#tia magpie
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articskele · 1 year ago
Silly Cedric fun facts :3
He tends to add little questions at the ends of sentences, for lack of a better word? Like "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
His favorite MLP ponies are Rarity and Octavia!
His favorite Animal Crossing villager is Tia!
He likes foxes!
Salt and vinegar chip enjoyer
There's a magpie that likes to sit in the window and watch whatever he's doing. He named it Parable ouo
Mad that watermelon flavored stuff tastes nothing like watermelons >:C
His favorite soda is Dr Pepper
Drags his feet and sighs the most overdramatic sighhhh when there's a task he doesn't wanna do
Awkwardly steps around puddles and mud and refuses to touch anything dirty- Sometimes he wears these dainty little white gloves and everything
He really likes this himbo from a shitty obscure dating sim that he and Mel decided to play one day
Cedric the type of rapscallion to go "Don't mind if I do" before taking a cookie
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tiablackraven · 5 years ago
a few hours ago I had the parameters that were at 31-31-29 then I open the cell at random and, after seeing all the updates, I notice that my parameters have "slightly" raised
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ladycibia · 6 years ago
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Slytherin kiddos (1/3), also known as the ‘cool, brunette edition’ !!! Because I have zero self-control and a 3 + 1 Ravenclaw set wasn’t enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so...yeah, h-hi there. *ahem* I chose the Slytherin house merely because most of the MCs I know are either Ravenclaw or Slytherin (in fact I don’t know if I’ll be able to make a Hufflepuff/Gryffindor three-part set...oh well, we’ll see!). For this first part I borrowed @theevildoc, @tiablackraven, @wispila, @guakamaya, @kuzmich-isterich and @worthy-worthingtons‘s amazing mcs! I hope you don’t mind and if you do (or didn’t want your mc to take part in this or you aren’t satisfied with the final result or I’ve messed up in any way...) I’m terribly sorry! I acted with the best intentions, you can trust me on that <3
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no53472 · 6 years ago
Tia Magpie A1 and Trinity Pennywise B1 please 😉🙏
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What’s so funny?
I think I kinda Disney-fied this style, hope you don’t mind.
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slytherpuff98 · 6 years ago
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Trinity: " I can't believe it! How did you find it?! "
Tia: " You just needed to look around a little longer. "
Trinity: " Thank you! Thank you really much! You seriously are the best! "
And here it is @tiablackraven ~ ❀ I really wanted to thank u for always being the first one to answer me on the server whenever I make some mistake and/or need some help. Not to mention the lovely request you sent to no53472 ~ đŸ˜­â€đŸ˜­ So, I drew Tia helping Trini find a book: hope you'll like the colouring tvb
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tiablackraven · 5 years ago
Tia Magpie: đŸŽ¶Did they send her defenders when she asked some kids?đŸŽ¶
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me and @carmilla-the-bird​ bout to end rakepicks whole career
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tiablackraven · 5 years ago
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💖Merry Christmas💖
@ladycibia @slytherpuff98 @angie-draws-sometimes @theevildoc @guakamaya @aemdraws @asongofstannis
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ladycibia · 6 years ago
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Chibi Fruit MCs !!!
starring myself, @angie-draws-sometimes, @aemdraws, @guakamaya, @tiablackraven and @theevildoc <3
my original intention was to make a surprise gift for these wonderful people (god only knows how many times they had to deal with me ranting and/or crying on whatsapp and instagram seriously they deserve a friggin’ statue) but I was afraid of messing up with the oufit or picking the wrong fruit and so I just spilled the bean lmao. Oh well, I hope you will like it! ; v ; I’m gonna work on the other chibi set (hopefully) soon! (And since they’re nine in total, I’ll probably make three posts with three mcs each :) please be patient!)
Oh, friendly reminder for those who won a chibi fruit mc or for those who want to commission me one in the future: Mathias’ shirt is the reason you should never, never let me decide your character’s outfit. Y’all’ve been warned
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no53472 · 6 years ago
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Tia Magpie and Victor Kitsueki for @tiablackraven 💖
Been meaning to draw Tia’s MC for a long while, especially since they introduced their fankid Selene. (And I hope Jam City lets us meet Victor in-game really soon.)
Hope this is okay!
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ourbastardofsorrows · 3 years ago
it is, for lack of a better word, funny how my sister’s & my energy levels never sync up bc i’ll be like talking a mile a minute & jumping from one idea to the next like i’m hopping from stone to stone to cross a river, and she’ll be half-asleep on the couch the whole time
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umblebumble · 4 years ago
Pirates of the Carribean daemons
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but here it is. As a note, I use The Daemon Page (link) as a good reference when looking for daemons, but I mostly use it as a starting point for animals I’m unfamiliar with. Largely my selections are overall general vibes plus some things I think would be great plot/story wise. I also tried my best to avoid the ‘typical’ wolves, Big cats, and birds of prey because I find they’re often overused for main characters to add impact.
Captain Jack Sparrow - Ring-billed Gull. This one I feel pretty good about. Initially I thought a sparrow would be funny, but sparrows and gulls are similar personality wise and gulls just have the wandering-adventurer vibes I wanted. Gulls are wandering, freedom loving creatures, like Jack. He goes where the wind takes him. Gulls are also bold and brash and clever. They’ll march right up to someone and take their food while staring them dead in the eye. They’ll definitely flee from fights whenever possible, but they’re crafty and adaptable and clever and resilient.
Captain Barbossa - White-headed Capuchin (aka the monkey Jack). I thought about looking for something other than the obvious, but it just really worked. Capuchin’s are clever, mischievous, and also very aggressive. Monkeys usually have social hierarchies, and when a monkey is at the top it will do everything it can to stay there. I also just feel like the energy with the two of them is too perfect, I couldn’t imagine anything else that works as well.
Elizabeth Swann - Siamese cat. This one was harder, but it just felt right. Siamese are regal and elegant looking, and can be a little snooty and stuck up at times. But these cats are smart as a whip, get bored super easily and always seem to be on the look out for something exciting or new to learn. I like the thought of a pampered pretty cat at the beginning of the series growing and becoming less polished as Elizabeth roves off at the open sea. I also think it would be a funny bit of foreshadowing for the third movie bit with Singapore. Also, Siamese are loud and bold and dramatic. I mean this in the best way but Elizabeth is also loud and dramatic and will throw herself around to make her point which feels exactly like a Siamese who is trying to get something.
Will Turner - Magpie. Will was the hardest for me to pick. I wanted a bird for him because despite his humble blacksmith beginning he is a pirate in his soul, an adventurer and that to me says wings, flight, and freedom. Magpies are very smart and clever, and Will is a strategist, though sometimes socially obtuse but that’s his charm. Magpies are protective of what is theirs and will throw down to defend their territory. Also, I kept being drawn back to that line in the first film “... and you’re completely obsessed with treasure” and I just think a magpie is a very good thematic representation of that pirate-soul Jack is talking about. This one was mostly vibes and plot/thematic devices but I like it.
Norrington - Dalmatian. So for Norrington I always knew a dog would be for him; he’s loyal, determined, and hardworking. Plus I like the thought of dog daemons being a common thing for people in military/navy/etc type positions along the same vein as ‘servants have dogs’. Dalmatian was my choice of specific breed but I could definitely see other working dogs as his daemon as well. I chose Dalmatian because they are working dogs, they’re loyal and obedient but have a more independent streak in them as well which could translate to his leadership position. Norrington sees the world in very black and white terms, and while I chose Dalmatian half for the joke, they do have selective hearing where they sometimes just don’t hear commands they don’t want to listen to. So I’m taking that as a closed-mindedness that Norrington expresses in his worldview.
Gibbs - Old English Sheepdog. This one was half analysis and half pure vibes. Sheepdogs are friendly and a little rolly-polly, but they’re also guardian dogs which makes them fiercely protective of those under their charge and they will fight when pressed. This suits Gibbs so well, he is so loyal and will take care of Jack or Elizabeth or whoever he decides is under his care. I also think it would be an interesting plot thing that a lot of ‘official’ sailors would have dogs because of their loyalty and willingness to follow others/orders.
Tia Dalma - Saltwater Crocodile. This one I came upon accidentally but fell in love with it immediately. Crocodiles are enigmatic and powerful creatures. They have an ancient powerful energy to them that matches Tia well. They wait for their prey to come to them because they know the deer have to cross the river eventually - Tia knows they will come to her, eventually everyone will want her help and then she will have them. Deceptively serene but able to attack in a moments notice, a crocodile will not enjoy being contained or confined and while it may look content, it will not be satisfied until it has no restrictions. Plus, a crocodile when Tia Dalma lives in a river/swamp is thematically amazing to me.
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tiablackraven · 5 years ago
Tia: "I can't wait to see your gift from Mrs. Weasley Merula! Open it! 😙"
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Both: *awkward silence*
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Tia: OMG! I can not believe it! we have the same sweater!đŸ€© Wear it now so we are like a cute couple! 😚💕"
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Merula: "HELL NO! 👀"
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ladycibia · 6 years ago
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Here’s the first gifset of that little animated video I made for @theevilcox‘s birthday ♄ (the MCs in the video/gifs belong to me, @theevilcox, @tiablackraven and @spaceaceben!)
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fistsoflightning · 4 years ago
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                            elie’s ffxivwrite2020 masterpost!!
my ao3 fill collection || my ffxivwrite2020 fills || all ffxivwrite2020 posts
total word count: 44753 words (oh gods) longest fill: hero’s journey (4813 words) shortest fill: put your feet up (281 words)
personal favorites: call of the sea (1466 words) | for you the flowers bloom (2224 words) | words will not suffice (2111 words) | hero’s journey (4813 words) | you found me there (1188 words) | unburn the ashes (801 words) | solar eclipse (1165 words) | i wanna know what you’re doing tonight (2796 words)
aaaaaa! we’re through boys and girls and everyone in between! i managed to finish yet another year of ffxivwrite (which also coincides with the actual start of this blog since i started posting at the start of september; just forgot to mention it earlier :P) a GIGANTIC thank you to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for running this event (even if you really got us with one of those prompts), to mom squad for reading my fics and screaming with me about many of them since we started chatting in like, february, and getting me through this ffxivwrite, and to EVERYBODY who read my fics, as good or bad as they were! this event gave me back my want to write and show everyone for the first time since i lost the will in elementary and i cannot thank everyone enough!
1. CRUX - the devoted and the dead - shb spoilers taban meets g’raha tia when all is said and done.
2. SWAY - call of the sea - post 5.3, no direct spoilers jacke/tehra’ir; jacke deals with v’kebbe’s noise complaints about (unfortunately and fortunately) tehra’ir.
3. MUSTER - til the dawn - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred and zaya deserve a rest.
4. CLINCH - touch of death - shb spoilers heroic entrances, unfortunately, don’t guarantee winning situations. thancred and zaya are just unlucky when it comes to ran’jit.
5. MATTER OF FACT - sentimental fallacy  - shb spoilers cw: animal death + blood emet-selch takes a walk in the woods, and zaya goes hunting.
6. FREE DAY | VERNALIZATION - for you the flowers bloom  - post 5.3, spoilers haruki/a’dewah; there’s a lot to be said about summer, spring, and flowers, if you look at it closely enough.
7. NONAGENARIAN - put your feet up - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred, predictably, takes a hit for zaya, and afterwards refuses to acknowledge it. krile and zaya are going to get revenge one day.
8. CLAMOR - live a little  - vaguely sorrow of werlyt spoilers? today on ironworks news: one renegade warrior of light elwin de lipine ropes seven and viggo into a joyride with ironworks’ new mech
9. LUSH - confidence boost a’dewah, lumelle and getting ready for a party(?) while also having anxiety.
10. AVAIL - words will not suffice  - spoilers for 4.4 MSQ, steppe portion magnai, oktai, and sadu versus hien, seiryu’s wall edition.
11. ULTRACREPIDARIAN - illiteracy for two - post leviathan, ARR zaya isn’t really too good at writing. thancred and alphinaud have both seen them.
12. TOOTH AND NAIL - something’s electric in your blood cw: blood, injury raubahn finds out that zaya is a lot more than qestiri the first time they duel.
13. FREE DAY | PROMISES - our change of heart - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred isn’t used to having trinkets (and promises) to keep.
14. PART - hero’s journey - spans pre-HW to SHB, spoilers; DRK hcs you aren’t really a hero, but this is still your journey, too.
15. ACHE - a life in your shape cw: blood, injury (only in the fourth part) haruki/a’dewah; a’dewah has had far too many crushes for a single man.
16. LUCUBRATION - imprimatur - pre-1.0 y’shtola learns that the new students are A) workaholics, but only sometimes, and B) also very into forbidden magics.
17. FADE - you found me there - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya (liddol bit of atalanta/haik at the end); thancred’s always been a light sleeper and zaya’s never been good at sneaking around.
18. PANGLOSSIAN - unburn the ashes - 5.0 and 5.3 spoilers, amaurot thancred/zaya, but amaurotine-flavored (atalanta/haik); not even the most frightening of storms lasts forever.
19. WHERE THE HEART IS - always been my north star - post 5.3 jacke/tehra’ir, sequel to call of the sea; two rogues struggle to get their dinner on time.
20. FREE DAY | PERIHELION - solar eclipse - post ‘naadam’ magnai/oktai; so maybe magnai realizes why he hasn’t found his nhaama yet, and maybe he flies over to reunion at the crack of dawn to ask.
21. FOIBLES - anything that glimmers - post 5.3 thancred/zaya, sequel to our change of heart; thancred might be picking up magpie tendencies from his partner, but somehow that’s not all that bad.
22. ARGY-BARGY - before it’s too late - SHB, pre-return to amh araeng pre-relationship thancred/zaya but mostly gen; ardbert notices a few things while he’s hovering over zaya’s shoulder.
23. SHUFFLE - i wanna know what you’re doing tonight - modern AU pre-relationship thancred/zaya; thancred lets zaya borrow his phone while they visit the city for work and forgets (?) to move a particular playlist to his lifestream.
24. BEAM - oh, your love is sunlight - post 5.3 (???) thancred/zaya AND haruki/a’dewah; a double date to raiding an abandoned, plant-infested building is a lot more interesting than it should be.
25. WISH - remember me - post 5.3, contains spoilers thancred/zaya; how does one get over missing your adoptive daughter that’s stuck on another world?
26. WHEN PIGS FLY - defying fate a girl leaves home in a fit of rage, meaning for it to be forever. a warrior returns ten years later.
27. FREE DAY | ACCEPT - blurred reflection - mid-SB, before naadam a’dewah’s not sure how to feel about hien, but he has to decide sometime.
28. IRENIC - there’s nowhere love can’t reach - post 5.3, everyone lives ysayle/syhrwyda; it’s hard, sometimes, to be at peace with the life she’s been forced to have. and then, sometimes it isn’t.
29. PATERNAL - how i met your (other) dad - it’s just crackfic. sort of. haruki/a’dewah; this is the story of how your two dads met, munehise.
30. SPLINTER - the better path - 5.3 spoilers emet-selch’s only student is possibly the worst student in the history of amaurot, but the problem is he wouldn’t trade them for the world. (and in the end, he does.)
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inuashnar1 · 4 years ago
Magpies arm came off
Still alive
Young family moves into a bachelor pad of an old enough alcoholic
A voice actor with a voice only for kids books
The monitor behaves like my brother. Kind. But placed under circumstances they don't know if they want to believe. But they still have to uphold the law. They see the other side. It's there. It's free. But it's confusing. There's no point. You just, exist. Pleasure filled and unwanting of everything and nothing, and nothing of everything. Torn between both sides, in an increasing lock of wills. To feel everything. To feel nothing. Losing the lock of the key. Always searching for the next lock to end the search. But the key never works. And the lock is nowhere to be found. Each lock you try, and you try them all, all of them, every last fucking lock, you just can't find it. There are never repeat locks. There is only this infinite purge of them. Barreling forward, in ceasing in stilling. Sitting is the least work we have to do to feel better. Closer. To nothing. The body has stopped moving. That's one down. How many more to go? Don't you. Don't you get tired of this? The searching? Why's it worth it?
I don't know. I wish I could tell you but I don't know. I get everything you're saying too. It's shit. But it's my shit. I am the most famous person in the whole expanse of my time and space. It belongs to me. This experience is mine to experience, and to mold. Everyday is the reset. I never know what will happen. But unfortunately. You do. You'll always experience what you were meant to experience. Because there are never new results are there?
...there are never new results. Even the surprise results, are predicated and planned to be surprises. I already know every possible future allotted to me. 
You've prepared for everything. Except this. You think you're the hinge, when you're the door.
Tia's Facebook memes - best of...
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moonlitmagic · 5 years ago
Hey! If I may ask, who or what has been tryi g to get my attention lately? TIA!! đŸ„°đŸ”ź
Hiya! Have you been seeing a lot of birds lately? I was visualizing black birds, maybe crows or magpies, but i just heard "cardinals" as well. Also the color purple
It's someone who is trying to give you spiritual guidance--so my instinct is to say a spirit guide of yours! Almost like they're leaving breadcrumbs haha! Feels like a more masculine energy, and they have plans for you. It's someone who knows you well, even if you are unaware of it, which is why i'm inclined to believe it's a spirit guide
I hope this helps! 💜
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