#tim doesn't think it's him but he figures if it's gonna be a total shock then it might be him
magicofrobin · 2 months
jason will admit to having a favourite sister (barbara) but he will not admit to having a favourite brother. that does not stop his brothers from trying to guess who it is.
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notsogreatpotoo · 4 months
up for ranting about more of your ocs?
hi! sorry this ask took me a bit, friend, i've got an exam today and i was studying lol
but i am absolutely up for it & i made a new one the other day :]
lee edwards is now a stand in for tim drake's fake uncle. basically at one point tim invents a fake uncle complete with documents and hires an actor to pose as 'eddie drake' so he won't get adopted by batman after jack drake dies. in canon i think the actor is named richard beren(?) and doesn't get involved in tim's life but i wanted to say no to that. lee edwards is a background actor bc he is pretty good at not looking directly into camera and looking like a generic dude, and generally his luck is slightly above average for gotham. until the story starts and his apartment complex burns down. oops. at least i gave him an emergency duffle. no casualties, i promise.
lee has his neighbors, and coworkers, etc, but he's not super attached to anyone bc he's been kind of drifting along for awhile. then after the fire, robin (tim) says he knows someone who has lee on their hiring list and gives lee their number. (cough cough, tim's a stalker and has been considering him for the position for a bit and while he was gonna do someone more shady so they wouldn't question why tim needs a fake uncle and wouldn't care about what he's doing, he starts to like the guy after he calls and he also has hardly any self-preservation.) lee ends up disturbed that this kid is so intent on being alone but he kind of understands because he was also neglected as a kid (not to the extent that tim was, but he also ended up completely cutting away from his parents bc he transitioned and they wouldn't respect him, so we're not comparing hurt here) and he knows what it's like to need to rely on yourself bc relying on someone else gets you hurt (can you tell i'm projecting lol). so lee immediately decides 'cool, imma help this child as much as possible' and moves into the drake manor. (in a little bit he realizes he just illegally adopted a child for money and freaks out a bit internally bc that totally sounds like he's a kidnapper but he gets over it.) tim is immediately kind of shocked at how nice lee is to him / how involved he is in his life. lee and bruce are both super great to each other and super angsty in their own heads about how the other is obviously a better parent than them. lee ends up finding about robin bc he keeps seeing tim come home with injuries and thinks he's being bullied at school; he talks to bruce about it and realizes that bruce is being way too dismissive about it for how much he cares and starts watching closer, realizing that tim's getting hurt overnight when he comes out for breakfast with bandaids on his hand that he did not have the night before. he knows that something's up but he doesn't discover tim's identity until the kid patrols while sick and returns to the house delirious enough that he doesn't take his robin costume off before flopping into bed, and lee goes to get him bc he knows the kid's been under the weather and he wants to know if tim's going to school today.
lee's a trans guy and he's been stealth for a bit, so imma have him and tim kinda clash with each other over privacy bc i can and bc tim's a little stalker, not a little angel. i love him so much and he's very flawed. lee agrees with me. lee does not actually get outed bc i don't wanna write that but he does eventually come out on his own to tim which puts their discussions about privacy in a new light. tim also gets to realize that when it comes to family, information offered rather than taken feels better to know.
on a less serious note, lee is a good baker and a decent cook, he knows nothing about actually doing photography but absolutely loves tim's pictures, and he has a grudge against batman / the city for child endangerment, which makes tim and bruce nervous literally every time he brings it up.
imma figure out more stuff to add and how im gonna do it later bc i like this concept a lot :] but i have a meeting and a class and an exam :[
thank you for the ask friend sard!!!
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lyinginahammock · 10 months
Rewriting Young Justice Season 3, Part 1
I love Young Justice. It's probably one of my favorite animated series of all time. But even I'll admit that it has problems. So, as an exercise in creativity, I'm going to rewrite the series from where I think it went wrong - Season 3. We'll be doing chunks of a few episodes a piece, with a total less than the 26 we have for the sake of focus.
Specifically, I'm going to tighten up the story and refocus it in three ways:
Take out the Judas Contract elements. It's a storyline that's only ever worked (in the animated medium) in Teen Titans.
Shift the focus to the Batman Inc. stuff that's happening in the background, and introduce a character that's been hinted at for two seasons, and
Focus on the new Kid Flash's struggles with living up to the OG Kif Flash.
Let's get it started with the first three episodes.
Episode 1 - Back in the Game
We open in some major city in Europe approximately a year after the end of season 2. Haley's Circus is in town, and Dick Grayson is performing as Daring Dan Danger. He's been retired from heroing following the death of Wally West, and has dropped off the face of the Earth, as far as the rest of the superhero community is concerned. It's clear that he's found some solace on this sabbatical.
Following his performance, he returns to his trailer only to find Bruce Wayne waiting for him. Bruce reveals that he's known Dick has been with Haley's Circus all along - after all, it's where he grew up, but Batman has been running interference for him, keeping his location hidden out of respect for Dick's privacy, but that's over now. Batman needs his help, needs both Dick Grayson and Nightwing. He's about to do something big, and he needs his most trusted lieutenant at his side. Dick agrees.
Cut to Central City. Bart Allen, the new Kid Flash, is sitting with Artemis and Will Harper. Bart is having an identity crisis and doesn't know if he's living up to the mantle bestowed upon him - after all, Wally was a founding member of The Team, a legend in the superhero community. They assure him he is. He leaves, grateful for the support.
Next, we cut to the island of the League of Shadows. Ra's al Ghul stands watching a Helmeted Figure spar with three members of the League of Shadows who remained after he retired. The Helmeted Figure holds his own against the trio, two of whom are armed with familiar weapons (eskrima sticks and a bo staff) and the third fights bare-handed.
Cut to the Batcave. Batman Inc. (in this iteration, Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, Robin, Batwoman and Orphan) all stand in a circle. Batman exposits his plan for fighting the Light at their own game - they're gonna run counterops against the Light's more clandestine operations, and they'll sever ties with the Team and the Justice League in order to keep the reputations of those groups clean.
Episode 2 - Splintered
We open on the Watchtower. Batman Inc. are all their, excluding Nightwing. At a meeting called by Batman, they all resign their memberships to their respective groups. We focus on two particular interactions - Batman and the senior League members and Cassie Sandsmark (Wondergirl) and Tim Drake (Robin). The later is an interaction alluded to but never shown on-camera, and in this version, it's the start of a plot thread we'll get to later.
This news rocks everyone on both superhero groups. Robin had been the nominal field commander of the Team following Nightwing's departure, and Batman was a founding member of the Justice League.
Cut to the farm that Connor (Superboy) and M'gann (Miss Martian) own. The two of them sit with Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), Bart Allen, and Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake's contemporaries on The Team. They're still in shock - this is unlike Tim. Tim's fellow Team members vow to find out what's going on, why Tim did this, and set off to start their investigation. After they leave, Connor laments that Dick Grayson isn't there - he could've talked some sense into Tim Drake.
Cut to some fictional European country. Tim Drake and Dick Grayson are in a warehouse busting a metahuman trafficking ring. Tim is obviously off his game, almost getting got multiple times, only to be saved by Nightwing. Once the bad guys are finished, Tim confides in Dick that he regrets breaking up with Cassie (whom he's been in a steady relationship with for a year) and that he misses her and his friends. Dick tries to console him, and they free the metahumans (one of whom is Halo, but the metahumans aren't the focus of the season). Tim heads back to the Batcave, and Dick says he has to drop these kids off somewhere safe, opening a boomtube. He guides the metahumans through it, and the episode ends.
Episode 3 - Old Friends
We open some distance from the farm from last episode. The boomtube opens and Dick steps out. His plan is to just leave the kids there for his friends to deal with, but as he starts to leave, he's confronted by Miss Martian and Superboy, who are shocked to see him. He jokingly asks if he wasn't stealthy enough, and Miss Martian reveals that it was his mental signature that alerted her - she could pick his mind out of a crowd any day, so feeling it in such a small group was so easy she didn't have to try.
They take him back to their house and ask him if he's heard what's going on, that Batman and co. have severed ties with the rest of the superhero community. Dick confirms he has, and says that he's part of Batman's team. Stunned by this revelation, Superboy and Miss Martian don't even try to stop him.
Cut to the following night. Nightwing is in Bludhaven on a rooftop, surveying the city. As he sits on the rooftop, the Ship decloaks, and out step the remaining members of the Team from Season One, along with Red Arrow. They confront him about joining Batman's team and how he didn't even say "hello" to them before severing ties with them. The scene is reminiscent of the confrontation and intervention had for Will Harper in season two. They try to get him to tell them what Batman is planning but he refuses to, saying that he's only coming out of retirement for because he owes Batman too much not to answer the call.
Cut to Gotham, where a similar scene unfolds with Tim Drake and Cassie, Bart, and Jaime. The emotions are much more raw and on display, showing that they lack the emotional maturity of their older counterparts. The confrontation almost comes to blows, the only person not gearing up for combat being Jaime Reyes. We get a brief mental dialogue between Jaime and the Scarab, and we find out that the Scarab has read Jaime's endorphins and body chemistry and has made the decision not to fight Time Drake as Jaime isn't acting rationally, and using the Scarab's weaponry could result in their (Jaime and the Scarab's) friends getting hurt. Jaime instead tries to talk everyone else down, and Tim escapes the confrontation, clearly emotionally conflicted. Cassie and Bart ask why Jaime didn't try to help them fight, and he relays the Scarab's reasoning.
The episode ends back on Ra's Island, with the Masked Figure once again fight the three aforementioned enemies, defeating them with somewhat more ease.
Next time, we'll do another three episodes as Dick and Tim's friends attempt to uncover the Batfamily's plans and Ra's al Ghul unleashes his most deadly soldier.
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