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bealzebubs-blog · 4 months ago
I have started reading land of the lustrous, I'm on chapter 8 I really like diamond I think it's probs between her and cinnabar for my favourite character.
I really hope nothing happens to dia...
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netalkolemedia · 9 months ago
Le Canada impose des sanctions à trois chefs de gangs haïtiens
La ministre canadienne des Affaires étrangères, Mélanie Joly, a annoncé vendredi que le Canada avait imposé des sanctions à l’encontre de trois chefs de gangs haïtiens. Les personnes visées par ces mesures sont Luckson Elan, Gabriel Jean-Pierre et Ferdens Tilus. Les chefs de gang sont accusés de s’être livrés à des activités criminelles qui ont gravement porté atteinte à la paix, à la sécurité et…
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news-trust-india · 2 years ago
Tilu Rauteli Awards : 14 वीरांगनाओं और 35 आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकर्ताओं को सीएम ने किया सम्मानित
देहरादून: Tilu Rauteli Awards   मुख्यमंत्री श्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने मंगलवार को आई.आर.डी.टी सभागार सर्वे चौक में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में राज्य स्त्री शक्ति तीलू रौतेली पुरस्कार एवं आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकत्री पुरस्कार 2022-23 प्रदान किये। इस वर्ष 14 महिलाओं को राज्य स्त्री शक्ति तीलू रौतेली पुरस्कार एवं 35 महिलाओं को आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकत्री पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया। सभी पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ताओं को 51-51 हजार…
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nonono-zzz · 3 months ago
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ござる新衣装!! #いろはにも絵を pic.twitter.com/5P97xbGBei
— TiLU@C105 2日目 東k-08a (@96_YTilulu) December 10, 2024
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vesperthealchemist · 2 months ago
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2 more goobers
Arcis(she/her) on the left
Tilus(he/him) on the right
They’re together
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greyg4rdens · 2 years ago
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139 by Brandon Tilus 
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dehade · 30 days ago
Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab. Suatu kali ada konflik dengan istrinya. Kesal. Diam di rumah makin panas suasana.
Maka ibnu umar pergi ke masjid. Recharge energi, menenangkan diri. Di mesjid beliau terfikir akan menceraikan istrinya. Menjatuhkan talak tilu.
Baru saja hendak pulang, beliau mendengar seorang membaca surah An-Nisa, sampai di ayat,
‎فان كرهتمو هن فعسى ان تكرهوا شيئا ويجعل الله فيه خيرا كثيرا
“..jika kamu tidak menyukai mereka (istri2mu), (maka bersabarlah) karena boleh jadi kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal Allah menjadikan kebaikan yang banyak padanya.”
Mendengar ayat diatas, beliau terperangah seakan-akan baru pertama kali mendengarnya. Padahal beliau sudah bertahun-tahun hapal al-Qur’an.
Seketika beliau berubah pikiran, dan berazam, “baiklah saya akan bersabar dan menunggu kebaikan apa yang Allah kirimkan dari istri saya.”
Maka salah satu buah kesbaran beliau kepada istri dan sebaliknya, kesabaran istri kepada ibnu Umar adalah anak yang sholeh dan tumbuh menjadi ulama. Namanya Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab, salah seorang ulama besar dikalangan tabi’in.
Aku kepikiran kisah diatas setelah melihat postingan instagram @nikahinatitute. Bunyinya ;
“Nggak perlu buru-buru, karena setelah menikah yang tersisa hanyalah penerimaan.”
Setali dengan yang dikatakan ust Adi Hidayat, “menikahi yang dicintai itu anugrah. Namun mencintai yang dinikahi adalah kewajiban.”
Maka, wahai diri bersabarlah dalam ketaatan perbaikan. Sebab ia yang kau dambakan menjadi pendamping adalah gambaran diri sendiri.
@dehade . Sudut segitiga permai. Maghrib, 11 feb 2025.
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redstringraven · 2 months ago
OC question for you! Is there an item, belief, or person that your OCs refuse to (or struggle with) leave behind? Does this have a positive or negative impact on them, either long or short term?
(And why do they hold onto it so strongly?)
<:D!! aaa THANK YOU!! omg, this is a great question.
CASSIA while she's not usually one to hold onto things, i know for a fact cassia carries a strong and bitter grudge toward her mom's side of the family--specifically her maternal grandparents and one of her two aunts. i'd mentioned previously that esme's side of the family didn't accept cassia's transition, but that's not the heart of the reason for her grudge. their rejection was more a general final straw and lead to their estrangement (also they would have been estranged regardless, if they hadn't accepted cassia for who she is ofc, just to clarify; i just mean to say shit was already stacked up).
esme struggles with high anxiety. where cassia is loud and energetic and loves being the center of attention, esme has always been soft-spoken, a bit timid, and tries to take up as little space in a room as possible. much of this behavior can be attributed to the environment she was raised in.
while esme (and oliver) haven't provided cassia with heavy details--your child can support you, but it isn't their responsibility to carry your burdens--she knows enough to understand why esme's demeanor would change during certain family visits.
cassia will sometimes commit petty acts of '''violence''', such as signing up to junkmail newsletters with her aunt and grandparents' email addresses, or prank calling their house before caller ID was a thing, or a variety of other harmless--but extremely annoying--"pranks". she mostly only does this when she's in a low place, herself, and she doesn't talk about it to much of anyone outside her therapist (because she knows her parents would gently chide her). it's her dirty little secret. wouldn't surprise me if she has some kind of burn book somewhere in her room specifically for them.
NYXRAM nyx is not a person to hold onto things, be them grudges or material items. if something's becoming dead weight she lets it go.
there is, however, one exception.
i've mentioned nyx was the only survivor of her clutch. she doesn't remember most of her siblings, but she does remember her brother. for dozens of cycles in her youth, the two of them trained together. they had a complicated relationship; there were moments of competition and resentment, but there were also moments of silent support. until the day came that their parents decided it was time for that first kill to be made. nyxram's first kill was her brother and last remaining sibling. he never earned a name.
i'm not sure if "haunted" is the right word, but nyxram seems to believe her brother is still with her in some way. she refers to him as a feeling she gets--almost a sixth-sense-like impulse that alerts her to approaching/unseen danger and keeps her alive when something should have gotten the jump on her. whether she considers this a blessing or more of a curse depends on the day. she got to live that day, so she's going to keep living... whether she wants to or not.
for a long time, she kept the knife she used to kill him. but when traximus goes to mourn tilus and leaves a spear at his grave, nyxram leaves the knife. i wouldn't say she's left her brother, or the associated tangle of complicated emotions, behind. but it is a first step to allowing herself some kind of peace.
GWYN it's a cop-out answer, but i feel like i have to say ash, given this is a point of argument between them throughout their journey.
ash considers herself dead, as i've mentioned, and has come to peace with it as well as the idea that she may be a literal weapon for the rest of her sentience. she often wishes gwyn would move on and live for herself, rather than continue risking her life for what ash considers an unreachable goal. but gwyn won't, or can't, let her go.
darach has tried the tactic of "look at the trail of pain and misery you've left behind--all these people hurt, the sense of security in their lives forever tainted; it would all end if you just surrendered her to me".
and like... gwyn knows he's right. he'd stop pursuing her, the "ripple effect" of her presence on any world would vanish and people around her--regardless of their involvement--would stop suffering. but... whether you call it loyalty or selfishness, she won't let ash go.
now she's landed in new york. and the ripple is starting to spread.
ASH again, a bit of a cop-out answer but if i were going to provide any answer, it'd be gwyn. ash will absolutely use whatever little bit of power she has to keep gwyn alive. outside of that, though... she's at peace with the fact she's "dead". she doesn't hold on to much else.
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slammpoetessmurca · 8 months ago
asjad, mis mahuvad väga hästi
hambaniit deodorandipurgi põhas olevasse lohku
'kaerakapu kaasa, palun, oma topsi, aitäh' enne koosolekut, kuhu ma hilinen ainult ühe kaasavõetava kohvijoogi jagu
veel üks minu partner meie polycule'i
magustoit pärast pitsat
popkorni kest hambavahele
uinak enne linna litutama minekut
kass uinakuga samale diivanile
sina mu südame päiksepoolsesse tuppa
(mu südames on õige mitu valget tuba...)
telefon meestepüskte taskusse
hilisõhtune eimidagi-niisama telefonikõne sõbralt
mõni mu 188st kaltsukakleidist sulle selga, kui sul vaja on
labane nali ridade vahele
kuivanud karikakar kingitud luulekogu vahele
millegipärast suitsupaus varssavist tuleva ööbussi igasse peatusse
hääletajad põrnika tagaistmele
veel üks lisalugu kontserdi lõppu
kaks armunud noort ühele kitsale kušetile
asjad, mis ei mahu
veel üks sinu partner meie polycule'i
minu nisukuhi madala värvliga teksadesse
inimeste kurjus ja rumalus mulle pähe
manipuleeriva poisi keskpärane tilu durexi kondoomi
(ma tegelt ei tea, ta nii ütleb, ju siis...)
telefon ei mahu kleiditaskusse
seeliku taskusse
selle nunnu jaki taskusse
teatrikotti, saapasäärde, rinnahoidjasse
rinnahoidja ei mahu eelarvesse
mis veel ei mahu
veel üks arutelupunkt ennelõunase koosoleku kavasse
kliendikaardid retrosse rahakotti
terve tuldud tee tahavaatepeeglisse
kõik head mõtted ühte pühapäeva
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arcanes-things · 6 months ago
During Microeconomics class, Mam said something along the lines, "Specializing in everything is impossible."
Everything is possible, as long as you have the wish, resources, and willpower to do so.
And 'everything' in my terms is also a hypothetical term in my head and views, everything means the things that I put importance in.
It is very true when people say time is money. In my view, 'everything' is hypothetical. This world is the basis of a big assumption. With assumption things come into existence, with assumption things seize from existence.
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kurung-kuring-aing · 8 months ago
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : Maneh Adam dikersakeun ku Kami jadi utusan, tapi maneh ayeuna ulah hayang Ma’rifat ka Kami,
- kanyahokeun heula wujud maneh pribadi, sabab wujud maneh eta kanyataan ayana Kami.
Kapan ceuk dalilna oge :
Artina : Jeung Alloh teh bathin na manusa ari manusa dohir na Alloh (di ibaratkeun wadah jeung eusina). Jeung maneh Adam kudu solat 2 (dua) roka’at, waktu subuh pikeun tumarima,
1. boga nyawa
2. boga wujud.
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : Maneh Enuh dikersakeun ku Kami jadi utusan, tapi maneh ayeuna ulah hayang Ma’rifat ka Kami,
- kanyahokeun bae heula denge maneh pribadi, sabab denge maneh eta Pangdenge Kami.
Kapan ceuk dalilna oge :
(Artina : Ceupil jeung Pangdanguna )
- Jeung maneh kudu solat waktu duhur lobana 4 (opat) roka’at,
- sing tarima boga 2 ceupil
- jeung 2 suku.
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : He Ibrahim Maneh dikersakeun ku Kami jadi utusan, tapi montong hayang Ma’rifat ka Kami,
- kanyahokeun bae heula paninggal maneh pribadi, sabab paninggal maneh eta Paninggal Kami.
Kapan ceuk dalilna oge :
(Artina : Soca jeung Paninggalna ).
- Jeung prak maneh kudu sujud, sholat waktu ashar lobana 4 (opat) roka’at,
- kudu tarima ngabogaan 2 siki mata
- jeung 2 leungeun kenca katuhu.
Kitabna nyaeta Taurat.
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : He Musa Maneh dikersakeun ku Kami jadi utusan aing pribadi, tapi montong hayang nyaho kana Dhat-Sifat Aing,
- kanyahokeun heula pangucap maneh pribadi, sabab pangucap maneh eta Pangucap Kami.
Kapan ceuk dalilna oge :
(Artina : Ucap jeung Nu ngucapkeun )
- Jeung prak maneh geura sholat waktu maghrib lobana 3 (tilu) roka’at,
- sabab saperkara boga baham,
- ka 2 na boga lisan,
- ka 3 na boga ati.
Sedengkeun saatos jaman Nabi Musa diteraskeun ku Nabi Dawud A.S. 
Ari Kitabna nyaeta Jabur.
Ari Kitabna nyaeta Injil.
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : Maneh Isa dikersakeun ku Kami geus jadi utusan Kami, tapi teu kudu hayang nyaho kana Dhat Kami,
- kanyahokeun bae heula Napas maneh pribadi,
- sabab Napas eta kanyataanana hirup Kami Kami.
- Prak maneh geura solat Isa 4 (opat) roka’at,
- lantaran di maneh eta
- ngabogaan 2 (dua) liang irung,
- ka 3 na Nafas,
- ka 4 geutih, geus bukti sabab lamun geutihna lampus, nafasna oge moal aya.
Ari kitabna nyaeta Al-Qur’an.
Dawuhan Gusti Alloh : He Muhammad Maneh teh utusan Kami, ka Kami maneh kudu Ma’rifat, sabab maneh anu pang deuheusna,
Kapan ceuk dalilna oge :
“AL INSANU SIRI WA ANA SIRUHU”. (Artina : Sategeusna maneh Muhammad rasa Kami, jeung Kami teh rasa anjeun)
- kapan pangkatna oge Muhammad – Rosululloh,.
- Ieu kami mere Buroq pikeun engke ngadeuheus ka hadirat Kami,
- Jeung turun ka anak incu, terus ka para Wali sadayana, Muslimin para Aulia, nu menang pitulung Gusti, malah nepi ka poe Qiyamah.
Tingali lafadna Nabi-nabi : 
Adam, Enuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa.
- Sadayana teu ngangge tasjid ( ), iwal ti Nabi Muhammad, sami sareng lafad Alloh,
- netelakeun carita teu aya deui, yen Nabi Muhammad anu dipaparin Konci keur ngadeuheus ka Hyang Agung.
- Jadi sanajan ayeuna umat Nabi, tangtu bisa, lamun kapanggih “Tasjidna” asal suhud neanganana, dibeulina ku prihatin, tirakat mutih puasa sareng dibarengan ku
- TEKAD – UCAP – LAMPAH anu suci.
- Saur sepuh : 
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year ago
Bukber dadakan~
Tetiba ibu ngajak bukber di luar, karena dadakan pilihannya area bandung timur aja bisi macet kalo ke tengah. Antara pojok tilu tilu dan ampera soetta. Dipilihlah ampera soetta karena ina inu lah pokonya. Kita ngga reserved dulu soalnya kalo cuma ber 6 plus 2 bocil mah dtg aja lsg. Pergilah kita kesana jam 5 kurang dan udah ngantri, tempat jg udah penuh, beginilah kalo buka diluar tanpa reservasi huft. Enakan di hotel kek tahun2 laluuu *yaiyalaaah namanya jg dadakan wkwk.
Katanya disitu buka 24 jam, anggapan kami makanan aman lah yaa ngga akan keabisan. Kami tiba sekitar 5.30an deh lupa.. Lsg nyari tempat dan penuh nyari lesehan saung udah penuh bgt tempatnya luas bgt, ibu ngantri makanan. Akhirnya kita dpt di tempat yg kureng nyaman jadinya yaudahlah yg penting dpt tempat gt loh. Hectic bgt yaampuuun, males buka diluar tuh gini yah huhu. Ternyata segala abis orderan kita bbrp ngga ada, bukan ngga ada nunggu di refillnya butuh wkt. Hadehhh dahlah anggap ngga ada aja. Satset lsg sanguan yg biasanya kita makan takjil dulu wkwk. Mau solat magrib musolanya kecil bgt pdhl udah ada tambahan musola darurat ttp ngga ketampung ya Allah kesel yah resto yg tempatnya gede tp musolanya ngga layak itu super aneh menurutku huft.
Akhirnya diputusin kita nyari mesjid terdekat aja krn kita udah slesei makan jg. Ini bocil2 lg penghabisan makanan
Di juru bgt posisinya. Musola segede gt doang
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Gasssss nyari mesjid di komplek margahayu, udah telat bgt hampir isya haaaaa.. Pasti udah mau kecampur sama yg mau tarawehan. Mesjid langganan kami disitu, udah sering mampir situ kalo kebetulan lewat situ. Dan iya kita slesei magrib keburu adzan isya, jadi kita ikut isya berjamaah jg da kagok tp utk tarawehan kita di rumah aja, kata bapak kita gatau brp rakaat di mesjid situ bisi 23 rakaat cenah dah weh di rumah wkwk. Malu aja gt pupunten keluar mesjid ya diliatin orang2 hahaha ya Allah maap bukan warlok huhu. Punten ngiring ngalangkung~
Mana ni bocil ribut mulu kan malu wlpn kdg jempe..
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Dah weh pulang, solat tarawehnya berdua lagi aja berjamaah sama suami~
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madelinelovesick · 1 year ago
Sound Change of the Day - 2024 January 29
Syncope of unstressed /i/ between a stop and a liquid before a vowel, e.g.:
/kiri/ ⇒ /kri/
/qilo/ ⇒ /qlo/
/tilu/ ⇒ /tlu/
(Astapori Valyrian, by David J. Peterson | dedalvs)
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nonono-zzz · 5 months ago
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水着メイドござる#いろはにも絵を pic.twitter.com/3eczZa9JQS
— TiLU@ご依頼募集中 (@96_YTilulu) October 16, 2024
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bojesvemira · 2 years ago
Mene je teško ostaviti bez riječi a evo sada šutim, jel okej ako kažem da plačem ali ne izgovaram slova. Kroz glavu mi prolazi i mjesec mart i bura, i moj džemper i poštovanje, i neka ljubazna riječi i žena lijepa crne kose na motoru, žena jaka puna ljubavi za sve koje poznaje, žena koja nas tjera da jedemo, žena koja pravi najbolje kolače. Žena koja u sebi nema mržnje, žena koja će te nježnim rukama zagrliti i prihvatiti pa da si najgori na svijetu. Žena koja nije se puno jadala, a svega je prošla. Sjetim se i osmijeha njenog i tog poziva da joj dođem na more, da se kupamo valjda. Nisam taj poziv za ozbiljno shvatila, možda sam ipak trebala. Možda sam ipak trebala i lijepo stati zapamtit joj lik, nježne oči i dobrotu na licu. Žao mi je zbog svega što je prošla, a nije zaslužila, zbog boli jer nju nije trebalo nikad da boli. Možda sve okolo, sporedni svijet ali nju nije. Ža mi je šta ti nisam došla na more, da se brčkamo. Evo sada sve mi se u tilu stiska, putuj, plovi mirno ti more vilo dalmatinska🕊️
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greyg4rdens · 2 years ago
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Scan by Brandon Tilus 
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