#thread : connor
wonderpommey · 1 year
Well Jesse said it, no one truly changes and indeed nothing really changed in the couples’ dynamics in the end.
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The show dangled a possible happy ending for Connor and Willa for a second but of course it tears it away in the finale. We already see Willa squirming under Connor’s grip, grappling with the “sexy second week itch”. Roman is particularly repulsed by that pairing; buying a young escort-type woman and parading her as somehow worthy, as a ‘wife’. There’s something so offensive to him about that. We never see Roman give Gerri anything of monetary value. He’d never want to buy her, he’s desperately attracted to how real she is, to the experience and things she can teach him, in every possible way (sex & advice). He wants what she is willing to give, not what he can buy. The only time money comes into their relationship is the exit package (pass!) and even that is essentially just another lesson she’s teaching him. You wanna rule with emotion, the next person will take you for everything you’re worth!
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Shiv's adoption of Tom remains partly strategic. It moves from "not being betrayed" to "holding onto power", it has very little to do with love. Shiv continues to push sadistically to see how much she can get away with, how close patriarchy will let her get to being her own woman. Then, when Tom or Logan tells her she’s gone too far, she folds. And Tom loves her enough or loves being in the fold enough that it works in the succession universe, it becomes a deal of somewhat terrifying equals. And that was what succession was all about. Capitalism, patriarchy and the oppression of women. What men demand things like love and care from women, but they actually lose any genuine connection the second they take a woman's agency away from her… Sure you get her by your side physically for a while but you crucially loose her very desire to be there.
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Roman and Gerri’s relationship remains a study in longing and sensuality. They are barely featured in the finale but Roman sets the tone by going down on mummy’s cheese. Oh succession and its cheesy genitals, the ricotta dick! The grilled cheese with a sucked dick! The whole kitchen scene is obviously an allegory about the lack of food and incidentally love Caroline has supplied to her children. It’s only scraps, rot and fire going into that smoothie. But Oedipus-Roman, doesn’t want the smoothie, he wants the tasty morsel of maternal love which isn't for him. He doesn’t bite by the way, he only licks. Unlike his last second on screen, he can’t go as far as actual consumption. Did he want Lobster? No, he wanted the most love. Did he want steak? No! He wanted to be picked above Kendall!!
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Speaking of what’s not for him... He then has to watch Gerri talk about the pleasures of a slow screw. It’s a sudden exposure to her sexuality, a validation of his intuition that she likes being superior to her conquests, sexually, spiritually. Something he knows he can give her alongside the painful realisation that she opens up - to others - in that way.
Then the office breakdown. I still look good, I still look the part “Why isn’t it me?” What are the rockstar and the molewoman when the rockstar is just a big sack of bullshit? And Ken reaffirming he’s not good enough, he’s pure emotion, he doesn’t have the drive, he only ever wanted a ride or die.
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All culminating in his only true, almost naturalistic documentary-style consumption of the season; Gerri’s martini. Drinking in the quasi love of his life (I could do a whole post about how wild it is that Jesse ‘I don’t want to tell you what to think’ Armstrong said something so totalitarian). This isn't the first connection between an older woman’s sexual appetite and her drink of choice this season! Remember Roman’s reaction to the image of Nan liking her wine like she likes her men!
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Sure, the outer layer of that scene shows Roman, having lost the company, his lover/mentor's good will, and any way he knows of interacting with his siblings in a bar drinking alone, overly dressed, old Hollywood style. A potential regression to his sad playboy lifestyle (Jesse), or the start of a hopeless spiral of alcohol abuse (Mark - who has since then said he saw how Roman’s ending could be perceived as hopeful). 
Upon closer inspection, his inferiority/beta complex, his emotions, his desire to be loved, his desire NOT to be in charge/on top - everything that his dad loathed to see in him - are finally showing through the physical scars on his face. He gave it a valiant try, but he couldn’t keep parading as whomever Logan wanted him to be and he realises that it makes him an unworthy heir and in the same breath, access to Gerri is disallowed. It still overwhelms him with emotion, but in the same way Oedipus took his own eyes and couldnt see Jocasta and longer, Roman only gets to see Gerri through screen and glass anymore. He demanded she believed he was as good and as ruthless as his dad and he turned out not to be. Objectively, it’s not a prerequisite to Gerri’s feelings for him as she responds to his pathos way more than she does to Logan's death, but his psyche is convinced he no longer deserves to be in her presence.
So he does the only thing he can do to keep her as close as he needs. Don't be fooled by the luxurious, civilised quality of the drink, this is a biological need,  pure sustenance (Get her inside of him, under his skin, into his bloodstream and pumping to his heart). He bites his lip as the liquid enters his mouth, swallowing dramatically, loving the burn & hating the pain. 
And we’ve come full circle on the theme of consuming each other. From the partnership-worthy mutual cannibalistic proposal of season 2, to the toxic if slightly castrating injunction for her to go down on him and devour him. Season 4 breaks him enough that he gets to the opposite nihilistic ideation that he’s nothing and hence has no claim on the company or being her protégé. The truth - that we don’t know if he can get to - is somewhat in between. All these kids are very smart and worthy in their own ways, even though of course the expectation placed on them to be exceptional prevents them being satisfied in being maybe just that.
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His final scene showcases the sad and lonely consumption of the woman he loves’ essence, a poor ersatz for the ‘old gal’s juices’ that he doesn’t deserve. All he has to offer being something he has never been able to name or express without the alibi of the company; an amorphous, unworthy, unnamable but ultimately undeniable feeling.
And possibly in the writers’ minds, this is the suicide part of their contemporary Romeo & Juliet drama. Dying with the blade and the poison after daddy said the love was unacceptable & unobtainable? I mean come ON! 
Roman “knifed” Gerri (This is rhetoric they use ON THE SHOW), she completed the execution by taking herself out and brought him the threat of annihilation (while ordering the poison; a martini). There is a delicious poisonous quality to the drink isn’t there (or its abuse)? And of course, if he dies he’ll die by her, he’ll taste the poison she chose off her lips, because if he has lost the love of his life in this eternal quasi status, it becomes the only worthy pursuit.
That was the roman-esque question of the show. What is love if it’s always been withheld, if it’s always been expressed via the proxy of the company, if it’s never been given freely, or modelled or held as something precious and worthy that had to be protected? And what if it makes you ravenous for it? And how could you get it, this thing you most desperately want, if you’d never been given the tools?
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O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. 
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walkingcorruptor · 6 months
" why are you crying? " Connor asked, tilting his head.
"Shit!" Lucy had been staring out of the kitchen window that overlooked the backyard in the Anderson House, a glass of whiskey to her side, and she'd thought she was home alone. Evidently not.
Hearing the voice behind her had her wiping her eyes and cheeks, clearing her throat slightly before turning around and noticing it was Connor. "Jesus christ Con, warn a woman next time.." Her hand rested on her chest, but she avoided the question.
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lesbianrustcohle · 5 months
my detroit become human 100% flowchart completion quest is yielding unexpected dividends, such as: a hankcon fix-it fic in the year of our lord 2024
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Terror Threads celebrates 45 years of Tourist Trap with three shirts designed by Yannick Bouchard, Dismay Design, and Brandon Stecz. Priced at $30, they’ll ship the week of April 15.
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biherbalwitch · 1 year
"He kept everyone out. But when he let you in.. when the sun shone, it was warm. It was warm in the light."
"World of a father."
"He made life happen."
"He made me and my three siblings."
"He got it on a deal."
"He didn't wanna go in the ground."
"A chance to get to know him?"
"I had trouble finishing a scotch with him."
"He made me breathe funny."
The cruel god, killing his creations from the moment they're born, and condemning them to life and death in his fist.
They are the house. Forever haunted.
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connorxbowen · 1 month
starter for @fatmaxaslan
location: access athletics
Connor frequented the gym when he could, often when weather wasn't permitting outside for him to do anything. He often didn't like being confined to the gym but it did come in handy. Connor had just finished working out his core when he was headed to the free weights to work on his legs. He was walking toward a section of free weights when he spotted someone working on what he thought were dead lifts. A pause and he found his attention lingering a bit too long before realizing that he could come off in a creepy manner. "Hi, sorry," Connor approached, "you can kindly or not kindly tell me to fuck off if this is overstepping, but your form, your just waiting to hurt yourself doing them that way." His tone was cautious, not wanting to overstep.
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
Who's the hero, the GOD that gonna draw Connor in this style for me?
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unstablerk800 · 2 months
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text (Gavin for Nines; @mxrvelouscreations
[text] I've analyzed the sample the team collected - analyzing wasn't really necessary, because I could've told what it was by one single look, and we'd be a step closer to our murderer.
[text] In short: you've successfully wasted the DPD's valuable time. Congratulations.
[text] Next time you're going to a crime scene, I'd suggest you bring me there with you. I'd like to remind you now that I am your partner, whether you like it or not, and despite your opinion about androids in general, I assure you that I can be quite beneficial at investigating, as I've been designed specifically for that.
[text] My patience is wearing thin, Detective. Work with me or not, but make up your mind. I expect you to give me an answer tomorrow morning.
[text] Good night.
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theknitch · 2 months
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Been watching some #detroitbecomehuman playthroughs and getting entirely too attached to all the characters. I'm sorry, #connordbh / @bryandechart for butchering your face. 😂 Promise I'll give it another go once I've improved! #artistsoninstagram #art #embroidery #embroideryart #threaddrawing #portrait #fanart
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honorhearted · 5 months
@fortrivmph liked for a short starter!
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Benjamin flexed his hand, shaking out the stinging pain with a curse. "Sorry for hitting you," he muttered. "Next time, perhaps you should lead in with 'I know Connor' rather than skulking into a man's private quarters uninvited."
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Adam walked to his desk, sitting in front of Connor and smiling, sitting the bag of food down. "I know I'm late, so I decided since I was already late, I'd get us breakfast as an apology." He opened it, handing Connor his food as well.
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exmcrtis · 5 months
location: a random booth
closed starter for: @ambercast (connor)
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isabel had held true to what she'd promised connor: whenever she saw him in public, she left him alone. of course it helped that she didn't get out much these days, usually sat at home working on music for the ballet. it had consumed her life now, but if it helped her avoid the boy that she couldn't quite figure out, she'd count it as a blessing.
and yet somehow they managed to be face-to-face again, the art festival crowd practically squishing them together and forcing izzie to acknowledge him. taking in a deep breath, she let her shoulders fall in a defeated stance, her eyes almost sad. "hi," she muttered now, setting her jaw in a soft line. "i didn't mean to get in your way."
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eosofspades · 6 months
also ruby gillman was absolutely so much better than everyone says it was. idc this movie is so much fun
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mercyisms · 7 months
incredibly me to not only be like 'i'd really love a succession/tlt au' and then to go 'also it's very important to me that frankgerrikarl be prominent in it.' incredibly me. incredibly, incredibly silly.
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memesomething · 8 months
muses who are capable of having panic attacks are fun muses. go forth and panic
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ilya-sorokin · 1 year
hello please go look at my nhlers as muppets thread on twitter i think it’s very funny and possibly even my magnum opus.
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i hate how things get buried on twitter so quickly so i’ll probably make it here too at some point. but until then please go look at it
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