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appelsauc · 5 months ago
tiapos has my fav object show intro after ggg.... Fav song and everyone looks so cute..!! Everybody having fun they're a big friend group ok friendly fun times fun happy time
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gins-stim-emporium · 2 years ago
no camera guy (TAIPOS) stimboard with no paw/animal stims (for anon!)
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red glitter
snow globe
ice cream
🎶weird bed and/or yes please🎶
fruit water
red gem
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444namesplus · 8 months ago
Achu Afi Ainpukten Akei Akekkikchunta Akim Aknengmiachuo Akushe Ammapai Amtinlei Anchantan Angchaun Anginsu Anhuku Anka Anmunan Anpa Anponpa Asainan Atin Atle Atlun Atneipa Awa Chakan Chaklio Chaonkapato Chapan Chappina Chapu Chasin Chauchupang Chion Chitakui Chungka Chupenu Chupimkanou Chwon Epun Eta Etung Faipa Feotu Fufa Hupa Ikatitmitpu Ikpouchisio Imkopi Impen Inesu Ingakeng Inpa Ipo Ita Itangonlei Itonpikailan Kaiko Kaini Kaium Kakiota Kanpu Kanteiku Kantulek Kaopito Kapa Kasunpo Kateo Kati Keipkului Keita Kekung Kenteshik Kepik Kepo Ketiannopi Kia Kianla Kichuki Kichunpi Kieian Kinoti Kioan Kiotu Kipentun Kipichu Kipo Kisai Kitope Kiun Kochaken Koit Konanlung Konenunna Koukmu Kua Kuchak Kui Kuichimuiu Kuinguikwonka Kuipa Kuitakake Kuka Kukanpa Kukekampuiu Kukkunta Kume Kumnin Kumoi Kumukei Kunpunpe Kuntapai Kuopo Kupa Kupinu Kushupa Kuta Kutape Lakeisai Laon Laopa Laotiki Lapakukopa Lapmiloian Latangpunlai Latka Lekapa Leko Lemta Leopa Likankan Linanpuno Liti Lungliusao Lunnao Luse Mankile Mentiu Mimniana Mioti Muke Munpai Nakua Nangopunata Nangti Naoung Nappe Natao Nentan Netati Neung Ngaipa Niam Nipa Nipiun Niu Noupa Nuipio Nuiung Nukolu Nukungta Nukupu Numin Nunna Nuoala Nupa Nupi Okanpapo Omni Ongchi Ongtita Onpen Oto Pachan Pachun Pae Paiet Paikei Paipa Paiponing Paitan Paki Pakue Pale Panchocha Pangipip Pangpa Pangpon Panguntankai Panpa Pansutunonpu Panta Papai Papatutaia Papekuitan Papin Pata Patopakaitu Patun Pelaipiu Pena Penapiuto Penla Penlan Pepa Pepatakuopat Pepu Pepupu Peuke Peunkukiut Piamte Piangpin Piapun Pichai Pien Piketi Pikkang Piktipupongpi Pinko Piosaum Pipukiu Pipungpuna Pipuo Pitenpantapa Pitu Pituo Pitupupan Pitutonpiu Piu Piuen Piuka Piukonimpam Piun Poiomin Poka Poktuto Pongpat Ponte Popa Popo Popon Popuo Potetaka Pouokiotepak Puampachun Puchi Puchitase Puichuntiopiu Puikut Puinei Puino Puipanti Puipo Puit Puka Pukio Pukku Pukokumeipu Puku Pumacho Punai Punape Pungpa Pungsa Punta Punun Pupa Pupapupu Pupeka Pupen Pupian Pupupu Pushuiti Puta Putap Puteun Putio Putitao Putu Putuikanku Saiu Sannaku Seiche Sekuopo Seoputu Seppaku Shetum Shioung Shipuku Sholi Shupe Siotipe Sipe Siukopupatop Siukoukao Sottanpe Suikumpumki Suolo Supapaitum Sutu Tachantei Taengatoipi Taengpata Taiku Taipakechum Taipeiappa Taipun Taiti Takae Takatunoppo Takin Takpa Talakpi Talapaoke Tanantei Tanei Taninmu Tankam Tanpipe Tansi Taokuka Taoliu Taon Taopaiukpu Tapa Tape Tapei Tapoto Tata Tati Tatituo Tatu Tatui Tatun Tatunpa Taun Tean Teanka Tein Teipu Teipun Teka Tekangchu Tekpia Tekuienpi Temilolikai Tenchang Tenchasa Tenma Teota Tepa Tepe Teppe Tepui Tesailio Teshunpa Tetaoke Tetaunan Teu Tian Tianu Tiapo Tihiannui Tikalou Tiki Tili Tilontapai Tilu Timpupian Tina Tinpoishiotui Tintui Tiokimashenpui Tipa Tipao Tipiche Tipikiotam Tipim Tipio Tipou Tiukik Tiuku Tiupan Tochi Toingietunta Toli Topapi Topumpa Tounetom Tuan Tucha Tuko Tukpen Tukuo Tungpa Tuntan Tuntu Tuokatu Tuokukan Tuotonpi Tupa Tupan Tupanapichi Tupinoitan Tupoao Tupu Tushanta Tusu Tutawu Two Ua Uka Ukaopiu Ukwa Umnapluo Umongtu Una Unao Ungki Ungpaopu Ungpon Unkenpunpiu Unnu Unpa Unpo Unta Upanaiun Upkake Upu Usape Utkuntukio Watun Wiula Wouta Yanchi Yangnukenku Youanlantoui Yuipata
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appelsauc · 4 months ago
What's your favorite object show??
TIAPOS :3 or any show greenyguy has ever made probably
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years ago
Notes from the lecture:
Te Whare Hera residency 
Co-hosted with Enjoy
Emphasis on writing and research 
Auckland based 
currently studying PHD at Elam 
Focus on sculpture, space and place 
has got history with Wellington, showing works etc 
Rānui, poverty-stricken area, half Māori, half Samoan
Connection to whenua, mountain, land, river, 
Waiho River 
Disconnection from land - loss - been turned into land-fill, etc 
Whiritoa Blow Hole
Going through past works/exhibitions - 2020 - 2021, 
Had a show every month 
Paeroa, 2020, Art Space Aoteroa, New Artists Show
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Paeroa, Ashleigh Taupaki Concrete forms of the Kaimai and Coromandel-Moehau mountain ranges. 2020, Above 
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Install shot - Above
Along the mountainside, pain to make, concrete
Disconnection from the land 
Group show at Enjoy, Māori Object, making work from what I have around me.  - Below
Broke on the way there 
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Ashleigh Taupaki, Toro, piko, 2020, detail, copper wire, harakeke, natural dye, māta, plaster, found rocks, pink spiral shells, pupu shells, melted glass, aluminium. Image courtesy of Cheska Brown. - Above 
Matā, 2020, RM Gallery, solo exhibition, 
Whenua, Placenta, and ground,
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Matā - Above. 
Tirohai, 2020, Playstation, Art Space, Interacting with Land 
Tirohia Ashleigh Taupaki 27/01/2021 - 13/02/2021 -Below:
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Paradies - 2021, Tautai, 
Different to other works/ previous exhibitions 
Moana Waiwai, Moana Pati - Samoan side, grandparents “Paradise” Migration - returning back, can’t retire here - Isn't “Paradise”
Elam Honours - sculpture - concrete works, carving, 
Games, hopscotch
colonial language zone
current PHD 
connections to wet land 
Doing a residency in Germany
Pigment and Tapa
Materiality - working out materials
Objects, understanding objects, appreciating objects 
“Walking backwards into the future”
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I thoroughly enjoyed this lecture, and found the way that Ashleigh spoke about her experiences and feelings towards her practice and life after art school really comforting. It’s nice to know that it is common to feel unsure about some of your art works and the future, & the future of your art etc.
I particularly liked Ashleigh’s Matā solo exhibition at RM Gallery in 2020.
“Matā can be used to sever the umbilical cord upon birth, and is buried with the whenua in a place that becomes one’s tūrangawaewae. With this in mind, Taupaki collects minerals and objects from places, or in reference to places, that are significant to her identity as a wahine Māori. Creating hammocks, beds, and appropriate display stands, Taupaki acts as kaitiaki for these non human beings, and allows them to take shape of their own accord. Ties to the whenua as both placenta and land are brought forth through reciprocal nurturing and memory”. - https://rm.org.nz/ashleigh-taupaki-mata/  (RM Gallery)
Both the concept of this exhibition and the aesthetics of this work, I find really attractive, and I suppose aligns in ways with interests and intentions of my own practice. Themes of Identity, objects, material, nurturing & memory, for example, are concepts I explore in my work. 
I enjoy the contrast of structure and soft, and use of materials and objects in this work, the hanging, and interaction etc - I find it really inspiring in terms of sculptural and install options for my own works. 
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