#thursday cross contamination tag
mindhowyougo · 10 months
the Harvest journey of:
win refusing to acknowledge morse when he calls out goodbye: i thought he was fond of her, in his way... the pair of you. strange tells morse about the met job offer. thursday goes to leamington. you should have said something, he later says to morse, but he sounds more upset than angry. it wasn't my place, says morse, and they both sense the lie.
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morse broods about this over a pint and considers the met job. he tells bright about it; there's nothing to keep me here. no family. and then the emotional slaughterhouse of the episode. joan has come to morse. she's lost, in trouble, and morse, in one of his bouts of forgetting the rest of the world does not operate on the rules of high romance, goes -- marry me.
in her shock, joan reaches for the safety of a script. she doesn't want his pity,
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and never mind what dad would say.
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(behold the hopeless smile of despair; these thursdays are gonna be the death of him)
it's interesting: this isn't miscommunication so much as a denial of communication. joan knows she is in no place, emotionally or otherwise, to consider the offer seriously. her response is a parry, returning one piece of out-of-place dialogue (a sudden marriage proposal) with another. the idea of morse pitying her could be projection, but that thursday would respond in the stereotypical overprotective dad fashion (well. how he responded to good ole ray, actually!) is a bit of a reach here, since her very first reaction to morse telling her about his new job is: how did dad take it? in joan's head, there is no separating morse from her father; they're tangled up in there, for better or worse (worse, so much worse ohmygod).
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the phone rings. it could be work, she says, and he smiles with glittering eyes and replies, in an answer that echoes down the years of his life: it wouldn't be anything else.
after they've wrapped the case, morse and thursday sit in the darkened nick, together but separate, as always united in direction but no longer side-by-side.
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thursday shares the good news about joan, but morse is so shattered, he cannot summon so much as a word of fake relief in response. he tries to make a proper (if secret) goodbye, but the moment the other man mentions the actual word, his nerve completely fails him.
thursday senses it anyway.
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and in the end, there's nothing more to be said, except everything they won't say.
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morse is losing him and he never had her to begin with; maybe he never had anything at all, except what was in his head
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same old story.
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aspenroman · 4 years
first dates and milkshakes (Poppy X MC)
Summary: By now, Belvoire’s worst kept secret is that MC and Poppy have been hooking up for weeks. Everyone knows, although no one dares say anything. One day though, MC works up the courage to finally take Poppy on a date. 
Tag: @simpforpoppy
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I wanted to create something short and cute for Poppy after this week’s chapter haha. It’s short but hopefully it’ll hold you over until I can get the second part of my Poppy fic done. #MakePoppyALI2020. Hope you guys enjoy:)
As she lays in Poppy’s bed, MC feels her emotions ricochet around in her chest. They’d had sex a few hours ago, but hadn’t bothered to change or get out of bed. It was a Thursday anyways, and the duo didn’t have any classes tomorrow. And although Poppy didn’t adamantly make her leave, the two generally parted ways on school nights. 
Tonight, the two lay together with the sheets haphazardly thrown over them. They’re still naked, but MC feels sated as she combs through Poppy’s mane of hair with her fingers. Occasionally, Poppy makes contented noises as she scrolls through her phone and MC is happy just sitting in the silence with her. However, there has been a thought that has been bothering for a minute.
“Pop?” MC murmurs and her fingers momentarily freeze.
The blonde glances up from her phone, “Yes, Farmsville?”
“Go on a date with me,” She blurts out.
Poppy fumbles with her phone as she drops it on her chest and turns, “What did you just say?”
“Go on a date with me,” MC says, more confidently this time, “we’ve been doing this whole thing for months. And it’s not just sex anymore, at least for me. I mean, you literally text me to hang out sometimes, just us. Everyone thinks we’re dating anyways.”
“Well, technically I’m still dating Brad,” Poppy scowls.
“Yeah, technically, you haven’t been seen with him since we took down Chloe at the club. I’m literally number 3, it’s not like your reputation will be hurt,” MC tells her.
Poppy’s eyebrows furrow together as she thinks. A moment passes before she nods, “Fine. On one condition.”
“You sound overjoyed to go on a date with me,” MC teases, “what is it Pop?”
“You take me on a Farmsville-style date. No fancy dinners or whatever, show me how a normal first date is,” Poppy turns away again and picks up her phone, “I’ve never been on a real one.”
“You want to see how the other side lives? Bet,” MC smiles.
Poppy cranes her head to look back at her, “Did you...just say the word “bet” as a response?”
“Shuddup,” MC leans down and kisses her and all of Poppy’s fight leaves her.
“Tomorrow, 7 o’clock,” MC continues, “I’ll pick you up from here.”
Poppy smiles up at her, one of her rare, genuine, unreserved smiles, “Okay.”
“Hi pretty girl,” MC coos as Poppy exits her dorm building.
“Hi,” Poppy’s face heats up, “thank you.”
There’s a moment of silence as MC stares at her girlfriend (well? sort of?) and takes her in. Poppy has on a very short white tennis skirt on paired with an over-sized sweater. It’s pretty casual for her, but damn do her legs look good MC thinks to herself.
“My eyes are up here,” Poppy teases and MC laughs and kisses her on the nose.
“Just enjoying the view, but I’m going to enjoy taking these off more,” MC smiles.
Poppy swats her on the arm, “Who says you’ll get that far, Farmsville? This is our first date, you have to woo me.”
“Uh huh,” MC laughs, “come on then, we’re burning daylight.”
Poppy’s nose scrunches in disgust, “Some of the words that come out of your mouth are questionable at best.”
“Y’all don’t say that here?” MC looks genuinely confused, “I thought it was a common saying.”
“Maybe for old people,” Poppy shrugs.
MC pouts and intertwines their fingers together as she starts to walk in one direction, “You guys are lame. Now come on, it’s only a few blocks away.”
Wordlessly, Poppy allows MC to pull her along until she catches up and they walk side-by-side. A few people stare at them as they leave Belvorie’s campus, but no one in particular that they recognize. Either way, MC is too absorbed in how wonderful Poppy’s small hands fit in hers and too overjoyed to break the moment. They don’t say much, MC too caught up in looking at all of the bright city lights around them. She’s been here for months but she still hasn’t gotten used to the view.
“You’re cute,” Poppy says and MC squeezes her hand.
MC smiles, “Thank you, Pop.”
Soon they reach their destination, MC watches the shorter girl’s face as she gazes up at the neon sign above them. Poppy’s eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as she reads it.
“You brought me to a...Steak N’ Shake? What’s that?” Poppy says.
MC laughs, “I’ll show you. It’s a staple where I’m from.”
The duo walk inside and the only waitress, a disgruntled woman who looks like she’d rather be anywhere then here, seats them at a booth. Poppy glances around the room and takes in the retro red booths and the black and white tile that lines the walls. Chrome lines the edge of the flooring and a metal table separates them.
“Well this is something,” Poppy tells her.
“Listen, back where I’m from it’s either you go to a Steak N’ Shake to hang out or a Walmart. I figured you’d like this more,” MC says.
Poppy looks at her, “Was this where your first date was?”
“No, no. My first date was with a guy who smelt like roasted asparagus,” MC wrinkles her nose, “was stuck next to him for what feels like forever, that stupid movie was way too long.”
“Was he your friend or something?” Poppy tilts her head.
“Tinder,” MC shrugs, “small town where everyone I knew either thought I was ugly or I had already friend-zoned. Wanted to fall in love but my town was too small, so I turned to the internet. Plus, it was much easier to talk to girls on there then in real life.”
“What can I get for you guys?” The waitress materializes and interrupts them.
Poppy looks at MC helplessly and the brunette resists the urge to laugh, “A vanilla shake and a chocolate one, oh and a large fry.”
“That all?” The waitress asks.
MC nods, “Yeah, that’ll be it.”
The waitress nods but her face reads ‘oh fuck, I’m not getting a tip from this table’. MC puts on a terse smile as the waitress turns and leaves before Poppy clears her throat.
“A vanilla milkshake?” Poppy raises an eyebrow.
“I know you don’t like chocolate flavoring most of the time,” MC tells her, “plus, it’s a classic. It was either that or strawberry and I know you’re allergic to those.”
“Wait, you knew that?” Poppy’s eyes widen.
MC reaches across the table and grabs Poppy’s left hand with her own, “I do pay attention, Pop. You mentioned it a few weeks ago when you ordered that salad from that Italian place.”
Poppy smiles again, one of those special, toothy smiles where her eyes light up, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me for being a decent human being,” MC waves the compliment off, “you’re my girl, I pay attention to everything you say.”
“Your girl, huh?” Poppy teases.
“I mean, uh, yeah if you’d like to be,” MC rubs circles onto Poppy’s hand, “I really like you, Poppy. And I know it’s only our first date but...”
“No. I like it,” Poppy interrupts, “It has a nice ring to it.”
MC leans across the table and with her free hand she grabs Poppy’s chin and pulls her to her so they can kiss. It’s a chaste and quick kiss, but when MC pulls away she’s smiling. A few minutes later, their food arrives and MC starts to open her straw before she places the straw in her mouth and faces Poppy.
“What are yo-” Poppy starts before MC blows hard on the straw and the wrapper flies into Poppy’s face.
“Got you,” MC giggles and Poppy blinks slowly.
“You’re dead to me, Farmsville,” Poppy says dramatically and pulls her hand away from her girlfriend’s.
MC sticks her tongue out, “Be that way then, fine.”
A beat passes.
“Can I hold your hand again?” Poppy murmurs and if MC wasn’t so close, she wouldn’t have hurt it.
To her credit, MC doesn’t antagonize her as she reaches across the table and intertwines their fingers again. With her free hand, Poppy places her straw in her shake and takes a sip.
“This is good, but why the fries?” Poppy asks.
“Take one and dip it into your shake,” MC says and does it.
“The fuck?” Poppy scowls, “Why would I cross contaminate?”
“Just do it, Princess,” MC tells her.
Clearly biting back a comment, Poppy does as she was told. As she chews on the fry, her eyebrows raise in surprise.
“That’s so good!” Poppy admits and grabs another fry.
“Told you,” MC says in a sing-song voice.
Poppy rolls her eyes but continues munching on fries as MC prattles on about this and that. Every now and then, Poppy makes small comments but lets MC do most of the talking as the two eat. When their cups are empty, MC pays for the meal and they walk back outside.
“You know what Farmsville, I really had a good time,” Poppy smiles.
“Does that mean?” MC waggles her eyebrows.
Poppy presses up on her toes and kisses her cheek, “Yes, you can come back to my room.”
MC yells in glee and picks up the smaller girl to twirl her. Poppy giggles as MC spins her in the air before she gently sets her back on the ground.
“Come on, pretty girl, daylight’s burning,” MC winks and Poppy hits her on the shoulder again as the two walk back to campus, hand-in-hand.
And MC couldn’t have asked for a more perfect night.
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not-my-patton · 7 years
Logan’s Suspicions
I swear, I always write these things at ungodly hours my time. Where is Remy when you need him? Anyways, this takes place after Patton’s Prisoner so I suggest reading that first. But really this can stand on its own.
Summary: Due do his restlessness, Logan decides to figure where Patton has been going these last couple days. And while curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. 
Word Count: 1278
Tag List: @patton-loves-coloring
Insomnia could, as Roman so often put it, suck it for all he cared. It kept him restless and forced his mind to keep churning and ultimately reduced his level of effectiveness. But his mind churning into the wee hours of the morning opened up the perfect opportunity for new questions. None of his brothers were there to pester him with questions and he wasn’t occupying with the menial task required to run a kingdom. Just him and his thoughts.
Tonight’s question: What was Patton doing up? The more ... emotional of the four princes wasn’t very subtle when it came to hiding his footsteps at 12:47 in the morning. But it wasn’t just one sleepless night and a venture to the kitchen for some food. For one, it was the complete opposite direction of Logan’s room, and the other was that this behavior has persisted on for three days now. There has to be some reason behind it all.
Logan rose from where he was relaxing and slid on the slippers Roman had gotten him for Christmas. He trekked to the door, pushing it open just wide enough to steal a peak into the hallway. Patton was right there, humming some tune Logan was too tense to figure out if he knew it or not.
He tucked himself behind the door, his shoulders tense and breath hitched. He waited, ears perked and at the ready. He could have swore a drop of sweat threatened to escape his pores. But the humming faded, and Logan was finally able to breathe. His shoulders relaxed as he leaned against the door behind him. Unfortunately for him, it was a push door, so he was soon sprawling on his back. The sound of skin hitting tile echoed through the corridor and sounded off longer and louder than he would have preferred.
Nobody saw that.
Logan picked himself up from the floor. He did not have his signature necktie to straighten in situations like this, so he would have to be content with pulling down the sleeves of his silk black pajama top. That being said, he still adjusted an invisible necktie as he followed Patton’s path.
It lead him to the stairway to the dungeon. Logan knew it was tradition for Patton to often comfort the prisoners the day of sentencing and the day before execution, but consistently? It seemed illogical to become attached to someone he knew was fated to die. One question answered, many more arise.
Logan waited for Patton’s voice to resonate though to the top before descending the stairs to the dungeon. He had never really like the place: it was the only place in the palace that didn’t have a book, it reeked from bodily waste among other contaminants, and people always tried to use him to beg for freedom. Why Patton enjoyed the company of such vagrants was simply another part of his brother he had never understood.
“What about you? How are you feeling?” Logan heard Patton ask the prisoner. The more logical one steadied himself in a position to both see and not be seen by the other two. Patton sat in a chair in the corner, arms crossed with a face of concern. The prisoner sat with his back to Logan, his black and purple jacket reminding him of Virgil.
“I’m like Vine.” The thief responded, and Logan struggled to process the all too familiar voice of cynicism and downsides. But it wasn’t possible. One of them had to be lying. But which one: the one with all the benefits or the one in all the trouble? More questions left unsolved. He listened on.
“How So?”
“Stop saying that. You know it’s not true. You are not dying in two days. We will figure this out!” Patton’s voice turned into his concerned parent voice, proving once again to Logan that this was truly someone Patton cared about.
“Look, Pat, I love you.” Potentially Virgil stated. “But please, can we not talk about that tonight? I don’t want to spend another 6 hours talking hypotheticals. If I don’t die Thursday, then congrats! We’ve just witnessed a miracle.”
“Okay.” Patton nodded. “But can you at least do the thing?”
“What thing?” There was a pause in the conversation, and it took the other a moment to catch on. “Oh, you mean ..?”
“Yes!! Please, for me?”
“You know I can’t say no to that face.” The prisoner said. Logan couldn’t see Patton’s face clearly from his vantage point, but he only assumed it was that pouty face that had practically fashioned into a weapon at this point. The logical brother watched as a purple aura surrounded the prisoner. It wasn’t shimmering or overpowering. It was just light that gently surrounded Virgil. No air quotes, as Logan was positive at this point. This was his brother.
Virgil waved a hand over himself, and his rags turned to riches. A smooth dark purple top with black accents scattered throughout. His purple hair was reflected even more with the extra shine and neatness to it. On his hands rested silver sparkling gloves, which didn’t last long. They were quickly discarded onto the floor. Patton squealed in delight at the transformation.
“Really don’t understand why Roman needed to include that design detail. I hate the gloves. The glitter will literally stick to me for a month.” Virgil complained.
“What? I like the gloves.” Virgil said.
“I thought you hated them.” Roman inquired. “Said it was the worst about the outfit.”
“I don’t know. They just grew on me.” The others missed the last part, but Logan being next to him heard. “Like a second skin.”
“Oh, c’mon. It’s not that bad.” Patton pleaded. “Stay in them, for me?” Virgil shook his head, quickly transforming back into his sweat jacket.
“Sorry, but if I’m going to be staying up all night answering questions, I want to be comfy.” Patton looked confused, as was Logan. The latter knew Virgil was talking about him, but how did he know? Did a toe or leg stick out from adjusting his position? Did he let some sound escape down the stairs or though some form of expression? However it happened, now was not the time to dwell on conundrums he’d never get an answer to. He had more pressing questions, and a willing subject to answer them.
“How many are you willing to answer?” Logan asked, stepping out of the peripheral. Patton looked surprised to say the least that he was here, but Virgil seemed ... almost expectant? Like it was only a matter of time before he deduced it all.
“Well, I’m not really going anywhere.” He stated, and Patton stifled a giggle. Logan remained where he was. “C’mon, Logan. I don’t bite.”
“I’m not worried about that. I worried ... about any after effects left behind by the snake standing in your place.” He replied, coming within reach of Virgil’s holding cell.
“I didn’t even think of that.” Patton muttered.
“I don’t think there is. He probably didn’t expect me to survive this long.” Logan’s eyebrow arched up at this. There was history between the two, that much could be inferred from previous interactions. But his wording made it seem as if ...
“Elaborate.” Logan rushed out, eager for more details. No, more clues. This was a mystery, one with a clear witness and villain. All the detective needed now was a motive and the crime.
“That depends. Where do you want to start?”
“Like all good stories do.” Patton said with a smile. There was an eager energy to him, but probably not for the same as Logan’s similar feelings. “At the beginning.”
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Sierra Leone Mudslide: Information Update and Sources for Donation
I added all of this information to a post already going around, but I wanted to make a new post with the information as well so it could be tracked in the tags.
On August 14, a mudslide killed more than 400 people in the mountain town of Regent on the outskirts of Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown, sweeping away homes and leaving residents desperate for news of missing family members.  
What happened and when?
A hillside collapsed on Monday at 6am local time (06:00 GMT), causing a mudslide on the outskirts of Sierra Leone’s capital of Freetown.
The mudslide occurred after three days of torrential rain.
The mudslide and rain overwhelmed Freetown’s drainage system, creating waterways that churned down steep streets across the capital.
Mudslides overran several houses killing hundreds of residents, many of whom were trapped inside their homes.
Military personnel have been deployed to help rescue those still trapped.
According to Sierra Leone’s president, an emergency response centre has been established in Regent.  
How many casualties?
The death toll has risen to nearly 500. At least 109 children are among those who have been killed.
It is estimated that at least 600 people remain missing.
The morgue at Freetown’s Connaught Hospital has been so overwhelmed by dead bodies that many of them have been left on the floor for lack of space.
Is it safe now? What is the latest on the ground?
Aid agencies have warned that there is a risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid spreading as more flooding is expected.
A local state of emergency has been declared.
Satellite images show extensive damage, with hundreds of buildings destroyed.
About 3,000 people are estimated to be homeless.
The Red Cross is struggling to excavate families buried deep in the mud that engulfed their homes.
What happened next?
The government of Sierra Leone promised relief to thousands of people left homeless, opening an emergency response centre in Regent and four registration centres.
On Wednesday, President Ernest Bai Koroma’s office promised “dignified burials” in the coming days.
The first of which is expected on Thursday at 3pm local time (15:00 GMT). However, according a local Freetown city council official at least 150 burials took places on Tuesday.
A week-long mourning was declared.
The International Organization for Migration released $150,000 in emergency funds.
The UN said it was evaluating humanitarian needs in the country and that “contingency plans are being put in place to mitigate any potential outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and diarrhoea”, according to spokesman Stephane Dujarric.
Turkey, the UK, Israel and the UAE vowed to send aid, including clean water, medicine and blankets.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OHCA) issued an official update (I’ve bolded the key points):
According to government figures, a total of 493 victims have been buried. The bulk of funerals took place during the first four days following the landslide. Reports from various sources indicate that hundreds are still missing but this figure is by no means verified. Substantiated numbers remain scarce since households’ numbers per demolished unit is uncertain. Excavation of bodies to be discontinued and the area will be demarcated for a memorial.
Rain are continuing as expected at this time of the year but no further flooding or damage has been reported in the last 5 days. Further assessments to date have not suggested any specific risk of additional landslides.
ONS [Office of National Security] list 5905 individuals (1247 households) in five communities as being directly affected by flood or landslide affected areas, referring to the following categorization:
Survivors whose homes have been rendered either temporarily or permanently uninhabitable
Households who have lost income generating member(s)
Those injured because of disaster (all categories also include consideration for vulnerable groups)
There are three identified holding centres (IDPs sites) [internally displaced persons] in Regent, Kamayama and in town.
The most vulnerable areas are Regent and Kamayama, directly affected by the landslide, other areas mainly affected by flooding. The Sierra Leone Government has decided to relocate IDPs from Regent to a safer environment at Old School compound in Hill Valley (about 5km away). School start is delayed by one week to second week of September due to the emergency. Registration of people in disaster-prone areas needs to consider long-term planning as well.
There are challenges in coordinated reporting from the five Incident Coordination Centres [ICC] set up close to affected communities, however steps are taken by the Office of National Security [ONS] with support from UNDAC [United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination] and partners to address these. WFP [World Food Program] is supporting the Registration Pillar Lead Ministry of Social Welfare, Women Gender and Children’s Affairs to digitize beneficiary registration and verify registrants with support from local community leaders.
Response efforts:
Overall the most urgent lifesaving needs are progressively being covered, in particular those related to essential household items, health and food aid. WASH [Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene] actions to prevent the contamination of water sources and prevention of epidemics are being undertaken.
Efforts should also focus on communities like Culvert who have not yet received some of the essential relief items. Support to the safe and dignified voluntary relocation of some IDPs to safer zones should also be a priority and should include the provision of essential services.
WFP has seconded a staff full-time to ONS [Office of National Security] Situation Room and UNDAC [United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination] has also two teams working hand in hand with them on the spot in field control centres and at the Situation Room.
IOM [International Organization for Migration] has deployed an information management expert to work with ONS on standardising registration and reporting from field Incident Control Centres (ICC). UK has also deployed two DFID [Department for International Development] staff working with the Government.
UNOPS [United Nations Office for Project Services] is doing mapping, surveys, satellite images and drone powered data as well as engineering advice, in close collaboration with the ONS [Office of National Security] and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). UNOPS handed over of 1,000 solar lanterns to the ICC’s and impacted households through ONS [Office of National Security] and WFP [World Food Programme]. WFP is providing trucks and light vehicles, tents and ICT support to the Government’s ICCs
The initial emergency phase of care for the wounded (over 200 so far), body recovery and safe and dignified burials is gradually shifting to a heightened surveillance and infection prevention and control phase. At least seven cholera kits have been made available by partners and the Government to cover potential needs for at least two months.
Public health risks exist from flooding of wells and latrines, proliferation of mosquitoes as well as water borne diseases. WHO [World Health Organization] is supporting MoH [Ministry of Health] for increased surveillance preparedness for malaria. Health pillar working to enhance cholera preparedness, including ongoing surveillance for acute watery diarrhoea. ONS [Office of National Security] briefings states that there have been a few cases of Diarrhoea but that no testing has come out positive for cholera.
WHO [World Health Organization] and Ministry of Health with support from a Spanish Police team are working closely with forensic team to do post mortem identification.
UNICEF [United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund] is continuing to provide infection prevention and control materials and essential medicines to the four main hospitals in Freetown. DFID [Department for International Development] has made available trauma kits to be supplied to emergency health facilities.
The need for psychosocial support has to some degree been addressed. ONS [Office of National Security] figures states that roughly 400 (mainly women and children) have received psychosocial support. UN Women has performed orientation on gender in humanitarian settings as referrals to interim care centres are on-going.
WFP and the Food & Nutrition pillar has completed distributions to about 75 % of identified households in areas affected by both landslides and flooding.
As of 22 August 2017, WFP has reached 1,908 households with food and nutrition support, expanding support to communities in Juba Bridge and Kanike (200 and 31 households, respectively). WFP also provided fortified complementary food to children 6-59 months at a shelter in Regent (200 children) and Kaningo (157 children). Planned food support to morgue and hospital workers is still pending.
WFP is working with NGO [non-governmental organizations] and private sector partners to determine complementarity between wet and dry food distributions at Regent, Kaningo and Kamayama. Welthungerhilfe, World Vision, the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society and other partners are providing cooking spaces and preparing wet food at shelters. WFP will work with these partners to support cooking of WFP rations at shelters, as well as preparation of condiments (e.g. leaf stew that typically accompanies rice).
The Water Resources Unit and partners are currently assessing WASH needs in the affected areas, to be concluded at the end of the week. UNICEF has supported Ministry of Health and Sanitation to set up a technical hub for coordination of WASH services at Juba barracks. Hygiene education is continuing at the two centres as well as in the communities that are within the vicinity of the centres. This will be scaled-up to reach more members of the community who have been directly affected by the flooding in both Kaningo and Regent
UNICEF continues to support the provision and delivery of water to the affected communities. In Kaningo, two 3,000 litre tanks and one 5,000 litre tank were provided. In Pentagon (part of Kamayama), one 6,000 litre bladder was established and 10,000 litres delivered to the existing water tank in Kamayama.
MSF [Doctors Without Borders] has installed 5,000 litres bladder in Regent and Kamayama communities and is currently mapping wels and sources at risk of contamination
In Regent, UNICEF through it implementing partners, has completed the renovation of existing toilets at the Saio temporary displacement centre, construction of two mobile latrines and two shower shelters, with each four rooms (two males and two females). 6,000 litres of water were also delivered.
In Pentagon, 6,000 litres of water were delivered, two mobile latrines, four hand washing stations and two shower rooms were constructed. Regular solid waste collection and disposal at the Pentagon school, including placing handwashing stations has also been completed. Construction of a rainwater harvesting system is now underway
As of 21 August, Street Child of Sierra Leone provided water and emergency Ready-To-Eat packages to 4398 people (1434 women, of which 202 pregnant, 325 lactating; 1922 children). Also 5 water points established (Regent, Kamayama, Kaningo, Calvert, and Dwarzack registrationg centres). Clothing distributed to 1615 people (478 children, 1137 adults).
Requirement to map at-risk wells and water sources along the river would be useful to support planning for chlorination to prevent contamination.
The regular supply of water to the two main temporary displacement centres by the Guma Valley Water Company is continuing.
World Vision SL supported 770 people at Pentagon with WASH intervention.
There is a need to determine number of households needing relocation from both long and short-term perspectives. Additional need to consult with and consider the needs for host families to identify hosting modalities. Shelter pillar currently considering duration of hosting as between 3-6 months for planning purposes.
Shelter pillar called by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), are producing a policy address shelter needs, including the issue of people either still living in or considering returning to identified ‘at risk’ areas.
The UN in Sierra Leone has contacted UN HABITAT and UNEP [United Nations Environment Programme] in Nairobi to mobilise support for shelter and urban planning issues as well as a possible environmental impact assessment.
The Government has announced that the reopening of schools will be pushed back to 11 September 2017. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need to relocate those in temporary shelters in time to ensure the readiness of the schools that are being used as temporary displacement centres and provide supplies to the children that have been affected by the crisis.
The Communication pillar is headed by the Minister of Communication and includes representatives from the UN Country Team. Information Kiosk are to be set up at the ICC areas to assist in community engagement and better access to verified information and support community feedback. There is a distinct need for coordinated messaging addressing risks, diarrhoeal diseases, including cholera and malaria prevention.
Pledges and Missions
ECOWAS [Economic Community of West African States ] (including WAHO [West African Health Organization]): $300,000 USD
Ghana team including Vice-President and NADMO [National Disaster Management Organisation] national coordinator have brought 10MT of relief items
Togo [Togolese Republic]: $500,000 USD
China: US$1million to the Government of Sierra Leone through its embassy in Freetown.
Spain: €60,000 EUR and deployed a technical team to help with body identification
UK: $5 million USD
EU: €300,000 EUR for vulnerable families affected by disaster (through local and international partners)  
Ireland: €400,000 EUR for START fund (International NGOs)
Mercury International: $55,000 USD
Africell : 67,000 USD
Red Cross appeal 4.8m USD asked
Israel announced it will send medicine, clean water, and blankets via the embassy in Senegal.  
Guinea and Nigeria also pledged support.
Morroco has send 66MT (tents, blankets, cholera kits). Transport by Royal Armed Forces
Switzerland has pledged $400 000 CHF [Swiss Franc] to IFCR [ Integrated Freight Corp] Appeal (WASH, primary health)
Qatar is sending cargo
UK has dispatched a team from the British Geological Survey (BGS) that is assessing the risk of further landslides in the already-affected zone
Liberia has forwarded 20 vehicles, medical and food supplies.
Spanish Police Forensic team will be helping on identification of victims etc.
I know this has been super long but we are talking about trying to save human lives so please bear with the long post.  
****Okay here’s the really fucking important part (PLEASE READ), how/where to donate:****
UNICEF USA  [United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund ]
Concern Worldwide [international humanitarian organization dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in the world’s poorest countries]
The International Rescue Committee [global humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization that responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives ]
Save the Children [international non-governmental organization that promotes children’s rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries]  
Public Good [donations funded to multiple other active nonprofit relief efforts ]
ActionAid [international non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to work against poverty and injustice worldwide]
Global Giving [501©(3) non-profit organization based in the United States that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects]
*please note: there are of course other places/sources to donate to, but these are the ones that I know are reputable/legit.
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yellowtoenailscured · 7 years
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Solution for Nails Review
See Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Solution for Nails Review in its original form on http://ift.tt/21h0PSU or go ahead and read it here.
With toenail fungus affecting so many people, it's no wonder treatments seem to be everywhere. While that may appear to be a good thing, it can be confusing when it comes to choosing the right solution. So, many people are looking for time-tested antifungal remedies that work. Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Solution for Nails uses an ancient ingredient that is a well-known antifungal agent.
Tea tree oil has been used in various healing methods for centuries. This treatment by Thursday Plantation has captured those healing capabilities. By basing their formula around the potency of tea tree oil, they've created an antifungal solution that is effective and works quickly.
While this isn't a 100% natural formula, its main focus is on pure tea tree oil and its effects. If you've tried other over-the-counter products that haven't worked or completely natural products that take too long, this solution offers the best of both worlds.
If you're looking for something to treat and control a fungal infection, it's worth it to give this formula a try. Pure Australian Tea Tree oil has many powerful effects and can help to clear up fungus quickly.
Want to Start Treating Your Nail Fungus ASAP? [easyazon_link identifier="B004XLR744" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] to Buy It on Amazon!
Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Solution for Nails Review
This article will focus on how Thursday Plantation's treatment for toenails works. We will look at the benefits of tea tree oil and its other ingredients. Other over-the-counter products contain tea tree oil, so what makes this one different? By understanding the effects of how it works, you can make an informed decision before purchasing it.
No one should have to deal with toenail fungus for too long. Let's look at the features of this treatment option, so you can start fighting back against fungus as soon as possible.
What Makes It So Effective?
The key ingredient in this treatment is Australian tea tree oil. Why is tea tree oil so great at treating toenail fungus? It contains antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Not only can it kill unsightly toenail fungus, but it can work to prevent it from returning when used regularly. Because of its additional properties, it also lowers your risk for other types of infection.
Tea tree oil is also a natural moisturizer and healer. If you have a toenail fungus, some of the symptoms could include brittle, crumbling nails. Unfortunately, it can also affect the surrounding skin of your nail, causing it to dry out and crack. The tea tree oil in this formula helps to prevent that and keeps your feet and toes looking healthy.
Additional ingredients in this solution include:
Undecylenic acid (another antifungal agent that stops fungus from growing)
Litsea cubeba fruit oil
How Do I Apply It for the Best Possible Results?
This treatment is incredibly easy to apply. It can be used twice every day for best results (morning and night). Use the following steps as a guide to applying it correctly:
Clean the nail and surrounding area. Make sure it is fully dry before applying the solution. For even better results, make sure the nail has been properly clipped so the formula can penetrate deeper into the infection.
Apply a thin layer of the medication to the affected area. The treatment includes a brush that can be used to adhere the product to the nail for an easy and quick application.
Allow the liquid to soak into the nail and surrounding skin.
Repeat twice daily.
Is It Safe to Use?
Keep in mind that this treatment is not made with 100% natural ingredients. So, there is always a slight risk that you may have an allergic reaction or sensitivity to something in the formula. However, this is rare. In most cases, the worst possible side effect might be a mild irritation to the skin.
There are a few safety precautions to understand before using this product. When it's used correctly, it's extremely effective. Using it incorrectly, however, may be harmful.
Don't use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult with your doctor to make sure regular use is safe for your baby.
Do not use on children under the age of two.
If you experience any extreme irritation or redness, stop use immediately.
Do not combine with any other type of antifungal treatment. Certain chemicals react negatively to each other and could have an effect on your body.
Finally, the biggest issue to concern yourself with is contamination. The solution comes with a brush for easy application. Unfortunately, the brush is attached to the lid of the bottle. If any part of the brush directly touches the fungus, putting it back into the bottle with the rest of the solution could cause contamination. Once the bottle has been contaminated, you shouldn't use it anymore.
A safer way to apply the solution is to use a Q-Tip or cotton swab. You can even add a few drops to your fingers and spread it over the affected area. Just be sure to wash your hands immediately afterward. If you're using this product as a preventative solution, you shouldn't have to worry about cross-contamination. But, if it touches an active fungus, it could cause spreading. It's an important safety precaution.
How Quickly Will it Work?
This treatment contains two different ingredients that are designed to help clear up fungal infections. However, how long it takes the solution to work will greatly depend on how long you've had the fungus.
Some reviews have suggested that you can see results in as little as a week. However, it may take several months before the infection is fully healed. The manufacturer suggests continued use of the product for at least two weeks after it appears the infection has cleared. This will help to ensure it doesn't grow back or spread elsewhere.
These results are based on using the product twice a day. You may see even faster results by using it consistently, morning and night. If you miss a dosage, it gives the medication time to wear off. Every missed application can result in a longer healing time.
It may not be possible to 'speed up' the healing of a fungal infection. But, paying attention to your feet each day is a good place to start. One of the earliest signs of toenail fungus is a white or yellow dot under the nail. When you notice these early signs, you should begin treatment immediately. If you let the infection go for weeks without treating it, you can expect any topical solution to take just as long to clear it up.
What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages?
This tea tree solution offers the best of both worlds. It contains both natural ingredients, and chemically-altered ingredients designed to kill toenail fungus. It's a great transition treatment if others haven't worked well for you in the past. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the perfect treatment option for everyone. Let's take a look at some of the strongest and weakest features. These pros and cons are determined by the effectiveness of the ingredients, and what others are saying about the product.
Uses two types of antifungal ingredients
Acts as a moisturizer for toes/feet
Easy to use
No harmful side effects
May take longer to work than other over-the-counter options
Included applicator brush could cause contamination and spread
If you are diligent in using this treatment, you'll see results. It's also important to keep safety in mind. Our suggestion would be to avoid using the applicator brush altogether unless you're using the solution as a precautionary treatment. It is much safer to use a Q-Tip or another type of disposable applicator.
Should I Use Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Solution for My Toenails?
If you've tried other over-the-counter solutions for fungal infections and they haven't worked, give this treatment a try. Though it may take a bit longer than others, the ingredients speak for themselves. Tea tree oil is a wonderful healing agent. It will help to get rid of the fungus and keep it from spreading. It will also protect you from any other types of infection.
Many people are making the switch to completely natural treatment options. While those tend to have less negative side effects, they can also take a long time to work. Some of them may not be effective at all. It can be a risk unless you know how the ingredients work. The great thing about this treatment is that even though it's not all natural, it is clear how the two antifungal ingredients work. They stop the infection from growing, which causes it to die out.
You'll notice healthy nail growth over time and with consistent use. As your nail starts to grow out, the fungus will continue to weaken. As always, it's best to use this product at the first sign of a fungal infection. That can significantly reduce the time it takes to work.
We hope this article has been informative enough for you to make a confident decision. This is a great treatment option for anyone who hasn't seen results from natural solutions, but who wants to avoid too many harsh, irritating chemicals.
If you like tea tree oil-based treatments, find out more about the 3-part Purely Northwest nail fungus system. The extra steps take longer, but you're more likely to enjoy lasting results.
[easyazon_link identifier="B004XLR744" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]CLICK HERE[/easyazon_link] to Read Consumer Reviews, View FAQs, and Check Current Pricing!
Our Verdict
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geekplus24-blog · 7 years
What's a known wellspring of malware doing in an iOS application? Ars explores Trojans, false positives, and the instance of inadvertent cross contamination.
At first redden, it looked genuine: a Web connection to a known wellspring of malware covered somewhere within an exceedingly evaluated application that has been accessible for a considerable length of time in Apple's iOS App Store. For a considerable length of time, antivirus programs have perceived the China-based address—x.asom.cn—as a provider of vindictive code focusing on Windows clients. Were the general population behind the operation extending their battle to catch iPhone and iPad clients?
Despite the fact that Macworld author Lex Friedman said the connection was likely safe, I wasn't so certain. As he called attention to, an iOS application from antivirus supplier Bitdefender cautioned that the Simply Find It application, last refreshed in October, contained malware named Trojan.JS.iframe.BKD. Much more suspicious, Google's sheltered perusing administration was bringing about the Firefox and Chrome programs to square endeavors to visit the address in light of the fact that it had been accounted for as an assault page. "Some assault pages deliberately appropriate destructive programming, however many are traded off without the learning or authorization of their proprietors," Google's consultative cautioned as of late as Thursday.
All in all, what was the connection, installed in a HTML tag known as an iframe, doing in a MP3 record included with the amusement? Who put it there? What's more, above all, would it say it was contaminating individuals who introduced Simply Find It on their iOS gadgets?
I addressed analysts gaining practical experience in cell phone security at Bitdefender and Lookout Security. In the wake of analyzing the application, they decided the application represents no hazard to iOS clients. That is on account of the adventures facilitated in the past at x.asom.cn (don't visit this site unless you recognize what you're doing) are intended to stack noxious code inside existing HTML records. While it can possibly do harm in certain Web-perusing settings, its nearness on the capacity gadget of a PC or cell phone is, actually, safe.
"While the code itself is vindictive set in the correct setting (i.e. in a HTML report), it has no symptom when infused into the wrong record," Bogdan Botezatu, senior e-danger examiner at Bitdefender, let me know. "There is no known instrument to date to adventure this conduct on clients' machines, and the document certainly does not represent any risk to the iOS clients."
Boteazatu theorized that the iframe was incidentally incorporated into metadata installed in the MP3 record, undoubtedly by a tainted PC that put away the sound document eventually.
Tim Wyatt, who is chief of security building at Lookout, concurred that the maverick connection was likely the aftereffect of unplanned cross-pollution.
"We certainly concur with the evaluation that there's no clear danger here," he wrote in an email. "It's reasonable an instance of a designer unwittingly including a record that was cleared up in the bargain of another framework without monitoring the infused content."
The hypothesis bodes well as anything I can consider, and Wyatt went ahead to note, it wouldn't be the first run through noxious code was incidentally inserted into a cell phone application. In February, Lookout analyst Tim Strazzere recorded the presence of connections inside an Android application that likewise indicated locales known to be noxious. He hypothesized they were included by somebody ordering the code with a contaminated PC. The application probably wasn't a risk to most end clients, in spite of the fact that it may have been an issue for cell phone running a custom adaptation of Android.
The issue of cross sullying sparkles a light on the application confirming procedure performed by both Apple and Google, which both organizations have so far kept genuinely murky. On the off chance that AV organizations can identify pernicious connections in iOS and Android applications, it appears to be sensible that the organizations running the App Store and Google Play can, as well. While vindictive connections have so far ended up being innocuous, programmers by definition discover approaches to make equipment and programming carry on in new and sudden ways. Next time, we won't not be so fortunate.
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mindhowyougo · 11 months
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it's interesting, because outside of thursday's single line in home about treating her right -- born from a misunderstanding that morse had taken her out to the nightclub -- these two never* really talk about whatever is going on with morse & joan. even after the bank robbery, and joan leaving, and morse tracking her down first, if they have words on it, it's not for the audience to hear. evasion of this conversation flies in the face of every similar setup on television re: the protective cop father (also supposed father-figure). is thursday not curious? does the idea of morse in the family ever cross his mind (and we know, surely it does, with the endless invitations to the house and family events). so why does thursday never say anything about it. not his business, you might say, but as he says later in the series after they've been estranged and made up: she's his little girl.
but also i'm thinking of the slow, wounded encounter at the end of coda, with thursday disheveled and morse wordlessly following him inside. morse's presence is not questioned; in fact, there's an almost devastated acknowledgement that passes between them in that moment. thursday never asks what happens between his daughter and morse, and this silence is reflected oddly in the moments shared between the two when they are alone. you never tried it on, joan says to morse in lazaretto, and it hits hard precisely because it's some of the closest they've come to explicitly naming the potential between them. but in typical Them-form, it's expressed as an absence; a lack, and in typical morse form he responds: it can turn out how you want it to, which sounds emotionally available but is still ultimately a bit passive, isn't it? he's waiting for her to find the words, define them. but she's thursday's girl; maybe she shares his inability.
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mindhowyougo · 11 months
the sheer romance (morse-style) of him piecing together joan's face from the police stock images used to recreate the face of suspects or missing persons. how long did he spend studying features, looking for a match to the shape of her eyes; nose; lips.
god, the music
and of course, morse cannot go to one thursday without leaving the other; his absence does not go unnoticed, nor unremarked upon
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mindhowyougo · 10 months
sorry to harp on this point yet again, but it makes me... insane, if wasn't already obvious, like for real deranged, when I think about the fact that thursday never said anything about morse and joan. It's one of those things that's easy to forget because it's more an absence than anything else, but when I remember I go a bit mad! his darling little girl and his bagman, and all he says, the one time he thought they had been on a date, is be good to her, which is so... readily accepting and not much different actually than morse's own instruction to jakes earlier in the episode, don't mess her about. there's care there but also a hesitation to interfere, and we can understand such a feeling more readily from morse than the woman's father.
did thursday never wonder what happened to this romance-that-wasn't? one date, didn't work out? was either one disappointed, carry a torch for a while after? surely the thought of having morse for a son-in-law must have crossed his mind even if for just a moment. did he mention the date to win? it seems clear he never did. he never! said! anything! to anyone! why?
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mindhowyougo · 11 months
The complex web of feelings around Morse & Thursday and Morse & Joan, and the cross-contamination of those two relationships as they fit in Morse's head.
In Apollo, he goes from fighting with Thursday in the television studio direct to picking a fight with Joan across town. Her (perfectly reasonable and polite) reminder about case confidentiality digs into the same tender site of rejection he'd been nursing from Thursday's behavior, and he overreacts in ugly fashion: lashing out about her new job (and her "look", jesus wtf morse). But what he's really angry with is the new status quo with Thursday back at the nick.
"I know you're smart," she says, "we all know you're smart, you don't have to prove it all the time." Morse isn't going to listen, because all he hears is the voice of her father barely an hour previous, accusing him of being chiefly concerned about his reputation over the truth of the case. What Thursday said was unfair (if not entirely wrong); what Joan says is entirely fair but it doesn't matter to Morse, who can't compartmentalize between the two.
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