#throwing rocks at trains WAHHHH
thrutheinferno · 10 months
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merry (early) christmas and happy holidays charmac nation!!!!!!
silly redraw of drawing from last year- wanted to post because i havent in SOOOO long i am sorry gang
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helpfulbug · 3 years
okay i have one final request 🙈🙈 as i was typing up my thots on your yyh post, something about kuwabara reminded me of vegeta and then i was like VEGETA... OUR MEOW MEOW MAN.. so 🤪🤪 i hav returned to ask 👉🏼👈🏼 da blorbo meme for dragon ball? 🥺
ohh sarah i had to wait until i was in the right mind set for this one...and since the mania has hit on monday im ready now >:]
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ofc its bulma!!! (i could also put vegeta here but as you said yourself he is THE meow meow so until later bestie) shes so epic i love that she and goku meet as kids and even as a young air head teen its established that shes extremely bright and innovative. despite being a genuis shes never the "quite nice girl" she always just speaks her mind big win for women
also every bulma outfit/style ever slaps so hard she never misses and never shows up w/o being dressed to nines even w a baby in her hand (my personal fav is the big hair red stripped dress of the trunks arc)
like all other women in db she got hardcore nerfed after becoming a mom but she got it a little better than chi chi bc at least she can have some plot relevance for technical stuff but still T_T can we get a working milf in here PLS the kids are off fighting after age 2 anyways
i will touch on this later more but my GOD the power the bulma vegeta marriage has in comedy alone one of the funniest things in anime ever i was just explaining it to the bestie earlier<3
also not to bring up a whole other timeline but FUTURE BULMA wahh the way she kept on going w a little kid when all of her friends and family were dead and build the time machine that saves the earth and puts her son into knowing if he manages to change the future this version of her will cease to exist or he will die in the past and she will never see her child again damned to survive the end of the world all by herself knowing she send her own son to his death TORIYAMA u didnt need to go this hard tears im my eyes just thinking about it wahhhh
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
i would have to say puar or chiaotzu.....i love that theyre just little guys and fiercly loyal to their besties they both also started out doing crimes and being evil for fun until they decided to be good actually so theyre quite similar in that way
tldr; theyre both shaped and i enjoy looking at them very much:)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
TEENAGE GOHAN hes soooo funny he saved the earth and then was just like ok time to return to school :) and then he has to use his superpowers but only in situations where he has no other choice and hes always in a hurry bc he cant be late for school! he wears bulmas lame ass superhero outfit w/o shame bc his sense of style is 10 years behind and calls himself the great saiya man so no one will recognize him as anything abnormal meanwhile he rides on a cloud to school every single day
on a more emotional note he had to help raise goten bc goku died before he was born....hes such a good older brother remember the episode where hes training and is like hey goten wanna throw rocks at me :} ? and goten almost kills him bc he doesnt know how the count down from 3 thing works anything wah wah wah wah siblings i very much enjoy thinking about^^
also he dabbed in the 90s before it was cool or uncool .... unbothered king....
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
shes an obscure fave in dbz only bc TORIYAMA FORGOT ABOUT HER but LAUNCH so epic so epic (i know shes supposed to be a funny take on "split personality" women but lol my city now) anyways she was so cool her design slaped and the ambush the enemy by sneezing and getting violent was always funny^^ also i thought she and tien were very sweet:) and i think there was a storyline where she wanted to get to the bottom of her condition and learn to be more controlled about it too? (iirc tho)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
OK HERE WE GO u all already know who im talking about the original short king (3 foot troll doll hair included) male pattern baldness icon he was pondering the orbs bc it was cool he never sets foot outside w/o the channel boots and gloves ON prince of 3 subjects the original trophyhusband his name is literally vegtable what can i say that hasnt been said..... unironically one of my fav characters ever
also his cultural impact where would we be if vegeta hadnt felt it coming in the air that night...
lets not forget no trunks gender w/o vegeta either (thank you KING)
also gt only so this is a bit obscure but hes so WIPPED for his daugther (i think hes also making up for missing most of trunks childhood) the episode where she disses his cursed mustache and he IMMEDIATLY shaves and goes through the house waiting for ppl to compliment him on it OK WORSTIE
on a more serious note vegeta orgin story MY GOD. being fully aware when his planet was blown up that being taking in and working for the guy who did dude he was like 6 wah wah wah i know its been memed to death but the namek saga scene where hes deadly wounded and PLEADS goku to kill freeza for their people MAN.
also bonus german dub tidbit but SPONGEBOB VA VEGETA i think they did it bc he sounds similar to the french one? anyways we have this cursed combo intil after the first goku vs vegeta fight iirc
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
i would also say vegeta here but no doubles so im saying in a non joking way
master rochi DIE OLD FART
also toriyama for every shitty racists depiction in dbz wtf is mr popo bro
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
well superhell is p much canon in dbz and quite a lot of ppl have been there so idk
if its for gay reasons i would say trunks he is the fruitiest dbz character for SURE
OH also mr satan just bc i think it would be funny (i dont remember if he already made it in there sorry)
also i know hes already in there but freeza can spend eternity in that cocoon on that tree
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