#thread: 004
ambroselm · 9 months
The Music Rooms. Sometime in the first week. [ OPEN STARTER ]
The ten most difficult songs to play on a piano. Hungarian Rhapsody N. 2, Liszt. Flight of the Bumblebee, Korsakov. Fantaisie Impromptu, Chopin. Piano Concerto N. 5, Beethoven. Moonlight Sonata (3rd Movement), Beethoven. Revolutionary Etude, Chopin. Etude Op. 25 No. 11 - Winter Wind, Chopin. Piano Concerto No. 21, Mozart. Grande Polonaise Brillante Opus 22, Chopin. "Heroic" Polonaise Opus 53, Chopin. Ambrose went over the songs once, twice, upwards of ten times. Over and over again. Hammering out the difficult details of each one until his head started pounding, and his fingers felt like they were going to fall off. But he had to make a good first impression on his instructors. He had to be the best in his classes. He didn't just think that because he was a perfectionist either. He had to be the best because if he didn't prove he could do this - music - while simultaneously making a career out of doing music he'd be nothing but a joke.
He was too deep in his head that his fingers tripped over the wrong keys, and the palms of his hands followed, flattening into a loud angry dissonant sound. He huffed a deep breath lifting his head and noticing someone else must have come into the room sometime in the past thirty minutes. He really did find it unsurprising that he'd really missed a whole person. "Sorry," Ambrose said. I promise I can do better. "Have you been in here long?"
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ulyflynn · 7 months
uly 📲 rina.
Uly: New roomie sitch worked out well for me Uly: You'll never believe who it is
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damianesco · 22 days
[ OUTGOING SMS 📲 🩶🩶🩶 ]
DAMIAN: if i committed a crime would it be considered a conflict of interest if you represented me in court?? DAMIAN: hypothetically, of course @graysonheller
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theodoranowak · 24 days
[ 📱 text ] Sam
THEO: Hi. THEO: Sorry to bother you. You left your pizza pan here the other night. THEO: In case you wanted it back @momentspassd
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rorysanderson · 24 days
[ 📱 text ] Jack Lynch
RORY: Hey x RORY: Are u very busy? @jacklynchh
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mackmontgomery · 3 months
mack 📲 cricket.
Mack: I yatted Cri-Kee from Mulan on someone yday Mack: Made me think of ya 😆
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fcrox · 1 month
who: @edgarebones where: ministry of magic when: during lunch break
It was a bizarrely shocking fact to look back at just how much time had passed between finding out about her engagement and the here and now. Somehow Hestia had managed to avoid the whole thing, for the most part simply burying herself in her work. All sadder for it was the fact that her very own fiance was simply down the hall in his own office. So close, yet so far. Had it been selfish of her to hide away, to not face the reality of an agreement made for the two of them when there was, after all, more than just one person involved in the whole thing?
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Hestia felt bad, the very moment she realized the path she had been on and thus found herself outside his office door minutes before her lunch break, a basket in hand. The witch knocked, before carefully letting herself in. "I believe I owe you some explanation. That, and some lunch. If you'll have it, that is." The brunette held the basket up, something she had made herself. "I am sorry for the way things have gone and I realize that I was focused a little bit too much on myself." It was an odd situation for the petite witch. Normally she wasn't one to dare venture into selfish territories, yet in this instance she'd almost ran for the hills. Things needed to change. - @edgarebones
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ofwrxth · 2 months
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"Don't tell me you're tired already?" Jakob remarks with a sly smile as he notes a yawn from Ines. As if he hadn't just had her in a heaping mess twenty minutes ago. He'd helped clean her up, resulting in an even longer delay for them since Jakob tended to get distracted. Then clothes were put back on and a bit of magic was worked in the room to set things right away. Now, he takes a swig of his beer, leaning against balcony railing with Ines tucked into his side as they overlook the city. The din of music is still ongoing throughout the penthouse, but this small corner of the balcony is quiet enough that he can hear himself think. And, more importantly, he can hear her talk. He nudges her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her cheek before glancing back over the city skyline. "Is it too soon to ask your verdict on the pink party?" He asks with a mischievous look in his eye, "everything you thought it would be?" @rviner
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lcvergrl · 3 months
WHERE: the granger-liao household WITH: maude @chrrylpstcks
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Seline walks into Maude's room, fully intending to confront them on the letter she'd found while looking through their things a few days ago. She'd been avoiding them for a while, managing successfully to not run into them at the festival... Seline felt a little put out by not being able to run her soup ingredient by Maude this year, but what's done had to be done. She simply did not know how to bring this up — it was awkward.
"Maude," Seline says, her voice pitchy from not knowing what tone to take. She clears her throat. "Um..." Seline stares for a few moments, her throat closing around the planned words, and then decidedly says something else. "Um, what did you put in the soup and why did it make the governor hate us? We're basically cursed now."
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maura-cortes · 4 months
maura 📲 cricket
maura: are you home? maura: do you want snacks? maura: and a sleepover 👀
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luckylewis · 4 months
closed for: @kaede-yamada
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"Something about seeing you here feels like it falls under 'what's not illegal but feels illegal'," Lucky jokes as he realises a face in the crowd was actually one that he knew fairly well -- though it was his first time happening to run into him at Oasis.
"I'm just here for the theme, I still prefer The Reef."
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ulyflynn · 3 months
uly 📲 madison.
Uly: [Screenshot of story post of flowerfest pic] Uly: What did I specifically fuckin say not to do
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thirtecnth · 11 months
@edgarwayne / closed starter / edgar wayne
setting: pumpkin festival - post earthquake
Beverly hadn't stopped since she finally got ahold of herself. Somehow, with the help of others and Jamie, she managed to pull herself together and use her able-bodied self to help the injured. She was lucky. So many were not. Including some of her students. Past and present. However, when she noticed some of Edgar's students entering the area of the injured, their bodies covered in burns and smoke, her blood felt frozen in her veins. He wouldn't have run out of there without them. There wasn't a chance in the world. Without even a single rational thought, her feet carried her toward the view of the fire-- the haunted house. That's when she saw him on the ground, his back scorched with red, black, and bubbled skin. "Jesus Christ!" She gasped, her eyes already filling with tears as she kneeled down beside him. "Oh my God. Edgar-- Edgar breathe. It's Bev. I'm here okay? Help is coming."
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havenbsinclair · 11 months
who: Julian Heywood @julianxheywood where: Haven's Front Porch
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Haven was still trying to figure out why Julian Heywood had been the first person she thought to contact as she had been standing alone in her house this afternoon. It was the first real opportunity she'd had alone since she'd ran into Kanyon at the grocery store, and while she didn't want to worry anyone, she was thankful to have a team of people on her side to help her through whatever this was she was about to experience. Because in all honesty with Kanyon's return it had left Haven in a bit of a mess mentally, and when Julian had offered to come see her she was thankful, even if she had hesitated. As the familiar vehicle pulled up, she sat up a little straighter, letting her back lean against the post as she watched; this was certainly a sight she could get used to. "Thanks for coming, Julian." she spoke when he was finally in ear shot.
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lcstpaths · 6 months
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"I APOLOGIZE for my outburst even though it was honestly the only appropriate reaction."
@hstoryhuh liked for a starter for henry.
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iansolko · 6 months
closed starter for @danieleansworth
Ian had shown Daniel some of his demos over the summer, and that had gone okay.  Great, even.  Unfortunately, they were songs that upon further listening, Ian was supremely unhappy with: had scrapped, rewritten,  spent hours re-recording vocals and instrumentals, and now, months and months later, he was at a spot he could be semi-happy with the demos, and could potentially show them to Theo and Skylar to provide their own respective vocals and bass.  This was why he’d never finished an album before--only occasionally provided instrumentals on tracks over the years.  He was too nit-picky when it came to his music.
But first, he wanted Daniel’s opinion on them.  Because.  And Ian really hoped he wasn’t cutting in on Daniel being with Ryder instead when sending him a message, asking if he wanted to meet after dinner to listen to music in one of the meeting rooms.  Truthfully, he hadn’t been inviting Daniel to hang out much in the past few months, for fear of the same thing: interfering on time that he could be spending with someone he preferred.  But Ian had their laptop and some headphones set up anyway, and gave a quick wave to their friend as he came in.  “Hey, how are you feeling and also doing, Daniel?”  Ian asked, gesturing to the seat next to him to sit.  
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