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diamondautosalon · 3 years
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oneoakmotors-blog · 4 years
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 3. You Can Miss Something, But Not Want It Back
Summary: Steve opens up to Peggy about his feelings towards Katie and, after an emotionally charged afternoon, things heat up between the pair.  But it all goes horribly wrong.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! Angst and a pair of total dumbasses in love…
A/N: A huge thank you to @angrybirdcr​ for her lovely little edit below. She’s so talented!!!!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 April 2013
“You know, you need to find someone you can experience all this with.” Peggy looked at her picture frames on her nightstand. “So you can have as many memories as I do.” Her gaze returned to Steve and he wondered if she could possibly know about his feelings towards Katie, those feelings that had been growing stronger and stronger over the past few weeks.
And then when she asked the next question, he knew she did.
“How’s Miss Stark?” Peggy asked, her eyes twinkling and Steve looked at her as a wicked smile crossed her face. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m just asking a question!” She teased.
“We’re just friends.” he sighed.
“Hmmm” the old lady said thoughtfully “Still a bloody idiot when it comes to women, I see.”
He shook his head, a small laugh escaping him.
“I can tell you like her, the way you talk about her.” she pressed
“I do, I like her a lot, but she’s my best friend. Nothing more.”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” She lay back on the pillow. “Thousands wouldn’t.”
“Just a good I don’t need to convince thousands.” He leaned back in the chair, raising an eyebrow at her.
“No, just yourself.” She shot back and he sighed. “Talk to me Steve.” She pressed again and he took a deep breath.
“I don’t know, maybe…ok not maybe…I do like her you’re right, but it’s just so damn complicated.”
“We’re from different places, times.” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” She laughed
“You know, I’m getting tired of you calling me that.” He teased and Peggy laughed again.
“Because you are!” She shook her head. “Steve, I get it, you’re old…but, you’re not.” “Well that’s not confusing.” He rolled his eyes.
“What I mean is I have lived through these times, seen the world change, a lot of it for the better. Don’t let your life pass you by because you’ve still got one foot jamming open the door to the past”
“I know.” He popped a shoulder in resignation. “You know, sometimes I think it would be easier if I had my old life back, when times seemed a lot simpler.” “But then she wouldn’t be there.” Peggy raised her eyebrows. “You can miss something and not want it back, Steve. Just tell her how you feel, for goodness sake.”
“I don’t want to make an idiot of myself.” He shook his head. “If she doesn’t feel the same then-“
“Then at least you’ll know, and won’t live the rest of forever adding to that huge, great list of ‘what ifs’” the old woman shook her head “You’ve been given a second chance here Steve, don’t waste it. Barnes would be so mad at you right now.”
Steve had to fight a smile as he knew exactly what Buck would be saying if he were there.
“If you don’t ask her out, punk then I’m gonna…”
Suddenly a memory flashed in front of his eyes. The evening Peggy had walked into a pokey London boozer in that red dress, the one that had Bucky practically drooling and Steve’s crotch twitching slightly.
“I’m invisible…” Bucky moaned, turning back to the bar as she left, having just basically asked Steve to go dancing when the fighting was over.“I’m turning into you…”
“Never mind pal, maybe she has a friend…”
“You know, I’d like to see her again one day?” Peggy spoke, jerking him out of his thoughts “Katie, I mean.”
“Really?” he asked. Peggy had mentioned she had met Katie several times years ago, when she was a very small girl. Peggy and Howard had remained close until his death.
She nodded. “Especially if she’s as like Howard as you say.” “Alright, I’ll bring her in one day.” He said, before his phone beeped.
“When?” the old woman pressed.
“Were you always this impatient?” Steve quipped an eyebrow at her as he opened the message. It was a call in. He sighed “Soon, I promise.” He stood up. “Sorry Peg, I gotta go. Duty calls…”
The mission was the retrieval of a stolen piece of Chitauri technology that had, according to Romanoff’s intelligence, been auctioned to some Arms traders operating out of Jordan. They were to intercept the piece of technology before turning over the dealers to the authorities. They were up against it time wise, and for that reason, everyone had boarded the jet with no real plan of what they were actually going to do, Steve had been thinking about it and studying the files since the jet took off and now he and Natasha had the bones of a strategy planned out, they just needed to flesh it out with the team.
“We’re at altitude.” Evans called from the cockpit. “Auto pilot engaged. ETA I hour 34.”
Everyone moved from their seats and crowded round the display as Natasha gave them a rundown of what they were up against.
“The main exits are here and here.” she span the blue prints round on the holodisplay. Katie frowned, her mind working fast “Evans and I can position ourselves here…” She pointed to the right of the screen. “That should give us a clear view of most of the grounds but there’s a blackspot here…” She moved her hand to the left, circling the bottom corner.
“Well we’ll just have to keep them away from there.” Steve said, and Katie glanced at him, his eyes flashing with humour. Their eyes remained locked, before Steve swallowed and he looked back round, clearing his throat. “There should be a clear run from where we touch down to the lawns.”
“Sure.” Katie nodded, making a show of looking at the detail, even though she wasn’t. Her mind was spinning. She’d been picking up signals from Steve for a few weeks now, signals that he might feel the same way as she did. The glances he gave her, the smile he would flash her that made her feel like there was no one else in the room. The gentle touches, the way he would lift her legs on movie nights so they were laying across his lap, how he would throw his arm round her when she’d lean into him, moments like the one that had just passed… but then, he made no effort to take things further and she wasn’t about to push him into anything. If there was something there, he had to decide, he had to make the decision he was ready to move forward. 
And Katie wasn’t sure he ever would be.
“Rumlow, I want a STRIKE perimeter set up around the site. Cover that blackspot.” Steve looked at Rumlow who nodded. "The weapon is our main priority, but I want a clean sweep so they don’t have chance to do this again. Then I want you and Rollins with me and Romanoff inside to flush them out. Stark, Evans you to take down anyone who looks like they might break the perimeter, non-lethal if you can.”
Katie turned to Evans who nodded at her, the pair of them sharing a fist bump as he winked at her. Evans was a brilliant partner, and a good friend at that too. They worked well together.
The rest of the journey was spent pouring over blue prints, and once they reached the point where they could land safely, everyone was confident they were prepared as much as they could be. Whether that would be enough, was a different question.  
Natasha and Steve slinked off into the shadows, heading to the building. There were two armed guards on the door but they had the element of surprise and took them out easily.
“Ok, we’re in…” Steve spoke. “Get ready, as soon as they see us they’ll make a run for it.”
Katie listened from her vantage point, a tall oak tree that overhung the South East side of the property, rifle trained, ready.
“I count six.” Natasha spoke
“At least three are armed.” Rumlow added
“Any sign of the weapon?” Katie asked.
Katie kept her attention on the spot she was covering, and had to fight the giggle that threatened to erupt in her throat when she heard Steve utter, quite possibly, the cheesiest line he could have come out with when their team burst into the room.
“Auction is over Gentlemen. Where’s the Weapon?”
There was a split second and then all hell broke loose. Gun fire erupted in the ears of everyone listening on the coms along with the familiar sound of vibranium clanging off surfaces and people alike.
“One is making a break for it.” Rumlow yelled and Katie stiffened, raising her rifle slightly “Along with a case, it must be the weapon.”
“In pursuit.” Nat responded.“
He’s armed.” Steve shot back. “Someone cover her.” More gunfire and clanging rang out as Katie watched the door she was covering, not once breaking her line of sight. Suddenly it burst open and the man with the case flew out, shortly followed by a shock of red hair. But as Katie watched, her sharp eyes picked up movement in the shadow and someone barrelled at Natasha taking her down.
“Shit! Romanoff’s got company!”
“I’m handling it.” The red head grunted, jumping up.
Katie paused, before remembering the main operative.
“I’ve got no shot.” Evans spoke in her ear and Katie wheeled round locating the man in her sight. She cocked her gun, exhaled sharply, and pulled the trigger. Seconds later he hit the floor, clutching at his knee.
“Hostile down.” she informed, allowing herself a little smug smile before her attention turned to Natasha, who now had her target in a choke hold. He went limp and then she released him, dropping him.
“Well handled Widow.” Katie quipped.
“You do know that I can kill a man in twenty different ways, using just my hands, right?” Natasha replied, making her way over to the man with a bullet in his knee cap.
“Twenty?” Katie muttered, “I can think of, what, like eight, max?”
“Clearly you lack imagination, Nova.”
Once Steve was happy that the inside was clear and everyone was rounded up and secured, he made his way outside and headed over to where Natasha was kneeling over the briefcase. She opened it and grinned up at Steve, the black, silver and purple metal shining back up at them.
“The package is secure.” Steve smiled at Natasha, “Alright, Good job team. Rumlow, tell the Authorities they can move in, clear this lot up.”
“Sure Cap.”
“She’s good.” Natasha watched Katie join Evans where he was crossing the lawn, the two exchanging a hi-five before they made their way back to the jet.
“Yeah she is.” Steve nodded, allowing his eyes to follow Katie for a moment a she walked across the grounds.
“When you gonna ask her on a date?” Nat asked, turning to him as he picked up the case and they made their way back to join their team, the local police now swarming the place meant they were no longer needed.
“Seriously?” Steve looked at the red head rolling his eyes. “We’re in the middle of an op and you ask me that?”
“Well first off the op is over and second off I’m just trying to help. I see the way you look at her, like there’s no one else in the room.”
Steve floundered for a response. Was he really that obvious, or was Natasha simply that observant? He settled for a shake of the head, and an exasperated sigh. “You were trying to fix me up with someone from accounts not long ago.”
“Yeah that was before I decided Stark is a better match “ She shrugged, walking up the ramp to the jet.
Thankfully, Steve was spared responding as the jet was loud with cheering, the team all crowding Katie, taking turns to slap her back and congratulate her on a shot well taken.
Katie couldn’t help but grin as she removed her utility vest, before holding her hands up “Thanks but it was a team effort.” She felt a hand drop on her shoulder and she turned to Steve.
“If you hadn’t taken that shot he would have got away.” He looked at her. “All in a day work Cap.” she smiled.
“I mean it. You’re the best shooter I’ve seen since Buck.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze before instructing Evans to get them back to base.
As they flew back, Rumlow was engaging Katie in a conversation about a date he had had the previous weekend. Steve wasn’t really listening, but as Katie threw her head back in a genuine laugh at something Rumlow had said, gently nudging the man in the arm, it felt like someone was digging knives into his chest as the waves of jealousy crashed over him.
He glanced over at Romanoff who raised an eyebrow at him having seen the exchange and mouthed the word “just fucking ask her” and he looked away, irritated.
Steve wasn’t a chauvinist by any means, but he’d had enough that day of women telling him what to do.
May 2013
The start of May brought with it a week of nothing but rain. And it was during this week that Fury dropped a bombshell on Steve. The Smithsonian wanted to curate an exhibit about him, and SHIELD along with the Government thought it would be a good idea. Steve wasn’t entirely sure how he felt to be honest. He knew the world was fascinated with Captain America, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about them knowing about him, about Steve Rogers.
So this was how he’d ended up taking a trip down memory lane in an office at the Triskellion, surrounded by boxes of his belongings that had all been in storage, things he had long forgotten he had. He’d found his mother’s old ring, the one his father had bought her when they left Ireland, a St Christopher’s pendant that had belonged to his father, a few books which Katie told him were first editions and probably worth a fortune, a couple of old records, a stash of Photos which Katie was currently digging through and something that made his breath catch when his hand closed around it. His compass, the one containing Peggy’s photo.
“Steve.” Katie spoke and he looked at her. She gestured him over and he obliged as she held out the photo for him. He glanced down, a small smile crossing his face as he looked down at the photo of him and Bucky, both in their uniforms, laughing.  “Can you remember what you were laughing at?” she asked him.
“They had us doing this info documentary type thing, for the people back home.” He cleared his throat, taking the photo. “We were laughing at how utterly ridiculous and staged the whole thing was, like we would ever let press near our actual ops.”
Katie reached for the next photo and this one made her heart stop completely. Steve was on the left, looking at something that the man to his right was showing him on a screen. And that man needed no introduction.
“Dad…” she breathed out as Steve peered over her shoulder.
“He was a good man your father” Steve smiled as he thought of Howard “If a little… wild.”
“Wild? Dad?” She raised her eyebrow
“Yeah, he errr, liked to fondue…” Steve said, as he thought back to that conversation when he had thought fondue was some kind of innuendo for what Stark and Peggy got up to on their private time
“It’s just bread and cheese my friend…” Howard had said, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Really? But I thought…“
"Well that’s your first mistake pal. The minute you think you know what’s going on a woman’s mind is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked…”
“Wow, melted cheese…what a rebel” Katie snorted sarcastically.
 “Well I thought it was…never mind,” he shrugged, absentmindedly turning over the compass in his hand and he opened it, glancing down at the photo inside for the first time in almost seventy years.
“Peggy?” Katie asked, looking down at the compass
“Yeah” he snapped it shut and then looked at her, deciding that the time was right. He wanted to take her to see Peggy. Not just because Peggy had asked him to, but because he wanted to. “Would you like to meet her?”
“Me?” Katie asked, surprise in her voice.
“Well yeah, you’re a big part of my life now and I know she’d love to see you again”
“I’d be honoured.” Katie replied, and she meant it. Peggy had been important to her father, and she was curious to meet the woman that had held her best friend’s heart. Steve beamed back at her, thrilled by her answer and as their eyes locked, he felt that warm feeling as the butterflies in his stomach woke up.
They sorted his belongings into three separate categories- things for the museum, some more stuff to take back to his apartment, and the remainder to go back to storage, before they headed over town to see Peggy. Giving Katie assurances he wouldn’t be long, Steve entered the room first, leaving Katie, who was feeling quite nervous, waiting outside.
She didn’t know where the nerves were coming from, after all she had met Peggy when she was a young child, but that was before she knew who she was. Back then she’d simply been a lady that worked with her daddy, and now she knew the truth.
Inside the room Steve quickly told Peggy where he had been and she smiled when he told her about the museum and the photos, quipping that she would quite like to see that when it was all open.
“That is if they ever let me out of this place. I swear breaking out of Alcatraz would be easier.”
He chuckled at her joke. “Well, today I brought someone to you so you don’t have to plan an escape just yet.”
The old woman instantly brightened up and beamed up at him. "Katie?”
Steve smiled at her excitement and nodded “Yeah.”
“Well don’t leave me waiting, again!” Peggy shooed him to the door and he stood up, opening it. Katie spun to face him, her hands wringing each other and he gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile.
“Come on.” He held the door open. Katie took a deep breath, quelling her nerves and stepped into the room, Steve’s hand gently falling to her back as he guided her over to a seat by the bed.
It was easy for Katie to see that Peggy Carter had been a good looking, powerful woman in her day. Her eyes were bright, hair set in bouncy curls and she had a sort of regal quality emanating from her. She shrewdly eyed the brunette, before she chuckled and looked at Steve.
“Good grief!” Peggy smiled, looking back at Katie “Forgive me my dear, but you really do have that Stark look about you, but an awful lot of your mother too.”
Katie relaxed instantly and smiled back. “So I’ve been told. It’s an honour to meet you ma’am, again. I’ve heard so much about you.” “Please, call me Peggy” she smiled reaching for her hand “And I’m so pleased to see you again, it’s been a long time.”
Katie smiled, taking Peggy’s hand as the old woman continued.
“Steve talks about you a lot.” Peggy smiled and Katie glanced up at Steve, raising an eyebrow as he inwardly groaned, taking a deep breath.
 “Peggy…” he warned, somewhat exasperatedly.
“What?” she asked innocently “I’m just saying…” she turned to look at Katie “Steve says you’ve been a good friend to him since he came out of the ice. I’m glad he’s had someone.” “He’s a good friend to me.” Katie replied, smiling “Keeps me on the straight and narrow.”
“You mean I try to.” Steve teased, and he saw Peggy smile as he was sure Katie was rolling her eyes “She’s a law unto herself this one Peg, not unlike you were!”
“He’s very sensible.” Peggy loudly whispered to Katie, before the old woman levelled Steve with a look, her eyes flashing mischievously. “But I want to know, Steven, why on earth haven’t you taken this gorgeous young lady dancing yet?”
Steve groaned and looked at Katie, feeling the heat rush up his neck and into his cheeks as he could do nothing but mouth the word sorry. Katie’s cheeks also flushed a shade of pink and he looked away as he replied, dodging the question.
 “I can’t dance…you know that.”
“Everyone can dance, they just need the right partner.” Peggy looked at him, eyes locking onto his meaningfully. He swallowed again and Katie instantly picked up on his discomfort, she wasn’t stupid, the dancing thing clearly meant something and unless she was mistaken Peggy was implying something to do with her. Katie took pity on him and decided to save him his embarrassment so she spoke, breaking the moment.
“Well I won’t be much of a teacher, I’ve got two left feet.” she said, casually causing Steve to smile slightly shooting her a side glance.
Steve would be lying if he said he hadn’t been slightly worried about introducing the woman who had been his first love to the girl he was harbouring feelings for now, but he needn’t have worried. Katie had laughed and joked with the old woman, often at his expense but he hadn’t minded. In fact, he had enjoyed it.
But that’s what Katie did. She made people feel better, at ease, knew what to say and when to say it.
And he’d decided there and then, buoyed by how well the meeting had actually gone, he was going to ask her out on a date. Today had brought everything into focus for him. Peggy was right, he couldn’t move forward and take the second chance life had given him if he had one foot in the past, one eye over his shoulder, and one part of his brain constantly wondering about what could have been.
Katie, meanwhile was locked in her own thoughts. The meeting with Peggy had put her slightly on edge. Not because of the old woman, in fact it had been amazing to meet her, but something about Steve changed as they left the Nursing Home. It was almost as if he was putting up a guard. She told herself it was normal, he was bound to feel confused after visiting his old flame and the whole thing with the museum, but part of her couldn’t shake off the feeling he was hiding something, and she didn’t like it.
She wasn’t an idiot. Steve and her had grown closer over the last few months and she knew to many it would be considered more than what you would dub a normal platonic relationship. She also knew, however, that he had ghosts in his past unlike any she’d ever dealt with before, which was what was making this entire situation ridiculously complicated.
She was pleased to see, however, that as they neared his apartment he relaxed and suggested that watch a film. They were still discussing which one as they climbed the three flights to his apartment.
“No.” He immediately deadpanned when she suggested watching the remaining Saw ones before he rolled his eyes when he clocked her grin. He hated those films, and she knew it. “Why don’t we start Star Wars? We never did get round to it…”
“Providing you don’t start the debate about which episode we begin with because if so I’m not sure I can be bothered trying to explain it again…” “I just don’t understand why you don’t start with one.” he took the opportunity to tease her as he slid the key into his lock.
“Because you don’t.” She said exasperatedly and he smirked at how easy it was to rile her when it came to films. ”It ruins the surprise and plot lines. You go Episode Four, Five and Six, then we hit One, Two and Three….”
They both turned as his neighbour, Kate walked onto the landing, bag over her shoulder, clutching a pile of mail.
“Hi Steve.” She smiled, unlocking her door.
“Hi Kate.” He greeted her back before he turned to Katie, who he realised had never met the woman before “This is my neighbour. Kate this is,”
“Katie.” she extended her hand, smiling politely.
“Katie Stark, I recognised you…sorry.”
“It’s fine” she said, still smiling. There was a pause and the faint sound of a phone could be heard.
“Sorry… I gotta’ get that.” Kate said quickly making her way into her apartment. “Goodnight Steve.”
“Night Kate.” He said in response. When he turned back around Katie was waiting, smirking at him.
“You’re as bad as Natasha.” He rolled his eyes, closing the door behind them as she stood front of him, kicking off her shoes.
“What you mean?” She asked walking through the small cloak area and into the hall way, heading straight for the kitchen.
“She keeps trying to set me up on dates” he sighed watching as Katie pulled two beers from his fridge.
“Who with?” Katie asked, frowning slightly, and she felt her neck and ears growing warm as the green eyed monster stirred.
“Pretty much anyone she can.” He snorted as they walked back into the living area.
“And none of them are…” She pressed, and he sighed.
“Can I ask you something?” Katie sat next to him.
“If I say no are you gonna ask me anyway?” He looked at her. “Yeah.” She said after a pause. He snorted and gestured for her to go ahead.
“Peggy and you…how far did you actually get…I mean…”
Oh Jesus…
He contemplated brushing this one off, but then he realised he couldn’t lie to her, and he didn’t want to.
“We were supposed to go dancing.” He said gently, turning to face her, his right hand curling over the back of the sofa and she immediately understood then what that moment in the Nursing Home had been about. “Like on a date. I’d never been before, never found me the right person. And then I ended up in the ice before we got the chance.” He paused shook his head, “I know it’s dumb but…”
“It’s not Steve.”  Katie replied, and at that she felt the tears prick her eyes. The emotion of the day completely overwhelming her. This man, this wonderful man had been denied the opportunity to live his life how he should. Robbed of his best friend, his love and all because he’d done what he could to keep people safe, serve his country.
“Hey.” He frowed as he noticed she was getting upset. “What is it? What’s wrong, Doll?”
“I hate that all that happened to you.” she shook her head softly. “That you never got chance to do all those things, that you never got your dance or your happily ever after. You deserve more.”
“Katie.” he sighed, gently wiping away a tear that fell down her face with his thumb. “Taking that plane down was my choice. Don’t cry over it, please. I hate seeing you upset.”
And he did. Her face was made for smiles, her eyes should be happy and shining, not full of tears. “Sorry.” She dipped her head, and then, before he could stop himself, Steve reached out gently and his finger tilted her face back up to look at him.
Ocean blue met emerald green, and Steve felt his insides coil tightly like a spring as Katie’s eyes bounced across both of his, the distance between them growing shorter, and shorter…
And then there was a knock on the door. Steve closed his eyes, let out a sigh and unfolded himself off the couch. Cursing internally all the way to the door, Steve wrenched it open a little harshly and took a deep breath at the blonde at the other side.
“Sorry to interrupt…” Kate said, handing him a letter “But this was in the pile of mail I got before.”
“Oh, thanks…”
“Enjoy your film.” Kate smiled and Steve nodded. “Have a good evening.”
The door clicked shut and Steve turned and headed past the doorway to the lounge and into kitchen, dropping the bill on the side. He rest his hands, palms flat on the cool surface of the kitchen counter, hanging his head slightly and taking a deep breath. He was in deep.
“I’m gonna head home.” Katie spoke and he turned to look at her, his face falling. He didn’t want her to go. But instead of telling her that he merely nodded.
Without another word she turned and left, leaving Steve stood alone in his flat, rooted to the spot, disappointment an anger lancing through his body like red hot pokers.
Outside the rain had started again, so Katie didn’t waste any time in getting to her car. She’d wanted nothing more than for Steve to ask her to stay, to prove to her that he wasn’t merely swept up in the emotion of the day, but he hadn’t. Which was all the answer to her unasked question she needed. They both had baggage, she knew that, but Steve Rogers came with an entire fucking suitcase.
She managed to start the engine before she felt the tears spring forth. Slamming her head against the head rest in frustration she wiped at her face.
She was in deep, and she had no idea what she was doing to do about it.
***** Chapter 4
**Original Posting**
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch3: You can miss Something, but not want it back...
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Summary: Steve opens up to Peggy about his feelings towards Katie and after an emotionally charged afternoon things heat up between the pair, but it all goes horribly wrong.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language (no smut, yet, but will be down the line) A bit of angst and  both Steve and Katie being huge dumbasses
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April 2013
“You know, you need to find someone you can experience all this with.” Peggy looked at her picture frames on her nightstand, “So you can have as many memories as I do.” her gaze returned to Steve and he wondered if she could possibly know about his feelings towards Katie, those feelings that had been growing stronger and stronger over the past few weeks.
And then when she asked the next question, he knew she did.
“How’s Miss Stark?” Peggy asked, her eyes twinkling and Steve looked at her as a wicked smile crossed her face. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m just asking a question!” She teased.
“We’re just friends.” he sighed.
“hmmm” the old lady said thoughtfully “Still a bloody idiot when it comes to women, I see.”
He shook his head, a small laugh escaping him.
“I can tell you like her, the way you talk about her.” she pressed
“I do, I like her a lot, but she’s my best friend. Nothing more.”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” she lay back on the pillow “Thousands wouldn’t.”
“Just a good I don’t need to convince thousands…” he leaned back in the chair, raising an eyebrow at her.
“No, just yourself.”
He sighed.
“Talk to me Steve.” the old woman smiled. He took a deep breath.
“I don’t know, maybe…ok not maybe…I do like her you’re right, but it’s just so damn complicated.”
“We’re from different places, times.” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” she laughed
“You know, I’m getting tired of you calling me that.” he teased and Peggy laughed again.
“Because you are!” she shook her head, “Steve, I get it, you’re old…but, you’re not.” “Well that’s not confusing.” he rolled his eyes.
“What I mean is I have lived through these times, seen the world change, a lot of it for the better. Don’t let your life pass you by because you’ve still got one foot jamming open the door to the past” she smiled
“I know.” he sighed “You know, sometimes I think I want my old life back, when times seemed a lot simpler.” “But then she wouldn’t be there.” Peggy raised her eyebrows. “You can miss something and not want it back, Steve. Just tell her how you feel, for goodness sake.”
“I don’t want to make an idiot of myself” he shook his head “If she doesn’t feel the same then-“
“Then at least you’ll know, and won’t live the rest of forever adding to that huge, great list of ‘what ifs’” the old woman shook her head “You’ve been given a second chance here Steve, don’t waste it. Barnes would be so mad at you right now.”
Steve had to fight a smile as he knew exactly what Buck would be saying now,
“If you don’t ask her out, punk then I’m gonna…”
Suddenly a memory flashed in front of his eyes. The evening Peggy had walked into a  pokey London boozer in that red dress, the one that had Bucky practically drooling and Steve’s crotch twitching slightly.
“I’m invisible…” Bucky moaned, turning back to the bar as she left, having just basically asked Steve to go dancing when the fighting was over “I’m turning into you…”
“Never mind pal, maybe she has a friend…”
“You know, I’d like to see her again one day?” Peggy spoke, jerking him out of his thoughts “Katie, I mean.”
“Really?” he asked. Peggy had mentioned she had met Katie several times years ago, when she was a very small girl. Peggy and Howard had remained close until his death.
She nodded “Especially if she’s as like Howard as you say.” “Alright, I’ll bring her in one day.” he said, before his phone beeped.
“When?” the old woman pressed.
“Were you always this impatient?” Steve quipped an eyebrow at her as he opened the message. It was a call in. He sighed “Soon, I promise.” he said, before standing up. “Sorry Peg, I gotta go. Duty calls…”
The mission was the retrieval of a stolen piece of Chitauri technology that had, according to Romanoff’s intelligence, been auctioned to some Arms traders operating out of Jordan. They were to intercept the piece of technology before turning over the dealers to the authorities. They were up against it here, time wise, and for that reason everyone had boarded the jet with no real plan of what they were actually going to do, Steve had been thinking about it and studying the files since the jet took off. He and Natasha had the bones of a strategy planned out, they just needed to flesh it out with the team.
“We’re at altitude…” Evans called from the cockpit “Auto pilot engaged. ETA I hour 34.”
Everyone moved from their seats and crowded round the display as Natasha gave them a rundown of what they were up against.
“The main exits are here and here…” she said, spinning the blue prints round on the holodisplay. Katie frowned, her mind working fast “Evans and I can position ourselves here…” before she pointed to the right of the screen  “That should give us a clear view of most of the grounds but there’s a blackspot here…”  and she moved her hand to the left, circling the bottom corner.
“Well I’ll just have to keep them away from there…” Steve said, and Katie glanced at him, his eyes flashing with humour. Their eyes remained locked, before Steve swallowed and he looked back round. “There should be a clear run from where we touch down to the lawns…” he cleared his throat.
“Sure.” Katie said, nodding and making a show of looking at the detail, even though she wasn’t. Her mind was spinning. She’d been picking up signals from Steve for a few weeks now, signals that he might feel the same way as she did. The glances he gave her, the smile he would flash her that made her feel like there was no one else in the room. The gentle touches, the way he would lift her legs on movie nights so they were laying across his lap, how he would throw his arm round her when she’d lean into him, moments like the one that had just passed… but then, he made no effort to take things further and she wasn’t about to push him into anything. If there was something there, he had to decide, had to make the decision he was ready to move forward. 
And Katie wasn’t sure he ever would be.
"Rumlow, I want a STRIKE perimeter set up around the site. Cover that blackspot. “Steve looked at Rumlow who nodded "The weapon is our main priority but I want a clean sweep so they don’t have chance to do this again. Then I want you and Rollins with me and Romanoff inside to flush them out. Stark, Evans you to take down anyone who looks like they might break the perimeter, non-lethal if you can.”
Katie turned to Evans who nodded at her, the pair of them sharing a fist bump as he winked at her. Evans was a brilliant partner, and a good friend at that too. They worked well together.
The rest of the journey was spent pouring over blue prints, and once they reached the point where they could land safely, everyone was confident they were prepared as much as they could be. Whether that would be enough, was a different question.  
Natasha and Steve slinked off into the shadows, heading to the building. There were 2 armed guards on the door but they had the element of surprise and took them out easily.
“Ok, we’re in…” Steve spoke. “Get ready, as soon as they see us they’ll make a run for it.”
Katie listened from her vantage point, a tall oak tree that overhung the South East side of the property, rifle trained, ready.
“I count 6…” Natasha spoke
“At least 3 are armed.” Rumlow added
“Any sign of the weapon?” Katie asked.
Katie kept her attention on the spot she was covering, and had to fight the giggle that threatened to erupt in her throat when she heard Steve utter, quite possibly, the cheesiest line he could have come out with when their team burst into the room.
“Auction is over Gentlemen” he said, "Where’s the Weapon?”
There was a split second and then all hell broke loose. Gun fire erupted in the ears of everyone listening on the comms along with the familiar sound of vibranium clanging off surfaces and people alike.
“One is making a break for it…” Rumlow yelled and Katie stiffened, raising her rifle slightly “Along with a case, it must be the weapon.”
“In persuit.” Nat responded.“
He’s armed…” Steve shot back. “Someone cover her.” more gunfire and clanging rang out as Katie watched the door she was covering, not once breaking her line of sight. Suddenly it burst open and the man with the case flew out, shortly followed by a shock of red hair. But as Katie watched her sharp eyes picked up movement in the shadow and someone barrelled at Natasha taking her down.
“Shit!” Katie said “Romanoff’s got company…”
“I’m handling it…” the red head said, jumping up.
Katie paused, before remembering the main operative.
“I’ve got no shot…” Evans said
Katie wheeled round and located the man in her sight, cocking her gun she exhaled sharply, and pulled the trigger. Seconds later he hit the floor, clutching at his knee.
“Hostile down…” she said, allowing herself a little smug smile before her attention turned to Natasha, who now had her target in a choke hold. He went limp and then she released him, dropping him.
“Well handled Widow…” Katie quipped.
“You do know that I can kill a man in 25 different ways, using just my hands, right?” Natasha replied, making her way over to the man with a bullet in his knee cap.
“25?” Katie muttered, “I can think of, what, like 8, max?”
“Clearly you lack imagination, Nova…”
Once Steve was happy that the inside was clear and everyone was rounded up and secured, he made his way outside and headed over to where Natasha was kneeling over the briefcase. She opened it and grinned up at Steve, the black, silver and purple metal shining back up at them.
“The package is secure.” Steve smiling at Natasha, “Alright, Good job team. Rumlow, tell the Authorities they can move in, clear this lot up.”
“Sure Cap.”
“She’s good.” Natasha said, watching Katie joined Evans where he was crossing the lawn, the two exchanging a hi-five before they made their way back to the jet.
“Yeah she is.” Steve nodded, allowing his eyes to follow Katie for a moment a she walked across the grounds.
“So when you gonna ask her on a date?” Nat asked, turning to him as he picked up the case and they made their way back to join their team, the local police now swarming the place meant they were no longer needed.
“Seriously?” he looked at the red head rolling his eyes “We’re in the middle of an op and you ask me that?”
“Well first off the op is over and second off I’m just trying to help. I see the way you look at her, like there’s no one else in the room…”
Steve floundered for a response. Was he really that obvious, or was Natasha simply that observant. He settled for a shake of the head, and an exasperated sigh.
“You were trying to fix me up with someone from accounts not long ago.” he said.
“Yeah that was before I decided Stark is a better match “ she shrugged, walking up the ramp to the jet.
Thankfully, Steve was spared responding as the jet was loud with cheering, the team all crowding Katie, taking turns to slap her back and congratulate her on a shot well taken.
Katie couldn’t help but grin as she removed her utility vest, before holding her hands up “Ok, guys, thanks but…it was a team effort…”
She felt a hand drop on her shoulder and she turned to Steve “If you hadn’t taken that shot he would have got away.” “All in a day work Cap.” she smiled.
“I mean it.” he looked at her “You’re the best shooter I’ve seen since Buck.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze before instructing Evans to get them back to base.
As they flew back, Rumlow was engaging Katie in a conversation about a date he had had the previous weekend. Steve wasn’t really listening, but as Katie threw her head back in a genuine laugh at something Rumlow had said, gently nudging the man in the arm, it felt like someone was digging knives into his chest as the waves of jealousy crashed over him.
He glanced over at Romanoff who raised an eyebrow at him having seen the exchange and mouthed the word “just fucking ask her” and he looked away, irritated.
Steve wasn’t a chauvinist by any means, but he was getting fed up of women bossing him around.
***** May 2013
The start of May brought with it a week of nothing but rain. And it was during this week that Fury dropped a bombshell on Steve. The Smithsonian wanted to curate an exhibit about him, and SHIELD along with the Government thought it would be a good idea. Steve wasn’t entirely sure how he felt to be honest. He knew the world was fascinated with Captain America, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about them knowing about him, about Steve Rogers.
So this was how he’d ended up taking a trip down memory lane in an office at the Triskellion, surrounded by boxes of his belongings that had all been in storage, things he had long forgotten he had. He’d found his mother’s old ring, the one his father had bought her when they left Ireland, a few books which Katie told him were first editions and probably worth a fortune, a couple of old records, a stash of Photos which Katie was currently digging through and something that made his breath catch when his hand closed around. His compass, the one containing Peggy’s photo.
Katie had paused at the next photo. She smiled down at the handsome blonde Captain and his good looking brunette Sergeant, both with jaws that could cut glass, both laughing at something. Frankly Katie thought it was adorable
“Steve…” she turned to face him. He looked up and she gestured him over. He obliged and she held out the photo for him. He glanced down, a small smile crossing his face.
 “Can you remember what you were laughing at?” 
"Yeah they had us doing this info documentary type thing, for the people back home.” He said clearing his throat taking the photo. “We were laughing at how utterly ridiculous and staged the whole thing was, like we would ever let press near our actual ops…”
Katie reached for the next photo and this one made her heart stop completely. Steve was on the left, looking at something that the man to his right was showing him on a screen. And that man needed no introduction.
“Dad…” she breathed out as Steve peered over her shoulder.
“He was a good man your father” he said, smiling back as he thought of Howard “If a little… wild.”
“Wild? Dad?”  she raised her eyebrow
“Yeah, he errr, liked to fondue…” Steve said, as he thought back to that conversation when he had thought fondue was some kind of innuendo for what Stark and Peggy got up to on their private time
“It’s just bread and cheese my friend…” Howard had said, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Really? But I thought…“
"Well that’s your first mistake pal. The minute you think you know what’s going on a woman’s mind is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked…”
The smile at the memory crossed his face as he took the photo off Katie.
“Wow, melted cheese…what a rebel” she snorted sarcastically.
 “Well I thought it was…never mind,” he smiled, absentmindedly turning over the compass in his hand and he opened it again, glancing down for the first time.
“Peggy?” Katie asked, looking down at the compass
“Yeah” he said, snapping it shut and then he looked at her. And then he decided that the time was right, he wanted to take her to see Peggy. Not just because Peggy had asked, but because he wanted to. “Would you like to meet her?”
“Me?” Katie asked, surprise in her voice.
“Well yeah, you’re a big part of my life now and I know she’d love to see you again” he shrugged, as if it was no big deal. But it was a big deal to him.
“I’d be honoured” she replied, and she meant it. Peggy had been important to her father, and she was curious to meet the woman that had held her best friend’s heart. Steve beamed back at her, thrilled by her answer and as their eyes locked, he felt that warm feeling as the butterflies in his stomach woke up.
They sorted his belongings into 3 separate categories- things for the museum, some more stuff to take back to his apartment, and the remainder to go back to storage before they headed over town to see Peggy. Giving Katie assurances he wouldn’t be long, he entered the room first, leaving Katie, who was feeling quite nervous, waiting outside.
She didn’t know where the nerves were coming from, after all she had met Peggy when she was a young child, but since her Parents had died she hadn’t seen her at all. Katie had a suspicion, however, that was more down to Tony deliberately putting as much distance between them and their Father’s past as possible. 
Inside the room Steve quickly told Peggy where he had been and she smiled when he told her about the museum and the photos, quipping that she would quite like to see that when it was all open.
“That is if they ever let me out of this place” she said, “I swear breaking out of Alcatraz would be easier.”
He chuckled at her joke. “Well, today I brought someone to you so you don’t have to plan an escape just yet.”
The old woman instantly brightened up and beamed up at him. "Katie?”
Steve smiled at her excitement and nodded “Yeah.”
“Well don’t leave me waiting, again!” Peggy shooed him to the door and he stood up, opening it. Katie spun to face him, her hands wringing each other and he gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile.
“Come on…” he held the door open. Katie took a deep breath, quelling her nerves and stepped into the room, Steve’s hand gently falling to her back as he guided her over to a seat by the bed.
It was easy for Katie to see that Peggy Carter had been a good looking, powerful woman in her day. Her eyes were bright, hair was set in curls and she had a sort of regal quality emanating from her. She shrewdly eyed the brunette, before she chuckled and looked at Steve.
“Good grief!” Peggy smiled, looking back at Katie “Forgive me my dear, but you really do have that Stark look about you, but an awful lot of your mother too.”
Katie relaxed instantly and smiled back. “So I’ve been told. It’s an honour to meet you ma’am, again. I’ve heard so much about you.” “Please, call me Peggy” she smiled reaching for her hand “And I’m so pleased to see you again, it’s been a long time.”
Katie smiled, taking Peggy’s hand as the old woman continued.
“Steve talks about you a lot.” Peggy smiled and Katie glanced up at Steve, raising an eyebrow as he inwardly groaned, taking a deep breath.
 “Peggy…” he warned, somewhat exasperatedly.
“What?” she asked innocently “I’m just saying…” she turned to look at Katie “Steve says you’ve been a good friend to him since he came out of the ice. I’m glad he’s had someone.” “He’s a good friend to me.” Katie replied, smiling “Keeps me on the straight and narrow.”
“You mean I try to.” Steve teased, and he saw Peggy smile as he was sure Katie was rolling her eyes “She’s a law unto herself this one Peg, not unlike you were!”
“He’s very sensible…” Peggy said in a loud whisper to Katie, before the old woman levelled him with a look, her eyes flashing mischievously. “But I want to know, Steven, why on earth haven’t you taken this gorgeous young lady dancing yet?”
Steve groaned and looked at Katie, feeling the heat rush up his neck and into his cheeks as he could do nothing but mouth the word sorry. Katie’s cheeks also flushed a shade of pink and he looked away as he replied, dodging the question.
 “I can’t dance…you know that…”
“You just need the right partner.” Peggy looked at him, eyes locking onto his meaningfully. He swallowed again and Katie instantly picked up on his discomfort, she wasn’t stupid, the dancing thing clearly meant something and unless she was mistaken Peggy was implying something to do with her. Katie took pity on him and decided to save him his embarrassment so she spoke, breaking the moment.
“Well I won’t be much of a teacher, I’ve got 2 left feet.” she said, casually causing Steve to smile slightly shooting her a side glance.
Steve would be lying if he said he hadn’t been slightly worried about introducing the two. The woman who had been his first love meeting the girl he was harbouring feelings for in the present could have been awkward for him, but it wasn’t. Katie had laughed and joked with the old woman, often at his expense but he hadn’t minded. In fact, he had enjoyed it. But that’s what Katie did. She made people feel better, at ease, knew what to say and when to say it.
And he’d decided there and then, buoyed by how well the meeting had actually gone, he was going to ask her out on a date. Today had brought everything into focus for him. Peggy was right, he couldn’t move forward and take the second chance life had given him if he had one foot in the past, one eye over his shoulder, and one part of his brain constantly wondering about what could have been.
Katie, meanwhile was locked in her own thoughts. The meeting with Peggy had put her slightly on edge. Not because of the old woman, in fact it had been amazing to meet her, but something about Steve changed as they left. It was almost as if he was putting up a guard. She told herself it was normal, he was bound to feel confused after visiting his old flame and the whole thing with the museum, but part of her couldn’t shake off the feeling he was hiding something, and she didn’t like it.
She wasn’t an idiot. Steve and her had grown closer over the last few months and she knew to many it would be considered more than what you would dub a normal platonic relationship. She also knew, however, that he had ghosts in his past unlike any she’d ever dealt with before, which was what was making this entire situation ridiculously complicated.
She was pleased to see, however, that as they neared his apartment he relaxed and suggested that watch a film. They were still discussing which one as they climbed the 3 flights to his apartment.
“No.” he immediately deadpanned when she suggested watching the remaining Saw ones before he rolled his eyes when he clocked her grin. He hated those films, and she knew it “Why don’t we start Star Wars? We never did get round to it…"
“Providing you don’t start the debate about which episode we begin with because if so I’m not sure I can be bothered trying to explain it again…” “I just don’t understand why you don’t start with 1…” he took the opportunity to tease her as he slid the key into his lock.
“Because you don’t” she said exasperatedly and he smirked at how easy it was to rile her when it came to films. ”It ruins the surprise and plot lines. You go Episode 4,5 and 6, then we hit 1, 2 and 3….”
They both turned as his neighbour, Kate walked onto the landing, bag over her shoulder, clutching a pile of mail..
“Hi Steve.” She smiled, unlocking her door.
“Hi Kate.” he smiled, before he turned to Katie, who he realised had never met the woman before “This is my neighbour. Kate this is,”
“Katie.” she extended her hand, smiling politely.
“Katie Stark, I recognised you…sorry.”
“It’s fine” she said, still smiling. There was a pause and the faint sound of a phone could be heard. "Sorry… I gotta’ get that.” She said quickly making her way into her apartment. “Goodnight Steve.”
“Night Kate.” He said in response. When he turned back around Katie was waiting, smirking at him.
“You’re as bad as Natasha.” He rolled his eyes, closing the door behind them as she stood front of him, kicking off her shoes.
“What you mean?” she asked walking through the small cloak area and into the hall way, heading straight for the kitchen and into his fridge.
“She keeps trying to set me up on dates” he sighed watching as Katie pulled 2 beers from his fridge.
“Who with?” Katie asked, frowning slightly, and she felt her neck and ears growing warm as the green eyed monster stirred.
“Pretty much anyone she can.” He snorted as they walked back into the living area.
“And none of them are…” she pressed, and he sighed.
“Can I ask you something?” she sat next to him.
“If I say no are you gonna ask me anyway?” he looked at her. “Yeah” she said after a pause. He snorted and gestured for her to go ahead.
“Peggy and you…how far did you actually get…I mean…”
Oh Jesus…
He contemplated brushing this one off, but then he realised he couldn’t lie to her, and he didn’t want to.
“We were supposed to go dancing.” He said gently, turning to face her, his right hand curling over the back of the sofa and she immediately understood then what that moment in the Nursing home had been about. “Like on a date. I’d never been before, never found me the right person. And then I ended up in the ice before we got the chance.” He paused shook his head, “I know it’s dumb but…”
“It’s not Steve…”  Katie said, and at that she felt the tears prick her eyes. The emotion of the day completely overwhelming her. This man, this wonderful man had been denied the opportunity to live his life how he should. Robbed of his best friend, his love and all because he’d done what he could to keep people safe, serve his country.
“Hey…” he said, looking at her frowning as he noticed she was getting upset. “What is it?”
“I hate that all that happened to you.” she said softly, “That you never got chance to do all those things, that you never got your dance or your happily ever after. You deserve more.”
“Doll.” he sighed, gently wiping away a tear with his thumb “Taking that plane down was my choice. Don’t cry over it, please. I hate seeing you upset.”
And he did. Her face was made for smiles, her eyes should be happy and shining, not  full of tears. “Sorry.” she said, dipping her head, and then before he could stop himself he reached out gently and his finger tilted her face back up to look at him.
Ocean blue met emerald green, and Steve felt his insides coil tightly like a spring. Katie’s eyes bounced across both of his and the distance between them was growing shorter, and shorter…
And then there was a knock on the door. Katie waited, willing him to ignore it, wiling him to show her he meant this and wasn’t just an emotional wreck, looking for comfort somewhere…but instead, Steve closed his eyes, dropped his head and unfolded himself off the couch.
Cursing internally all the way to the door, Steve wrenched it open a little harshly and took a deep breath at the blonde at the other side.
“Sorry to interrupt…” Kate said, handing him a letter “But this was in the pile of mail I got before.”
“Oh, thanks…"
“Enjoy your film.” Kate smiled and Steve nodded. “Have a good evening.”
The sound Steve bidding his neighbour goodbye shook Katie out of her trance. She needed to get out of there. It had been an emotionally draining day, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let her arms be the ones he was in, merely seeking comfort.
The door clicked shut and Steve turned and headed past the doorway to the lounge and into kitchen, dropping the bill on the side. He rest his hands, palms flat on the cool surface of the kitchen counter, hanging his head slightly and taking a deep breath. He was in deep.
“I’m gonna head home.” Katie said and he turned to look at her, his face falling. No, he didn’t want her to go. But instead of telling her that he merely nodded.
Taking that as all the confirmation she needed that he’d simply been swept up in a moment, Katie was out of the front door as fast as she could be, leaving Steve stood alone in his flat, rooted to the spot, disappointment, anger, hurt lancing through his body like red hot pokers.
Outside the rain had started again, so Katie didn’t waste any time in getting to her car. She managed to start the engine before she felt the tears spring forth. Slamming her head against the head rest in frustration she wiped at her face. She had told herself after Grant that no one would ever get so far under her skin again, but Steven Grant Rogers had succeeded in breaking down every single goddamned barrier she had put up.
And she couldn’t bring herself to hate him for it.
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myhouseidea · 5 years
The house designed by COVO Interiores, built in the 1940s, when Grandfather Martinho returned from Brazil, received a new family, the new owner is an interior designer who returns from the city to his small village TOURO, situated in the interior of Portugal. Located at 800 meters of altitude, the village has a thousand residents. In the village, in a small alley, is the house of Grandfather Martinho, 2 adjoining buildings with an annex, built in stone.
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The river, the Covo, the place and the belonging are better understood in the house of Grandfather, our first work. The House of Grandfather Martinho represents everything we believe in, life, individuality within the village, the granite that sustains protection. It was also a challenge, joining the various arts, the many knowledge, combining works, performing harmonies. Bricklayer, carpenter and plumber. Constructor, painter and electrician. All orchestrated in the baton of interior design, distinct tasks, gathered in the same goal, enable a comfortable life for two adults and two children. The House of grandfather Martinho was recovered respecting the place, the moth and the materials. Two granite floors, with windows that open to the street and the mountains, two rooms foreseeing the future, the chickens that run through the courtyards. A house filled with memories and curiosities, full of future and modernity. The main block, the house where the grandfather lived, welcomes the habitational space, divided by two floors, with 55m2 each. The ground floor, formerly the place for the animals, gave way to the living room and kitchen, divided by a central box of oak Wood, which houses the staircase and sanitary facilities. The upper floor gives way to 2 rooms with their sanitary facilities. The contiguous building where grandfather kept the cereals and the wine kite will be transformed into a small studio, enabling the owner, who is a designer, to develop work. The exterior was preserved to the fullest, respecting the origin and the memory and the surroundings. The thick stone walls are filled in the spans by thin, white-coloured boxes, revealing the interior and conferring the lightness and balance of this stacked stone heap. The grille of the wrought-iron porch has been restored. The roof frame has been restored taking advantage of the original structure of chestnut wood, the Marseille tile has been replaced. Inside, light colors and minimalist language contribute to maximize the boundaries constructed and visually clear the space that itself is already quite reduced. The decoration of neutral colors with notes of moss color, refer to the surrounding nature, integrating the belonging and values in which we believe. Next to it, an annex houses the garage and technical areas. Which is already a junction of various clones, small buildings, that kept hay for the animals to eat. Where it was so intentional to preserve the historical essence was in this attached volume, rebuilt with a contemporary intervention, which was added to the building, in the form of the inverted cover that gives way to a terrace overlooking the Nave’s mountain range. The detail of the illuminated tear, which separates the stone masonry from the flat cover, gives it the modern touch, surprising the look. We have maintained the traditional appearance, inspired by previous generations, and conjugating the comfort of modern life, renewing space, keeping memory. Functionalized the space, the House maintains its original character, with new solutions, in old principles. Cement floor, wide walls, granite and above all lots of light. A house facing the street, structured by the importance of the village, integrated in the surrounding houses, observing and living with this place, simplicity, deeply articulated with the space, the streets and the built set. All inserted, harmoniously, in the geography of the place. Name: House of grandfather Martinho Location – Touro – Viseu – PORTUGAL Author: COVO Interiores – José Morgado, Mário Morgado Project Year – 2019 Photographs – João Morgado
House of grandfather Martinho by COVO Interiores The house designed by COVO Interiores, built in the 1940s, when Grandfather Martinho returned from Brazil, received a new family, the new owner is an interior designer who returns from the city to his small village TOURO, situated in the interior of Portugal.
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williamsleonardlaw · 2 years
What is the benefit of an auto accident lawyer? Explain.
Heavy traffic is a common precondition to an accident in public locations. If the problem affects a slip or accident on a road or concrete in 'public locations,' the Local Authority/ City Council is usually held liable under various Roads and accompanying legislation. Many elements are claimed for us by civil disaster claim lawyers, such as the time of the accident.
Expenses are covered:
Depending on the extent of the accident and the quality of care and medical treatment necessary, the total sum might be substantial. If your earning power has already been harmed due to your injuries, the amount of compensation you were entitled to would be determined by how much income you have been making at the time of the collision and just how much income you will be able to acquire afterward. The auto accident lawyer in Van Nuys help many families who are figuring out their loss.
Who is a personal injury lawyer?
A personal injury lawyer in Thousand Oaks protects people claiming to have been biologically and psychologically destroyed due toanother person’s negligence, enterprise, a state agency, or perhaps another body. Lawyers assist the customers in obtaining compensation for the damages. Destruction of earnings potential, incapacity to execute usual duties, sorrow, and agony are all examples of these damages. They often include potential costs such as lost friendships, lawyers fees, etc.
For more details, you can go and then click on the given link www.williamsleonardlaw.com.
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autocollisionus · 3 years
Body Shop Thousand Oaks
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Premier Coach Auto Collision is one of the top leading body shops in Thousand Oaks. We restore your damaged and collision vehicle and use genuine auto parts so that your next ride make safe and secure. Visit our website for more details!!
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diamondautosalon · 3 years
Get Some Information On Auto Detailing in Thousand Oaks
Auto detailing is something that every car owner has heard of. This is a great way to make sure your car runs longer and looks better. Auto detailing involves the use of specific equipment and tools like car shampoos, car waxes, chain lubricant (chain lubricant), windshield washer, air conditioner cleaners, and so on. If you want to get auto detailing services in Thousand Oaks, then you can visit  https://www.thediamondautosalon.com/.
The vehicle's interior and exterior are both cleaned. Auto detailing is more detailed than regular car washing.
An auto detailing service can offer many benefits. These benefits are not for everyone. It is important to know what you can expect. These are the main features of auto detailing.
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Image Source: Google
1. Paint maintenance
It is important to take care of your car's paint. Detailing your car involves a series of steps that restores the car's paint shine, protects it and corrects any imperfections such as dents or scratches. It is important to hire an expert for getting car paint correction services.
The process usually involves three steps: cleaning the body with special shampoos, applying a clay bar, and finally polishing the car. To give your paint a more radiant glow, you can also apply car wax.
2. Lights
If a car's taillights and headlights are left to oxidize, it can cause dimming of the light. To prevent oxidation, auto detailing services clean all lights on a vehicle. This includes cleaning the windshield with special washing liquids.
Some companies offer highly specialized services like engine detailing, which may be included in the overall package, or can be purchased separately. If you want to discover more about auto detailing in Thousand Oaks, then you can visit this link.
Engine detailing is the process of cleaning your car's engine in order to remove contaminants and increase its efficiency. It doesn't matter what type of service you select, it is crucial that you only hire a trusted car detailing company. You should also ensure that you are paying a fair price.
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oneoakmotors-blog · 4 years
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usfwspacific · 6 years
Drawn to Nature: Visit to Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Inspires Young Artist
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By Brent Lawrence, a public affairs specialist in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Pacific Region.                                   
Christin Engelberth’s class project led her down a new path, both literally and figuratively.
The Pacific Northwest College of Arts senior drew a challenging assignment for her Center for Design class project. She was asked to turn the “Big Six” uses of National Wildlife Refuges into artistic representations.
Those Big Six uses, which are outlined in the refuge system’s operating principles, are hunting, fishing, photography, wildlife observation, education and interpretation.  
Turning those concepts into illustrations would be a challenge for anyone, but it was particularly so for Christin. By her own admission, she’s not exactly the outdoorsy type. Born in Germany, she spent most of her childhood in Texas before moving to Portland, Oregon, for college. Living in downtown Portland with public transportation as her main means of travel, she had never visited a National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific Northwest.
So how can an artistically inclined woman who wants to write and illustrate children’s books for a living quickly embrace the purpose of National Wildlife Refuges and turn it into art? In 10 weeks?
It started with a trip down a path at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. Eric Anderson, the deputy project leader for the Ridgefield NWR Complex, took her on an educational walk around part of the refuge.
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Stopping at the entry kiosk, he explained the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System is to administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans. He explained how the Big Six uses fit into management of a National Wildlife Refuge.
Eric explained the history of the refuge’s location and its significance to local Native American Tribes. He pointed out where Lewis and Clark Expedition camped in 1805 and told stories about what they wrote in their journals about the waterfowl that were “emensely noumerous, and their noise horid.” We explored the Cathlapotle Plankhouse and marveled over the hand-hewn logs. We discussed the refuge’s role in protecting habitat for the dusky Canada goose and other waterfowl, as well as the federally threatened Columbian white-tailed deer.
He explained that hundreds of people annually take advantage of waterfowl hunting on the refuge. Eric noted that thousands of school kids come out every year for outdoor education classes. He shared that tens of thousands of people use the auto tour route to see wildlife and take photos. Ridgefield is the very definition of public lands being available for everyone.
Christin’s takeaway from the trip?
“Wow! Everything was so impressive. I didn’t really know how different National Wildlife Refuges were from National Parks. You do different work, and you’re really focused on the wildlife, which is really cool. There are so many people working for the Service who focus on wildlife and care for their habitat,” Christin said.
With that kernel of information firmly implanted in her brain, Christin started sketching. Then as the project leader, she enlisted help from classmates with sketches and feedback.
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Sometimes after getting feedback from the Service, she would go back to the ol’ drawing board. That feedback is essential in the Center for Design class, according to instructor Martha Lewis.
“It is set up as a design studio with real clients and projects,” Martha said. “Students are exposed to all aspects of a professional creative practice such as meeting with clients, developing strategic approaches to provide clients with creative solutions for their design needs, managing work flow and interacting with vendors, and seeing a project through to the end.”
That end result from the continual discussions and give-and-take with the Service came out, well, stunning. Each round of sketches improved, each version adding details that honed in on wildlife and conservation.
Christin incorporated species from the Service’s Pacific Region in each item: a pileated woodpecker perched in an Oregon white oak for education; a salmon for fishing; a black-tailed deer for hunting; an Oregon spotted frog for interpretation; a Fender’s blue butterfly for wildlife observation; and dusky Canada geese for photography.
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“It came out so nicely after working back and forth,” Christin said. “It was a great experience working on this project. I learned a lot in the process, and I also learned I want to go back to the refuge.”
It was an honor working with Christin on the project. We watched her absorb information about the Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System and turn it into something personal that may help others connect with wildlife conservation and public lands.
Keep an eye out for Christin’s work. It just might pop up at a refuge near you and bring you some inspiration.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
December 26, 2020: 1:32 pm:
Thunderbird’s Episode: 0000000-00000-000
Operation Crash Dive
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♦ “What’s the count Ump?”
♣ “I don’t know, they are playing Bad Minton“
♥ “What’s the score Ump?”
♣ “Looks like two down, bases loaded, they brought in a pinch hitter”
♠ “What a racket, it’s only the bottom of the second, and they already cleared the net”
♥ “oohh.... I love cello music!”
♦ “They are serving funnel cakes at the concession stand, free with a $5 beer”
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There is a glitch in the Secret Decoder Ring Roster of Decode on Decoder Ring RADAR.
Ok, I watched the episode, Operation Crash Dive, I think DB Cooper was watching too, through the back door slider... sneaky bastard.
Today’s presentation was presented in “Subordi-nato-Scope”, in “DownRangOvision”, with “Enhanced High Fidelity Stereo-Sonic Theater” audio.
Produced by: “Pan-Jam-Air-Waves-Broadcasting” and featuring: “Red”
It looks like the Capitol Records Executives are still held captive in that echo chamber basement beneath the Capitol Records Building, and are revealing a lot of Hollywood secrets to Tommy-Two-Toe’s & Three-Finger’s-Louie, while Guido man‘s the control room in the recording booths at the 12th floor.
Red... lot’s of red... all kinds of red. It turns out that the red comes in all shapes and sizes, and can be applied to other, non-red items, quickly, and easily, over time.
International Rescue is heading for the Los Angeles Times. It appears that they see oportunity there, for harnessing that “Above The Fold Front Page Headline Real-Estate” that exists on newspapers. That’s handy for controlling people with scary headlines.
Meanwhile, in reality, I suspect the take over of LA Times happened shortly prior to the introductory issue of USA Today newspaper, to my recollection, that happened in around 1972-ish. There was a local newspaper in Southern California at that time, when some changes with the paper sparked outrage and scorn from long time loyal subscribers. “The Green Sheet” was a local newspaper, was not a small newspaper, was the Go-To newspaper for knowing what’s going down in the neighborhood. “The Green Sheet” was actually printed on Green Paper for the Front Page, Back Page, and Center Fold. About the time when USA Today showed up on news stands, “The Green Sheet” turned white... no more Green Paper in the Green Sheet happened, the paper was printed with the same title, “The Green Sheet”, but there was no green to be found anywhere in The Green Sheet newspaper after that. The San Fernando Valley, was outraged!
===== 7:38 pm: Extra:
For reasons that have no support other than having been at a hot-spot at a hot-time, I feel there is a direct connection with “Gone Postal” 1970′s Post Office attack news stories presented at time, and, the introduction of USA Today newspaper. I remember, as a 9 year old. that the USA Today was something special for some reason, I recall there was much talk about the USA Today newspaper’s premier issue, I should not have noticed, I was 9 or so, but I did notice, and remember some connection to “Gone Postal”, and that was terror news media saying that they had taken over the US Postal Service at various offices, one at a time, working their way up to USPS Central Federal Office of Operations, at state levels, then the master unit, where ever that is. USA Today played some kind of role with “Gone Postal” news stories.
The Operation Crash Dive episode is showing a ton of Green Jello Terror Cell Easter Eggs within the episode. My first knowledge of Green Jello being some kind of mysterious import thing was in around 1970, in Canoga Park California.
=== 7:47 pm: Green Jello leadership is at 560 Jackpine, Myers family terror cell. They played a big leadership part for the collapse of World Trade Center, when Ron Howard was the man who was in the helicopter that took the only live shot of the so called airplane crash. I was the person who made what was called a “Key Mask Filter” for that, while held captive at my home, forced into making a lot of graphic materials, photo manipulations, designs of guitars and parts of guitars, instrument panel artwork that is currently used on Boeing airplanes, and other airplane signage for Boeing after they were hijacked in Seattle. Myers at 560 worked in close contact with people such as Ron Howard, David Letterman, Jay Leno, others, at the time. The guitar makers were Zakk Wylde, Paul Reed Smith (I designed all of the “Dragons” special “One of a Kind” Dragon art that went on the guitars, my daughter designed one of those, was there for help with the Dragons), Dean Zelinsky Guitars, while Eastwood Guitars were the people in charge of all of the guitar designs I was forced to do, and, Dean Zelinsky was there in the 1970′s at my house, with all of those musicians I was controlled by back then, so Dean Zelinsky must be associated to Harold & Joan Phillips at 507 Jackpine, as those people also have somehow wound up following me, then moving as a neighbor, after encountering them as a child in 1970′s.  The Dean ML is my design from back then, it’s a letter K, flying V. Dean was involved with Eddie Van Halen, and Bill Gates, who are old friends of one another. I did guitar work as a young kid, forced by Dean Zelinsky. Myers is a big part of Green Jello, and the oldest connection I have to Green Jello is from Dean Zelinsky 1970′s, actually in direct association to the British throne. There is Much to say, the information goes in so many directions, with Royalty at my house in the 1970′s who showed up with Tony Iommi, and the members of Pink Floyd before the Dark Side of the Moon was recorded, and took me to a European castle dungeon. Then again with meeting the Queen in Reseda California 10 years later, at about the same time I met Barack Obama, who went by the name “Black Steve” at the time. Much to know if there were only some people interested in doing national security work other than me. ===
I suspect there is some indications of a plan to take over the General Motors Manufacturing Facility that I think was on Van Nuys Blvd at Roscoe, where at the time, the Corvette’s were being built there, see old news stories about a Auto Workers Union Strike at that facility, some time after the take over, as the so-called strike was used to lure “Scab” labor, for “Kill & Replace”, to that facility, people guided there by Los Angeles Media. There is also something similar about a manufacturing facility of some kind that was on Canoga Ave. between Roscoe and Saticoy, along the Freight Rail Road there, that leads to Anheuser Busch in Chatsworth, where I am certain was hijacked along with the Cerwin Vega High Fidelity Audio Manufacturer nearby Anheuser Busch, in the 1970′s, but I don‘t see that in this episode, other than the Corvette Factory, which is subtly presented in the episode.
I noticed that these guys have Hydroplane technology in 1965... that is some whiz-bang high tech... should make a “What can be said about Hydroplane?” list.
Start with: “Slide” and work from there, once you reach “Airplane” and “Hide”, then switch to “Where did all of those thousands of paratroopers come from when they landed in So. Cal.?”, in order to understand that there were a whole bunch of airplanes parked in weird places back then... Palmdale, Thousand Oaks, Sun Valley, Balboa Reservoir,  are places where dozens of airplanes were just parked in places where there was no airport, back then, in 1969-ish. Best guess is they were DC-9 US Postal Service aircraft. John Wayne Airport should show up in Thunderbird’s episodes coded in pretty soon as the viewing continues. Analyze that name... John Wayne. I met him once in a boat in Santa Monica Harbor, called “The Duke”, about a 80 foot sloop. Things did not work out for Mr. Wayne that day, or for the people who brought me there, a 1972 Ford Ranchero wound up in the harbor, under water, as a result of my visit.
The episodes are clearly showing symbolism that a elongated triangle shape is important, some indications are a computer read out on a paper receipt, and on elevators in previous episodes, they are showing up in many places. Generally speaking, this Operation Crash Dive is presenting a notion of what I am going to label as “Natural Progression”, is the gradual increase in small details in the backgrounds of the Thunderbird’s puppet show sound stage sets. I am going suggest that as the “Natural Progression” of small details increases, so does the details associated with over-all progress of take-over, or, with detail in the planning of making progress later. Small increases in what you might call Resolution of the back-ground artifacts within, such as knobs, screens, wall art, controlling surfaces, clothing, props and more, seem as increase knowledge or increase physical gain indicators, like triangles are used on classic car turn-signal indicator on the dash... see how the airplane dash-board catches fire in the episode as the window is being cut with a round hole for the pilots to escape into what looks like an elevator car, the dash fire, is a turn indicator, “turn” means “Turn-Coat”, “Treasonous”... see “Don’t Let it Bring You Down” by Neil Young for more about turning, newspapers, blind people, people who have answers, buses, castles, and not to worry about any of that because the Baby is on Fire, you can just throw her in the water.... and Mr. Young is a Canadian who says he invented a motor that runs on Hydrogen.
Maybe I’ll add some more later. It’s 3:20 pm.
3:26 pm:
One more thing before I forget, for you physicists out there, don‘t forget to simplify. Example: You have a three dimensional shape in your hand, one that can be described with an equation, such as a sphere, or cube, and those are Prisms, there are Triangular-Prisms to think about here, the Triangular Prism is the single most simple, and is the absolute strongest of all Three-Dimensional Prisms. Don’t be a Tetrahedronic-Prism in a wold controlled by Triangular Ones, you could wind up in a Trapezoidal-Prism.
3:58 pm:
More about Three-Dimensional Prisms:
They can be used to control social conditions.
Simple idea: You know that the very strongest of all shapes, in the universe, is a Triangular Prism, nothing comes even close to the strength of a Triangular Prism. You know that, because you are no fool, you did your home work, you are smart mother fucker, did the math, saw it work, made some models, and you know that the thing is as strong as strong can possibly be. Even a paper one is strong among other paper prisms. Indestructible is the Triangular Prism.
So, smart people who take over the media, have tools available to make sure that other people are not as smart as you and your gang, so, those guys, set out to build a whole bunch of Tetrahydronic Prisms to surround themselves with. Triangular Prisms all with Tetrahydronic ones all around, only select people are allowed to know about the secrets of the Pyramids.
They did it with media, over time.
The terror bastards stay smart, because they are not interested in the garbage that is presented on TV, newspapers, movies, etc. They like music, that is where the brains are at. So, millions of people, all wondering what Al Bundy is going to do next, makes all those people dumber than a box of rocks at a quarry. Add Luke & Laura’s wedding, stretch that out over, say, five months, and everyone is waiting to get fucked, as they show us Al Bundy go into the restroom every episode with his newspaper, just to make sure we all remember to wash our hands before the Tonight Show is over, because that, is when everyone gets laid.
Too Much Information is the thing that builds a society of Tetrahydronic Prisms all in a Trapezoidal Prism, with no way out, because the whole USA is built with walls made of Triangular Prisms.
Stay smart, keep it simple.
The mystery of the Pyramids makes that task daunting when trying to explain why everything is so complicated.
They made it so you have to be a Tetrahydronic Prism in order to explain or teach the secrets of the Pyramids, a Triangular Prism where Amp Guru lives.
4:27 pm:
Make an experimental comparison, see reality in a power circuit:
You need: One, one-hundred watt guitar amplifier w/speaker, TUBE DRIVEN.
One digital powered amplifier, one-hundred watt. Such as a powered speaker.
They each consume one-hundred watts of electricity.
You can use other wattage. Use what you have. Base your experiment on the wattage of the Tube Amp.
Play something through the tube amp.
Play something through the digital amp.
The power consumption is the same for each, but the Tube Driven amp will prove to you that it is far superior to the digital amp power.
The two are not even close.
You might need 50 digitally powered amps to match the output of one single Tube Driven amp.
Try it and see for yourself. There are a lot of questions about why are we using sub-efficient tech, when there is superior tech that has been available for nearly a century? Far superior.
This is important for learning about who Amp Guru is, and how they think, how they control people, and communicate with one-another.
Is the rate of power consumption equal between the two amps? I don‘t have the answer, I watched Married With Children too much, and.... Luke & Laura’s Wedding, so, it’s hopeless for me, maybe not too late for you though.
This URL... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IxCMNx4znY
(But the Browser version of the same URL leads to what I want to see, hear, share with you:)
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{12-27-2020: 1:10 pm: Yesterday, when I posted the link to the Pink Floyd, some other video showed up here, below, I should have taken a screen shot, but did not do that, and now I am made to look as the fool, because I watched Married with Children too many times, and apparently Luke & Laura finally went on that honeymoon... left the mess here on this page. So, now, I can’t show you that other place where the link, linked to. Ohh well..  the good news, is I can listen to the album now, could not do that yesterday. (you have to imagine that the remainder of the post was written while the link was wrong, presented some other video there below, otherwise you won‘t know what happened)}
Makes this video happen:
Could be a bug...
Certainty is part of the Syntax Error.
It’s not the Decoder Ring. That works good.
I’ll try again... after some scans, reset the signal amplification modulation unit, adjust the rabbit ears...
That’s the problem... that fucking RABBIT! He’s inside the Symantec norton 360 internet security software I pay a lot of money for every year. That dreaded norton Life Lock Pop Up Window happened as I was explaining about the 100 watt tube driven amplifier experiment, it says: “Your Wi-Fi May Be at Risk”.
I don‘t use Wi-Fi. It’s not at risk. There are other risks, and they may be Wi-Fi risks, but I don‘t use Wi-Fi, others are able to use the Wi-Fi for me, inside of my computer, without my knolledge or consent. The problem is at Centurylink ISP, Oregon.
I don’t even have a Wi-Fi modem, but that won‘t stop the Sheriff and State Police from saying that I Piggy Back Wi-Fi from somewhere else.
Restarting initialization sequence now...
5:53 pm:
Local Update:
The computer URL Hijack was done to get me to go outside for a walk to the mailbox, where along the path starting from the moment I opened my front door a series of activity was roled out for attack from Chartrand’s at 376 Jackpine with much support at Strong’s SAG house at 3747 Russell Road, and other, hidden support to the south on Russell, and distant assist from farther east somewhere.
The attack plan is a Pacific Power Corp attack plan, has been done dozens of times. I know how to defend from the Pacific Power Corp w/Centurlink assist attack’s when they are roled out. Many involved, as many a perhaps 20 individuals necessary for this attack scenario, mostly staged at Chartrand and Strong’s terror cell physical locations, with digital location inside my computer.
First was the set-up, all day my eyes were not working, had very poor vision, they have a poison aerial gas that produces that symptom, and a airplane flyover at the very moments that I plugged in my coffee maker was used as a signal through the Smart Meter Power Meter to read and transmit my power consumption live, as I use electricity. The Smart Meter at my house is isolated at Pacific Power HQ as one to monitor 24/7 as I consume power, thereby alerting the Pacific Power Corp terror cell of some detail about what I may be doing, and where I may be physically located inside my home.
The coffee maker produces a signal to Pacific Power in the form of amperage consumed, about 7 amps draw is my guess. They learn my habits by the consumption of electricity, they learn what kinds of electric powered things I use, over time, make a data base, use that to assist in a physical attack at my home, today, the coffee maker signaled a airplane, the airplane was used to dump a load of poison gas over my home, the gas was sucked into the house by virtue of the return-air vent of the forced air heating system, that produces a negative air pressure condition inside the home, thereby drawing in air through small cracks, holes, under the front door where they intentional wrecked the door sweep insulating rubber years ago, and other places such as the chimney, where the poison gas from aerial delivery sparked into action by use of a coffee maker, is drawn into the house where I breath it, making my eyesight poor, and a feeling of false security and well being is washed over me that way.
I suspect other gas was introduced into various places around the home throughout the day, all in effort to set me up for he walk to the mailbox after a full day of breathing a variety of poison gasses.
The sound of loud screaming was heard from the distant east as I opened the door and began to walk to the road to get my mail. The scream sounds were female, and were compounded with a duplication of the exact same screams from the nearby southwest direction, and additional duplicated screaming was from the south, near 560 or 598 Jackpine backyard areas. The screams were what I would associate to someone mauled in a wild animal attack, lasted about one minute, was intense screaming.
At the same time, Strong’s terror cell deployed two vehicles, one went south on Russell road, the other unknown, but I suspect it was people I encountered at Chartrand’s a few moments later. The people were already in their cars, waiting for me to open my front door, they have access to a listening device that was put under my house by the front porch somewhere. Then, along the path to mailbox, things quieted down. I checked the mail, the box was slightly opened already, the mail was a bill, somewhat crumpled, and placed inside the box in a way that is not consistent with the way the mail carriers put the mail in there, each mail carrier, it turns out, has a signature way they put the mail into the mailboxes, it’s possible to determine if the mail carrier was the regular one, or the substitute one, simply by the way the mail is placed inside the box. Today’s mail was placed by some other person.
As I reached for the mail, that is when the physical part of the attack began as a car (from Strong’s) came down the road. The Strong terror cell consistently roles a car to Chartrand’s most of the time I go get mail. So that happened.
Today, I already had figured out the Centurylink/Pacific Power attack before I went out there, some of that is evident in the contents of the Tumblr entry today.
The way to deal with the biggest thugs, is meet them head on, and drop one, then leave.
So, I walked over there to Chartrand’s to drop some thugs as they had just driven from Strong’s and parked.
As I approached, I lit my Bic Lighter constantly with intermittent small uses of the lighter.
There were sounds of popping, some thud noises, bang, bop, baddaboom... a short delay, then that car left Chartrand’s, as the car left, i was standing by that front driveway at 376. The car was not able to maintain a straight path forward, was all along the shrubs at the soft shoulder, wheels off the road, and swerving. the car stated to drive into the Clyde Baum terror cell at 333, then turned straight down the road and out of view.
I walked home.
As I turned to walk home, either that same car, or another car, came down the road towards me, by back to the headlights. When I looked to see what car it was, the car was not there. There was no car there, I think it was two people with flashlights on foot mimicking a car as I turned to walk home, and were seemingly alerted into action by the other car that was swerving.
I suspect the attack team from Pac-Pow, had burst from nitrous gas ignition as I approached over their to drop some thugs. I also suspect that car was a remote control car, was operated by the two flashlight men on the road who mimicked a car headlights.
Another assessment is the typical one, after things went sideways at Chartrand’s, the back-up plan was quickly deployed, to say I hurt the people in that car so I could steal their car, that means the County Sheriff is at Clyde Baum’s at 333 orchestrating the Pac-Pow/Centurylink attack, along with Oregon State Police terror operatives there.
Big operation today, they must be Orthopedic Surgeons over there, plastered, from Quebec.
It’s 6:54 pm.
8:57 pm: “Keep it simple” approach to finding and apprehending hard core terror mass murderers:
Hope. Follow the hope. The people who promote hope, the people will sell hope to you... if they are telling that hope is a good thing, it’s likely that is a terror murderer, it’s simple as that.
The Rules:
Hope is what remains after everything else is gone. Those are the rules.
So, if it’s a Hopeless situation, in terror language, that is like having vast riches.
They played the turn-a-round on what we believe hope is about.
If you have a family, a home, some money, some valuables, vehicles.. if you have some stuff that you enjoy, do you really want of need the hope that they want to give to you, or worse, sell to you?
They will find a way, to make you want some hope. If you fail the Hope Test, you mark yourself to be taken out by those who understand the true meaning of what really is. So, find the Hope Dealers, make arrests. It’s like a drug the world does not need.
The same people who want to hand out all of that hope, will come to ask what you are proud of, when you mention how proud of your family you are, and say why, and tell stories about Pride, that is when they hunt down and kill everything you are proud of, then, that’s when they come back, not to give you hope, but to tell you that you can buy it.
The farm is sold, with stories of hope and pride.
9:23 pm: The terror come from Britain. At some point in the not so distant past, what USA used to think about as England, changed emphasis, to Britain.
If you grew up at some point before about the 1980′s, maybe you understand that England to Britain transitional condition that took place.
The reason is the language we use, the English language, it’s called English because it originated in England. The language was developed as a weapon to aid Christian Crusades, the double meanings, and round-a-bout nature of the word craft is by design, so, when the British began to go hard core with use of the weapon language over the broadcast airwaves when SAG came aboard their Pirate ship, the British do what they have always done, draw attention to some other place, while maintaining control, and illusion of superiority. The terror includes a campaign for switching thoughts away from England, in favor of United Kingdom, and Britain, for subject matter that leads over in that direction. We don‘t say England any more, we say The UK because of the campaign to draw attention away from the source of the English Weapon.
It’s take my whole life to learn that, I remain confidant that some other people will understand the enormity of it, because the enemy are the people who crafted the language we use to speak with.
The words themselves, are a variety of poison.
There is a dictionary, they gave us a dictionary, send us to school to learn English. We are scolded if we misuse the words, or spell them “wrong”, that happens while the enemy has a alternate use dictionary, one that allows more freedom of expression, more creativity, more legroom, more headroom, is very handy, can be used as a front with the dictionary version we are bound to, while others are saying completely different ideas in the background of the same conversation. It’s the same as “White Man Speak With Forked Tongue”, or, “Double Talk”. The enemy speaks English up front, and Mayan in the background at the same time, with dialect considerations, words are crafted on the fly, outside of the boundaries of a dictionary, for taking victims at the One Hour Martinizing. They used to speak Mandarin there, now, they speak English, and no one can understand what the heck they are talking about there.
I suspect that the presence of what I have been calling “Ancient Chinese Secret” contained in the Thunderbird’s episodes, could turn out to be the idea that the English language is a “Double Speak” language, so, they need to announce that within the episodes, at places in the episodes where double-talk is done, so that the terror operatives who need the command orders will know when to use the dictionary, and when to switch to “Ancient Chinese Secret” language, which is portrayed with the notion that the Chinese Laundry has all changed, and is now called “One Hour Martinizing”, and those guys at the Martinizer are best described as “SAG newsmedia personalities”, so, when it looks as if a Mobile news crew is on the scene, that is the same as “Ancient Chinese Secret”.
That’s my read about that.
10:09 pm: Although it may be best to describe the “One Hour Martinizing” as newsmedia personalities, I still believe it’s important to say that it’s also the entire visual media industry, a place where they do some front office work, in the back office.
Think about the older television programs, the ones that were on for One Hour, are different than those that were only on for a half hour. Shows like Laugh-In, the Carol Burnette Show, and Glen Cambel Music Hour are going to prove to be way up the command chain at the Martinizer, and those guys are subordinate to Amp Guru, Music Industry, originating at the Vatican, trickling down to British commercial music industry, leading to British Invasion, where we Meet the Beatles, and are slaughtered, with take over of US Music Industry, to start with.
10:31 pm:
Gone Postal Terror:
Hijack of US Postal Service came with Russian Mother Hoax Fractal View.
Say you are a kid eating breakfast, have some time before school, see that if you send in 10 Box Tops from the cereal box, you can get Thunderbird’s Paper Hamburger Server Hat, they say it’s a Space Mission Leprechaun Hat, but you know what it really is, and, you already collected nine other box tops, so, you put those into the envelope along with the postage necessary to ship the Hamburger Hat to you (It’s like a mini Pope Hat) and off to school you go, while dropping that into the mailbox, red flag goes up, and onto the Bus you go.
Three days later, you are missing, and the newsmedia warns about the presence of a Cereal Killer, but unless you read the news paper, you won‘t ever know there is a typo in the paper, where they spelled it “Serial Killer”, the way “Amp Guru” spells it. Some other place says “Surreal Killer” (The Star, Mom reads that in the bathroom), while they are searching for you offshore. Reality is you in a dungeon at school, held captive. because the “Gone Postal” terror cell, is “The Stork”, and they put you in the dungeon with other kids who also sent something in the mail, like a note to Santa, with return address on there, so Santa knows where to find you.
Gone.... Postal.
Taken by the Stork, for delivery to the terror training center at a SDA nanny not far away.
There are a few ways the double speak is done for killing and replacing, kidnapping and taking, the English way, on TV, school, at the store where the cereal came from (Post Cereal for Fractal View), newspaper headline, and at home.
11:04 pm:
It’s been about six years since I began to write eye-witness terror experiences this go around, there have been other times when the information was all deleted by the county sheriff who said help was on the way before deleting the information. That other time, there must have been someone who had power to help, and read the information, sent the local authorities to my house. But those people did not understand the enormity, the complexity, the extreme nature of the Christian terror army. I wonder if those people survived the return rapture that is done when outsiders get involved in Oregon?
So, I started again writing about six years ago, after waiting what seemed an eternity for that help to arrive... no help came. I started again six years ago, on Google+, they deleted the whole Google+ as a result. Had to start over, carried all of that writing here to Tumblr, where I have absolutely no indication whatsoever that anyone has actually seen any of the information I put here.
There is no reason at all for me to believe that this account even exists, it’s like I am a ghost, surviving in a house, with no one to haunt, all alone, and no one will read the notes I leave behind.
There is no indication that anyone can see these writings other than the terror bastards who toss the information back at me in three dimensions while waging an attack. Happens almost every day, but no help has come to speak to me, write an email to me, send a letter to me, call on the telephone to me, send a text message, or even a carrier pidgin or smoke signal to say that they got the message, read it, are making a effort... nothing but silence and attack at my home ever happens.
The terror bastards take what I write... they actually not only read it, but they made a searchable data base out of the raw information I put here in paragraph form, with some links that don‘t always work the way they are supposed to, and other photos and visual aids that no one can see, other than the terror army. That data base is real, you may think I am joking, there are no jokes here, any humor you find is part of the terror, the Comedy mask of SAG built in to the terror, it goes along with the Tragedy mask, and all of that is part of Covfefe Presidential Grade SAG Terror. The data base serves the terror army, is cross referenced to another data base of lies told to federal officers, so that the terror army can better know what lies go with what parts of these entries, to maintain the trickery they do, and keep the federal officer entertained. I suspect there is at least one more data base of cross reference to a “alternate universe” sort of psuedo mirror backwards version of what I write here. There is much evidence to support such a mirrored bassackwards version written by other persons, for further fuckery to my cries for help.
The whole Google+ Social Media Platform of millions of accounts was deleted, not just mine, it was done to cover their asses, no one really knows the true reason why they deleted Google+ is all contained inside this Tumblr account that no one can see.
The terror bastards not only attack the ways I explain here, but they use poison gasses to foul me up, they have gas that makes you need a restroom, one that makes you itch like crazy, the nitrous makes you stupid enough that you will hand over your wallet, badge, gun, car keys, and photos of the wife & kids, right to them, when they say: “Hey, I collect those, can I have that one?“... “sure, here you go.” Then they say: “we have a ride, it’s like a roller coaster... let’s go ride the roller coaster” then they take you to a giant razor blade looks like a sllde, people all lined up to ride it, body halves on each side and the sound: “weeeeee” as another child is cut in two, SAG audience cheers.
So the gasses they use are also ones that make my vision not work, and that is pumped into the house after they toss a handfull of ground up glass dust into my eyes at the store, the cashiers do that part, it’s like saw dust made of glass, makes you blind for a month or more if it sets in real good.
The terror is layered like that, one thing means another similar Fractal iteration will be done, the same in some ways, different in other ways, and the difference is Fractal Iterated further after that... ditto, etc, and so on....
But there is absence of assistance in every way.
Seriously, the closest thing to getting some help to stop terror, happened at a time when I didn‘t know it was terror I needed the help for, in around 1970 when Elton John showed up with all of those other musicians in my youth, he saw what was going, was opposed to it, I asked for help, he said he would help.
He left, called later, said he can’t help, they killed Olivia, his wife.... no one knows or cares that they switched the Olivia’s.
I don’t ever defend entertainers, and the rainbow warriors really make me angry, but I set that aside because that is what happened, and is the only example of anyone even offering any help, and that was nearly 50 years ago.
It’s an example of extreme terror, and that was before they became powerful.
Maybe that was the help.
Saying that they killed the Olive, switched it out for an Onion, the SAG Union, could have been what he was saying to a 9 year old who had no idea what a Union was, other than some obscure math class lesson about exclusivity.
I understand now.
Let’s see if Elton joins the 27 Club in the coming weeks as a result of this post.
This particular lyric video hurts my ears to listen to, kinda tinny, good stereo separation though, and is pegged on the VU Meters, lots of clipping going on, it’s all fucked up, and is difficult to read... must be perfect.
The Queen will send him to Duordia before she sends him to 27 Club.
Happens all the time.
12-27-2020:2:06 pm:
There are turkeys outside somewhere nearby, that means Sparacino terror cell is trying to sneak up to put some kind of poison gas into the house, happens almost daily. Sparacino’s are part of: SAG; Oregon County Courts; County Sheriff; State Police; Li’l Pantry Market’s; Velero Gas Stations; Mikey’s Video; Video World, and that Taco restaurant nearby Merlin Li’l Pantry.
Triangular Prism. It’s as strong a shape as can be made.
But if you drop one, the pointy tips start to break off, a paper one will squish at the pointy tips. Keep dropping the Triangular Prism, over and over again, it will become smaller, and smaller, and increasingly smaller, less pointy, more round.
Eventually, the Triangular Prism will become spherical, loose it’s pointy vibe, then, the thing is more predictable in which direction it will go, when you smack it with a Louisville Slugger.
Something to think about.
12-27-2020: 2:28 pm:
I explained about how the forced air unit for your heater makes a negative pressured condition inside the house and will draw in air from outdoors through many tiny cracks, holes, and vents that houses have built into them, or are purposefully made, happen from seasonal moisture conditions as materials swell and contract, or are simply from wear over time. There is other considerations that investigative people need to know when dealing with terror soldiers who use airborne gasses to over power their victims. You need to understand that the terror bastards don‘t need to be right there at the front door, vent, or window to get the gas into your house, all they need is a breeze, and to release he gas such the the breeze does the work of carrying it to the house. All they need to know is when the heater or air conditioner is running, and that will go on, and turn off intermittently. The Smart Meter, when manned by Pacific Power representatives at their Smart Meter Receiver HQ to alert the terror soldiers, is handy for use a means to advise gas wielding terror soldiers about the timing of when to release the gas into the breeze. I have often heard the words: “We have the wind”, spoken from a neighboring yard as the breeze kicks in. That means the wind is in favor of the gas wielding terror soldiers, who play innocent as they poison you with gas released on the wind.
One more piece to this part of the puzzle is the electronics that make the heater work, the thermostat. They actually made thermostats with remote control functionality, even the ones the don‘t say they are remote operation capable, are indeed remotely operational to some extent, all they need is remote control to turn the  fan unit on when they need it to be on. The rest of the heating system does not need to function, but the fan does in order to create the negative air pressure condition necessary to draw in the poison gas, so, they have that capability at my house, because I had one of those digital thermostats installed at my home. Trust me, the old “Bi-Metal” thermostat is what you want to keep, don‘t let some asshole sell you a digital thermostat, the bi-metal is superior for safety.
I suspect the tech that works the remote for the hidden control in the thermostat is Infra-Red like the TV remote, except with addition of a digital enhancement of some kind. That could also possibly be the technology that works the implanted microphone transmitter in my jaw.... infra-red technology.
All of that stuff combined will get poison gas into anyone’s house, regular citizens. or FBI on stake out.... everyone is set up in advance, and is the presence of Bob Hope, all of the time.
2:55 pm: small airplane buzzed over top of my house as I write this.
3:06 pm: I write stuff here, then I read it to see what the bastards changed, then, I have to make the changes to put it back to the way I wrote it.
some consistency in the terror changes made are noteworthy, provided that the not stays the way I write it.
Tee-ache-eee spells the word “The”.
Often, if when I write “Tee-Ache-eee--en“ to say “Then“ or, “Tee-ache-aye-why” to say “Thay”, those are conditions that often get changed to: “Ache-eee”, “He”, and to “Tee-ache-eee”, “The”. I write “Then“ and it gets changed to “The”. I write “The”, and it gets changed to “He”.
There are hundreds of examples throughout these post entries where the words are changed out by some Christian Cult Zealot somewhere at Tumblr, Google, or Centurylink ISP.
The reason they do that is not known, the history of it’s significance is known, as follows:
The Ology
Study of God; The Bible
They are inserting some God into my reports of Terror.
People from places other than UK don‘t have the kind of background information about the language we use as dose the people who are from places closer to the source of the language.
I think I can demonstrate to you why the word “The” is the same as “God”.
Just start talking. Every time you need the word, “The”, pay close attention to what follows that word when you speak, or write.
Every last thing that follows “The”, is a thing that is said to have been “Created”. That means God created it, if you are a Christian Cult Zealot, so, when you point at the coffee in the store and say: “look, the coffee is on sale” you are saying “God Coffee is on sale”, he created it. That is the history of it. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you want to, but everything that follows the word “The” is said to have been a thing that was created, by God, by golly.
I don‘t follow the God crowd, so, to me, either the thing was made from evolution, circumstance, distance from the Sun, a person, or bug or animal, such as the dam made by the beaver.
We are getting closer and closer to the Sun as time passes. The gravity of the Sun draws Earth ever closer with each satellite revolution the Earth makes around the Sun. Changes will occur naturally. Eventually, we will be on the equivalent of Venus, no where to go, as things heat up. So, why not live peacefully and enjoy the ride, eventually, the ride will come to an end.
The only hope, is to develop powerful rockets that could push Earth a little farther away from the Sun... but.... what could go wrong?
Then, there is the Latin extension of the word “The”, it’s “El”.
The bastards like to simplify that word, “El”, it gets reduced simply to “L”.
So, sometimes, “L” is the same as “The”, in order for a Christian Cult Zealot to say the word “God”. But when they do that, it’s done in Vane, so, that means “Vain” also, for those language complications I tried to explain. It turns out, that a Christian terror soldier who says “L”, is also saying “Use wind, to make blood”.
The English language is weapon, so, listen carefully to those around you, especially in Oregon, where from Trinity County in California, to Salem where the state Capitol is, is all called “God’s County”, and is as close to a living hell as can be imagined, all while being so very beautiful to see.
After consideration of the “The” word, then, you need go towards the “Ology” part of “Theology”, and do some thinking. You can wind up back at “Olivia was killed, I can‘t help you”, and why there is an Olive at the bottom of the Queen‘s Martini. You could get to Oliver Twist from there, and Olive Oil, Popie’s girl friend who is forever sleeping with Brutus, or Bluto (they must be identical twins), but, Olive Oil comes in three varieties, Virgin < Extra-Virgin < and the beloved, Extra-Extra-Virgin (is very expensive). By the time the Olive Oil becomes Virgin, there is no more olive-oil left in the Olives to squeeze out, the olives are discarded after that.
It’s all part of the story of Theology and it’s evolution.
12-27-2020: 4:18 pm:
Someone paints a colorful scene on some terra cotta flower pots, collects some wild flowers from the woods, makes a bouquet, it goes in the pots... it’s more than gift when that person hands that to you, frightened.
It’s rocket science.
12-27-2020: 6:42 pm:
This happened:
Tumblr media
So I went over here, to see what’s going on... maybe Internet Explorer will work, but this happened:
Tumblr media
So, I checked the “Find out why” button, and this happened:
Tumblr media
For the federal officers, who are being jacked around by the local authorities, you need to know that the bastards stole about a thousand of my screenshots, similar to those above, yesterday when I accessed the Pose Photo Button. Some other asshole is going use some screenshots to fool you by saying they belong to Sean or Theresa, or Nicole Sparacino.
They are screenshots of advertised music gear, and Twitter news stories mostly.
Don‘t be a tetrahydronic Prism in a world controlled by Triangular Prisms, you will end up in the Trapezoidal Prism at Monroe’s terror cell.
They are spring loaded, made with stainless steel wire, and swords on garage door springs, are motion detector operated, they will tell you to “Go stand over there to get a look at the suspect”; that’s where the spring loaded snare is at, wherever the local authority tells you is best for a having a look. Victims are cut in two with just a piece of thin wire, on a spring, as they walk by, like a egg slicer.
The way the local fake authorities fool federal investigators and then kill them and their families includes that those screenshots that were stolen, (I watched the download happen, Centurylink accessed, and downloaded a lot of screenshots) can be switched out on the download, on the fly, live, from some other storage vault of kiddie porn that exists at Myers terror cell at 560 Jackpine (they have been kidnapping small girls from the nearby church for more than twenty years at 560 Jackpine and putting them into a outdoor garden shed over there) so that what actually winds up happening is the federal officers are shown those images, then later, when the federal officers are alone with some privacy, looking at porn, that is when the local fake authorities send the likes of Sean and nicole Sparacino over there, and those people are the Sneakiest Bastards On Earth, no other terror cell compares to those people for sneaky considerations.
So, literally, the Foolish Feds get caught with their pants down, and the Sparacino’s gas them. and attack, while dressed and disguised as a flock of wild turkeys.
That’s just one way. There are sooooo many ways to fool the feds when the State Police and County Sheriff are in charge of the foolery of the federal officers who are sent into traps, to come here, by their elected official leaders. The foolery comes from two ends. That is how the bastards “make ends meat” around here.
12-27-2020: 7:45 pm:
This for people sent to Oregon to see what the heck is going on around here:
First, you are in far more danger than you think you are.
I want to say about a phone call I received on Christmas day, from someone claiming to be family, I know there was at least one Stingray associated with the incoming call listening, I suspect there was more than one, but only one being operated by anyone who could help. Others in the hands of terror soldiers were also not only monitoring, but manipulating, participating in the call, with acting, scripted pre-arranged lines to say to fit whatever the local authority terror theme was. Also, on that call was the sounds of the terror soldiers who were hiding outside either my house, or some other house nearby, and their custom Blu-tooth style communication bleed over into the phone call I received.
I heard someone say: “I’m by the house”. That was buried with intrusive participation into the call with the so called “family member” saying that they bought a house to me on the call, introduced by the people who are fooling the federal officers who are obviously some where nearby and in contact with the local fake authorities, and is why I say you in greater danger than you know.
For those who can help, if you did not hear me saying that the terror army has taken control of all of the geographic area between the ends of the Interstate 5, from Mexico to British Columbia, then you were not listening to me, you heard someone else, you were fooled with electronics. I also talked about medical services are not available in Oregon, the doctors are fake, the police are fake, food is difficult to obtain, everyone is required to wear a face mask by State Government mandate, and other similar “I don‘t have any good news to say on this phone call” sort of subject matter. I explained about the sword fight at the end of the driveway and that fishing net that was being put there to put me into. I expressed extra distress specifying Josephine County beyond the conditions of the rest of the state being all terror controlled. If you did not hear that, you were not listening to me, you were listening to an act that was made possible by complicated electronics, actors from SAG, and terror soldiers who do whatever it takes to entertain federal officers.
It’s notable that when I get a call from that particular family member, the phone always goes blank with dead silence as I am speaking... eerie silence that is as if the call is not really happening, as if I am talking to the phone without a call connected. That silence condition has been present with that particular caller for about ten years.
I thought I heard someone say that the F-18 national Guard Fighter Jet Trainer that I bailed out of about fifteen years ago had been found in the Pacific where it fell, but that was brief and faint on the phone call, like hope, not really there.... but that airplane is in the Pacific unless someone retrieved it, and the instructions to find it are at an old Twitter account that was suspended awhile ago. There also might be instructions here on Tumblr, I have forgotten if I did put them here. Bruce Freeberg is the suspected airplane thief, I am not sure, I only know I had about less than five minutes to decide how to stop that airplane from being stolen, so, I got onto the airplane, so that I could get out of it. That way, the terror bastards don‘t get use that particular stolen airplane to kill US Citizens with.
So, you were fooled if that is different from what was heard on the incoming Christmas phone call.
Let’s say that some federal investigate people were sent to Oregon from somewhere, say, Pittsburgh, and they got here to Oregon, checked in with Kate Brown representatives at State Police HQ in Salem, or, maybe at one of the five FBI Field Offices as they were instructed to do.
Where ever such persons checked in at, be it FBI Field Office or even if they just went into one of the convenience stores for some coffee, without checking in, tried to be stealth about it, either way, “they are not from around here”... it’s a Judge Thomas Hull style rule for terror soldiers to use.
The “You ain’t from around here, are ya boy?” method has a lot of sneaky parts to it. Everyone is a rank & file terror soldier here in Oregon, they look like old church people, they look like truck drivers, they look like tradesmen, and like kids on bicycles, but they are indeed all terror soldiers, most of the inhabitants of Josephine county knows the other inhabitants at least enough to identify that they are all “From around here” in a variety of ways.
There are scouts who go around in cars, and hang out in parked cars in the parking lots, the scouts use Smart Phones, everyone is supposed to have a Smart Phone, with proper setting information that will automatically make connection to the Smart Phone of the scouts. I don‘t have information about what will pass, and what gets marked. You are marked right away if you do not present a Blue-Tooth signal that is correct. Those who are marked, are followed and studied, prepared for take-out attack.
So, the federal people, simply by being here, and making a purchase, start to become the same as Red Marbles in a collection of All Green Marbles. The terror army begins right away to find out why there are Red Marbles in the collection, and from whence they came.
It would take them no more than two days to find the identity of who the outsiders are, even if they use cash to make purchase, cash is “forbidden“, so that is a Red Marble Flag. Anyone who comes to Oregon on commercial airline is marked and Identified before the airplane landed in Oregon, that is because the TSA is a agency under the parent agency Department of Homeland Security, and DHS is a major part of the terror take-over of USA. Air Traffic Controllers are also part of the DHS I think, not certain, but I do know for certain that Air Traffic Control is hijacked, part of the terror army nation wide.
There are no choices here in Oregon.
Such persons who come to Oregon would need to contact Pittsburgh at some point, but, the terror army is led by Broadcast Media, they have all of the communications locked up tighter than a bulls ass in fly season... you cannot make a phone call without it being heard by others. I doubt that even a personal satellite communication would get through unheard because the terror bastards are the people who put the satellites in orbit, and have access to the controls to them.
I am wanting to reach Pittsburgh here, on behalf of those who were sent here to Oregon. I know there are outsiders around by the way the terror cells around me are behaving, I don‘t know where they might be and would not say so if I did.
Let’s say those helpful people who were sent here are thought to have contacted Pittsburgh, and the people at Pittsburgh HQ are not concerned, all seems OK.
Don‘t do that, don’t feel like everything is OK, the terror can mimic, and they have horrible ways of making others do as they are told to do.
That scream I heard last night was different than other fake screaming that happens for “Save the Princess” where some screaming is part of the “Save the Princess”, everyone involved with those is a terror soldier, and the Princess is the one that does the kill most of the time. Anyone can “Princess”, could be a whole bus load of people who are stranded, and the bus is the “Princess”, is an attack against those who offer help. That scream was the most real terror scream I have heard in many years.
That scream is why I am going mention some detail, I don‘t want to, I need reach Pittsburgh though. If putsiders are captured, they are penned up somewhere, separated from their group. Typically, what I have seen is that the males are penned up, tortured, any females and children are forced to observe the torture. All who were captured are injected with heroin, even the ones who are tortured. they are exposed to nitrous/Versed gas mixture also. The ones who are tortured cannot feel much pain, that is part of the torture of the other people too, who observe their friends being subject to nails driven into their heads, everyone starts to say a lot of important information to the terror bastard by then. The ones subject to the nails are provided a mirror, so that they can see the nails that they cannot feel. It’s all fucked up like that. Happens at the house next to mine at 520 Jackpine, under direction of Myers terror cell next to that at 560 Jackpine. So, what made me share that is to advise those in Pittsburgh to listen very carefully to any contact that may occur. Other unseen things may be happening in the background.
There are other ways of torture to gain information. They have old world torture devices, if you can search and find it on Google search with “Torture Device” then the local terrorists made one, with a modernized twist. There was a “Rack” next door at 520 for many years, 9 feet stretch, not including arm length. I could hear when the knees pop loose, so, I get tortured too, to that extent of knowing it’s happening next door, and cannot do anything to stop it because I am outnumbered by 50,000 to 1.
I will be on the rack if I try to physically go there with my trusty fingernail clipper to fight with. You can‘t get a gun here, they are on the shelf in the case at the sporting goods stores, and are also part of the torture, because it’s right there, just out of reach, and you cannot get it, any attempt to purchase a gun, leads to:
“You ain‘t from around here, are ya boy?” and Honorable Thomas Hull will find a way to make sure you need his other service at Hull & Hull Mortuary Services, across the street from the courthouse on C Street.
Years ago, people came door to door, came into the homes, and took every thing that was sharp. Only a butter knife was allowed. Steak and chef knives all taken away. If you buy a knife sharpener, that will mark you for take-out.
Pittsburgh, don‘t rely on the communication, don‘t rely on local Oregon authorities. The good guys could be in a dire situation with no choices.
50,000 to one. Just in Josephine County, add Jackson, Douglass, and Klamath counties and it gets to 175,000 to one against me, and that is conservative estimate.
US Military is required.
Please send help.
Please send medical services.
Bring your own hospital.
9:39 pm:
national guard is not there anymore, they have not been there for about twenty years, any communication with Oregon national guard that suggests otherwise is a lie, is an act, to fool those who contact national guard. They can still procure new equipment and munitions as needed through the normal and customary means of getting equipment from national guard HQ command chain.
12-27-2020: 9:55 pm:
Survival as a Red Marble in all Green Marbles advice:
Don’t go outside unless you need to.
For food, what I do, is difficult, but I’m not dead, so, I don‘t have other advice. Stay away from restaurants and fast food, canned food is probably safest. I choose the frozen chicken, Walmart brand, 5 lb bag, I stay mostly with that, the frozen Walmart brand vegetables are top grade, so I get that and stay alive doing it. Stay away from fresh bakery goods, packaged cookies seem OK, but they all seem to have some kind of way that is not exactly right, for me, all my teeth were shot out by the terror bastards, so, most of that is they are all too stiff, too crunchy, some seem like they make me sick in strange ways. But, I am going to have milk and cookies even if it kills me. The Walmart brand items mostly are OK, if not prepared in the store, and you have to check all of the packages for pin holes and safety seals before you buy the items.
The store is dangerous no matter where you go for food, but the Fred Meyer is more dangerous than Walmart, I have been hurt bad at Fred Meyer, seem to get out of Walmart without injury, but not without them trying to capture me. I suggest using a debit card over cash. The cash will mark you right away, the debit card has a delay to the ID of who used it, but there is that guy at the entrance with the tablet that scans for card chips in your pocket. I suggest a small metal case for carrying the debit cards. If no case, then stack as many cards as you can together to fool the scanning thing, even expired cards will help in a stack, I think. Be careful in every way.
Don’t buy fuel at AM/PM, your car won’t run, will stall, won‘t always start. Fred Meyer is best for fuel, but be prepared to physically fight, you need eyes in the back of your head, but the car will stay running if you are willing to fight for the fuel. There is no other way that I am aware of. I don‘t want to experiment at other stores, I have to learn each stores way of killing, so, learn, and defend is the best advice I have.
That is pretty much it. If you are in Oregon, and are an outsider, it’s only a matter of time before they hunt you down, so, know that too.
Personally, I don‘t go anywhere, ever, except to get some food, or go to a fake doctor, that is the scariest of all, the doctor is bad news, someone dies every time i go to the fake doctor. There are no more real doctors, all are somewhere held captive to treat terror soldiers, or worse.
Use a lighter, keep it in your hand while at the store. The terror army will come close, to gas you for a take-out at the register, so, when they get close, wave the lighter around briefly at waist high, that clears the whole aisle sometimes, nothing but abandoned shopping carts and falling ceiling tiles. The self checkout is scary, the other checkout with cashier is a place where the other terror soldiers (fake shoppers) get in line, to gas you in bulk, and the checkout lanes are lined with stuff, tall shelving that aides the gas to stay in that area in the line where you pay. If you can go to the store with a friend, that will greatly increase your survival chances, but they will try to separate you from your friend, don‘t allow that to happen. I choose the self checkout, but I did not like it at first, when they took away most of the cashiers, now, there are only about 4 cashiers aisles. sometimes only one is open.
Things are different now than they were this time last year at Walmart, so, older posts I made here may not reflect all of what I put here today.
The conditions have become gradually worse over time, this COVID situation is a nightmare, everyone mandated to wear masks as they try to kill you, and the entrance at the Walmart is reduced to just one door, one way in, one way out, and there are men who make sure you stay in the correct lane to get in or go out, they have special electronic tablet size thing, it scans debit and credit card chips while they are still in your pocket, all is cross referenced to ID data base and bank account info. There are at least 6 terror soldiers at the entrance to the Walmart, one tablet man, sometimes two of those guys, and at least one other vested person that is hanging around the entrance, and a number of Cart Jockeys who manage shopping carts there, those guys choose the cart for you, and park it right there for you, while saying “Welcome to Walmart”, there is someone there at the next entrance where actually go in to the shopping area. All of those people wear Walmart blue, some are yellow vests. That person at the actual store entrance past the shopping carts monitors, makes sure you have a mask over your face, if you have no mask, they give one to you to wear, you must wear a mask at Walmart, and everywhere, large or small stores, everywhere, by government mandate. There are signs everywhere that say so.
There is something extra special about the Walmart Pharmacy area, where over the counter remedies, shampoo, personal care items is at. The terror soldiers are like Velcro over there, they stick to you, if you go into one of those aisles, there will be instant other people that swarm there, and there seems to be always someone in each aisle, at least one, and, there is always a vested Walmart associate with a special kind of cart, has a ladder, has a place for a trash can on it, is a wheeled cart with ladder & trash can, has a shelf. The store associate is always on the ladder when I go in those aisles. There are no other places in the Walmart where I have seen those ladder/trash wheeled carts, only at the third aisle away from the actual pharmacy where prescriptions are faked. There are no real prescriptions filled at Walmart pharmacy, everyone in the line is for show. It’s all fake right there, and is higher concentration of terror soldier fake shoppers than other parts of the Walmart.
There is a cosmetics department, that area is a corral, it has four walls when you go in there. I suggest stay out of there. The hair dye and lip stick is not worth dying over.
You can still get a “Loaner Sword” if you are a special SAG terror operative at most or all of the checkout counters in the store. The cosmetics is where I see that most. They just go over to the cashier with some long narrow object, such as back scratchers that are hanging on display right near there, they take that, set it on the counter and say: “I need a loaner”, no more, and no less is spoken, perhaps a repeat of “I need a loaner”, then the cashier pulls a sword out from beneath the cabinet, lays it on the counter with the handle easy for the special SAG assassin to grab. The back scratcher is there only to fool the camera, as the sword is taken away from the check-stand, and the assassin goes to look through the store for the mark, with much assist from others in the store, and Oxcart service that follows. The people who do that tend to be very tall, well over six feet tall, male, over 50 years old, physically fit men, usually dressed with stylish comfortable leisure clothing such as cargo shorts mostly. If you look around the Grants Pass area, you can see these guys walking around on foot, older, tall men, casually dressed, in pairs. They are some kind of special mobile assassins on foot around the city, many of them scattered around, not hard to spot.
Those guys might be Vatican special assassins. They don‘t really fit the SAG vibe, and are Cookie Cutter Card Board Cut-Outs, they all look and dress the same basic way as the next one does. They are a lot like those weird women that accompany the Pope when he comes to Grants Pass, all the same, no personality, blank expression.
12-28-2020: 12:48 am:
I put some Chip Bait in this entry, use it to catch big fish.
12:57: am:
Those “Loaner Swords” are not limited to Walmart!
They are everywhere at a service counter in a store, pretty much all of the retail stores have at least one “Loaner Sword” for SAG or Vatican special roving assassins who need one where ever they are called to service.
To my knowledge, there is at least one “Loaner Sword” hidden inside specially designed concealment compartments at the service counter of each and every pharmacy from Mexico to British Columbia along the west coast of USA.
12-28-2020: 3:24 am:
Still trying to reach Pittsburgh.
I can‘t sleep after telling about the torture I witnessed for long next door at 520 Jackpine.
So, there is more to know about that, some is  mystery that others may find helpful about the torture rack. I saw it, it’s physically described elsewhere on this account, and there was more than one kind of torture rack. I have details about the 9 foot stretch that are significant somehow, so, as follows:
To start with, there is “Jesus was a Carpenter” considerations that I learned were of importance about it’s construction characteristics.
Then. there is some old 1960′s terror math that also seems to fit into the thing, in one way or another.
I’ll start with that: Terror in 1960′s began to remove & replace police officers with actors, and Vatican/British operatives in Los Angeles. So of course the math includes multiples of twelve for terror speak about that, so, “They come by the dozen“ is “Winchell Mahoney Time”, “Winchell’s Doughnuts”, “Windsor Royalty”, and gets into “Winston Churchill” areas of the Russian Hoax, and beyond and onto the beach at Malibu with addition of “Churchill Swim Fins w/Morey (Doyle) Boogie Board” (it goes on forever like that, could go to “dorsal fin”. “shark”, and “$5 bill” just from Doyle). So the math is 12′s for police. Those are feet. They gum on their shoes. It could turn out that the TV show called 24 is all about taking pairs of police, or, roleing out pairs of impostor police, with instructions within the episodes as marching orders. (that show was over the top, same with SAMCRO the bikers who sell arms to the Irish (Ireland is “the land of the angry people”))
now the carpenter math that is built in to the rack:
They made sure I understood it was a 9 foot max, not counting arm length.
So, most tract houses are built with 92 1/4″ studs, plus two top plate, and one mud sill, for total of additional 4 1/2″ of plate material, that grosses out to 96 3/4″, for a net wall height of 8′ 1″ after “lumber crown” of 1/4′ per 3 plates is added.
That’s for a tract house, typically 2000 sq, ft. or less.
9 feet walls happen in larger, more custom, or upscale homes.
That same math, but with use of 104 1/4″ studs, renders a wall height of 9′ 1″.
An additional foot of headroom for upscale dwellings, over a tract house of 2000 sq ft or less, is for the 9 foot ceiling height, which is what you get after the ceiling is covered with sheet rock, 9 feet.
I can see a number of religious connections to the math, but I can‘t do anything about what it seems to be saying, which seems to also go in more than one direction. Is multi-directional communication in the rack. Maybe that is the point, it pulls from two ways, like that “make ends meat” terror plan I mentioned earlier that seems to work so well.
I don’t think I have much more to say about that, without taking a three page ride in the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes by following the dots to see where they go.
I’ll go a little ways in there: That “Lumber Crown“ is actually called a “Cup”. The “Crown” is along the length of a piece of dimensional lumber, a carpenter must “Crown” every piece of lumber so that all studs, or joists, are all crowned with the lumber’s high spot going in the same direction, but I’ll leave the math the way I wrote it. The British Crown, knows all about that, they have been carpenters for a long time over there, so, they cling to ideas like that Crown. or that Cup, to do terror take over seeming simply because they are able to do so. The bastards control the whole lumber industry in Oregon, probably the whole nation. Brings new meaning to “Lumber Crown”. The “Lumber Cup” can be associated with young girls, the Holy Grail, and a lot of other religious connections to “The Cup” of a piece of lumber can be made.
Each piece of dimensional lumber has:
A Cup
A Crown
A Twist
A Bow
And Grain.
There is also wane on each piece, oddly, even if there is none there, in which case, it has no wane. Wax, on the other hand, is only on the wood if the carpenter puts it there, to make it slide across the surfaces, and into place.
All are important reasons why it’s said that “Jesus was a Carpenter”, but the truth I am pretty sure, is that the only thing the man ever built, was the cross that he was nailed to, hence, carpenter.
I’ll close out with that old TV show called “The FBI”.
From Wikipedia:
“Produced by Quinn Martin and based in part on concepts from the 1959 Warner Bros. theatrical film The FBI Story, the series was based on actual FBI cases, with fictitious main characters carrying the stories. Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. played Inspector Lewis Erskine, a widower whose wife had been killed in an ambush meant for him. Philip Abbott played Arthur Ward, assistant director to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Although Hoover served as series consultant until his death in 1972, he was never seen in the series.”
Basically, the show served in some way as a “Vacuum” Hoover brand, according to Wikipedia, unless you really think J. Edgar had something to do with actually consulting.
The way I remember it, the people in The Valley where I lived dropped everything so they could watch that show. When I think about the way the people who where questioned in the series behaved at the time the investigators came by, it’s easy to see a connection to the way some of the older terror soldiers around here behave when they get around other people, they behave like they jumped right out of a 1965 FBI TV show, as if the show served as a training tool, mostly to show how to dance a move called “The Brush Off” to get rid of people who ask too many questions simply by looking and behaving “Holier Than Thou” when the police show up to ask some questions.
Lot’s of stuff at this link to think about. I wonder what IMDB.com has to say about the show.
(suddenly the links I make are working, that’s new)
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