anastpaul · 6 years
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Thought for the Day – 1 October – The Memorial of St Thérèse of Lisieux O.C.D. (1873 – 1897) Doctor of the Church
Excerpt from Pope Benedict’s Catechesis on St Thérèse – 6 April 2011
“Today I would like to talk to you about St Thérèse of Lisieux, Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, who lived in this world for only 24 years, at the end of the 19th century, leading a very simple and hidden life but who, after her death and the publication of her writings, became one of the best-known and best-loved saints. “Little Thérèse” has never stopped helping the simplest souls, the little, the poor and the suffering who pray to her.
I would like to invite you to rediscover this small-great treasure, this luminous comment on the Gospel lived to the full!   The Story of a Soul, in fact, is a marvellous story of Love, told with such authenticity, simplicity and freshness that the reader cannot but be fascinated by it!   But what was this Love that filled Thérèse’s whole life, from childhood to death?   Dear friends, this Love has a Face, it has a Name, it is Jesus!   The Saint speaks continuously of Jesus.
Dear friends, we too, with St Thérèse of the Child Jesus must be able to repeat to the Lord every day that we want to live of love for Him and for others, to learn at the school of the saints to love authentically and totally.  Thérèse is one of the “little” ones of the Gospel who let themselves be led by God to the depths of his Mystery.   A guide for all, especially those who, in the People of God, carry out their ministry as theologians.   With humility and charity, faith and hope, Thérèse continually entered the heart of Sacred Scripture which contains the Mystery of Christ.   And this interpretation of the Bible, nourished by the science of love, is not in opposition to academic knowledge.   The science of the saints, in fact, of which she herself speaks on the last page of her The Story of a Soul, is the loftiest science.
In the Gospel Thérèse discovered above all the Mercy of Jesus, to the point that she said: “To me, He has given His Infinite Mercy and it is in this ineffable mirror, that I contemplate His other divine attributes.   Therein all appear to me radiant with Love.   His Justice, even more perhaps than the rest, seems to me to be clothed with Love” (Ms A, 84r).
In these words she expresses herself in the last lines of The Story of a Soul:   “I have only to open the Holy Gospels and at once I breathe the perfume of Jesus’ life and then I know which way to run;  and it is not to the first place but to the last, that I hasten…. I feel that even had I on my conscience every crime one could commit… my heart broken with sorrow, I would throw myself into the arms of my Saviour Jesus, because I know that He loves the Prodigal Son” who returns to Him. (Ms C, 36v-37r).
“Trust and Love” are therefore the final point of the account of her life, two words, like beacons, that illumined the whole of her journey to holiness, to be able to guide others on the same “little way of trust and love”, of spiritual childhood (cf. Ms C, 2v-3r; LT 226).
Trust, like that of the child who abandons himself in God’s hands, inseparable from the strong, radical commitment of true love, which is the total gift of self for ever, as the Saint says, contemplating Mary:   “Loving is giving all and giving oneself” (Why I love thee, Mary, P 54/22).
Thus Thérèse points out to us all that Christian life consists in living to the full the grace of Baptism in the total gift of self to the Love of the Father, in order to live like Christ, in the fire of the Holy Spirit, His same love for all the others.”…Pope Benedict XVI
“Trust and trust alone, should lead us to love”
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St Thérèse of Lisieux, Pray for Us!
(via Thought for the Day - 1 October - The Memorial of St Thérèse of Lisieux O.C.D. (1873 – 1897) Doctor of the Church)
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Thought for the Day – 14 October – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Today, 14 October 2018, in Rome, Pope Francis will Canonise the following (announced on 19 May 2018):
– Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini), Supreme Pontiff;
– Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez, archbishop of San Salvador, martyr;
– Nunzio Sulprizio (1817-1836) Announced by Pope Francis on 19 July 2018:   Details here: https://anastpaul.wordpress.com/2018/07/19/pope-francis-announces-that-he-will-canonise-blessed-nunzio-sulprizio-in-october/
– Francesco Spinelli, diocesan priest, founder of the Institute of the Sisters Adorers of the Most Holy Sacrament;
– Vincenzo Romano, diocesan priest;
– Maria Katharina Kasper, virgin, founder of the Institute of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ;
– Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesús (née: Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa), founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Crusaders of the Church.
Let us ask our new Saints to pray for the Church and the whole world!
Saint Nunzio Sulprizio, Pray for Us!
Saint Pope Paul VI, Pray for Us!
Saint Oscar Romero, Pray for Us!
(via Thought for the Day - 14 October - Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B)
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anastpaul · 7 years
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Thought for the Day – 1 October – The Memorial of Bl Luigi Maria Monti
“I saw water flowing out from beneath the threshold of the temple… everything will live where the water goes” (Ez 47: 1, 9). The image of water, which brings everything back to life, illuminates well the life of Bl Luigi Maria Monti, entirely dedicated to healing the physical and spiritual wounds of the sick and the orphaned. He loved to call them “Christ’s poor ones”and he served them, enlivened by a living faith and sustained by intense and continual prayer. In his evangelical commitment, he was constantly inspired by the example of the Holy Virgin and placed the Congregation he founded under the sign of Mary Immaculate.
How relevant is the message of this new Blessed! For his spiritual sons and for all believers, he is an example of faithfulness to God’s call and to the proclamation of the Gospel of charity. He is a model of solidarity towards the needy and of affectionate entrustment to the Immaculate Virgin.”
“What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like. (St Augustine)
“Have charity – first for our own souls and then for our neighbour. For as water quenches fire, charity quenches sin.” (St John of God)
And so we are called!  “Mary, Mother of Christ and our Mother, is our strength and guide in this commitment.   May the new Blessed Luigi Maria Monti, whom we contemplate today in the glory of Heaven, intercede for us.   May it also be granted to us all that we one day find ourselves in Paradise, to experience together the joy of everlasting life. Amen!
(St John Paul at the Beatification of Bl Luigi Monti, Founder of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception, 9 November 2003)
(via AnaStpaul – Breathing Catholic)
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