unstablerk800 · 5 months
[ recline ] ~ if he's up for a snuggly Time Lord
Comfortable intimacy 💙
Connor was spending some time in an armchair. He took a liking to reading; enjoying to touch real books and practicing reading as humans did, he read for hours like this.
Apparently, he spent way too many hours there. He did not get tired, he didn't get hungry and thirsty, so he didn't need to get up from there. Perhaps that was why Theta made himself comfortable in his lap. The sensation of a warm, relatively heavy body against his chassis made the LED on his right temple glow with brighter blue for a few seconds. He liked it.
"How are you?" He asked quietly, moving one of his arms behind the other's back, rubbing gently. "Is everything alright, Theta?"
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meaningful-negativity · 5 months
"You know, if you decided to come with me… you wouldn't have to be alone ever again." Theta responded as he leaned back against the TARDIS. It was usually a rare invitation that very few ever had the pleasure of receiving, but he was interested to know more about this enchanting look-a-like. Theta's vanity aside, he knew darkness when he saw it, and like his own, he wanted to nurture it.
"Come inside." he beckoned the witch with a slight raise of his brows and a nod of his head. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? You name it, I've got it. Usually."
Matthew looks at this other man, the one that looks like him and chuckles "My mother before they burned her taught me not to just trust people on their word but it is tempting." He leans against the blue box as he gets a thoughtful look on his face "How do i know that once you get me in there you won't take me somewhere more dangerous to my life than having a bunch of hunters on my ass? i mean that takes a level of trust that i don't have with anyone anymore." Matthew then looks at Theta
"You have food in there? Maybe i can give you the benefit of the doubt for now. i am a bit hungry and you don't have to cook or anything, i usually just do things like that with my magic. ii guess that would be one reason to keep me alive wouldn't it so that i can use my magic to get us out of sticky situations." Matthew then chuckles and nods his head "The more i think about it the more that not being alone anymore sounds pretty good too."
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davidkarofskyindie · 2 years
thxta (Jason/Theta)
@thxta​ continued from (x)
Theta pulled his hands back from the controls as he sensed the other man moving  behind him. He braced himself against the console as he felt his companion’s larger frame closing in. Those strong arms of his on either side, enveloping him. The Time Lord was fairly tall himself, but his own frame and build was still much smaller. He hummed softly from the whispered praises, shivering from the sound of them, along with feeling the man’s body slowly pressing against him.
“Oh- I feel what you mean.” Theta gasped once he finally felt his companion’s body firmly against his backside. It excited him that his companion was finally warming up to him, in more ways than one. “Took you long enough.” he teased, turning his head so he could nuzzle at the man’s face. There was something about his scent that Theta just couldn’t get enough of.
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Jason grinned a little as he watched Theta turn back to look at him, being so close to the man’s face made him melt almost completely. “I know, I took my time to come around but... guess I finally realized just how much fun could be had, now that time is a little less of a concern” he whispered, his hand moving lightly just to rest on top of Theta’s. Sure the way he and Theta had met was a little unusual, to put it mildly, but the more time he was near the smaller man the more he enamoured he got.
He moved in just a little to kiss Theta’s lips firmly, his free hand moving gently around to the front of the man’s pants and ever so casually undoing them “Maybe I need to make it easier for you to feel me... I’m sure you don’t need to focus too hard on the controls right?” he whispered, pushing the man’s pants down just enough that he could feel his fingers against the bare thigh “I know you wanted this since you brought me on board... think you can really handle it all?”
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sinfvldelight · 2 years
So. I know that most of you are cool with understanding absences, and that I don't have to apologize, but I always feel bad for frequently disappearing without giving a proper explanation.
I've been struggling a hell of a lot, and I don't really have anyone to talk or vent to, but here goes…
Earlier this year, my mom and I moved from the third floor of our apartment building, to the first floor. Our landlord said they needed to fix the elevator, which could take a few weeks, to a month. Since my mom is an elder and has trouble walking up and down stairs, he offered us a newly vacant apartment that's easier for her to get to. That's all good, so we began moving. During the move, we were having trouble getting my big brothers to come and help (they're usually the muscle). Instead, they were lost in their addiction, binge drinking.
On the last day of our move… something happened to my oldest brother Samuel. An ambulance was called, and he suffered a heart attack and collapsed just before it arrived. They were doing CPR for over 15 minutes. During this time, his brain lost too much oxygen, and he couldn't wake up or even breathe on his own. A few days later, an MRI showed that there was too much brain damage… and if he did wake up, he wouldn't be the same. Soon after, we had to make the horrible decision, and end his suffering.
A month after his passing, my mom brought me and my other brother Jon to a church… with her friends supporting her… she told us that she has cancer, and found out a few days before my oldest brother collapsed. Before we panicked, she told us that its treatable, and her doctors are hopeful. We lost our dad to cancer in 2013, so that's why we're so worried. She's been going through treatment since July, and I've been her medical escort.
Along with all of these family tragedies weighing on my heart and mind, I'm also still suffering from scoliosis pain, general / social anxiety, depression, and a newly formed addiction. I hate that these sound like excuses, but that's what I've been going through.
I miss all of my muses so much. It's not just here that I haven't been writing, it's everywhere. This is the biggest and longest writer's block I've ever had, and it's no one's fault but my own. If you got this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
There's other things I'd like to say, but this is probably way too long as it is.
I hope you can all forgive me, and for those patient enough to stay, I will keep on trying to return…
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thxta · 6 months
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freak1ish · 1 year
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what horror trope are you?
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THE HAUNTED HOUSE. Decrepit and falling apart at the seams; time has not been kind to you, has it? Termites have nestled in your bones, and stray cats find comfort in your sinews. You may be victim to time and erosion, but your abandoned corpse remains a refuge for unwanted things. vermin and ghosts thank you. What greater kindness can there be than offering shelter?
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Tagged by @beastbitten
Tagging. @postguilt @grownpale @heirofhermes @thefair @malka-lisitsa @saralans @godzexperiment @grownpale ( Rust ) @notexactlyordinary ( Rose ) @irrwicht ( Akhos ) @coivi @thxta @ungraciousknight @scribedhorror @traumapyre @endl0ss @gunchamber @helldragged @hellceo and anyone else who sees this.
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anywherexwhen · 1 year
draft count
starters: @deathxproof , @kingofthewebxxx , @thxta , @sclfmastery , @resignedworkaholics , @11thsshadow , @xinflesh
drafts: 18
queue: 0
Since the muse is pretty strong and I have SEVERAL different AUs of this, I'm going to be building a separate blog for my FobWatch!Doctor. Anyone who liked this post or this one will be getting their starter from @timekeptx
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brendan-block · 4 years
“Can I just give you another hickey?”
Brendan eyed his double with an amused smile. “Yeh want tae give me another hickey?” he repeated with a scoff. “Sounds tae me like yeh want tae make doubly sure everyone knows who I belong tae. Why is tha’, I wonder?” He chuckled lowly. “Who are yeh jealous of?”
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Something didn’t feel right, and Theta just couldn’t put his finger on it. Then again, things usually never felt right. The Time Lord frowned as he stared up at the ceiling, still half in trance. He didn’t need much sleep if he ended up in this state. Slowly waking though, he reached up and rubbed at his face— and that’s when he felt it and realized.
There was a ring on his left hand.
Oh right, he was married. Wait what?
When Seth woke up it was to the movement of his husband beside him in the bed, he looked over and saw the Theta looked slightly surprised and unbelieving as he looked at his wedding ring “Now do not tell me that you are having a problem with the regular gold band now because you said you had no problems with it when we got it. I told you to let me use more money on it but you know how much power I put in the spells on it so no one could ever trace your skinny ass again.”
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unstablerk800 · 1 year
|| This is me, pulling an unsuspecting soul with me to Hell:
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(I forgot I asked oops 😅)
And then:
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I swear @thxta - you will not regret it. You'll 1000% cry during your playthroughs, but you'll not regret it. 😆💙
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timelxrd-victorious · 2 years
Your Character Arc
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𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖚𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖗𝖈
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
Stolen from: @rassilcn​
Tagging: @winloseorcharmed, @badassxbirdy, @badwolftylcrr, @thxta​ + whoever wants to do it
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thxta · 6 months
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freak1ish · 1 year
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THE BETRAYER. You like to do things up close and personal. As personal as you can get. You are an excellent actor, and you do ADORE putting on a smile knowing your worst enemy, the one you hate the most, doesn't suspect a thing when they tell you their deepest secrets. Your only motivation is revenge, and revenge you shall get. Perhaps you loved them once, long ago, but any fondness for your target you once felt has long since warped and twisted into perverse obsession, laced with malice and venom and seething hatred. Good or evil does not matter to you. All that matters is they get what they deserve.
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Tagged by. @viciousgold ( thank you <3 )
Tagging. @unclchale @talentforlying @handgiven ( Kesabel ) @ofwondersandhares ( Darius ) @malign4nt ( Santos ) @uncxntrxllable ( Ellie ) @ryfang @desafrey @thxta @ripcreel and anyone else who sees this.
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timelxrd-victorious · 2 years
What’s Peculiar About Your Soul?
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Your soul is... Ancient
The death of someone such as yourself is an event rarely seen... It is a great honor to harbor such an elegantly aged soul. So much twisted wisdom contained within that pulsing, coiling mass... So many revelations, loves, losses, broken promises, rekindled hopes. You are cherished, of course... For you are a magnificently rare specimen. But the horrors you have seen live as long as you yourself, harrowing and unearthly. You are blessed. You are vexed.
Tagged by: @anywherexwhen
Tagging: @tempusxrosa, @heroparadigm, @theeldritchmortician​, @thxta + whoever wants to do the thing
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