#threads || cody and charlie
staywskz143 · 11 days
Eyy I was wondering if you were interested in making one of those rb story threads for the It Takes Two AU
We can cut off some of the gameplay if you want, to make it more plot focused.
sure! so long as Charlie is their daughter, also remind me who we decided to be May and who to be Cody?
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ahc-au · 7 months
🪝 Who keeps leaving all these hooks everywhere?? 🪝
💫 Hi! We are Adelram and Charlie/Trauma (both of us use all pronouns) and we are completely normal about this AU! There are definitely not thirteen Google documents full of notes under our rug!
🌏 This AU is centered around the many loose threads that Fast Forward didn’t have time to elaborate upon after the ninja turtles went back home. President Bishop’s morality is questionable at best, Cody’s only family left is a war criminal on the run, the Dark Turtles don’t even have proper names… and the world of 2105 is new and vast, who knows where life will lead us?
💫 Link to the AO3 fic series! ;; Character ref/intro masterpost! ;; Link to the AHC Vibes Spotify playlist!
🌏 Tags! #ahc art for our art ;; #ahc fics for fic updates ;; #ahc asks for chatting with you! #ahc cinematic universe is for vaguely related aus we made based on this au!
Adelram's other blogs - @violetvulpini (art blog) ;; @adelrambles (ramble blog)
Trauma's other blogs - @secreterces5 (art blog) ;; @teenagemutantninjatrauma (turtle blog)
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canonically-a-genloser · 10 months
four times Randy and Henrik were fathers to Paislie, and one time she got to be that for Cade.
a/n: i did these in chunks all starting at two in the morning im so sorry for whatever this is about to be or if it doesnt even make sense nrhfrhh-
(sorta edited? nrjffh-)
Paislie couldn't feel shit.
All she knew was, she'd been masked a long time and it felt like her brain was turning into jello.
Inky blackness floated in her vision as she stood at attention, the perfect picture of an innocent lamb that Showfall had dressed around the core of a monster.
Her weak thread of consciousness seemed to simply float around in the darkness. She was unable to do anything unbidden, and though her mind was neither entirely free nor hers, her senses would stay vaguely intact enough to either follow directions or know whether she was in danger.
All day long, she'd heard footsteps come and go, people speaking about her in low voices, and the like. She stood at alert, ready to follow any instruction, but none came.
She'd supposed the ones she could hear now were no different until they came to a quiet stop in front of her.
"Hey," a familiar voice said, and the tiny corner of her brain that was still hers felt a little happier. It probably would've been much more so if she were sure the person who was speaking wasn't mad at her.
"They said you could- should probably come get some rest," Randy told her. "Thought I'd come get ya."
It only took him a second of bemused staring to realize she couldn't verbally answer him.
"Oh, yeah. The mask- yeah." He paused for a second. "Well- either way. We should probably get you to bed. Don't want you to be sore from standing all night when the mask comes off. Come on."
Paislie only tilted her head a little bit. She'd thought Randy would hate her, she'd fought his basically-kids and gotten herself masked. Being a little extra sore would be getting off the hook lucky enough.
"Come on," he repeated, his voice more gentle this time. "It's okay. I know."
What did he know? Did he know the full story? Did he know she probably deserved what she got, like Sneeg had said in the first place? Did he know she'd jumped to anger first even though Charlie had tried to help? Did he know she'd accidentally hurt Charlie anyway?
She looked down. If she'd been able to, she would've cried. Randy should hate her, he deserved to, just like Harmony deserved it, just like August and Kimberlee and the twins-
A gentle hand on her shoulder brought her spiraling train of thought back to the corner of reality she could still process.
"Mask comes off tomorrow. We'll talk about it then. Okay?"
He held out a hand to lead her to her room, and again, if she could have, she would have let out an audible sigh of relief. He wasn't mad. At least not too much. He didn't hate her.
She took his offered hand with genuine quietness that no effect of the mask could ever replicate.
Something about it calmed her down. She figured Randy knew that, though.
Henrik didn't question it when he saw Randy with a masked Paislie beside him. He even picked up one of the blankets from where it was folded at the foot of the bed and handed it to her.
At least for now, she figured, they trusted her. They weren't angry or disappointed or anything else she'd convinced herself they would and should be.
And until they talked it out, she figured, that was enough for her.
At first, Paislie had laughed when Henrik offered to cut her hair. In Showfall, everyone got simple haircuts that were quick and easy to effectively maintain. Nothing complex, no special requests. Just a trim or rarely a slightly shorter cut, only enough to make it look nice.
"I've got time," Henrik told her.
Paislie had just finished explaining to him how she wished her hair were shorter, among other non-Showfall approved ideas, but she still hesitated.
"You should just take your break," she said after a second.
Henrik smiled. "You're sure?"
When Paislie paused, he shrugged. "I've got a pretty clear idea of what you were describing. It's quick enough," he added.
"Right, but they'll notice."
"You're one in maybe a thousand people here, they've got more pressing matters than someone's hair getting cut a little extra. If you want, I could put it in a bun for you afterward so they can't tell how much is there."
She sighed, a half-smile on her face. "If you're sure you won't be in trouble for it."
" 'Course I'm sure," he said with a matching smile, nodding towards the wardrobe room. "Come on."
So it was, less than half an hour later, Paislie's hair only reached to her shoulders at the longest, and her bangs were layered better than she could've gotten even from any of the other employees who did actors' hair for the shows.
Henrik almost looked nervous when she didn't say anything for a moment after seeing it.
Paislie had never thought she'd have this much time just for her after she couldn't act in shows anymore. Once she couldn't be loved because there was no more need for her to be, once she wouldn't need comfort anymore because she wasn't physically hurt.
She sighed, smiling as she realized she was breaking down over a haircut, every part of her longing to hug Henrik out of simple gratitude.
"It's perfect," was the only thing she could think to say. "Thank you."
The older smiled down at her. "Don't sweat it. I'm glad you're happy." He paused for another moment. "We could mess with the wardrobe stuff for a while if you want. I think they got new stuff in."
"Hell yeah," Paislie said, her smile only getting bigger as the two headed towards the heavy black door.
Paislie couldn't remember being this sick since she'd been resurrected.
She'd been instructed on what to do, told to use her inhaler more liberally if she felt like she needed to, and gotten certain medicines recommended to her- half of which the mall didn't even have.
But even the best that could be done short of getting reset wouldn't help if you literally couldn't breathe in the first place.
She let out a hoarse cough, to which every muscle in her body gave a protesting ache.
This was pathetic, she thought to herself. She was seventeen, far more than old enough to take care of herself, and yet she'd gotten herself so sick she couldn't even talk. Or work up the energy to move, she added bitterly.
And of course there was a meeting today.
Her eyes opened slightly as that last piece of information occurred to her. She tried remembering what day today even was, but her brain didn't cooperate.
So she figured she'd go back to sleep and hope by the time she woke up she'd be able to at least move.
She closed her eyes. She couldn't tell how fast time was passing or what she was dreaming, what was real, or what she'd made up in her Benadryl-addled mind.
When Paislie finally heard her door open, she rolled over to slightly open her eyes.
Randy was at the door (but hadn't he been here earlier?), and glanced around the messy room. He hesitated for a moment to take in the sight of her under a pile of blankets and entirely wiped out by whichever medicine she'd taken last.
She categorized her last memory of Randy being in her room to give her water under "Benadryl Hallucinations" and moved to sit up.
"Jeez," Randy said quietly. "You know, if you needed me, I could've been here. I've been around sick people before."
Paislie coughed into her elbow. "It's okay. Just needed to rest is all."
Randy nodded. "If you say so."
He was quiet for another moment.
"Had any water yet?"
Aside from her half-awake dream state, she didn't think she'd seen any around. The last water she'd had was maybe when she had her medicine.
"Can't remember," she admitted. "What time 's it?"
"Around six. Hang on, I'll be right back."
The room fell silent, and Paislie laid back down. She'd missed the meeting, but at least she wasn't alone now.
If her brain didn't feel like a mud puddle she'd probably be beyond pissed at herself right now, but she could deal with that later, ahe supposed.
A moment later, Randy reappeared with various items in his arms- almost enough that he could barely keep from dropping anything.
"Do you know when you last had any kinda fever reducer?" he asked, beginning to gingerly place down water, a thermometer, and a thousand other things Paislie was too lazy to keep track of.
She nodded. "Haven't been up since this morning. Should be fine."
"Good to hear. Let's check this thing, yeah?"
He held the thermometer out to her. "You wanna do it, or do you want me to?"
"I got it," she said, taking it and frowning at the buttons before she figured it out.
It beeped after a moment, and Randy bent over to glance at the number.
"Could be worse. If the fever reducers don't work though, we'll go get you reset, okay?"
Paislie looked up sharply. "It's not that bad-"
"I didn't mean it like that, hey." He knelt down to get on her level at the side of the bed. "It's nothing serious, alright? It wouldn't hurt. They'd just fix you up and it would be done. It's not like getting revived."
She didn't look at him, instead staring at her hands.
"Okay." Randy stood back up, glancing over at the nightstand. "We're gonna keep that from happening anyway."
Paislie coughed again, and Randy had to keep himself from wincing. She sounded awful, and whatever Amrita had tried to explain to Randy about why her lungs never healed properly probably wasn't helping.
"You okay?" he asked softly.
"Mhmm. Hurts a little," she answered.
He gave a sympathetic hum. "Sounds like it. Do you feel like your inhaler would help?"
Paislie shook her head, and he replied with a nod. "That's okay," he told her, offering her a glass of water and a fever reducer. "Sit up for me? After this, you can go back to sleep," he promised.
She did so, offering no resistance. It reminded Randy of Charlie at her age, though he quickly shoved that thought away.
Less than a moment later, the medicine had been taken, and Paislie was laying back down again with a thin blanket on top of her in a feeble attempt to keep her chills from getting too bad.
Randy looked at the loose braid he'd put in her short hair. Henrik hadn't taught him how to braid until recently, but he figured it would suffice until Paislie woke up and needed to head out of her room.
"Get some rest, Lee," he told her. "I'll go so you can sleep. I'll be back around tenish. Sound good?"
Paislie nodded. She didn't know how to feel about- most of it, really. She was beyond thankful for Randy and Henrik. Maybe it was just a matter of getting used to the whole idea of being taken care of by someone who wasn't half her age and size.
Maybe, on this side of dying, not everything would be bad about Showfall. Maybe she could dare to hope that the people here, kidnapped like her, wouldn't be like most people she'd known in the world outside.
Randy for the most part knew how to raise a kid, if he did say so himself.
At least, two kids who would stay together and didn't leave a certain space. And who didn't cry as much as a girl would.
Paislie had been a whole different story from either Sneeg or Charlie. At seventeen, she'd learned to hate the world, she'd learned the type of grief that was feral and angry and protective of whatever was left of the people she loved.
Not that that was in and of itself terribly different from his own kids, but with it came a distrust of anything else. Including himself, since she hadn't been here nearly as long as Sneeg and Charlie had.
So of course the first time Randy caught Paislie crying on her own, she'd backed away with a look in her eyes like a caged animal that was giving up.
So Randy sat with her.
After raising Sneeg, that was the only thing he could think to do. Get on her level and wait.
And to an extent- it worked.
He could've picked a better place than the cold cement floor of the warehouse to get on her level, he realized extremely belatedly as the sobbing, exhausted teenager finally sat beside him for comfort.
Randy still didn't make a move to get up until she finally wiped her eyes for the last time fifteen minutes later.
"Dunno yet," the teary voice that didn't sound like Paislie said.
He thought for a moment. "How about you wash up, get ready for bed and all, and I can send Amrita or somebody in to make sure you're okay-"
"Can we have a guitar lesson?" Paislie butted in.
Randy looked over at her.
In all honesty, the kid looked like she needed anything but a guitar lesson. An ibuprofen, maybe, for the migraine she'd probably given herself from crying, and then a fucking nap.
"Yeah," he found himself saying anyway. "Go on. I'll be there in a couple minutes, okay?"
And she nodded back, the smallest of smiles showing up on her face before she hauled herself up off the floor.
She headed in the direction of her room, and Randy just as quickly found himself in Henrik's.
Henrik raised an eyebrow when Randy picked up his guitar.
"It's for Paislie," Randy explained. "Kid's having a rough time. Didn't say with what."
"I figured," Henrik answered quietly.
He moved to pick up Randy's small bag of guitar picks and other things he'd forgotten the names of and handed it to his husband.
Their hands stayed linked together for a second, Henrik looking down at Randy's callused fingers.
Randy offered a smile in return. "I'll be back soon," he said before gently letting Henrik's hand go and heading back out the door.
By the time he knocked on Paislie's door, the girl had gotten into pajamas and gotten out her own beat-up guitar, sitting on the side of her bed to watch Randy as he played.
And so she did. The songs she knew, she tremulously sang and/or played along to, and the ones she didn't she would lean against her bedframe to listen to while Randy played the chords.
Randy's prediction hadn't been far off, either. Within the first six songs, Paislie's eyes were closing.
Randy hadn't even noticed it until her hands began loosening around her guitar.
He gently put his own guitar down, gently taking hers to its stand.
"Okay. There we go," he said, turning back to her.
Paislie moved to lay down without being told, and Randy put his guitar strap over his shoulder.
"Thank you," she said quietly.
"Yeah," Randy said in reply. It was as gentle as it was genuine. "'Night, kiddo."
"Mhmm. 'Night."
Randy was almost a hundred percent sure she'd fallen asleep before he had even finished closing the door on his way out.
Paislie didn't know the kid who had been brought in very well.
All she'd learned so far was that her name was Arcadia, she was around ten years old, and that nobody could figure out how to get her to talk to them. For anything.
So she made it her mission to try.
She'd practically raised her four siblings, and August had been almost Arcadia's age. She could figure it out.
Paislie picked up her guitar, some snacks she'd stolen from the kitchen, and some random art supplies she'd found in a closet somewhere.
And with that, moments later, she'd found herself at the door of the newly renovated room that had been assigned to Arcadia.
She quietly knocked.
The room was silent.
Paislie glanced around the hallway, looking for any other room that had maybe been redone and maybe she hadn't noticed-
Until the door squeaked just barely open and the little girl appeared in the small opening.
"Hi," Paislie offered softly in greeting, not making any move towards the door for fear of scaring Arcadia off. "Heard you got here a little bit ago. I thought I'd come say hi. My name's Paislie, by the way."
The dark haired girl didn't answer, but she hadn't closed the door yet either. Sort of a win.
"I brought us some stuff we could do," Paislie tried again. "I have some coloring books. Wanna see?"
Arcadia looked doubtful, but still eyed Paislie's backpack curiously.
It was only a moment later that she slowly opened the door to let Paislie in, sitting on the floor beside her bed and motioning for Paislie to do the same from where she was across the room.
And so she did.
Paislie spent the next four minutes just talking to Arcadia. Showing her everything she'd brought to play with, briefly mentioning the guitar, and making subtle attempts at a genuine conversation with the other girl.
Paislie's answer came nearly an hour later. Arcadia had taken well to the coloring book Paislie brought, and even better to hearing Paislie pluck out a few songs she'd learned from Randy over the past almost year.
She'd been playing a lullaby and humming along when she heard the girl's voice alongside her own for a split second, as though Arcadia were worried she'd been too loud. When Paislie didn't outwardly react, Arcadia continued, if somewhat quieter.
Paislie would have smiled if it wouldn't have startled Arcadia all over again.
So she only sat, playing the song all the way through as well as she remembered it.
"Alright," she said softly afterwards, "I've got work. I can leave everything here if you'd like, though. Be back tonight if I get the chance and you'd like me to."
Arcadia nodded, the quietest of smiles on her face.
And Paislie smiled back.
Hopefully this kid wouldn't have to deal with Showfall putting her in shows, she found herself already thinking. She didn't bother trying not to hate Showfall.
If she couldn't protect anyone before, she could at least make every effort to protect Arcadia.
She could at least try to make sure Arcadia never regretted opening that door for Paislie.
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satanscure · 10 months
hello hello ! my name is sammy , i'm twenty five and go by they / them pronouns . welcome to satanscure , a discord exclusive roleplay account where i am reblogging resources such as : wanted fcs , wanted plots , mature content and other aspects that relate to my writing wants .
as a partner , i'm really big on worldbuilding . be prepared for me obsessing over our things , creating manips / edits , playlists , headcanons , threads , and more .
i also write fxm , mxm , fxf ships as well as poly ships . i do not prioritize ships over another so expect fun times all around .
for triggers / limits , i will go as far to say that i relatively do not have any boundaries but i will not write anything involve : noncon , dubcon , incest , scat or anything too .. in that realm of things .
below the cut as a list of my favorite faces + could also serve as a most wanted list as well !
femme :
aisha potter . ana de armas . alexa demie . becky g . camila morrone . chloe bailey . cindy kimberly . dina denoire . dua lipa . ester exposito . hailee steinfeld . halle bailey . laura harrier . lily - rose depp . leigh - anne pinnock . madelyn cline . madison bailey . melissa calma . mishti rahman . nicole wallace . normani . priscilla quintana . ryan destiny . sabrina carpenter . samantha logan . shay mitchell . sofia carson . sydney sweeney . victoria monet . yara shahidi . zahara davis . zendaya .
hommes :
abel carden . aj saudin . andre lamoglia . alex fitzalan . alex pastrana . alvaro mel . aron piper . avan jogia . casey deidrick . charlie hunnam . charles melton . chase stokes . cody christian . corrado martini . dacre montgomery . dominic fike . drew starkey . dylan o’brien . evan mock . fai khadra . fernando lindez . froy gutierrez . gavin leatherwood . gus kenworthy . hootie hurley . jacob elordi . jonathann davis . jordan fisher . keith powers . luke hemmings . luis capecchi . manu rios . mason gooding . matthew daddario . matthew noszka . michael evans behling . niall horan . nick jonas . omar apollo . oscar issac . rafael silva . sebastian stan . sergio momo . tom hardy . tom holland . tommy martinez . trevor jackson . tyler posey .
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cxncordia · 8 months
Another thing that I wanted to point out is: Have you seen how gay Teen Wolf is? and not only that, how some of their actors seem to be into relationships with age gap?
This train of thought started when I realized that this poster had at least four gay guys, a bisexual and a queer man front and center while the other six were straight.
Tumblr media
And that made me wonder, how did we get here? Because having six male queer actors front and center sharing space with other six straight actors seems like a VERY inclusive space.
But then I started to go through their dating story:
We know that Colton, who was the first to came out, was dating and eventually married Jeff Leatham who is currently 52 years old while he is 35.
We know that Charlie Carver came out too a few years ago, but we don't know his dating history, so I'll leave him out of this.
We may infer also that Andrew Matarazzo is not straight. We don't know for sure what gender he prefers, but it's been rumored that he's queer. Some rumors also indicate he used to date a 47 year old man, but again, these are rumors.
We know Posey is bisexual. We don't know what are the names of his male partners, so I'll leave him out of this equation too.
Michael Johnston came out next and he's dating a man who is 36 years old currently with him being 27.
Froy Gutierrez, my baby boy, is dating Zane Phillips. Zane is 30 years old while Froy is 25. If rumors are to be considered, this is not Froy's first partner who has an age gap with him, as one of the issues I had with Richard Madden and Froy's relationship was the obvious age difference.
Now this would not be much if not for some key elements that I have learned about the show:
Crystal Reed (Allison Argent) is 6 years older than Posey. And I know she looks the part of a teenager but it's kinda interesting that Posey was the only "teen" in Teen Wolf back then.
The whole thing with Derek and Kate (and later between Derek and Jennifer Blake).
That thing between Parish (who was supposed to be at least 20+ something) and Lydia (who was 18 at most during the season they wanted the ship).
The rumored "kiss" between Theo and Liam that didn't came to happen because Dylan Sprayberry didn't feel comfortable with kissing Cody Christian. Mainly because they were friends and mainly because of the age gap between them.
So... am I again trying to find a thread here or is there something going on we should be aware?
I mean, I know that we homosexuals tend to get in tons of power dynamics and relationships that are quite unbalanced. And I expect that in places like my country where gay culture is still "hush hush". But not in the USA which is supposedly much more forward and inclusive: one would expect that given the openness of the culture gay relationships would be much more horizontal. And the fact that this seems to be a theme in three of the gay cast member's love life and a constant in Jeff Davis' work (another gay man) makes me wonder if there's a thread here.
What was Stilinski's saying?
One is an incident, two is a coincidence, three's a pattern, and four is enough for a warrant.
Just sayin'...
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lewdcanons · 1 year
lewdcanons is a secondary blog of @sparsilelove and @aeipathiclove -- all guidelines of my main blog apply here too! this page is for all my (likely canon divergent) adult plots involving canon characters. while i'm usually picky about canons and their portrayal, everything here is a little more chill and entirely #toohornyformain. characters under the cut 🥴
a note on gender: * indicates a genderswapped character. all muses can be played as cis or trans, but please don't use feminisation kink with trans guys in threads with me. i'm trans myself and it makes me super dysphoric, thanks!
for all of the fandoms mentioned, i'll most likely play anyone from that fandom -- just send me a message on main and we'll figure it out.
comics - dc:
bruce wayne (henry cavill or ben affleck)
conner kent (joshua orpin)
damian wayne (anthony keyvan)
dick grayson (brenton thwaites)
garfield logan (ryan potter)
jason todd (curran walters, noah centineo or matthew daddario)
jon kent (michael cimino)
timothy drake (tyler lawrence gray or jay lycurgo)
comics - marvel:
clint barton (alexander ludwig, sam claflin or boyd holbrook)
frank castle (jon bernthal)
kane bishop* (ryan potter or tanner buchanan)
matt murdock (charlie cox or cameron monaghan)
miles morales (jharrel jerome)
peter parker (nick robinson or tom holland)
steve rogers (chris evans)
movies - scream:
billy loomis (felix mallard or skeet ulrich)
chad meeks-martin (mason gooding)
ethan landry (jack champion)
quinn bailey* (cameron monaghan)
richie kirsch (jack quaid)
troy carpenter* (michael cimino)
movies - misc:
duncan idaho (jason mamoa)
indiana jones (john krasinski or chris pratt)
james bond (thomas doherty or henry cavill)
leto atreides (oscar isaac)
nick gant (finn cole)
paul atreides (timothee chalamet)
raleigh becket (charlie hunnam)
sebastian valmont (aron piper)
tyler durden (charlie hunnam) and the narrator (robert pattinson)
tv - fate: the winx saga:
dane (theo graham)
riven (freddie thorp)
sam (jacob dudman)
saul silva (rob james-collier)
sky (danny griffin)
tv - misc:
bobo del rey (michael eklund)
doc holliday (tim rozon)
geralt of rivia (henry cavill)
joel miller (pedro pascal)
nick scratch (gavin leatherwood)
tv - riverdale:
archie andrews (kj apa)
barney cooper* (hunter doohan or froy gutierrez)
fp jones (skeet ulrich)
jughead jones (cole sprouse)
vernon lodge* (rafael silva)
tv - shadowhunters:
bat velasquez (rafael silva)
clarence fairchild* (kj apa)
jace herondale (finn cole or dominic sherwood)
simon lewis (asa butterfield or alberto rosende)
tv - teen wolf:
alexander argent* (thomas doherty or manu rios)
chris argent (john krasinski or milo ventimiglia)
derek hale (richard madden, michael trevino or tyler hoechlin)
isaac lahey (archie renaux or paul mescal)
liam dunbar (jordan elsass, rudy pankow or dylan sprayberry)
noah stilinski (ben affleck or timothy olyphant)
peter hale (jensen ackles or sebastian stan)
stiles stilinski (nico hiraga or dylan o'brien)
theo raeken (jacob elordi, gavin leatherwood or cody christian)
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
bachelor party || the boys
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: summer’s home // summer 2021.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: charlie, marshall, cody, nathaniel, ross.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: charlie’s bachelor party! the guys all get together for a fun night out, but not before nathaniel can grill cody about dating his sister.
Charlie went to go and pick up Cody for the big night, "No moping and texting Bella all night. Have fun with me and the boys. Let me see your fake" said Charlie as they left the car to head to Marshall's. Cody handed it over, "No phone moping. But I think I deserve at least one drunk call" he said as he committed to the bit. Honestly, Bella would not want to hear from him intoxicated. Cody should probably warn her that Charlie will insist on saying hello at some point during the party. That was gonna be fun. He could see the disaster now. Charlie looked over the fake and handed it back in approval, "it's not like we're out of town anyways. I'm sure that it will work. People love us" said Charlie confidently. He had never had any problem getting in anywhere as an underaged person. "People love you" Cody corrected, and he knew it was true. Everybody loved Charlie, Cody was just a footnote of the Summers experience. "At least look like you're having fun" said Charlie as he knocked on the door, "you'll be drunk before you know it" he added with an exhale. Being out with his little brother was a new experience, but he didn't want to miss it. Cody would be his friend, like his actual friend, in a few years. It was just going to take a little bit of growing and time. Charlie was sure of it.
Marshall opened the door with two shots in his hand and a big smile on his face. Charlie was the first friend in the group to get married, and honestly, it didn't seem like him or Katie were going to be married anytime soon... So he wanted to make sure everyone had a great night. Charlie had been particularly stressed with all the wedding planning, but now that everything was set, all that needed to be done was to have a fun time. "My boys!" Marshall passed the shot glasses to both Charlie and Cody, "Just to start the night off on a high note. Oh, Katie told me that Daniel and Milly are gonna be hopping around. Not sure when we'll see them, but we don't have to pick them up. So that'll just leave Ross and Nate." He then patted Cody on the shoulder, holding in a laugh. "You tell him about Nate?" he asked Charlie before looking back at Cody. "Dude's probably got a whole ass interview waiting for you."
Charlie laughed, "you know if you told young me I was popular in high school and college, and then you told me how many people were coming to my bachelor party. I don't think I'd believe the first thing". He was very happy keeping things small, in fact he had asked Marshall to. A lot of his friends were girls, but at the end of the day Charlie and Alice shared the majority of their friends. They would be at the wedding, but for now it was nice to be with just the boys. "Oh shit dude, I meant to tell you I invited Nathaniel Langston even though it's small" said Charlie. He had mentioned to Cody that not a lot of people were invited period, but he had forgotten that one of those select few was his girlfriend's brother. "He's a peach. I'm sure he's not going to interview you. You've seen him since he talked to me, Alice, and Katie about you ... right?" Charlie asked innocently as he poured some drinks.
Cody had not heard one of the people who was witnessing him underage drink tonight was Bella's uptight much older brother. Now he couldn't get wasted. This was upsetting. This was the only family bachelor party he was ever going to go to unless he was invited to Claire, Channing, or Courtney's husbands thing. And that was different. Tonight was the night he could get shitty litty no questions asked. Cody already knew he had to be moderately sober at the wedding itself. "Dude, I haven't seen Nathaniel since the dinner. What the hell did the three of you tell him? Tryna get me in the dog house with her family?" said Cody as he took a sip, "I guess I'll be on my best behavior".
"Quality over quantity, my friend. No need for any extras." Marshall said with a smile. They didn't need to be apart of some big group to have a good time, they were the fun. Maybe that's why people loved them so much, they were just a joy to be around. "Nah he'll definitely interview you." He was just trying to mess with Cody a bit. That whole relationship was really out of the blue, but he wasn't judging. Marshall didn't know what was actually said when Charlie, Alice, and Katie were with Nathaniel, but it probably wasn't too bad. No one was actually out to sabotage Cody's relationship, but then again, Nathaniel didn't seem like the type to really get a joke. "I'm sure everything will be fine," he grabbed a glass and took a sip, "and if anything happens, Ross will mediate. It's what he does best."
"My ears are burning" said Ross with a laugh as he walked into the room, hearing people talking about him. "It's been a minute guys" he said as he gave Charlie and then Marshall a hug. Ross had been living his best life, dating Julie, working at the school. Even Bryce had been on his best behavior recently. Life was going really well for him because no one had a hand in making it worse. "Lane and Nor sent pastries" he said as he put the goodies down on the counter. "Cody, Savannah and Sloane wanted me to tell you that they're going to college in the fall and to dump Bella. I do not recommend it" said Ross, laughing as he took a drink from the counter. It was nice to be back with everyone from high school.
Nathaniel wasn't intending on being the last one to arrive, it was so unlike him, but he got caught up in a lot of work. He made sure to not let it ruin his mood though, this night was about Charlie and he wanted to make sure he had a fun time. He had been to quite a few of his pals' bachelor parties, and the more he went, the more self conscious he became. Nate was only 29, there was no age limit on getting married, but sometimes it would get to him. But for the sake of Charlie, he would not sulk around. He walked into the house with a polite smile on his face, "Sorry, I hope I didn't have you all waiting too long." Nathaniel shook everyone's hands and gave Cody any extra nod of the head. He was still a bit suspicious of that one, especially after what Katie said. Katherine Hastings was no liar. "Congrats again." he told Charlie with a smile.
"Girls after my own heart. I'll definitely have to hit the gym tomorrow. Gotta look slim for the dress" Charlie joked, even though he and Alice would definitely be working off the hangover tomorrow at the gym. It was their typical routine. Charlie picked up an eclair and drank more of his drink. Once Nathaniel was there, Charlie could see the anxiety wash over Cody's face. He must be really concerned about saying the right things. Maybe Cody was actually legit about this one. But it was his bachelor party, so Charlie didn't want to meddle too much. The boys were all here, and life was good. It was going to be a great night, "Thanks man. I'm glad you're here. Office wasn't too bad with me taking off early today?" said Charlie, he always felt guilty for taking time off but it was final details with Katie day. She'd shown up to the office to get him, and he'd let them know two weeks in advance. He was just a really hard worker, overworked himself even. It was all about showing Bryce up at the end of the day.
Nathaniel shook his head, "Not at all, I had made sure to put a reminder that you were leaving early. I appreciate the notice in advance, by the way." Nathaniel liked to make sure everything was in order, he had always been like that. Spontaneous decisions were not frequent for him. "You've been doing great, no need to worry about anything." he added with a friendly smile. Playing favorites wasn't exactly something Nathaniel did often, but he did really like Charlie, though there wasn't much to compare. The only source of competition for Charlie was Bryce, and well ... Nate quickly understood why people in town didn't like him very much. "But enough about work, this is your night. We're here to have a good time." He then turned to Cody, keeping the smile on his face, "I'm glad you're here too. I've been meaning to reach out. Get to know each other better, you know?"
Cody was naturally really nervous around Nathaniel, but he didn't show it. This was the time to be confident. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Bella and I have been meaning to do more with you guys" said Cody, lying because why not. He was sure they would do more stuff with the families soon. Now that school was out, it was a necessity. They had their trip next week, "she's coming out to the lake house with us really soon" Cody added, "there'll be plenty of time for her to work on her art. Get to know my parents. Things are getting pretty serious". Cody needed to sell that he wasn't some sort of romantic jackass like his reputation showed. Nathaniel probably didn't listen to gossip, but then again everyone in town did. It made it hard to do anything in Hastings.
"We're on different schedules most of the time, which is pretty unfortunate. Veronica is usually with Eleanor, and Fiona is such a mystery. She'll go off to who knows where from time to time." Nathaniel said, followed by a small chuckle. "But we come together more during the summer, probably because Founders Day is so close. Our parents like us all to be together when they host their events. So I'm sure we'll see each other more." Nathaniel wanted to make sure Cody had good intentions with this relationship. Bella was devastated after her breakup with Landon. She had pretty much shut down and stopped talking to everyone. He didn't want to see her like that again. "Is that what you want?" he asked, referring to Cody's comment about things getting serious. "Casual relationships are always fine, it's just being on the same page with one another is what matters most."
Cody was holding on strong. If he could get out of this he would, but here they were. Committing to the bit. "Yeah, it's what I want with her. She's different. Good for me. I'd like to think I'm good for her too" said Cody kindly with a shrug, "I don't express much, so this is a lot for me". Cody wanted him to back off about everything, the less focus there was on Cody and Bella the better the lie would look. Put a microscope up to it and everything would fall apart, "but she's got me opening up for sure. Slow and steady though" he assured.
Nathaniel listened with a friendly smile on his face, "Well that's very nice. I'm happy for you both." Though everything seemed fine so far, Nate was aware that Cody wouldn't say something dumb in front of him either. He was literally Bella's brother after all. But there was no reason to push any further, if this was someone that his sister was serious about, he wanted to develop some kind of relationship with him. Be optimistic until Cody gave a reason not to be, that was the plan. "I'm sorry if I'm being too pushy, especially right now of all times." he let out a laugh. Sometimes Nathaniel didn't know when to just have a good time. He really needed to loosen up. "I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you anyways, so there's more than enough time to get to know each other. But tonight is about Charlie." he said as he patted Charlie's back.
Cody shook his head when Nathaniel said he was being too pushy. For Cody, he absolutely was. But towards the guy his youngest sister was dating? Absolutely called for. Cody got it. "Not at all" he lied. "We will definitely be around" Cody said, knowing that was the crux of their agreement. "Tonight is all about Charlie" he repeated. It was important to keep the focus off of him, and he was going to be good tonight just to appease Nathaniel. They had a great night, all of them. Eventually meeting up with Alice and her girls. Cody felt almost normal hanging out with his brother and his friends. //END
0 notes
xiaoyunenigma · 3 years
Experiment gone wrong! (ChaseXCharlie)
A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- bite -
That's all I'm giving. 😂😂
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Highly suggestive, just saying OwO it's long and the fun starts in the end, so yeah jsxhshshsgsgx😩✨
Okay, that's the thread, have fun reading yall😂😂
Once again, doggo Chase is inspired by @knnw-a because big boi is dominant😩✨💞
"Doc, are you sure about this?" Chief Burns gave the scientist a look of uncertainty.
"I assure you, this project is one hundred percent safe." Doc Greene replied, giving the stern officer a thumbs up.
"Then why do I have a bad feeling about this...?" Chief mumbled to himself, wringing his wrist as he stared at the weird contraption before him. "Can you explain this experiment again, doc?"
"Sure thing. I am currently doing a test on this little vial right here," the professor lifted up a small glass tube, "-I called it The Hybridder. It contains the DNA of a wolf, which I took a few samples from the mainland's zoo. What it does is it rewrites the DNA and only shows the better, dominant traits, creating a hybrid with the best genes of both. You see, I've realised that canines have quite the fascinating abilities. From having a faster metabolism to speed and hearing, they are on the top list! " Doc Greene explained, waving his gloved hands as he spoke.
"We haven't even got to mention about the tails and ears yet!" Frankie piped up.
"Noble!" Cody smiled.
"Is this... Lasting?" Chief asked.
"For a few hours. I plan on making this in hopes that special forces are able to use this for tactical advantage, giving them an upper leverage on the field." Doc said.
"Right, 'cus dogs sniffs bombs and tear their enemies apart." Kade joked, making everyone stare at him weirdly. "What? I saw it on TV!"
"You sure did Kade, you sure did." Dani rolled her eyes, giving up with her brother's attitude.
"This would be a milestone achievement if it succeeds!" Boulders said, clapping both servos together.
"Hopefully. Besides, we are able to use this in the medical field to speed up the healing process. It would do great for us in dire situations." Graham nodded at his partner. "Though, we're gonna have to transform for that..."
"I think it's kinda awesome. We're gonna be the best werewolves ever!" Frankie said, fist pumping in the air.
"Not so fast, kid. Doc, who are you testing it on?" Kade said, holding a hand out.
Doc Greene readjusted his glasses and shook his head, giving the oldest Burns's child a smile.
"Nobody. In fact, I'm using a prototype human skin to test it out. We're doing a medical observation, to see how it reacts with our physiology." Frankie's father replied.
"Alright, stand back you guys." Heatwave chided, pulling Cody close to his chassis protectively before setting him behind his peds. "If anything happen to you, I'm never forgiving myself." he said, holding out a protective servo in front of Cody.
"Okay then, get ready! In three, two, one-" Graham yelled.
"U-Ugh...." Doc Greene groaned as he slowly sat up, rubbing the side of his head in pain. His ears were ringing and his visions were clouded.
"Frankie? Frankie!" he yelled, coughing a little.
Thick smoke covered the entire lab, making it difficult for the single father to locate his only daughter.
"I'm here! I'm fine!" Frankie said, waving her slender hands to push away the smog. "Dad, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, my little supernova." he assured, pecking Frankie's head. "Chief? Is everything OK?"
"Yeah, we're good." Charlie said, stepping out of the white smoke. "Everyone's fine...wait, where are the Bots?" he asked, turning around to look for his Cybertronian friends.
"Heatwave?" Kade yelled, choking on the thick, polluted air. "Doc, get the place ventilated, will ya?!"
"Right away!" Doc Greene typed something on his keyboard and the airways opened, releasing the unbearable smoke out and away.
With their sight returning and smoke cleared, the team let out a collective gasps as they saw their partners in their downsized form....with some interesting additions.
"What the...? "Heatwave slowly stood up, only to fall back due to vertigo. "That was a total failure, doc." he growled.
"Well, not all experiments work out in the first time." Boulder tried to lighten the situation, his forest green tail swishing back and forth as he speak. "Wait, I feel something moving...." he turned around to see bushy long tail and screamed, startling everyone.
"What WAS that?!" Blades yelped, yellow ears down in fear. "Why are you guys the same height with us? Why do I feel so...weird? I-" the helicopter promptly turned around and screamed as he saw his tail moving and alive.
"WILL YOU STOP SCREAMING-WOAH!" Heatwave halted in his tracks as he saw his reflection on a large reflective glass. "WHAT IN THE PITS?!"
"Oh no..."Chief trailed off, regretting on not listening to his inner voice. "Chase, are you alright?"
"Yes sir." Chase replied, but his tail spoke differently. It was wagging extremely hard and his ears were folded back, showing signs of adoration for the Chief.
"Uh... Chase? You sure you're okay?" Dani chuckled, raising her hands to pet the bot's head. "Woah, this is weird. We can actually reach you guys this time."
"-NOT GREAT!" The bots besides yelled Chase yelled, shaking their helms profusely.
"What are we? Cyber-werewolves?!" Blades whined, stomping his peds on the ground. "I feel funny! How long is this going to wear off!?"
"Probably about an hour or so. The tube contains only a tiny amount of changing abilities; shouldn't last forever." Doc said.
Well, should is the key point here. The effect were...semi permanent.
The bots were fortunate enough to reverse into their normal size, but they retained the animal features, much to their dismay. They are able to minimise into smaller forms and their senses are of canines likes.
The bots are also capable of turning into cyberwolves and eat, which was something that took a long while to get used to.
...Well, at least those are the good parts.
Doc had all but forgotten to give an explanation on 101 about heat and mating seasons...and Chief is going to find out about it the hard way.
"Chase, full bot mode please." Chief said, nodding at his partner on the table. "We're going on a night patrol."
"Bye dad, stay safe!"
"Bye Dad, love you."
"Don't go missing dad."
"Take care dad, we'll take good care of each other!"
Humming in satisfaction, the two police officers left the dining room and head for the garage.
"A fine evening for patrol. With my extra fine senses, I can be a greater use for you, sir." Chase said, navy blue tail moving wildly.
Chuckling, Chief nodded in reply. "Yeah, but I'm still getting the hang of your tail, Chase. It's very....adorable." Chief snickered.
"As long as you like it, I shall keep it on." Chase hummed and change into his vehicle mode. Without another word, the two rode off for the night, keeping Griffin Rock safe with their guards on.
It wasn't until near midnight that the two was finally done with their duties. Driving back home, Chase felt a strange sensation inside him but he ignored it, making sure that his partner was sent home safely.
"We're here." Chief said, yawning a little as he stepped out of the car and did a stretch. "Thanks Chase. See you tomorrow, partner."
The bot transformed but didn't respond, resulting in Chief turning around to check on his Bot.
"You seem quiet, Chase. Something on your mind?" Charlie caringly asked, taking a step closer to the blue bot.
Chase responded with downsizing and he crouched on all fours, confusing the old Burns for a moment.
With a low growl, Chase stalked closer and rubbed his face onto the frightened officer's chest. Charlie froze up as he heard another terrifying low growl emmited by his partner before he was carried on the waist by said mech.
"...Chief...." Chase mumbled out loud as he sprinted up to Charlie's room with ungodly speed. Throwing the poor man down on the bed, Chase locked the door and pounced onto Chief, pinning him on the bed helplessly.
"C-Chase! Snap out of it!" Chief stuttered, blushing madly.
"I'm not your item-ACKKK!" Chief Burns didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as the bot in heat nipped his neck, drawing some out fresh blood.
"Mine...Charlie...mine..." Chase smiled and clamped his mouth down again, marking the man his.
Gripping the white sheets, Charlie whimpered quietly as he felt the police bot hovering around, touching his weak spots.
"You...are...mine..." Chase said, pointing his semi-sharp claws at the weakened human. Nodding slowly, Chief gulped with fear as he saw Chase's tail wagged extra fiercely once again.
"You're mine." Chase repeated and went down, feasting on the man that he claimed for all as his own.
...Charlie wasn't able to sleep that night.
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luvrlou · 4 years
Tumblr media
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
"Please cuddle me all day"
Summary: Your boyfriend Richie comes over to hang out with you but all you want to do is sleep.
Eddie Kaspbrak
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Reginald “Belch” Huggins
Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter
Tumblr media
Seaquest DSV
Lucas Wolenczak
Happy Couple
Summary: On Captain Bridger’s tour of the SeaQuest he meets Y/N and Lucas, the only teenagers, and the only ones who can sustain a healthy relationship.
Tumblr media
Newsies 1992
Jack Kelly
Spot Conlon
Surprises on Set (Gabriel Damon x Reader)
Summary: Max flys Y/N out to Universal Studios to visit her boyfriend, Gabriel Damon, who has been very moody lately.
David Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Kid Blink
Tumblr media
The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Dating Ponyboy Curtis Would Include:
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
Tumblr media
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
Tumblr media
Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George McFly
Lorraine Baines
Tumblr media
The Mighty Ducks
Charlie Conway
Spy Deal
Summary: Coach Orion has a little job for his younger sister
Adam Banks
Guy Germaine
Ken Wu
Luis Mendoza
Dean Portman
Fulton Reed
Tumblr media
Dream a Little Dream
Bobby Keller
Dinger Holfield
Dating him would include
What are my Flaws
Summary: After being invited to a party some truths come out after a silly drunken conversation.
Tumblr media
Mikey Walsh
Clarke “Mouth” Deveraux
Andy Carmichael
Tumblr media
Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson
Nail Polish
Summary: Y/N finds Reece's many bottles of nail polish and paints his nails.
Summary: A sworn enemy sparks a romance at a Halloween party?
Tumblr media
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Nino Lahiffe
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Luca Couffaine
Chloe Bourgeois
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Félix Graham de Vanily
Tumblr media
The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finney Blake
Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano
Tumblr media
Sidemen + Friends
What Happens in Mykonos Stays in Mykonos
Summary: After a drunken night of clubbing Harry and Y/N exchange some intoxicated words.
Drunk on Cam
Summary: Cal and his girlfriend have a bit too much fun helping Tobi film his video.
"Y/N and Cal being our favourites"
Summary: If a fan made a compilation of Cal and Y/N's best moments.
Stephen Tries
Summary: A little twitter thread
Harry Pinero
Yung Filly
Tumblr media
Ginny & Georgia
Matt press
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Summary: Matt Press can never seem to get out of his own way.
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Young Zion Miller
Young Joe
Tumblr media
Beta Squad
Niko Omilana
Cutie Patooties
Summary: Niko's day seems to lighten up incredibly after a certain guest is invited into the studio.
Aj Shabeel
Tumblr media
Childhood Crushes
Henry Hart
Out with the Old, In with the New?
Summary: When a certain supervillain returns to Swellview an old face pops back up.
Jasper Dunlop
Cody Martin
Zack Martin
Andre Harris
Jack Brewer
Milton Krupnik
Jerry Martinez
Hudson Gimble
Max Thunderman
Edmond Pevensie
257 notes · View notes
aconites · 3 years
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hello!  since work has finally slowed down and i have more free time on my hands, i’m looking for new partners and friends who are interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will literally message you at 3am with random headcanons, musings and create graphics ( manips, videos, gifs, etc )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut-friendly and love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already.
faceclaims i’d love to play!
florence pugh*
jessica alexander*
jenny boyd
greta onieogou
ana de armas
casimere jollette
hande ercel
melisa pamuk
josefine frida pettersen
madelyn cline*
madison bailey
lily collins*
sydney sweeney*
alexa demie
gabriella wilde*
sofia carson
kristine froseth
haley lu richardson
anya taylor joy
laura harrier
imogen poots*
minka kelly
madelaine petsch
lili reinhart
zoey deutch
camila queiroz*
josephine langford
kaylee bryant
danielle rose russell
halston sage*
emily ratajkowski*
benedetta porcaroli
scarlett leithold
margot robbie*
camila mendes
josefine frida pattersen*
danielle campbell
camila morrone
maia mitchell
alycia debnam-carey
phoebe tonkin
abigail cowen
elle fanning
barbie ferreira*
dove cameron
emma mackey*
kathryn newton*
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
any of the ladies above
henry cavill*
ben barnes*
clayton cardenas
jd pardo
rudy pankow*
felix mallard*
chase stokes
dacre montgomery *
joe keery *
david harbour
sebastian stan*
lorenzo zurzolo
alex fitzalan*
noah centineo
dylan o’brien*
nick robinson*
hero fiennes tiffin
manny montana
chris evans*
jordan connor*
casey deidrick *
milo ventimiglia*
tommy martinez *
dj cotrona *
charlie hunnam *
jeffrey dean morgan *
tom hardy
jason momoa
wolfgang novogratz*
cody christian
harry styles
jacob elordi*
giuseppe maggio
ships i’d love to do!
any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f )
emma mackey & nico mirallegro
jd pardo & florence pugh
jd pardo & phoebe tonkin*
ben barnes & lily collins
ben barnes & ana de armas
danielle campbell & casey deidrick
casey deidrick & margot robbie
clayton cardenas & sydney sweeney*
clayton cardenas & lily james
clayton cardenas &  phoebe tonkin*
hande ercel & can yaman*
dylan o’brien & kristine froseth*
dylan o’brien & danielle rose russell
jacob elordi & josephine langford*
ben barnes & crystal reed*
ben barnes & phoebe tonkin*
dacre montgomery & madelaine petsch
henry cavill & dakota johnson*
henry cavill & sydney sweeney*
ana de armas & dj cotrona
rudy pankow & kristine froseth*
rudy pankow & sydney sweeney*
felix mallard & kristine froseth
felix mallard & sydney sweeney*
bill skarsgard & madelaine petsch
camila mendes & dj cotrona
hero fiennes tiffin & alexa demie
hero fiennes tiffin & kristine froseth
lily james & charlie hunnam
dakota johnson & sebastian stan
chris evans & margot robbie
cindy kimberly & harry styles
chase stokes & madelyn cline*
rudy pankow & madelyn cline
madison bailey & madelyn cline
dove cameron & sofia carson
benedetta porcaroli & alice pagani*
cindy kimberly & madison beer
kathryn newton & alex fitzalan
manny montana & camila mendes
danielle campbell & skeet ulrich
hero fiennes tiffin & alexa demie
madison davenport & dj cotrona*
sydney sweeney & charlie hunnam
noah centenio & camila mendes
ana de armas & margot robbie
& anyone.
canon ships i’d love to do!
my marissa cooper ( madelyn cline ) & ryan atwood ( choose his fc )
my serena van der woodsen ( benedetta porcaroli/tba. )  & nate archibald ( choose his fc!)
my blair waldorf ( sofia carson )  & chuck bass ( choose his fc!)
my peyton sawyer ( kathryn newton )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
my hayley james ( zoey deutch)  & nathan scott ( choose his fc! )
my brooke davis ( danielle campbell )  & lucas scott ( choose his fc! )
plots id love to do!
famous/non famous plots or even famous/famous tbh
g.ang/c.rime plots*
zombie apocalypse plots*
mc/b.iker plots!!!!!!*
nanny/single dad*
grumpy ceo/soft lil assistant*
best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angsty )
bad boy/good girl plots
best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend heh
age ga.p stuff?  ( both fcs over the age of 21 tho ) *
sugar baby / sugar d.addy plots
bodyguard/client pls!!!!!!
muse a is in college and decides to become a stri,pper at an elite club to pay for her tuition. the club is run by this m.afia boss, muse b, who’s enchanted with her from the get-go and the feeling was mutual. so for the next year, on every friday night, muse b books a private dance from her for two hours, and muse a who has only been comfortable giving them to him and no one else, starts to look forward to it every time. she knows he’s dangerous but he doesn’t scare her like he probably should and every week the tension becomes thicker and thicker… i think it would b very cool to develop this and see what could happen when they eventually hook up. muse b doesn’t want to bring her into his world, not wanting for her to get hurt but the heart wants what it wants. 😈*
can i please have a precious lil broke girl who’s working herself to the bone as a waitress or something to put herself through college, meeting a wealthy older man who becomes totally smitten with her and wants to take care of her but she’s not used to not doing everything herself and he does stuff like renting out her entire restaurant on days she’s supposed to work bc he wants to see her, and taking her shopping so she has stuff to wear to his super fancy business galas, and constantly buying her fancy sparkly gifts, and there’s angst bc all the rich ladies are like ‘oh shes just his s.ugar baby/midlife crisis’ and she’s all ‘i don’t belong in your world’ and just please give me this xoxo
a f.ucked up modern day marriage plot where a rival m.ob boss marries his daughter, muse a, off to muse b to calm the tension between the families. at first they hate each other, but once forced to live together, they start warming up to each other, too stubborn to let it show. then one night he comes back from an important deal gone wrong, his face is f.ucked up and he’s feverish and she takes care of him all night and etc etc etc…i need it?
okay so i read a fanfic with this plot and i can’t stop thinking about it and i really would love to do it with someone if anyone is interested!  basically, muse a and muse b have been best friends their entire life, they were always that duo everyone thought would end up together but things never went in a romantic route ( other than a few drunk kisses they never talked about throughout their late teens ) and now muse a has been dating his girlfriend for the last two years but was still just as close with muse b despite his girlfriend’s hidden jealousy. they’re now in their mid-twenties and muse a really wants to have a child and to start a family but his girlfriend is unable to carry them due to medical reasons. the topic of surrogates is brought up when he and muse b are hanging out one night and since she would do anything to make her best friend happy, she offers to carry his baby. after a sperm donation and a visit to the clinic, muse b finds out two weeks later that she’s pregnant and muse a couldn’t be happier and believes his girlfriend is just as over the moon as he is. unfortunately, she isn’t. it’s not until muse b is over four months pregnant that his girlfriend drops a bombshell – she doesn’t want to be a mother and she thought that she’d change her mind as things went further along but she can’t. the break up comes next and overwhelmed by the turn of events, muse b starts to panic and wonder what the hell she’s going to do. even though half of the baby’s dna is her own, she hadn’t been prepared to actually raise it but luckily muse a doesn’t bring up his expectations on the matter. he still wants to be a dad but doesn’t want to make muse b feel any pressure to be by his side when the baby is born. they don’t talk about it for the next few weeks and as time goes on, they get closer. muse a is super supportive and involved with the pregnancy, making sure to go to the doctor appointments with her and prenatal classes. he brushes off her mood swings and when she’s craving chocolate cupcakes at two in the morning, he doesn’t think twice about getting up and going to the store to get them for her. feelings start to develop and muse b comes to the conclusion that she’s inlove with him and thinks she always has been, despite wanting to push those feelings away when they were growing up. muse b also realizes that she wants to raise the baby with him and after an emotional conversation and mutual confessions come to light, they end up sleeping together and all seems like it’s falling into place. it’s not until the morning after that muse a gets a phone call from his ex, who suddenly has a change of heart and wants to get back together. to be a mother like they had originally planned… drama ensues.
when the m.ob princess meets the m.ob prince: forbi.dden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always f.orbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival ga.ng’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they ho.ok up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
i want a plot where muse a is in a popular band that goes on tour and muse b is a new makeup artist or a hair stylist hired for the upcoming tour that just so happens to be muse a’s ex (though the breakup was something both really didn’t want tbh) and the tour is just filled with tension like pls imagine the silence during makeup when muse b is leaning over really close to muse a’s face or the jealousy when muse b is touchy with the other band members god pls*
god i just got an imagine of a trophy wife who is way younger than her husband. as in she’s in her second year of college and he’s in his thirties. she is absolutely spoiled by him and she’s all too eager to please him in & out of bed. for all intends and purposes he seems like he’s in charge. he’s older. he has the money. yet he is so weak for her and wanting to give her the world. yet when they’re in the bedroom he f.ucks her like he doesn’t love her and she’s too into it. someone let me play this out.
someone give me an angsty plot of “i’m pregnant and your m.istress. what do you mean you won’t leave your wife?? you said you love me.” imagine the angst when she cuts all ties with him for months and then he runs into her and she’s got this big belly. he just stands there like f.uck i do love her. i gotta win her back.
during a bank rob.bery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crim.e syndicate and has you placed on a “no harm” list. you decide to pay them a visit after all these years.*
‘we met at one of your concerts and you’re super famous and we f.ucked at the meet and greet once everyone was gone but now you’re asking to see me again and fly me out to these incredible locations but i’ve actually got a boyfriend and he doesn’t know about any of this. are you sure that the paps won’t see us?’
aight but how about a plot that’s like “i met a boy that’s super rich so i’m gonna start dating him just so he can buy me nice things. im gonna play with his heart and flirt with his rich friends behind his back. whoops he’s actually nice and he really likes me. i might like him back.  what do you mean you found out i was just using you for your money?? come back i think i fell in love with you”
‘we’ve been f.ucking with no strings attached but i just saw you go upstairs with another guy and im dru.nk and following you both upstairs to punch the s.hit out of him’
hi somebody pls give me a summer camp plot where they’re both camp counselors !!  it’d be hella cute tbh, like imagine giving each other these lil yarn bracelets they made during arts + crafts ?  also lil dates at the lake after everyone’s asleep + they’re just there getting h.igh + skin.ny dipping ??*
a plot about a college student on the verge of losing her scholarship. with a full schedule and no free time, she has no shot at finding a job. so in a last ditch attempt she puts herself on suga.rbabies.com and searches through suga.rdaddy.com. a week passed by. many blind meetings with ceos, doctors, lawyers, even a few actors. yet nothing pans out. one day, late at night. a message pops up. inside waiting is a message from her favorite professor. *
a single dad x kindergarten teacher plot where his kid is in love with the teacher, always talking about them when they get home, making them pictures and always raising their hand in class being the best student they can be. the father finds this adorable because the kid is so whipped by this teacher he’s never met due to work and the fact his mother is always picking them up. so, parent teacher night finally comes and it’s time for them to meet. and the dad realizes the reasons why his kid is so whipped in the first place.
plot: rich business man tries out a c.all girl (inexperienced and much younger) but they end up having a+++ s.ex (can be v rough bc he’s so stressed) so he ends up calling her up quite often and they grow attached to each other xcept there can be drama bc a) he’s married or engaged or something or b) he wants to keep them a secret or maybe even she tells him that she doesn’t date clients and ahhh yeah pls gimme
no but gimme a plot where the girl’s a m.ob boss’s daughter, and the boy is a cop fresh outta the academy and he doesn’t realize that the girl he’s been flirting with is the daughter of the guy he’s trying to get behind bars.
okay so um i need a plot where this like young precious innocent lil cinnamon roll of a girl somehow stumbles upon some kinda se.xy chatroom thing (that may or may not be p.rison/inm.ate related) and starts chatting with this older guy who’s in prison (bc he was in a ga.ng or dr.ug ring or something, nothing too crazy ok) and they spend like months chatting pretty soon he convinces her to send him pictures and he gives her like d.irty little ‘missions’ (like wear vib,rating panti.es to school and take nud.es in public places and stuff like that) and then he eventually gets out of pri.son and they meet but she’s still a vi.rgin and he’s spent months not getting any and like can i please just have this  debauchery
i want to have a plot where ballerina/bad boy and she has very strict parents and they force to dedicate her life to dancing which she agrees to until she meets a boy who s.mokes a lot, gets into a lot of fights, and always has a cocky smile on his face. but she doesn’t mind because he makes her feel like she isn’t someone’s doll anymore, like a normal person.
um, give me a plot where she used to be this s.exy, wild girl and had a bad boy boyfriend to match but when he turned eighteen he was caught for some cr.ime and sent to pris.on for a couple years. he came out fully expecting for her to be waiting for him but when he finds her she’s this prim and proper girl who is dating some pretentious ivy league di.ck. she pretends to be happy with her vanilla, boring relationship, but soon he wraps her up in his world again.
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s hellbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her.
i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with benefits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their v.irginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a m.anwhore. they are completely different at school (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) but when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a real relationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a d.ick but he starts to give her more attention at school bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!give it to me pls
also, presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard. he has no idea what he’s in for or the trouble she attracts. she has a problem with the word ‘no’ and he likes to say it a lot.
i need a famous ship where they’re both insanely busy with album recordings & red carpets & tours & they’re trying to make this whole long distance relationship work but with the time differences & going months without seeing each other it’s difficult, not to mention all the rumors & s.hit. but then there’s all the cute things like showing up on tour to surprise each other & going to award shows together & just finally seeing each other again after going so long with only facetime dates, missed calls, & late night texts to get them by.
anyone wanna do a modern romeo/juliet plot?? where their parents are the heads of rival companies or are huge celebrities who have been in a known feud for years and they meet and try to sneak around in secret but there’s paparazzi and tabloids and all that someone please do this with me
why am i not some musician’s cute girlfriend who takes pictures backstage at gigs and hangs around with the rest of his band and looks really fashionable and makes all his little fangirls jealous i hate everything
i just really want a cute college plot where she’s a cute tiny thing and is super smart and he’s the campus heartthrob on a baseball scholarship hoping to make it to the pros and they’re just so into each other and she helps him with studying and goes to all of his games and he’s super overprotective but sweet and ugh i need something like this please
but like imagine you and best friend luke are just on his bed tickling each other and play fighting and then suddenly he flips you over onto your back and pins your arms above your head and he’s all smirking because he knows you wont be able to get away and your tshirt is after riding up and he gives you this wicked grin and starts blowing raspberries on your tummy and you’re giggling and squealing telling him to stop because it tickles but he just continues, but soon his raspberries turn into kisses that trail down your stomach towards the hem of your sweatpants and he looks up at you through his eyelashes as if looking for approval and you just nod your head and he starts tugging your sweats down and let’s just say you’re not exactly just friends after
i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with benefits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their v.irginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a manw.hore. they are completely different at school (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) but when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a real relationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a d.ick but he starts to give her more attention at school to try to manipulate her to stay bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!give it to me pls
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yes please *
idk why but it’s hella cute to me to think about a plot of a pop star and her backup guitarist/tour manager/opening act/some sort of somebody that would be on tour. cute flirtation during rehearsals. tour bus antics. late night kisses on the balcony of a hotel room under the moonlight. paparazzi catching the loving gazes. rumors starting to swirl. just yes.
since i’m on a s.ugar baby phase imagine a plot where a college student is absolutely pampered by annoymous guy. all he asks in return is to be remained mysterious, occasion n.udes, & all the attention he craves. she’s all too willing to give it for the pretty penny he’s offering. but her birthday comes around & he surprises her with a trip to see her favorite singer / actor with vip access / meet & oh hold a second, how does he know my name ?? oh my god you’re my sugar daddy !!  *
ok but a “you’re my best friend’s girl and i know i should stay away but i liked you first and god dammit i want you (oh and i’m a much better fu.ck let me prove it too you)”
uhhhhh so i was just watching an interview noah centineo did where he read his most romantic tweets and basically one of them was @ this girl he saw walking down the streets of new york while he was heading to some meeting or whatever and he was totally entranced by her but couldn’t do anything about it bc he was in the car then as he was getting out she walked right past him and he didn’t approach her even tho he normally would have and he’s definitely regretting it. in the tweet he wrote “to the girl in the high waisted denim shorts, dark spaghetti strap t-shirt and red clip in her hair who i haven’t stopped thinking about since earlier today when i didn’t even attempt to talk to you as you walked past me… i’m still thinking about you. and it’s heartbreaking 😑” let’s fast forward to this mystery girl finding out about the interview and being intrigued by him so she slides into his dms and we can go from there ? she could either recall seeing him that day too or not and just going thru the ins and outs of talking to someone who’s in the spotlight. idk we can discuss the details just give me this please
big bad m,ob guy put in charge of protecting a snarky younger girl ( maybe also involved w organized c.rime in some way??? ) who is thoroughly not amused by the fact that she now has someone following her around all the time trying to keep her in check
can i have a plot where best friends drifted as they got older because lets be real they were in love and never wanted to admit it because it scared the hell out of them so they went their own way and now 10 years later, they bump into each other and it’s like things havent changed except oh wait, he’s engaged to be married and they spend the last few weeks leading up to the wedding together and the final night they end up sleeping together (for the first time) and things get angsty because they realize that they are in love and theyre the ones supposed to be married, but she cant bring herself to ruin something he’s built without her ?????? and he pushes the wedding date because he wants her and just pls
“i said that i love you but you didn’t say it back and just left me crying but now two months later and i’m trying to move on, you tell me that you’re in love with me?” plot
& anything and everything.
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mk-wizard · 3 years
Rescue Bots vs. COVID-19: Part 2
Hello. This is a continuation of this thread which is a question asked by the lovely @petrichornial though it addressed how the bots would react. This one addresses how the Burns family would react. Note that just because one bot reacts the same way doesn’t mean their human partner will react the same way. In fact, I would expect most of them to react differently.
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First up, Charlie Burns would be level headed, calm yet still cautious because he has years of experience dealing with danger and has lived through it multiple times before which is telling because out of everyone in the family, he is the most at risk due to his age. He would also get the most grief for that reason with everyone always reminding him of how “vulnerable” he is yet everyone forgets that he knew risks the instant he chose to do his job. I also imagine he would get increasingly frustrated with everyone worrying so much for him and even more so with Chase’s unreasonably militant approach to keeping everyone safe. Like I mentioned in the last post, I could easily picture Chase refusing to let Charlie out one time during a rescue in an attempt to quarantine him for his own safety which would not only result in the rescue being compromised, but also in a terrible fight between Charlie and Chase that would take time to be resolved. However, I know he would also forgive his partner because he is all to aware that he only wanted to protect him.
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Despite all of Kade’s big talk, I believe he would be the most afraid because it is no secret that beneath his machoism, he is very insecure and tends to be most likely to panic next to Blades. With that said, I think Kade would take a lot of the extreme measures alongside Blades while being afraid to go out and going as far as volunteering constantly to man the command center while his family would eventually cave in just to keep the peace.
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When it comes to Dani and Cody, I firmly believe the two of them would be in the same boat of being the most frustrated by the restrictions and the least likely to follow them not because they aren’t careful, but because of their overly outgoing personalities. Dani’s love for flying is a metaphor for her free, adventurous and daring spirit so COVID-19 would not scare her to a slightly foolish extent. I picture her getting stir crazy and being at odds with Blades a lot because of his fear for the virus. In the case of Cody, he is a very smart kid, but he’s a kid. The sudden shock and awareness to how many things he cannot do that he used to take for granted like going for a hoverboard ride or getting to visit Frankie in person. I think cooping him up constantly would depress him to the point where he would feel unmotivated and uncaring towards everything.
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Finally, I think Graham would be the most ok with the situation because he is an introvert to begin with. Yes, he does try to be social, but if he was told to stay indoors, he would comply though without fear of COVID-19 as he is not paranoid or the type to panic. However, the halting of all social activity altogether would have another negative impact on him. Graham tends to get lost in his work and sometimes be absent minded to some things as we have seen like asking Boulder some rather insensitive questions the first time they met and eating the Magic Meat/Fo-Foo without thinking. And he doesn’t do that out of malice. He does it because sometimes he does get ultra focused and unless something breaks him away from that focus, he makes bad decisions. In the case of being constantly cooped up and not social altogether, he would get so ultra focused on his work that he would let himself and his room go such as not changing his clothes often enough, not shaving or combing regularly, always eating in his room and such.
Of course, the whole family would come to their senses at the end (save for Charlie always had his) and go back to normal.
Keep in mind, this is all how I think it would all go down and I curious to think how you all think it would go down.
Thanks for reading. Stay safe and stay wise.
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smthscoming · 3 years
hi !! i’ve just cleared out my following and old threads and would love to get some new things going. below the cut is a list of all my muses and the specific genre i want for them. as this is primarily a horror blog, most of the genres will be some variation of horror. if you're interested in any of these, drop a like and i'll contact you as soon as i can :) an overview of my muses is linked in the source
(updated 25/10/2021)
lucas royal: mutual crushes / colleagues / single dad * (m/nb only)
harley royal: rivals / underground fighter
gwynne royal: celebrity-fan / rivals * / hollywood * (f/nb only)
ronan royal: fantasy horror / dark academia * / southern gothic
lene marszałek: slasher / dark academia
edmund marszałek: small town horror
lucia hall: fantasy horror / road trip / small town horror / spn
gang chae-won: eldritch horror ** / southern gothic
emery st. john: mythology / southern gothic *
jupiter ts'ai: sci-fi horror *
junhe delany: sci-fi horror * / mutant * / mcu
sunny landon: spn / exes / apocalyptic *
jensen jones: mystery / mcu
hawke: mutant / mystery / sci-fi horror
novak: mutant / mystery / sci-fi horror
clara aldridge-west: colleagues / rivals / boss-employee / cyberpunk / crime
dae kyung-tae: bodyguard / fake marriage
francesca snow: mystery / crime / supernatural horror / wedding planner (f/nb only)
charlotte snow: crime / apocalypse / mystery
bree finch: slasher * / crime
harry dietrich: slasher * / crime
beckett keener: slasher * / hollywood
andromeda mercier: mentor-mentee / rivals / secret agent
cha hyun-jun: exes / secret agent
cal wilder: small town horror / southern gothic
lainey waltzer: dark academia * / murder mystery
avia beverly-grant: dark academia * / small town horror
ilse glass: folk horror * / southern gothic / superhero
beau poindexter: slasher
seo dal: sci-fi horror / apocalyptic / blackmail
august bartosz: dark academia / small town horror / folk horror
leong zien: small town horror / folk horror
bonus points if you bring me any of these fcs: riz ahmed, hayley atwell, haley bennett, andy biersack, freddy carter, henry cavill, cody christian, charlie cox, elizabeth debicki, winston duke, rebecca ferguson, megan fox, jake gyllenhaal, oscar isaac, dakota johnson, anthony mackie, richard madden, justin h. min, max minghella, lupita nyong’o, elizabeth olsen, teyonah parris, dev patel, sebastian stan, aaron taylor-johnson, sophie turner, deborah ann woll
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lovethyhotguy · 5 years
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Hot Teen Wolf Actors Shirtless Thread (Part 2)
Max Carver (Aiden) - Charlie Carver (Ethan) - Michael Johnston (Corey) - Cody Christian (Theo) - Mason Dye (Garrett - Assasian) - Andrew Matarazzo (Gabe) - Froy Gutierrez (Nolan)
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codybatson · 4 years
“Home, sweet home! Er, factory, I guess…” Cody threw his backpack down on the bare mattress he’d dragged in.
The textiles factory wasn’t the coziest place, but it would have to do. He’d set up his room in the driest, most structurally sound part of the factory- the staff room. It had been mostly gutted, but a few cabinets and tables remained. He had set up his sewing machine at a table, surrounded by pins, fabric and spools of thread and lit by a dim lantern. Cody slowly started unpacking his things. He had brought his journal, a pocket pistol for emergencies, a couple changes of clothes, some instant noodles, his sword, water and an assortment of other necessities. Finally, he laid down on the mattress. There was a subtle ache blooming in his chest.
“I don’t want to think about it.” Cody whispered to himself.
Though, he didn’t have much of a choice. Memories came flooding in like a tidal wave. Memories of Melody, of Tony and Charlie- all washing over him until he was sobbing so hard he could hardly breathe.
… Cody would persist. He had no choice.
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marlbcros · 5 years
in the words of mister sanders himself, i am once again asking for more plots ! i’m pretty much only writing on discord these days because of convenience but if you’re like me & like to know what you’re getting yourself into, you can see my writing both here & here ! i’m really looking for a partner i can have multiple threads & ships with & do all the hc’s with; all that good stuff. give this a like if you’re interested & i’ll come to you !
faces/pairings/plotswill be posted under the read more !
i mostly write m/f & i’m craving some more love for my females but willing to double ! i’m also craving some f/f threads !
i’m really wanting some more love for the following muses who can all be found on my muse page: tucker ( matthew daddario fc ), elise ( taylor hill fc ), callie ( diana silvers fc ), sage ( danielle campbell fc ),  brisa ( kat mcnamara fc ), & oliver ( chris wood fc )!
faces i’d love to play against: jacob elordi, addison rae, charlie hunnam, tommy martinez, sydney sweeney, ana de armas, bob morley, lorenzo zurzolo, madison beer, cody christian, timothee chalamet, or anyone else in this little tag ! but i’m always open to brainstorming as well ! 
my wanted plots tag is here but i’ve also been dying for:
angst angst angst!!!
summer fling!! during, or reconnected, or both???
some vampire-ey/immortal thing
youre my best friends boy/girlfriend but i cant stay away
gimme a boss/assistant plot for tucker, oliver, or sage
idk i want pretty much everything
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So I”m thinking of making a multi-multi again with a coherent list of muses examples of a google doc
Guidelines & Muse List
Hello, call me Brett, I am a 25 y/o male from West Can. I am very slow and socially awkward among other things. 
I am very much open to shipping but i don’t want it to be my only type of threads. family, conflict and such and such all threads welcome. that being said when it comes to shipping some conditions are present. for one mun and muse should be eighteen + especially for nsfw threads. and another it is illegal and creepy to ship with muns who are under eighteen and neither would i want to.
nsfw themes will be present. there is teenage angst, angst about named after someone who became a dictator and of course angst of war and trauma and so forth so yes nsfw will be present ask if you want anything specifically tagged so you can filter the post out.
Let’s have fun.that is what we are here so let’s not have drama or fighting. so i am always open for plotting and will respect a muns choice to do or not do a specific thread or plot point. 
do not tolerate vauging or dash drama. If there is significant harm and proof of abuse and trauma. I will repost a callout but other then that I mind to myself.
I have problems socializing and I don’t exactly fit in. I dont know what it is but I might be prone to fits of depression and withdrawl from conversations.
all my opens are open for everyone but i can be selective. like i am not icon or gif crazy but ideally use clean ones and edit the text. Don’t use tumblr gifs insertions, its just clunky
I an open to plotting and working on slow burn, long term and even short term threads.
I am still reading through the source material but as always feel free to correct me when I make a mistake in our threads.
more to be added
Bruce Wayne
Damian Wayne
Connor Lance Queen
Connor Kent
Lenoard Snart
Mon El
Oliver Queen
Terry Mcgginis
Rick Flag
Rick Flag The Third
Steve Trevor
On Request
Adrian Chase
Clark Kent
Chris Kent
Jason Todd
Jon Kent
John Stewart
Hal Jordan 
Robin John Blake
Roy Harper
Tim Drake
Tommy Merlyn
Slade Wilson
Grant Wilson/ GQ EDwards
Danny Rand
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers 
James Rogers
On Request
Billy Russo
Frank Castle
Dean Winchester
Ben Braeden
On Request
Sam Winchester
On Request
Simon Lewis
Son’s of Anarchy
Abel Teller
Jax Teller
Teen wolf
Derek Hale
On Request
On Request
BRANDON STARK - Roberts Rebellion
 Walking Dead
On Request
Into the Badlands
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