#thr 2 brokeassgoing
bluestringpuppeteer · 8 months
Legato has been mostly ignoring the other occupant of Knives' home, partly because he doesn't like the idea of Knives being so enamored with another human and partly because he doesn't really have much to say to him. Especially after the incident between Badou and Knives in the forest where the Plant came back mauled.
He's been tolerating the other human for Knives' sake. Ignore him and it will be fine for both of them.
Now though Legato is a mess, and he knew he'd have a bad reaction to this stuff but he hadn't anticipated it being quite this awful. After the second mirror he'd broken in terror he and Knives had turned or covered all the rest of the reflective surfaces they could find, giving him a chance to breathe without feeling like the home he was staying in was a minefield.
He was sat on the couch, the house smelling of a pot roast he had cooking, a cup of tea in his hands, when the door opened and the other human occupant walked in. Legato turned his head just enough to visually acknowledge him before curling even smaller on the couch.
Both hands were bandaged from glass cuts, his coat was missing, he looked disheveled and exhausted. He'd convinced Knives he was alright for the moment while the Plant went to get more groceries but now he was left with nothing to do to distract himself from the images on repeat in his head. The only available distraction now was...
"You're back," he says quietly, voice rough from his screaming panic earlier. "I don't suppose you've found more then anyone else about this mess?"
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drunkelreporter · 7 months
14. for  an  action / adventure  starter .
Roberto is beginning to think that Badou might have about the same amount of luck as Vash does, which is to say, none at all. Sure, he's good at his job, he gets good info and he and Roberto trade back and forth all the time. But he also seems to trip into everyone and everything that wants to end him. Roberto manages to avoid the fallout more often then not, because he's not about getting mixed up in all of that, but every once and a while it crops up in his vicinity.
Luckily, Roberto is very well versed in turning trouble aimed at him or his into trouble aimed at other people. All it takes is a few clever words, a few suggestions to tipsy patrons in the bar around them, and a sneakily tossed drink, and the group of assholes aiming for his drinking partner of the night are in the middle of a bar fight instead.
Of course, the downside of bar fights is that they have a tendency to spiral and fill the entire space instead of staying contained.
"Kid, if I wasn't already used to this kind of thing I'd be inclined to think you're more trouble then you're worth," Roberto grumbles with no real heat as he ducks a thrown mug and takes cover under a table. "You really know how to piss people off, don't you?"
It's almost like being back home, with yet more people chasing after Vash. Granted, these aren't armed and shooting at them, nor are they after millions of double dollars, so it's actually less stressful. Still familiar though.
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