#thread: matilda and alexander
cxnsiglixrx · 3 months
Closed Starter
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Relief. Sweet relief washed over the Empress. "It is alright..." Matilda leaned into her husband's touch, relishing it with all her energy. The baby in her arms began to fuss, Matilda shushed her. "The physician said she would have your hair..." A hand gently ghosted over the head of the child. Matilda stared down at the small baby in her arms, and thought back to her what her mother had told her.
You will lie in this bed soon enough, Matilda.
"Would you like to hold her?" The Empress sat up slightly, already extending the fussing baby towards her father. Her mother tragically passed away when it was time to have her child, Matilda was eight years old. Still, she remembered the screams and the agony coming from those large black doors. She had died to bring a son into the world, because that was the only thing her father would accept. When her waters first broke, Matilda prayed to the Gods that she not die this day.
"What about...Isabella?" // Cont from here // @justsurv1vor
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To Regain What I Lost Chapter 4 Part 1
It was late into the night, about ten-ish. Caster stood on the cliff overlooking the road where the other Caster would appear. Caster had come up with a plan to take care of the other Caster.
The plan had two parts to it. The main part of the plan was to deceive the other Caster by using an illusion of Saber and her master. Whiles he was distracted by the illusion she would then trap him then she would finish him off. The other part was a distraction for Saber and her master so they wouldn't interrupt her 'battle'.
All of the preparation had been done beforehand, all Caster needed was for the other Caster to appear.
Caster waited patiently for the moment she could put her plan into motion. Caster felt someone appear next to her.
"Hello Assassin, how may I help you?" She asked him.
"Just here to fill you in about Saber's and Lancer's battle," He answered.
Caster crouched down, wrapping her arms around her legs.
"I know most of what happened," She told him. "I had one of my familiars watching the battle. Though there are some things she couldn't pick up,"
"I am very happy to fill in the blanks for you," Assassin offered.
"Thank you, Assassin," She thanked him. "What was Rider's name? My familiar couldn't pronounce it," Caster asked.
"Iskandar," Assassin simply answered.
There was a brief moment of silence before Caster spoke.
"Please tell me that's a joke?" She asked.
"Unfortunately not," he replied. "Is there something wrong with that?"
Caster stared into the night sky before she answered Assassin.
"I used to read a lot about Alexander the Great as a child. I guess I have a heavy romanticize version of him. I didn't think he is someone who goes head first into battle without a plan," She explained.
Assassin hummed. "Anything else?"
"Could you explain Berserker's Noble Phantasm?" She asked.
"It seems like anything Berserker touches become his Noble Phantasm. I'm not sure it extends to other Noble Phantasm," Assassin explained.
Caster hummed in reply. Taking in the information and running it against her knowledge of different heroes she had read about. There wasn't much to work off since Berserker's appearance was brief, Ouse couldn't give a detail description of him.
Her thoughts were stopped by an unfamiliar presence. Caster focuses her eyes back onto the road. She could make out the figure of the other Caster on the road, waiting for Saber to come. Standing up, she nodded to Assassin signalling to him that it was time for her to put her plan into motion.
Moving to the edge of the cliff, Caster took a deep breath before proceeding forward.
'Yae, Sae are you ready' She asked.
'Yes Matilda,' The twins answered in the union.
Caster nodded to herself.
"This man who’s maddened by his desires, allow them to become reality. Weave and fabricate his desire into an illusion," Caster commanded her spell.
There was a brief moment before the sound of screeching tyres could be heard from up the road.
From one of the corners of the road came a silver Mercedes-Benz 300SL at a ridiculously fast speed. It continued at its fast-pace before stopping abruptly a couple meters in front of the other Caster.
The silver Mercedes' doors opened and Saber and her master stepped out. Both of them made their way to the front of the car, coming face to face with the other Caster. Saber stood slightly more in front of her master to protect her from the unknown servant.
The other Caster bowed to them crossing one of his arms across his body.
"I have come for you, my sweet and holy virgin," he said as he bowed. "Do you know this man," Saber's master inquired.
"I've never laid eyes on him," She answered honestly.
During this exchange of words Caster sneaked behind the silver car, waiting for the perfect moment to launch her attack.
"Oh no!" The other Caster cried out. "Are you saying you've forgotten my face?" he desperately asked.
"Forgotten you?" Saber repeated, stepping forward a bit. "I've never met you in my life. You mistake me for another," Saber told him.
The other Caster grabbed his hair and let out a small scream. "It's me, Gilles de Rais!" He cried out again, putting his left hand over his heart. "I have prayed for your resurrection and have been waiting for a miracle to reunite us. To that end I've come all this way to the end of time, my Jeanne," Caster rambled.
During his madden rambling the other Caster let loose his true identity. Gilles de Rais. That name fills Caster with a sickening hatred. She read about his heroic deeds during the Hundred Years War, as well as the story of Bluebeard.
"Who is Joanne?" Irisviel asked.
"I don't know your name I insure you. Nor have I any idea who this Joanne might be," Saber told him.
"No," Gilles whispered. "No, you've can't of forgotten, not your former identity," He asked.
"As you have deemed it fit to give me your name, I must in keeping with the chivalry code give mine. My name is Artoria, the heir to Uther Pendragon and King of Britain. I enter this battle in the saber class," Saber told him.
"Oh no! It's so very sad! She lost her memory and gone completely insane!" Gilles cried out once again. Gilles started screaming to God about how cruel he was while Gilles was hitting the ground with a fist.
Caster took this opportunity to trap Gilles. She abruptly cut off the illusion of catching Gilles off guard by this action. Using the moment of confusion to trap him. Caster uses the hair that she had placed around where Gilles stood, trapping him in a cocoon restraint.
"What is this!?" Gilles screamed.
"My trap. You have fallen right into it, Monsieur de Rais," Caster told him.
"Who are you!? What did you do with my fair Joanne!?" Gilles screeched.
"I'm Caster and Saber wasn't really there. It was all an illusion that I created so I could kill you," She told him.
"You liar! I am Caster of this Grail War!" Gilles screeched. "And how dare you use my fair Joanne like that!"
"Sorry to inform you but the Grail has decided to allow two Casters to be summoned in this war," She informed him. "As you can guess, there can be only one of us," She stated.
Gilles screamed and struggled against the hair-band restraint. Caster raised her right hand, calling the ends of her hairs to it. Once all the ends had gathered in her hand, she gave them a good old tug, tightening the hold of the cocoon. Gilles was still able to breathe properly but the hold was unbearable.
"Who is your Master?" Caster questions him.
"I will never tell you who my Master is! You Witch!" Gilles continued to screech.
Caster stood unaffected by Gilles screeching. She wrapped her hair around her hand and once again tugging on the hair, making the cocoon even tighter. Gilles now found it hard to breathe. He began to struggle even more against the restraints.
As Caster was about to talk again, she felt a presence of something about to attack her. Caster quickly jumped out of its way and activated her clairvoyance. Her clairvoyance shows her that something else would also try and attack her. Caster pumped mana to her feet, this would allow her to jump to have more power to it. She proceeded to jump onto the side of the cliff.
Looking back at the road to see what had attacked her, she was greeted with a strange site.
The creators- if you could call them that- looked like mutant starfish. Caster couldn't make out much detail about the creators' appearance since the lighting on the road was poor. From the energy, their bodies were giving off they were some kind of demon.
Caster could feel the threads of her hair being tugged. She looked back over at Gilles, who was now struggling more intensely against her hair. Noticing that Gilles was trapped, one of the creators jumped onto the strands connecting Caster to the cocoon while the other attached itself to the cocoon.
The creators tore through the hair freeing Gilles from his binds. Once he was free, Gilles reached inside of his cloak and pulled out a grimoire.
"You witch! I'll destroy you!" Gilles screeched.
A smirk spread across Caster's face.
"If it's a fight you want, I'll be happy to oblige," she said.
Caster ran her hand through her hair, pulling out some of her white hair. The strands of hair wrapped themselves around three of her fingers. Pouring more mana back into her legs Caster then jumped into the forest next to the road. As she passes Gilles some of her hair wrapped around his ankle pulling him into the forest as well. ***
Irisviel and Saber came rushing down the mountain road, heading back to Einzbern Castle.
Saber sat tensely in the passenger seat as Irisviel drove wildly around the corner.
"See! See! I told you so!" Irisviel happily said. "This car takes the turns really fast!"
"W-Well, that because your surprisingly a good driver," Saber nervously complimented Irisviel.
They came speeding over a bump in the road lifting the car and them into the air for a moment. This cause Saber a moment of fright.
"I know! You may not believe it but I practice all the time," Irisviel told Saber as she changed gears. "Of all the toys Kiritsugu has brought me over the years, this is my absolute favourite!" She confessed.
"Th-This is a toy?" Saber nervously asked.
Irisviel increased the speed, making the car go faster down the road.
"At the castle, I was only allowed to drive around the courtyard so, this is great!"
"Shouldn't we hired a professional driver?" Saber asked.
"No, that would be boring- I mean, it could be dangerous. What if the enemy were to suddenly launch attacked against us," Irisviel quickly bluffed out.
"Well, I suppose you have a point but-" Saber was interrupted when Irisviel slammed down on the breaks.
The car came screeching to a halt. Saber quickly looked over at Irisviel to see if she was fine -which she was,- before looking out of the window.
In front of the car like deer in the headlight, were two girls around the age of sixteen. The girls were identical to each, other most likely twins. They had dark browns hair that falls around their necks. They had walnut brown eyes. The girls were both wearing the same type of clothing, low tortilla brown swing coats with cedar brown knee length boots along with white woollen scarves.
One of the girls stood in front of the other, trying to protect the other girl whiles the other was clinging to the other.
The girls weren't servants or magus, just normal girls but what were they doing all the way out here this late at night.
"Irisviel stays here, I'll deal with the girls," Saber told her stepping out of the car.
Saber made her way to the front of the car where the girls were, now facing her as she came around. They cowered away from Saber when she reaches them.
"Are the two of you alright?" Saber asked.
The girl in front replied for both of them. "We're fine, just a bit shaken up,"
"That's good to hear," Saber said. "Why are the two of you here out so late?" she asked.
"Me and my sister were out trying to find some purple mountain flowers. We sort of lost track of time," The girl in front answered.
"And we got lost," Her sister added on.
Saber notices the girl behind was hiding behind her sister like she was afraid of her.
"I could take you back home? We're quite far from Fuyuki," Saber offered.
As they were about to answer, a large explosion came from the forest beside the road. Everyone turned to look at it. Dust rose into the air, it was around five meters long.
There was no doubting it was caused by servants.
Irisviel turned off the car and got out.
"Saber!" Irisviel called out to her.
Saber responded with a nod of the head before heading to the edge of the road. Irisviel now stood in front of the girls.
"We're just going to check out that explosion. You're welcome to wait in the car until we come back," She told them.
Irisviel then went over to Saber who picked her up in bridal fashion then proceeded to jumped down to the forest.
The girls stared at the spot were Saber and Irisviel had just been then turned the stare at the settling dust from the explosion. There was a moment of silence between them before either of them spoke.
"Do you think Matilda will be alright?" The girl in front asked.
"Of course Yae," The girl told her sister, moving closer to the side of the road. "She's powerful, talented and smart, she can find her way out of any situation," she said.
[Part 2]
[Chapter 3 Part 1] * [Chapter 5] * [Prologue]
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tanakariza · 8 years
Bungou Stray Dogs OCs
Hi Everyone! So, in case you didn’t know (since I just happened to not talk much about it much on this blog), I watch Bungou Stray Dogs and I’m currently reading the manga. Today, I started thinking of some OCs using the same character modeling system that BSD uses when creating their characters based on authors. However, all of the OCs I’ve been brainstorming are 20-21st century authors, i.e. the ones who’s works I grew up reading. I’m hoping I can make my own little BSD fanfiction with these OCs some day. Let me know what you think. Make note; this is limited only to works I have read. I do intend to put Neil Gaiman on this OC list after I read “American Gods” which is his most famous work. Also, if this gets enough attention, I’ll post some character designs here.
Protagonist Organization
Isaac Asimov (either the leader or a most respected member)
Gift: I-Robot (allows him to grow extra body-parts including limbs, heads, eyes (so he can see the back of his head), etc)
Age: fifties
Appearance: Shirt and vest. Often seen smoking.
Lemony Snicket (not the leader, but one of the most respected members)
Gift: A Series of Unfortunate Events (once someone has been attacked, they are given bad luck)
Past: Became an orphan in his teens after his family perished in a terrible fire. He was falsely accused of causing that fire and had been on the run since then. Joined the antagonist organization until he later decided that it was better to be part of the organization that helps people rather than hurts people.
Skills: Intelligent. Heavy reader, skilled technician. When he was little, he had sharp teeth. He’s also a good cook.
Age: Late twenties-early thirties
Appearance: Tall, thin, always wearing a suit, wears glasses, slick black hair.
Annie Proulx (Protagonist)
Gift: Brokeback Mountain
Past: Grew up in the south mid region of America. Was disowned from her family for being gay. Lived on the streets until she was found by someone in the organization who then makes her part of it.
Had a secret girlfriend in high school named Jackie who died from [what killed Jack in Brokeback Mountain]
Age: 18
Suzanne Collins
Gift: The Hunger Games (she can take away an element from something, for example, the oxygen from a human, the sulfur from ashes, nitrogen from fire, etc)
Past: Was in an Izumi Kyouka situation where she has an ability that can easily kill people and was brought up by a mafia who nudged it into her mind that that’s all she’s capable of. All her life she has wanted to save lives.
Originally apart of the antagonist organization and, later in the story, joins the protagonist organization.
Age: 16
Ray Bradbury
Gift: Fahrenheit 451 (fire powers, duh)
Age: 20s
William Golding
Gift: Lord of the Flies (Makes swarms of flies from nowhere)
Age: 12 (though he probably should be older in this story)
Appearance: Pre-teen boy in a ripped-up white shirt and jeans
Harper Lee
Gift: To kill a Mocking Bird
Appearance: Brown Skinned
Past: Grew up in Alabama
Age: 20
Antagonist Organization
Gail Clarkson Levine
Gift: Ella Enchanted (forces people to do what she tells them)
Looks: long spakly dress from out of a fairy tale, long braided brown hair with a silver thread woven in, tall.
Past: Mother’s dead, father remarried, step mother and step sisters treated her like a servant and told her what to do all the time and that was how her power was born.
Skills: Great singer
Age: 21
Madelyn L'Engle
Gift: A Wrinkle in Time (makes tesseracts allowing her to travel in both time and space)
Looks: Teenage girl with glasses, long flowing brown hair
Past: Didn’t fit in at school but was the smartest in her class. Avoided talking when she was little so she didn’t have to sound more intelligent than an average kid.
Skills: Critical Thinking, physics
Age: 18
Lloyd Chudley Alexander
Gift: The Black Cauldron
Lois Lowry
Gift: The Giver
Elaine Lobl Konigsberg
Gift: From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Looks: old woman, librarian like costume
Profession: Art Librarian
Age: 70s
Lewis Sacher
Gift: Holes (literally make holes, including holes in one's luck)
Past: He used to be a gym teacher, in that time, he was called Lewis the Yard Teacher. Has spent time in jail for stealing a pair of sneakers owned by a famous basketball player. Absolutely despises the American government for this reason.
Age: Early-mid thirties
Shel Silverstein
Gift: Where the Sidewalk Ends
Christopher Paul Curtis
Gift: Bud, Not Buddy
Appearance: Brown-skinned, white shirt and overalls
Age: 16
Skills: Saxophonist
Joanne K Rowling
Gift: Harry Potter
Age: thirties
Joan G. Robinson
Gift: When Marnie was There (makes a ghost called Marnie who can alter someone’s memories or perceptions of reality)
Past: Grew up at a lake house in Northern England
Clive Staples Lewis
Gift: Narnia (It’ll be something to do with magical animals)
Past: Grew up in Ireland and moved to England in his adulthood
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Gift: Lord of the Rings (makes golden rings appear from his hands which are under his control)
Past: He fought in Afganistan
Roald Dahl
Gift: Either Matilda or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
George Orwell
Gift: 1984 or Animal Farm
Cornelia Funke
Gift: Herr der Diebe (The Thief Lord) (She can steal objects and people from books by reading those books aloud, any other way this power works, refer to Inkheart)
Appearance: Blond hair in a ponytail, wears a trench coat and a matching boy’s hat of some kind. Dresses in a shirt pants and suspenders.
Past: She used to be a thief on the streets, ever since her parents died and she ran away from her orphanage. She’s always loved reading.
Astrid Lindgren
Gift: Pippi Longstocking
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bloodshedfalls · 8 years
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Much to the surprise of the entire residency of Red Creek, Christmas and New Year passed, it what can only be described as a thoroughly uneventful fashion. Though there were parties galore, and drama to be found around every turn, it was merely the kind of drama you’d expect to find around that time of year. There were family arguments over the dinner table, I mean sure - maybe not every family draw a shotgun on each other, but not everybody’s brother just found out he’s a werewolf. There were lovers tiffs at parties because it’s the worst feeling when you finally find your boyfriend in the crowd of people and he has someone else lipstick on his collar - or maybe it was blood? There were missing people reports, robberies and a few reports of burnt Christmas puddings and broken hearts on New Years Eve, but nobody died - well, almost nobody, Mean Old Man Herbert finally whispered one final ‘Stay off my lawn’ before passing away peacefully in his sleep at the beginning of the coldest winter Red Creek has witnessed in a hundred years; but look on the bright side, Kids are now free to play on his lawn without fear!
Speaking of the coldest winter in a hundred years, the snow storms of Red Creek did not cease over the holiday period, much the opposite - to the dismay of the entire town who found it harder and harder to go about their day to day lives as the snow piled up around them. Eventually, the roads out of town became too treacherous to drive on, leaving residents trapped yet again, but if only they’d known that was far from the worst to come. Weeks passed and the town eventually ran out of salt to grit the roads and the sidewalks, people gave up shoveling their paths, many even gave up trying to leave the house entirely. The town came to a standstill, yet the storm raged on. Situations hit a critical point earlier in the week when the entire town lost power, knocked out by the heavy snowfall - officials said nobody could get out to them to do repairs until the storm stopped, and the snow melted.
The Mayor and the Sheriff pooled together all available resources and split them across three locations around town that were known to have backup generators; the Hospital, the High School, and the Sheriff’s Department. Word was sent out that those that were still able should make their way to one of these three locations immediately, for shelter, food, and warmth. The residents made their way to the three safety points in dribs and drabs, some headed out immediately - wasting no time, not wanting to get stuck in their ice cold homes, others made their way a few days later as the temperature dropped below zero, and others had yet to be seen or heard of.
But with the winds picking up outside and the temperature continuing to drop, even those that had found sanctuary with the generators were beginning to feel the cold. The town found themselves huddling together freezing, wondering if this storm would ever let up.
And then there were the rumors of a house, just off Main street, who’s lights were still on… another generator?
Welcome to January’s event - starting a little differently this time round, we’ll jump in mid-event, so to speak, in the midst of the action. Your characters will be at one of the three generator locations, and will be listed below. Please try to interact with as many new characters that you might not have spoken to before during this time.
It should also be noted that some species will be effected by the cold more so that others:
Tetra’s will deteriorate quickly, they cannot rely on frozen water and the drop in temperature will have dried out all moisture in the air.  
Reapers will also find themselves in a worse condition, due to already running at a lower than average temperature, they will be the first to suffer not to mention that they are still a mortal creature.
All other mortal creatures that run at a normal temperature (Human, Witch, Banshee, Hunter, Imps and Shapeshifters) will be effected by the cold, but less rapidly.
Werewolves and Phoenixes naturally run at a higher temperature and therefore will find they can withstand the cold for longer than most.
Vampires are immortal, and though they cold cannot kill them, and will effect them slower, they will start to deteriorate.
Ghosts have no physical body and are therefore unaffected by the cold.
Also please note that not everyone would have heard the rumor about the house with the lights on to start with, a search party will be chosen later in the event (by the admins) to go and check it out. Please feel free to message us if you are interested in being involved.
The event will start 17/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT and end on 21/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT
Remember, put a hold on all pre event threads, you may pick them up again once the event has finished. Also remember the three starter rule still applies, so once there are three starters posted for each group you must answer them before posting your own! Tag starters with: bloodshedstarter & your character’s location. Also make sure to run any major plots by the main for admin approval. But most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Lyra Carmikael
Jericho Kane
Fletcher Swan
Eleanor Drake
Dominic Willingham
Gabriel Westwood
Wisteria Fontaine
Finley Darius
Giana St James
Caitlyn Thompson
Mercedes Peltier
Kayleigh Fairmont
Nolan Chase
Catherine Hamilton
Diana Vaughn
Sarah Davis
Vincent Petrov
Ripley Kincaid
Dawn Cassidy
Matilda Hunt
Kirsten Lawe
Liam Stephens
Logan Marshall
Sawyer King
Jack Dawson
Harlow Halliday
Ace Doherty
Leslie Murray
Victoria Kyle
Heath Lllewellyn
Sesha Kaur
Alexander Dragov
Shelby Fontaine
Seth Talbot
Rory Talbot
Ronan Carmikael
Kara Michaels
Dora Saint Claire
Aemilia Carmikael
Ryan Darius
Lucas Astor
Jaxon Dubois
Francesca Mendoza
Joslyn Curie
Christian Donovan
Jordan Darius
Kenzie Hale
Levi Fairchild
Noah Carmikael
Brooke Marshall
Owen Hurst
Eli Livingston
Mathias Roux
Tate Emerson
Tanner Ayers
Elizabeth Blackwood
Carter Kane
Matthew Peterson
Emma Teague
Adrian Chevalier
Mace Wyler
Cornelius Lindstrom
Lenore Dauphine
Laurent Bernard
Cameron Jackson
Faye Archer
Bonnie Dragov
Clark Roschell
Felix Marius
Quinn Stephens
Allison Gilbert
Thalia Levesque
Agneis Amell
Djohariah Olvera
Clarice Dagny
Temperance Goldthwaite
Jonah Burke
Benjamin Knight
Aurelia Winters
Wyatt Talbot
Cassidy Talbot
Micah Carmikael
Hope Cress
Tripp Blais
Keaton Baird
Nico Oron
Rhaella Colwyn
Carmen Exposita
Jonathan Drake
Bishop Danes
Maddox Chase
Thea King-Roschell
Christopher Talbot
Grace Sheridan
Ophelia Jermaine
Andrew Stephens
Rowan Harrison
William Adler
Rosalina Sanchez
Damien Hunt
Dawson Wooddruff
Lara Talbot
Brandon Rutherford
Caleb Marshall
Otis DeMarco
Lexa Reznik
Savannah Fontaine
Alice Roschell
Ruaraidh Vasile
Simone Artois
Ransome Gullage
Desmond Vaughn
Brennan Talbot
Devlin Clary
Jace Walsh
Anastasia Johnson
Jasmine Turner
Josephine Clover
Kaz Vietteleva
Aurora Blake
Dominique Demorian
Murphy Halloran
Jamie Knight
Wren Fontaine
Zeke Callen
Asher Carmikael
Remi Carmikael
Nora Cress
Lyssa Deveraux
Rose Beck
Kevin Tenniel
Byron Verlaine
Ezra Lin
Garen Turner
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