. I think you’re really pretty and”, he chuckled and brushed the tip of his nose, “really strong.”
You considered him for a moment, then looked down at the chocolates again. It must have taken him hours to make those.
“Fine. One coffee.”
a/n: the way you wrote your request made me laugh xD thank you so much! I hope you liked it - this one got a bit wild 🫠
#sunnys school lunches#tendou x chubby reader#tendou x reader#haikyuu x chubby reader#chubby reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu x reader#tendo x reader#tendo x chubby reader#hq tendo#haikyuu tendo#tendou fluff#hq tendou#haikyuu tendou#tendou satori#tendo satori#haikyuu x curvy reader
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“i know we almost died just now, but… am i the only one who’s hungry?” is so harmless reader core… but what if it was Bucky saying this?
Also hi i love u
hi <3 hey <3 i love u too <3 harmless turns 4 years old next year she's like in school now
Catch up with the rest of the series here!
"Great job, team," you pant, raising your hand for a high five. "I think that was very well handled."
Bucky, still trying to process what exactly the fuck just went down, does not even respond when you match his indifference, dropping your hand to slap it against his.
"Is that how it always goes?" you ask him, looking around the empty lot. "I figured there'd be a lot more zing, y'know? Some oomph. That was like, fine."
The mission was going fine, calm even, until you managed to piss them off, leading to them calling in backup, leading to you both being severely outnumbered, leading to you deciding you'd gotten bored which finally lead to you ending it with a timeout-inator.
Things had exploded, Bucky had to pull down a door to shield you both-- it was a whole thing that he definitely did not mentally prepare for. This was just supposed to be a simple data extraction. He doesn't know at which point nuclear guns got involved.
"How--" Bucky stops mid-sentence, brain scrambling to put together things, "--how did you get assigned on this mission again?"
It wasn't like he claimed to be the expert on all things SHIELD, but he figured that a non-Avenger, non-agent needed a lot of clearance to be allowed on a mission, no matter how mundane the initial objective was. The fact that it devolved into madness was more on you than SHIELD.
"I wrote my name on the sign-up sheet," you explain, smoothing out your singed clothes.
"The what?"
"Fine, you caught me," you give in without even trying, dusting some ash off his shoulder. "I forged my name on some documents, used some white paint. Did an ol' switcharoo. You know how it goes."
"You faked your way here?" he shouts, dropping the damn door he was still holding. "What the hell was your plan?"
"Why does everything need a plan? Why can't I just tag along to see what you do for a living?"
"We nearly got killed. You--"
"But we didn't."
"That is not the point. You said it was a special mission, you said you had clearance from Nick to--"
"I said Nick would give me clearance for anything. And it is a special mission. I'm here, isn't that the specialest gift of all?"
"You didn't ask?" he screeches instead. "How did you get here? Who the fuck was supposed to be here in your place?"
"Clint," you say with a sheepish smile. "He told me he'd wash my garage so we swapped."
That fucking moron. "He'd wash your garage in exchange for you risking your life--"
"I didn't risk anything." You scoff. "I knew we would handle that like champs."
"We nearly got annihilated by a nuclear gun." He drags a hand down his face. "If he didn't trip over your stupid jacket in the last second, we would be dust."
"Well yeah, only if you put it like that," you relent. Bucky glares at you.
You look out at the empty room, one hand on your hip. Lot of rubble and shrapnel in places they had no reason being.
"Huh," you say after a while. "Guess we did just almost die."
"That's it?" he raves, still incredulous. "That's all you have to say?"
"That's crazy-sauce, man," you add, throwing your hands up when he glares at you. "What? What else should I be saying?"
"Where the fuck did you send them?" Bucky finally makes a move, wiping the dirt off his metal fingers onto his cargo pants.
"I put them in timeout," you reply, tapping the gun you'd put back into he pocket of your pants.
"Where is timeout?"
"Like, somewhere outside of time," you dismiss. "Time-out. You get it."
His eyes clench shut, taking a deep inhale in before exhaling, lest he pop a blood vessel.
"We almost died," he tells you again.
"If you say so," you nod.
He stares at you.
You stare right back at him.
The world keeps spinning.
"I'm hungry," he grumbles. "You want lunch?"
"I could go for a sandwich, yeah."
#ari answers#friends#wlwloverwrites#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#harmless mini drabbles#harmless fic
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If the boys played “never have I ever” in an interview, what would be revealed to the public?
here's the transcript of poisoned mercury's buzzfeed interview where they played never have i ever as part of their press tour to promote their new album:
interviewer: thank you guys for coming!
luke *smiling while he fixes his mic*: thanks for having us :) we were just talking about how we used to do buzzfeed quizzes when we were younger.
travis: there were many days where we'd be in luke's house back in connecticut and completely forget that we were supposed to be rehearsing because we got caught up trying to figure out which inside out emotion we were.
interviewer: well, i'm glad to hear it because today we're gonna play a game of 'never have i ever.'
chris: unrelated but i fucking love that show. team paxton for life.
luke: dude no. ben is clearly the right choice.
connor: ok mr. enemies to lovers, of course you'd say that.
luke: shut up???!
travis: i think if we took the inside out quiz again right now, i'd get disgust because that's how i feel being in a band with two idiots who are so in love with their girlfriends.
connor: swear to god if i hear another "no you hang up first," from either one of you *looks at chris and luke* i'm blowing my brains out.
interviewer looks around the room, trying to ask the producers what she should do. the video editors are already stressing because they know they have to bleep out a lot of the words the boys are using.
interviewer: .... so let's start with the first question. never have i ever gone skinny dipping.
chris: fuck, how did you get all of us on the first question?
connor: yeah we've gone skinny dipping a few times, but the most recent was last summer. mama c-- shoutout mama c, we love you!
luke: yeah, we love you mama!
connor: she put all of us on timeout and we spent the entire summer at a music camp and on our last night, we all went skinny dipping at the lake with our roommates.
luke: oh shit, i forgot about that. those were good times. *looks at chris* i miss camp bro.
chris: me too.
travis *stares deadpan into the camera*: do you see what we have to deal with?
interviewer: never have i ever had a crush on a friend's sibling.
travis: guilty.
chris *turns his head so fast*: given that you're related to connor and luke is an only child, you better be talking about a non-band friend.
travis *shrugging*: your older sister is hot, rodriguez.
chris: stay away from my sister.
luke *looks at the interviewer with wide eyes*: next question or you'll have a video to submit to worldstar.
interviewer: oh! uh, okay-- never have i ever accidentally posted something to my main account instead of my private or close friends one.
connor *cracking up*: castellan, wanna take this one?
luke *blushing*: this feels like a targeted question because we know the infamous video of me with the handsome squidward filter on (the hozier incident) that was supposed to go on my close friends story! i was so embarrassed. to be clear, i was JOKING. i don't actually flirt like that.
travis: i've seen you flirt with y/n, and you in the squidward video had more game than you normally do.
luke *teasing because he knows travis does not want a relationship*: and yet who's single between the two of us?
connor: oh he got you there.
travis: y/n, if you're watching this, you deserve better. he's a loser. i have better friends i can set you up with.
luke: five star, if you're watching this, you're stuck with me. there's no going back.
interviewer: never have i ever had a song written about me.
chris: this is a great pivot to promote our sophomore album's lead single, "kiss her you fool!" we wrote this song about our front man, luke, here. our second album "optimism don't come easy (unless it's with you)" is out now.
interviewer: i love that shameless self-promo.
connor: i think we as a band can benefit from having some shame, but thank you.
chris *turns to luke*: this will also come as a shock to you, but there's another song out in the world that's kinda about you.
luke: huh? which one?
travis: quinnie, remember her? she was in cabin 7. she wrote the bulk of it, but y/n actually gave her the idea. chris and connor helped her with instrumentals and the song is sick.
connor: it was amazing. quinnie is so talented. if you guys haven't heard her music, i highly, highly recommend it. the song we're talking about is called touch tank. you guys should check it out.
chris: agreed. she's also just a fucking cool person. she's one of our closest friends in the industry.
travis *making a heart with his hands*: we love you, quinnie!
interviewer: okay, final question since we're running out of time. never have i ever gone on a world tour for my band's second album.
luke *laughs*: i see what you did there. that was good.
connor: we are soooooo excited to announce that we're going back on tour! this summer, we'll be seeing all your beautiful faces again. tickets go on sale this friday! we hope to see you there!
luke: check out our band's twitter for more information on how to get tickets and to see if we'll be coming to a city near you.
chris: we miss seeing you guys!
travis: see you guys so soon! we love you!
interviewer: that's all the time we have for today. thank you guys so much. it was a pleasure!
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Happy Cat Day ฅ^>⩊<^ ฅ
One day, I realized I’d unknowingly started a tradition of writing a holiday-themed Dottore fic for each year. Here’s the fourth installment for 2025, in celebration of Cat Day ᓚ₍⑅^..^₎��
Note:: Modern AU where animal hybrids are treated like domestic pets, this drabble can be read as romantic or platonic
♡ 0.6 words under the cut ♡
♡ Truthfully, Zandik was not the pet you had in mind. But fate works in mysterious ways, and that’s how you found yourself welcoming the cat hybrid into your home. The adoption process was fairly easy, and he seemed agreeable to his new owner. Though he insisted on keeping his name—whether it came from a caretaker or himself, he wouldn’t say.
♡ Zandik may not have a pedigree, but such certificates don’t hold a candle to his individual traits. Fluffy ears and a long tail, the same shade of blue as his hair. An observant gaze colored in crimson. A high intelligence quotient, at least by hybrid standards.
♡ The first weeks are a matter of adjustment. At first, Zandik keeps to himself, exploring his new environment or focusing on his toys and books. Other times, you feel a familiar gaze on you as you go about your house. For safety reasons, he is forbidden from going outside but every so often, you’ll catch him brushing twigs and leaves out of his tail.
♡ The only time you are guaranteed his company is during mealtimes. That is when Zandik enters the dining room, sits across from you, and picks up his cutlery. The ideal hybrid diet is fish and poultry, cooked with simple techniques, and he always leaves behind an empty plate. Once, he snuck a few bites of your food, and you only found out after he got a stomachache.
♡ You aren’t the type to show off your pet, but it doesn’t stop you from dressing him up. Cravats, buttoned shirts, light blue gems, and—most importantly—his leather collar. The garments make him look extra sophisticated; though by the end of the day, they are disheveled from his daily activities. He is able to pull off an open collar and rolled-up sleeves rather well.
He is an enigmatic creature, really, giving and withholding affection as he sees fit.
♡ On good days, Zandik will wordlessly enter your room and demand cuddles from you. Many nights, he will forgo his king-sized bed in favor of sleeping in yours. Every time you leave for work, he follows you to the front door with downturned ears. When you return, he either greets you in a polite manner or is caught hiding the evidence of his mischief.
♡ Zandik certainly lives up to his IQ results. He likes to play subtle tricks on you in order to get more cuddles and attention. The mice he catches are always…killed and played with in intricate ways. And who can forget the time you began seeing a red dot in the corner of your vision? That dot would always disappear in a second, leaving you to question your sanity. One day, it moved to the left and you quickly followed it…and that was when Zandik smugly revealed the laser pointer in his hand. You still don’t know how he got his hands on that device.
♡ There is also the time you woke up to find your pet missing and the backdoor unlocked. You spent the whole day searching for him, looking around the area and contacting acquaintances. Only when you returned, close to tears, did Zandik happily come out of his hiding place and say he wanted to see “the lengths his owner would go to find him.” He was put on timeout for that; but judging by his satisfied smile, his findings were worth it.
♡ It’s…nice to have him around, honestly. Thanks to Zandik, your home has become warmer, livelier. There is a certain comfort to be found in gazing at his photos in your phone screen and office cubicle, knowing he will be there to welcome you home. And that is why, on the day he asks you why you chose him, your answer is preceded with a fond smile.
One of these days, I’ll figure out how to evict Dottore from my head. But until then, he shall continue to inflect my brain with ideas :’>
Anyway, Happy Cat Day!! I have no plans to continue this AU, but it was very fun to think of Dottore as a scheming cat hybrid. Also, fun fact, this post is scheduled for 02/22 at 2:22 a.m. JST!! Next year…let’s see which holiday will be celebrated with the wicked Doctor <3
Tag a Dottore enjoyer!! @leftdestiny-posts @boundinparchment @dawn-sky-collective
#dottore#il dottore#dottore x reader#fatui x reader#fatui harbingers#genshin impact#genshin x reader#jessamine-writing
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; cursing, unedited lol word count: 0.9k note: idek what this is lol i just wrote this to get the brain wiggles out 🤣
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“You’re banishing me to the couch because of a little prank?”
“Because it wasn’t funny! God, you’re such an asshole.”
“It was!” Fucking hell, Minho is still laughing. “Babe, you should’ve seen your face.”
You hold up your big fluffy pillow to hit your boyfriend over the head, though he dodges it easily. "Piss off to the couch!"
“For real?” he asks, scanning your face with his big eyes, his brows raising annoyingly. “Sure you wanna sleep alone tonight? You're serious?”
“As a fucking heart attack,” you huff angrily, wildly kicking your feet at his legs under the sheets. “Out!”
“You’re so cute. You know you always fold, right?” he coos, eyes crinkling with mirth as he raises his hands, seemingly trying to hold your cheeks in his palms. “At least give me a kiss before I go.”
It only sharpens your dagger glare, and before Minho knows what’s even happening, he’s yeeted from the bed to the floor, rubbing the sore spot on his butt that you just kicked and sent him flying off the mattress.
“Ow! Fine, I’m leaving. See you in a couple hours."

Thirty minutes later, your phone lights up with a message, Minho’s screen flashing on your screen like an omen. You frown when you reach for the device on your nightstand, the furrow between your brows only deepening as you read the words Attachment: 2 Images.
Your finger hovers over the notification, clearly curious, but you know your boyfriend too well to be that naive.
There’s a 76% chance that he just sent you something scary that he got from the internet, which you think would be a stupid thing to do, considering that you’re “mad” at him.
But then again, he’s already on the couch. Maybe he’s got nothing left to lose.
Damn that man.
You shake your fist in the direction of the door, even though he can’t see you, before you decide to just get it over with and pop open his messages.
It’s nothing. No jumpscares, no scary photos of ghosts or ghouls or anything of the likes.
It’s only a couple selfies of him lying on the couch this very second, just a few footsteps away from your bedroom door, hugging his pillow with a content look on his face.
The first thing you do is save the photos to your designated Minho album, because even though you’re “mad” at him, he still looks cute with his stupid Snow filters and bunny smile, his gleaming eyes and-
You see what this is.
He’s banished, but he’s still pushing it, trying to show you just how much he seems to be loving it out there.
You huff out yet another annoyed breath. What on earth are you going to do with him? That’s a question you ask yourself every day.
In the end, you only reply to him with the middle finger emoji before you put your phone on the nightstand again.
You turn away from the device and snuggle further into your bed, willing sleep to come find you but you have to admit that it’s hard. It’s not because you’re scared or anything, you’re just used to sleeping next to someone.
No, not just anyone.
Only Minho.
You’re so used to sleeping next to Minho that now the bed feels infinitely empty without his warmth next to you, all over you.
Rationally, you know he’s right there in the living room - you can still hear him every time he paddles to the kitchen to get some water - and you’re clearly not strong enough to leave him on the couch for more than one night.
Actually, he has never been banished for a full night. Hell, his timeout on the couch has always ended much earlier than you’d like. Your boyfriend was right. You always fold. Pathetically quickly too.
You toss and turn for another while before you hear his unabashed giggles from the living room, light and relaxed, over the echoes of dramatic music. He must have put on a scary movie.
With your eyes closed, you listen to the sounds of make-believe doors slamming, floorboards creaking, a blood-curdling scream here and there. You’re still as wide awake as you were earlier, when Minho popped up from underneath the sheets, wearing a fucking Chucky mask just as you were getting into bed.
The idea of having his arms around you gets more appealing by the minute. You know you would be out like a light within seconds if he was holding you.
With both palms gripping the pillow beneath your head, you let out one last irritated exhale. Fuck it. This was a losing game from the start and you were all too aware of it.
You paddle out of your bedroom on light footsteps and into the enemy’s territory. When you’re in front of the couch, Minho calmly pauses the movie on the TV before he peers up at you with innocent eyes.
You hold out a hand wordlessly. This isn’t your first rodeo, and it sure as hell won’t be your last, as much as it pains you to admit it.
“Told you,” he titters, checking his phone for the time before he takes your hand in his. “You lasted 58 minutes. So close. Almost made it a full hour.”
You roll your eyes, though your body instantly relaxes now that you’re touching him in some way. He turns off the TV, grabs his phone and pillow, then waddles the both of you back into your cozy bedroom.
Your friends were right when they said they'd never seen anyone fold so quickly.


all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 02.11.2023]
#stray kids fic#stray kids imagines#stray kids x reader#skz fic#skz imagines#skz x reader#skz x you#lee know fluff#lee know scenarios#lee know x reader#lee know imagines#lee know x you#lee minho x reader#lee minho x you#stray kids#skz#lee know#lee minho
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Oooh! Oooh! Yandere Sun and Moon!
(Yandere Sun & Moon x GN Parent!Reader)
One guards the day while the other guards the night. The children are well protected and prefer to keep it that way.
Though… they couldn’t help but favor a child. And you happen to be parent of that child. The beautiful/handsome parent.
I bet they go out of their way to make you stay longer. Whether you’re trying to go to work/school or you’re trying to get your child home before dinner.
“But Miss/Sir, it’s only 6:30! It wouldn’t hurt to spend time with me and (child’s name.”
“Aww, but your child is still so sleepy, why don’t you stay a little longer. We can spend time together while your child gets some extra rest.”
One day, you come in late to pick up your child. You dash to the daycare in hopes that nothing happened to your lil baby. But… you couldn’t find them anywhere. Not in the ball pit, not by the coloring station, not even by the timeout corner. You start to freakout before Sun approaches you.
“Oh! Hello (Y/N)! Are you looking for (child’s name)?”
“Oh yes! Have you seen them?”
“I have. They were still sleepy, so I took them to the napping room to get some extra sleep.”
Sun leads you to a random room that happened to be hidden from the children. You sense that something is wrong, but your child approached you with excitement. Apparently, that was the distraction needed for Sun to close and lock the door behind you.
You grab your kid by the hand and try to bang on the door.
“Hello?! Why is the door locked? Please let us out, the daycare is gonna close in 30 minutes!”
“Mama/Papa, what’s going on?” Your child looks at you with worry as you start to panic. Once you saw the look on your child’s face, you take a deep breath and put on your brace face.
“It’s alright, (child’s name). We just need to leave before we get in trouble.” You look around before noticing a screwdriver on a self. “Do you want to play ‘Super Spy’?”
You undo the screws on the vent and carefully put the vent gate to the side. You let your child go in first before following behind. It was most likely luck that the vent lead straight to the entrance, but you weren’t going to punch a gift horse in the mouth.
As you both made it out of the vent, you both finally make it to the main entrance. Your child exits the vent with you behind him. You look around to see if anyone is nearby, but only see map bots zooming here and there. You gently hold your child’s hand and hurriedly guide them to the. The gate shift and start to close, causing you to grab your child and run to the closing gate. Your child holds onto you tightly as you almost make it to the glass doors.
But, Moon suddenly grabs you and lifts you up from the ground. Your child, still clinging onto you, screams as they are suddenly high off the ground. You reach the door with the tiny bit of hope you had left, but the gate had finally shut. You are both trapped now…
Despite the police searching everywhere, the authorities never thought to look in the tower that held the Sun and Moon.
Luckily, pizza wasn’t the only thing that you and your child have to eat. But that doesn’t stop the existential dread that the obsessed robot of the daycare will keep the both of you until your brains eventually turn to mush.
The bots equally take time to dote on you and your beloved child. This meant that they are always able to prevent escape. Your child didn’t understand the situation, but they knew that you wanted to leave. Unfortunately, Sun and Moon both denied you and your child even when your kid pleaded with them.
The Sun and the Moon will love you forever. And your child shall have their Neverland.
But you won’t forget, you’re here forever…
(Bruh, this went from a headcanon to a poorly written short fic 💀)
#fnaf security breach#fnaf#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf sun#fnaf moon#yandere fnaf#yandere x reader#yandere drabble#yandere scenarios
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Reward | Leo Valdez
Summary: Reader has had enough to worry about without her boyfriend coming to ask her for help with a homework assignment.
based on this request
Warnings: Language, Aged-up, fluff, making out like constantly, very slight angst, readers bad at math (cuz i'm bad at math and i cant fake it for the fic)
Word Count: 1.8k
PJO/HOO Masterlist | Navi | Masterlist of Masterlists
"You want me to help you?" A quizzical look befell your face as you look up from your spot under the shaded tree. You sat by the edge of the lake, you were taking a quick break hiding from the younger campers who wanted to train with you as you were a crowd favorite with the new arrivals. You just needed a recharge, a moment away from the energy that overexerted you. "Of all people?"
Leo rolled his eyes, "Who else?"
You snorted, "Cabin 6 is that way." You pointed and nodded your head in the direction of the Goddess of Wisdom's cabin, filled with the brightest minds and much better options to help Leo with his current request.
"C'mon baby, please?" Your boyfriend pouted and lowered his chin to gain your favor with his golden brown eyes that, you were afraid to admit, made you weak.
"But I'm tired and I want to take a nap, using my brain will probably kill me at this point."
He knelt with outreached hands, you allowed him to hold both of your palms in his own, you should have known better. He used his strength to pull you up from the ground and brought you to his chest, his hands settled on your hips.
Instinctively you looped your arms around his neck and rolled your head to the right, tilted perfectly for him to mold his lips to yours. And he did, pecking chaste kisses onto your lips, pleading with you to join him in Bunker 9.
"I suppose I could be persuaded," You nudged your nose against his.
The moment you arrived inside the bunker and saw his work table, normally filled with scattered tools and mechanical pieces that were in the process of being fixed or tweaked, was now littered with papers.
Leo's homework was divided into five different sections that had their respective piles. "By some miracle, I finished everything else, now all I'm missing is this." He reveals papers that were held behind his back.
"Math." You skim the equations on the document in your hands, nothing on this page was anything you would be able to help him with.
The smirk on his face made you glare at him and fold your arms stubbornly, "Yup," Leo rolled two chairs over to the desk that felt like your new timeout spot.
"Honestly, I feel like I shouldn't be subjected to torture because you decided to take courses over the summer."
"What happened to 'you die, I die'?" He reiterated the phrase you had spoken to him as a sort of mantra during the war. Your jaw dropped at the use of them being thrown back in your face and quickly shut it close.
"In the face of war!" You exclaimed and shrugged it off, "Just for that, you can die alone."
"I did, it wasn't my vibe," He twirled a strand of your hair, and let it fall back into place, stepping back with a hand on his hip leaning the other on the table. "Aren't you testy today?"
"It's been a day, the kids were hard to gather and once I had them riled up they wanted to learn this specific trick they've seen me do but how many times can I let them down gently and tell them they need to learn the basics- drills that they've repeated hundreds of times, that some still aren't getting and will possibly die if they get caught by a monster if they don't get-" You inhale deeply, "So what do I do? I let them learn the hard way to get it through their heads that it's not as simple as it looks and I've only managed after years of fucking practice. And you know what?"
"What?" You wanted to smack the amused smirk off of Leo's pretty face.
"They didn't pick it up like I knew they wouldn't, now they hate me but still wanna train with me because they still want me to teach them. My body is sore, I'm tired and I hate you for making me do homework," You pout.
He approaches you with caution, slowly caressing your cheeks in his hands, he presses his lips against yours that were currently being smushed together by his hands. It was a quick but meaningful kiss, only for him to say "I'm going to fail if I don't get this done."
"Leo!" You push him away from you. "What the hell do you mean, you're going to fail, you've been cooped up in here all summer!"
A sheepish smile and pink-dusted cheeks appear at your sudden outburst, he chuckles nervously knowing he just put the cherry on top of your already bad day. "I've been behind on a couple of assignments and I've finished most of them already, I'm mostly caught up"
"Mostly?" You were going to strangle him. You haven't spent much time together lately because of his homework. He decided to take summer classes to get ahead, and he's been busy ever since. You were constantly teaching the younger campers, and helping out around camp, whether in the infirmary or setting up activities to keep busy and you loved it but you missed your boyfriend.
"But Nyssa had this project she'd been working on and I couldn't help it."
You rolled your eyes and sighed, you couldn't be upset with him- not completely, you understood how hard it was for Leo to stay focused on a task that wasn't something he could physically tinker with, but there had been moments where you wanted to just be with him in his presence and you stopped yourself from going to him knowing that you'd only be a distraction.
"I promise this is the only one left," He takes your hand and leads you to sit on a chair then sits in another one next to you.
"I'm so annoyed with you right now," You snatch the paper and look over the equations.
An hour and a half into the 50-question work packet, you and Leo moved to the mattress lifted by wooden pallets used for shipping crates. 36 out of 50 equations were done, with work shown, Leo had barely any trouble working on it as he was naturally good with numbers you weren't sure you were needed at all.
You solved a couple for him when he got bored and started leaving trails of kisses from your cheek to your neck and shoulder, you were sure the answer was right and took a break, though when he pulled out of his dazed and loving state he looked over it and kissed you deeply.
"What was that for?" You asked in a whisper.
"A reward," He held your chin with his forefinger and thumb, pecking your cheek. "For helping me with my homework."
"Well, if I don't help you get this done, who will?"
"Malcolm and I are pretty tight," Leo has a deep stare on your lips, his thumb swipes your swollen bottom lip. "You've also got eight of them wrong, Mi Amor."
"I did nine of them," You did the math- that you weren't good at in your head, piecing together that you indeed sucked. "Why'd you ask me to help you, if you knew that I couldn't do math."
"I wanted to be around you, it's been a while since we've been alone." He toys with the bracelet he gifted you on your first anniversary, five charms for the five years you've been together since you confessed your feelings at age 17 after the war ended. You met at age 15 when Annabeth brought him to camp, and the rest is history.
"I'm still annoyed at you, you know, just because I've let you kiss me a couple of times doesn't mean-" He cuts you off with another kiss like earlier, catching you off-guard, intense and full of feeling. You immediately kiss back, not having the willpower to not, succumb to the charms he begrudgingly has on you.
You deepen the kiss by entangling your hands in his hair pulling his impossibly closer, it was a synchronized dance at first, the years of being used to the pattern of each other's kiss being shown in the heavy minutes of your mouths moving together in passion. It soon became heated, teeth clashing, tongues moving sloppily, mouths chasing each other after breaking apart two seconds at a time for breath.
Leo gently laid you on your back, breaking apart to take off his shirt, the moment it slipped off you brought him down to you, he fit perfectly between your legs. You gasp at the sensation of him grinding against you. He parts his lips from yours, to which you whine softly. He licks a stripe from your neck to your jaw and sucks until he's satisfied with the way you sigh and rock your body up and clutching onto the blades on his shoulders on his back.
He repeats licking, sucking, and kissing soft kisses as an apology for the spots he bit until you were sore.
You pull away from him and flip your bodies so that you are on top, you grab his wrists and pin them to the top of the pillows to see his reaction and wanting to be in control for a while. You gave him the same treatment and brought your body lower so that you could kiss all over his chest and back up.
You sat up to breathe fresh air, straddling him and releasing his hands only for him to intertwine his hands with yours and play with your fingers. He bucks his hips up playfully, and you jump slightly, your eyes widen for a second, and your lips turn up in a grin.
"You've gotten better at not... you know," You hint at the control Leo's gained with his fire powers. Heated makeouts like this were often interrupted by the smell of smoke or his skin feeling feverish.
He lets go of your hands and places his larger hands on your hips, you ignore the butterflies that flutter in your heart and stomach at the way he rubs up your waist and hips. "My hair was steaming earlier, I was hoping you didn't notice, thankfully you didn't or this would've been awkward."
"It's not awkward when that happens Leo, it's a little funny, to be honest, part of the reason why I love you." You tell him earnestly, "Nothing's awkward with you, you're my best friend."
"I love you," Leo responds with unwavering eyes on yours. "I'm sorry for the time we lost."
"It's okay, we were just making up for it."
holy gods, I haven't read this series in forever
I feel like it's a crime to admit I haven't read the new book yet, i'm rereading the series and waiting for the episodes to come out before i watch the show so im going in timeline order... just wanted to let y'all know. oh, and also i haven't fully read the trials of apollo which i know has info on where the HoO people are at in their lives that i'm not aware of...
#leo valdez x reader#leo valdez#leo valdez x y/n#leo valdez x you#leo valdez fanfic#leo valdez one shot#leo valdez/reader#leo valdez/y/n#leo valdez/you#leo valdez imagines#heroes of olympus#heroesofolympus#heroes of olympus fanfic#heroes of olympus imagine#percy jackson#jason grace#piper mclean#annabeth chase#frank zhang#hazel levesque#camphalfblood#camp half blood#bunker 9#hephaestus#xreaderrequests
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𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 - 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
☆⋆。°‧★ in which dahlia goes to yet another hockey games, and runs into her mystery boy after ☆⋆。°‧★ will smith x dahlia monroe ☆⋆。°‧★ wc: 1.6k ☆⋆。°‧★ au masterlist


‧₊˚✧[ OCTOBER 20, 2023 ]✧˚₊‧
if someone told dahlia a week before she started college that she would be willingly attending a hockey game, she would've scoffed in their face. telling her she would be going to two of them would've sent her into a fit of laughter. yet, here she was a week later sitting in the same seat as before.
"i can't believe im doing this again." the girl mumbled as she sat down in the seat. violette chuckled slightly as the players started coming into the ice for warmups. "he's gonna think im crazy."
"he won't, trust me." dahlia didn't know this, and neither did will, but on wednesday morning, gabe approached the black haired girl. of course violette knew who he was, and she knew that he wasn't sitting next to her to get to know her.
the boy waisted no time mentioning the previous friday night and small moments their two close friends shared. at the end of their lesson, the two had made it their mission to at least get the two to meet each other, but without forcing it.
if there was one thing that violette knew about her best friend is that she would never ever start dating a guy she met through someone. dahlia loved her romance book, the slow burning loves were her favourites ones. so, just bringing the two together was a big no, which led to the two girls sitting in the conte forum yet again.
"he totally will." almost as if on cue, the two made eye contact. will was standing on the red dot across the ice from them, stickhandling, when he looked up as he lost control of the puck and their eyes locked. "oh gosh."
"aw, how cute." violette giggled from besides her receiving an elbow to her ribs.
just like a week ago, the two shared loads of eye contact during the game, will sometimes even looking back over his shoulder and sending her a soft smile. when the boy scored his first goal of his college career, he wasn't shy to send her a wink once again.
for most of the night, dahlia's cheek were a deep shade of red, which violette often reminder her of. as for will, the boys now how knew who this mystery eye contact girl was, and they were not shy to give it to him in the locker during the intermissions. they all now kept an eye on the two, which is why when during a media timeout, they all noticed how his stare was stuck on her. the way he softly smiled whenever she'd laughed to something her friend said.
"smitty, you better find out that girl's name soon." one of the junior said as the team celebrated their win in the locker room. will just rolled his eyes at the statement.
"gosh, not this again." the boy mumbled seconds before all of the boy started pouring out whatever they had to say.
"a little more and you would've jumped the boards, bud." ryan said, making all of the boys, besides will, to chuckle.
"little smitty's in love." malone said from besides the freshman as he noticed how pink will's cheek had flushed.
somehow, will had managed to get out of the locker room even quicker than he had last week. he was surprised at how many people were still lingering in the forum. as he made his way to the door, he saw all the stares coming from people around him and the quiet mumbling all around. the boy just shoved his airpods in with the volume at max.
will hated to admit it, but he somehow let his brain get lost in the though of the girl whos name he didn't know. the small little glances, her soft smile, and her angelic laugh he could hear every once in a while. he so desperately wanted to get to know her, or at least say hi, but he knew it would never happen. he was lucky enough that she had showed up again tonight, but there was no guarantee that she was going to come next weekend as well.
will had been so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even realized where he was walking. his feet just started moving once he got outside and he never once stopped to think about where he was or where he was going. he took a quick glance around him and realized he was on the opposite side of the campus, one he had never been to before. the worst was that he didn't even know how to get back to his place. thankfully, maps was going to be able to help him back, but of course, as soon as he took out his phone, it died.
great. his sister lived off campus and had probably made it home already, and he had no clue where he was. thankfully, there were barely any students outside, meaning no one saw his confused look as he stared turning left and right, trying to at least find his way back to the forum, but it was useless. well, that was until a soft, beautiful voice spoke from behind him.
"lost?" will was scared at first, not having heard anyone walking behind. and then even more when he turned around. their eyes met for the millionth time that night, both of their eye going a little wide as they connected.
dahlia had decided to go over to her boyfriend's frat house for the night, meaning dahlia was on her own to go home. she tried to hold back a chuckle as she noticed a blond boy looking quite confused. she was a little confused herself as to why he was wearing a suit, but didn't think too much about it and instead approached the boy from behind.
the though of the lost boy being the boy had never crossed her mind, she was a little surprise that he was even out of the rink before she was.
"a little." the boy answered with an awkward smile lifting his phone up a little to show that it was dead. the girl bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back her smile.
"which dorm?"
"uh, i'm just trying to go back to the rink." will answered as their eyes stayed connected.
"just go back that way, across the parking lot and you'll see it." the girl explained, pointing to the direction she had just came from.
"thanks." the boy mumbled loud enough for the girl to hear, but he showed no signs of moving anytime soon.
"'course. i should... get going." the girl whispered as she continued making her way to her dorm slowly. thankfully for her, she had to walk past the boy, which allowed their eyes to stay connected for a little longer. the girl prayed deep down that the boy would ask for her name, or even propose to walk her to her dorm, but he stayed quiet.
"wait!" will called out as he turned around a couple of seconds after the girl had pasted him. his brain still hadn't fully understand how she was standing right in front of him and talking to him. which is why it took him so long to realize he was probably blowing his only shot with her.
dahlia turned around at the sound of his voice, as the hockey player started making his way to her. they were standing no more than a feet apart, and it wasn't until this moment that both of them realized how big their height difference was. the girl would be lying if she said she didn't feel small butterflies in her stomach as she looked up to the blond boy in front of her.
"can i have your number?" the boy asked after just standing there for a bit. dahlia held back a smile, deciding to mess with him a little.
"don't you at least want to know my name, my major, my favourite colour, just something before you ask a stranger for their number?" the girl questioned with a small smirk. will's face went blank, scared that he had completely messed it up. until, the girl let out a soft giggle which sounded like heaven to him.
"i'm just messing with ya. you look like a ghost." dahlia giggled, a wide smile on her face as one grew on will's face as well.
"i'm will."
"i'm dahlia." the girl's mind blanked out a for a bit, stuck in a trance as he body moved without her even knowing what was going on. when she came back down to reality, will's finger were typing on her phone. when he was done, he handed her phone back, along with a pen he hand in his pocket.
dahlia stared at him confused as he reached his hand out towards her. will chuckled a bit before talking. "write yours down." and that's exactly what the girl did. her hands were slightly shaking as she wrote her number on the top of his hand. she suddenly felt a wave of confidence take over, and decided to draw a little heart next to her number.
the second she was done drawing the little shape, she regretted it. she wasn't a bold person, she had never done this before, let alone give her number to a stranger. but it was too late, will had pulled back his hand, smiling down at it.
"i'll see you around." will whispered in her ear as he leaned down a little. dahlia swore she felt a shiver go down her spine as she turned around to watch the boy walk away, his pen still in her hands.
#bri writes#i found you au#will smith#will smith hockey#will smith x oc#will smith imagine#will smith x reader#will smith hockey imagine#will smith hockey x reader#will smith hockey x oc#bc eagles#bc hockey#boston college hockey#college hockey imagine
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Professor Jisung! He is youngest one among all the professors and in one of his freshman batches he saw you. It wasn't that serious, matter of fact at first he just found you extremely smart and pretty. You exceled in his class, did well in every subject, well enough to catch his attention. Even with your outfits covering barely anything it wasn't serious at first. Until you two were locked in one room. Now everything felt so touchy. He was so sensitive for no reason and you getting closer didn't help him at all. "Are you okay professor?" Well obviously not. But after a little while he realized your presence was rather more soothing, unconsciously leading him to kiss you. Wait- kissing a student? A freshman at that? and suddenly you weren't locked anymore. And ever since then it was painfully difficult for him when you were his class. Was it the guilt in his mind or the boner in his pants? Maybe both. And the next time you guys get locked in, no one is getting out.
Catboy Jisung! Well at first, it was a normal cat that minho found on the street. He already had 3 to take care of along with his busy schedule so he decided that you, the one that wanted a cat for so so long, should have this one. It was a normal cat, kinda cuddly but also scared. Until it wasn't. You realized the cat is human? wait no half human? Are those cat ears? or am i hallucinating? Well that was definitely not hallucination. You didn't even know that he was whole human being or half, but regardless after he poofs back into his cat form, you are suddenly reminded of the times he probably watched you get fucked or touch yourself. After you get used to this half human half cat who gets in heat more often than not, matter of fact he is so needy he needs it all the time. Weren't male cats supposed to be less hornier? well not this one. The collar looks so cute on him. Absolutely fuckable. He is so submissive when it comes to you. Wants you to fuck his hole, ride his dick, do anything as long as he gets to cum. So so vocal every time. Even if you put him in timeout because he has been stealing your panties because he cant calm himself down, you just cant bear the sight of this poor guy absolutely whimpering with a massive boner. He might even be into CBT, being tied up and even using gag. But his favourite and he absolutely need is his collar that you gave him
part of #sorshas birthday month submissions
I've been gatekeeping this for a while because I wanted to wait until I had the words to respond in a way I wanted to. But with everything that's been happening in my life, I am struggling with my expression.
But I've decided to post this now, rather than wait until my brain is in a place where I can articulate things better, because I need everyone to see how amazing these two scenarios are!
Both are so different, but equally make me so weak.
I really hope this anon will write a fully fleshed out fic about these scenarios... I'll be your biggest fan!!!! *begs on knees*
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The level of buddie brain rot is legit insane because I just watched an TikTok from the official NFL account and immediately thought of a buddie AU. If you follow football you’ll know there is a thing called a ‘get back’ coach who’s sole job is wrangle the head coach on the sidelines so they don’t get out of the field and get penalties. The TikTok is of the Miami Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel who has just been informed by the ref that he has to stay in the box because he doesn’t haven’t anymore timeouts left, and when he goes to wander off his get back coach pulls him back by his shirt, and Mike McDaniel being an adorable little shit turns around and tugs playfully on the get back coach’s shirt sleeve, and they both giggle. I personally see Eddie being the head coach in this scenario and Buck being the get back coach, and each time Eddie gets animated about what’s going on on the field, Buck is personally the one to pull him back. It starts out as simple rugs on his shirt or the back of his belt. But as the season goes on, the touches get more hands on, gripping Eddie’s shoulders, an arm around his waist. On one play where Eddie gets especially heated he wraps one arm around Eddie’s waist and rips off his headset and growls in Eddie’s ear, “I know you’re frustrated, but if you go out in that field we’re going to get a costly penalty or your ass it getting thrown out of this game. So, take a breath and calm the fuck down.” And when Eddie finally sucks in a deep breath, Buck whispers, “Good boy,” puts his headset back on and then lets him go. And Eddie Fucking Diaz turns bright pink on live TV.
Here’s the inspo TikTok if you wanna watch it.
#you know they fuck nasty in Eddie’s office after the post game presser#I should write this#right?#buddie#buddie fic#911 abc#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 fic#buddie au#football coach Eddie Diaz#Assistant Coach Evan Buckley
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can you do luffy headcanons with a s/o that has blue hair with gold streaks and golden eyes. and her personality is sweet, thoughtful, protective and kind? also she doesn’t mind his antics and whenever he wants to go on a crazy adventure she’s just like “oh sure! :D”
(this is my first time asking i hope i didn’t overstep boundaries some how 😅)
A/n: hi darling!! Thank you for sending a request. No you didn’t overstep any boundaries, don’t worry. I do want to say though, not your fault at all by the way nor is it a big deal, but I don’t tend to write about physical appearances for a reader unless it’s a main focus for something like comfort etc. I try to keep the body vague so everyone has a chance to read it. So for this request, I’ll just mostly focus on the personality you sent, if that’s okay?
Rating: SFW
Notes: GN!Reader, fluff.
Word Count: ~500
Luffy with a Protective and Thoughtful S/O
Well, everyone is thankful you’re there to support Luffy. Really, you’re a miracle worker who is probably one of the few who can get Luffy to listen to you.
Luffy at first doesn’t recognize how mindful and thoughtful you are of him. Like if you were to give him your leftovers from dinner because you weren’t hungry and he was, he’d just be happy and gobble it down. After a while of you doing things like that, though, he’d begin to notice it and thank you more.
He might not notice every time after that, but he does instinctively know he can trust you and rely on you. Like no hesitation, Luffy will never question you or think anything bad of you. He just knows for certain, whenever it comes to you, you’re his closest companion and partner.
Often goes to you to be able to do something. Nami, Robin, or Sanji (or, honestly, anyone with a brain) might tell him no (probably rightfully so) but he doesn’t have to worry about that with you.
He’s always happy to have a mini adventure with you. You’re enthusiastic and it bounces off on him too! You two often come back with souvenirs, ranging from a cute seashell or plant to a whole animal.
You two have been put in timeout for that stunt.
Luffy also likes going to you for comfort. He trusts you in a way that’s unique from the others since you're his partner, so he relies on you for that.
Hugs, kisses, snuggles, soft words of praise and encouragement… he adores them from you. Sleepy cuddles while he clings to you are his favorite.
He will admit this to you really easily, but he thinks you remind him of “home”. You simultaneously explore the world with him, but when it’s just you two, it feels like home and he can relax.
It also makes him think of his brothers and family. You’re way nicer though, that’s a fact. He can’t wait to introduce you to them and show you off to the family!
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Fun Learnings About Discord!
If you’ve never modded a Discord server, you may not know, but “Time Out” (or Timeout) is an official Discord term for a moderation function.
Mods can put a user in Time Out to stop them from sending messages or reacting to things for a set period of time ranging from 60 seconds to one week. It is a function to be used when a user is maybe overly heated about something, but has not committed a bannable offense. It’s meant to help risky conversations cool off *before* they end up crossing ban lines. It’s also meant to be used in cases where only one or two mods are present during some kind of drama — it puts a pause on the conversation so that the mod team can discuss together as a whole and decide next steps, rather than having situations where one mod’s response rules the day.
Telling someone they will be put in Time Out is a moderator warning that we will use the discord function to put that person on pause. It isn’t a phrase mods throw around for other reasons; it’s a literal Discord term. However, if you don’t have mod experience, or experience in larger discords where the function gets used, you may not know this, so we wanted to clarify what the term actually means.
Some users may also be unaware of how the Block function works, so here's an explanation of that as well.
When User A blocks User B, it means that A cannot see anything that B posts. If B posts, A will see that the message has been blocked. A can click on the message to read it at their own risk.
B can see *everything* that A posts. B cannot, however, react or reply to things A has posted. If A has B blocked, neither A nor B can DM each other or friend request each other.
That is the extent of blocking on Discord. You cannot stop someone else from seeing your messages. Discord blocking is meant to prevent contact from a particular user; it does not hide what you send.
Blocking users is an individual act, and is effective no matter what server a user is in. Therefore, the mods have no control over who blocks who, and cannot modify blocks. A good mod team will also never ask you to change your blocks — that’s your business.
Additionally: blocking someone, or being blocked by someone, is not any kind of moral failing. People use blocks for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they just don’t want to talk about Character X for a couple weeks and are blocking X’s biggest fans; maybe you said you hate their favorite color. Blocking is a tool people use to improve their day on Discord, and it isn’t a negative thing if you get blocked. It’s just someone curating their current brain space — and might change.
There currently is no way for a user to keep another user from reading their messages. If you were using the block function thinking that it did this, hopefully you can adjust your behavior in public spaces now that you know.
Questions about discord functions? Ask away! I'm here to help.
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