Some Thyrrus headcannons i came up with on the spot
they're experts with plasma weaponary and theoretically can produce some of the best most powerful and safest plasma weapons in the entire galaxy. That wouldn't be fun though so all thyrrus plasma weapons, aside from having rgb lighting options, can also be overcharged until they inevitably explode catastrophically. if a thyrrus manages to get a shot off before it explodes in that state the damage is exponential and thyrrus 'gunslingers' in so much as they have that concept pride themselves on being quick enough to fire a shot with enough room to let the weapon cool back down. the true masters can even fire more then one shot. usually two.
being weird jellyfish squid things not only are they experts in cloning technologically but in biological cloning methods as well. however, contrary to imperial speculation and prejudices on the matter this has nothing to do with why thyrrusians have absolutely no regard for their own casualties and in fact each thyrrusian clone is considered a wholly unique sentient independent entity with all the rights any non cloned thyrrusian is entitled to in thyrrusian society.
thyrrusians do infact wear cloths, very elaborate and gaudy ones at that, but because of the biological material used to make their cloths imperial observers thought for the longest time thyrrusians did not wear them.
imperial command finds thyrrusian scouts and infiltrators particularly egregious to let slip through, not strictly because of the damage that can incur but because thyrrusian infiltrators and scouts exclusively array themselves in bright neon colours of particularly obnoxious palettes. most famously during early contact with thyrrus infiltrators an entire company of militarum tempestus were executed for 'failing to spot the flaming hot pink squidies', only for said flaming hot infiltrators to successfully eliminate imperial command of the theatre before blowing up imperial fuel reserves with a thermonuclear device. surprisingly what research has been conducted into how this is possible suggests that somehow the use of said neon colours is what makes them so effective.
thyrrusians being highly individual creatures tend to go into battle adorned in personal colours and garments then any strict regimentation of uniform. particularly powerful thyrrus leaders however will tend to have direct subordinates adorned in matching colours then not.
thyrrus cities are near impossible to invade, partly because of location as thyrrusians being such deceptively hardy people can and in fact are eager to build in highly deadly locations, but also because thyrrusian architect tend to ignore rational practices and layouts, ontop of their being no recognizable patterns in design principles outside of shared visual culture. even then what looks like a power plant or factory in one city might just be the local theatre or an art gallery in another. thus it is easy to get lost and disorganized in such a settlement which leaves invaders as easy pickings for thyrrus warriors and city defence networks.
well they might not look like it thyrrusians are highly deadly in close combat possessed of not only an erratic gracefulness of movement but deceptively powerful arms and tentacles along with their deceptively resilient bodies. a particular favoured close combat weapon of thyrrusians are electromagnetic ones fashioned into all manner of over designed weapons and dazzling in similar rgb lighting as their plasma guns.
thyrrus space ships tend to be ovular or circular in dimensions looking not unsurprisingly like giant jellyfish or squids albeit ones painted up in a multitude of colours with all manner of ancillary weapons and supports systems. popular thyrrus ship weapons tend to unsurprisingly be plasma or electromagnetic based, but one particularly noticeable ship weapon is the 'electriray discharge ray' a weapon that effectively fires a supercharged lightningbolt at enemy ships causing havoc in the form of power surges resulting in catastrophic and explosive ship malfunctions. that it is most effective at close ranges seems to be part of the point of its design. thyrrus warmachines and vehicles tend to follow similar principles.
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cappadocius · 6 years
Minor Xenos: Thyrrus
Sometimes 4chan produces something worthwhile. (The Thyrrus originate in GW’s old Xenology book.)
The CHAD Thyrrus >Goes to war for no reason >Makes tactical decisions that end up getting his warriors, the enemy and himself killed spectacularly >Doesn't care if he wins or loses, has no concept of victory or defeat >Has the ability to camouflage but instead chooses to display bright, clashing colors >Customizes his powerful weapons to flash annoying lights at the enemy >Extremely hardy, can survive even the most inhospitable environments >Has fun The VIRGIN Imperial Guardsman >Goes to war for his Emperor >Doesn't get to make tactical decisions, has to follow boring orders that get him killed unspectacularly >Wants to win and prays fervently to the Emperor for victory, is extremely demoralized by loss >Uses camouflage and gear appropriate to the battlefield >Doesn't get to customize his shitty weapon >Weak, cannot survive extreme environments without the aid of technology >Has no fun >Gets shot by his Commissar in case he has fun
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Thyrrus by Monster-Man-08
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cappadocius · 6 years
If GW treated all their factions like Space Marines
List of Codices:
Adeptus Astartes Series
1)     Dark Angels
2)     White Scars
3)     Space Wolves
4)     Imperial Fists
5)    Blood Angels
6)    Ultramarines
7)     Salamanders
8)    Raven Guard
9)    Iron Hands
10)    Successor Chapters (build your own chapter)
Astra Militarum Series
1) Fortress World Regiments (Cadia, Orask)
2) Death World Regiments (Catachan, Krieg)
3) Hive World Regiments (Armageddon, Necromunda)
4) Feral World Regiments (Kanak, Lacusta)
5) Penal World Regiments (Savlar, Merov)
6) Civilized World Regiments (Tallarn, Valhalla)
7) Industrial World Regiments (Vostroya, Mordant)
8) Feudal World Regiments (Atilla, Drook VI)
9) Shrine World Regiments (Maccabeus, Ophelia VII)
10) Slaves of Darkness - (Genestealer Cults, Chaos Cults, Gue’vesa)
Adeptus Terra Series
1) Ordo Xenos (including Deathwatch)
2) Ordo Malleus (including Grey Knights)
3) Ordo Hereticus (including Sisters of Battle)
4) Special Forces: Adeptus Arbites, Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Tempestus
5) Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence
Adeptus Mechanicus Series
1) Forge World Mars
2) Forge World Ryza
3) Forge World Agripinaa
4) Forge World Stygies VIII
5) Forge World Lucius
6) Forge World Graia
7) Forge World Metalica
8) Forge World Triplex Phall
9) Forge World Voss Prime
10) Forge World Gryphonne IV
Traitor Legions Series
1)    Emperor’s Children
2)    Iron Warriors
3)    Night Lords
4)    World Eaters
5)    Death Guard
6)    Thousand Sons
7)    Sons of Horus
8)    Word Bearers
9)    Alpha Legion
10)    Renegades (build your own chapter; including non-Chaos renegades)
Dark Mechanicum Series
1) Forge World Xana II
2) Forge World Uraniborg 1572
3) Forge World Temporia
4) Forge World Samech
5) Forge World Diesos
6) Forge World Cyclotrathe
7) Forge World Crucible-Omega
8) Forge World Abheilüng
9) Forge World Sarum
10) Forge World Ironghast Foundry
Immaterium Series
1) Nurgle Daemons
2) Tzeentch Daemons
3) Khorne Daemons
4) Slaanesh Daemons
5) Chaos Undivided and Unaligned Warp Entities
Asuryani Series
1) Craftworld Alaitoc
2) Craftworld Biel-Tan
3) Craftworld Iyanden
4) Craftworld Saim-Hann
5) Craftworld Ulthwe
6) Craftworld Altansar
7) Craftworld Il-Kaithe
8) Craftworld Iybraesil
9) Craftworld Mymeara
10) Craftworld Yme-Loc
  Other Aeldari Series
1) Drukhari (Dark Eldar)
2) Rillietann (Harlequins)
3) Corsairs and Outcasts
4) Exodites
5) Chaos Eldar
 Orks Series
1) Empire of Alsanta (Bad Moons)
2) Empire of Charadon (Deathskulls)
3) Empire of Octarius (Blood Axes)
4) Empire of Calverna (Evil Suns)
5) Empire of Jagga (Snakebites)
6) Waaagh! Ghazghkull (Goffs)
7) Freebooters
Necron Dynasty Series
1) Charnovokh Dynasty
2) Maynarkh Dynasty
3) Mephrit Dynasty
4) Nekthyst Dynasty
5) Nephrekh Dynasty
6) Nihilakh Dynasty
7) Novokh Dynasty
8) Ogdobekh Dynasty
9) Sautekh Dynasty
10) Thokt Dynasty
Tyranid Series
1) Hive Fleet Behemoth
2) Hive Fleet Kraken
3) Hive Fleet Leviathan
4) Hive Fleet Tiamet
5) Hive Fleet Hydra
6) Hive Fleet Jormungandr
7) Hive Fleet Gorgon
8) Hive Fleet Kronos
9) Hive Fleet Ouroboris
10) Shards of the Devourer (Make-Your-Own Fleet)
Minor Xenos Series
1) T’au Empire
2) Fra’al Empire
3) Xenarch Empire
3) Q'Orl Swarmhood
4) Thyrrus Kutiyattam
5) Worldweave of the Noisome Reek
6) Church of Dracolith
7) Uluméathic League
8) Draxian Hegemony
9)  Mercenaries (Sslyth, Loxatl, Galg, etc.)
10) Scourges (Hrud, Barghesi, Rak’Gol, etc.)    
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