#thread: rescue
aymmidumps · 8 months
I have awoken from my slumber because I've been pondering the recent news about The Sunshine Court. All I can think about is how much of a massive weirdo Jean is going to be compared to the rest of The Trojans because he grew up in the most hostile, most cultiest environment 😭 .. I cannot wait to see him learn that he doesn't have to dress like everyone else. Eat, shower, sleep and go to class with at least one team member by his side ... but I do hope they find him strange and offputting because babygirl you ARE
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themosthatedbeingg · 25 days
On one hand I have Luci about to fight Blitzø on the other .. Sodododjd he just got kidnapped by god and is about to be double dog Grounded .. Skdododod someone help HES not having a good day
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ultfan · 3 months
my ass going over ch6 again and... why tf isn't anyone talking about the implication naegi (and gang, i suppose) was manipulated into putting the remnants into the nwp?
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dnangelic · 5 months
sometimes i feel like the way i write him people who know nothing about the series would be surprised to find out that dark or daisuke is the protagonist and not like, the overall series antag, but it's just a matter of the fact that everything in the series happens to revolve around daisuke despite the way that within the greater narrative he's an antag to the law as a criminal and the hikari by uh, long-standing family feud stuff. what i'm saying is to certain groups he absolutely, definitely can serve as a 'villain' which is why i don't necessarily shy away from anything related to the fact.
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dramatisperscnae · 11 months
[my muse was unexpectedly kidnapped, found a year later barely alive, injured, and bound.]
It had happened. Of course, it had happened. He knew it would the second the thought occurred to him only a few moments after finding out that the man he loved with a vigilante. Dick had disappeared. More than just disappeared - he had vanished into the air 12 months ago and Tim had been the sorry target to have to come to the house and tell Marcus when there had been no sign of him at the end of patrol. He'd held it together in front of Tim and then trashed the place as soon as the teen had left him to it. Marcus had had to tell him to leave, he still regretted how nasty he'd been but he didn't need someone babysitting him when he had a job to do. It had been a very long 12 months of barely any sleep and even less sanity. Marcus knew Dick wouldn't be pleased with him when he found how just how many people had been screaming, writhing on the floor at his hands but he would be okay if Dick was mad at him. Because if Dick was mad then Dick was alive. And alive he was. Skin and bones and covered in blood that Marcus knew was his own. New or old, it didn't really matter. He should have made them scream more. His hands were gentle for the first time in a year as he crouched next to the shell of a man who had been his partner; fingers gently checking for a pulse and then working to untie him. "Dick?" He said softly, forcing himself not to sound like a man who had been crying for so many days. "Hey, handsome, can you hear me?" Never in his life had he thought he would be able to pick Dick up... Yet, he was certain he would be able to lift Dick and take him home as soon as he was sure that wouldn't cause any more damage.
He'd tried to keep track of the time. Done his best without the aid of clock or light or regular feeding schedule. It had to have been weeks. Months, maybe. Surely someone was still looking for him, weren't they? Tim or Barbara or Jason…?
God, Marcus.
His siblings' faces had featured in what dreams - and nightmares, and hallucinations - he'd had, but Marcus…his lover had been front and center, the one thing he'd clung to above all else. The one name he could never speak. He had to keep Marcus safe, no matter what the cost. Had to keep Marcus safe, and had to get back. He'd promised, hadn't he? That he'd always come back. Always.
And so he'd tried. There had been quite a few escape attempts, each punished more harshly than the last, but he'd kept trying. He had to. Until finally they'd just chained him down here, had their fun, exacted whatever revenge or punishment they wished and let him writhe in his chains until they left grooves in his wrists and ankles. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten. The last time he'd had water that hadn't been poured more over his face than in his mouth, half-drowning him rather than slaking his thirst.
And now there were fingers at his throat, making him try to jerk away, groaning softly in protest. He barely noticed his restraints being loosened, removed; everything already hurt, what was a little more pain? But his name, that voice…a voice he knew instantly. He forced his eyes open, tried to focus. Dark curls, green eyes, he knew that face. How could he not know it? One hand twitched, tried to lift as too-dry lips moved, parched throat trying to speak. Marcus…
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murillo-enthusiast · 4 months
I return from my mission only to find my headquarters in an absolute mess, my kitchen on fire, all the alcohol missing and the majority of my ADCs also missing.
As well as apparently two Wellingtons (@wellingthighs, @the1ronduke) having appeared in this place.
Why are there two of them.
And who left this kitten here? Have I not instructed my staff on the proper behaviour around animals?
Come, minou. I will procure some milk and food for you, and then we shall bring order and discipline to this place once again.
🐈‍⬛: mew!!!
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entities-of-posts · 6 months
Why are all of your links in pinned post broken I'm frothing at the mouth let me in let me see the secrets let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in
I have no idea, they work for me, but they don’t work for some people… you can try manually searching for the tags which title the arcs, and either scroll to the end and then read back up or tack on the chrono function yourself. It’s build into the links, which might be what doesn’t work for you. Recurring characters also have their own tags.
I’ll tag this post with all the arc tags, so you can click on them, as the search function is terrible.
Of course, a lot of the lore is actually on discord now!
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zaldrizescrowned · 2 months
STARTER ( DAENERYS ) / @korzion
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Daenerys remembered the day her brother had told her of their father's cousin, imprisoned in the dungeons of the Red Keep by the Usurper. She'd always imagined what she had looked like, this Queen Who Never Was, proud and beautiful but utterly alone. Just like she had been herself. And now, seeing her standing there, Daenerys realised she had been right.
Carefully, she stepped forward, a smile at her lips. "Princess Rhaenys," she spoke softly, "Welcome back to Dragonstone."
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dragonmasterhiccup · 5 days
The girl smiles brightly, absolutely thrilled. 
She nods, getting back into position again, sticking out her chest and trying to look majestic, like the Vikings she had seen doing it on land. 
Melodía looks behind her, and seeing him right there, she blushes slightly, but she nods, giving him a little smile.
Gently resting a hand on her left arm, he spoke softly, since he was right next to her, and said, "Bend it slightly, so the string doesn't hit it when you let the arrow fly."
Placing a hand on her right shoulder, he continued, "Relax your shoulder just a bit," moving his hand to hers, he added, "relax your lower fingers, use them to anchor your hand to your cheek, keeps it steady."
Removing his hands, he took a small step back. "Now, breathe in, and release the arrow as you exhale."
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weaimtomaim · 3 months
It was just a random radio signal, right? Just an ordinary human S.O.S. All the way out here, on Cybertron. After Earth had been declared a dead world. One that also spelled out two names. S.W.I.N.D.L.E. M.E.R.E.D-- before cutting out entirely. A ghost on the airwaves, or some chance that rat still lives out there, somewhere?
Things had been quiet lately. Not necessarily good or bad; just routine in the way that life gets sometimes.
One part of that routine involved checking their comm for any incoming messages. They got called up for jobs here and there, sometimes heard from friends or acquaintances that just wanted to catch up.
And then there was this.
Swindle frowned. This was... not like their normal messages. It was coded in a different, yet somewhat familiar, way. When he finally pinned it down as being Morse code, his frown only deepened. That was a human form of communication. What bot was using that to contact them? Or was this genuinely a human attempting to reach them for whatever reason?
He went about decoding it. S-W-I-N-... okay, that was his name. Well, you've got my attention. Then: M-E-R-E-D-
Nothing else. Just his own name, and the start of another word that got cut off.
M-E-R... Maybe not a word, but another name? Meredith?
"What the fuck," Swindle muttered to himself before rechecking his work. Maybe he got something wrong in the translation? But no, it's still definitely Mered- and then it ends there.
How did-- ? What was-- ? Who-- ? None of those questions were worth finishing, let alone trying to answer at the moment. This was going to require some investigation to get a fuller picture. Swindle began trying to trace the signal to its source and alerted the rest of the team that... something was happening.
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lasplaga · 3 months
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SACRIFICE! The price to pay for resurrection must be drawn in the blood of the innocent! Humanity must atone for their ancient sins!
Hallowed spirits to replace the fragmented, the torn, THE DYING, so that the Everlasting God may finally be reborn. It was a sickly cycle of rebirth, but natural for a parasite who inflicted mass suffering, who drew power from leeching upon CELLULAR revitalization. --- Valdelobos, on behest of the calling of a dead martyr, a true descendant of Adam, demanded offerings. Bodies piled in the rot-afflicted region, but the flyblown mounds piling in the hundreds did not sate his hunger. Human informants were ordered to scout the globe for lambs to lead to the altar. Mercenaries that invaded were strewn of their armor & casted to the growing pile. Despite governmental interference, victims continued to disappear across Spain & beyond The Mediterranean. All lost to biohazard sanctions were deemed irretrievable by the local police, to not contribute to the slaughter --- but not for private agencies.
𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐂 was one of these aforementioned agents, soon to be unknowingly casted for the lot, to be part of a unified, ABOMINABLE 'whole'. Rescuing personnel from quarantined Umbrella Europe & Paris Laboratories drew him unfortunately close to the fray, Los Iluminados raiding the dismantled corporations for abandoned equipment --- & on rare occasion, human researchers who lingered where they were no longer welcome. Being transported to Rockfort Island for trespassing was no longer a concern after the prison was forsaken & overtaken by mutants. Now, being picked off by infected scavengers, enemies of the pharmaceutical company was the growing concern in the 21st century.
A quintal of flesh was his demand to end the bloody banquet. No longer would Osmund be incomprehensible in form, but remade into something that vaguely appeared as human. The consciousness that faded would resurface to the forefront, an amalgamation of departed spirits & persistent survivors which held a collective purpose. Though he did not thrive ( yet ), necrotized militants on his behalf swarmed the abandoned facility in France for search of fresh prey. By the shattering of glass & incoherent mumblings in Castilian, the presence of animalistic, cyanosis-ridden Ganados were made known. Needing their hunt to be delivered ALIVE, lethal means of execution were traded with tranquilizers.
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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@atomiqueen like for a starter
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Terra had gotten lost, again, and it had led her straight into the dirty hands of a few raiders, who had correctly assessed her clothing and little trinkets as 'worth a lot of caps'. After a short debate they decided she didn't need to be alive to be sold, and Terra knew, with awful certainty, that she'd end up killing these men. She wanted to run from them but they weren't giving her that chance, and as much as she'd rather die than to see another carnage like the one she had left at the Enclave, she didn't think her instincts would give her a choice. She could already feel that heat spreading through her veins, almost ready. "No, no, please, don't do this!" she cried out, trying to save them more than she was trying to earn any sympathy, "Just sell me, you don't have to kill me, I'll follow you wherever you want me to go!" "She's begging," one of them laughed, pointing a large weapon at her, "I love when they do that." "Please..." Terra repeated, almost resigned to what was about to happen.
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kingkestrel · 4 months
I’m curious how do you guys write?
Do you start from the beginning and write line after line, only moving onto the next part when the line before it is perfect?
or do you just adhd the work? writing whatever scene interests you on any given day and then try to stitch all the parts together afterwards like some sort of weird tapestry.
Because that’s how I do it!
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itchose · 5 months
@manslaught said, "i think i've reached the limit of my willingness to have this conversation with you."
allie frowns, looking offended as she leans her head back. ❝  uh, i was just trying to help, ❞ she says in defense, because she thought she was mikayla's eyes to the outside world, the one person who could actually help her understand what their friends had going on, as if that wasn't a slap in the face, to know they still had the chance to live their lives while mikayla doesn't. she'd spent her entire time here so far explaining what she knew about everyone: shauna's marriage, misty's new job, lottie still MIA, all things she only knew because she was trying to keep up with it all, to be in the know if anyone ever asked. but of course, mikayla's the only one she's really 'close' to, and that's the real win.
❝  whatever. i didn't want to talk about the fucking college soccer star, anyway, ❞ she mumbles bitterly, because she was next, saved for last for a reason, because she still thinks that should have been her, still wonders why tai deserves it after what she did to her, but she knows that's not fair. at least that's what everyone tells her, anyway, because clearly, tai still went through so much that she could never understand. ❝ i'm trying to keep up with everyone for you, you know,  ❞ she lies, just trying to regain some kind of power after mikayla shut her down.
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dramatisperscnae · 1 year
@arobinwithoutbatman is rescuing Dick
God it hurt. Where was he? Had they moved him again? He didn’t know; it was hard to think through the pain. Through the fog of...whatever they’d given him. Had they drugged him? Maybe. Probably. Definitely. He could remember questions. A needle. More than one? Wrists chafing. Ankles too. Had to focus. Had to think. Had to fight it. A hand in his hair, pulling. More pain. More questions. Fight it, focus, think…
Someone talking. Skin sticky. Need a shower. Who was laughing? Did need a shower though. Hungry too. Thirsty. Focus on that. Stinks in here, should hire a maid service. Smell of stale sweat, smell of blood. Got any Febreze? Vodka-water for fabric, worked great in the circus. What’s the number for room service? Ignore the questions, no questions, no interview, sorry no comment, no comment, no comment-...
God it hurt. Where was he? They’d stopped? No...he’d passed out. Pain? Or something else? Did it matter? How long had it been. Days? Weeks? He’d lost count. Hard to keep track. Had to stay alert. Had to stay focus. Someone would come. He’d be missed. Someone would come. Someone...a door, opening. Hand in his hair again. Voice, demanding. Impact. Groan. Was that him? Couldn’t think, had to think, to focus, oh god not another needle, not more, not this, had to focus, had to think, so hard to think, hard to fight it, had to fight-
Darkness. Silence. Too much silence, ears ringing, need sound, noise, something, too quiet, too quiet, no-...footsteps? Footsteps, outside, heard them, hadn’t he? Maybe. Hard to tell what was real now. So quiet, why so quiet, need noise, sound, something, was that the door? Don’t move, stay quiet, no motion...if no sign of consciousness, maybe they’d leave him alone. Maybe. Hopefully.
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