#three of them after the desintegration of it had a completely different development
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alcestas-sloboda · 2 years ago
I'm seriously going mental over this Rus' and Russia distinction. The precise reason Peter the Great changed the name from Moscovy to the Russian Empire was to establish a direct connection to the rich history of Kyivan Rus' and assert the claim as the sole true descendant of the Rurik dynasty. His thought process went like this: to build a formidable empire, a strong historical foundation is needed. Moscow's ties to the Mongols were not as significant as the history of the Kyivan state, which prior to the Mongol invasion of 1240 was one of the most advanced in Europe and had numerous representatives in various ruling dynasties. Credit must be given; he succeeded in doing so. Even centuries later, I find myself reading, listening, and observing his actions in effect as Russians and Europeans, blindly following the centuries long lies, erase my country's and my people's history.
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douma-s-bride · 5 years ago
Kny x Khr(katekyo hitman reborn)
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long post ahead im sorry im on a friggin phone so bear with me and buckle up owo
Maybe ill write some crossovers hc but @lightofthedeep did amazing fanarts and wrote some really cool stuff: here
i wanted to try to associate some kny characters to the dying will flames from reborn. Im only going with the primary one but some characters might have some characterestic of 2 tho I don't feel competant enough to go with the earth ones. My list is not perfect feel free to disagree and put your input. There will be spoilers from both of those fandom mostly for the kny manga. I also used those post:here, here, here and here to help with my decisions. I recommend you read them if you want to have a better insight or if you are curious.
Tanjirou Kamado: 100% a sky flame user. He share some similarities with Tsuna. He does'nt seem to be the type willing to take the lead but he have the capacities to do so. His sense of smell goes well with the sky flames insight and the principal harmony characteristic of the sky flame. I wouls see him using the hyper intuition.
Nezuko kamado: I had to think really hard becsuse I am leaning toward sun and lighthning since both of those flames traits applies to her a lot but surprisingly lighthing. Her fighting is close to the sun users characteristics support both offensive and deffensive and healing but with the impulsivity of lighthning users. She goes straightfowards using he demon blood art technique thay can be destructive at the risk at turning completely to a demon. Also her ambition to protect is very strong.
Zenitsu Agatsuma: 100% lightning not because of his breath but because of his impulsivity. He shares some traits with Lambo who needs to be reassured constantly and they both do their best. Also lightning users are both on the defense and offence and can be pretty dammaging if we look at his first form.
Inosuke Hashibira: surprisingly a rain user but he does have some of the storms users characteristics. He is also a bit similar to Squalo. Inosuke tends to starts fight tho he is'nt the one to back down and at one point he questions his strengh in a similar way Yamamoto did. The principal trait I identify him with the rain flame is thay rain users tends to be supports, they slows down the ennemy or does a diversion the best exemple would be the fight against Douma.
Tamayo: a mist she have that mysterious vibe i get from her and her blood demon art techniques are closes to what mist users does they stands on non close combat.
Yushiro: a lighting when it comes to tamayo he will do anything to protect her and he also got the impulsive of mpst of the lightnings.
Sabito: sun, he his the one to tell Tanjirou to surpass his limit and his proeficient in his training and his abilities in a fight.
Makomo: Mist, the way she talk reminds me of mist user they are also observant and we can see that when she helps Tanjirou with his training.
Kanao Tsuyuri: A mist flame user I think she shares some traits with Chrome Dokuro like they both struggles to make their own desicions at the begining. Also Kanao having a good eyeshieght and the last form of the breath of the flower reminds me of the vongola gear lenses.
Genya Shinazugawa: Another lightning user, he fights from the side lines and got the impulsivity and ambition of becoming a pillar so Sanemi can accept him.
Oyakata sama: Sky, he has that calming aura that bring peace and harmony, his pillars respect him deeply. He easily accept the kamado sibling situation.
Mitsuri Kanroji: Sun she is active on her physical strenght, she is supportive of everyone and is'nt afraid to show it.
Iguro Obanai: A cloud flame , he kind of reminds me of Hibari, He does his thinga on his on way and does'nt really cares about others opinion.
Himejima gyomei: lightning, he his a strong support and he have a good defense. He isn't mich impulvise as others lightning users but he is loyal to oyakata.
Giyuu Tomioka: A rain user, he does'nt tends to goes in fights but is drawn to them due to his job. I can see some parallels with yamamoto when he questions himself about his position as a pillar.
Shinobu Koucho: surprisingly a storm flame user, their main caracteristic are desintegration and desctruction it can applies well to her poisons. Also storm users have strong desires and it can be self-destructive do I have to remind you wich drastic measures she had to take to kill douma.
Rengoku Kyoujurou: A sun user. Sun users are active in and out the battlefield, they rely to mostly strenght and/or speed. Rengoku is super passionate and supportive he used his skilled to protect a lot of people in the train arc.
Sanemi Shinazugawa: Storm, his breath of the wind is pretty destructive. Storms users tend to get in arguments easily. He did'nt hesitate to draws his own blood to prove a point.
Uzui Tengen: Sun he his present for those around him. He posses a great strenght and speed. Sound goes well with the activation characterestic of sun flames and put his energy in takong care of his wives.
Muichirou Tokito: mist what can i say he fits fits with most of mist flames users. we can see he is elusive and he can change after his encounter with tanjirou in the hidden village. He kind of reminds me of Fran.
Muzan Kibutsuji: Surprisingly a sky flame user. He would be able to use the flame of wrath xanxus uses since it's a combinaison of both sky and storm and he reminds me way too much of oresent xanxus. The harmony characteristic of the sky flame can be seen in Muzan. in a way he hates changes and he want to keep the hierarchy of the 12 moon the same for the longest decade.
Kokushibou: storm i mean did you saw him fight against three pillar he is in the center of that battle and have a good offense. Also the complex he had woith his brother illustrate some of his desire i dont really know how to word it.
Douma: If we take in consideration his lack of emotions and beliefs im not totally sure if he would have a peticullar flame since flame users needs to have a strong resolve to develop a flame. Tho if we set asides that he would surprisingly be a sky flame userbecause of his polyvalent style of combat. He understands how others act/react in battles pretty quickly and him being a cult leader he knows what to do to keep it at peace. He reminds me of Byakuran because of that goddamn fake smiles and the playful act.
Akaza: A sun type he focus a lot on getting stronger and his fighthing style is pretty similar to Ryohei's punches. He does'nt hesitate to speak his mind with enemies he finds strong.
Hantengu: cloud, he his cetain he is innocent despites what his actions and he multiply trough his differents personalities.
Gyokko: Cloud his skills of turning things to fish go along the propagation ascpect of the cloud users also he won't change his manner and artworrks usually stay the same.
Daki: lightning she got the impulsivity when it comes to her childish behavior she also take what she want and the uses of her sash is pretty convinient of the offence and defense.
Gyutaro: A cloud user his poison his dangerous and goes with the propagation aspect. he have a lot of pride and he won't change anytime soon.
Enmu tami: Well it's kind of obvious he is a mist user. Those users are eluvise and act from the sidelines and non in hands on hands. Enmu blood demon art is close to illusions. He would have a secondary cloud because Enmu is the type to calculate a precise plans and have some difficulty to adapt to changes.
Rui: storm He goes to great lenght to achieve his desire of feeling bonds with his fake familly. When he battles he does not hides his killing intents and his skills are destructive.
Kaigaku: a storm, he got a strong desire of being reconized by others even at the cost of becoming a demon himself.
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