#tic-tac ufo
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So I want to talk about the senate hearing today. I only just watched some highlights, but here's my thoughts anyway.
Actually, I just looked up who the people are who testified and that does temper some of my excitement. Still!
So this was an interview with some whistle blowers who supposedly have first hand knowledge of much of what's been going on in the background. Which really means, these are just some guys making claims. But apparently they're credible enough to get an 8 hour televised senate committee hearing, so I'm going to continue talking about this as though everything they said is true.
I think the most important piece of this is the timeline. Apparently government officials have had knowledge of non-human intelligence since the 30's. There has also been communication with these other lifeforms, not sure if that had a stated start date. Which follows that for at least the past almost 100 years, these lifeforms have been here but staying quiet and hidden. Most likely as some sort of agreement with the officials they've been in contact with.
One thing I thought was interesting was the reluctance to say "extra terrestrial". You could easily chock it up to a scientist not wanting to say without significant evidence, but maybe he has reason to suspect they are in fact terrestrial. With that idea, my mind goes to squids. Super intelligent deep sea squids who have been outpacing humans in technological development.
The other most likely scenario would be if they were from somewhere else in our solar system. The best candidate for that is Europa, the ice moon of Jupiter. Which, if they do have life, is most likely aquatic in nature which kind of still says squids.
The least likely scenario that still has some precedent behind it is that the beings are from Planet X. A "planet" which is as of yet unconfirmed to exist. This being true would lend a lot of credibility to the emerald tablets.
The final possibility is of course outside our solar system. That being true would completely change our understanding of the universe. It also is near impossible to say anything of merit about possible motives.
Here's what I think about those possibilities. I'm going to try to explain why they're here and hanging around as well as why they've agreed to keep quiet for so long. As far as why the human officials want to keep them hidden, the two obvious reasons are preventing public hysteria and getting special access to some limited resource. But really, humans are inherently irrational creatures and do stupid things pretty much constantly. Me included. Anyway.
First, Earth Squids. This is actually the easiest to explain. They also want to explore the universe. The crafts we are finding is them doing tests and trying to create a ship that can traverse outer space, and they're much closer than we are. They would rather not work with humans because we would slow them down and we're fighting all the time. That and our extremely different anatomies make it difficult to develop a craft we could share. That or they don't want to be nuked.
Next up I'll bring up the Anunnaki. Because, again, if that's real, then The Emerald Tablets are very likely to have a good amount of truth to them. They would probably be here with their tail between their legs a bit given the massive failures depicted. Scoping things out and trying to make things better all this time later. They wouldn't want to get too involved for fear of re-fucking things up. It would also make sense with the timeline because they apparently live 100s of Earth years.
The Europan Space Squids are probably the most difficult to theorize on. It would make sense to want to explore the only other place in the solar system with life on it. There are many little reasons to keep quiet, nothing big enough to be obvious enough to state here, at least for what I can think of. Though, if they are actually squids, that changes things significantly. They could not care about humans and being putting their efforts into connecting and possibly rescuing their brethren in the oceans. Or maybe Earth squids are actually from Europa and have been here doing research. It also brings up a less accurate version of the emerald tablets with all that entails.
Those possibilities all have some degree of not fully being extra terrestrial. If they are truly foreign to our planet, the only explanation that really fits is that they're researching. That could mean in a Star Trek scientific way of just wanting to gather knowledge. Or it could be in a opposition way to determine the most efficient method of eradication. This also applies if the Europans are not squids.
Those are my ideas based on what I heard said today. Purely conjecture from a layman. I don't even know how much I believe in any of this, but it's great fun to think about. This is still the most official thing we've seen regarding the existence of non-human intelligent life. I'd love to see it, and now I see a possibility of it in my lifetime. I won't respond quickly but please let me know what you think. Especially if you're not human.
#aliens#et#extraterrestrial#aliens and ufos#ufo#uap#uap report#uap hearing#senate hearing#star trek#emerald tablets#extra terrestrial#europa#squids#space squids#anunnaki#tic tac#i need to meet my alien girlfriend#i maybe sorta saw a ufo once#conspiracy#i don't think I'm crazy
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Pentagon released a UFO hotspot map (via aaro.mil) what the hell is happening in Poland
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Tic tac -kohtaamisia taivaalla
Tic tac -kohtaamisia taivaalla
Tunnistamattomien ilmailmiöiden, jotka tunnetaan yleisesti ufoina, arvoitus taivaamme laajoilla alueilla kiehtoo ja askarruttaa meitä edelleen. Äskettäin on tullut esiin kaksi kiehtovaa kertomusta, jotka herättävät sekä harrastajien että epäilijöiden uteliaisuuden. Niissä ei ole kyse mistä tahansa havainnoitsijoista, vaan koulutetusta sotilashenkilöstöstä, mikä lisää havaintojen uskottavuutta. Tutustutaanpa näihin salaperäisiin kohtaamisiin ja siihen, mitä ne mahdollisesti merkitsevät.
Joulukuun 22. päivänä 2023 Los Angelesin kansainvälisellä lentoasemalla (LAX) tavallinen päivä sai poikkeuksellisen käänteen. Lentoaseman toimintaa suorana lähetyksenä seuranneet lentokonetarkkailijat kuvasivat hämmentävän näyn: tic-tacin muotoinen esine leijui lähellä Air Force Onea tankkaavaa ja saattanutta tankkeria. Kuvamateriaali, joka poistettiin nopeasti internetistä, osoitti pallonmuotoisen esineen, jonka lento-ominaisuudet ylittävät nykyiset ymmärryksemme. Tästä havainnosta, josta käytetään nimitystä ”LAX:n Tic-Tac -tapaus”, on sittemmin tullut UAP-keskustelujen keskipiste.
Entinen F-18-lentäjä Jack Stewart paljasti henkilökohtaisen kohtaamisen samanlaisen esineen kanssa. Meksikonlahden yllä Stewart ja hänen siipimiehensä näkivät 40 jalan pituisen pallomaisen UAP:n, joka osoitti uskomatonta ketteryyttä ja nopeutta. Tämä korkeasti koulutettujen tarkkailijoiden kertomus tuo lisää aitoutta selittämättömien ilmailmiöiden narratiiviin.
Nämä kertomukset erottuvat edukseen lähteiden uskottavuuden vuoksi. Koulutetuilla lentäjillä, joilla on vuosien kokemus taivaalla, on vähän voitettavaa ja paljon menetettävää, jos he kertovat tällaisia tarinoita. Heidän yksityiskohtaiset kuvauksensa ja fyysiset todisteet, vaikkakin joiltakin alustoilta pyyhittyinä, tarjoavat harvinaisen välähdyksen tapauksista, joita usein peittää salailu ja epäilykset.
Nämä havainnot tapahtuvat samaan aikaan, kun kiinnostus UAP:itä kohtaan on kasvanut, ei vain yleisön keskuudessa vaan myös hallituksen ja armeijan piirissä. Se, että Yhdysvaltain hallitus on tunnustanut UAP:t ja perustanut virallisia elimiä tutkimaan niitä, on osoitus siitä, että nämä ilmiöt otetaan vakavasti. LAX:n ja Persianlahden kohtaamiset ovat osa laajempaa kertomusta siitä, että taivaallamme saattaa olla teknologioita tai olentoja, jotka ylittävät nykyiset ymmärryksemme.
Koska olemme mahdollisesti mullistavien paljastusten kynnyksellä, on ratkaisevan tärkeää suhtautua näihin kertomuksiin avoimesti ja skeptisesti. Vaikka maan ulkopuolisen teknologian mahdollisuus on houkutteleva, on yhtä tärkeää pohtia myös maallisia selityksiä. Uskottavien lähteiden tekemien havaintojen lisääntyvä laatu ja määrä kuitenkin venyttävät perinteisen skeptisyyden rajoja.
LAX:n ja laivaston lentäjien viimeaikaiset Tic-Tac UAP -tilanteet ovat enemmän kuin vain ohimeneviä uutisia; ne edustavat kasvavaa todistusaineistoa, joka vaatii vakavaa huomiota ja tutkimusta. Kun jatkamme näiden ilmiöiden tutkimista ja ymmärtämistä, on selvää, että taivas pitää sisällään enemmän mysteerejä kuin olemme koskaan kuvitelleetkaan.
Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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OVNI “Tic-Tac” foi avistado na Grã-Bretanha
Karen Brown, de Stockport, na Inglaterra, estava olhando pela janela da cozinha quando avistou o OVNI. Suas fotos mostram o objeto longo e brilhante – que, à primeira vista, parece a famosa “balinha branca” voando sobre as árvores na noite de setembro do ano passado. Foto: página pessoal de Karen Brown nas redes sociais. Ela viu um objeto retangular brilhante direto da janela da cozinha. Karen…
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How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world | In Trend Today
How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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#Celebrities#How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world#Money#Motors#Politics#ShowBiz#Sport#Tech#Trends#UK#US#World
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How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world | In Trend Today
How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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Hey. remember how this whole thing started years ago with that article abt the pentagons secrets ufo program. yea. turns out. high chances are that program was made to steal 22$ million of tax payer money, and pour some of it into fucking skinwalker ranch - which if you dont know is a famous paranormal&alien activity site that they made a god awful netflix show about - and to also "study" such things as werewolves, ghosts, mutated murderous beavers, intra-dimensional portals, and ufos. also love it bc one of the dudes involved is partially responsabile for that giant crazy "the us government abducted me to turn me into a super secret space agent who has superpowers" conspiracy theory floating around
.......werewolves.... taxpayer money... 22$ mill
lmaoooo we live in a cosmic joke. god damn
#further fule to my theory that they know what those tic tacs and triangles are (government tech) and just are covering up w aliens#like how they covered up millions dissapearing with 'we need national defense against ufo' but it ended up being used for....WEREWOLVES#AND MURDEROUS BEAVERS
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“Aliens are real” is a claim without evidence so far, but, like those guys from “The X-Files,” I want to believe. (Receipts needed.)
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More than a year has passed since elected leaders in Congress last heard from experts about mystifying objects outmaneuvering our military and claims of shadowy government programs to study alien spaceships.
The now-infamous congressional hearing was one filled with sensational claims about UFOs. Despite the government's rebranding of UFOs with a less-stigmatized acronym – unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP – the hearing still captivated a public long obsessed with ideas of flying saucers and little green men.
So, when military officers spent hours providing compelling testimony about not just strange craft whizzing unchecked through U.S. air space, but about a concerted effort of our government to capture and study those craft, the public was hooked.
The hearing served to reignite long-held public suspicions that the U.S. military and other high levels of government are suppressing information about extraterrestrial activity and galvanized a movement for transparency. Now that a little more than a year has gone by, the government has signaled that after years of secrecy, it's slowly coming around to the idea of sharing more information publicly.
But some lawmakers and advocates say it hasn't been enough. And now, they're on the verge of delving into the topic of UAP once again Wednesday.
Ahead of the next congressional hearing, here's what has happened since Congress' last foray into UFOs.
July 2023: Military officials testify about UFOs at last congressional hearing
In the July 2023 hearing, House members heard testimony from two former Navy pilots who came forward with information about objects routinely violating U.S. airspace.
Lt. Ryan Graves and Cmdr. David Fravor each provided accounts of specific incidents they had either witnessed over the years or heard about from other pilots they deemed credible. Some of the accounts they described were of aircrafts displaying capabilities they believed were beyond any known human technology.
Fravor himself was among Navy pilots who spotted the now-famous Tic Tac-shaped object that was captured in 2004 on video during a flight off the coast of Southern California. In testifying about the well-known sighting, Fravor described the oval object as "perfectly white, smooth, no windows," and displaying flight capabilities that were unheard of.
But the most sensational part of the hearing came when former Pentagon intelligence official David Grusch offered testimony about an alleged shadowy "multi-decade" Pentagon program to retrieve and study not only downed spacecraft, but extraterrestrial pilots. Without offering hard evidence, Grusch accused the Pentagon under oath of being aware of extraterrestrial activity since the 1930s and hiding the program from Congress while misappropriating funds to operate it.
The Pentagon has repeatedly denied that such a program exists.
August 2023: Pentagon unveils UFO website with declassified info
Within about two months of the hearing, the Pentagon's office to investigate UFOs revealed a new website for the public to access declassified information about reported sightings.
The site, operated by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) – a relatively new Pentagon program established to analyze UAP reports – also has a mechanism for military pilots to report sightings.
More than a year after launching, the site includes a handful of videos, some of which have been explained as commercial craft and some of which have been labeled as "unresolved." Each video contains a short description with an explanation by AARO of where it was captured and what characteristics the object was exhibiting.
Those who visit the site can also access an assortment of laws, memos, congressional briefings and press releases related to UAP.
But if you're going to the site to look for evidence of aliens, you'll be disappointed. In January, outgoing AARO director Sean Kirkpatrick – since replaced by Jon T. Kosloski – appeared on a podcast and made one thing clear:
"There is no evidence of aliens and there's no evidence of the government conspiracy," he said.
September 2023: NASA releases UAP report, appoints research head
Weeks later, NASA released a long-awaited UFO report affirming that no evidence existed to confirm that alien spaceships have visited Earth.
However, in what Administrator Bill Nelson described as a signal of the agency's transparency, NASA appointed a director of UAP research.
Because of the potential threat posed to national security and air safety, NASA embarked in 2022 on the space agency's first-ever study of UFOs, For the report, experts commissioned by the the space agency outlined ways in which NASA can partner with the U.S. government and private commercial organizations to better study and understand unidentified flying objects.
Legislation aims to declassify records, make reporting easier
In the wake of the hearing, Congress has sought to take action in the form of bipartisan legislation to demystify UFOs for the public.
Last December, President Joe Biden signed into law a watered-down version of a bill seeking the release of the executive branch's UFO records, which was included in an annual defense policy bill.
However, lawmakers like Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) and many UFO transparency advocates derided the legislation as disappointment. While the measure directs the government to disclose to the public at least some records about UAP, it grants various agencies wide latitude in concealing certain information.
Then, under a House bill introduced in January, commercial airline pilots who witness crafts flying through the skies in unexplainable ways would be able to report the UFO sightings to the federal government. Rep. Robert Garcia (D-California) and Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wisconsin) both sponsored the bill, which would create a mechanism for civilian pilots and other airline workers to report sightings to the the Federal Aviation Administration.
However, the bill appears to have since stagnated since its introduction.
Alien renaissance in pop culture
The fiery Congressional hearing served to reignite a public obsession with UFOs that first came to focus after the infamous 1947 Roswell incident.
In the past year, Netflix released a docuseries. Brands like MoonPie jumped on the bandwagon. And conspiracy theories flourished. Even the tourism bureau in Lexington, Kentucky, capitalized on the craze with a tongue-in-cheek marketing campaign to encourage extraterrestrials to vacation in the city.
The idea that, absent any immediate logical explanation, strange crafts sighted whizzing through our skies must surely be alien visitors seems to only continue gaining momentum – even as astrophysicists caution that the absence of obvious natural explanations for UFOs doesn't make extraterrestrial ones likely.
Some experts even see the UFO hoopla as "a widespread societal problem."
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What people are are saying happened at today's UAP/UFO Congressional hearing: ALIENS ARE REAL AND WE'VE GOT 'EM
What actually happened at today's UAP/UFO Congressional hearing: A former intelligence official, under oath, stated that he has interviewed people who have claimed to work on secret UFO recovery programs.
Also, he turned in evidence that was already declassified and signed off by the Pentagon.
And he was joined by 2 Navy pilots who, also while under oath, gave testimony to their experiences with UAP. One of the pilots was David Fravor who witnessed the famous "tic tac" ufo.
#ufos#the big thing is that congress is giving time and attention to the topic#but nothing brand new was revealed#also the Fed raised interest rates for the 12th time in a little over a year#ufology
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Policeman Lonnie Zamora in 1996, '74 & '64 on witnessing a landed Tic-Tac shaped UFO in Soccoro, NM
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The Sky Is A Petri Dish: UFO Notes
Animated anomalous notes on UFOs, now known as UAPs. Featuring flying saucers, triangles, tic tacs, orbs, metapods, shapeshifters and more.
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WARNING While inspired by conjecture, this animation is in it's entirety a work of fiction. All names, characters, events, objects, places and other entities appearing in this work are fictionalized. Any resemblance to real or fictitious persons or characters, dead, alive or otherwise, or other real-life, corporeal or non-corporeal entities, objects, places or events, past, present, future or within or beyond the scope of time, space and all multitudes and interpretations of reality is entirely coincidental. This work is for entertainment purposes only. Viewer discretion is advised.
#animation#artists on tumblr#ufo#uap#2d animation#artwork#blipform#art video#youtube#animated#aliens and ufos#aliens#3d art#3d animation#3d artwork#flying saucer#orb#shapeshifter#sky#clouds#triangle#phenomenon#👽#digital art#digital animation#animators on tumblr
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An observation concerning the current aliens/UFO craze: it's fascinating that it's popping up right on cue.
What do I mean by that? Simple: popular culture seems to go through a phase with being UFO-obsessed about every 20-25 years. There was, of course, the original outburst in the late '40s/early '50s (fn. 1). There was another big eruption in the late-’60s/early '70s. Then there was the first one I was personally around for, which was the late '90s UFO craze. (Full disclosure: kid!me was obsessed with this stuff.) Looking at the time-pattern here, you'd predict that the next wave would hit sometime around 2021-2024.
Oh. Bingo. Right on cue.
In a way, I find this pattern more interesting than the thing itself. (Honestly? The overwhelming majority sightings really do fall under the categories called "most normies have never heard of the planet Venus" [fn.2] and "actually that was an aircraft", though yes, in fairness there are some more-enigmatic ones like the now-famous US Navy tic-tac-toe footage and so on.) It fascinates me that this pop-culture craze pops up, regularly as clockwork, apparently about once a generation. What are we looking at here, a genuine cohort effect? (Most supposed cohort effects are actually nonsense, when you look closely at real data.) Why, of all things, is there an actual generational thing going on here, of all places?
I have no answers, but I do find this fascinating.
Footnote 1: I'm leaving aside the various bits of possible "prior art" such as the "ghost airship" thing from the 1890s, and the various pre-20th Century accounts that have been suggested as UFO sightings (there's a surprisingly-long pre-history to all this stuff, though obviously all of it falls under the category of "please keep your skeptical hat on" for it).
Also, interestingly, if there was a rolling phenomenon going on, there should have been another burst of it around the mid-1920s, though to my knowledge there’s nothing in that time-period that really fits. Whatever this pattern is, the evidence does seem to suggest that it started around the late ‘40s.
Footnote 2: as an ex-astronomer I really can't wrap my brain around it, but it genuinely does seem to be true that most people have no idea about what's in the night sky, even just the planets of the solar system? Most people have heard the names of the planets at some point and do vaguely-recognise them, but they have no idea at all which object they are in the sky, even though the inner planets are some of the brightest and most-recognisable things up there. Maybe my perspective's an odd one - I guess it is? - but I just find it so weird. Does anyone know anything about anything?
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How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world | In Trend Today
How UFO conspiracy became terrifying reality & security threat…from ‘Tic Tac’ craft to ‘alien bodies’ shown to the world Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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