#time to drink with suga
urmingirl · 2 years
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heich0e · 4 months
seasoned cop daichi sees a suspiciously nice car parked on a dark side street one night on his way home, and sighs to himself as he pulls over to investigate. he can't help but remember that awkward encounter all those years ago where he busted his former coach and coach's (now) spouse in this same situation, and he laughs a little bit to himself as he approaches the car, no longer the blushing rookie he used to be.
he raps confidently against the glass, hoping to get this all sorted out quickly so he can get home as soon as possible. he's already lived through the most uncomfortable version possible of this event, after all, so it's not like anything can surprise him anymore this far into his career.
or so he thought, until he sees you inside the car on top of his former kouhai (and current olympian) kageyama tobio.
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joheunsaram · 2 years
when bts said we’re gonna be more mature in our solos... they literally just meant we’re gonna get drunk onscreen didn’t they? lmfao
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vernoniekiss · 2 months
hiii hope you are well 🥰 i wanted to request how each member would profess their love to you when they’re drunk if that makes sense
drunk svt professing their love to their s/o | [ ot13 ]
a/n: hi ! thankyou sm for the request. i’m doing quite well, hope you are too ! i think i also strayed away from the prompt too,, sorry.
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[🫧] seungcheol
- the protective drunk. wouldn’t want anyone else to touch you or get anywhere near you. afraid someone might steal you away from him, to which they can’t because seungcheol is literally the love of your life. he doesn’t even have to tell you that he loves you because his actions speak louder than words.
[🫧] jeonghan
- teases you, him with his bright red cheeks with a cheeky smile. “i didn’t know you love me THAT much y/n~” whenever you try to touch him, like holding his hands or giving him a kiss. “but don’t worry, i love you so much”.
[🫧] joshua
- flirty drunk !!!! flirts like his life depends on it, wants to see you flustered but he’s more flustered when you flirt back :/ . would also be abit clingy to you, whispering “i love yous” every now and then.
[🫧] junhui
- poor baby blabbering nonsense right next your ear. his heads on your shoulder. all you could make out from his blabber is “love yous” “you’re so pretty” “i’m so glad im your boyfriend”. pouts his lips for kisses. reminds you of a cat…
[🫧] hoshi
- also a clingy drunk 100%. would CRY professing his love to you. you’re just there awkwardly patting his back. cling onto you for the whole night,, you’re just happy to be there :D
[🫧] wonwoo
- the type to keep his hands in yours the whole night. he’ll a bit clingier than usual. he doesn’t even have to say anything but you know he loves you and trusts you when he’s drunk.
[🫧] woozi
- i remember watching him and suga ep10 and he brought tea or something instead of drinking alcohol. cant imagine him being drunk but maybe tipsy. he’s cute when he’s there blushing/ flustered at every move you do to him. blurts that he loves you randomly during the night.
[🫧] dokeoym
- he would NOT leave you alone. he would follow you everywhere you go. he’s loud, he’s loud with his love to you. whenever there’s karaoke, he’s singing a song for you, literally a song that’s dedicated to you and only for you.
[🫧] mingyu
- 101% also a very clingy and pouty drunk. very affectionate when he’s drunk too. he’s always by your side even if you move to do something. kissing you all the time, holding you at every chance he gets. “mmh i loveeeee youuu~”
[🫧] minghao
- his actions speak louder than words but i also can’t imagine him being really drunk. he’s always holding your hands, using his thumb to caress the front of your hands. forehead kisses and when he’s tired he’ll sit even closer to you and put his head on your shoulders.
[🫧] seungkwan
- if you and seventeen are all playing a game like mafia while drinking, trust seungkwan is going to defend your ass at all times “what do you mean y/n is the mafia ?! you must be out of your mind!!!” he always makes you feel involved in stuff, he’ll always keep and eye out for you. when he’s tired and drunker than he was earlier, he’ll quietly let you know that you’re the best thing that happened to him. he doesn’t wanna get teased by hoshi or anyone else hearing him say that.
[🫧] vernon
- you think it’s cute, how he’s sitting next to you, rather nearly ON you. rambling on how he loves you so much in your ear. he’s a clingy drunk 100%. always has to he touching you in any way, his hands on your thigh, interlinked pinkies etc.
[🫧] chan
- he’ll let the whole world know that his love is only for you. if you’re at the bar or seventeen, he’ll go round pointing at you and say “that’s my girlfriend. i LOVEEEE her so much”. you’d also probably have to get on your knees to beg him to stop and go home 😞.
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fum1ku · 3 months
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒶𝓊 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑜𝒾𝓇! ౨ৎ
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multicharacter (atsumu, kuroo, sugawara, akaashi, kenma, & suna) x reader. 1.2k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ meet cute scenarios with them ! ! ノ repost from old blog :3
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ᡣ𐭩 you pretend to be ATSUMU’s date so he doesn’t have to face an awkward interaction with his ex. you’re a little surprised when the random man approaches you and practically begs for your help through slightly slurred words. the desperation behind his cocoa-colored eyes and the soft pink hue flushing his cheeks convince you to go along with his deception. your mediocre night at the bar transforms into something much more entertaining as you get to know the blonde stranger. the two of you effortlessly click, bouncing jokes back and forth and breaking out in fits of rowdy laughter. despite the feel of angry eyes burning a hole into the back of your head (which must have meant his plan was working), you enjoy your time with the man you’ve come to learn is miya atsumu, who now holds the title of the most interesting person you’ve encountered at your regular drinking establishment. by the end of the night, the two of you are exchanging numbers and promising to meet again. maybe you’ll upgrade from a pretend partner of convenience to his true significant other.
ᡣ𐭩 KUROO holds the elevator door when he sees you rushing towards it. you’re out of breath by the time you make it into the lift, but you use what little air you have left to thank the man profusely for the polite gesture. he’s a lifesaver, you tell him—you surely would have been late without his kindness. when he asks what floor you plan on getting off at, you laugh, explaining that you’re also stopping at the already-lit floor twelve. the two of you share small talk before getting off, both of you making your way to the receptionist. you ask them to point you to kuroo tetsuro’s office and that’s when the man finally reveals his identity. he’s the one interviewing you for the position to become his personal assistant. your cheeks heat with embarrassment at your lack of punctuality, but kuroo assures you that he understands that life happens—he’s willing to look past it, especially considering the effort you put in to attempt to make it here on time. his reassurance and your conversation with him in the elevator make the process of the interview a lot less nerve-wracking. kuroo is impressed with your resume, your experience, and most of all, you. he hires you on the spot. looks like you’ll both be seeing a lot more of each other.
ᡣ𐭩 you and SUGA help reunite a lost child with their parents. it’s hard not to jump into action when you see a distraught kid on their own. though, as soon as you make it to them, another person is also on the scene—the more help, the better. you share a knowing look with him before he turns his attention to the kid. you can tell he’s a natural when it comes to children. he isn’t bothered by the crying and easily calms the kid down, wiping away their tears with his thumbs, a gentle, comforting smile not once leaving his face. you’re both knelt down in front of them, quietly asking questions to see if they might remember any information that would help you get them back to their guardians. it’s not long before the kid nods and agrees to show you where they wandered off from. they take each of your hands, leading the two of you back to where they had last seen their parents. your hand and suga’s rhythmically swing with the kid’s before they spot a familiar couple and release you both, running into the arms of their mother. after plenty of apologies and many words of gratitude, you compliment suga on his great abilities with children and he says likewise; “the two of us make a great team.”
ᡣ𐭩 AKAASHI catches you after you slip on a patch of ice. his hands cuff your biceps as he steadies you and helps you regain your balance. you thank him, call him a lifesaver, and quickly apologize for the inconvenience. akaashi brushes it off as if it’s nothing, but he insists on accompanying you on the rest of your walk to your destination, you know, to make sure you get there safely. you accept his kind offer, after all, there’s no harm in having a cute guy keeping you company on the way to your stop. he introduces himself and you do the same. he’s soft-spoken but easy to talk to, the kind of guy everyone is comfortable around. he attentively listens to your words and answers each question you throw his way. he’s got a warm, soothing aura that draws you in. distracted by the pleasant discussion, you almost walk straight past the cafe you meant to stop at. turns out that the very coffee shop you were going to was the same one that akaashi frequented each day before work. he’d never run into you before, but he certainly wouldn’t mind seeing you again.
ᡣ𐭩 you text the wrong number and KENMA happens to be the receiver. the paragraph you type out excitedly rambles on about the release of the new game you had been anticipating for months. you don’t even realize you’ve sent the message to the wrong number until you get a reply. the unknown soul on the other end informs you of your blunder, but follows up with a text in response to your initial message in which they mirror your excitement for the upcoming release. it’s easy to ignore your mistake when the person you unintentionally reached out to has such an extensive knowledge on one of the things you find interest in. all the advice you’ve absorbed about not talking to strangers is out the window as you continue your conversation with your mystery companion. despite the amusing result of your slip-up, you have to bid your newfound acquaintance farewell. when you tune in for your favorite streamer’s live gameplay the next night, you’re more than surprised to hear him retell the exact same events you experienced the night before. turns out you were talking to the famous kodzuken.
ᡣ𐭩 SUNA accidentally knocks on your door instead of your neighbor’s. it’s his first time visiting the twins in their new apartment and he can’t be bothered to confirm whether the unit was 32A or 33A, so he trusts his gut and sticks to the former. his knuckles knock against the door and he wonders which twin will answer before he’s met with an unfamiliar figure. you greet the man with a smile despite not knowing who he is or what he’s here for. suna explains the misunderstanding and you laugh, confirming that the place he’s looking for is next door. though, suna’s in no rush to meet the twins and since you aren’t entirely opposed to making a new friend, the two of you stand at the threshold of your doorway and joke about the funny situation. it’s about ten minutes past the time the miyas were expecting him but he hasn’t bothered to check the time—hell, he’s almost forgotten why he’s in the hallway until the door next to yours swings open and atsumu emerges. he’s reminded of his original plans and reluctantly says goodbye, mentally making a note that 32A is the door he wants to knock on in the future.
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thanks for reading! if u enjoyed, please consider reblogging or commenting ❤︎
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realcube · 2 months
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wet n wild with hq men
characters ❣ sugawara, suna, oikawa, kageyama & atsumu (all ts!)
tws/tags ❣ semi public sex, fingering // tit jobs // flashing, praise // riding, slight degradation // vaginal — minors dni!
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KŌSHI SUGAWARA always walks you home after a date, especially one that ended as late as it did tonight. unfortunately, half-way through the journey it began to rain. it was only a drizzle at first which is why you both opted against hiring a taxi, but before you knew it, the weather had escalated to a full-on downpour, resulting in you both having to dash home, using suga's jacket as an umbrella. it wasn't an especially effective substitute, you both realised as you stepped under the protection of your front door canopy, giggling at each other's drenched and dishevelled states. but something about seeing your hair dripping, clinging to your glowing skin and your long, wet eyelashes — so doll-like — tempted him. he leaned in for a good-bye kiss like he always does but this time, as your damp lips danced with his, while one hand cupped your cheek, the other wandered downwards, peeling up your dress so your ass was exposed. then, he slips two fingers right into your pussy, smiling into the kiss when you gasp, and roughly pushing you back against the door. "kōshi.." you whine into the kiss as he makes shallow and gentle movements with his fingers, "we should go inside." he exhales out his nose and continues to grind his wet body against yours, "let me make you cum first, sweetie."
RINTARŌ SUNA took you to a music festival, but he should've warned you first about the tendancy of people to throw their drinks around, otherwise you wouldn't have worn a white shirt. the incident caused suna to get a little damp too, but the issue was more pressing in your case as it caused your whole top-half to be see-through. the drenched fabric clinging to your supple chest, along with the sight of your cute nipples poking out had suna dizzy. you didn't want to ruin the festival experience for suna so you offered to go get dried up on your own, but suna was uncharacteristically keen to come with you. however, instead of exiting the crowd and leading you to a bathroom, he guided you to a wooded area adjacent to the festival. hidden behind a tree, he locks his lips with yours, which is surprising but you eagerly reciprocate. he parts only to meet your eyes and mutter while tugging at the bottom of your shirt, "why don't we hang this to dry?" you nod, and within seconds he's tore it off you, tossing it over a tree branch. for a moment he revels in the sight of your unobstructed tits. fumbling with his belt buckle, he uses his other hand to press down on your shoulder and you know to get on your knees. once it's free, he prots it against your cheek and smirks at how promptly you open your mouth, but he pulls away and shakes his head, "no, baby." he says, "with those pretty tits."
TOBIO KAGEYAMA doesn't understand how hot he looks after practise. what he sees is a sweaty, gross mess. but you see your ripped athlete husband, damp clothes sticking to his toned body, with shining skin and shallow breaths. it's reminiscent of his state after going for a few rounds, so it makes sense that it would turn you on. and although he is tired, kageyama is never going to pass up an oppertunity to screw you. he is laid on the bed, with one flexed arm supporting his neck so he can look at you, and the other clamped on your waist while you bounce on his cock. a sharp breath is pulled from him with each drop of your hips, and his eyes are fixated on your sopping pussy and how it hungrily swallows him up. "this needy, eh?" he comments through pants. you'd reply but you're too fixated on riding him, and trying to cope with ceaseless amount of pleasure his fat cock sends washing through you. "better make yourself cum on it." he grits.
TŌRU OIKAWA goes crazy when he sees you walking around the house, fresh out of the shower, in nothing but two towels. a big one to wrap around your hair, and a much smaller one around your body. so small it grants him a peek of your shining, perky ass with each step. he tries to wash away these impure thoughts with a shower of his own, but that doesn't work. he changes into his nightwear and you walk by him just as he is getting out of the shower, then gasp as he snatches the towel that had previously wore on your body, exposing you to the nippy air. instinctively, you use your arms to cover yourself, "tōru, that's mine!" you yell, watching him dry his hair with it. "oh, sorry, princess." once he's done, he holds it out and offers, "let me put it back on you." you pout and nod. lowering your guard, he saunters towards you and muses, "my gorgeous girl. you know what you do to me when you walk around like that." he puts the towel behind your back, but you lean in for a heated kiss before he is able to fully put it on you, hence he drops it. his hand grips at your ass while the other rubs betweens your damp folds, massaging your clit, "i should give you some attention, huh?"
ATSUMU MIYA knows exactly what you want when he comes home to see that you've run a bath. not just any bath either, one filled with rose petals and decorated with scented candles and glittery bath-bombs, while a romantic playlist plays nearby. and one that you've sunk into, completely nude, with your hair loose, which you know he goes nuts for. he playfully narrows his eyes at you, as he throws his bag down under the sink, "now, this is nice n' all. but i'm going to need you to use yer words, sweetheart." he says, while taking his jersey off, and you shrug. "i just wanted to do something nice for you. my hard-working husband." "so, you're horny." he chuckles, without missing a beat, as he slips into the bath with you, "luckily for you, my dear, you've been on m' mind all fuckin day. that tight pussy." he slurs, while idly circling your clit with his thumb, causing you to whimper. then, he leans back against the side of the tub and stretches his legs out, motioning to his lap, "get t' it." eagerly, you scramble forward, onto him and align yourself with his cock. slowly, you sink down onto it, the water gently waving as you do so. your eye squeeze tightly shut, a mix of pain and pleasure shooting through you and your walls desperately contort to accommodate his length. he's been in you so many times yet it's still so filling. he runs a wet hands up your waist, over your tits, mesmerised as droplets fall from your nipples. "so sexy."
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bloomzone · 3 months
GLOW UP DIARY:#3 the power of self-care
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"If you don't have a dream, that's okay too. It's possible not to have a dream. If you're happy, that's all that matters"
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heyy sparkles...so today it's the third part of the glow up and thank you so so much T-T for the support in the second part
Edit: haircare,nail care is for apparence part I focused on routines,skincare,body care in this part (I'm so busy these days T-T<3)
© bloomzone
✉️ : Self-care includes activities like eating well, exercising, and relaxing to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health. It's essential for managing stress and enhancing overall well-being.
Self-care is essential for maintaining balance
﹙ ✿ ﹚Taking care of yourself is about finding simple, comforting routines that make you feel good. Start with small steps, like taking a relaxing bath,do ur skincare , journal...Prioritize these moments and remember that they are just as important as anything else on your to-do list. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and choose activities that genuinely make you happy. Listen to your body and give yourself the rest and care you need. By focusing on what brings you comfort and joy, you'll create a self-care routine that feels natural and rewarding.
Have a routine: It is really important to have a routine because if not you could have bad sleeping, be tired all day, get boredeasily, won't be able to finish responsibilities, it can bring you bad self esteem, unmotivated and in general is a complete mess.
Example of a routine (by me)
summer version.
⏰( wake up at 4:30am to pray ifajr if u are a Muslim :) )
♡ ゚wake up at 9:30am
♡ ゚make bed
♡ ゚drink water
♡ ゚morning stretch 15min
♡ ゚skincare/quick shower
♡ ゚breakfast
♡ ゚help mom if needed
♡ ゚phone time
⏰(pray duhr if u are Muslim:) )
♡ ゚lunch time
♡ ゚nap
♡ ゚full workout
⏰(pray asr if you are Muslim:) )
♡ ゚start learning a language,see friends or simply watch a movie
⏰(pray Maghrib if you are a Muslim :) )
♡ ゚help mom cooking dinner
♡ ゚wash dishes
♡ ゚check social
♡ ゚skincare
♡ ゚get ready for bed
♡ ゚sleep at 10pm
Things u can add to your routine :
cleaning ur room
- wardrobe
- desk
- I will share my fav recipes in next blogs 🤫
set goals for next year
- academic goals
- life goals ( saving money,body goal ...)
sunday self care day routine
summer version
⏰( salat al fajr + reading Quran for Muslims)
♡ ゚wake up at 9am
♡ ゚do ur bed
♡ ゚meditation
♡ ゚skincare + face mask
♡ ゚journal/affirmations
♡ ゚ice coffee/tea
♡ ゚morning stretch 15min
♡ ゚breakfast
♡ ゚help in cleaning
♡ ゚wear ur fit
♡ ゚go shopping
⏰(pray duhr in masjid if u luv to :) )
♡ ゚lunch
♡ ゚full workout
📍everything shower time
- hair mask
- shave
- body care
📍after shower
- dry your hair
- clean/paint ur nails
- wear ur comfy pyjamas
♡ ゚watch a movie
⏰(pray Maghrib if you are Muslim)
♡ ゚quality time with ur family/friends
📍get ready for bed
- write down what u achieve this week
- affirmations
⏰(pray Isha if u are Muslim)
♡ ゚skincare
♡ ゚get ur beauty sleep at 10pm
﹙ ✿ ﹚ I know that we all love shopping and buying things because it's pink or aesthetic or it's just because it's a famous products NO NO this wroong u don't need to buy a whole truck of innisfree products because it's pink or glow recipe buy products that will work for u if u have acnes and ur face hurt everytime u try to sleep or u wanna just wash it,visit a dermatologist he will give the product that ur skin need to heal again. (As a girl with strict parents hhh they didn't let me go I'm 16yo btw),so I start to buy random products until I found the perfect one for my skin (I have a terrible TERRIBLE oily skin)+ if u are 12-18 don't use serum's without permission of doctor u will just broke ur skin texture I bought ordinary serum and it just make my skin worst + it's an expansive sht ☠️
How to get rid of acne ?
♡ ⠀skincare secrets !
⊹ ‧avoid junk food
⊹ ‧fresh vegetables and fruits
⊹ ‧icing your face
⊹ ‧clay mask (recommended by me)
⊹ ‧avoid using a lot of skincare products
⊹ ‧ simplify ur skincare routine ( cleanser,toner, moisturizer)
⊹ ‧get 7-8 hour of sleep
⊹ ‧rice water
⊹ ‧don't sleep with ur make up
⊹ ‧stay hydrate
⊹ ‧change ur pillowcase (one in a week)
⊹ ‧ cucumber slice as a mask
⊹ ‧don't touch ur face
♡   Item you need
⊹ ‧pimples patches
⊹ ‧silicone facial cleaner (for deep cleaning)
⊹ ‧headband (keep ur hair up always)
﹙ ✿ ﹚ Taking care of your body is a vital part of feeling your best, both inside and out. A good body care routine can boost your confidence and help you embrace your natural beauty. Body care is also about self-love and taking time for yourself amidst a busy schedule remember girlie every skin type is beautiful, and finding the right routine can enhance your natural glow.
♡   Body care secrets
⊹ ‧ don't shave (ur body)early until u are in the right age (+17) , if u are not a hairy girl no need to shave :)
⊹ ‧ shower everyday (don't wash ur hair )
⊹ ‧ choose the right body wash (nivea,vaseline >>)
⊹ ‧ stay hydrate avoid junk foods to protect ur body skin from pimples
⊹ ‧Exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week to remove dead skin cells and promote cell renewal. Use a gentle scrub suitable for your skin type (coconut oil brown sugar >>)
💌 : How to shave ur leg and have a smooth soft skin
1- soak ur leg in warm water for (3 to 5 min) to make ur skin ready
2- use ur fav body scrub and exfoliate your body from death skin
3- use something like body oil or shaving cream and find a good razor at least 3 blades (venus Gillette is on top)
4- shave with slow don't be harsh,long strock and don't forget to wash the razor everytime
5- after drying ur legs use any lotion u like to give the skin the extra moisture + using baby oil to avoid strawberry legs
⊹ ‧ Choose body care products that are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances Opt for natural and gentle ingredients stay healthy girlie
⊹ ‧ avoid very hot water
⊹ ‧ Use natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil for deep hydration. Apply them after a shower or use them as an overnight treatment for extra softness.
♡   item you need
⊹ ‧ dry brush
⊹ ‧ loofah
⊹ ‧ natural soap (for ur 🐱)
⊹ ‧ razor pack
⊹ ‧ body scrub
⊹ ‧ body wash
⊹ ‧ africain exfoliating nets
⊹ ‧ body moisturizer
⊹ ‧ Shea butter
⊹ ‧ Epsom salt
ıllı ⠀ : ⠀Self-care is essential for every girl to nurture her mind, body, and spirit. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. Whether it's indulging in a relaxing bath, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a break to read a good book, these moments help recharge your energy and boost your confidence. Remember, you deserve to feel good and be happy. Prioritizing self-care allows you to show up as your best self in every area of your life. So, take a deep breath, put yourself first, and watch how everything else falls into place. Ilvy sm ⠀ ♡ ⠀ !!
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dumpywrites · 4 months
Adrift - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Prompt: He only comes to sleep with you and you accept because your heart allows you to.
Prompt request: HERE
Genre/tags: Angst (with happy ending), slight mentions of smut, friends to friends with benefits to lovers
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her reader
a/n: this was very very very lowkey inspired by real life situation, don't ask me lol
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The joy of making breakfast, or not. Carefully plating the pancakes you made, drizzling them with maple syrup, adding some blueberries from the fridge. The sight of two delicious pancakes in two separate plates should not irritate you this much. The matching cups of drinks, one with milk in it, one with black coffee. 
Making food at ten in the morning should not be this grim, but here you were, holding yourself together just at the thought of the person who would soon join you at the table. 
The sound of the bathroom faucet turning off and the light button being pressed made you look. 
There he was. The man you were so madly in love with. His dreamy black locks wet, small droplets fell down on the floor and he for sure would get an earful for walking straight to the dining table while still dripping with water from his hair. Or maybe not, you were too busy ogling at his bare upper body, nothing you had never seen, but would always made your jaw drop. With a small towel in his hand and that one sweatpants that he always left on your place on purpose covering his lower body, he slowly made his way towards you.
“Pancakes again?”
“You better not complain.” You rolled your eyes, which earned a smirk from the guy. 
“I love pancakes.” He simply said, sitting down and putting the towel around his neck so the water from his hair would not drip down. “Especially yours.”
“Cause it’s free, just say it.” You rolled your eyes again and sat down across the guy who had a huge smirk on his face. 
The man simply shrugged and proceeded to take a bite of the food. Technically, he did not deny it. 
You both ate in silence. It had been somewhat accustomed to you. Instead of bantering and sharing stories when you hangout, breakfast was a peaceful moment for both of you. Although, little did he know, you mostly spent it with him occupying your mind. 
What started as a joke ended up as a habit for the past three months. This was definitely not what you had in mind when you said yes to his silly claim that he could make anyone release in mere three minutes. You were suppose to just see if you could crush his ego. One night he just showed up looking absolutely hotter than he usually did on your doorstep. One thing led to another, you ended up with his face right in between your thighs. 
It started with just him coming to you, and he would sometimes finger you in between watching Netflix, or eat you out as you laid your head back against your pink Squishmallow. To then you returning the favor under the desk as he work. Before you knew it, you two had started fucking each other’s brains out on the daily.
This was not suppose to happen. Yoongi was supposed to be one of your closest friends. You both came from the same circle and none of them knew yet about the odd thing that had been going on between the two of you. 
It was only natural to hide it. You both agreed that it’d be super awkward if the rest of the guys knew about your so-called experiment. Although it was hard to behave like how you would normally act, you both managed to hide it for the past few months. While you, managed to hide your feelings for him for a month and a half so far. 
Didn’t matter though. You knew Yoongi could never see you as a potential lover. He had told you multiple times how career driven he was and how he could barely take care of himself. Therefore, there was no room for romance in his life, and you respected that.
Today marked as your second week of trying to tell Yoongi to put an end to whatever the hell that was going on between you and him. It was getting unhealthy, especially for you. Either you told him your feelings and end on a sour note, or the option you preferred, just straight up telling him that you were not feeling it anymore. It sounded easier and simpler, you were sure he’d understand. 
You just needed to stop him at your front door before he started grabbing you and shower you with sloppy kisses. 
It was easier said than done when your heart literally was on his side. 
“Jin’s birthday’s next week.” Yoongi suddenly said, breaking your daydream. “Are you coming?”
“I don’t know… don’t really have anything fancy to wear.” You shrugged. 
“Just wear whatever you think looks pretty, it’s just Jin. I’m sure his family won’t mind.” 
“I still don’t get why he suddenly wants to celebrate his birthday at a five-star hotel.” 
“I heard he just got promoted and his pay is now doubled.” The man said after he sipped his coffee. 
“That explains it.” You rolled your eyes. “Well, lucky him? But I still don’t have anything to wear…” You sighed. 
“I like that one dress you wore in your Instagram story…”
“Huh?” Your head jerked up at the sentence. Yoongi’s eyes weren’t focused on yours though. “The backless one?”
“Yeah.” He said with a blank expression. 
“That’s too short! Yoongi, his parents are gonna be there, you know.” You complained. 
“Why did you wear it before then?”
“I was in Bali for a holiday.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll just show up in a dress shirt or something…”
Yoongi just answered with his mouth turning like an upside-down U and shrugged. 
Fifteen minutes after finishing the food, you both washed the dishes together, before he left for some work calling.
Once again you were alone with your thoughts. In fact, you were left with your thoughts for a few days before a text popped up from him again, as what you had expected. It was already a habit. 
It was exactly two at night and a day before Jin’s birthday celebration. Yoongi had just came back from some afterparty you did not bother to ask. You would be stupid to just open your door and let him in at this point. And yes, you were in fact simply that stupid. 
“Hey.” The guy casually said, placing his shoes on your rack, where he already had a designated spot. 
“Hey you.” You replied monotonously. 
Raising one of his eyebrows at you, he crooked his head to the side. “Something happened?”
“I’m just in a somewhat of a bad mood.” 
“I can fix that.” He smirked. 
You smiled weakly at him, clearly not in the mood to talk about whatever that was clouding your mind. “Let me shower real quick, I just got back from my night jog.” 
A hand grabbed you by your left wrist. 
“I need to shower first…” You complained trying to wiggle out from his grasp. 
He pulled you slightly closer to him, leaving small space in between your standing bodies. “I don’t wanna have sex.”
You looked at him as if you had seen a ghost. “You don’t?!”
“Come on, sit down.” He pulled you even closer, now grabbing you by your forearm. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Don’t even.” 
You sighed. “It’s fine…” 
“Your eyes are red.” 
You quickly shook your arm from him and wiped your eyes harshly. 
“Hey,” He grabbed both of your shoulders. “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it. Let’s just sit down? I’ll be a silent cuddler.” 
If only he knew how his words made you wanna cry even more. 
“Come on…” 
He pulled you into a hug and you accidentally let out a sob. He soothingly rubbed your back before dragging you to the sofa. He helped you sit down and got up to turn on the tv, but quickly lowered down the volume. He knew how much you loved cuddling while watching something. Anything, even. He just did not know you enjoyed it so much mainly because it included him. 
“Yoongi, I stink.” You said through sniffles. 
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I hate you.” You let out a small giggle.
“Again, tell me something I don’t know.” 
Oh, if only it was that easy. You sighed. “It’s okay if I don’t talk about it, right?”
The man nodded. “I won’t die just because you won’t suck the soul out of my dick tonight.” 
“Yoongi!” You slapped his sides. 
He smiled, rubbing your shoulder gently. “Alright, I’ll shut up now.” 
And you overslept. You did not know at what specific time did he leave, but you were awaken by the sound of multiple notifications from your phone. It could only be your friends bombing you with texts about the upcoming surprise for Jin, no one else would be doing that to you on a Saturday morning. 
Yoongi’s grey sweater was barely wrapped around your body. It was funny how he refused to come inside your bedroom without your permission, even though he had been there countless of times. It was almost sweet even, and you smiled just by the thought of him going home without his sweater. 
“I’ll pick you up around 6?” Jimin’s private message said, followed by more notifications from a separate group dedicated to Jin’s surprise plan.
The idea was to surprise Jin in the middle of his party. You would all pretend to show up late and some already agreed to even give some convincing reasons for not coming. Since Hoseok had already contacted the hotel management to lend one of the backstage room, later, you would all suddenly appear right from behind the stage as he was about to give a toast, surprising him with a cake.
Halfway through reading the chat talking about the plan, a call interrupted you. 
“You awake?” You didn’t even get the chance to say hello. 
“You left your sweater.” 
“Your aircon’s pretty cold you know. I don’t want you to get sick.” 
“Yoongi, you can literally just wake me up though.” You chuckled. 
“Right.” You mirrored awkwardly. “By the way, Jimin’s picking me up tonight and I still don’t know what to wear.” You laughed. 
There was a second of silence before he replied. “There’s always that black dress…?” 
“I’ll raid my wardrobe and we’ll see. That’s my last option.” You chuckled. “By the way, why did you call?”
“Just wanna make sure you got up, that’s all.”
“Well, the group chat certainly was loud enough don’t worry.” You said. “I’ll see you?”
“Alright.” The guy said shortly before hanging up the call. 
Despite sounding rather cheerful when you answered the call, last night’s event was still filling up your mind. It was hard to pretend everything was alright when just by hearing his breathing made you feel stuffy. 
Sooner or later you needed to bring a stop to this situation. Clearly it was getting pretty toxic. Maybe loving him from afar was enough for you. Surely you could get over him in a few weeks, or months, maybe more. The point was, you would get over it. You hoped so. 
Jimin later arrived at your place at half past five, expecting to see you already ready with your hair and makeup. But plot twist, here you were, still struggling between your outfit options. Clothes were all over your bedroom bed and floor, not the prettiest sight.
“Bitch, didn’t I tell you we need to be early?!” Your friend looked at you and the whole apartment unit in disbelief. 
“I don’t know what to wear…” You said, slumping over your couch. 
“I’ve never seen you so stressed over an outfit.” Jimin folded his arms. 
“I should’ve bought a new dress if I knew I would look ugly in everything I own today!” You groaned. 
Your best friend just looked at you and studied your expression for a few minutes. 
“What?” You retorted at him. 
“Is this about Yoongi?”
“H-huh?!” You widened your eyes in shock. “What about him?”
“Girl, don’t act like he didn’t pinch your ass when we were hanging at Taehyung’s that one time.” 
You gasped in horror. “You saw?!!!”
“Me and Jungkook, yeah.” The guy shrugged casually.
You covered your face in embarrassment. “Of course you did.” You sighed into your palm. “Does everyone know?”
“I think Joon’s a little suspicious about it but he never brought it up again. Maybe just me and Jungkook for now.”
“Okay…” You exhaled. 
“So what’s going on between you two?”
“Nothing!” You exclaimed, rather loudly. “I’m going to break it off soon, I swear!”
“But why?!” Your friend walked and sat next to you, looking concerned. 
“Jimin, friends aren’t supposed to fuck each other.” You looked at your friend sternly. 
“Oh my god…” Was all the guy said in response. He appeared to be in shock.
“I also wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him like that…” You covered your face again. “I don’t know how to tell him or to break whatever the hell that is between us.”
Jimin looked at you sympathetically. “How long has this been going?”
“Three months or so.”
“I feel like such a bad friend for not confronting you about this sooner.” 
“Hey, I’m the one who did something I shouldn’t have in the first place…” Your voice start to shake again. 
“Don’t cry now…” He hugged you. “Come on, I’ll help you sort this out, I promise. But we can’t do this with you looking not-so hot.”
You wiped your tears harshly. “Okay, help me then.”
“First, missy, we get up.” He helped you up and you broke into a smile. “And we pick a damn dress. Show me your options.”
“You know…” You bit your lips, fidgeting your fingers. “There’s this dress that Yoongi’s been telling me to wear…”
“That’s it! Show me.” Your friend beamed in excitement. 
“But it’s too short…” You said as you walked to grab the dress to show him. “Look, it could barely cover my butt.”
“Do you have stockings?” Jimin eyed the dress up and down.
“Well, yeah?” 
“Then let’s wear that.” He took the dress from your hand. “Go, grab those stockings! Oh, and do you have any red panties?”
“Jimin!” You whined. 
“Hey, if we wanna make him fall head over his heels, we gotta go all out!!!” Your friend laughed. 
And that was how you wound up wearing that infamous dress, with a sheer stockings underneath, and a leather jacket quickly borrowed from your friend who conveniently had one in his car. The platformed Mary Janes that you rarely wore finally got their chance to shine. 
When you and Jimin arrived at the meeting spot, everyone was already there. Everyone including the guy you wished would stop staring at you ever since you entered the function. 
You knew you were right on telling him to grow out his hair. The combination with the suit? You were weak in the knees. Did he really have to sleek his hair back every couple of second? You were slowly losing your sanity. If it were not for the fact that your friends were literally in the room with you, you would probably jump at him the very chance you can. 
“Do you wanna hold the cake?” Taehyung said, looking at your direction. 
“Huh? Why me?” You pointed at yourself. “I don’t wanna hold a huge cake that looks like a dead tuna.” You eyed the hilarious looking cake. 
“Dunno, you look hot tonight.” Taehyung shrugged playfully. 
“Yeah, Yoongi hasn’t stopped staring at you since the first second you arrived.” Namjoon nudged the guy next to him. 
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes, looking away. 
“Oooh.” Jungkook joined in, teasing. 
“He’s not denying it!” Hoseok pointed out. The man had a wide grin on his face. 
“Guys, focus.” Jimin said, stopping the commotion. “We got around ten minutes before Jin will start panic-calling some of us.”
“Not gonna lie, I kinda feel bad imagining him panicking over no sight of any of us.” Namjoon commented. 
“He’ll get over it.” Taehyung replied. 
Jimin snapped his fingers to catch everyone’s attention. “Okay, so the event organizer will signal us when it’s time. We will all wait from behind the stage as he prepare for the toast, just when he’s done with the whole speech, we’ll show up.”
“Do we have to sing Happy Birthday?” Jungkook asked. 
“Of course, dummy. Do you want us to sing Careless Whisper or something?!” Hoseok snapped, which earned an evil snicker from the youngest one. 
“You, missy,” Jimin pointed at you. “You'll stand at front since you’ll be holding the cake.” 
“I’m literally the only one here in platforms, why should I?!” You complained. 
“I’m not gonna repeat Taehyung’s statement and start a whole argument again.” The blond haired guy chuckled. “And we all are gonna be right behind you, in case shit happens.”
“Yeah! Yoongi is ready— Ouch!” Hoseok did not let Jungkook finish his sentence by hitting his back. 
At this point Yoongi’s stares and glares were making you really uneasy. He did not react to their teases which was good, but this was also the first time that they started teasing both of you. There was no way Jimin or Jungkook had told them, cause if they wanted to, they could had told them months prior. Whatever it was, you were at least glad that Yoongi found you attractive enough today to catch his attention. 
After finishing the so-called briefing session, it was finally time to step out and wait from behind the curtains. Oddly, none of you got any text or calls from the birthday guy. The sound of the jazzy instrumentals playing and loud talkings could be heard. Jimin handed you the cake as you walked with all the boys right behind you. The mic started echoing and you heard Jin’s voice through the speaker. 
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for coming. I appreciate each and every one of you for your time.” The birthday boy stated. 
“I know it’s a bit much for a birthday, especially when I’m already entering this big age.” He laughed at the sight of thirty-one candle on his birthday cake. “I just wanna celebrate myself today and actually pat myself in the back for all the hard work I’ve done.”
It could be seen from his shadow that he was getting a little bit anxious, looking left and right. “I couldn’t be here without the support of my family and friends.” He exhaled. “Speaking of friends, I wonder where those rascals—“
In a flash, all of you appeared from behind the curtains, singing Happy Birthday loudly. One of the organizers had given you two mics, which were given to Jungkook and Jimin, since they were the actual ones blessed with singing voice. 
Pure expression of happiness was clearly painted on Jin’s face as he clapped and laughed at the sight of the tuna shaped cake with a single candle on its head. You all watched as he blew the candle quickly and snatched the cake from your hands to put it on the table beside him. Just seconds later, the oldest already scooped everyone into a big group hug. 
The after party came soon after all the old relatives went home. Bar was free flow open and the ballroom had transformed into a dance floor. 
Taehyung and Jungkook were dancing in sync, each with drinks in their hands. You could see Hoseok, Jin, and Jimin were goofing and laughing around as the DJ play an old trot song as per their request. Namjoon, you, and Yoongi were left chilling at the bar, enjoying the sight of your friends having fun. 
“Should we join them?” You said with a smile, eyes still looking at the dance floor. 
“Nah, I need to get up early tomorrow, can’t drink too much.” Namjoon said. 
You looked at Yoongi hesitantly, wanting to ask about his opinion, but before you could do that, you felt a hand over your shoulder. 
“Why aren’t you dancing with us???” Jin said to you, half shouting. 
“My dress isn’t exactly fitting to dance around with you goofballs.” You chuckled. 
“Aww, come on!” Jin pouted. “It’s my birthday!”
There was no saying no to Jin’s request. You were soon dragged to the center of the room, joining the boys. All their smiles and laughs were contagious, as in no time, you found yourself dancing along with them to yet another questionable song that Jin requested. 
You lost the track of time, but the pain in your feet reminded you to take a break. You slowly retracted yourself back to the bar area where Namjoon and Yoongi were. 
The speakers were blasting loudly. Even though it was incredibly loud, no amount of Britney Spears songs could make you unhear your name mentioned alongside the word “just” and “friends”. Yoongi was even saying it with an annoyed expression. It was crystal clear to you what the two of them were talking about and you needed no further explanation. 
Immediately the first thing you did was taking your phone from your handbag and texted Jimin. You told him that you needed to go home early and took the taxi. 
And you did. You managed to get out untracked without your any of your friends noticing. 
You barely sat down for five minutes on your sofa upon arriving. Tears that were pooling when you were in the cab now broke freely. You already knew, but hearing it first hand just made you feel sick. You thought you had prepared yourself better for the inevitable. Oh how you were wrong. 
The chat notifications of Jimin asking you multiple questions and three missed calls from him could be seen from your phone screen. You could not care less at the moment. Everything felt too much and it would drain you dead just to make a single reply. 
Freezing in place, hand balled into fists. You knew Yoongi enough to even know his door knocking pattern. You were tempted to just ignore and hoping he would go home, but as a matter of fact, the guy had a spare access key to your place and he only knocked out of habit. 
“I’m coming in.” The voice warned, seemingly right in front of the doorstep. 
The expression that was plastered on Yoongi's face was unreadable. He had ditched his suit and tie somewhere and his eyes were insignificantly droopy from the alcohol. Your eyes locked for a quick second before you looked away, remembering how puffy your eyes probably were and how your makeup looked like a mess because of the cryings. 
“Why are you here?” You managed to say. 
“My sweater.” He said stoically. 
“There,” You pointed with your eyes. “On the table.”
He approached closer after taking off his shoes. You saw him bent down in front of you, but instead of grabbing the sweater, he chose to sit next to you. 
You did not know what to say. He wasn’t exactly saying anything to you either, just simply sitting down, listening to your heavy breaths. 
“You know, I came here to tell you to put an end to us…” Yoongi suddenly broke the silence. 
You did not reply, nor look at him. Only tears flowing out quietly as your head crooked to other direction. 
“But seeing your red eyes and messy makeup, all I wanna do right now is to kiss you like I mean it.” 
“Yoongi, stop.” You said with shaky voice. 
“No.” He delicately took your wrist and pulled you closer. You still refused to look into his eyes. 
“Stop… Please.” You begged. At this point you were sobbing, biting your lips hard so you wouldn’t make too much noice. 
Instead of saying anything, he cupped your face with his palms, kissing you. Your gasp and whining were swallowed by him altogether with your tears. You tried to push him at first, but your body quickly gave up to his touch. 
He broke the kiss to give pecks on your forehead, your eyes, cheeks, ears, the tip of your nose, before going to your neck. He rested his head on your shoulder, hugging you comfortably. You could feel his heart beating in such rapid pace. 
“Both Namjoon and Jimin almost hit me.” He chuckled nervously, head still resting on your shoulders in a hug. “When I told Joon that we’re secretly messing around with each other, that was his initial reaction. Later on, when we found out you left, I’ve never seen Jimin’s eyes filled with so much rage.”
You didn’t say anything, just letting him continue. Quite frankly, you could not decipher anything he had just said to you.
“The thing is, I’m not angry at them for accusing me of doing vile things and hurting you. I’m angry because it’s true. I am dumb and we shouldn’t have played with fire.”
“I should’ve stopped.” He withdrew, looking at you softly.
You bit the inner of your cheeks, fighting the tears from coming out. “I’m at fault too, you didn’t force me into anything.”
“Yeah, but I wished I started differently.” He scoffed. “I wish we started differently…”
You looked at him directly with eyes full of hope. “Yoongi…”
“Can we start over? Can I take you on a date?” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Am I even allowed to?”
“But you told me you didn't want a girlfriend…”
“I said a lot of stupid things and also did not say some things I should've.” He sighed. “I called you this morning to offer you a ride.”
You looked at him with widened eyes. “Why didn't you say so?!”
“I'm a coward.” He slumped down, looking away from you. “And I thought it'd make you uncomfortable.”
You chewed your bottom lip. “Then what about what you said to Joon?”
“You heard?”
“Only parts when you said that we're just friends, with a very annoyed expression.”
“He asked about us and I told him the whole story. He was furious at first as I mentioned, but I explained more afterwards.” He paused for a few seconds, before exhaling deeply. “Of course I'm annoyed with the fact that we're just friends…” He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. “I'm in love with you.”
A tear escaped your eye, the same time a big shaky smile formed on your lips. You laughed, it just felt right to. After all, this whole circumstance between the two of you was indeed funny. Funny how the two of you kept making love while hurting each other in the process. Funny how you were basically crying over your insecurity towards him when he was feeling the same way all along.
“Me too…” You chuckled. Tears now flowing freely and you did not give a damn. "I'm in love with you too.”
Yoongi smiled. His eyes looked glistened and his cheeks were a tad bit rosy. You thought he looked so pretty at that exact moment. He caressed your cheek with his right hand, before gently pulling you towards him for a soft kiss. He quickly kissed the top of your head and pulled you into a hug.
His fingers ghosted the zipper on your back, resting just a little over your butt. When he teasingly pulled down the zipper halfway, you slapped his chest playfully. He laughed and kissed your forehead. And your lips, your neck, and then every single part of your body.
You'd be okay this time though.
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Thank you for reading! 🌤️
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Prompt request: HERE
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takes1 · 1 month
daichi forgetting his manners
hey pookies :O i'm baaack! this is just a drabble i had in reserves that i spruced up when i got back from training! i'm backed up on requests rn so i will be trying to get those up in the coming weeks! thanks for all the interaction while i was away aahh! <3
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warnings. lite!nsfw / minors dni. info. fem!reader / kinda wifey!reader / horny kissing / public displays of affection / sweaty!daichi / gruff daichi / 761 words full haikyuu collection/more daichi here. more links. my ao3. masterlist.
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You waited, patient in the doorway, your tied up present clasped in your neatly folded hands.
"I'm sure he'll love it," Kiyoko told you at once, when you revealed that your boyfriend had no idea you were going to show up today.
Even though you weren't hiding, he still didn't see you while they finished up their intense practice match. He was lazer-focused into the game. He called some plays, shouted at others to direct and organize the court. You had watched countless matches, but you could never hear him speak so clearly before from the stands - his Captain voice was an exciting sound, to say the least.
It was so impressive on the ground level. You leaned on the entrance, completely satisfied lingering for a while to observe.
They gathered on his command, exchanged a few words, then shouted and dispersed to jog over to their waters.
It looked like a tie, from what you could tell. Neither of the 'teams' looked done yet, but they were all huffy and puffy, with glazed-over expressions and soaked shirts.
You watched from a curious angle, still unnoticed, and drank up the way Daichi slicked his drenched hair back, chest heaving at irregular intervals while he balanced breathing and hydrating.
"They've been really pushing themselves, huh?" You spoke off-handedly to Kiyoko.
She nodded, "It takes a lot."
"Yeah..." You sighed, smiling, "It makes me tired just watching them."
Daichi's glanced over the others, gauging their energy levels. He counted as he did this, then threw his attention over and shouted at two freshmen to get away from the net and drink their water.
It was evident that he had to think the most out of everyone there. He was never off-guard, even when they took breaks.
"(Y/n)'s heerre," Suga was the first to notice your presence.
He gave a smirky, hard elbow to his friend's side and motioned to the door before he could get mad at his unnecessary force.
You waved back to a few guys who heard him too; a smile filled your face at their all of their sweet, small greetings from a few feet over.
Daichi threw his head back, a big, beautiful grin capturing all of his built-up exhaustion well. His shoulders stooped, his body language already more relaxed at the sight of you in your cute little outfit.
There wasn't a time you could recall him looking more happy to see you. It left you very glad that you decided to pop up, today.
"I thought you might need something extra, since you've been practicing longer," You managed to squeak out.
It was difficult now that everyone was watching, sitting, standing, stretching. They drank their waters, all curious to see what you brought their captain.
Though, it seemed like it was only your concern.
Daichi didn't slow down when he walked up on you. You only had a moment to prepare yourself for a kiss.
"Fuuck, I love you so much," He groaned, quiet, but not quiet enough.
He was hot and heavy as he wrapped a strong arm around your middle and pulled you forward into a clumsy, passionate kiss.
There was no option to evade it-- a powerful hand guided you up, up, up to his lips, the other slipping carelessly under the back of your blouse.
"Mmhn," He giggled onto your soft, glossy lips.
He tasted like salt- like liquid salt. You didn't mind that part-- your tenseness derived more so from the fact that he was slipping his tongue past your teeth and fisting your shirt up your middle back.
His shoulders were red-hot to the touch when you pushed back on them. Your heart raced at the risque public display.
Before he finally pulled away, he made sure to suck all the gloss off of your bottom lip.
"Whadd'ya bring me?" His voice was low, and his eyes only something you saw in the bedroom.
"Uh-," You shuddered.
Your delicate top was now a little wet from being pressed into him, and you handed the cute, tied up box to him.
Mouth still parted, your panicked eyes darted around his sleepy-looking face, and you caught your breath, fingers shakily wiping the spit from the corners of your mouth and chin. It was impossible for you to not look to your right, where you met a dozen pairs of eyes before they all looked away at once.
Daichi followed your eyeline straight to Ukai's stern frown.
He cleared his throat and stood up straighter; a soft, "Damn," left his still-glistening lips.
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urmingirl · 2 years
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SUCHWITA 'Time To Drink With SUGA'
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shibaraki · 7 months
natsu going pro and oikawa doing remote drinking parties with the seijoh four and hinata being the big brother figure for sao paulo and kageyama keeping in close contact with suga and nishinoya playing beach volleyball with nicollas and kuroo getting bokuto in to train a group of kids and tsukishima teaching suga’s class at the museum and everyone using kenma’s big traditional house to hang out all the time and
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marikosenwrites · 5 months
karasuno boys - dating headcanons (pt. 1)!
a/n: sen here!! heyy obsessing over our haikyuu boys are we <3 yes i am i'm only on season two right now though, almost season three!! i'll be doing aoba jousai, nekoma, and fukuroudani gakuen! enjoy!
characters: hinata shouyou, kageyama tobio, tanaka ryuunosuke, sugawara koushi (suga-san🥹), sawamura daichi, tsukishima kei (TSUKKI🥹) [pt. 1], yamaguchi tadashi, takeda ittetsu (just me and one of my favorites), ukai keishin [and in that order] {pt.2}
pt. 1 || pt. 2
notes: in this au, kiyoko can't be married to tanaka...yeah. they're still in highschool, btw
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↳ ❝ [ 日向翔陽 HINATA SHOUYOU ] ¡! ❞
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-this cutie omg
-probably the first to confess
-gets all blushy when you're around at the start of the relationship
-you love ruffling his hair
-if you watch him practice until the end, he treats you to meat buns!! if he doesn't have enough money, he'll just share one with you
-kageyama is jealous omg and tsukishima is just like "the chibi got a girlfriend??"
-loves you so very much
-his love language HAS to be words of affirmation and physical affection
-you just can't help but return the affection
-if you don't know how to play volleyball, he's gonna teach you!!
-if you know- he's going to ask you to talk to him
-dates will be chaotic and affectionate
-often cooking dates!
-you love his family especially natsu
-also love them amusement park dates with him
-he's so fun loving and all
-kisses are very innocent, close to no spice at all except when he's feeling super annoyed or something
-loves cuddling with you when it's bedtime <33
-does NOT have a specific schedule rest assured
-calls you his dove (aww)
-you love calling him sunshine <333
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↳ ❝ [ 影山飛雄 KAGEYAMA TOBIO ] ¡! ❞
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-a sweetheart actually
-he's so cold on the outside but lights up when you're there
-kisses have a little bit of spice
-he's too prideful to confess first ig so you make the move
-loves it when you come to his practice to support him
-at some point he has requested you to become a manager because sometimes ukai thinks you're a distraction for him so asks you to walk out for a bit to let kageyama concentrate
-you bet he has worried over it because he didn't know where you went
-ok onto the main shit
-dates are always somehow sport related (HOW DOES HE KEEP FINDING THEM)
-sometimes an outing or two when he's actually free and not busy with volleyball stuff
-you'd think he isn't clingy...WELL IT'S THE OPPOSITE ALRIGHT.
-he actually craves YOUR attention and YOURS ONLY
-i think you two would have a cat together (named it NOTHING after the other volleyball players you know :/)
-loves your cuddles too
-aww the little (wait he's tall) guy
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↳ ❝ [ 田中龍之介 TANAKA RYUUNOSUKE ] ¡! ❞
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-the hot-headed guy just can't get enough of you
-you sometimes make fun of him for being almost bald-
-but he's okay with it because he loves you (as long as you dont do it that often)
-one second he's dumbfounded by your beauty, the other he's confessing to you already
-like you reject him first few times
-it's uh "Y/N-SAN! I LIKE YOU CAN YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!!!" and then you're just like "ah- yeah. mhm."
-he's just like :o WHAT
-okay that's it for the confession
-dates are always what you want
-if it happens you want to make cake, go for an ice cream shop, an amusement park- whatever, you name it and he can afford it? YOU'RE GOING
-they're all so sweet...
-he's also needy at some point when you're dating
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↳ ❝ [ 菅原孝史 SUGAWARA KOUSHI ] ¡! ❞
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-i'm gonna bet 100 dollars that he's the one confessing
-STEP ONE: get you as his girlfriend
-firstly he's going to ask you to meet him during lunch in the morning
-second when you're both there he confesses
-to his surprise you accept to go out with him and one date turns into two, into three and ON
-always ice cream dates and baking dates
-always appears to get flour in his fluffy hair
-sometimes picnics too <333
-STEP THREE: there is none for now but THERE WILL BE SOON. SOON ENOUGH.
-his way of giving you affection is by kissing you, cuddling, and giving you praises...
-do you have a praise kink (nvm forget i asked that)
-cuddling in bed is one of his favorite ways to go to sleep
-you stroking his back is too
-you guys are always the talk of the karasuno vb boys group when you guys get together for gatherings (the perfect couple?!?!?!?!)
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↳ ❝ [ 澤村大地 SAWAMURA DAICHI ] ¡! ❞
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-he's definitely the one to confess first being the big boy man he is <3
-literally will kiss you when you accept
-so taken aback you felt like you were going to faint
-his kisses are so gentle help
-ok maybe not sometimes but we all know when that is
-love playing with his ears mayybe?? i know there's nothing different with the rest, but i just feel like it's with daichi
-your first date is an amusement park one ✨✨
-p.s. you shared the cotton candy lmao-
-he literally walked you home and your parents invited him in for dinner
-they like him very much thank you
-relationship has been approved now your parents are urging him to marry you even though it's only one week into the relationship-
-now HE'S the one that pats your head every time he passes you in the hallway or whatsoever
-you can choose the flat, the decorations, the vibes, the furniture- EVERYTHING
-loves you that much yes
-the sweetest guy ever NO DEBATE
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↳ ❝ [ 月島蛍 TSUKISHIMA KEI ] ¡! ❞
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-i swear bro
-he has rizz though that's for sure
-he confesses to you first (it was during lunch you remember the day like it was yesterday)
-his kisses are half spicy (igg since tsukishima is that kinda person)
-the mean to the public and only kind to you kind of person <3
-dates are usually home dates (he's an introvert (i headcanon))
-perhaps if you can persuade him (it's a 50/50)
-first date was a movie date
-then you went home with him (you went to his house)
-and met his parents
-they liked you very much <33 now treat you like their daughter
-the next time you went on a date, you brought him to yours and he made a good impression but they don't love him as much as his parents do to you
-i will write the time skip arc for this because i am biased and you literally can't stop me (but tell me if you want more i'll reblog it with more hcs)
-you were so happy for him when he joined the sendai frogs
-cheered for him on every game (LIKE THE SHIRT AND THE SIGNS AND STUFF)
-facepalmed himself out of spite ya bet he got a scolding for that
-"KEI KEI KEI GANABTTE," that was you, screaming at the top of your lungs at your HUSBAND.
-"oi, tsukki, who's that?"
-tsukishima facepalmed himself, earning a glare from you, "my wife."
-lmao the most normal occurrence
-after that koganegawa would often come to you and ask for dirt on kei (screw him for facepalming)
-saltyshima (in the public) → sweetieshima (in front of you only)
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©marikosenwrites 2024-25 all banners, dividers, and work. please do not steal. i own none of the HAIKYUU!!/ハイキュー!! characters mentioned. reblogs, likes, and comments are welcomed. <3
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jasscheeks · 1 year
haikyuu; the pretty setters
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how would they react if you spent the whole day together, then had to go home?
pairings: oikawa, suga, kenma, kageyama, akaashi, atsumu x f!reader
kenma’s part is my favorite omg <3
warnings: ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP, small mentions of seggs in akaashi’s, they all think the two of you should just move in tgt, slight begging and sulking
masterlist | ao3
pretty spiker edition.
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OIKAWA knows what time it is, and he sees you glancing at the clock. he hates to see you leave because that means no more cuddles and no late-night talks when the both of you can't go to sleep. he knows it'll be a while before you visit again, and he just can't go without you. at this point, you should just move in with him. he physically cannot be without you for prolonged periods, plus, it would make his day a hundred times better coming home to you.
so as you're walking towards the door after giving him his goodbye kiss, he pulls you in from your waist, making you skid to a stop. "can't you stay for a little longer? i'll get really lonely if you leave," he whined, his chin pressed onto your shoulder as he held you tight against his chest.
"tooru, you know i can't," you try to pry him off of you but he's as tough as a rock, "you have practice, ugh, i have...school—tooru, do you really have to hold me this tight?" you tried to squeeze yourself from his grip, but he truly wasn't budging.
"you'll leave if i don't!" he insisted, but even then you found yourself still walking towards his door as he followed you along. “just a few more minutes, no one more second, please (y/n)!” he was trying his damned hardest to keep you in one place.
but seeing as you weren’t giving up, he loosened his grip on you, letting you open his front door. even as you turned to give him one more kiss goodbye he was still blabbering about you staying over. and expect an “i miss you” or “did you make it home safely?” text when you get home.
SUGAWARA is sulky about it, dramatic even. he's trying all he can to convince you to stay, from bribing you with all the food he can afford, his hugs and kisses, to smothering you against his body. but you're adamant about going home, even as you still lay in his arms.
"you hate me," he whined, as he shifted his weight on top of you. "my girlfriend hates me..." he may have had a few drinks that night, that'll explain his unusual clinginess. but even without the alcohol, this is more or less how he acts when you're leaving.
"i have a class in the morning, you know this," he groaned more hearing such a serious answer, it not containing the words he wanted to hear. "and i don't hate you, suga," you ended with a peck to his lips before pulling his comforter down so you could slip out.
he whined once more, quickly pulling the covers back over the two of you. "then i'll go with you, i'll even take notes for you," he slurred before snuggling back into your neck. his strong arms tugged you back against him, confining you against the soft sheets beneath you and this cage of his. "i'll be the best note-taker there is..."
as soon as he settled himself in with his face buried deep into your neck, you knew you weren't going to be moving around any time soon.
KAGEYAMA wants to tell you he hates when you have to leave. but as he watched you slip your socks back on from the comfort of his bed, he was at war with himself. debating if he should express that to you, he was scared he'd come off as clingy, that you'd still leave even if he said it.
as a fairly new couple, he was still adjusting to speaking up when something was on his mind. he knows he'll see you tomorrow, but he can't help but want to spend more time with you today.
he knew you both had different things to do in the morning, but who says you couldn't get ready for them together? "do you have everything?" he asked, as you stopped next to his nightstand. as soon as you looked at him he was hoping you'd drop everything to stay just by the look he was giving you. "i can bring whatever you leave with me."
but instead, you smiled his way before stepping towards him. instinctively, he was leaning into your palm, hand grazing over your waist receiving the sweet kiss you place on his forehead. "i'd like that, thank you so much, tobio," you chuckled at his robotic 'your welcome,' that followed. soon he was leading you towards his front door, praying to himself that you'd change your mind as you passed all his furniture.
but seeing as you turned to kiss him goodbye, you were set on leaving. so as he was hesitating unlocking the door, he turned to your confused face asking so quietly, "do you think you can spend the night instead?"
and much to his surprise, you giggled out a response, "i thought you'd never ask.”
KENMA is confused when you suddenly lift from his lap and step over his legs. he can hear you shuffling behind him, causing him to pause whatever game he's playing to turn his chair to face you. he watches as you search his room for something, "is something wrong, am i too loud?" he asked.
you pause, your bag in hand now, "oh no, it's not that," you smile at his concern. "it's almost seven babe, i need to start heading back home."
just hearing you say that makes him even more confused. he tilts his head just slightly, something he doesn't realize he does, "home?" he repeats, his eyes looking around the room and spotting all the little things that belonged to you scattered about.
you'd been staying with him for a little over a week, and he was starting to think you were staying for good. the two of you always joked that you'd end up staying here for so long, you'd forget that you even have your own apartment. even when you went out on errands, you’d return to his house like you lived there, kissing him hello and continuing onto the kitchen to cook something for the both of you. his apartment was your second home, and he secretly wanted it to be your permanent home.
so reluctantly he walked you to the door, sad hands wrapping around your warm frame to engulf you in a hug before he kissed you goodbye, something he hadn’t done in a while. "i love you," the two of you murmured to each other, those three words somehow making it even harder to part. and as he sat back in his gaming chair, not an hour went by that he began to miss the feeling of you in his arms. he missed your lips pressing against his every so often and your quiet snores when you fell asleep on him. he made it a point to bring up moving in together next time you're over.
AKAASHI’s fast asleep tuckered out from loving on you for hours on end. you’re close to curling back up against him and just going back to sleep, but you catch a glimpse of his alarm. it read 11:28 PM, meaning you needed to get back home.
but his arms wrap around you even tighter, pulling you even closer to his chest when he feels you moving.
“where are you going?” he asked, snuggling farther into your neck. his voice is raspy, low enough to make you stop moving. he presses his bare chest into your back as he takes in a whiff of your scent, sending chills down your back. half of you wanted to just sink back into his warmth, finding his strong arms way more comfortable than your bed back at home
you trailed your fingers over his hands, his skin soft and smooth. “keiji,” you coo, your voice sounding so sultry and soft. “it’s late, babe, i need to get back home i have work in the morning,” he hummed hearing your reply. but instead of letting go, he just cuddled deeper into you, his lips absentmindedly pressing into your bare shoulder.
he sat there, breathing so softly that you thought he had slipped back to sleep. but instead, he hummed once more, bringing his mouth closer to your ear. “i don’t want you out when it’s dark, love,” he murmured in that deep sleepy voice of his before he was cuddling back into you. “i can take you back to your apartment in the morning.”
hearing his voice was enough to have you settled back into his arms, dozing off just as fast as you did before. but best know in the morning he was asking how moving in together sounded to you.
ATSUMU is in a mood when you suddenly get up from the comfort of his arms. he had just taken you on a date, and the two of you spent the whole day together going out to food stands and shops. but he couldn’t just leave it at that, no he wanted to spend the entire day and night with you.
so he had brought you back to his apartment, as he planned to keep the date going with a movie and possibly something more… but you didn’t catch his drift.
“(y/n), you’re breaking my heart right now.” he whined, sulking from the couch as you gathered your things. “you’ll be leaving your boyfriend with a broken heart, you know.”
you rolled your eyes at the comedic cadence in his voice. this was one of his things, one of his little moods that reoccurred every time you made a move to leave, “‘tsumu, we spent the whole day together! let me go home in peace just once, please?” you pleaded with him, but somehow that just made it worse.
“aren’t i your home? aren’t i your peace, babe?” he asked, putting a playfully, sassy lilt to his voice before he crossed his arms over his chest.
“oh my god, ‘tsumu…” you groan as you place a hand over your eyes, as he continues to sulk in the other direction. you sigh as you trudge yourself back to his dramatic self. you kneel on the couch, placing your hands on his cheeks, “you’ll see me later on tomorrow, i promise.” quickly you pecked his puckered lips, and he can feel himself slowly softening his glare just for you.
he was quick to break his sulking just to wrap his arms around you, pulling you down into his lap, your gleeful squealing filling his ears. “why can’t we just buy a place together already?”
after that, atsumu came back into the living room toting his laptop, so the two of you could look at apartments together until late into the night.
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for all the people who read my suna ff, a part three is on the way i promise 😭
but thank you so much for reading!
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bts-trans · 25 days
240825 Weverse Translation
Suga's Post ❇️
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안녕하세요. 슈가 입니다. 부끄러운 마음으로 여러분께 사과의 말씀을 다시 드리고자 합니다. 저의 잘못된 행동으로 팬 여러분 그리고 저를 사랑해 주시는 모든 분들께 실망과 상처를 드린 점 아주 깊이 사과드립니다. 그간 제가 받은 사랑에 걸맞은 행동으로 보답드려야 한다는 책임감을 잊고 큰 잘못을 저질렀습니다. 8월 6일 밤 저는 음주 후 전동 스쿠터를 타고 인도로 주행한 잘못을 저질렀습니다. 또한 지난 7일 성급하게 올린 첫 번째 사과문으로 인해 많은 혼란을 드려 죄송합니다. 더 깊이 생각하고 신중했어야 했는데 그러지 못했습니다. 모두 제 잘못입니다. 저의 경솔함이 저를 아껴주시는 모든 분들을 힘들게 하고 있습니다. 다시는 잘못된 행동을 하지 않도록 노력하고 뉘우치며 살아가겠습니다. 이번 일로 인해 저는 멤버들, 팬분들과 같이 만든 소중한 추억에 커다란 흠을 내고 방탄소년단의 이름에 누를 끼쳤습니다. 멤버들과 팀에 피해를 입히게 되어 표현하�� 어려울 정도로 너무나도 미안하고 괴로운 마음입니다. ��제나 저를 믿어준 멤버들이 저로 인해 힘든 시간을 겪게 돼 미안합니다. 그리고 저를 지지하고 응원해 주신 팬분들께서 느끼셨을 실망감 또한 너무나도 잘 알고 있습니다. 부족한 저에게 늘 과분한 사랑을 주셨던 팬분들께 죄송한 마음뿐입니다… 그 어떤 말로도 팬분들이 받으신 상처와 실망을 치유하기 어려움을 알고 있기에, 깊이 후회하고 하루하루 무거운 마음으로 반성하고 있습니다. 다시 한 번 저로 인해 상처 받으신 팬 여러분께 진심을 다해 사과의 말씀 올립니다. 향후 내려질 처분은 물론 비판과 질책을 달게 받겠습니다. 마지막으로, 사회적 물의를 일으키고 많은 분들에게 실망감을 드린 점 다시 한 번 진심으로 머리 숙여 사과 드립니다. (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-147914595)
Hello, this is SUGA.
With a sense of shame, I would like to offer my apologies to everyone once again. I deeply apologize for the disappointment and hurt I caused to all my fans and everyone who loves me due to my inappropriate behavior. I forgot the responsibility I have to act in a way that would be worthy of the love I have received till now and made a serious mistake.
On the night of August 6th, I made the mistake of riding an electric scooter on the sidewalk after drinking. I also apologize for the confusion caused by my hastily written first apology on the 7th. I should have thought more deeply and been more careful, but I failed to do so.
It is all my fault. My recklessness has caused distress to all who care about me. I will strive to ensure that I do not make such mistakes again and will continue living with remorse.
This incident has left a significant stain on the precious memories I have shared with the members and fans, and it has brought shame to the name of BTS. I am extremely sorry and my heart is torn by the fact that I caused such harm to the members and the team. I apologize for putting the members, who have always believed in me, through such a difficult time because of my own actions. I also fully understand the disappointment of the fans who have supported and cheered for me.
I am deeply sorry to the fans who have always given me more love than I even deserve… I know that no words could heal the wounds and disappointment that have set in your hearts, so I spend every day with deep regret and reflecting on what I have done as this event weighs on my conscience. Once again, I sincerely apologize to the fans who have been hurt by my actions.
I am willing to accept any further consequences or criticism that may come my way. Finally, I sincerely bow my head and apologize once more for causing a public disturbance and disappointing so many people.
Trans cr; Rinne @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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struwberrii · 2 months
haikyuu!! halloween headcanons ₊˚🕯️♱‧₊˚.
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i know it’s july, i just love halloween time and it’s basically around the corner now that i think about it :3 but anywho here are some of my silly headcanons of what costumes/activities the haikyuu characters would do on halloween ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
characters: tsuki, kuroo, bokuto, sugawara, semi, osamu
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
probably thinks halloween is lame and doesn’t want to participate but i feel like you could convince him
at MOST he might put on some face paint or animal ears
would rather stay in and watch scary movies
probably randomly starts ranting about how halloween is a capitalist holiday or something
buys a huge bag of candy but only eats all the strawberry starburst and leaves the rest for you
when you’re at a suspenseful part of the movie he screams just to scare you
makes fun of all the people in bad costumes passing by his house with you
has the ugliest costume ideas ever
bro is pulling up to the function as papa smurf
i know he’d be such a huge halloween fan
he lets you paint him blue 😭
probably invites you to a festival or party
takes 1000 pics of your night together
offers to carry your candy and literally just starts eating yours instead of his
tells scary stories all night and ends up scaring both of you guys
constantly talking about how good you look, bro is a sweetie pie
eats so much candy and goes home with a stomach ache
i feel like he’d like halloween because he’d like dressing up but at the same time he would literally just wear any costume
i feel like his costume would also be really low budget and last minute but still cute
imagine bokuto as finn from adventure time ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
challenges you to see who can get more candy but somehow loses (eats) most of his candy by the end of the night
participated in every festival activity, like he is NOT playing about that sac race
i also feel like he might participate to be the person that sits in that dunk tank while people try to throw a ball at the target and make them fall yk?
someone gave him raisins and he was genuinely distraught
makes akaashi go to booths he already visited so he can get more candy (they stopped giving it out to him)
he does NOT play about his halloween costumes
imagine suga as mr fox from fantastic mr fox :3
would probably make a million silly tiktok’s
also participates in every festival activity
he’s the one who hits the target and dunks bokuto into the water tank
offers you a bunch of his candy and then says you guys shouldn’t eat it because it’s bad for you
also eats like 3 caramel apples in that same breath
wants to end the night watching a horror movie and also jump scares you during suspenseful moments
would probably throw a party and invite you ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
probably just does cool skeleton face paint or something
plays the best music and has the best food
dedicates like half of his whole night to scaring you and gets tendou to help
leaves someone else in charge of the party while you two sneak off to his room with a bunch of snacks and drinks
maybe he even plays a song on guitar for you :o
he puts on a genuinely scary movie that has both of you in tears 😭
forgot to get a costume so he went as atsumu 😭
invites you to a halloween festival with him, not because he likes them but just to hang out with you and some of his friends
he and atsumu keep challenging each other at games and they both keep winning stuff
wins so many prizes at the booths and gives all of them to you
i feel like he’d only eat the twix bars he gets and no other candy
he’d probably want to leave the festival early bc he got bored
gets you guys junk food on the way home bc he’s tired
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