#thought the idea was pretty cute and hilarious so i doodle it a lil
xulips · 1 year
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"just married" yeah right
based of this post !
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cherrydreamer · 3 years
🍒Cherry Recs Some… ART! (Part 1) 🍒
For @gothyringwald‘s  Harringrove Feedback Fest
I HAVE to start this with @ihni ​ and her doodles because HOW CAN I NOT? They’re a fandom staple! (And yes I HAVE linked to her entire Doodle tag because going throught them ALL is a glorious way to spend a few minutes. I STILL laugh out loud at her genius and her comedy, and then one will hit me which is just such a perfect, romantic moment that my heart fills with love.) Naturally gonna pick the adorable Demon Billy one she did for my fic! (And OH that feeling when Ihni spots one of your fics or posts and is like ‘yeah I’m gonna doodle this?? UNPARALLELED! I was grinning for like a week after she did this!) All of her April prompts were genius, but I’m gonna have to pick Butterflies because of Steve’s lil love struck expression and then the hilarity that is Billy in the second one! Pure cartoon flailing!! And then, for a different seasons vibes, here’s a wintery one that got me thinking of so many lovely ‘Billy’s first snow’ thoughts.
And OK. A SECOND bullet point for @ihni ​ cause she can ALSO do these heart stoppingly beautiful realistic pieces like Flower Crown Billy and then ones that break your heart like This Billy and THEN such an adorable, beautiful lil Steve. And. Yeah. Basically go and look at Inhi’s Art tags and just lose yourself for a whole morning. You will thank me!
Now  @monochromegee is my beloved. EVERYTHING they draw is gold and has me gasping from how utterly brilliant their mind is. Lake is my happy place. It is beyond adorable and I have saved it to look at whenever I need an instant happiness boost.  The same goes for their Raccoon pic, just LOOK at Billy’s face! And then the emotion that Gold stirs in me still? Those EYES? Glorious. Mono’s Media tab on Twitter is a DELIGHT to go through.
@juu-riin  is a GENIUS. THEIR MIND. Their ideas! Lost in the Supermarket Billy and Steve (Parts 1 and 2) still have my giggling at Steve’s FACE and Billy’s whole EVERYTHING. And their doodles. It’s impossible to actually pick a favourite BUT there is such a mix of things like cute shell collecting and hilarious domestic boys and drunk!Steve antics and you just KNOW you’re in for a treat when they share a thread of them! And then they ALSO do things like Monster Hunting Boyfriends which is EVERYTHING! If you are every feeling any kind of sadness, Julie’s art will heal you RIGHT back up.
@opaldraws ​ OH OPAL! Softness and sweetness and such lovely drawings that make me melt into a puddle! Slightly NSFW lingerie boys has me salivating! LOOK at Billy’s arms and Steve’s moles and that beautiful lacy lingerie and the look of love and lust in their eyes! And then she goes and fixes Season 3 by giving us the ending we deserved (my HEART is healed with this one). And then this one of Steve in THAT perfect outfit because we ALL need more of that look in our lives!
@gravegroves ​ is​ another one of those artists who blows me away every single time they post! I salivate over their sneak peaks, and then I am just lost for words when they post masterpieces like Rainbow Billys (which shows how incredibly skilled they are! The different hairstyles and expressions?? I could (and most likely DID) stare at every single one for hours! And the Billy playing Violin one? It just conjures up SUCH an atmosphere, a whole story playing out so vividly that I can SEE him moving and playing, I can HEAR the music, I can SEE Steve standing there watching, and the moment that Billy notices and doesn’t even falter, doesn’t even miss a note, just raises an eyebrow and smirks and maybe instantly segues his tune into one that’s a little in-joke between him and Steve. So, yeah. Their art INSPIRES me. And I’m sure it’ll inspire you too.
@lazybakerart ​ pretty much got me into this fandom, first with fic and then with art.  They’re another artist I could just rec absolutely anything by and your jaw would drop and you’d be instantly hooked on their work BUT I HAVE to show off their Valentine’s Cards because I STILL grin everytime I see them. Those expressions! THAT HAIR! So utterly unmistakably LazyBaker!  And then there’s His and His Too which is so heartwarming and SO THEM. Just LOOK at Billy’s smirk! And that hand hold! 🥰 And this Street Surfing Billy where I can just FEEL those long, hot summer nights, I can HEAR the music from the houses and the cars he passes, and then the long stretches where it’s nothing but the whoosh of his wheels on the asphalt (until he skids to a halt outside a certain Loch Nora house of course and a pretty boy kisses all his freckles...)
@sasha-uria I w​ill NEVER tire of looking at their cosy nerd Billy and cosy romantic Steve and feeling an utter wave of calm and warm wash over me. And there are just so many little details to notice- Steve’s hand on the necklace, Billy’s lil curls and his bun, the pillows and rumpled sheets that you KNOW are squishy and sleep warm and just...COSY. That’s the vibe!
(Again. There are more to come! The sheer talent in this fandom is wonderful to behold!)
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vegetalass · 4 years
I know you're not around much these days but if you ever decide to make a come back, I dont suppose youd do some HC about the rdr2 guys and times theyve got caught mastyrbating around camp? I love your thoughts so much they're hilarious and cute ☺👉👈
This ask is very sweet and I like the idea so I will do it... thanks for your kind words and making me smile, anon!!🥺❤️😘
Find me at @ihatebnha
Hope you enjoy!! 
Used to get caught a lot more than he does now
Because of such, Dutch and Hosea don’t really care on the rare occasion they do catch him just because it was pretty common when he was younger
They laugh about it between themselves 
And when caught, Arthur just pretends it didn’t happen
He’s like, “I don’t touch myself, Jesus, who do you think I am?” 
Or if John jokingly is like, “Saw you the other day, what were you thinking about?” Arthur just plays stupid
Stuff like “See me where?” or “See me what?” 
And if the subject is pushed it turns into fighting (Arthur saying that John isn’t much better)
Arthur thanks the lord every day that Micah has never caught him in the act because he knows he’d never be able to live it down
And if a girl caught him… he’d probably never be able to look them in the eyes again
Probably jacks off being going to sleep or if he’s alone at camp
He has a lot less shame about masturbating, but he’s definitely even more private about the subject than Arthur 
He doesn’t really deny it, but he definitely pulls a “You didn’t see shit!!” Even if the person very obviously DID
Also probably gets caught more than not… It’s just at this point, people have stopped commenting on it 
Dutch definitely jokingly plays the “Poor Abigail…” card all the time
It makes John (and Abigail) sooooooooo mad 
Honestly, I feel like when people catch him, he yells at them but doesn’t bother to stop
Thinks it’s their fault and not his because it was OBVIOUS what he was doing and they still didn’t bother to check or knock
This has caused fights with almost everyone
It’s a “what did you expect” type moment
The only time he’d ever apologize to is if it’s you or another girl who catches him, and even then he would probably never want to see you again out of embarrassment 
Hence why John probably just leaves camp and finds a secluded area to jerk off now(good luck to those who wander away from the fire) 
We love Charles because he just jerks it when he’s bathing in a river or something 
Out of everyone, he’s the least likely to get caught, and on the rare occasion that he is, is also the most willing to laugh it off 
I feel like this is because he’s the one who accidentally catches other people so he knows it’s not a big deal
He’s so quiet no one knows he’s there until it’s too late
Gets called a peeper because of this… even though Charles doesn’t want to catch people any more than they want to be caught 
If a girl caught him, he’d try to hide himself before approaching them later to formally apologize 
It’s kinda weird… Just be like Arthur and pretend it didn’t happen babe!! 
If Dutch or Micah ever caught him doodling it, they’d never let it go and tease him until wit’s end
“So Charles is human after all!” is the type of shit they’d say and he’d literally want to pass away
Dutch, Molly hasn’t had one single orgasm the entire time she’s been with you so BE QUIET
Most likely to masturbate when he’s bathing or when he’s away from camp and alone on missions
Everybody at camp has to pray that they don’t catch Micah masturbating
He has no shame and does not care what people see 
He’s the “What? I have needs!” and “You do it, too!” guy... which honestly, isn’t even bad logic
It’s just when people actually walk in on him he doesn’t really seem bothered… which is kinda freaky
If it’s you or heaven forbid, another girl, he says “Quit staring, either help a man out or leave”
And if it’s Arthur or anyone else, “I knew you were a nasty bastard”
Like… Micah… you’re the one who isn’t ashamed!!! 
Too bold for his own good and eventually Dutch probably has to get involved 
They have one of those “man to man” talks where Dutch is like “Micah… You know… Men… We keep our business in private…”
Everyone at camp pretends they’re not eavesdropping on the conversation
It’s the only time Micah listens to complaints, and even though he forces himself to calm down on the lewd rudeness, he is still jacking it off whenever the urge arises
Rubs one out in his tent whenever he feels like it
To give Dutch credit for something, he doesn’t jack off very often 
Partially because he gets down with Molly a lot, but also because he considers himself to have dignity and doesn’t want to ruin that 
The only people who’ve really caught him rubbing one out are Hosea and Arthur, and they probably let it go pretty quick after an apology
Most because Dutch is pretty polite about it 
“A man’s business is a man’s business” or some BS like that 
So when he does masturbate, it’s a calculated and timed move that he makes when he’s pretty sure no one is around
Also willing to laugh it off when he catches someone else masturbating, mostly because he raised two teenage boys, so in a way, he’s used to seeing it on the daily
God forbid is another girl catches him, though, because he’d also pull them aside to apologize
Jerks off only when he’s desperate and camp is empty
King of bad luck 
I can see him with a pretty low libido, but probably gets caught making juice the first time he tries it at camp
He was lucky it was just Charles who saw, who thankfully, didn’t say anything about it
But still, it scares the absolute crap out of him and his desire to jack off gets even lower than it was already 
Probably stupidly thinks that masturbating is dirty or a sin or something that somebody told him when he was a boy
And if a girl ever caught him, even if they didn’t realize what was happening, he’d just have a heart attack and die
Like he’d literally pack up his stuff and go
Everyone at camp: We’ve all seen Micah twisting it so we don’t care
Kieran: UHHHHH 
Also gets teased by Micah and Dutch for it, except their comments are like “Aw, don’t be shy, be a man!” or “I’m sure you’ll find yourself a woman one day…”
Again, Kieran just passes away
Jerks off when he’s alone with the horses in a field and no one is around
Hasn’t been caught yet despite the fact that everyone knows he jacks off ALL THE TIME
Kinda proud of himself for this fact, too 
If it’s the middle of the day and he’s in his tent, he’s busy
Usually can his volume to a minimum, but if he knows no one is around, he doesn’t mind letting it out 
Charles, of course, hears it the one time he’s not on a team mission
He’d definitely not going to stop is someone catches him, but he has the decency to cover himself up
Especially if it’s a lady
We like him because he’s not going to acknowledge it happened later but he will apologize in the moment 
Says some shit like, “Sorry, princess…” jdsfhksd
If another guy tries to tease him for it, he’ll take it in stride and just tease back 
Especially because he knows he’s not as bad as Micah or John who get caught ALL THE TIME 
Prefers to rub one out before bed but he’s not really picky as long as it’s in his tent and he has a way to clean up
Everyone’s had a run in with Sean when his dick’s been out 
It’s practically a camp joke that everyone has a story about it
He’s another guy who jacks off when bathing in the river, except he’s:
1. Not secretive about it
2. Bathes all the time
Sean leaves the water hole and everyone knows that they shouldn’t go back in there until the water is washed away 
Pretty vocal, too, so you always sorta know when you should avoid certain areas
The only time he’s ever embarrassed is when a girl catches him
Turns bright red, starts stuttering, looking for anything to cover himself up with while apologizing
That being said, he only feels bad because he feels like he ruined his chances of being friendly with them
Gets teased by the other boys for it but enjoys the attention, plus loves teasing right back
“Oh hush you, you love looking at me,” type stuff 
He’s a lil nasty but he keeps it fun and fresh 
Jacks off before bathing, and sometimes in his tent if he’s desperate or is already clean. 
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