#thought the video was ai at first but she just looks like that ig
toesuckingoctober · 5 hours
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Can't say I predicted this one
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slothpower-central · 19 days
Rolling out the Red Carpet for the Cinema branch!!
Hello,hi, it's me that one person who makes the funny videos and thinks she can draw(she cannot) Inspiration hit me in the middle of my film studies course while watching Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock and I thought "what if I made my own LCB branch where every sinner is based on a movie I've watched in my film class (and just general classic Hollywood cinema) and so I did it! The branch is currently VERY unfinished,as I add a new sinner each week for every film we watch in the class,so lemme introduce you to the guys that I've at least doodled so far(awful art incoming lol)
First up,we need a manager,or should I say,director(get it, because it's based on movies?) anyway here's Dorothy! If it wasn't obvious, she's based on the Wizard of Oz,She may or may not have come from the Outskirts and now she's running around with these sinners,and her little dog too! Oh and her red slippers(boots now,IG lol)? Those have a use, clicking her heels 3 times allows her to bring her sinners back to life!
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Our guide is Glinda! Also based on Wizard of Oz,I have....not drawn her yet! But she is ultra hands off,she mainly communicates by sending Dorothy letters in bubbles,oh and did I mention she's a color fixer? ...yea I probably should have started with that
Now onto our actual sinners, don't ask me about major plot details about them,I haven't worked it out yet,
Sinner #1,This is Chaplin! Based on Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin,this guy is more of a fusion of the two main characters of the movie since uhm...neither of them have names and frankly their stories are both so intertwined that You could easily mix them together so here we are. They are the most comical of the sinners,I have described them as having a lot of cat like behaviors to a degree, and they are selectively mute(silent film lol) They have a white board they write on like it's Lethal Company and they have Heelys(mainly for the funny)
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I haven't uhm.....finished sinner #2 yet because everytime I try to draw him my art style makes him look like the Pringles mascot lol but it's Kane! Kane is based on Charles Foster Kane from Citizen Kane by Orson Welles! Right now currently he's like "god I'm in a company of all women...AND CHAPLIN" He's rich like....richer than Hong Lu rich,he does seem to offhandedly mention something Rosebud and it seems almost like he's searching for it...wonder what that could be?(Btw go watch Citizen Kane, I'm not telling you what Rosebud is)
Finally out last Sinner at the moment: Sinner #3 Judy based on Judy from Vertigo! Yessir this is the reason for the branch, her source got my imagination spinning (she may or may not be mine and Amia's favorite atm of the branch) I would have made Scottie a sinner but......I hate his ass and need him exploded and not in the cute way(JUDYYYYYY YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER GIRLLL) Judy is also 20x more fun as a character than Mr. "I'm gonna stare at women for 70% of my screentime" Honestly I could gush so much about her but I won't to keep this brief... essentially by the end of Vertigo Scottie convinces her to change everything about herself to turn her into his lost love/obsession Madeleine (ai know there's more too it but uhm....Go watch Vertigo, I'm not spoiling the movie)[PS, Ignore the doodle in the corner, that was from an idea that Amia's OC Tessie and Judy would get along well]
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Tomorrow we'll actually have Sinner #4 who's gonna be based on someone from the movie Sunset Boulevard ( I don't pre watch these bc my attention span actually increases so much when I analyze movies for Limbus)
Anyway I'll keep updating you on the Cinema branch their tag is "LCB Cinema Branch" if you want everything in one place oh! And feel free to draw my lil guys if u want,just @ me or tag me or something. uhm don't ask about their weapons or colors or anything I haven't thought that far ahead yet lol
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nebulanewts · 1 year
So I’m uh…very late to the party with these bc I was really trying to sit out whatever bug is going on for me but I saw this the day it came out and was like WHAT????
I did NOT expect the previews to be released so early,but tbh I’m not complaining I was wondering when they were coming out :0c anyways,these were my initial impressions hearing the one in this video and the SIF 2 previews ⬇️⬇️
Ayumu - “Walking Dream” : Not gonna lie,this is not the song I expected to hear from this detective outfit but it’s really good - I like the bells and light waltz-y feel of the instrumentals,it’s not my FAVORITE Ayumu solo but it’s still nice plus it’s just the preview so idk I might change my mind when the full comes out
Kasumi - “Senobi Shittate” : You know what? This is a totally different sound for Kasumin,but I like it quite a bit - Not really my style personally,but the instrumental is really pretty and it shows a more mature Kasumi which is nice (and yes,I’m semi counting this as her black swan era too because of the instrumentals alone)
Shizuku - “Koakuma LOVE ♡” : My immediate thoughts are…HUH???? Like,I had a feeling that her solo may be cutesier due to her outfit choices but like…not like this and I love it so much,it may be one of my favorites so far :0c (but then again,imo Shizuku’s solos are always at least decent so it’s not that big of a surprise ig dndjdj - also everyone saying she swapped song styles with Kasumi is RIGHT omg)
Karin - “My Shadow” : If you look up “Karin Asaka” and put “having a bad song” next to it,you will find NOTHING because FINALLY!!!! KARIN GOT HER JAZZ SOLO!!!!! …ok it’s not exactly jazz more like electro swing but you know what? I will take it,this song is SO good - this one might be up there when it comes to my favorites too bc wow,I hope they keep doing this sort of song in LL
Ai - “Request for U” : Ok,so I was right about Ai getting a more mellow song than usual and honestly?? It works really well for her,it’s still somewhat upbeat and very Ai-y but like Kasumi’s,it shows a different side to her that I like a lot :] it’s rlly cute
Kanata - “Cooking with Love” : WOWOWOW my mind is blown with this one…this might be my favorite out of the album so far and my favorite Kanata solo like it sounds like a magical girl anime ending and I am so about it,we knew with that jirai kei outfit that she was gonna cook and cook she DID,this girl made a whole sweets buffet and I will eat every bite
Setsuna - “Cherry Bomb” : So the words on her merch WERE the title of her song,and boy is this song good too like…these songs were worth the wait - Hayamaru’s voice is fantastic,it’s distinctly different but still very Setsuna sounding,I love the sort of harder rock sound in this song :0c I’m one of the few that’s very 50/50 on Setsuna’s solos but this one is really good,they really cranked up the shounen anime opening vibes for her and I like it a lot
Emma - “Koisuru Sunflower” : This album continues to be full of surprises,I was expecting a slower song due to the outfit but am pleasantly surprised with this mid-tempo calypso-y song - Emma’s songs always have this sort of warm comfy sound,I feel like I’m relaxing on the beach with a fun drink listening to it idk what it is
Rina - “Watashi wa Magnet” : …huh this song is a lot slower than I expected it to be with the outfit,but I think it’s funny that Rina has gotten two love songs consistently although this one is more upbeat and bubbly compared to the more bittersweet somber sound of First Love Again,but it’s not really my style like it’s not terrible it’s just not a song I think I’ll listen to often ykwim
Shioriko - “Koufukuron” : Ok…this is absolutely not how I expected this to sound,like her outfit names were things like “Undead Celebrity” and “Royal Skeleton” - I fully expected this song to be kind of spooky sounding but no…ily Shio but this preview does NOT do the song justice,it just seems so flat in comparison to her other songs I’m kinda disappointed :/
Mia - “Lemonade” : The song is very cute,it gives me very 2009 Hannah Montana but like a good b-side - There’s other Mia solos I like more,but this one is alright and also some of the lyrics are a little…silly but it’s easier to brush past this time (looking at you Toy Doll)
Lanzhu - “5201314 / I Love You for A Lifetime” : And the most unique song title in Love Live goes to…Zhong Lanzhu! But seriously,Lanzhu really does not miss,this song is so good :0c I like that she speaks a little more Mandarin in this song,and even the general vibe of the song reflects that too. It still has her sound,but has elements to it that are new - She truly never makes a bad song
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nylarac · 2 years
ai somnium files sequel spoilers under the cut
i fully expected to like this game more than the first one after seeing that mizuki was the protagonist bc she was by far my favorite character in the first game and i did still enjoy the sequel but it wasn't as good imo
u would think there would be less horny jokes w mizuki as a protagonist but there were not lol if anything there were probably more bc of tama who definitely made the game difficult to enjoy a lot of the time for me i hate her design so much lmao
also the continued age gaps are. uncomfortable i ended up liking lien a lot later on and basically just tried to ignore the gross age gap from the beginning
also amame and gen like..... i would've been fine with it if it wasn't for the age gap/them talking about having a father daughter relationship and his age being unknown just makes it extra 😬😬
i liked that kagami returned but the second game made me like him less tbh 😭 made him into a bit of a creep
in a semi similar vein mizuki being violent as a child was cute and charming but her being violent as a cop is. definitely not charming
i am still v confused by shoma and amame being siblings?? shoma being like "what you didn't know?" and amame being like "you knew?" zero sense
and amame not being mentioned at all in komeji's end like he only ever talked about shoma i get they no longer lived together but she's still his daughter idk it just felt super out of nowhere and i fully thought it was going to be revealed to be a seam or something where like it's actually a glitch in the simulation
i wish they showed shoma grappling with not aging (or aging really slowly ig) it felt like missed potential esp considering his crush on mizuki
the acting out how the murders happened felt really. idk gimmicky and forced or something imo idk how to describe it but i was not a fan
the first game there were so many moments that had me being like WHAT!!! to the tv and there weren't as many for this game for me
i wish they showed date acting like a dad to mizuki and iris 😭😭 the mizuki end of the first game was my favorite (was disappointed w the true end bc mizuki felt super pushed off to the side) and it would've been good to see him acting like a dad to both of them
i don't really understand why they decided to have this game contain no spoilers for the first game like it's an interesting choice but like. who is it for i don't see too many ppl jumping straight into a sequel without playing the first game and i feel like it weakened the story/character relationships established in the first game
it felt like there were also more loose ends/unexplained things that left me feeling kind of dissatisfied like the dahlia boat thing and bibi's motorcycle/pipe being identical to mizuki's
HOWEVER the somniums were v v fun and creative i especially liked the pokemon go and gameshow one
i also really liked bibi it was funny bc the thing that made me think she was mizuki was literally just that little chin jutting forward animation she does
the zero escape minigame thing was also v unexpected and fun lol at first i didn't realize it was the exact same dialogue and thought they were exaggerating how much they say what the hell but they really did say it that much hdgdg
ultimately i still enjoyed the game but yeah i definitely have some complaints lol
ALSO I REALLY WANT TO SEE MARCO i hope they show him in the dlc my roommate found a little video of him dancing in ball form but it doesn't look like his human form exists 🤔
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
19 Canadian Podcasts to Download and Listen to Right Now
Need a break from binge-watching TV? Looking for some entertainment while doing dishes for what seems like the millionth time since quarantine began? Check out these 19 Canadian podcasts that touch on things like identity, the culture of celebrity, the intersection of fashion and technology, beauty entrepreneurship, wellness and more.
Breaking Beauty In this podcast, Canadian beauty editors Jill Dunn and Carlene Higgins interview brand founders on how they made it in the business, and share intel on which new launches to buy and the ones to skip.
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Mark your calendars📆!! Jill will be hosting an IG Live with skincare guru & celeb aesthetician @reneerouleau on Tuesday May 5 at 8pm. Come hang out with us!! PS – any skincare questions for Renee? Drop ‘em in the comments below.
A post shared by BreakingBeautyPodcast 🎙💅🏻 (@breakingbeautypodcast) on Apr 30, 2020 at 7:02am PDT
Show Your Work Elaine “Lainey” Lui, founder of Lainey Gossip, and TV writer Duana Taha co-host this weekly podcast unpacking all the recent happenings in the world of celebrity and entertainment. Topics the two covered recently include the post-royal rebranding of Harry and Meghan, Reese Witherspoon’s media empire, and Jessica Simpson’s new memoir.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: starting over from scratch https://t.co/8r84tZ8HTl
— Elaine L. (@LaineyGossip) March 30, 2020
Dear Seekers Toronto journalist and social media strategist Sasha Xiao began this podcast in 2018 as a means to connect with “curious, reflective and explorative souls,” seeking deep and honest conversations with a far-ranging roster of women. Recent guests include writer Harriet Alida Lye, wine connoisseur/entrepreneur Nicole Campbell, and store owner Zai Rajkotwala.
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Meet @Harrietalida, a writer, novelist resides in Toronto with her partner, their son and two dogs. ⁠ ⁠ Just at 15 years old, Harriet was diagnosed with a form of Leukaemia called Natural Killer that the average survival time of patients is fifty- eight days. Being the only known survivor of this cancer, Harriet has documented this uniquely important journey in her intimate and powerful memoir Natural Killer, which can be pre-ordered in any bookstore right now. ⁠ ⁠ Welcome to Harriet's world. | Link in bio.⁠ ⁠ Photo: @rawkavai⁠
A post shared by Dear Seekers Podcast (@dearseekers) on Apr 2, 2020 at 6:44am PDT
A Different Tweed Hosted by Toronto-born, New York-based fashion journalist Bronwyn Cosgrave, this podcast “champions the craft of design,” interviewing artisans, designers, stylists and other fashion innovators. Most recently, she spoke with Billy Porter’s stylist, Sam Ratelle; Mark Bozek, the documentary filmmaker behind The Times of Bill Cunningham; and jewellery designer Annoushka Ducas.
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Friends, find a link in my BIO, to the new episode of my fashion podcast A Different Tweed. Filmmaker Mark Bozek discusses his documentary The Times of Bill Cunningham. The film – about the late NY Times photojournalist Bill Cunningham – ultimately proved the result of an impromptu 4-hour video-taped interview which Bozek conducted with Cunningham in 1993. With that, he merged fantastic Cunningham archive photography and narration by Sarah Jessica Parker. On this episode, Mark Bozek also goes back to his beginnings – recalling his time as serving as personal assistant to the legendary method acting coach, Lee Strasberg as well as working for Willi Smith and revolutionizing home shopping by heading up QVC & HSN. On this slide show you will see a portrait of Mark, who Bradley Cooper portrayed in David O. Russell’s film, Joy. I hope this episode proves inspiring in our time of confinement. Please note: due to social distancing this episode is missing my customary introduction. It goes straight to the conversation. But the intros will return. Stay in. Be safe & healthy. @mark.bozek #billcunningham @greenwichentertainment @bcunninghamfilm #sarahjessicaparker #barrydiller @qvc @hsn #willismith #joyfilm #leestrasberg @maxvadukul #bronwyncosgraveconvos
A post shared by Bronwyn Cosgrave (@cosgravebronwyn) on Mar 30, 2020 at 10:01am PDT
Code Black Founded by three women working at some of Canada’s biggest communications agencies, this podcast explores a range of topics—like cancel culture, imposter syndrome, and the intertwining of hair and identity—from the unique viewpoint of black communicators.
The latest episode of the Code Black podcast is about imposter syndrome. Have a listen and dash that ish out of your life. https://t.co/icUuQCkPf5 #rebukeimpostersyndrome pic.twitter.com/qh67oAlxkc
— CodeBlackCN (@codeblackCN) January 29, 2020
Fashion Talks In this podcast, produced in partnership with the Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA), host Donna Bishop interviews designers, stylists and industry insiders about how fashion helps shape the world we live in and vice versa. Recent guests include Celine Dion’s stylist Annie Horth, fashion bloggers The Beckerman Twins and Joanna Griffiths, CEO of Knix.
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NEW EPISODE 🎙 This week @thisisdonnab and the @beckermantwins talk all things fashion, influencing & much much more. Calli and Sam Beckerman, aka The Beckerman Twins, started their fashion blog before fashion blogging was a thing and quickly became a fixture at New York Fashion Week and beyond. They candidly share stories about their childhood, running their fashion brand and transitioning to blogging, what it means to be an influencer and their thoughts on fashion and the ever evolving media landscape change. Head to wherever you get your podcasts (@applepodcasts @spotify @googleplaymusic) to listen in & learn all about the Beckermans! This episode was proudly produced thanks to the support of @cadillacfairview & @cftorontoeatoncentre and their digital content initiative, #CFStreaming. #CFTorontoEatonCentre #fashiontalks #BeckermanTwins #TheBeckermans
A post shared by Fashion Talks (@fashiontalkspod) on Feb 26, 2020 at 7:25pm PST
Electric Runway How Artificial Intelligence will affect the future of retail, the impact of automation on the fashion industry, and fashion’s contribution to climate change are just some of the topics explored by Toronto journalist Amanda Cosco in this podcast about fashion and technology.
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"When we started @vue.ai, we quickly realized the retail problem is a data problem. The fashion problem is a data problem" ~ Ashwini Asokan ⁠ ⁠ In episode 124 of the Electric Runway podcast, we learn more about the artificial intelligence opportunity for online fashion retailers. ⁠ ⁠ One thing that really blew us away is the ability for generative design (a form of AI) to render images of models in apparel, undercutting the need for a traditional (and expensive) fashion shoot. ⁠ ⁠ To check out the full interview, visit the link in our bio, or subscribe to the Electric Runway podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify, or iTunes 🎙🌙⁠ ⁠ #podcasts #podcast #fashionpodcast #techpodcast #ai #artificialintelligence #retail #retailtech #dtc #ai #tunein #fashionbusiness #fashionindustry #tech #technology #thefutureisnow
A post shared by Electric Runway | FashionTech (@electric_runway) on Jan 24, 2020 at 4:35am PST
The T-Zone Founded by two Toronto-based beauty editors, Emily MacCulloch and Ingrie Williams, The T-Zone offers “digital beauty content that shares an upbeat POV with accessible advice.” Recent podcast interviewees include Lori Taylor Davis, global pro lead artist for Smashbox; Dr. Frauke Neuser, Principal Scientist at Olay; and Lilli Gordon, founder of First Aid Beauty.
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Have you heard about Ayurveda? Balancing holistic wellness with self-care, Lisa Mattam, the founder of @sahajanskincare, shares the rituals & recipes of the ancient practice that can offer so much right now (read: soothed mind, body & soul). From a stress-busting facial massage to the shine-boosting power of hair oiling, her tips are easy ways to elevate your #selfcare routine.
A post shared by The T-Zone (@t.zonebeauty) on Apr 27, 2020 at 7:09am PDT
Lemon Water Toronto-based Michelle Siman launched Lemon Water with the goal to make wellness attainable, as opposed to “this pretentious thing that not everyone can access.” On the podcast, she invites women like Steph Gee of Gee Beauty, Hana James of Greenhouse Juice and Sara Panton of vitruvi to talk about all things fitness, food, skincare, remedies and rituals. “I’m just having conversations with women who are already my healers; people I looked up to in the industry,” Siman told FASHION last year.
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A post shared by lemon water (@itslemonwater) on Apr 27, 2020 at 3:36pm PDT
Retail Nightmares Vancouver-based co-hosts Alicia Tobin and Jessica Delisle invite comedians, musicians and artists to chat about “hellish retail experiences” and many other topics. On the most recent episode, actress, model, storyteller and activist Cassandra James joined the podcast to discuss “ASMR, General Hospital and the hell dimension/patriarchy.”
The Ghosts ( @chimolicious) are joined by phenomenal guest @cassandrajames_ https://t.co/RtKbUu9EQF
— Alicia Tobin (@AliciaATobin) April 20, 2020
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot On this podcast, award-winning Canadian barber Matty Conrad chats with fellow industry professionals about “interesting and divisive topics, sharing valuable advice on how to achieve success in a highly competitive field, and inspirational stories from the hair and beauty industry today.”
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NEW EPISODE: Tabatha Coffey is known for her straight forward, no-nonsense, raw honesty when it comes to the hairdressing industry, the business off beauty, and all the hairstylists and shop owners she's trying to help survive and thrive behind the chair and beyond. This week on @whiskey_tango_foxtrot_podcast I interview this industry business guru to find out how the thousands of shops that are facing tough times can survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
A post shared by Matty Conrad ✪ (@mattyconrad) on Apr 26, 2020 at 7:08am PDT
Beyond Soap Podcast On this extension of her bestselling book, Beyond Soap, dermatologist Dr. Sandy Skotnicki shares the mic with beauty expert Chantel Guertin to have an honest conversation about things that affect skin health beyond beauty products.
New Episode of the Beyond Soap Podcast! @chantelguertin and I decided it would be fun to talk to the global expert on #Goop and its sometime aversion to science-based therapies: @CaulfieldTim Listen: https://t.co/Ok96CSi3BP pic.twitter.com/bCzkxYheCd
— Dr.SandySkotnicki (@DrSkotnicki) February 3, 2020
Born and Raised “Where are you really from?” is a question familiar to children of immigrants in any country, and it’s what gave rise to this podcast from HuffPost Canada. “Part reflection, part storytelling, Born And Raised digs into our experiences and connections with identity, family, and culture,” reads the official synopsis of this podcast, which has released two seasons so far, one focused on food and the second on love.
That @HuffPostCanada podcast I produce? We're BACK! This season of Born And Raised, @alishakapishaa & I share love stories, as told by Canadians from immigrant families.
❤️ Listen to the first two eps❤️ 🎧 HuffPost: https://t.co/WnsfhWWPj5 🎧 Apple: https://t.co/yNVE0f5xL6 pic.twitter.com/7aqVGSSBVc
— Al Donato (@gollydrat) September 30, 2019
Cavern of Secrets This “show about extraordinary women” is hosted by Toronto comedian Lauren Mitchell and has featured the likes of writer Sarah Hagi, author Eden Robinson and rapper Haviah Mighty. If you go back into the archive, you’ll find interviews with Rookie founder Tavi Gevinson, author Cheryl Strayed and musician Tanya Tagaq.
See you in the cavern! Catch up on all the new episodes here:https://t.co/pY5QWje6mp pic.twitter.com/njGkg3iH5a
— Cavern of Secrets (@cavernofsecrets) October 27, 2019
The Brand is Female This weekly podcast is hosted by Eva Hartling, founder of a strategic brand communications agency of the same name based in Montreal and Toronto. The company specializes in working with women-led and women-focused brands in fashion, lifestyle, beauty and more, and their podcast is an extension of that ethos of female empowerment. Recent guests on the show, which features conversations and stories from successful women in various industries, include Florence Gagnon, founder of LGBTQ+ media company Lez Spread the Word; Stephanie Kersta, psychotherapist and co-founder of meditation studio Hoame; and Jennifer Brodeur, facialist and founder of JB Skin Guru.
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Our latest pod features an interview with @florence_gagnon, founder of @lezspreadtheword and co-creator of @femininfeminin_officiel. Catch it at the link in bio and get Florence’s valuable advice for any entrepreneur or creative with an ambitious project!
A post shared by The Brand is Female (@thebrandisfemale) on Feb 15, 2020 at 7:20am PST
WE Well-Being With the entire world grappling with heightened levels of stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, this podcast—hosted by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau—couldn’t have come at a better time. Offering listeners hands-on advice, tools and strategies to foster well-being in their lives, guests on the podcast include Tessa Virtue, Silken Laumann and Margaret Trudeau.
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A new WE WELL-BEING podcast is up! On this episode, which was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic started, I sat down with Margaret Trudeau to talk about how she’s navigated the ups and downs to create a happy and healthy life. She’s a fierce advocate for mental health, and it was inspiring to hear her speak so candidly about her own journey. Click the link in my bio to listen to our conversation and hear her for yourself. #WednesdayWisdom 🇨🇦❤️ On a un nouveau balado UNIS Bien-être pour vous! Dans cet épisode, qui a été enregistré avant le début de la pandémie de COVID-19, je parle avec Margaret Trudeau de ce qu’elle a fait pour passer à travers les hauts et les bas afin de se bâtir une vie heureuse et en santé. Elle a toujours défendu la santé mentale, et c’était inspirant de l’entendre nous raconter son histoire avec autant de simplicité. Cliquez sur le lien dans ma bio pour écouter notre conversation et entendre son histoire par vous même. #SagesseDuMercredi
A post shared by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (@sophiegregoiretrudeau) on May 20, 2020 at 1:50pm PDT
The Afterglow This new podcast from Julie Watson and Liz Doyle Harmer, founders of a Toronto-based yoga studio, discusses the societal pressures put on women “gives you the permission and tools to create your courageous second act.” Recent guests include Jennifer Kolari, a child and family therapist; opera singer Measha Brueggergosman; and designer/creative director Tiffany Pratt.
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Tune in today to hear this inspiring podcast with @thetiffanypratt #Repost @theafterglowpodcastofficial with @get_repost ・・・ You know her and love her. @thetiffanypratt joins us tomorrow for some Love Jamming (her own podcast is called Love Jam- how cool is that?) 💗 We get real, raw and laugh, just a few times (at least).💗 Tune in tomorrow at noon, on Spotify, Apple, and anywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to rate us!! 💗💗💗 #theafterglowpodcastofficial
A post shared by afterglowstudio (@afterglowstudio) on May 12, 2020 at 5:44am PDT
Inappropriate Questions Season 2 of this CBC podcast features a whole new list of inappropriate questions people just shouldn’t ask—but still do. Like “Are you full-native?” or “Have you lost weight?”. Hosted by Elena Hudgins Lyle and Harvinder Wadhwa, the series deconstructs the invasive questions often asked to different communities, and explores what these questions imply, their social and historical contexts, and why people ask them.
Artist @HanaShafi wants you to stop giving advice on how to manage her IBS—she’s heard it before and you’re not a doctor.
(1/2) pic.twitter.com/iHUufi3MT9
— Inappropriate Questions Podcast 🚫⁉️🎧 (@IQ_Podcast) July 8, 2020
This Is Not a Drake Podcast This five-part limited series from the CBC explores the evolution of hip-hop and R&B through the lens of Drake’s career. Hosted by radio producer and documentarian Ty Harper, the podcast unpacks rap and R&B’s long and complicated history, dives into the evolution of gender dynamics in hip-hop and the rise of the Nice Guy rapper, and explores how the mixtape revolution made Drake’s success possible.
So it's out. The first episode of a new limited run series I hosted/produced. It uses Drake as a lens to explore hip-hop's ongoing history. So it's kind of about Drake — but it really isn't… which explains the title… 'This Is Not a Drake Podcast'. https://t.co/hEYAUJ3rLB pic.twitter.com/gnXBIZAVEC
— Ty Harper (@TyHarper) June 16, 2020
The post 19 Canadian Podcasts to Download and Listen to Right Now appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
19 Canadian Podcasts to Download and Listen to Right Now published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
15 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now
Need a break from binge-watching TV? Looking for some entertainment while doing dishes for what seems like the millionth time since quarantine began? Check out these 15 Canadian podcasts that touch on things like identity, the culture of celebrity, the intersection of fashion and technology, beauty entrepreneurship, wellness and more.
Breaking Beauty In this podcast, Canadian beauty editors Jill Dunn and Carlene Higgins interview brand founders on how they made it in the business, and share intel on which new launches to buy and the ones to skip.
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Mark your calendars📆!! Jill will be hosting an IG Live with skincare guru & celeb aesthetician @reneerouleau on Tuesday May 5 at 8pm. Come hang out with us!! PS – any skincare questions for Renee? Drop ‘em in the comments below.
A post shared by BreakingBeautyPodcast 🎙💅🏻 (@breakingbeautypodcast) on Apr 30, 2020 at 7:02am PDT
Show Your Work Elaine “Lainey” Lui, founder of Lainey Gossip, and TV writer Duana Taha co-host this weekly podcast unpacking all the recent happenings in the world of celebrity and entertainment. Topics the two covered recently include the post-royal rebranding of Harry and Meghan, Reese Witherspoon’s media empire, and Jessica Simpson’s new memoir.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: starting over from scratch https://t.co/8r84tZ8HTl
— Elaine L. (@LaineyGossip) March 30, 2020
Dear Seekers Toronto journalist and social media strategist Sasha Xiao began this podcast in 2018 as a means to connect with “curious, reflective and explorative souls,” seeking deep and honest conversations with a far-ranging roster of women. Recent guests include writer Harriet Alida Lye, wine connoisseur/entrepreneur Nicole Campbell, and store owner Zai Rajkotwala.
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Meet @Harrietalida, a writer, novelist resides in Toronto with her partner, their son and two dogs. ⁠ ⁠ Just at 15 years old, Harriet was diagnosed with a form of Leukaemia called Natural Killer that the average survival time of patients is fifty- eight days. Being the only known survivor of this cancer, Harriet has documented this uniquely important journey in her intimate and powerful memoir Natural Killer, which can be pre-ordered in any bookstore right now. ⁠ ⁠ Welcome to Harriet's world. | Link in bio.⁠ ⁠ Photo: @rawkavai⁠
A post shared by Dear Seekers Podcast (@dearseekers) on Apr 2, 2020 at 6:44am PDT
A Different Tweed Hosted by Toronto-born, New York-based fashion journalist Bronwyn Cosgrave, this podcast “champions the craft of design,” interviewing artisans, designers, stylists and other fashion innovators. Most recently, she spoke with Billy Porter’s stylist, Sam Ratelle; Mark Bozek, the documentary filmmaker behind The Times of Bill Cunningham; and jewellery designer Annoushka Ducas.
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Friends, find a link in my BIO, to the new episode of my fashion podcast A Different Tweed. Filmmaker Mark Bozek discusses his documentary The Times of Bill Cunningham. The film – about the late NY Times photojournalist Bill Cunningham – ultimately proved the result of an impromptu 4-hour video-taped interview which Bozek conducted with Cunningham in 1993. With that, he merged fantastic Cunningham archive photography and narration by Sarah Jessica Parker. On this episode, Mark Bozek also goes back to his beginnings – recalling his time as serving as personal assistant to the legendary method acting coach, Lee Strasberg as well as working for Willi Smith and revolutionizing home shopping by heading up QVC & HSN. On this slide show you will see a portrait of Mark, who Bradley Cooper portrayed in David O. Russell’s film, Joy. I hope this episode proves inspiring in our time of confinement. Please note: due to social distancing this episode is missing my customary introduction. It goes straight to the conversation. But the intros will return. Stay in. Be safe & healthy. @mark.bozek #billcunningham @greenwichentertainment @bcunninghamfilm #sarahjessicaparker #barrydiller @qvc @hsn #willismith #joyfilm #leestrasberg @maxvadukul #bronwyncosgraveconvos
A post shared by Bronwyn Cosgrave (@cosgravebronwyn) on Mar 30, 2020 at 10:01am PDT
Code Black Founded by three women working at some of Canada’s biggest communications agencies, this podcast explores a range of topics—like cancel culture, imposter syndrome, and the intertwining of hair and identity—from the unique viewpoint of black communicators.
The latest episode of the Code Black podcast is about imposter syndrome. Have a listen and dash that ish out of your life. https://t.co/icUuQCkPf5 #rebukeimpostersyndrome pic.twitter.com/qh67oAlxkc
— CodeBlackCN (@codeblackCN) January 29, 2020
Fashion Talks In this podcast, produced in partnership with the Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA), host Donna Bishop interviews designers, stylists and industry insiders about how fashion helps shape the world we live in and vice versa. Recent guests include Celine Dion’s stylist Annie Horth, fashion bloggers The Beckerman Twins and Joanna Griffiths, CEO of Knix.
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NEW EPISODE 🎙 This week @thisisdonnab and the @beckermantwins talk all things fashion, influencing & much much more. Calli and Sam Beckerman, aka The Beckerman Twins, started their fashion blog before fashion blogging was a thing and quickly became a fixture at New York Fashion Week and beyond. They candidly share stories about their childhood, running their fashion brand and transitioning to blogging, what it means to be an influencer and their thoughts on fashion and the ever evolving media landscape change. Head to wherever you get your podcasts (@applepodcasts @spotify @googleplaymusic) to listen in & learn all about the Beckermans! This episode was proudly produced thanks to the support of @cadillacfairview & @cftorontoeatoncentre and their digital content initiative, #CFStreaming. #CFTorontoEatonCentre #fashiontalks #BeckermanTwins #TheBeckermans
A post shared by Fashion Talks (@fashiontalkspod) on Feb 26, 2020 at 7:25pm PST
Electric Runway How Artificial Intelligence will affect the future of retail, the impact of automation on the fashion industry, and fashion’s contribution to climate change are just some of the topics explored by Toronto journalist Amanda Cosco in this podcast about fashion and technology.
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"When we started @vue.ai, we quickly realized the retail problem is a data problem. The fashion problem is a data problem" ~ Ashwini Asokan ⁠ ⁠ In episode 124 of the Electric Runway podcast, we learn more about the artificial intelligence opportunity for online fashion retailers. ⁠ ⁠ One thing that really blew us away is the ability for generative design (a form of AI) to render images of models in apparel, undercutting the need for a traditional (and expensive) fashion shoot. ⁠ ⁠ To check out the full interview, visit the link in our bio, or subscribe to the Electric Runway podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify, or iTunes 🎙🌙⁠ ⁠ #podcasts #podcast #fashionpodcast #techpodcast #ai #artificialintelligence #retail #retailtech #dtc #ai #tunein #fashionbusiness #fashionindustry #tech #technology #thefutureisnow
A post shared by ΣLΣCTRIC RUNWΔY (@electric_runway) on Jan 24, 2020 at 4:35am PST
The T-Zone Founded by two Toronto-based beauty editors, Emily MacCulloch and Ingrie Williams, The T-Zone offers “digital beauty content that shares an upbeat POV with accessible advice.” Recent podcast interviewees include Lori Taylor Davis, global pro lead artist for Smashbox; Dr. Frauke Neuser, Principal Scientist at Olay; and Lilli Gordon, founder of First Aid Beauty.
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Have you heard about Ayurveda? Balancing holistic wellness with self-care, Lisa Mattam, the founder of @sahajanskincare, shares the rituals & recipes of the ancient practice that can offer so much right now (read: soothed mind, body & soul). From a stress-busting facial massage to the shine-boosting power of hair oiling, her tips are easy ways to elevate your #selfcare routine.
A post shared by The T-Zone (@t.zonebeauty) on Apr 27, 2020 at 7:09am PDT
Lemon Water Toronto-based Michelle Siman launched Lemon Water with the goal to make wellness attainable, as opposed to “this pretentious thing that not everyone can access.” On the podcast, she invites women like Steph Gee of Gee Beauty, Hana James of Greenhouse Juice and Sara Panton of vitruvi to talk about all things fitness, food, skincare, remedies and rituals. “I’m just having conversations with women who are already my healers; people I looked up to in the industry,” Siman told FASHION last year.
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A post shared by lemon water (@itslemonwater) on Apr 27, 2020 at 3:36pm PDT
Retail Nightmares Vancouver-based co-hosts Alicia Tobin and Jessica Delisle invite comedians, musicians and artists to chat about “hellish retail experiences” and many other topics. On the most recent episode, actress, model, storyteller and activist Cassandra James joined the podcast to discuss “ASMR, General Hospital and the hell dimension/patriarchy.”
The Ghosts ( @chimolicious) are joined by phenomenal guest @cassandrajames_ https://t.co/RtKbUu9EQF
— Alicia Tobin (@AliciaATobin) April 20, 2020
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot On this podcast, award-winning Canadian barber Matty Conrad chats with fellow industry professionals about “interesting and divisive topics, sharing valuable advice on how to achieve success in a highly competitive field, and inspirational stories from the hair and beauty industry today.”
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NEW EPISODE: Tabatha Coffey is known for her straight forward, no-nonsense, raw honesty when it comes to the hairdressing industry, the business off beauty, and all the hairstylists and shop owners she's trying to help survive and thrive behind the chair and beyond. This week on @whiskey_tango_foxtrot_podcast I interview this industry business guru to find out how the thousands of shops that are facing tough times can survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
A post shared by Matty Conrad ✪ (@mattyconrad) on Apr 26, 2020 at 7:08am PDT
Beyond Soap Podcast On this extension of her bestselling book, Beyond Soap, dermatologist Dr. Sandy Skotnicki shares the mic with beauty expert Chantel Guertin to have an honest conversation about things that affect skin health beyond beauty products.
New Episode of the Beyond Soap Podcast! @chantelguertin and I decided it would be fun to talk to the global expert on #Goop and its sometime aversion to science-based therapies: @CaulfieldTim Listen: https://t.co/Ok96CSi3BP pic.twitter.com/bCzkxYheCd
— Dr.SandySkotnicki (@DrSkotnicki) February 3, 2020
Born and Raised “Where are you really from?” is a question familiar to children of immigrants in any country, and it’s what gave rise to this podcast from HuffPost Canada. “Part reflection, part storytelling, Born And Raised digs into our experiences and connections with identity, family, and culture,” reads the official synopsis of this podcast, which has released two seasons so far, one focused on food and the second on love.
That @HuffPostCanada podcast I produce? We're BACK! This season of Born And Raised, @alishakapishaa & I share love stories, as told by Canadians from immigrant families.
❤️ Listen to the first two eps❤️ 🎧 HuffPost: https://t.co/WnsfhWWPj5 🎧 Apple: https://t.co/yNVE0f5xL6 pic.twitter.com/7aqVGSSBVc
— Al Donato (@gollydrat) September 30, 2019
Cavern of Secrets This “show about extraordinary women” is hosted by Toronto comedian Lauren Mitchell and has featured the likes of writer Sarah Hagi, author Eden Robinson and rapper Haviah Mighty. If you go back into the archive, you’ll find interviews with Rookie founder Tavi Gevinson, author Cheryl Strayed and musician Tanya Tagaq.
See you in the cavern! Catch up on all the new episodes here:https://t.co/pY5QWje6mp pic.twitter.com/njGkg3iH5a
— Cavern of Secrets (@cavernofsecrets) October 27, 2019
The Brand is Female This weekly podcast is hosted by Eva Hartling, founder of a strategic brand communications agency of the same name based in Montreal and Toronto. The company specializes in working with women-led and women-focused brands in fashion, lifestyle, beauty and more, and their podcast is an extension of that ethos of female empowerment. Recent guests on the show, which features conversations and stories from successful women in various industries, include Florence Gagnon, founder of LGBTQ+ media company Lez Spread the Word; Stephanie Kersta, psychotherapist and co-founder of meditation studio Hoame; and Jennifer Brodeur, facialist and founder of JB Skin Guru.
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Our latest pod features an interview with @florence_gagnon, founder of @lezspreadtheword and co-creator of @femininfeminin_officiel. Catch it at the link in bio and get Florence’s valuable advice for any entrepreneur or creative with an ambitious project!
A post shared by The Brand is Female (@thebrandisfemale) on Feb 15, 2020 at 7:20am PST
The post 15 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
15 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
14 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now
Need a break from binge-watching TV? Looking for some entertainment while doing dishes for what seems like the millionth time since quarantine began? Check out these 14 Canadian podcasts that touch on things like identity, the culture of celebrity, the intersection of fashion and technology, beauty entrepreneurship, wellness and more.
Breaking Beauty In this podcast, Canadian beauty editors Jill Dunn and Carlene Higgins interview brand founders on how they made it in the business, and share intel on which new launches to buy and the ones to skip.
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Mark your calendars📆!! Jill will be hosting an IG Live with skincare guru & celeb aesthetician @reneerouleau on Tuesday May 5 at 8pm. Come hang out with us!! PS – any skincare questions for Renee? Drop ‘em in the comments below.
A post shared by BreakingBeautyPodcast 🎙💅🏻 (@breakingbeautypodcast) on Apr 30, 2020 at 7:02am PDT
Show Your Work Elaine “Lainey” Lui, founder of Lainey Gossip, and TV writer Duana Taha co-host this weekly podcast unpacking all the recent happenings in the world of celebrity and entertainment. Topics the two covered recently include the post-royal rebranding of Harry and Meghan, Reese Witherspoon’s media empire, and Jessica Simpson’s new memoir.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: starting over from scratch https://t.co/8r84tZ8HTl
— Elaine L. (@LaineyGossip) March 30, 2020
Dear Seekers Toronto journalist and social media strategist Sasha Xiao began this podcast in 2018 as a means to connect with “curious, reflective and explorative souls,” seeking deep and honest conversations with a far-ranging roster of women. Recent guests include writer Harriet Alida Lye, wine connoisseur/entrepreneur Nicole Campbell, and store owner Zai Rajkotwala.
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Meet @Harrietalida, a writer, novelist resides in Toronto with her partner, their son and two dogs. ⁠ ⁠ Just at 15 years old, Harriet was diagnosed with a form of Leukaemia called Natural Killer that the average survival time of patients is fifty- eight days. Being the only known survivor of this cancer, Harriet has documented this uniquely important journey in her intimate and powerful memoir Natural Killer, which can be pre-ordered in any bookstore right now. ⁠ ⁠ Welcome to Harriet's world. | Link in bio.⁠ ⁠ Photo: @rawkavai⁠
A post shared by Dear Seekers Podcast (@dearseekers) on Apr 2, 2020 at 6:44am PDT
A Different Tweed Hosted by Toronto-born, New York-based fashion journalist Bronwyn Cosgrave, this podcast “champions the craft of design,” interviewing artisans, designers, stylists and other fashion innovators. Most recently, she spoke with Billy Porter’s stylist, Sam Ratelle; Mark Bozek, the documentary filmmaker behind The Times of Bill Cunningham; and jewellery designer Annoushka Ducas.
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Friends, find a link in my BIO, to the new episode of my fashion podcast A Different Tweed. Filmmaker Mark Bozek discusses his documentary The Times of Bill Cunningham. The film – about the late NY Times photojournalist Bill Cunningham – ultimately proved the result of an impromptu 4-hour video-taped interview which Bozek conducted with Cunningham in 1993. With that, he merged fantastic Cunningham archive photography and narration by Sarah Jessica Parker. On this episode, Mark Bozek also goes back to his beginnings – recalling his time as serving as personal assistant to the legendary method acting coach, Lee Strasberg as well as working for Willi Smith and revolutionizing home shopping by heading up QVC & HSN. On this slide show you will see a portrait of Mark, who Bradley Cooper portrayed in David O. Russell’s film, Joy. I hope this episode proves inspiring in our time of confinement. Please note: due to social distancing this episode is missing my customary introduction. It goes straight to the conversation. But the intros will return. Stay in. Be safe & healthy. @mark.bozek #billcunningham @greenwichentertainment @bcunninghamfilm #sarahjessicaparker #barrydiller @qvc @hsn #willismith #joyfilm #leestrasberg @maxvadukul #bronwyncosgraveconvos
A post shared by Bronwyn Cosgrave (@cosgravebronwyn) on Mar 30, 2020 at 10:01am PDT
Code Black Founded by three women working at some of Canada’s biggest communications agencies, this podcast explores a range of topics—like cancel culture, imposter syndrome, and the intertwining of hair and identity—from the unique viewpoint of black communicators.
The latest episode of the Code Black podcast is about imposter syndrome. Have a listen and dash that ish out of your life. https://t.co/icUuQCkPf5 #rebukeimpostersyndrome pic.twitter.com/qh67oAlxkc
— CodeBlackCN (@codeblackCN) January 29, 2020
Fashion Talks In this podcast, produced in partnership with the Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA), host Donna Bishop interviews designers, stylists and industry insiders about how fashion helps shape the world we live in and vice versa. Recent guests include Celine Dion’s stylist Annie Horth, fashion bloggers The Beckerman Twins and Joanna Griffiths, CEO of Knix.
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NEW EPISODE 🎙 This week @thisisdonnab and the @beckermantwins talk all things fashion, influencing & much much more. Calli and Sam Beckerman, aka The Beckerman Twins, started their fashion blog before fashion blogging was a thing and quickly became a fixture at New York Fashion Week and beyond. They candidly share stories about their childhood, running their fashion brand and transitioning to blogging, what it means to be an influencer and their thoughts on fashion and the ever evolving media landscape change. Head to wherever you get your podcasts (@applepodcasts @spotify @googleplaymusic) to listen in & learn all about the Beckermans! This episode was proudly produced thanks to the support of @cadillacfairview & @cftorontoeatoncentre and their digital content initiative, #CFStreaming. #CFTorontoEatonCentre #fashiontalks #BeckermanTwins #TheBeckermans
A post shared by Fashion Talks (@fashiontalkspod) on Feb 26, 2020 at 7:25pm PST
Electric Runway How Artificial Intelligence will affect the future of retail, the impact of automation on the fashion industry, and fashion’s contribution to climate change are just some of the topics explored by Toronto journalist Amanda Cosco in this podcast about fashion and technology.
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"When we started @vue.ai, we quickly realized the retail problem is a data problem. The fashion problem is a data problem" ~ Ashwini Asokan ⁠ ⁠ In episode 124 of the Electric Runway podcast, we learn more about the artificial intelligence opportunity for online fashion retailers. ⁠ ⁠ One thing that really blew us away is the ability for generative design (a form of AI) to render images of models in apparel, undercutting the need for a traditional (and expensive) fashion shoot. ⁠ ⁠ To check out the full interview, visit the link in our bio, or subscribe to the Electric Runway podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify, or iTunes 🎙🌙⁠ ⁠ #podcasts #podcast #fashionpodcast #techpodcast #ai #artificialintelligence #retail #retailtech #dtc #ai #tunein #fashionbusiness #fashionindustry #tech #technology #thefutureisnow
A post shared by ΣLΣCTRIC RUNWΔY (@electric_runway) on Jan 24, 2020 at 4:35am PST
The T-Zone Founded by two Toronto-based beauty editors, Emily MacCulloch and Ingrie Williams, The T-Zone offers “digital beauty content that shares an upbeat POV with accessible advice.” Recent podcast interviewees include Lori Taylor Davis, global pro lead artist for Smashbox; Dr. Frauke Neuser, Principal Scientist at Olay; and Lilli Gordon, founder of First Aid Beauty.
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Have you heard about Ayurveda? Balancing holistic wellness with self-care, Lisa Mattam, the founder of @sahajanskincare, shares the rituals & recipes of the ancient practice that can offer so much right now (read: soothed mind, body & soul). From a stress-busting facial massage to the shine-boosting power of hair oiling, her tips are easy ways to elevate your #selfcare routine.
A post shared by The T-Zone (@t.zonebeauty) on Apr 27, 2020 at 7:09am PDT
Lemon Water Toronto-based Michelle Siman launched Lemon Water with the goal to make wellness attainable, as opposed to “this pretentious thing that not everyone can access.” On the podcast, she invites women like Steph Gee of Gee Beauty, Hana James of Greenhouse Juice and Sara Panton of vitruvi to talk about all things fitness, food, skincare, remedies and rituals. “I’m just having conversations with women who are already my healers; people I looked up to in the industry,” Siman told FASHION last year.
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A post shared by lemon water (@itslemonwater) on Apr 27, 2020 at 3:36pm PDT
Retail Nightmares Vancouver-based co-hosts Alicia Tobin and Jessica Delisle invite comedians, musicians and artists to chat about “hellish retail experiences” and many other topics. On the most recent episode, actress, model, storyteller and activist Cassandra James joined the podcast to discuss “ASMR, General Hospital and the hell dimension/patriarchy.”
The Ghosts ( @chimolicious) are joined by phenomenal guest @cassandrajames_ https://t.co/RtKbUu9EQF
— Alicia Tobin (@AliciaATobin) April 20, 2020
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot On this podcast, award-winning Canadian barber Matty Conrad chats with fellow industry professionals about “interesting and divisive topics, sharing valuable advice on how to achieve success in a highly competitive field, and inspirational stories from the hair and beauty industry today.”
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NEW EPISODE: Tabatha Coffey is known for her straight forward, no-nonsense, raw honesty when it comes to the hairdressing industry, the business off beauty, and all the hairstylists and shop owners she's trying to help survive and thrive behind the chair and beyond. This week on @whiskey_tango_foxtrot_podcast I interview this industry business guru to find out how the thousands of shops that are facing tough times can survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
A post shared by Matty Conrad ✪ (@mattyconrad) on Apr 26, 2020 at 7:08am PDT
Beyond Soap Podcast On this extension of her bestselling book, Beyond Soap, dermatologist Dr. Sandy Skotnicki shares the mic with beauty expert Chantel Guertin to have an honest conversation about things that affect skin health beyond beauty products.
New Episode of the Beyond Soap Podcast! @chantelguertin and I decided it would be fun to talk to the global expert on #Goop and its sometime aversion to science-based therapies: @CaulfieldTim Listen: https://t.co/Ok96CSi3BP pic.twitter.com/bCzkxYheCd
— Dr.SandySkotnicki (@DrSkotnicki) February 3, 2020
Born and Raised “Where are you really from?” is a question familiar to children of immigrants in any country, and it’s what gave rise to this podcast from HuffPost Canada. “Part reflection, part storytelling, Born And Raised digs into our experiences and connections with identity, family, and culture,” reads the official synopsis of this podcast, which has released two seasons so far, one focused on food and the second on love.
That @HuffPostCanada podcast I produce? We're BACK! This season of Born And Raised, @alishakapishaa & I share love stories, as told by Canadians from immigrant families.
❤️ Listen to the first two eps❤️ 🎧 HuffPost: https://t.co/WnsfhWWPj5 🎧 Apple: https://t.co/yNVE0f5xL6 pic.twitter.com/7aqVGSSBVc
— Al Donato (@gollydrat) September 30, 2019
Cavern of Secrets This “show about extraordinary women” is hosted by Toronto comedian Lauren Mitchell and has featured the likes of writer Sarah Hagi, author Eden Robinson and rapper Haviah Mighty. If you go back into the archive, you’ll find interviews with Rookie founder Tavi Gevinson, author Cheryl Strayed and musician Tanya Tagaq.
See you in the cavern! Catch up on all the new episodes here:https://t.co/pY5QWje6mp pic.twitter.com/njGkg3iH5a
— Cavern of Secrets (@cavernofsecrets) October 27, 2019
The post 14 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
14 Canadian Podcasts to Subscribe to Right Now published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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