#though the whole thing is more focussed around Ichthys
fateinthestars · 1 year
Star-Crossed Myth Fanfic: Pranks and Problems
Title: Pranks and Problems
Word Count: 18,395
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Pairings: Zyglavis/MC
Main Characters: Ichthys, Zyglavis, Huedhaut, Karno, Scorpio, Dui, Tauxolouve, MC (pretty much all 12 have a role in this somewhere though. Even Krioff has a fleeting appearance. Hiyori is involved for a bit too)
Rating: M (I might be being overly cautious here but: M mostly for Partheno being a creep in one scene, but some described violence here too. Plus Scorpio's foul mouth)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Spoilers for the following paths: Ichthys, Zyglavis, Dui
Summary: Ichthys appears to be having a usual fun morning, but when he takes a turn is his mortality catching up with him or is it something more sinister? And if the latter: Was it even meant for him?
A/N: This started as me trying to write an explanation as to why Ichthys had said "I'm fiiiiiine. I know I gave you all a scare last month but stop worrying." in my Fanfic 'Shadows' and it turned into this chaos. I think it can still work as a prequel to that one but both are completely standalone. Once again MC name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever in your head. Not beta read, sorry, any mistakes are my own.
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