#thread 01: badou nails
amerhauser · 1 year
starter - @baddestdangerboy
Eyepatch aside, she can't buy it. She had seen zombies without eyes or a missing one at her world. Her wooden spear, treated like her Naginata was raised as she was... overly cautious and only speaks German since she isn't good with English and Japanese.
She held tight on her weapon and had to ask one question normally in a world of zombies.
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"Sagen Sie es mir! Bist du infiziert, gebissen? Zeig mir deine Wunden als ein fehlendes Auge!!"
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gatlingfever · 2 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy
Ah yes, the distress of vending machines. Marian has no ulterior motive against them but she was pranked by it by Anis after thinking that soda would turn her into one. She'd want to destroy that thing but she uses a BB gun.
Perhaps some more understanding may help about vending machines may help.
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"This won't turn me into a vending machine right?" Worries because of minor trauma.
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attacherbullet · 2 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
She’s glad to be reunited with her gun which is also who she is. It was like a thing that’s always attached to one another. That’s right. HK416, which is her gun is now back at her side for so many years that’s been away from her for long.
Safety’s off as she was perfectly cautious, she points it at Badou because he was behind her.
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“Don’t scare me like that. I almost pulled the trigger!” Swiftly turning on the safeties of her assault rifle, she hoped he won’t do that again.
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fatalmenace · 2 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​
Some questions needed to be answered and some things must be known as well like, how to use a phone but she knows this is the right person. Alice, who lived at Fibbonaci managed to find Badou Nails out with no intention whatsoever. Just wanting to know how to use a phone.
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“Hello there! Can you help me out of something?” Her approach is quite cheery that hoping he won’t be tense once she begin asking him the real thing.
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placides · 2 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Shouko in the wild and merely playing herself in one of the empty playgrounds. She was supposed to be doing the swing first but when she sat on one, it could be there is someone there lurking but she kept swinging herself in.
To add the icing on the cake, Narberal was there too by a random encounter. Probably now both of them are looking at a faraway distance to the schoolgirl.
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“You’ve seen the recent eclipse, do you?” Narberal was focused on Badou prior to the very recent one. “Is she one of those new ones from that eclipse earlier?”
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sightshot · 3 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
These are the common occurences when Piper isn’t in an interviewing spree than finding some materials to write things down or something. She needs them badly if she wants to write out tidbits on during her interviews with random people at Spirale. One of these days, she’ll ask him questions.
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“Good afternoon, do you know where to get some notes and a pen around here? I needed it for something.” Piper was unaware that Spirale doesn’t accept bottlecaps than virtual dust money.
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demoniomano · 3 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Are ghosts and monsters are real this month? It was been a talk widely towards those who stayed in this place for long years. It only brings her even more curiosity in her mind about it. Not that she’s denying to be not afraid of ghosts and such but her wandering curiosity of her mind does.
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“I wound’t want to be rude but are there ghosts and other monsters do really exist this month of ‘October’?” She learned that month word from her dictionary since Fodlan’s calendar system is complicated.
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purewhitedevil · 3 years
random starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Random encounter had happened. So this is Badou Nails that Narberal talking about? He may be human but fear not, she won’t hurt or seduce him like a normal succubus does.
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“You must be the one Narberal talking about during her stay in this place.” She’s just behind him as she confirms that it is him.
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bursterasure · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Diamond-like beings were too hard indeed for Ilsa as her BB gun isn’t helping. In fact, this made the erune had no idea what was going on indeed. It was a good thing it doesn’t turn anyone into diamonds other than isolation.
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“What the hell is going here?” She saw Badou around the corner while needing answers, she asked directly. “You there. Any idea why some beings were diamond-like?”
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infiernogarde · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
It was been a long while since last time in this place and now she returned once again with a new home at Fibonacci. With her wooden sword sheathed in her back with ropes attached, Hikaru wondered if this place was changed since she was gone.
She saw someone that could stayed here for a long time like her as she approached to him.
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“Um, hello there. I’ve stayed here bit longer as i’m curious of how it was unlike before.” Hikaru was bit nervous but she went straightforward to know if there were events happened she missed. “Are there any changes in Spirale? Weird happenings and such?” Her curious mind barely can’t help just like the time she got here for the first time.
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
It just wasn’t her day on how to use the phone in general. Sure it does look like it’s modernized but Nanao was on the cavemen’s era on her mindset when it comes to human-related things. Even search engines made her confused too in general.
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“Do you know how to use this ‘internet’?” Someone needed to enlighten her how to use a phone in general too, while at it.
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cursedsaotome-blog · 6 years
Starter - @baddestdangerboy
Archimedes was something pretty new to him like, did he even went to visit Greece or something? Well, everything is a bit a mix of Grecian stuff, until he met this guy. He even saw a black-haired girl in a maid costume leaving recently.
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“So uh, is this Greece or something? Not a bit familiar about these ‘wards’.”
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aurelsabre · 6 years
continued from [ ? ] @baddestdangerboy
Narberal is still primitive to other trendy things this island has to offer. Probably because she’s elliptically new to it but can’t blame being too foreign. Maybe this is a reason why she seeks more things about trends and stuff? Nobody knows why.
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“Something like that, but for now about ‘pokemon’. I’m not saying they’re ugly though. It’s... cute.”
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beckonsosweetly · 5 years
Starter | @baddestdangerboy​
It might be a strange sight to some, to see a woman like Maria sitting alone atop a blanket in the middle of a park, enjoying a picnic for one that consisted solely of one teapot and its accompanying teacups. But it was a good chance to enjoy the atmosphere, she thought, while getting in some meditation time.
Plus, she wouldn’t say she was truly alone, as she had her cat with her too, attached to her wrist via a leash, currently cat napping next to her leg. Both of them came here to relax (though she still kept her Rakuyo in its scabbard in front of her).
She was taking a sip, eyes closed, when she sensed someone was coming her way—about thirty feet in advance. She still didn’t open her eyes when they were close enough to hear her.
“Did you come to join me?”
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“There are spare cups, if you would like to pour yourself one.”
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