halopigg · 4 years
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Since it’s going to be 2501 degrees in Los Angeles this weekend I figured it’s a good time to post these @never2501 pieces from, you guessed it, #RichmondVA! I’ve seen that the algorithm hasn’t been showing my recent posts much love, perhaps it’s the #Shadowban or perhaps IG just doesn’t like #ThrowbackContent... I do have to ask though, is it me? Do you all enjoy seeing this re-hashed old content? I’m sure many of you weren’t following my #streetartspringbreak adventures back in 2015 so really I’m hoping it’s new content for you... Maybe it’s the heat? #2501 #Never2501 #richmondva #richmondvirginia #rvastreetart #muralism #muralart #artingwithhalopigg #streetartspringbreakroadtrip (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwrRFnnqSO/?igshid=4fu8ul3qm5hy
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