skyclan — year five — newleaf
petalnose dies.
thriftbloom becomes a warrior.
echosong breaks her leg.
freyja is curled up in front of me and she is the cutest thing i know. i love her.
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oteehem1na · 5 years
Thriftear could of had a better name...
Suggestions: Thriftbloom, Thriftpetal, Thriftwhisker, Thriftheart, Thriftclaw, IDC anything but Thriftear.
Wtf lmao.
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skyclan — year six — newleaf
birdpaw, honeypaw, and sandypaw are apprenticed to mintfur, thriftbloom, and nettlesplash.
cherrytail has five kits, balsamkit (small, mottled brown and white tom with teal eyes), hurricanekit (intimidating she-cat with pale brown patches and teal eyes), mistkit, needlekit (pale brown tom with faint stripes, white paws, and teal eyes), and silverkit (white she-cat).
sparrowpelt retires because fuck you ig.
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skyclan — year four — newleaf
mintpaw and sagepaw are apprenticed to waspwhisker and petalnose.
cherrytail has three kits, pinekit (white tom with flecked, golden patches), thriftkit (white tom with one blue eye), and tigerkit (she-cat with yellow eyes).
and that's it. a good and peaceful season.
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skyclan — year four — leafbare
leafstar has her kits! firekit, stormkit, and sunkit are born. (i'm sorry i can't do another round of harrybrook. i can't. sun from sol, even though i've been ignoring sol because he's fucking annoying to keep track of. @kizulu coined it. i am now promoing kizulu. please read her fics they're amazing.)
in the flood,
macgyver, waspwhisker, pinepaw, baykit, and stormkit die.
or, like, because of. some might die after.
after, nettlesplash, plumwillow, and rabbitleap become warriors. thriftpaw is reapprenticed to petalnose.
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skyclan — year seven — newleaf
thriftbloom dies.
birdwing becomes a warrior. yes it took that long.
hurricanetail, mistfeather, needledawn, and silverberry become warriors.
cascarapaw, cloudpaw, and madronepaw are apprenticed to rabbitleap, echosong, and sagenose.
vanillakit and windkit die.
tinycloud has four kits: breezekit (cat with white paws and hazel eyes), orangekit (red tom with stripes and hazel eyes), pinekit (dark grey calico she-cat with gold eyes), and sprucekit (red tom with white paws and hazel eyes).
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skyclan — year seven — allegiances
leader: sharpstar (5y). tabby tom with broad shoulders, powerful hind legs, and green eyes. (apprentice — silverpaw)
deputy: mintfur (3y). grey she-cat with blue eyes. (apprentice — birdpaw)
seer: echosong (4y). silver-grey tabby she-cat with a white chest, and green eyes.
clovertail (7y). she-cat with white underbelly and legs.
tinycloud (3y). small, pretty white she-cat.
sagenose (3y). tom missing an eye. (apprentice — needlepaw)
nettlesplash (3y). brown tom.
rabbitleap (3y). bulky, large, intimidating, short-furred brown tom with amber eyes, a torn ear, hunting skills, and a knowledge of herbs. (apprentice — mistpaw)
thriftbloom (2y). (apprentice — hurricanepaw)
sunbrook (2y). tom with a paler underside. (apprentice — windpaw)
honeytail (1y). pale ginger she-cat with long fur and green eyes.
sandynose (1y). huge tom.
plumwillow (3y). small she-cat with rough fur. (kits — cascarakit, cloudkit, madronekit, vanillakit, windkit)
cherrytail (4y). she-cat with green eyes. (kits — birchkit, larchkit, poppykit)
sparrowpelt (4y). brown tom with yellow eyes.
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skyclan — year six — leaffall
a pretty eventful season actually!
honeytail becomes a warrior.
hurricanepaw, mistpaw, needlepaw, and silverpaw are apprenticed to thriftbloom, rabbitleap, sagenose, and sharpstar.
plumwillow has six kits, cascarakit (blind she-cat), cloudkit (small, thick-pelted, dark grey tom with a white chest and amber eyes), madronekit (she-cat with white paws), swampkit (small black she-cat with yellow eyes), vanillakit (black she-cat with green eyes), and windkit (black and white she-cat with yellow eyes).
what, it's busy for them.
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skyclan — year six — allegiances
leader: leafstar (4y). mottled, pale cream she-cat with a brown tail and a scar on her chest.
deputy: sharpclaw (4y). dark ginger tabby tom with broad shoulders and green eyes.
seer: echosong (3y). grey she-cat with a white chest.
cherrytail (3y). sleek, brown she-cat with green eyes.
sparrowpelt (3y). dark tom with yellow eyes.
tinycloud (2y). small, slight-framed she-cat with deep blue eyes.
mintfur (2y). she-cat with blue eyes.
sagenose (2y). small tom.
nettlesplash (2y). pale brown tom with green eyes.
plumwillow (2y). grey she-cat with amber eyes.
rabbitleap (2y). bulky, large, intimidating, short-furred brown tom with amber eyes, a torn ear, hunting skills, and a knowledge of herbs.
thriftbloom (1y). deaf white tom with one orange eye and one blue eye.
sunbrook (1y). grey tom with a paler underside and amber eyes.
clovertail (6y). light she-cat with a white belly. (kits — birdkit, honeykit, sandykit)
patchfoot (5y). bulky, black and white tom with green eyes.
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