#tilly ramsay
toobelieverperson · 3 months
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secretgardenluminary · 3 months
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qualitydefendorlove · 3 months
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honestlysuperbhottub · 3 months
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lovingnightpanda · 3 months
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toastedkiwi · 7 months
Riley stating his celeb crush is Model!Reader in an interview. He didn’t think anything would come of it because he’s not on her radar at all and they’re in two different worlds. It’s not until she’s deadass cooking with Tilly Ramsay and they get on the topic of boys after being asked if she’s single— she is and she says “I love country boys who can sing and when they name their dog Carl.”
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impernaway · 7 months
“WHO MISSED ME?! Oh and uh, can I borrow someone’s phone? I gotta call my guy.” “Oh for fucks sake,” Esme Ramsays says as she flinches. “Seriously?" --- Tillman's return to life leaves him on the third-highest ranked team in the league, fate handing him own personal little Tilly Triple to enjoy. The first thing he does is call his boyfriend about it.
Happy Winte Blaseball Exchange! This one is a gift for @elifinchsart , who has a Tillman and Mike design I absolutely adore. I hope you enjoy this story about your guy coming back to life in S10!
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cornerofhell · 1 year
Okay so as some may have guessed, this au is different.
You see, I have taken the plot from multiple movies and the series and meshed them all happily.
And it starts with with Curse. Nica never went to prison- because she had people testify on her behalf. 
Nica Pierce and Andy Barclay first met when he came to her to help her with her case. He was not going to let another soul be taken by that bastard. 
He, his mother Karen, his stepfather Mike, his adopted sister Kyle, and Jesse and Jade Kincaid all testified on her behalf. How they also had been acused of murder that had been proven false, and that the evidence pointed to Nica’s innocence.
Nica was released, and Andy awkwardly offered to take her in while she sought for custody of Alice, but Alice had disappeared completely. Her foster mother was not found either. They were both without a trace.
The woman worked night and day to find her niece. So hard to find the child she viewed almost as a daughter, the last remnants of her family that she’d been too late in saving. 
Andy was by her side the whole way and would try to help as much as he could, helping put up missing posters, and actually in doing so, this brought their bond closer.
The stress made them speak feelings that they kept from the world, how Chucky had ruined them, how far their lives had come, what they were....
And strangely enough that bond began to grow. And grow and grow. 
Nica still searched for her niece constantly but she also bean to fall in love with the man who helped. The man who listened, the man who ate cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the smartalec man with a bajillion guns on his walls to protect himself and others...
And Andy was beginning to fall in love with the woman who cooked like Gordon Ramsay’s sister. The woman who spoke like a scientist’s dream, the woman whose jokes and laughter made him smile like he’d never before, the woman who held his hand.
And with that, a year after he took her into his home, the two began to date.
....Then the box came in. Andy shot the doll right as it prepared to kill him. 
This revealed a few things. One, they had a new way to find Alice, and two, their location was no longer safe. 
And three, Nica was pregnant. 
The two knew they had to leave fast, so with the help of the fellow Barclays, the two got a large cabin out in the woods. Not too cut off from society but just enough to be well hidden. 
They tortured Chucky tremendously, wanting answers out of the little bastard, and revenge for all of those years and deaths...
Until he just revealed it. He’d planned on revealing it before he gutted Nica but now was as good as any... Alice was dead.
She’d been used as a vessel for one of his soul’s clones and was stabbed in return by a victim.
This devastated Nica, giving her severe depression, but Andy was by her side through and through. The moment they were able, they’d hunt the sons of bitches down.
Nica gave birth at the hospital to a perfectly healthy baby girl, which she and Andy named Maggie. The two adored her, and promised the world and the moon to protect her and love her always.
Then they were thrown for another loop. See, with Nica being released, this sort of gave Chucky less time to plan, and less time to explain to Tiffany. And in doing so, she accidentally got sloppy. 
‘Jennifer Tilly’ was seen dragging a corpse by a jogger when she wasn’t looking and reported and arrested. Her children, Glen and Glenda, ten at the time, were placed in foster care. Meg Tilly wanted so badly to take in the twins she never met but at the time had no room in her home. She’d constantly visit the tow and promise them a home.
Nica and Andy watched this all as the pieces connected slowly. They’d been the last attacked by Chucky and Tiffany.... Oh no. It took a while of torture before Chucky admitted- yes. Glen and Glenda were his children, an Jennifer was his wife, Tiffany.
Andy was the one who sort of had the idea, but the two talked it over a bit. Maggie was a few months old, were they ready....
But both of them knew that they couldn’t bear to let another child, let alone two into Chucky’s clutches and trauma. So they took them in. 
It was a hard, awkward start. Raising a baby and new foster twins wasn’t easy. Not to mention Tiffany had escaped- run off, just like she had with Alice.
With this new horror, Glen and Glenda had slowly remembered who they were, and had no idea how to handle it... But Andy and Nica helped. They listened. Didn't judge them for their parents. They helped.
Years went by. They became closer. A new baby by the name of Mikey was welcomed into the loving family and as normal as they could be, the family chugged on.
Nica had become a teacher, Andy worked a factory job, both going out with Kyle to hunt Chuckys when they had time.
And then Andy, father of two seventeen year olds, a seven year old, and a two year old, received a message from someone named Jake. TO BE CONTINUED....
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fanfictionvibes · 1 year
𝑨 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 🍨
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( Author: I keep accidentally putting Steve instead of Joe 😅 )
Y/n a girl in this ⬇️
Summary: Masterchef AU, Y/N is the youngest competitor in Masterchef 13 only 18 years old. It's Top 10, Everyone is starting to feel more home sick then ever. What if the Judges give the contestants a taste of home for a unexpected team challenge.
Words: 1.5k
The yellow-ish lights turned on one by one as the kitchen started to come to life. The M outside the kitchen lit on fire to symbolize that it's another day in the kitchen. The doors of Masterchef opened, a line of 10 excited people walk though the door and ran to their stations eager to start another day.
Y/n was the last one to head to her station with a big smile on her face.
" I can't believe I'm in top 10 of Masterchef! This is like a dream come true." Y/n said in the interview room.
As the home cooks got settled in the original, famous judges came in
Gordon Ramsay , Gram Elliot , and Joe Bastianich (JB)
How is everyone doing today! " Gordon said looking at the top 10. Everyone showed sings of being an a good mood today.
" Today you will pushed like you not been pushed this entire season. It's top 10 and you guys made the standers so high this season. " Gram said
" I hope its something I know, haha" y/n
Thought Nervously
" Today! You will be making" Gram pulled out an mystery boy swiftly under the podium and placed it on top. His hands touched the sides of the box and lifted it up.
pictures of Gram, JB, and Gordon with there families was shown. Everyone clapped loud and amusing smiles. Joe stepped up
" Today is all about family, you all have not seen them for awhile. What better way to motive you more is your family." JB said smile and then looked at Gordon
" That's right Joe! So we three invited your biggest supporters." Gordon said smile stretching by the second. Everyone went wild. Some show confusion not getting what is happening. Others covered mouths in shock. Especially Y/n.
Y/n hadn't seen her dad 2 months prior to going to Masterchef do to leaving for stranger things 4. So that was adding to not seeing him longer. Of course she was thankful for all her family members for supporting her dream but she just wanted her dad for a while.
" Jenna, your mother carol " " Charlie, your wife Diana " " Sam, your sister Amy " " Kat, your son jean " " Annabelle your husband Kurt " " Maze —-
As more family members filled the room the more excited Y/n were. Who was coming to see me?.
Everyone now was with a loved one as they called everyone's name. Everyone except Y/n. People started to send Y/n sympathy glances and even some hugs.
No one came for her. Your eyes started to water. She's trying to keep a head on her shoulders, But everyone can see that she is missing her family the most.
" Y/n " Gordon said looking at you sympathy. You looked him and wiped your eyes
" I know that you miss your family dearly but there fight got delayed by bad weather " You nodded weakly
" But don't worry we brought someone who we think you would rather be here with then anyone else " Gordon said all the sudden getting energetic and smiley . What is he talking about??. You started to get more confused then disappointed. Gordon then gestured to the door again.
" The man that my daughter Tilly has had a crush on since the first season of the incredible Netflix series "Stranger things " " You covered your mouth, starting to tear up even more.
" Your Wonderful Dad, Joe Kerry! " Gordon said.
Tears started to run down your face as you see a familiar face smiling brightly at you with glossy eyes as well. You ran to the door, he put his arms out now have few tears streaming down his face. As you got to him you both hug each other so hard that it was like the last time you ever see each other again.
" Dad.. " Y/n said now crying holding onto him. You felt tears fall on your clothes. You pull away from him to look up at him.
" I missed you so much honey.... like a lot " Joe said chuckling looking back at you. He then picked you up, you laughed as he took you back to your station smiling the whole way. He put you down and put an arm around you.
" Now let's get to the serious stuff. Today you will be making a dish that is inspired by your family. Don't be fooled because today.....is just a elimination challenge " Gordon said serious. Y/n mind started to run with thoughts of dishes she could do. You felt your dads grip tightened. He went down to her ear
" Win or lose I'm so incredibly proud of you " Joe said kissing your head lovingly.
" Families would you please head up to the balcony " Gordon jested to the balcony. Joe hugs y/n one more time and kissed her cheek. He started to head to the stairs with everyone else. He goes to the rails and jogs to a spot where there is a clear view of your station.
" You will create a dish inspired by your family and elevate it into a Masterchef worthy dish " Gram said
" Your time starts... " some people started to get into a running position
" NOW!! "
Everyone starts running while they're family cheers them on.Y/n runs to the ingredients and starts putting them in her basket
" My favorite memory is when my Dad took me on set of stranger things 3 and he was wearing his *giggles* sailor outfit and we ate ice cream off set together. We had a daddy & daughter day" Y/n said in the interview
Everyone ran back to their stations with their ingredients, Starting to cook.
After a while the judges started to come around. Gram walked over to y/n
" Hey Y/n"
"Hello chef "
"So what you making to day?"
" I'm going baker today and I am doing a homemade butter scotch and pecan ice cream with a dark chocolate brownie and a berry Cooley "
" Woah!, I don't think we have ever seen you bake before"
" well todays the first for you guys then ☺️"
Gram then walks away and tells the other judges what your doing. They both had impressed looks on their faces.
" Your doing great honey! Eyes on the prize" Joe shouted from the balcony with a big smile on his face. He can't believe this was his baby girl, he's so proud.
" 2 minutes Left!! Everyone should be platting "
Now chaos rolls over the kitchen. Food flying everywhere, judges screaming the time, Families screaming for there loved one, and people running around.
" Hands up! "
Everyone did just that. Some people don't look happy with there dishes but other were happy. Especially Y/n. It's exactly what she wanted to honor her and her father's memories. After a few people got mixed reviews the more nervous you were getting. Was this be enough it get me to top 9? With an ice cream.
" Y/n." This broke you out of your thoughts and quickly go to the podium and place your dish down. Not long after you could hear your father clapping loudly for you.
" So! Y/n this is the first time I have ever seen you make a dessert" Gordon said with a smile. That eases your nerves a little.
" yeah, I wanted to show I wasn't a one trick pony that only cook savory "
" what is it? And what is it called?"
" I call it a Scope of Kerry, it's a homemade butter scotch and pecan ice cream with a dark chocolate brownie and a berry Cooley "
" well, visually it looks Amazing "
" Thank you chef "
Gordon takes a spoonful and eats it. He looks at you not saying a word like he did with the other competitors. Your nerves started to get to much to handle. He then just walks away. Your eyes widen, was it really that bad?!. Was it to safe? Gram then went up and tried it, nodding he went back to the other judges. You went back to your station with a forced lip tight smile. Your eyes started to water again, looking down in shame.
Joe just wanted to run down there, hold you, tell you that no matter what you'll will be a winner in his eyes. Tell you that he loves more then life itself. More people went up some got more compliments then others. Finally it was time.
" The person that will advance Top 9 and will have an advantage next elimination challenge is................... Y/N!!"
Everyone irritated into loud cheers, happy for the teen girl. You could believe it, you got it. You started to jump around in joy like a crazy person but Joe wasn't any better. He was like an animal. Jumping around on the balcony so much that it could break. Shooting your name in happiness. Without wasting a second Joe ran down the stairs and practically flew to your station. He spun you around giving you one of his famous massive bear hugs. You may have not won MasterChef yet, but you have truly won over the judges another day.
Do you want a scoop of Kerry?? ☺️
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rockytilly · 1 year
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full name: rocky tilly
age: twenty seven
birth date: 5th march 1996
birth place: new orleans, louisana
nationality: american
gender: cis male
pronouns: he / him
orientation: bisexual
occupation: main street records + heartbeat station
face claim: oliver stark
hair colour: light brown
hair style:
eye colour: blue
height: 6"2'
weight: 163lbs
build: athletic
+ compassionate, jovial, ardent, punctual and resilient - airy, brazen, imprudent, boastful, pessimistic
mother: joanie tilly
father: ramsay hart
grandmother: brandy hart
joanie tilly and ramsay hart were never supposed to be parents — they met while ramsay was touring with his band across the deep south, where they drank tequila at shitty dive bars, screwed each others brains out in the bathroom and fought into the early hours at various motels when joanie would catch ramsay flirting with another woman or ramsay would cacth her flirting with another man.
it was a tumultuous romance, the kind that never should have lasted longer than a weekend and would have ended long before it actually did if it wasn't for joanie falling pregnant and giving birth to rocky nine months later.
motels and dive bars were no place to raise a new born baby, but his parents were hellbent on trying. the type of parents who believed a baby had to fit into your life, not change it.
it was when rocky was six years old that they dropped him off at his grandmothers, relinquishing their parental rights to ramsay's mother. the nine years that rocky spent in new orleans with his grandmother were the happiest and most stable years of his life — even if she was slightly unconventional.
rocky spent his days after school at his grandmother's store for all things magick and occult, where she hosted clients seeking comfort and closure after losing a loved one. marianne hart was an eccentric woman, a self proclaimed medium but she loved rocky with every fibre of her being and there wasn't ever a day that rocky doubted that.
he was fifteen years old when his mother knocked on his grandmothers door, a minivan parked outside with all of her belongings inside after splitting up with ramsay for good this time and claiming to wanting to start a new life with rocky — in montana.
despite begging her to let him stay in new orleans where he had built a life, joanie promised rocky that things would be different now and that she was ready to be a mother — she was lying, of course. joanie just didn't want to be alone now that she'd split up with rocky's father.
readjusting to life in montana wasn't easy for rocky, everybody he knew and cared about was back home in new orleans but he was resilient, being abandoned by his parents had at least taught him that. his teenage years spent in montana weren't always smooth sailings. joanie hadn't lied when she said she was through with ramsey for the last time. unfortunately that opened a revolving door to new men who never stayed long enough for rocky to learn their names. none of them lasted longer than a few months, some only as long as the weekend.
sometimes rocky would be left home alone for the weekend or several days, the longest joanie was ever gone was a month. returning only when her latest fling had ended. it was during these years that rocky made a conscious effort to focus on his school work, determined to graduate with grades that would make any school in the country give him early admission and get away from his mother as fast as he could.
rocky left montana shortly after graduation, returning to new orleans to spend the summer with his grandma before heading to fairford, seattle to complete his bachelors degree in music production. joanie and ramsey might not have shared much with rocky, but they did share a love for music. however, where ramsey's passion was with performing, rocky's was producing. whenever he listened to the music his parents or grandma played growing up, he'd often wonder how it was produced.
once rocky graduated from fairford community college after completing his bachelors degree and masters in music production he landed himself a job at heartbeat station as an intern where he worked his way up to host in the last three years. it's not the career he wants in music, but he considers it a stepping stone in the right direction.
during his years in college he worked at main street records, quitting after graduating but returned to work there part-time recently simply because it's one of his favourite jobs he has ever had.
working at the radio station is a means of networking for him, hoping to discover new talent and meet other people in the industry to help him get a foot in the door.
by no means considers himself a celebrity or even a local celebrity despite being a local radio host
has a tiktok channel that he posts tiktoks of himself producing music in the same vein of charlie puth's "anything can be made into music" tiktok series.
friends / best friends / acquaintances / ride or dies / co-workers from main street records / co-workers from heartbeat station / old college buddies / drinking buddies / smoking buddies / room mates
friends with benefits / first loves / ex-boyfriend + girlfriend / skinny love / doomed love / flirtationship / tinder matches / grindr hook-ups / college exes / college hook-ups
enemies / former friends / people he has burned bridges with / exes / petty rivals
ex something of @thaddcarter. dated for a little over year and a half, never quite managed to put a label on it and ended recently after rocky got scared of things getting too real and self sabotaged their relationship by kissing somebody else
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 2 years
Up for a swing? You me you're bf & Tilly Ramsay
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toobelieverperson · 3 months
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secretgardenluminary · 3 months
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qualitydefendorlove · 3 months
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honestlysuperbhottub · 3 months
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lovingnightpanda · 3 months
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