#tidal hifi
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girl4music · 10 months ago
Oh my god
 TIDAL has Natalie Merchant’s Tigerlily in high fidelity. This has to be next. Sorry Buckethead.
But this album got me through some tough times.
The song ‘Carnival’ is actually in a Xena episode.
‘Antony and Cleopatra’. The one they never have on streaming services because of the copyrights lmfao.
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samissomar · 11 months ago
"Aerial Boundaries" by Michael Hedges https://tidal.com/album/661548
One of the greatest Guitar players of all times...Eternal Master !...
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headfonics · 1 year ago
A very modern-looking streamer with excellent connectivity options and a wealth of internet streaming services at your fingertips. Meet the new Matrix Audio mini-i 4!
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freegeekboy · 5 months ago
Best Streaming Music Service and My Experience
Some of the best platforms for streaming music include:
Spotify: Offers a vast library of songs, playlists, and podcasts. It's known for its user-friendly interface, curated playlists, and personalized recommendations.
Apple Music: Features high-quality music streaming, exclusive releases, and integrates well with Apple devices. It also offers spatial and lossless audio for premium subscribers.
Amazon Music: Offers a large music library and integrates with Alexa for voice control. Its HD and Ultra HD streaming options provide higher sound quality.
YouTube Music: Combines official music tracks with user-uploaded content, live performances, and remixes. It's great for music discovery through videos and recommendations.
Tidal: Known for its high-fidelity sound quality and exclusive content. It’s popular among audiophiles for its Hi-Fi and Master audio tracks.
Deezer: Offers a large music catalog and personalized recommendations through its "Flow" feature. Deezer HiFi provides lossless audio quality.
SoundCloud: Great for discovering emerging and independent artists. It has a mix of professional and amateur content, including remixes and live recordings.
Pandora: Known for its music discovery through custom radio stations based on your preferences.
Since you're into instrumental music and Hans Zimmer, platforms like Spotify and Apple Music would be excellent for creating customized instrumental playlists!
my source:
which one you prefer ?
I prefer Spotify !
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ineffabeatlemindpalace · 1 year ago
Who was gonna tell me that Bleachers makes the best fucking soundtrack for running? Honestly, their 80s influence is a vibe.
Like, fun. was THE band for me in 2012/13 and Nate Ruess's voice still gives me chills every time (see also, The Format!) but Jack Antonoff's style definitely defined FUN's music and, thus, success. However I never gave Bleachers a try until now.
Perhaps it's the Tidal HiFi Plus subscription that finally showed me how incredible their music is!!
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rivet77 · 2 years ago
goblin tips #1
If you're a Tidal HiFi user, search "tidal-dl" in Google. It is a command line tool (with optional gui) that allows you to rip playlists, albums, tracks, and music videos from the streaming service, in high quality file formats such as FLAC :)
*disclaimer: support the artists you care about if you have the resources to do so. but I am pro-stealing on principle, and I don't even consider piracy to be stealing*
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wmmusicacademy-blog · 2 years ago
Hamarosan Ă©rkezhet a Spotify Ășj szintje: a „Supremium” HiFi audiĂłt is tartalmaz majd
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Érdekes mĂłdon a Spotify annak ellenĂ©re sem emeli meg a havi 9,99 dollĂĄros egyĂ©ni elƑfizetĂ©si ĂĄrat az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban, hogy a zeneipar vezetƑi szĂ©les körben sĂŒrgetik Ƒket. Viszont egy Ășj jelentĂ©s szerint Daniel Ek cĂ©ge egy teljesen Ășj, magasabb ĂĄrĂș elƑfizetĂ©si szintre kĂ©szĂŒl, amely tartalmazza a HiFi hangminƑsĂ©get Ă©s a hangoskönyvekhez valĂł kiterjesztett hozzĂĄfĂ©rĂ©st. A Bloomberg szerint az Ășj elƑfizetĂ©si tervet belsƑleg „Supremium” szintkĂ©nt emlegetik. 
A jelentĂ©sĂŒk szerint ez a szint lesz a platform legdrĂĄgĂĄbb csomagja, Ă©s valĂłszĂ­nƱleg olyan HiFi funkciĂłt kĂ­nĂĄl majd, amelyen a vĂĄllalat elƑször 2021-ben jelentette be, hogy dolgozik. A cikk hozzĂĄteszi, hogy az Ășj szint elƑször az EgyesĂŒlt Államokon kĂ­vĂŒli piacokon fog megjelenni mĂ©g ebben az Ă©vben.
És hogy miĂ©rt olyan fontos hĂ­r ez? Mert hosszas Ă©rdeklƑdĂ©s Ă©s talĂĄlgatĂĄs elƑzi meg a vĂĄrva vĂĄrt bejelentĂ©st.
A Spotify elƑször 2021-ben közölte, hogy elindĂ­tja a kivĂĄlĂł minƑsĂ©gƱ zenei streamelĂ©st a platformjĂĄn. A cĂ©g akkoriban azt mondta, hogy a HiFi audio „konzisztensen az egyik legkeresettebb Ășj funkciĂł a felhasznĂĄlĂłk ĂĄltal”. A Spotify a Stream On esemĂ©nyĂ©n jelentette be a szolgĂĄltatĂĄst Billie Eilish Ă©s a Finneas fivĂ©rek fellĂ©pĂ©sĂ©vel, Ă©s akkor azt mondtĂĄk, hogy a HiFi funkciĂł „meghatĂĄrozott piacokon” mĂ©g abban az Ă©vben elĂ©rhetƑ lesz.
A funkciĂł azonban nem Ă©rkezett meg, azĂłta sem.
2022 oktĂłberĂ©ben arrĂłl Ă©rkeztek hĂ­rek, hogy a streaming ĂłriĂĄs egy Ășj, havi 19,99 dollĂĄros „Platina” szintre kĂ©szĂŒl, amely HiFi hangot is tartalmaz, de azĂłta sem Ă©rhetƑ el ez a szint.
Most viszont a Bloomberg jĂșnius 20-i cikke szerint az Ășj szint kĂŒszöbön ĂĄllĂł bevezetĂ©se tĂ©nyleg meg fog törtĂ©nni egyrĂ©szt azĂ©rt, hogy a cĂ©g több bevĂ©telt Ă©rjen el, mĂĄsrĂ©szt azĂ©rt, hogy megnyugtassa azokat a befektetƑket, akik azt mondtĂĄk, hogy a vĂĄllalatnak emelnie kellene az ĂĄrait.
Az ĂĄremelĂ©s mĂĄr csak azĂ©rt is aktuĂĄlis lenne, mert a versenytĂĄrsak nem Ăłvakodtak ezt meglĂ©pni. A zenei streaming ĂŒzletĂĄgban a tavalyi negyedik negyedĂ©vben a Spotify rivĂĄlisa, az Apple Music bejelentette, hogy az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban 9,99 USD-rĂłl 10,99 USD-ra, az EgyesĂŒlt KirĂĄlysĂĄgban pedig 9,99 GBP-rƑl 10,99 GBP-re emeli normĂĄl havi elƑfizetĂ©si ĂĄrĂĄt. Emellett mindkĂ©t terĂŒleten megemelte a csalĂĄdi csomag ĂĄrĂĄt.
IdĂ©n januĂĄrban az Amazon Music hasonlĂł lĂ©pĂ©st tett, megerƑsĂ­tve az ĂŒgyfeleknek, hogy az Apple-höz hasonlĂłan az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban 9,99 dollĂĄrrĂłl 10,99 dollĂĄrra, az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban pedig 9,99 GBP-rƑl 10,99 GBP-re emeli az Amazon Music Unlimited havi elƑfizetĂ©si ĂĄrĂĄt az EgyesĂŒlt KirĂĄlysĂĄgban.
Az Amazon Music emellett az Amazon Music Unlimited ĂĄrĂĄt is megemelte havi 4,99 USD-rĂłl 5,99 USD-ra minden egyes terĂŒleten.
EzenkĂ­vĂŒl az Amazon Music növelte ĂĄrait NĂ©metorszĂĄgban Ă©s JapĂĄnban.
(MegjegyzĂ©s: ezek az ĂĄremelĂ©sek a nem Amazon Prime-tagokra vonatkoztak. A Prime-tagok Amazon Music elƑfizetĂ©si ĂĄrai tavaly mĂĄjusban emelkedtek: az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban az egyĂ©ni Amazon Music Unlimited fiĂłkra elƑfizetett Prime-tagok havi 7,99 dollĂĄr helyett havi 8,99 dollĂĄrt kezdtek fizetni, Ă©vente 79 dollĂĄr helyett 89 dollĂĄrt. 2022-ben a standard Amazon Music Family Plan ĂĄra is megugrott, ami az EgyesĂŒlt Államokban havi 14,99 dollĂĄrrĂłl 15,99 dollĂĄrra emelkedett.)
A kiemelkedƑ hangminƑsĂ©g közelgƑ megjelenĂ©se a Spotify-on azĂ©rt is Ă©lvez ekkora figyelmet, mert Ƒk fizetƑsen tervezik kĂ­nĂĄlni azt a szolgĂĄltatĂĄst, amit a versenytĂĄrsaik sztenderdkĂ©nt biztosĂ­tanak: az Apple Music Ă©s az Amazon Music ingyenesen hozzĂĄadtĂĄk a HiFi-hallgatĂĄst a prĂ©mium csomagokhoz, nem hoztak lĂ©tre emiatt a prĂ©miumnĂĄl is magasabb ĂĄrĂș csomagot.
2021 mĂĄjusĂĄban a Spotify rivĂĄlisa, az Apple Music ingyenesen bevezette szolgĂĄltatĂĄsĂĄba a vesztesĂ©gmentes hangot, valamint a tĂ©rbeli hangzĂĄst a Dolby Atmos tĂĄmogatĂĄsĂĄval. Ugyanebben a hĂłnapban az Amazon Music HD zenehallgatĂĄsi lehetƑsĂ©geket is elindĂ­tott a havi 9,99 dollĂĄros Music Unlimited szolgĂĄltatĂĄsĂĄhoz, felĂĄr nĂ©lkĂŒl.
A TIDAL Hi-FI elƑfizetĂ©si szint havi 9,99 dollĂĄrba kerĂŒl, Ă©s CD-minƑsĂ©gƱ vesztesĂ©gmentes adatfolyamokat kĂ­nĂĄl 44,1 kHz / 16 biten. A platform Hi-FI Plus elƑfizetĂ©si szintje havi 19,99 dollĂĄrba kerĂŒl, Ă©s Master Quality Authenticated (MQA), Dolby Atmos, Sony 360 Reality Audio Ă©s HiFi szolgĂĄltatĂĄsokat kĂ­nĂĄl.
Eközben a Deezer 10,99-es ĂĄron kĂ­nĂĄlja a HiFi-t minden prĂ©mium elƑfizetƑnek, amely a TIDAL megfelelƑjĂ©hez hasonlĂłan 44,1 kHz / 16 bites streaminggel sugĂĄrozza a zenĂ©t FLAC-fĂĄjlokon keresztĂŒl.
Hogy a Spotify-nĂĄl pontosan mikor Ă©rkezhet meg a Supremium elƑfizetĂ©si szolgĂĄltatĂĄs, az remĂ©lhetƑleg hamarosan kiderĂŒl.
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bonastudios · 13 days ago
FiiO M23 Hi-Res MP3 Music Player Android 10 Snapdragon 660 with AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, 5.5inch, Lossless DSD/MQA, 5G WiFi/Apple Music/Tidal/Amazon Music 4.4mm 3.5mm/4.4mm (Dark Blue(Aluminum Alloy))
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description The FiiO M23 is a portable Android HiFi music player, designed for connecting 3.5mm/4.4mm headphones, providing high-quality audio performance and listening experience for users who seek superior sound quality.M23 features a unique desktop mode that not only extends the battery life but also provides audio performance close to a desktop, further

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jranimator · 2 months ago
How Spotify and Tidal Redefine Music Access
Music streaming platforms have transformed how we interact with music, giving us unparalleled access to millions of songs, albums, podcasts, and playlists at our fingertips. Among the leaders in the streaming revolution are Spotify and Tidal, two platforms that excel in their own unique ways. While Spotify dominates with its user-friendly features and massive library, Tidal appeals to audiophiles with its high-fidelity sound quality and exclusive artist content. Let’s dive into how these platforms have reshaped the music industry and what makes them stand out.
The Convenience of a Spotify 1 Year Subscription
Spotify is a household name in the streaming world, offering a vast collection of songs, podcasts, and curated playlists. Subscribing to a Spotify 1 year subscription is a wise choice for avid listeners who value convenience and savings. With this subscription, users get ad-free listening, offline downloads, and the freedom to skip tracks as they please.
One of the platform’s key advantages is its personalized recommendations. Spotify’s algorithm constantly learns your preferences, ensuring your daily playlists and discovery mixes feel tailor-made. A 1-year plan also provides a cost-effective solution compared to paying monthly, giving users peace of mind with uninterrupted access to their favorite tunes.
Understanding Spotify Premium Pricing in India
In regions like India, Spotify has gained massive popularity due to its competitive pricing. Wondering how much is Spotify Premium in India? The service offers various subscription options to cater to individual and family needs. From affordable monthly plans to discounted student packages, Spotify ensures that music lovers of all backgrounds can enjoy premium benefits.
For users in India, Spotify's library is complemented by a strong selection of regional content, spanning Bollywood hits, indie classics, and folk music. Its pricing structure reflects Spotify’s commitment to making high-quality music accessible to everyone in the country.
Tidal Music: A Premium Experience for Audiophiles
When it comes to sound quality, Tidal Music is unmatched. The platform caters to listeners who prioritize high-fidelity audio, offering lossless sound that brings music to life. Unlike compressed audio on some other platforms, Tidal’s HiFi and Master Quality Authenticated (MQA) tracks ensure that every note and beat is preserved in its purest form.
Tidal also champions artists by providing a higher percentage of revenue compared to its competitors. This artist-friendly approach has made it a favorite among independent and mainstream musicians alike. Exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes footage and early album releases, further enriches the Tidal experience, making it more than just a streaming service—it’s a cultural hub for music enthusiasts.
The Role of Songwriters in Shaping Music
Every hit song has a story, and often, that story begins with a songwriter. BTS, one of the world’s most influential music groups, owes much of its success to the brilliance of its BTS songwriters. These creative minds craft lyrics and melodies that resonate with fans across the globe.
The collaborative nature of BTS’s songwriting process allows them to produce music that’s both deeply personal and universally relatable. By learning about the songwriters behind BTS’s tracks, fans gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry involved in creating their favorite hits. Platforms like Spotify and Tidal further amplify these stories by featuring curated playlists and documentaries dedicated to the songwriting craft.
Music Direct: Where Digital Meets Physical
While digital streaming dominates, the charm of owning physical music remains strong for many enthusiasts. Platforms like Music Direct provide a bridge between the digital and physical music worlds. With a wide selection of vinyl records, CDs, and premium audio equipment, Music Direct caters to collectors and audiophiles alike.
For those who cherish the tactile experience of owning music, services like Music Direct are indispensable. They complement streaming platforms, ensuring that music lovers have multiple ways to enjoy their favorite tracks. Whether you’re building a vinyl collection or investing in high-quality speakers, Music Direct has something for everyone.
Spotify vs. Tidal: Which One Should You Choose?
Deciding between Spotify and Tidal depends on your preferences as a listener. If you value convenience, affordability, and personalized recommendations, Spotify is the clear winner. Its intuitive interface and robust library make it a go-to platform for casual and avid listeners alike.
On the other hand, if sound quality is your top priority, Tidal is worth considering. Its HiFi and Master tracks deliver an immersive listening experience that’s hard to beat. Additionally, Tidal’s commitment to supporting artists gives it an ethical edge in the competitive streaming market.
Both platforms have strengths that cater to different audiences. Spotify excels in accessibility and affordability, while Tidal stands out for its superior audio quality and artist-first approach.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Music Journey
The rise of streaming platforms has made music more accessible and versatile than ever before. Whether you prefer the ease and affordability of a Spotify 1 year subscription or the high-fidelity experience of Tidal Music, there’s a service tailored to your needs. Exploring pricing options, such as how much is Spotify Premium in India, can help you find a plan that fits your budget while unlocking a world of audio entertainment.
Meanwhile, delving into the artistry behind the music, such as the work of BTS songwriters, can deepen your appreciation for your favorite tracks. And for those who cherish the physical aspect of music, Music Direct offers a timeless way to engage with your favorite albums.
Ultimately, the choice is yours. Explore, experiment, and embrace the music that speaks to your soul. What’s your favorite music platform, and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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girl4music · 10 months ago
Received my Denon PearL Pro earbuds. Currently listening to Melissa Etheridge’s Breakdown album on TIDAL. Dude I’m in musical heaven. It’s insane quality and it’s not even lossless or a wired connection. 😯
Highly recommended album if you love Pop/Rock music or just great singer-songwriters. Melissa Etheridge is one of the best female artists when it comes to pure musicianship and lyricism. So good!
đŸŽ¶ Deep down inside
I think we're all the same
Try not to judge someone
And never shame
I do believe that people are good
They just want hope and respect
And to be understood
Sometimes it hard, sometimes it's strange
But the truth of the heart is people can changeđŸŽ¶
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musicindustry1111 · 3 months ago
Top Music Streaming Platforms That Are Redefining How We Listen to Music
The way we consume music has undergone a massive transformation in recent years, largely driven by the advent of music streaming platforms. With just a few taps, listeners can access millions of songs, explore diverse genres, and discover new artists without leaving their comfort zones. Today, the top music streaming platforms aren’t just tools for music playback; they are hubs for innovation, community-building, and personalization. These platforms have fundamentally reshaped the music industry, empowering artists to reach a global audience while offering listeners unparalleled convenience.
Whether you’re drawn to Spotify’s cutting-edge algorithms, Apple Music’s high-quality audio, or Tidal’s artist-first model, each platform provides a unique experience tailored to different tastes and preferences. In this article, we’ll explore how these platforms are redefining how we listen to music, highlighting their standout features, and helping you find the perfect match for your listening needs.
1. What Sets Music Streaming Platforms Apart?
Music streaming platforms have become more than just repositories for songs. They are now packed with features designed to enhance user engagement and promote discovery. Here's a look at what makes these platforms exceptional:
Personalized Recommendations: AI-driven algorithms create custom playlists like Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” and YouTube Music’s tailored mixes.
Exclusive Content: Platforms like Apple Music offer exclusive albums, early releases, and artist-curated playlists.
High-Quality Audio: For audiophiles, Tidal and Amazon Music HD deliver lossless, high-resolution sound.
Global Access: Streaming services like Spotify and YouTube Music break geographical barriers, giving listeners access to a worldwide library of tracks.
2. Spotlight on the Leaders
Spotify: Known for its ease of use and unmatched music discovery tools, Spotify has revolutionized personalized listening. Features like “Wrapped” allow users to reflect on their year in music, while collaborative playlists bring people together.
Apple Music: Offering seamless integration with iOS devices, Apple Music stands out with its spatial audio technology and curated playlists. Exclusive deals with major artists also set it apart.
Tidal: For those who value audio fidelity, Tidal’s HiFi plan is unbeatable. It also supports artists with higher payouts per stream.
YouTube Music: Ideal for music video lovers, YouTube Music combines video and audio streaming into one seamless experience.
3. How Platforms Redefine Music Discovery
One of the most exciting aspects of the top music streaming platforms is their ability to introduce listeners to new sounds. AI and machine learning have made this process seamless:
Mood-Based Playlists: Platforms like Spotify create playlists for every mood and activity, from workouts to relaxation.
Daily and Weekly Mixes: Algorithms learn user preferences, delivering a mix of familiar and fresh tracks.
Cross-Genre Exploration: Amazon Music and Deezer encourage cross-genre discovery with “suggested tracks” that match a user’s taste.
4. Beyond Streaming: Building a Music Community
Streaming platforms have cultivated communities around music through social features and artist interactions:
Collaborative Playlists: Share and build playlists with friends, fostering connection through shared music tastes.
Live Streams and Podcasts: Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music include podcasts and artist livestreams to deepen listener engagement.
Artist Connections: Tidal emphasizes its artist-centric approach, often including behind-the-scenes content and interviews.
5. The Role of Technology in Shaping Streaming
Technology continues to redefine the potential of music streaming:
AI and Machine Learning: Predictive algorithms craft personalized experiences.
Spatial Audio and Lossless Formats: Enhanced audio features make listening more immersive.
Offline Playback: Users can download tracks for uninterrupted listening on the go.
The top music streaming platforms have redefined the way we consume and interact with music. With their unique features, these platforms cater to a wide variety of tastes and preferences, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Whether you prioritize music discovery, audio quality, or exclusive content, platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and YouTube Music deliver experiences that go beyond simple streaming.
As these platforms continue to evolve, they remain integral in connecting artists and listeners worldwide. They not only make music accessible but also foster a vibrant community that thrives on diversity and innovation. For those looking to stay updated on the latest trends and tools in the music industry, Deliver My Tune provides in-depth insights and strategies for making the most of streaming platforms.
So, which music streaming platform is your favorite? Whether you’re a casual listener or a dedicated audiophile, now is the perfect time to dive in, explore, and discover your ideal service. Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation!
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jvkings · 3 months ago
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How to listen to Tidal on the Linux desktop with Tidal-hifi
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khotaikhoan · 4 months ago
Mua tĂ i khoáșŁn Tidal HIFI Plus tiáșżt kiệm tới hÆĄn 50% ở đñu?
TĂ i khoáșŁn Tidal HIFI Plus – ứng dỄng stream nháșĄc cao cáș„p, dĂ nh cho những ai muốn tráșŁi nghiệm Ăąm nháșĄc với cháș„t lÆ°á»Łng tốt nháș„t. Đång nĂłi, việc sở hữu tĂ i khoáșŁn nĂ y khĂŽng hề khĂł nhÆ° nhiều báșĄn nghÄ©, cĂčng xem cĂĄch mua tĂ i khoáșŁn Tidal HIFI Plus tiáșżt kiệm ngay bĂąy giờ nhĂ©!
Giới thiệu về Tidal HIFI Plus
Tidal HIFI Plus ra đời năm 2014. TĂ i khoáșŁn nĂ y cung cáș„p cho người dĂčng những dịch vỄ nghe nháșĄc với cháș„t lÆ°á»Łng cao. Đùy cĆ©ng Ä‘Æ°á»Łc đánh giĂĄ lĂ  một trong những Æ°u tháșż cáșĄnh tranh của Tidal HIFI Plus cho tới táș­n bĂąy giờ.
Slogan phĂĄt triển của Tidal HIFI Plus chĂ­nh lĂ  “nền táșŁng nghe nháșĄc cho độ trung thá»±c cao nháș„t” (hay cĂČn Ä‘Æ°á»Łc gọi lĂ  “High Fidelity Music Streaming”. Nền táșŁng nĂ y đã gĂąy áș„n tÆ°á»Łng máșĄnh máșœ với nhiều người dĂčng trĂȘn tháșż giới bởi cháș„t lÆ°á»Łng Ăąm thanh hoĂ n háșŁo, cĂł độ chĂ­nh xĂĄc cao, tháș­m chĂ­ lĂ  vÆ°á»Łt qua những nền táșŁng nghe nháșĄc thĂŽng dỄng nhÆ° Apple Music, Spotify,

Việc sở hữu tĂ i khoáșŁn Tidal HIFI Plus sáșœ giĂșp báșĄn cĂł thể truy cáș­p vĂ o thÆ° viện Ăąm nháșĄc đồ sộ, lĂȘn tới hÆĄn 100 triệu bĂ i hĂĄt cĂł báșŁn quyền, cĂčng hÆĄn 650 nghĂŹn bộ phim tĂ i liệu, video, những cáșŁnh háș­u trường áș„n tÆ°á»Łng,
 Táș„t cáșŁ cĂĄc tĂ i nguyĂȘn thuộc Tidal HIFI Plus đều sở hữu cháș„t lÆ°á»Łng Ăąm thanh cao cáș„p, cĂčng hĂŹnh áșŁnh sáșŻc nĂ©t.
ChĂ­nh sá»± đa dáșĄng về nội dung giáșŁi trĂ­, cĂčng cĂĄch biĂȘn táș­p chuyĂȘn nghiệp đã giĂșp Tidal HIFI Plus nháș­n Ä‘Æ°á»Łc nhiều lÆ°á»Łt đánh giĂĄ cao đáșżn từ người dĂčng.
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ineffabeatlemindpalace · 1 year ago
Tidal HiFi Plus heal my soul
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music-industry-updates · 6 months ago
Amazon Music vs Tidal: Which Service Has the Better Music Library?
In a market crowded with music streaming services, choosing the right platform can be a daunting task. Among the most popular options are Amazon Music and Tidal, both of which offer unique features and pricing models. But when it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, which service truly offers the best value? This article dives deep into the offerings of Amazon Music and Tidal, comparing their pricing, music libraries, exclusive content, audio quality, and more to help you make an informed decision.
1. Overview of Amazon Music and Tidal:
Amazon Music, backed by the retail giant Amazon, has quickly become a major player in the music streaming industry. With various subscription options, from the free tier to Amazon Music Unlimited, and the high-resolution Amazon Music HD, it caters to a wide range of users.
Tidal, on the other hand, is known for its commitment to high-quality audio and artist-centric approach. Launched by a group of musicians including Jay-Z, Tidal has positioned itself as the go-to service for audiophiles and those who care deeply about supporting artists fairly.
2. Pricing Tiers Comparison:
One of the first factors most users consider when choosing a streaming service is the cost. Amazon Music offers several pricing options:
Amazon Music Free: Ad-supported with limited skips and features.
Amazon Music Prime: Included with an Amazon Prime membership, offering access to a vast library but limited compared to the Unlimited tier.
Amazon Music Unlimited: Full access to Amazon’s entire music library, available for $9.99/month for non-Prime members or $8.99/month for Prime members.
Amazon Music HD: An additional $5/month on top of Unlimited for access to high-resolution audio.
Tidal’s pricing structure is also varied, though slightly higher:
Tidal Free: Recently introduced, ad-supported with limited features.
Tidal HiFi: Offers lossless streaming for $9.99/month.
Tidal HiFi Plus: The premium option at $19.99/month, featuring master-quality audio, Dolby Atmos, and other high-res formats.
When it comes to pricing, Amazon Music provides a more affordable range, especially for Amazon Prime members who benefit from discounted rates.
3. Music Libraries: Quantity vs. Quality:
Both Amazon Music and Tidal boast impressive music libraries, but they cater to slightly different audiences. Amazon Music claims over 90 million songs, covering a wide range of genres and artists, from mainstream hits to more obscure tracks.
Tidal also offers a vast library, with over 80 million tracks, but it emphasizes quality over quantity. Tidal is known for its exclusive content, particularly within the hip-hop and R&B genres, thanks to its artist-centric partnerships.
While Amazon Music’s library is larger, Tidal’s strength lies in its curation and exclusivity, making it the better choice for fans of certain genres and artists.
4. Exclusive Content and Artist Relations:
One area where Tidal has carved out a niche is its relationship with artists. Being artist-owned, Tidal frequently offers exclusive content that you won’t find on other platforms, including early releases, exclusive albums, live performances, and behind-the-scenes videos. This content is particularly valuable for fans of artists like BeyoncĂ©, Jay-Z, and Rihanna.
Amazon Music, while not as artist-focused, has also been investing in exclusive content, such as the Amazon Original series and exclusive playlists. However, Tidal still leads in this area, particularly for those who value early access to music from top artists.
5. Audio Quality: Standard vs. High-Resolution:
When it comes to audio quality, both Amazon Music and Tidal offer high-resolution streaming options, but they cater to different levels of audiophiles.
Amazon Music HD provides access to CD-quality and hi-res audio for an additional $5/month on top of the Unlimited plan. This makes it an affordable option for those seeking better-than-standard streaming quality.
Tidal, however, takes audio quality to the next level with its HiFi and HiFi Plus plans. The HiFi plan offers lossless CD-quality streaming, while the HiFi Plus plan provides access to master-quality audio, Dolby Atmos, and Sony 360 Reality Audio. Tidal’s commitment to top-tier sound quality is unmatched, making it the preferred choice for serious audiophiles.
6. Device Compatibility and User Experience:
Both Amazon Music and Tidal are compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, smart speakers, and more. Amazon Music has the added advantage of seamless integration with Amazon’s ecosystem, particularly Alexa-enabled devices. This makes it a convenient choice for users who are already invested in the Amazon ecosystem.
Tidal’s interface is sleek and intuitive, designed with a focus on music discovery and quality listening. While both platforms offer user-friendly experiences, Tidal’s design is particularly appealing to users who prioritize aesthetics and easy navigation.
7. Subscription Perks: Which Service Offers More Value?
Amazon Music’s integration with Amazon Prime is a significant perk, offering not only access to a vast music library but also other Prime benefits like free shipping, Prime Video, and more. For users who are already Prime members, the added cost of Amazon Music Unlimited or HD is relatively low, making it a compelling value proposition.
Tidal, while more expensive, offers value through its high-quality audio and artist exclusives. Additionally, Tidal’s HiFi Plus plan includes unique perks like direct-to-artist payments, where a portion of your subscription fee goes directly to the artists you listen to the most.
In the battle between Amazon Music and Tidal, the best value depends on your priorities. If you’re looking for an affordable, feature-rich service with strong integration into the Amazon ecosystem, Amazon Music is the clear winner. However, if you’re an audiophile or a fan of exclusive content and are willing to pay a premium, Tidal offers unparalleled quality and artist-centric features.
Ultimately, both services have their strengths, and your choice should be guided by what you value most in a streaming platform — be it cost, content, or audio quality.
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stevieweevie71 · 7 months ago
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#donaldtrumpjr #trumpforpresident #donaldjtrump #potus #instagood
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