#thought about letting him realize grima and robin are the same like canon chrom
the double chrom feature on this month's remix (one of them at least) has reminded me of best husband once more
but specifically, RKC
specifically, how, before he released, i wanted a chrom that was able to articulate his every thought and simply thought he awoke from a long rest, to the sight of his beloved wife who nursed him back to health
why? how? he doesn't know.
all he knows is that they're somewhere far away, in the desert still, but validar is dead and the shepherds managed to get away
all he knows is that once they get back to ylisse, they'll be able to resume their normal lives
and then he dies to a grimleal, who catches up to them.
then comes a chrom who vaguely remembers what happened and is told by a tearful robin that she managed to revive him using dark magic, turning him into a risen capable of thought and speech, likely because she's grima's heart, who begs him not to force her to kill him
they just won't tell anyone, they decide.
but when they get to ylisse, they stay in a little cabin and robin disappears for a bit. when she comes back, she's injured, but hides it well, and tells him a sob story about how lissa refused her
chrom dies at a tearful frederick's hands, before he's able to "clear" her name
he dies many more times after that, but robin refuses to go back to lissa.
sometimes he dies to the grimleal, quite often actually. they seem to think his blood compels their master to follow him; that even with falchion gone, he can still exert his influence on her
(he can.
about minuscule things like dinner and what clothes to wear. not about talking to lissa, not about becoming a family again).
once, he dies to tiki, who tracks robin down, who tells him the truth, and kills him as a mercy, but he never remembers it.
once, to a man with red hair, who clicks his tongue when he sees him and talks about someone called "princey" before that.
once, to a kind elderly dragon who can't bear to see him in such a state, in the deserts of plegia after them both.
once, to his brother-in-law, who he takes with him, leaving his sister to grieve another family member.
(for a few weeks after that, he gets pecked by crows a lot, until henry is made a risen as well)
once, to his son, even, by accident—the inciting incident that spurs the young boy to align himself with his mother
and then he stops being able to recognize his wife. her eyes are redder than they ever have been, and she nurses a grudge against their pre-teen daughter and his sister
she sends him on missions with their son, who she cares little for beyond the fact that he looks like him, to kill the people he's meant to lead, and he's unable to overcome her commands. all he can do take hits for little morgan and steadily lose sight of who he is
the worst is when lucina takes up falchion.
he simply can't hurt her, not when his heart fondly remembers his beloved daughter. so all he can do is tell her that morgan lives and that she needs to save him and—
he kills himself that time, as he senses his wife approaching, to spare her the trouble and buy her some time
(that's why lucina's particularly concerned about her father. and also why she never brings up marc before he appears, bearing his sister's name, because she believes him and his twin to be both dead and her greatest failures.
officially, she never learns who grima really is, because chrom does his best to spare her from what he can.
unofficially, she knows all along and only stays her sword because she desperately wants to indulge in such a fantasy.)
he's also partially how and why marc manages to lose his memories. because he implores marc's twin, morgan, to save marc as he's dying to her
(unfortunately, she takes after her mother, so she tries to free marc by recklessly gambling her own life away but fails.
chrom saves her at the last minute and she's able to flee to mount prism, shortly after the kids have all left, and gets sent back in time.
but the element of surprise he had is now gone and "robin" exerts her control even more strongly than before.)
(marc gets to the past thanks to grima, but a little interference from tiki, who now guards mount prism, means he loses his memories.
he does manage to recall his mother and the girl who looks like him, though.
and the name "morgan")
he, of course, is dragged into the future. he has no choice in the matter. he has no will or free thought—beyond an understanding that his wife is gone and grima has taken her over, he has nothing
until he runs into the younger robin, once, while he's meant to be fetching marc.
it should spark an old memory, of a meeting just like this, down to the same horrified expression she's wearing, just before he dies. it should spark a memory that stays with him, that revives some of the optimism that young chrom has about who exactly the woman wearing his wife's face is
it doesn't
but after that, "robin" simply can't take any more chances. he's nothing but a common risen, for someone who's meant to be king.
so she traps him away from where the battle ought to take place, in hopes that once she takes over this world, she might be able to stitch back a whole chrom
he fades alone, not knowing that his children must be safe now and that his wife must be in peace now—he simply thinks grima got tired of him or that she has no need of him anymore. he's given up so badly that he doesn't even register the warmth that floods his body, and when he does, he attributes it to the same weapon that brought him to a foreign land
but there's no lingering question of how much the woman who ruined ylisse was his wife and how much was the fell dragon rumored to bring destruction to the world because that one memory sparked a whole flood
and when he meets her again, there are two of them.
one, the same as the young woman who tearfully killed him
the other, the same as the woman who controlled him and killed his lived ones (though she has no memory of it)
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woahhiperson · 4 years
Making a new au so here we go:
The ‘idk wot to call it yet au’
So Naga and Grima both have religions connected to them, but what if the Cult of Grima disbanded after Grimas defeat by the first exalt? So people stopped believing in Grima. Grima became another myth, another scary story to tell in the woods to unnerve people.
So Robin is born, but he has the same parents as canon. So he ends up with the right lineage and genes to be
The vessel for Grima!
But no one knows that.
Robin grows up as a tiny bean (his mom IS around and validar isnt a meanie because haha no grima to make all those issues and because i need robin to be happy this au might end up really angsty) and then he turns five or somethin and Robin begins to hear a voice in his head. At this age it is very faint, much like a whisper, and he tells someone, but they just tell him ‘thats your thinking voice’. Robin goes with that for quite awhile until he line 9 or 10 and he’s like ‘this aint my thinking voice’, cause 1: he has a thinking voice and this one is very different, and 2: this one doesnt even have his personality. So Robin once again tries to tell everyone and they deny it again (possibly trying to pass it off as an imaginary friend??).
Robin is frusterated but goes along with it. Time passes, and Robin is now a teenager. the voice gets louder and meaner and he still has no idea what it is. Then he turns eighteen. The voice is pretty much equal in volume to his own thinking voice, and its finally able to tell him “I am the Fell Dragon, Grima.” Now of course Robin is just like ‘what???’ So Robin tries to do some research. Robin is able to find one source, in a very old book. Robin reads of how Grima was ‘the god of destruction’ and how ‘he killed many people’. Robin is well, disturbed, and tries to ask the voice if it really is Grima. The voice tells him one thing: “I am the Wings of Despair, I am the Breath of Ruin, I am the Fell Dragon, Grima.” Robin is like: ok this thing might actually be in my head for some reason?? But he is also internally laughing because wile the voice was threatening, it was still quite funny to hear it almost repeat itself. Robin reads the rest of the small amount of information on Grima, and finds out Plegians used to worship him. Robin gets v e r y nervous. He IS plegian afterall. So Robin puts the book away and sits with this information for a while.
Grima continues to say the same thing, it seems only capable of saying that for now even though it used to berate Robin at almost every turn. Robin gets more nervous and tries to tell someone. Whoever it is, they laugh. They tell Robin that Grima is just a myth. ‘Its just a voice in your head. Don’t even worry about it.’ Robin is well, frusterated. He’s even a little bit scared. ‘The voice only keeps getting louder. What if it can take control?’ Robin begins to get paranoid. He tries talking to other people but they all don’t believe him, saying similar lines of ‘its a myth’. Robin feels a need to get to the bottom of this, and he is technically an adult now, so he ventures off with a small amount of gold to go find more information on The Fell Dragon.
He ventures around Plegia, but is unable to find much more information in the places accessible to him. And he even snuck in some places. He finds some buildings with Grima-like markings but they all seem run down and the few markings left were practically unreadable. All the places seemed destroyed on purpose, but destroyed long ago. (They were destroyed by the cult of grima for one reason or another, but robin dont know that) So since Plegia was lacking info, Robin decides to venture to Ylisse, because it seemed that Grima and Naga were connected somehow.
Robin is sttill unable to really find anything, and the people of Ylisse also denied Grima’s existence. Robin thinks there must be information somewhere, so he settles down in a tiny three room shack (he aint got that much money and hes currently more worried about Grima) with a kitchen, bathroom, and empty room. Robin sets up a bedroom in one half of the empty room, and uses the other half for research. He is able to get his hands on quitw a few books and tries to connect the information together. It takes a long time, and he gets little information from it. Robin starts to think that he’s going to need the more valuable history books and scripts for this.
So one day he is on his way the capitol, and is walking through a field. He is almost to the town when he stumbles and falls into the dirt. People find him and one person (yall all know where this is going) offers a hand. Robin takes it and is introduced to Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick. He learns that they are out all patrol and that Chrom and Lissa are royalty. Now this sparks a plan in Robin. He could try to see if they’d let him into the rarest history documents. So he asks and is shot down by Frederick, who is suspicious of someone just wanting access to such important documents. Chrom is like ‘Robin asked nicely so we should let him’ Frederick scolds Chrom for being too trusting. (honestly robin is kinda suspicious rn..) So they part ways.
Robin continues his search, and every once in a while, he’d find another small snippet of information. He begins to gain a reputation of ‘The guy with a weird obsession with Grima who believes the Fell Dragon lives in his mind’ and so people are a l i t t l e reluctant to give information. Robin is able to still get money through small jobs and stuff. Robin gets a little more disheveled as time goes by and Grima only gets louder. He meets Chrom on multiple occasions, and they eventually bechrom friends. Robin gets a ton of information written down and connected. But it still isnt enough.
Chrom can see how Robin is getting more frantic, and begins to worry. Robin brushes him off as he bechroms more secluded. Grima gets louder and is able to once again berate Robin. Grima begins telling Robin how no one will ever believe him and help him, how he’ll never be able to figure it out.
And so Robin goes to Chrom. The thing is, Robin liked having Chrom as a friend, so he never told Chrom about any of it. Chrom only knew he was researching something. So Robin sits him down for a chat. He starts off simple “I think the Fell Dragon, Grima, lives in my mind. Of course, Chrom laughs about it, but he stops upon seeing Robins face fall. Robin tries to tell him about it all, but unfortunately, like everybody else, Chrom was raised to believe Grima was a myth. Chrom is worried, thinking maybe Robin had been alone for too long. Chrom still wants to help, but he doesn’t believe Grima is the issue. Robin gets frusterated and attempts to politely leave, but is a little rude.
Chrom is very worried, and tells Lissa and Frederick. They also worry. Chrom wants to be a helpful bean but this information begins to spread like wildfire. If Robin wasn’t known before, he was now. This ain’t a good thing either. People make fun of Robin, and Robin begins to get more bitter and cold due to bearing constant mockery from Grima and others. Grima is at a shouting volume in Robin’s head, and is able to give Robin a headache everytime he speaks. Things are not going well, but Robin is still too paranoid to go back home.
Then Robin is sitting alone one night, looking over his information. There’s a knock on the door. He gets up to see who it is. Then he collapses. In his head is a low rumble, one that slowly rises in volume until Robin wants to shout at it to go away. His vision blurs, gaining a red tint. In the panic and pain Robin remembers something. It’s his twentieth birthday. He was born some time in the early night. The rumble stops. There’s a dead silence. Then a cold laughter begins to ring in his ears. It morphs into a sentence,”My patience has been tested.. And I won.” Robin is confused as the pain stops, and his eyes focus again. Then its as if a force slams down on him, shoving him down into his own body. His vision blurs again and he goes numb. He tries to turn his head, only to see black. He turns around in every direction. Its all a pitch black void. Everywhere but where his eyes last looked. Then the view changes, as if he’s stood up. A voice comes, slightly muffled,”Robin are you okay in there?!” It was Chrom. The laugh starts again. Its not in his head. Robins hand is brought to his face, sparking with electricity, before being moved away. He ‘walks’ and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Robin reels back as he now has six glowing red eyes, six black wings, and horns on his head. The Robin in the mirror smiles before going to open the door. Robin realizes what has happened. Grima took over. Was there a way to take control again!? Robin is quite frantic, but the void is, well, a void. No end, the only thing in there was the vision. The door is opened and Chrom is obviously taken aback, asking what had happened. Grima laughs and his hand begins to fizzle again. Luckily Chrom notices and backs away before being stabbed with a spear of electricity. Grima begins launching an attack on ‘that wretched Naga spawn’. Robin could now hear Grima’s thoughts. They really had switched places. Robin could only watch as Chrom drew his sword and the two began to fight. Both are hurt, but Robin does live in a town, and people begin to notice. Robin hears multiple gasps of ‘is that really grima??’ And similar lines. Some try to help, but they are kind of useless.
The fight chromtinues. Then Grima charges another spear, and drives it through his stomach. Robin screams. Grima laughs about that. Chrom falls unconscious, but still breathing. Grima rises into the air on his wings and continues to laugh. “You all didn’t believe the vessel, but now you can see, I have returned after so long. I am not a myth, but I am the Fell Dragon, Grima!” And Grima begins to attack the town. After a while he stops and thinks ‘can a revert to my dragon form?’ He tries, only for it to fail. Grima is furious and goes back to end Chrom for good out of rage, only to find the prince gone. Robin by now has found out that Grima cannot hear him unless he actually speaks, so he is able to internally sigh with relief as Chrom might be okay. Grima goes on a rampage and guards try to stop him, only to fail. Grima is not back to full power, but he is still extremely dangerous.
So he goes and begins to try and take over Plegia, and remake his cult. He attacks and stuff and finds Robin’s parents. They are of course freaked out and pained to know that Robin was telling the truth. Grima is able to take about half of Plegia for himself. Soon the Shepherds return and want to defeat Grima. (Haha soon... this is probably like three or four years later) Chrom is luckily alive and is quite angy about Grima taking his ‘friend’. They fight and have to retreat. They join with the Plegians that have been trapped in Grima’s controlled land and use the next 1-2 years to form a full rebellion. Grima has made the dragon’s table his home. He is finally able to conjure his dragon form, but only can keep it for about a day before needing another day’s rest. But his human form is powerful enough gor him to not need the dragon form very often. The rebellion makes its way to the Dragon’s Table, a force of about 2,000 people. Grima has countless Risen guarding and controlling his land, but the rebellion is able to get to Grima.
Grima transforms into his dragon form to end the rebellion for good, but Chrom and a few others are able to make it to him and end up on his back once transformed. They fight the summoned risen and make it to the human form. Chrom once again fights Grima. Robin, still stuck inside his own mind, feels hope. A feeling he truely hadn’t felt in years, but the only way he could think of that would get rid of Grima, was his own death. And he accepted it. Chrom and Grima both were able to go unharmed for quite a long time. Risen kept the others from helping. Then there was a loud hiss from Falchion as it sliced through the palm of his hand. It burned unlike any injury had before. Even the other cuts from Falchion on their first fight hadn’t felt like this. Grima’s vision blurred as he was partially shoved back into Robin’s mind. The dragon almost fell, quickly stabling itself. Robin stood, speechless, as he had regained partial control of his own body. He was distracted, and Falchion was able to leave a deep gash in Robin’s arm as he began to flee. Grima shouts and takes back control. But Robin isn’t completely locked away again. Where he has been cut, his hand and forearm, he could feel a small amount of control. Grima kept trying to fire magic at Chrom, but if it was cast by the right arm, Robin could mess up his aim. Grima figured this out and Robin was rendered almost useless. Robin tried to still help as both Grima and Chrom began to sustain more injuries. Robin was able to mess up Grima’s attacks and dodging. Every wound gave him more control. Soon Grima was barely able to fight, as Robin forced him to be hurt. But Chrom was also starting to struggle, as he has been sustaining multiple injuries as well. Chrom wasn’t aware of Robin’s help. He thought Robin was gone. So he went to try and slash Grima’s neck, convinced that his ‘friend’ was gone forever. Robin had gotten Grima to fall. But Robin couldn’t help but flinch, holding his right hand over his neck. The blade connected and sliced through the glowing mark that stained the hand. A great tremor shook through the dragon. Grima screamed in utter fury and agony as Robin could feel his presence fade away. The numbness turned into a sensation of wind and scales. Grima’s roar died down, his gritty voice gone. Robin felt something he had almost never felt. Emptyness. But.. It was good! Grima was.. completely gone. He couldn’t feel the god’s presence at all. His eyes began to burn. But then he saw a wrathful blade swing at him, and he had to dodge. Finally meeting eyes with Chrom after all these years. Chrom kept trying to attack him but Robin shouted,”It’s me! Grima’s gone!” Chrom only got angrier, believing Grima was just taunting him. Robin kept trying to convince him that Grima was truely gone. Then he decided to tell him,”No one ever believed me before. Please, believe me just this one time..” Chrom stopped and stared at Robin. Stumbling to Robin with wide eyes and dropping Falchion, he focused on his face. Noticing they were brown after being red for so many years. “..Robin...” Robin could only give a smile, as the now dead dragon began to drop from the sky. All the people on the back rushed to the pegasi and flew down. Once making it down to the ground safely, a cloud of dust forming and dieing down from the dragon’s impact, the Risen all fell, dead once more. The rebellion tried to attack Robin, but understood that Grima had no control over him anymore. Chrom once again turned to Robin and enveloped him in a hug as both began to shed tears, but for different reasons. Robin was still in disbelief that he was alive and free from Grima’s grasp, and Chrom could only choke out one whisper into Robin’s ear,”I love you..” Robin froze but nodded, agreeing. “I thought I lost you.” “Me too.”
(Woah that made a big space) And so they go back to Ylisse and make a cross-country announcement about Grima’s defeat and Robin’s return. They get married. But Grima did start another cult. Not everyone who was in Grima’s controlled land was in the rebellion. And upon learning of Grima’s defeat, they wanted him back. So.. is it truely over?
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iturbide · 6 years
Not really, Loptous did the same thing in Jugdral, created an evil cult working to breed villain types. Its stated Validar's ancestors were just as evil, why do you think Robin's mother smuggled them out of the Grimleal? Basically she didn't want her child to become like Validar. Heck the Grima from the Future immediately revives Validar & has Validar follow his commands. As for Validar being a placeholder king, that was intentional as Grima wanted to lay low until he could revive his past self.
So there are two big things that I disagree with here.  First, you seem to be conflating Loptous and Grima.  Loptous and Grima are not the same entity.  And second, insisting that evil humans working to evil designs are all necessarily motivated by an outside evil force is frankly dangerous because it dismisses the atrocities that human beings are capable of.
Let’s go through this step by step. 
Loptous was an earth dragon in the time of the degeneration who disdained the idea of having to take a human form because he considered humans weak, started a war with Naga, and on realizing that he was on the losing side, make a pact with a human to ensure his own continued survival by inserting his will into a tome that allowed him to freely possess a human carrying a sufficient proportion of his blood.  He elevated himself to the status of a god for the humans and used that position to commit such atrocities as child hunts and mass sacrifices, and while there were certainly wicked humans who bought fully into this, there were others who opposed it.  Look at Maera: he not only carried Loptous’ blood, he firmly opposed the actions of the cult, attempted to save the innocent people of the Loptyrian Empire, and became a martyr, but he’s the reason why Loptous’ blood managed to survive at all.  He wasn’t evil: he was a good person who happened to carry Loptous’ blood, and his descendants included good people like Deirdre and Julia – Arvis is morally very grey, but he still managed to do a lot of good before Loptous was revived and undid everything.  And the reason Loptous was revived in the first place is because a bunch of unrelated horrible human beings decided to orchestrate events to revive him. 
Grima, meanwhile, is an artificial construct, with divine dragon blood at their core and human blood used to feed the early stages of their growth and development.  Grima has always looked terrifying: it’s not outrageous to think that Grima wasn’t evil to begin with, but because of how scary they looked, they were branded as such based on appearances alone.  They were attacked based on their looks, used based on their looks, had their people persecuted based on their looks.  Grima in Heroes frankly states that it was humanity that wanted them to be evil, and because of the cruelty they and theirs were treated with, they came to loathe mankind, until at last they lost everything dear to them at the hands of  humanity, they chose to destroy it all, merely speeding up the process that mankind seemed so intent on seeing through all on their own.  It was humans who sought to restore Grima by manipulating bloodlines, and even among them there were good people who realized that they were making a mistake, hence why Robin’s mother (who herself had to have been at least partly aware of the plan) took them away from Validar and the cult.  It wasn’t a matter of keeping them from becoming ‘like Validar,’ it was a matter of keeping their life from being destroyed through Validar’s machinations to revive Grima.  Also, Grima clearly cannot possess their vessel at will, or they would have done so much sooner regardless of the timeline: even in the revised timeline, after their true form is revived, they give Robin a choice of joining them (or seeing their friends wiped out), and regardless of what choice they make, even when Grima pulls them into that dark pocket of space, they don’t force themselves on Robin despite the fact that their powers should logically be at their peak.  So Robin seems to have a great deal of autonomy for all that everyone talks about fate and destiny.  
Validar does not necessarily represent Grima.  Validar represents himself, and given that Grima was not part of the world at all before their revival in Lucina’s timeline (or their jump into the revised timeline), saying that the fell dragon is the one that messed Validar up completely dismisses the fact that there have been a full thousand years where humans have been pursuing the goal of Grima’s restoration on their own, without Grima telling them to.  We don’t know why – the game doesn’t tell us – but I personally think it’s a combination of earnest people wanting a means to protect the Plegian people from outside aggressors like Ylisse; vengeful people who want to see their oppressors destroyed and persecuted as they’ve been harmed already; and self-serving people who want power at their command to subjugate people who oppose them.  Validar I think falls mostly in the lattermost category, with maybe a litttle of the middle one.  So while it’s plausible that Validar took the throne in Grima’s stead so Grima could ‘lay low,’ I personally think that Validar did it because he wanted the power that came with it (because if Grima really wanted to lay low, they wouldn’t have revealed themselves in that meeting with Chrom and Robin two years after Gangrel’s death – plus, given Ylisse had no involvement with Plegia over those two years, why would Grima have to lay low at all since the primary people who would pose a risk to them isn’t paying them any mind at all?).
Also, I don’t think that Grima actually revived Validar when he was struck down during Emmeryn’s assassination attempt.  I think that Validar was near death, but never actually died and managed to avoid dying through the quick use of an elixir or something similar; Grima, seeing an opportunity to manipulate Validar’s plans directly rather than trying to influence them from outside, revealed themselves to Validar who immediately took them back to Plegia and started looking to accelerate his plans, thinking that he had a far quicker means to all the power he desired. 
Now, while I do enjoy discussion and sharing of headcanons, your tone sounds confrontational, as though you’re trying to force me to change my headcanons rather than inviting discourse on the topic.  I’ve had this happen once already on my art blog, where someone argued against any possibility that Henry could be Grimleal and a worshipper of Grima, and I don’t appreciate it.  My headcanons are mine.  I’ve put a lot of care and thought into them, and they make me happy.  I’m not insisting that these are canon, nor am I requiring that you agree with them: I’m just sharing my own personal thoughts, and if you don’t like them, you don’t have to read them or engage with them.  
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legitimateusername · 8 years
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So I’m a bit far behind, but in order to capitalize on this meme, I decided to write a full support conversation for one of the pairings that people have gotten from the Fire Emblem Heroes popularity polls. I’ve never really written stuff like this before but there’s no time like the present to start learning how.  So without further mountain dew, here’s my Robin x Azura support conversation! Please note that this contains MAJOR spoilers for Fire Emblem Awakening and probably some notable spoilers for Fire Emblem Fates, so keep that in mind if you don’t want to be spoiled on spoilery spoilers. 
This presumably takes place in Fire Emblem Heroes canon, and after the plot of Awakening and Revelation for both characters. 
C Support
Azura: Hello, Robin. Still reading those books?
Robin: Yeah, I’m just studying some more tactical guides. You can never be too prepared.
Azura: I have to say, I really admire your dedication to that. I don’t think I could ever be capable of having to lead an army’s decisions in the heat of battle.
Robin: It definitely has its challenges. Having the lives of all your allies in your hands is a lot of pressure to handle. No one ever wants to lose one of their comrades.  
Azura: I see what you mean. Some of my siblings were very involved in military strategy too, and I’ve heard many similar sentiments from them.  
Robin: It’s always been a goal of mine to end battles without any casualties. Maybe it’s a bit of an idealistic viewpoint, but I still couldn’t bear to lose someone because my strategies couldn’t protect them.
Azura: Your perspective is admirable nonetheless. If you don’t mind, I’d love to hear more about your time spent as Chrom’s tactician. I’m sure you have some interesting stories to share.
Robin: Sure, if you want to. While we’re at it, please tell me more about Hoshido and Nohr, and how your group managed to unite the two kingdoms.
Azura: Alright then, let’s share stories of our adventures. You can go first, if you like.
Robin: Well, it all started when I had a vision of Chrom and I fighting a dark sorcerer…
B Support
Azura: Sing with me a song of silence and blood… ♪
Robin: That really is a beautiful song. It’s still so surreal to imagine the kind of power that it holds.
Azura: It’s always been a burden to hold that kind of responsibility. There were many times where I was forced to suffer greatly at the hands of that curse, but it was always necessary for the greater good.
Robin: I can relate to that. The feeling that unless you make the hard sacrifices, you won’t be able to secure a better future for everyone.
Azura: I’m glad to know that you understand, though admittedly it’s a bit odd to hear that coming from you.
Robin: Huh? Why’s that?
Azura: We just had a conversation the other day about how as a tactician, you loathed having to put the life of even a single one of your soldiers at serious risk. Yet in your battle against Grima, you were all too willing to give away your own life in order to destroy him completely, even though Chrom could have sealed him away without the need for you to sacrifice yourself.
Robin: …That was a different situation entirely. But if you don’t mind me asking, I am interested to know: if you could rid the world of an evil power at the cost of your own life, would you take that opportunity?
Azura: Honestly, I’ve had to consider that question many times myself. I’ve always known that my songs had the power to prevent evil and destruction, in a sense. But because this power came at a great cost to myself, I knew that I could be putting my life at risk every time I used it.
Robin: It definitely isn’t an easy choice to make.
Azura: I understand. I did decide long ago that if it were absolutely necessary, I’d use my song’s power to prevent disaster no matter what the cost to myself would be. But I’m glad that it never ended up coming to that.
Robin: I guess you’re pretty lucky that it never reached that point for you. Although it feels strange to call anything about this kind of situation “lucky”.
Azura: I do know how you feel, and perhaps I’m a bit guilty of feeling the same way as you. But since you hate the idea of losing one of your friends in battle, don’t you think that they’d feel the same way about you?
Robin: It’s...it’s more complicated than that. I felt like that was the only way to end Grima for good, like there was no other way…I’d have been doing them all a disservice to choose anything else.
Azura: Robin…
Robin: I’m sorry, could you excuse me? I’m not feeling great.
Azura: I hope he’s okay. It sounds like that hasn’t been an easy burden for him to carry.  
A Support
Azura: Robin, can we talk?  
Robin: Azura, I’m sorry for cutting our conversation off like that the other day. I really appreciate getting to talk to you about this, since our situations were so similar. It’s nice getting a chance to have that discussion.  
Azura: It’s okay, really. What you went through wasn’t easy. But it sounds to me like there are more things that were bothering you.
Robin: Azura…I was the Fell Dragon. In an alternate future, I betrayed all of my friends and brought the world to an apocalypse. Everything that went wrong in our world, every struggle we had to face, it was all my fault.
Azura: …
Robin: It’s just, how could I live with myself knowing all of that? It only seemed right at the time, that if sacrificing myself were the only way to stop Grima for good, then I had an obligation to do so.
Azura: Robin! How can you say that? None of those terrible things were your fault, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it.
Robin: I know, you’re right. I’ve been trying to move on from it, but it hasn’t been easy.
Azura: Still though, you weren’t the one who caused the end of the world; you helped to prevent it. You aren’t Grima, you’re nobody but yourself. If your ties to Grima really were so close, you wouldn’t still be with us now, you’d be dead alongside him. Isn’t the fact that you’re still here proof enough that the path you chose matters more than your supposed destiny?
Robin: Heh, that’s a good point. It’s funny, I’ve always said a lot of similar things to all of my friends, that the bonds between us mattered more than the fates that we were scripted to. I always tried to act confident so that everyone in the army could have faith in their tactician to guide them forward, but I guess I could stand to have a little more faith in my own words.
Azura: Well, in any case, I hope the best for you, and I’m glad if I was able to help.
Robin: Yeah, I still don’t know why I got so hung up over all of that. The war has been long over, I should probably have moved on already.
Azura: You’ve dealt with a lot of hard emotions, and nothing’s going to make them go away easily. But I’ll be happy to talk and help you out if you ever need me to.
Robin: Thanks, Azura, I’d be glad to.
S Support
Robin: Hey Azura, I’ve been thinking more about our talk about sacrifices.
Azura: Oh? What about it?
Robin: You said that you had already decided long ago that you would have given your life to save the world if you had to.
Azura: Yes, if it were absolutely necessary, though I certainly don’t want to.
Robin: Yeah, I’m aware that those kinds of risks are no longer relevant given that the wars that you fought in are long over. But still, just the thought of losing you doing something like that is something that I don’t know if I could take.
Azura: That’s very kind of you to say, though I don’t think that you have anything to really worry about.
Robin: I know I talked about how as a tactician, I never wanted to let any of my comrades die. But with you, it’s different. You were also willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good and…I’m not sure if I’d have been able to handle that, if you ever did.
Azura: Well, I’m sure that’s how your friends felt when you gave your life to destroy Grima. We’re lucky that you’re still with us.
Robin: Yeah, you’re right. Realizing that helped me out a lot. But that isn’t the only thing. I couldn’t bear to lose you because, well, you’re such a kind and understanding person and you helped me out so much…Azura, I think I’ve fallen in love with you.
Azura: Oh Robin…I feel the same way. You’ve been so wonderful, and I couldn’t bear to lose you either. I love you!
Robin: Azura, it makes me so happy to hear you say that.
Azura: Promise me that we’ll live the rest of our lives together. I want you to be a part of my life forever.
Robin: I promise! We still have so much to live through together, and I never want it to end.
I wish this pairing had fanart. Like, literally any at all.
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woahhiperson · 4 years
(Long Post)
So meant to be yours popped up in my rechrommended today (wow i havent heard it in years) and my brain goes
c h r o b i n
And so i have vague au idea where Grima starts taking over Robin much sooner than in canon (like it starts before Emmeryn dies) and at forst its nothing really, just a dark thought every now and then, but it begins to take over more and Robin, who is a bean who would most likely hide all this, begins to realize something is off and that it is not completely him who is thinking this. But who would it be? Then after Gangrel dies, and during the whole timeskip it gets much, much worse, to the point where he can’t chrompletely hide it, and everyone is wondering why he is acting so off, so destructive, but he still stays silent. Now of course he is also having that good ol pining with Chrom cause we gotta make this extra angsty of course and so Chrom really won’t let Robin have a break, constantly trying to pry answers out of Robin. Robin still stays silent, but is able to figure out (more like he is told by Grima) that Grima is taking over his body. Of course he tries to fight it and all but it only can work for so long as soon, the line between Robin and Grima’s personality begins to blur, the distinction begins to fade. There is no longer a clear switch between personalities, and everyone can notice how Robin seems to become more cold and distant. He tries to distance himself, as Grima continues to whisper horrible thoughts to him, telling him how he can kill all of the Shepherds. Robin refuses, but it is a battle just to wave the ideas away. Then Valm happens, they go on the whole trip and all battle battle yeah, and Robin begins to lose control. His magic starts to go off in the wrong directions, hitting his teammates instead of the enemy. Chrom begins to chromfront him about this, asking why he keeps hurting everyone. Robin breaks down crying, but still refuses to say what’s going on, so Chrom can only wonder. Then towards the end of the Valm stuff, Robin is almost never in complete control, Grima is always playing shotgun, taking part in everything he does. Then Grima gets some great idea of how to destroy the Shepherds (perhaps a way to lead them to a Valmese ambush or somethin, idk yet. Probably more of a magic death trap.) And begins to pull the strings as Robin is sent to the back of his own mind, almost losing all control as Grima now gets to act as him, they are almost one and the same now. Grima/Robin begins to act more normal, and the Shepherds calm down about how strange he had been acting lately. Grima/Robin believes this is perfect, and begins putting the plan in place. Soon it is almost finished, and Grima/Robin is ready to lead them all to their deaths, but Chrom is able to figure out that something is going on. Chrom once again chromfronts Robin, this time more serious than ever as he questions what Robin is doing with possibly dangerous materials. Grima/Robin smiles and waves it off, telling him that it is nothing to worry about. Chrom doesnt buy it and waits till Grima/Robin is gone to search around. He finds the plans/the items, and figures out that he plans to kill everyone. Soon they are at another battle, before Walhart, and Grima/Robin is ready to put the plan in full action. The enemies are killed, the Shepherds have won again, and Grima/Robin sneaks off, ready to see their end. But something is off. Chrom was gone. Of course Grima/Robin is quite suspicious and goes looking while the celebration continues. He finds the room where he had hidden his supplies, the door locked. He knocks on the door. Nothing. He begins to bang on it, and a clear voice comes from behind the door,”What are you planning to do with all these supplies?” Grima/Robin stops. Chrom had found everything. A deep seated frustration erupts in Grima/Robin. They begin to argue with one another as Grima/Robin denies anything bad. Chrom won’t unlock the door as Grima/Robin is almost in a blind rage. Grima/Robin bangs on the door, trying to get in. Chrom vocally doubts if Robin ever cared about them in the first place, and it adds fuel to the fire. Grima begins to get a grand idea. Robin was still fighting against total control. Cont.
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