prelogged-into · 8 years
Dear Santa!
How are you? How are things going over there at your place? I hope not as bad as I’ve heard. Namely, I’ve been reading “Gloria” (Croatian gossip magazine) lately and I couldn’t help but notice that you and Mrs. Santa Claus are getting a divorce! OMG! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s not true but I still had to ask. After all, “Gloria” has always been a newspaper of truth and accuracy. Nevertheless, send my best regards to your (ex) wife!
I guess that’s enough about you for now – let’s talk about me for a minute or two. (Don’t worry, my desires are not as nearly as big as they could’ve been given the fact that I didn’t demand anything from you last year.) Therefore, since I’ve been on my best behavior throughout the whole year, this year, I do have some wishes for the upcoming Christmas.
And here they are, listed and described:
The watch
A few years ago, a certain hand watch really caught my attention but, for some reason, I never bought it. Here is the thing: its dial  represents a stone table around which 12 knights sit. Each of them has the sword laid on the table facing its center. As you can probably guess, their swords stand for the hours on the watch. I know that this description is not the best but I hope you’ll manage to fulfill my wish.
Free 10-year ticket for ZET trams and buses
Although this may seem like I’m joking, I’m not. Speaking as an average student, I truly, urgently, desperately need this! Sooo, if you could get me that, it would be swell!
Golden key
The idea crossed my mind while I was taking a shower. As you can guess, I would like a key made of pure gold. Unfortunately for you, that’s not all. I would also like that the key really opens something (door, chest, locker etc.) and that someday, somehow, I run into whatever it is that you will have stored there for me. However, if that’s too much to ask, just bring me a golden key (large one) and I’ll simply sell it but warn me in advance if you intend to do so.
Aaand.. More or less, that’s it. As you can see, my wishes are not that enormous, they’re just a bit complicated. Best of luck making them come true but you should know that I’ll be more than grateful if only one of the presents is delivered to me. And of course, Merry Christmas to you, your elves and your hopefully-still-a-wife Mrs. Santa!
by double-edgedSword :)
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volghan · 4 years
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Three Wishes via /r/funny https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hxk7kh/three_wishes/?utm_source=ifttt
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volghan · 4 years
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Three Wishes via /r/funny https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hxk7kh/three_wishes/?utm_source=ifttt
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