#thread ๐–ค“ vicoya & haelim
vicoya ยท 3 months
where: caer glas keep when: a couple days after the Legion reclaimed the keep with: @haelimthewatcher notes: crying screaming throwing up
In peace, vigilance. Vicoya's eyes were trained on the skies, the three words from her oath ringing through her mind as her thoughts wandered like the drifting clouds. In the days since she'd arrived at Caer Glas Keep, she found herself walking the ramparts often. They yielded the best view and fresh air since the rest of the Keep was still in disrepair. Plus, she was expecting someone - expecting a familiar wyvern to sail over the mountain tops with a certain witcher on her back.
There were potions to make, healing wounds to check on, but she couldn't pry herself away from the battlements. Rian and Alucard had faith in his return too, she hoped, but had found more productive things to do with their time than stare at the sky. She just could bring herself to believe he was truly gone, having fallen trying to protect the King. He was the strongest person she knew, and for him to die in vain? That simply wasn't acceptable, even if sacrifice was a part of their oaths as Legionnaires. It just wasn't fair. Of all the good she tried to do for the world, why did it treat her so cruely?
A selfish thought. Her head hung low for a moment, fiery red curls obscuring her vision. That's when a dark dot with what appeared to be wings broke through the clouds in the distance, too far to make out clearly but unmistakable, nonetheless. Coya had yet to look up, lost in her thoughts as she studied the toes of her boots. A sudden and familiar roar snapped her out of her stupor, her head craning upwards and back towards the sky.
Vicoya grabbed onto the skirt of her robes, hiking them up slightly as she sped down the stone stairs of the ramparts. Hair and fabric trailed behind her as she ran towards the metals door barring the keep. "Open the gates. Now!" She watched impatiently as the Legionnaire manning the gate slowly turned the wheel, the barrier ever so slowly inching upwards. As soon as there was enough room for her to duck under she did so, jogging out to the open field nearby. Plenty of space for Daewonsa to land.
Her hand moved to shield her eyes from the sun as she watched the wyvern and rider draw closer, trying to make out whether either was injured. 'Twas the habit of a healer, after all. The wyvern landed in front of Vicoya with a loud thud and a gust of wind, further rustling her hair. "You're home."
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vicoya ยท 3 days
when: recent days with: @haelimthewatcher where: coya's bedroom notes: assuming she shares a wall with Haelim's room bc of course their rooms are next to each other
Yet another night plagued with nightmares. Every Legionnaire experienced nightmares of some sort - it was an all too familiar topic amongst them that they hardly talked about, just another one of the consequences they had all grown to accept. Even though they had grown used to it, it didn't mean there nights passed by any smoother. Between the blight flowing through her veins and the horrors she'd watch the blight inflict upon the world, her mind had no shortage of material when it came to creating twisted dreams.
Tonight, it had chosen for her to relive the worst day of her life, because of course it had. The death of her family was something she spoke of very little, and even her closest friends couldn't guess how much it weighed upon her given her sunny disposition. It was easy to act as such during the day, when she was living life out in the sunshine. But at night, the darkness always crept back in. Even she wasn't strong enough to keep it out, not then, and not now.
She twisted and turned as she watched her mother usher her under the floor yet again, her mind knowing what happened next but her younger self too unknowing and unpracticed in magic to do anything about it. Her magic only felt like a curse at that age, for she could sense her parents' souls leaving their body but couldn't quite bring them back. She listened through covered ears as her parents screamed in agony whilst the blighted creatures tore through them, and watched with tearful eyes as their blood seeped through the cracks in the floorboards. The blood began to flow endlessly, incessantly, until it was up to her knees, then her chest, then her shoulders. Yet another pang of helplessness and fear rushed through her - if only she'd been a few years wiser, she could get out, she could escape. She lets out a terrified scream just as her head sinks under. The scream echoed throughout her bedroom as she struggled to breathe, her world now engulfed in crimson.
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